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SEM I 2021/2022


The aim of this project is to propose a Natural Language Processing (NLP) application
in any Industry. Students will be grouped into a group of 5-6 students.


NLP can be used to process and analyze large amounts of text for unstructured
documents since NLP is everything related to human language, encompassing a
various number of techniques which enable computers to understand human text. In
other words, NLP is an approach to process, analyze and understand large amount of
text data.

A lot of information in the world is unstructured. For example, most of the documents
at any Bank Institutions are unstructured documents such as PDFs and handwritten
notes. According to the report by The AI Research and Advisory Company in 2019 on
AI in Banking Vendor Landscape and Capability, NLP is currently making its graph up
(which is more than 28%) among AI vendor products in banking compared to other AI


1. Attend the talk on “Embracing AI Technology form a Non-Technical

Perspective” by Skymind.” Then, fill in the Google form as proof of participation.
2. Pick an issue or problem to be solved in any industry (such as education,
banking, marketing, etc.). Discuss details of the issue and also some of the
examples of the NLP applications relevant to the issue.
3. How can the industry that you have chosen benefits from NLP technology?
Propose an NLP application (under the identified industry) to resolve the issue.
4. Another important aspect of designing your project is to identify the type of
dataset to be used for your project. Please specify, if that data needs
considerable pre-processing to suit your task, or what if there are no available
datasets, what would you do? How do you intend to collect the needed data
yourself? You will also have to specify the NLP techniques and tools to be used
in the project.
5. Prepare the presentation slides and an infographic of the NLP application. The
example of the infographic is illustrated in Appendix A.

Be brave rather than timid, and do feel free to propose ambitious things that you're
excited about.


The presentation should be limited to 5 slides only which comprises:

1. Introduction
o To introduce and describe the chosen industry/society
o To present some examples of NLP application related to the
2. Problem Statement
o To describe the issues to be resolved in the industry/society
3. Dataset
o To discuss about the dataset to be used in the application, where the
dataset can be taken or how it can be collected.
o To discuss on preprocessing data, if necessary.
4. Proposed NLP tasks/techniques
o To describe the NLP tasks and techniques to be used in the
5. Conclusion
o The strength and positive impact of the proposed NLP application
towards industry/society
o The infographic of the application


The total mark - 30 marks:

• Attending AI Talk: 5 marks
• Presentation (Week 13): 25 marks
o Content – 15 marks
o Infographic – 5 marks
o Soft skills – 5 marks


1. The presentation slides and infographic need to be uploaded by 16th January

2022 and the presentation will be on the 17th January 2022 (Monday).
Appendix A: An Example of Infographic:

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