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Writing coursework, especially for a subject like History at the GCSE level, can be a challenging and

time-consuming task. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and effective communication of
ideas. Crafting a conclusion that summarizes your findings and ties together the main points of your
coursework is a crucial aspect of the process.

The difficulty lies in ensuring that your conclusion not only recaps the key arguments and evidence
presented in your coursework but also provides a thoughtful synthesis of the information. It requires
a deep understanding of the historical context, the ability to draw connections between events, and
the skill to articulate the significance of your findings.

While the challenge is significant, it's important to approach coursework with dedication and a
commitment to producing high-quality work. However, for those facing time constraints, struggling
with the complexity of the topic, or seeking additional support, ⇒ ⇔ can be a
valuable resource.

⇒ ⇔ offers professional assistance for academic writing, including coursework in

subjects like History. Their team of experienced writers can help you with research, structure, and
content creation, ensuring that your coursework meets the required standards. It's essential to
remember that seeking help is not about avoiding the learning process but rather a strategic decision
to enhance understanding and improve the overall quality of your work.

In conclusion, writing a History GCSE coursework conclusion can be demanding, but with
dedication and the right support, it is achievable. Consider ⇒ ⇔ as a resource to
complement your efforts and enhance the quality of your coursework, especially if you find yourself
facing challenges or time constraints.
This meant all people born of at least one Jewish grandparent were now available to be singled out
for discrimination. In all 3 countries, there were strong anti-Semitic feelings and leaders that
provoked these feelings. Furthermore Schlieffen thought Russian troops would take the same amount
of time as France to extinguish that they had no choice but to surrender. The statistics given do not
give the total proportion of illegal stills and gallons of spirits seized. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?7.20 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?7.20
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A-Level Resources 5.00 1 reviews Not the right resource. The table records the number of illegal
stills seized and the gallons of spirits seized in the years 1921, 925 and 1929. Although the majority
of blame lies with the anti-Liberal Irish who voted against it to provoke anarchy for Home Rule, a
secondary obstacle was the Reform Bill, which was brought through to distract the Suffrage
movement. Though nothing major, one should make sure that they always check through their work
as such 'silly mistakes' do not leave a good impression to the examiner and spoils a high standard
essay. When the depression hit with the Wall Street Crash in October 1929, the USA called in the
loans they had given Germany to aid them in paying off their reparations. On the other hand, it is
very unlikely that a lot of time would go into creating plans that were not to be used. Things got
immensely worse for Russian Jews in 1894-1917 as Tsar Nicholas the 2nd reigned ruler of Russia.
Most Jews were extremely poor, and only a very small minority of them had a half decent income.
Because the source is a photograph, it doesn’t show us at what age the children where accompanied
and what age you were aloud to go by yourself. The civilians either agreed with the Nazi regime or
were to scared after this brutal and terrifying event. Neither of the Sources show us the scale of how
many children (about 3.5 million) where evacuated however and that some were privately evacuated
which is when the children’s family made their own arrangements with relatives that lived in the
country. There were several criticising books written by various authors, which explained how the
Jews were an inferior race. For example the number of illegal stills seized in 1921 was 9,746 which
increased to 15,794 in 1929. Jews and opponents were swept away, followed by the independent
trade unions, and all other parties. Many were becoming disillusioned with the Weimar Government,
who were raising taxes and cutting public spending to prevent inflation. Therefore Source G clearly
shows that prohibition had failed. However, as the fascists gained popularity, so did the Communists,
and this led to fighting in the streets during the elections of 1932. This was the turning point for
Stalin to fight his way to become leader. This utterly tragic night lets the pavements and roads of
Germany’s cities and towns littered with shattered glass and mounds of debris. 91 Jews were
butchered in the rampage, and over 30,000 were beaten and detained in recently constructed
concentration camps. Hist - Writing Good History Essays In completing your answers always
comment on and evaluate the sources. And since thousands of people were selling goods at a time
when few people had money to buy them, they were not getting much for their cars, yachts and
houses. The extension to the A19 motorway should go ahead.” How far do you agree with this
statement. On the 29 th October 16 million shares changed hands at very low prices. This then leads
to Germany having a low supply of virtually everything that was needed and their soldiers were also
affected by this. Most were peasants scratching a living in the countryside, although some more
ambitious Jews worked in new factories in the structured towns. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?6.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?6.99
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 8 May 2022 Share this Share through
