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- are special verbs in English that gives additional information about the function
of the main verb that follows it. It is also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, and
modal auxiliaries. Modal verbs are used to express functions such as: permission,
prohibition, and possibility.

Types of Modals :

1. Permission
A. Can - used to express opportunity, to request or offer permission, and
to show possibility or impossibility.
a. If you like, we can go swimming after school tomorrow.
b. Can you sing a song for us?
c. She can achieve her goals with determination and hard work.

B. Could - used as a more polite form of can when asking for permission.
It also refers to an ability that a person generally had in the past or to
something that was generally possible in the past. It is the past tense of
a. When I was younger, I could ran for miles.
b. Could you please take a picture, please?
c. I could have finished the project earlier if I had started it sooner.

2. Prohibition
A. Must not - used to indicate that something is forbidden. Shows that something is
prohibited or not allowed.
a. I must not waste any more time.
b. Students must not copy their work from the internet.
c. Tell then they must not make to much noise.

B. Cannot / Can’t - used to indicate that someone is not allowed to do something.

a. I cannot attend the said meeting today.
b. I cannot afford to buy a luxury car.
c. An empty sack cannot stand upright.

3. Possibility
A. May - used to indicate possibility or probability. Something will
possibly happen or to be true in the future.

a. May I leave this book with you?
b. You may go home if you want.
c. She may have heard everything you just said.

B. Might - the capacity to achieve or accomplish something. It can also

indicate probability or possibility.
a. We might have done something to help you.
b. This might be the most difficult decisions she would ever make.
c. The doctor said that I might released when I feel well.

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