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r GS/zcl20A 1

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(English & Telugu versions) :6tt5r,

?x;x*:;Ji'ioo** lffif;ullluffifiltffHffiHllffilH irrgo

Max. Marks: 780

1. you find any defect in

rr0, S;lrgof ApUI$6 noC

150 questions. 30, Section B (Geography)
has 30, Section C (Indian Society) has 30 and Section E (Mental
Ability) has 30

SE:*q#H*ffi ,is?f il83{,f "iisst*"$'}tu$"?ff
The Question Paper is set in English and translat€d into Telugu language. The English
version will
be considered as the authentic version for valuatjon purpose.
LtdrslddD qoflaldt 6ote6)sooa:8 aer:ru qr"a668 oq;l:n sotr&ta. aloior ;$aoCI
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c E sfslro66 ;rlpoxa)era. $fsr)e)il) 53
) A EI*n La{;CILunr> o3r:% *:ol $d $8EO ;ru'er$ ;rllaotra:8na. $:Bqrs
Ls,f,i alo;$) o:lr$rdgd], (Series) El*t E]*a noS El*a r;rroo6 ilL{r6b) &s.J6 pCI a,$ c
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(.o{;ctu pordetDrP aeparSqo*s-eocrxl}ss.) o,o Sfrar- afi,ru
:Fr) $ee3
cpd,*5od erQ ;0ods6ridrerd, al5 aar:roa Sfamo ac"6 da5sor.,S io.arrqrlu al5r&u
gA,SaoefEJd,ac 6Ap roAoa
oaaufoddft'gcdyfinil,eD arrsicardffO.
GS/2G1200 m
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t;lleSnSSD SgS0o6a,lcir, SdE;'))s)
tg$*xss&t rD*CIr&gcn6>.P&O6otSral$t$offt6A*e. apSo$ s"$pp6 616;rD ast8o;ladcsr.

; If the arrswer foi Question No. I is Answer,choice{2), it should be marked as fo}lows :

dml pqo}os&$t SopS 1 B ausar> (21tloDSSl6), ooCCea $oo &Sdlrrr t$!o5666r:
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GSt26/200 (31
instruments or any

5 SIPE, a*erl*.5 nos doo

19. Candidates should stav in the Examination Halt till expiry nf FulI Time i.e. Z ] Ho,.rs. No candidate
shall be allowed to leave the Hall in the middle of the exemination under
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s6p rrod e{cqeu sOS OJ"g eroi} sdsr tzl- rroexu) 6od66ar. J es5g rns 169 ilroJ$ JS
aofia:oda: aosers) 6o6a66).
14' [f any candidate attentpts to usc any means to cheat/cop] ek., he/she is liable for prosecution and


16. As p"r G.O. Ms. No. 285, Ail12/20L6, each

will be penalized with question and that would be daducted
G.O. O6ll,A2AL6, L$sldonD p& 6;5J
;boo:)J ey& 3:16o

GS/zCt200 t4t m
Indian Ilietory
t. 'And&, harmika andchhati{'are integral parts 1.,'€eo6$u, Ir025 500ob,il6"1u' eo$$ $o6
of one of the following Buddhist e5-{ il;d$ Se;cr.oef 6Sd eeoel<rJlfo ?
? (1) EerSs))
Q) lXfcre:r

{$) Stupas (4) ad>&el

o Eo6 es6"$os QIr) a"$o"od 5a'er>oDs

, Whi& allong the following Pillar 6uSz, q5r exrc$:o 6e,r> Je}ld Xodo5o
of Ashoha s-tates that the land revenue 6flor5a>6o6s tr63o6 ?
Lumbini,was reduced to one'eighth ?