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starlevel Not the right resource.
Easter was also a time of the Jewish Passover festival), there were hideously violent attacks on
Jewish people in other 100 villages in Southern Russia. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. However, many people were severely and
irrevocably changed in their attitudes towards democracy by the depression, and many people now
felt ready to hear what the Nazis had to say. They were very successful because they tried to merge
into German society. This is meant to show the corruption of the law enforcers. Many Jews even
went to the extreme of giving up their religion, so that they were more like other Germans. Conscious
of the riot that happened inthe Progressive Liberal Party led the crowd from Bay Street south. By
1909 the Liberal government had many pre-occupations and other matters to deal with. When the
Nazis tried to take power in Munich, it was with the help of disloyal army members, including
General Ludendorff, and 20 (both Nazis and Weimar Police) were killed. The word daddy is
showing the youthful innocence of the children who are trying to seek their fathers love and
affection that is not there for them. It explains that there are over 10 historical buildings in the area
and the remains there of the monastery are almost complete. To make matters worse some banks had
invested huge sums of money on wall street and lost most of it. The commissioner is speaking in
1920 right at the start of when prohibition was first introduced. Why the Weimar Republic collapsed
and how Hitler was able to take and conso. He was the last Tsar Russia would see and thankfully so.
The morning after a bombardment of over two weeks long, the mines were detonated, killing 10,000
Germans. If relevant, you may include historical policies and statistics in your essay. This shows that
the father has wasted all his money and savings on alcohol that he cannot even afford to buy the
basic necessities for his children. See other similar resources ?7.20 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. In the bottom right hand corner of the poster the
man’s wife and child is shown. After his time democracy ruled, and Russia would be free of many of
the troubles and traumas that haunted the country and its people alike. The Abbey however has
changed extremely from when it was previously a working monastery, of which it is no longer. There
would not only be men and tanks getting stuck in the mud, being prevented from attacking, but
supplies via horse and cart would often be known to get stuck or disappear completely into the bog.
Many Jews even went to the extreme of giving up their religion, so that they were more like other
Germans. Many Jews were exceedingly rich even with these restrictions, as many tended to be good
businessmen, and made a great living. Although the majority of blame lies with the anti-Liberal Irish
who voted against it to provoke anarchy for Home Rule, a secondary obstacle was the Reform Bill,
which was brought through to distract the Suffrage movement. The constitution also gave the army
(including the Freikorps) far too much power, and they turned on the Government in the Kapp
Putsch of March 1920. It also shows Fountains role as a hospital and a hotel because of the
apartments. Also, to facilitate our clients more, we offer a flat discount on all first-time orders and
free revisions in case they need any. It is sending the image that alcohol ruins family life and once a
man starts drinking he can never stop as he is addicted to it.
This then leads to Germany having a low supply of virtually everything that was needed and their
soldiers were also affected by this. Also, in source F, it shows just how concerned the government
was of morale being low, especially in Ealing which was near where Source B was. Reviews Select
overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. From all over Russia there
was a colossal number of Jews totalling in a massive 6 million altogether. This didn't make a
difference to the Germans that despised the Jews, as they would only remark a Jew is a Jews no
matter what they class themselves as. Our customer service team will review your report and will be
in touch. ?6.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?6.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Last updated 8 May 2022 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest starlevel Not the right
resource. The conclusion of the paper should restate the thesis statement and provide detailed reasons
for the thesis. The source does not give any historical information on the Abbey or information on
what it looks like or the people who lived there. The British blockade lead to the German offensive
because the Germans couldn’t last much longer without any imported supplies. This meant “friendly
understanding.” The soul aim of the treaty was to collaborate well with each other against their
number one foe, Germany. This is mainly because we consult several sources while writing them.
However, on the night of the attack, the wettest autumn on record began. However without the new
technology the stalemate may not have been broken because the technology that Britain had may not
have been good enough to win the war. This so called hierarchy was totally racist and made no sense
at all, but as many famous Germans instigated it, many people believed it was true. The technical
terms used in the essay were appropriate and the student follows typical conventions in regards to
the structure of the essay. This means the families of the men go to this bar remain poor because the
men spend all their weeks’ wages on alcohol. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. All this was making Jews a lot easier to blame as things
