Test For Unit 10 Test 1

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Question 1. Certainly there's no gainsay --> gainsaying the technical brilliance of his performance.
A. gainsay B. Certainly C. technical D. of
Question 2. It's a good idea to read out--> up on a company before going for an interview.
A. before B. out C. going D. interview
Question 3. It would be unwise, not on--> to say stupid, to leave your first job after only six months.
A. job B. leave C. on D. stupid
Question 4. The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstatement--> overstated
A. impact B. of C. been D. overstatement
Question 5. He was afraid to be seen in publicity--> public for some time after the incident.
A. after B. to C. publicity D. incident


Question 6. Several candidates seemed suitable ________ but failed the interview.
A. on paper B. for paper C. to paper D. in paper
Question 7. All his hard work was rewarded when he saw his book ________.
A. on print B. in print C. out print D. at print
Question 8. Anywhere you want to go, just ________.
A. talk the word B. speak the word C. say the word D. tell the word
Question 9. He's certainly not afraid to speak his ________.
A. intelligence B. head C. brain D. mind
Question 10. I realize one shouldn't speak ________ of the dead.
A. hurt B. evil C. sick D. ill
Question 11. Unfortunately, in this town ________, and if you don't have money you can forget it.
A. money says B. money tells C. money talks D. money speaks
Question 12. This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't ________the
A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk
Question 13. Your classmates won't trust you if you're always ________ tales, Alvin.
A. telling B. saying C. talking D. speaking


Question 14. She made it clear that her comments were strictly ________ the record.
A. off B. up C. in D. to
Question 15. Never say ________ no matter whatever I come across!
A. truth B. die C. cheese D. goodbye
Question 16. Team USA is not expected to win, but they believe ________ speak louder than words.
A. evidence B. truth C. actions D. activities
Question 17. Did you hear what happened to Anna yesterday - oh, ________ of the devil, here she is?
A. tell B. say C. whisper D. speak
Question 18. I followed the instructions ________ the letter and it still went wrong.
A. on B. at C. to D. with
Question 19. I can't cancel my plans at such ________ notice.
A. high B. short C. long D. tall
Question 20. I'd ask you ________ for a coffee but I have to get up early for work in the morning.
A. with B. to C. in D. at
Question 21. I just took it as ________ that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary
A. say B. talk C. speak D. read
Question 22. Just take each day as it ________ and do what you feel is right.
A. leaves B. undergoes C. comes D. goes
Question 23. There are a lot of organizations that have scholarship money ________ the asking.
A. on B. with C. to D. for
Question 24. The proposals are now ________ consideration by the Board of Governors.
A. at B. on C. under D. above
Question 25. She's never lied to me, and in my ________ that counts for a lot.
A. textbook B. book C. notice D. notebook
Question 26. The great thing about working ________ yourself is that you don't have to answer to
A. to B. for C. in D. with


Question 27. He had no one to ________ in and would have seen seeking psychiatric help himself as a
sign of weakness.
A. confide B. confirm C. contract D. conduct
Question 28. Germany ________ war on France on 1 August 1914.
A. told B. declared C. spoke D. announced
Question 29. She publicly ________ the government's handling of the crisis.
A. flatter B. announced C. denounced D. performed
Question 30. Students are taught the skills of reading and listening for ________.
A. forecast B. suggestion C. hint D. gist
Question 31. The police have ________ that two officers are under internal investigation.
A. banned B. flattered C. spoken D. disclosed
Question 32. Parents enjoy ________ about their children's achievements.
A. reviewing B. reporting C. boasting D. criticizing
Question 33. I signed a ________ against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.
A. report B. petition C. plan D. manifesto
Question 34. I get fed up with my mother ________ and raving about my clothes all the time.
A. ranting B. talking C. speaking D. saying


Question 35. At one point, Goetz ________, "The subways down there are terrible."
A. blurted out B. caught on C. came out D. talked over
Question 36. I tried phoning her, but I couldn’t ________.
A. set down B. get through C. shouted down D. spoke out
Question 37. He doesn't take hints very easily, but he'll ________ to what you're saying eventually.
A. talk over B. blurt out C. catch on D. come out
Question 38. When his book ________, he found himself splashed all over the press.
A. spoke out B. caught on C. got through D. came out
Question 39. If he did know the truth, he didn’t ________.
A. get across B. let down C. catch on D. let on
Question 40. The speaker reiterated the main points he was trying to ________ to the audience.
A. get on B. get through C. get across D. get over
Question 41. Employees had two weeks to ________ the proposal ________ with their families before
making a decision.
A. talk - over B. talk - to C. talk- around D. talk - on
Question 42. The play was going very well until one of the actors suddenly ________.
A. came up B. dried up C. went up D. started up

Question 43. I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?

A. become popular B. be out of date C. become bigger D. become older
Question 44. You can watch a trailer for the new series online.
A. an advertisement for a film B. a vehicle without an engine
C. a mobile home D. a house on wheels
Question 45. The lettering on the gravestone was badly worn and almost illegible.
A. impossible to write B. impossible to read C. possible to read D. possible to write


Question 46. There's an ________ assumption in the department that Sue will take over the post when
Dan leaves.
A. unspoken B. outspoken C. speechless D. unspeakable
Question 47. I ________ a conversation between two boys on the bus.
A. hearing B. overheard C. hearsay D. overhearing
Question 48. The publishers produced a first ________ of 2,500.
A. printable B. printer C. printing D. printout

Question 49. His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
A. unclear B. clear C. affordable D. illegible
Question 50. She was sawing the bread with a blunt knife.
A. deep B. heavy C. sharp D. light

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