(3) pillar ioseription

u) Ea"O &oai aX>,$o
(4) Vaishali pillar inscriPtion
8. to6 I)O6€5otJo6 :
3. Consider the following statements :
a. Xru5vci1s5 t55up A16s-6>9,$r' , 516
a. Huma;run brought famous painters Mir
X>cUls6 es0 JDOoID ee?*fu $IoSerdu
Sayyid AIi and Abdus Samad from Iran
acrS,$oo6 A0S SXrSscrtdo.
to Delhi.
b. Jahangir's reign is considered as the
b. alroA6 #er$ '3lriD6 ?loaloeSofi
6r$a SS6 obflo'rr X:Ork3ot5aduduo6.
'Golden period of the Mughai painting'.
c. During the reign of Jahangir, European c. allon6 ffo,$d, ce$fl ;riq&e>)
painting was introduced at the Mughal A$&6 elil',$od cS:ydAc$,S
bor:oe3oE,$D 15ts{ ?)qrdr.
court by the Danish merchants.
Which of the statements given above iJare E$ arSl$ Lx)ser.$ oef SaAl fi*Yfia z

ineorrcct ? (1) 1i>$e$o looo5r

a b
(1) Statements a arrd b lLJ 1$Set,$o b lo0c[u c
bandc (3) 1jb$or,S a Srtdd>
a only c 6}l_elEo

4. 5 eg6v0 e1r$Su 5J6ob S$e5og\)

4. Which Mauryan o{Iicer was the incharge of ey6sd Sirourdu ?
Weights and Measures ? (1) 6era,6S5.
(1) Sulkadhyaksha Q) s*:*6s$.

(4) Panyadhyahsha
GS/2Gt200 t5) .E
8. Romaka $iddhanta written lry I'arahamihira .lcrXrfui:"6 6rlor),S SXoS Rl6oe5o d$g
deals with : X>oaoSorlJ6l
(1) Chemistry tl) d#cil*$ rl&o
(2) Mathematics


6. 5o6 ;reSC Xr(S{JodD L,r:abfi xp&So

$oi .:

(1) gbc[ld0p5
6J'n $Oc5

{4} Kadambari
a:$6Bloe5$ X:oarogofl 3o6
?, Which of the
{1) 6nr
erQ r5y*OFo 1?e5d Eorrd,
SYO iDocUD 2"0#^rd r$3da$'do.
1$5e3oflo6 JoOolD ;r6X:&g lr$u;er
owners a$5ar6o&
the land and they were
(s) a6ar,$ *'6 o3o" tI>rcQS dcba:&o$. .

t3) It was planned by John Shore. (4) alrtrSs>o frQo;:r0J.$ tsu{o


(4) The amount to be paid by the

was fixed. ar0eE I IDOoSD ar0er II o,{o a6X>6r56o
8. Match List I with List II and select
ff.So" 6o6 arlg,$ ;rO3et' S0 eeo:)$ ..

Xr$rqp;r$1 IuQo$od : ll
answer using the codes given below the lists :

List I List II
ffifis'I rflwn l

(Delli Sultuns) (Refornts) ra*nsrt {,{o$Ad6e}})

a. *u{rS:AS S,S dofiS

a. I\luhammad bin I. Branding of Horscs I. fu1r:'er Leroa a

Alauddin Khalji II. Token Currency
b. epqf$6,s q:Q II. d3,$ $6.t: I

c. aeptStf, IIL ,td$"ttde>

c. Iltutmish III. Devekipment of es&$r)&
d. Firw Shah IV. Introducing Silver
d. {)drf * eSod5 w. foelS6eros
Tr:ghlaq Taukas *6i5c$o
$$rqrmerr :
Cndes r
ab e d
.a b c
(1) I II III w
II m Iv
(4} IIi IV I II {4) IY I x
G5l2G/200 t

S. Among Ashtapradhans of Shivqfi, ?;rd Glr$& €e*$qr*Dt;d, S$-a-ffax5

Sar-i-Naubat was associated with SoA 5 b0d ee,SDao6otIal6o6 i
following tatks ? {1) egQS IooL&
Finanee Minister