started to disintegrate after the war. This sentiment even led to the assassination of Walther
Rathenau, the foreign minister in June 1922. The end result of this case was that anti-Semitism grew
heavily and all those hidden feelings materialized. Hitler had been able to combine his extreme
ambition with his popularity and celebrity status to finally fulfil his dreams. However, the SA and
the SS helped him in his achievements, intimidating voters at the polls, and stirring up the people
against the Communists. Source C shows the effects alcohol has on men on the wife and child, while
source D solely shows the effects on children. The name Black Tuesday is said to have been coined
by Arthur Foulkes. This occurred in the north of the salient, capturing the village of Langemark. The
source does tell us what Fountains role is hoped to be, and that is a new home for the monks to
escape from the lack in roles at their previous Monastery and a chance to live in extreme discipline
and for them to fill their role as monks. The American entry meant that new and improved
technology came into the war because they brought this technology over in order to help end the
war. The source is also just one artist’s opinion and view, which could make it unreliable because it is
biased, however it still helps me with my investigation because it is still someone’s opinion on
Fountains. It was a place of trepidation, fatalities, and sheer dread for Hitler and the Nazi’s victims,
the Jews. The peasants who caused the attacks and deaths said they were doing what the Tsar
wanted, and convinced themselves that it was the right thing to do. Paraphrasing involves changing
the words in a passage and rewriting it in your own words.
Tsar Alexander the 2nd was brutally assassinated in 1881 and one of his many murderers was a
Jewish girl. Troops did not sacrifice their lives to see future generations being killed. Along many
Germans there were extremely strong anti-Semitic feelings waiting to burst out. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. British people would
have thought many lives had been wasted if possession Ypres was lost. Many Jews were
exceedingly rich even with these restrictions, as many tended to be good businessmen, and made a
great living. The 'May Laws' were new laws introduced in 1882 and were supposed to be temporary
laws for the time being but intentionally remained until 1914. However as the enforcement was
underfinanced, there were not enough prohibition agents and millions of Americans ignored this and
disobeyed the law. The peasants who caused the attacks and deaths said they were doing what the
Tsar wanted, and convinced themselves that it was the right thing to do. This was appalling as it
made abuse and assault become a daily routine against the Jews. No man’s land and British trenches
became exceedingly waterlogged. This was out of a massive population of 40 million, so the Jews
were an extraordinarily minuscule minority. This made the Jews stand out a lot more, as many of the
newly arrived Jews wore traditional Jewish clothing and carried out customs, which made people
watch them a lot more closely. So, really despite the NUWSS’ partially famous activities, it was the
Suffragettes’ notoriety that brought the Suffrage movement to public attention. This didn't make a
difference to the Germans that despised the Jews, as they would only remark a Jew is a Jews no
matter what they class themselves as. This reason is different from other causes, because it was not
caused by Germany it self, but Germany had impact on the depression because of the debts. In
conclusion, the role in the future for the Abbey was going to be a new home for the monks, but at
that time it was not yet created. For over years the minority were ruling the majority, and I knew that
was wrong, so when it came to pass that the PLP won and we had majority rule, I was very happy
and give God thanks for that. Overall in Germany at the end of the 19th Century and beginning of
the 20th centuries, there were relatively small numbers of Jews in Germany. The Abbey however has
changed extremely from when it was previously a working monastery, of which it is no longer.
Clerical anti-Semitism arose as part of the French Catholic Church began a series of brutal racial
attacks on the Jews. But some sources are less reliable than others due to numerous factors, such as
the time period they were written in and by whom they were written by. But even with this, a great
threat dawned for the Jews, as more and more people began to loathe them, as they were 'vermin'
compared to the Aryan's. He used his power to his advantage and between 1922 and 1924 he started
to put more and more of his own supporters in more higher and powerful positions within the party.
Stalin made an appearance as chief mourner and Lenin's closest friend, but Trotsky was nowhere to
be seen. Their racial policies took priority over everything. Many were becoming disillusioned with
the Weimar Government, who were raising taxes and cutting public spending to prevent inflation. It
was written by John D.Rockefeller Jr who was a wealthy industrialist. First they tried to isolate the
Jews from common society and force them to emigrate. British Airways Graduate Programme 2024
Make it More Crime-ey.
The Germans employed this idea, which they proved a sound asset and, ultimately, the saviour of
many German lives. On the 29 th October 16 million shares changed hands at very low prices. Write
a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The
Government’s credibility was also affected by its dealing with the French invasion of the Ruhr. I
think that it was the most important factor for many reasons. The end result of this case was that
anti-Semitism grew heavily and all those hidden feelings materialized. To make matters worse some
banks had invested huge sums of money on wall street and lost most of it. Another source which
