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In the sentence, "The impaction of the meteorite onto the Earth's surface resulted in the
formation of a crater," what does "impaction" mean?
A. Breaking
B. Landing
C. Sticking
D. Bouncing

2. What does it mean to "scrap" plans, as in the sentence "They had been forced to scrap plans
for a new school building"?
A. To finalize
B. To develop
C. To abandon
D. To improve

3. If someone "embraces" an idea, what are they doing?

A. Rejecting it
B. Ignoring it
C. Accepting it enthusiastically
D. Criticizing it

4. What does the term "sweeping" suggest in the sentence "The new policy had a sweeping
impact on the entire organization"?
A. Limited
B. Comprehensive
C. Insignificant
D. Temporary

5. If someone is described as "meticulous," what are they likely to be?

A. Careful about details
B. Careless
C. Hasty
D. Forgetful

6. What happens when someone is "ostracized"?

A. They are included in a group
B. They are rejected from a group
C. They are praised
D. They are ignored

7. In the context of "turbulent" political climate, what does "turbulent" mean?

A. Calm
B. Stable
C. Unsettled
D. Predictable

8. What does it mean for excitement to "fizzle"?

A. To intensify
B. To grow
C. To fade away
D. To stabilize

9. If a pond becomes "stagnant," what happens?

A. It becomes cleaner
B. It starts flowing rapidly
C. It remains still
D. It becomes polluted

10. What does "salient" mean in the sentence "During the presentation, the speaker highlighted
the salient points"?
A. Important
B. Minor
C. Temporary
D. Insignificant

11. If something is "disproportionate," what does that mean?

A. It is balanced
B. It is fair
C. It is unequal
D. It is similar

12. What happens when a company "overreaches" itself?

A. It achieves its goals
B. It exceeds its limits
C. It underestimates its potential
D. It fails due to excessive ambition

13. What does "efficacious" mean in the sentence "We believe that educational or counseling
schemes are a more efficacious way of dealing with this problem than harsh sanctions"?
A. Ineffective
B. Successful
C. Costly
D. Temporary

14. What does "divergent" mean in the sentence "In the heated debate, the participants presented
divergent views"?
A. Similar
B. Contradictory
C. Consistent
D. Unified

15. If something "alleviates" a problem, what does it do?

A. Makes it worse
B. Makes it better
C. Makes it more severe
D. Makes it irrelevant
16. What does "mitigating" mean in the sentence "Planting trees helps in mitigating the effects of
climate change"?
A. Intensifying
B. Exacerbating
C. Lessening
D. Ignoring

17. If something is described as "aesthetic," what is it connected with?

A. Beauty and art
B. Functionality and efficiency
C. Practicality and utility
D. Cost-effectiveness

18. What happens when something "invigorates" a crowd?

A. It makes them tired
B. It makes them bored
C. It makes them livelier or stronger
D. It makes them quieter

19. What is the primary meaning of "parallel" in the sentence: "The historian drew parallels
between the political climates of the two nations"?
A. A relationship or similarity between two things
B. A loss of ability to move part of the body
C. The opposite of similarity
D. An independent event

20. If someone experiences paralysis, what is affected?

A. Their ability to breathe
B. Their ability to see
C. Their ability to think
D. Their ability to move

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