( 4\ O;JdlIS nJoleg
Foreign $ecretary

I0. Match List I with List II aad seleet the

&nsflrer using the codes given below the lists
Li*t I ., List II
(Leaders) (Retsolt Centres) ro'ab3belJ
a. Kunwar Singh I. Kanpur
a. $:,$S6 R:ofi I. r,Sr36
b. HazraL Mahal II. Delhi
b. Xrtad I$116 IT. 6*
c. Nana Saheb III. Arrah, Bihar c, 6J"o- &:YeS rII. qr[!},,&XfE
d, Bq&btKhan fV. Lucknow d; aS qr,S ff. oS:
S$rry;rur r
c a b c d
ilI 'rv (1) I II III IV

t1. The All India Trade Union Congress

was formed in Bonrbay in 1920. Who
over itc first session ? Xr$rda"&3
(1) N.M. Joshi
J.$.Jo. fir

Chandra Bose
;i$otd at'f,>

Act introduced the 5 .5oJo I06L#6I;6$,$ JSp#o, XSS*.tr :

Lsd{:)elo6? :

(3) Rowlatt Ast, 1919 (3)

(4) Government of India Act, 1935 (4)
t* i.l

1$" Consider the following pairs
I Carnatic wars:
L First earnatic War :

II. Second Carnatic War : Treaty of

Yandabo , r. 6od$ $o"fe3$ : o5yo6d a"b)odo
"5lr.d$ 5o"1e3S
: ip0fu a,I:Jodo
Which of the pairs given above are c6u6o ::'


matched ?
p,$ aSJ,$ a&oe56 X)0(1" SOfFero:: I
(1) I and II ")3
(r) II and III (1) I *oCIcs>) II

{4} None of the above


Keraia t4. sdgd lj}6oga,,$ E$& X:osgxro dss


Eradication of
,, Sa&oQoS,$6:

{1) ars s033bo Sdr3o.$

{3) Women's tiberation l

$irqr S$rtq
6) Vaishnavite lllovement

QSS &6s$*o I


15. trltrat was the code nams

forces operation to liberate Goa, Daman x


(1) . es$d{I5 865

(3) Operation Rajiv $ao5r

(4) (3) er5d$,$ o"ds

Operation Pawan
(4) el{l6X:,5 Xt$,S
GSI 2G1200 {81 m
16. Match List I with List II and select the.correct 16, ,as:8o I $OoJD ar0s II o,$o
cY3cr 13o6 eO;$ Jeid $o
answer using the codes given below the lists :
$5.I4";J"$1 IuQo,5oG :
List I Li$t II tilsl silett
(Gaaernor'General) (Treatg'
d$dr6 a.565,t 6lo6/
a. Warren Hastings I' Treaty of Salbai
a. yOS dr&ofif Xleylou
b. Lord Wellesley 1I. Tieaty of Bassein
b. IL aroJ5 SoQ
ey€ aQ& i

c. Lord Minto-I III. Treaty of Amritsar

c. erQ Croet'-t erJo.ydS6 X:o6
d. Lord Hardinge-I fV. Treaty of Lahore
d. erQ lfQo6-l er-":rv6 Xlo6
Codes: S$rqrpel :

a b g d ab c

(1) I II III
(2) II I UI (2) II I IV

(s) m IvI IT
(3) III ry I u
(4) rv ilI II I
wtIIil I

6reid Xr6&: t-*d{o Y,06 56 ?

17. Whi& of the following is, not a

site ? x)oerln5dS
(1) Sutkagendor (?',t X>vdae,:5

(2) Surhotada

{4) <r'$rtQ

$oO ;ve3d 5 a"$,$o 36 d56P$

18. Which of the following inscriptions mentions Sdrm, fut6 SDOobr o"Xlelo5er

the names of Vedic Gods Indra, Varuna, Illitra

! and Nasatyas ?
(1) ;