agrees with the statement is Source E. Most Germans- but especially the middle classes with savings-
went bankrupt, and the public became disillusioned with the Government, as poverty and
unemployment rocketed. As a result of heavy lobbying by industrialists, including Hjalmar Schacht,
a senior economic figure, Hindenburg had to accept defeat and appoint Hitler as Chancellor. These
laws stated who was a Jew according to Nazi definition. This is mainly because we consult several
sources while writing them. This means the families of the men go to this bar remain poor because
the men spend all their weeks’ wages on alcohol. Most of the causes were long term but the short
term were the ones that triggered the end to the boom. His change in his opinion shows that he is
being honest and not biased. Comparing how the themes of freedom and oppression are explored in
the poem. This affect heavily disrupted any progress, including the Suffragist’s passive and political
methods. Finally, people are saying the men that died will be forgotten. This affected the Suffrage
movement as a whole, and caused people to generalise all Suffrage campaigners as vile and barbaric
brutish females. Contains both primary and secondary sources all referenced as well as historians
views. Some stockbrokers and major financial advisors threw themselves from office windows and
died on the street below. Prohibition gained widespread approval all over the USA. From Hitler’s
point of view, the Jews were to be distinguished. It was written by the Ministry of Information
which shows how seriously they took the problem of panic and worry in the country but we know
that the instances of panic and despair did not spread throughout the whole population (partly due to
censorship and propaganda). Most Jews were extremely poor, and only a very small minority of them
had a half decent income. The Munich Putsch was a protest against the Ebert’s Government and the
policy of passive resistance adopted in response to the French invasion of the Ruhr. The Suffragette’s
violence caused many people to believe that the abusive tactics used by the Suffragettes proved that
women were not fit to have the vote: they were too unstable and emotional. This explains why the
French Jews were accepted so easily, as with only tiny numbers, they were not seen as a threat to
anyone. This meant all people born of at least one Jewish grandparent were now available to be
singled out for discrimination. This was appalling as it made abuse and assault become a daily
routine against the Jews.
From Hitler’s point of view, the Jews were to be distinguished. When the Nazis tried to take power
in Munich, it was with the help of disloyal army members, including General Ludendorff, and 20
(both Nazis and Weimar Police) were killed. This obsession with matching public opinion, rather
than sticking to their policies, meant that they remained a popular choice. See other similar resources
?6.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. He was a
great politician, but it is undeniable that he was greatly aided by fortune. Source E and F are both
created in the same time period, but both appear extremely different. The position, however, was
vastly different just West of the boarder in the country of France. You must also make sure that your
paraphrase is unique and original. Source D shows us the level of destruction left behind due to the
bombing but we can see that people did survive the bombings in the picture. It also shows the monks
just casually walking around, at this time the monks should have been in prayer, which also suggests
the source is incorrect. This was ruthless slaughter, and hundreds were brutally murdered. I think that
it was the most important factor for many reasons. Everything he said and did now, was right,
because he was making the rules. Germany’s military began to suspect that all three allies were
building up a big attack against them so they decided to get them before they got Germany and
Germany also loved to conquer so that one day they could have their own huge. Also, you cannot
exactly see clearly what is going on in the drawing. Both children are dressed in old ragged up
clothes and are waiting for their father, which shows their love for him. Therefore Source G clearly
shows that prohibition had failed. It was a time of rejoices for the Jews, and great optimism was held
in every Jew's hearts. Passive resistance was economically disastrous, as the Ruhr was a prime
industrial region, and Germany was crippled economically. Source D was not censored, so that shows
us that people were aware of the level of damage left behind and that not all the images were
censored. Overall however the two sources do not agree, but there are strong reasons to suspect that
both are unreliable. He also wanted to end the ENP and run the economy in a more socialist way. In
source B the reason why prohibition was introduced is clearly explained to be the action of the
women’s Christian temperance union. Without such circumstances to deal with, bombardments and
waves of troop would have been much easier to apply successfully and tanks could have been used.
The source does not tell us of what is going on in the surrounding areas and I know from looking at
source E which is a painting of the Abbey in 1760 that there were gardens surrounding the area. In
conclusion, this source shows the Abbeys role as a construction site as does source D and a home to
the monks. The fact that this was written in a letter shows that this was an opinion. Remember to
make the changes grammatically and logically. Show 10 more Latest Official Oxford Brookes
University Applicant Thread for 2024 Sleepwalking HMRC interview bi’s gyg. After the Russian
pogroms of 1881 120,00 Jews arrived in France.

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