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Assignment-5 COSC 2810 – System Analysis and Design

Student ID and Name _____________________________________________

Due: Thur. 6th Oct. 2022

Domain Modelling: (35 pts.)

In this Assignment, students should use the UML Notations for Class Diagram
discussed in Week-4 Session.

Use a web-based tool that allows you to create Class Diagram without
registration (Use this URL:
Save and upload answers in a .pdf file through Canvas. (For Example:

Q1. Consider the domain model class diagram shown in Following Figure.

Add the following to the diagram and list any assumptions you had to
make: A faculty member usually teaches many course sections, but in some
semesters, a faculty member may not teach any. Each course section must
have at least one faculty member teaching it, but sometimes, faculty teams
teach course sections. Furthermore, to make sure that all course sections
are similar, one faculty member is assigned as a course coordinator to
oversee the course, and each faculty member can be the coordinator of
many courses. (20 Points)
Support your answer with an appropriate screenshot of the diagram.
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Assignment-5 COSC 2810 – System Analysis and Design

Q2. List the parts or compartments of a fully developed use case

description. (7 Points)

Q3. What is the purpose of an SSD? What symbols are used in an SSD? (8

Note: Write the Answers to the Questions given above with appropriate
descriptions/ screenshots, save them, and upload a .pdf file in Canvas.

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