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Now, that you need a guide to develop your own paragraph, here is the template you can just follow.

Paragraph Template

Make sure your paragraph has 3 distinct parts.

1. Topic sentence:
1. This sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph and summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.
2. All of the following sentences will add information that expands upon or supports the idea stated
2. Supporting sentences:
1. The second sentence identifies the first major supporting detail.
2. The third sentence brings up a second supporting detail.
3. Similarly, the fourth sentence mentions a third supporting detail.
4. Additional sentences can be added here for additional supporting details or to divide one lengthy
supporting detail into separate, easier-to-read sentences.
3. Conclusion:
1. The last sentence of your paragraph is your concluding sentence, which quickly ties your supporting
thoughts together.
2. It also might restate your first topic sentence using different terms.

Practice Writing a Paragraph

between the development of the city and the village community

Mind Map
Develop a topic sentence A group of people who form a semi-closed or semi-open system,
where most of the interaction is between individuals who are in
that group called society.
Supporting sentence 1 Society is a term used to describe human communities living
together. It can also be said that society is a network of
relationships between other individuals in terms of social means
something made or not made by the association of people. In
sociology society is a major object in the study of social science.
Supporting sentence 2 In modern society, it is often distinguished between rural
communities and urban communities. According to Soekanto
(1994), the difference actually has no relation to the
understanding of simple society, because in modern society, no
matter how small a village, there must be influences from the
city. The differences between rural communities and urban
communities are essentially gradual.
Supporting sentence 3 Between rural and urban communities there are not two
commonities that are completely separate from each other. Even
in the natural circumstances between the two there is a close
relationship. It's dependence, because they need each other. The
city depends on meeting the needs of its citizens for foodstuffs
such as vegetable rice, meat and fish. The village is also a source
of rough labor for certain types of jobs in the city. For example,
construction workers in housing projects. Project construction or
repair of highways or bridges and rickshaw drivers. These are
usually seasonal workers.
Conclusion Community life should be a driver or source of strength to achieve
the ideals of a harmonious life, be it life in or in the city. Of course
that is our common hope, but what phenomenon we are
witnessing today, far from the hopes and goals of national
development of this country, social inequality, the rich are getting
richer and the poor are more destitute, the quality of education is
still low, people are very easy to kill their brothers (moral
decadence) just because of trivial things, and there are many
more phenomena of life above that we feel together.
Start writing the paragraph:
A group of people who form a semi-closed or semi-open system, where most of the interaction
is between individuals who are in that group called society. Society is a term used to describe
human communities living together. It can also be said that society is a network of relationships
between other individuals in terms of social means something made or not made by the
association of people. In sociology society is a major object in the study of social science. . In
modern society, it is often distinguished between rural communities and urban communities.
According to Soekanto (1994), the difference actually has no relation to the understanding of
simple society, because in modern society, no matter how small a village, there must be
influences from the city. The differences between rural communities and urban communities are
essentially gradual. . Between rural and urban communities there are not two commonities that
are completely separate from each other. Even in the natural circumstances between the two
there is a close relationship. It's dependence, because they need each other. The city depends
on meeting the needs of its citizens for foodstuffs such as vegetable rice, meat and fish. The
village is also a source of rough labor for certain types of jobs in the city. For example,
construction workers in housing projects. Project construction or repair of highways or bridges
and rickshaw drivers. These are usually seasonal workers. Community life should be a driver or
source of strength to achieve the ideals of a harmonious life, be it life in or in the city. Of course
that is our common hope, but what phenomenon we are witnessing today, far from the hopes
and goals of national development of this country, social inequality, the rich are getting richer and
the poor are more destitute, the quality of education is still low, people are very easy to kill their
brothers (moral decadence) just because of trivial things, and there are many more phenomena
of life above that we feel together.

Choose one of the following topics and develop into a paragraph by following the above template.
1. Smoking or not to smoke in campus areas.
2. Printed or e books to read
3. On line learning mode or off line learning mode
4. Studying in a home country or abroad
5. Money for life-investment or travelling around the world

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