(2) *aYffiQ


(4) Junagarh
(4) aut16
Gsl2G/200 t 9;,'
19, Which one of the following pairs is Sodrs)dd$r I
correctly matched ?
s.erg olsSo
(1) Babur Battle of Ktranwa
s$av* o:u6o
l2) Akbar Battle of Haldig{rati
eql& osl6o
t3) Humayun - Battle of Bilgram

20. Arrange the following events in the

Cripps Mission

n, III, [V

13) IV, I, III, II nr, III, I

(4) II, [V, III, I
$o6 ") dSgo cr5o" 6J616 a.$66 eg$
2t. By which one of the follewisg rArts was the ilome5,Su qldeS fiS616 a.$6dn
Csvernor-General of Bengal designated. as Sc[llrorydl z
(1) 6tu56e3ofi r5S)0, uT3
(2) 1833
(3) 1858
(3) Government of India Act, 1858 r5$o, 1935
t4\ Goyernment of IndiaAct, 1SS5,
a,:pde56do 63::56 Sobo"rge: s-ood,
ISoOE SddfeS fuq.oebo dns
Filtration Theory was related to : {:oaoSotX,SS:
(1) &ailways (1) gdse-l>


{q Poverty Sdr;o,$
G$/2G/?00 { 10} . ITJ
23. Who said that "a single shelf of a "a5 ilo,3 c$.lvdbob,$ E1al8 o3>l$2, fuond
::61 av66d{o XD6o5} eedflc$rd,f
European Library was worth the w
tsr:*o Q'eS #iro5S 5o€; SorPS6" es&
literature of India and Arabia" ? JJdu A#;d: ?

(i) Thomas Babington Macaulay tl) a'&)ro

(2) tiVilliam Jones S0c$<>
(3) Heqry Colebrooke (3) :rr-S $6lasS
(4) James Mill {41 d5:t Aod

24, Which of the foliowing is nat correctly 94. 3o6 ;ve3d ba x)of $otrsddr t
matched ?
,$o# "5,ti
Arganisatian Per*on (1) *ar $65 61Xrod Jo. Srerar0
(1) Seva Sadan Behran{i I}1. Malabari
(2) {>,lvao -
{2) Deva Samaj (3) ?>;r $tu& bo6o5 Xr06ctu m"6
(3) Seva Samiti Nath $uoLa
Kunzru (4) aln:a,$ Su5uodcr$ irei$
{4} Bahujan hlukundrpo Patil XlSvao

28. Who among the following introduced the Blue SoO ;vod qI drer6 Pofo$ JSd)
Ll>6{="1{t'dl t

Watcr Policy ?

(1) Alfouso de Albuquerque (1) epd;.Sf 6 eg$tE6a

(2) (2)

Pedro Alvares Cabral -":g$ eoerS0f;i s"grr6


(3) Francisco de Almeida (3) A


(4) Nino da Cunha (4) $.$ c" stg"

2S. Iottery Committee (1817) of the British Rule

L0ein *er,$ ffi>$a uper6 slues trsrr) dsg
was related to : $oaro6or),S6 ?
(1) Sradication of Epidemics (1) epoeu;vj6to Sdr]o,$
(2) Bovenue Settlement {2t 83,$rg Be3$3oe5
(5) (3)

(4) Education @) C6S

t, ,." !
,. ,., i
li: l"l t\

: ,!

i',:, l

GS/2G/200 ( 11) E
27. Who founded the 'Indian Society of Oriental fi.5,$ 5tr Xlo6SooJyo,$o
Art'to revive ancient art traditions oflndia ? ' b,SO6oorie$S
!'aodc[:S $EeS ee[)
(1) BabindranathTagore ?,Ocbocrd eeS'S JJdD ffiocr6?
Abanindranath {.1) 65o16o"6 o.ft 6
(3) Dwarkanath Tagore
(4) Debendranath Tagore
(4) d3oU5u6 er$6
28, Who among the following had resigued from
the Viceroy's Executive Council protesting 28. aoc$S dpelarn 5r6eayo6,{u C6bUf
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre ?
3o6 pod J$dl ELeoA dssl JQgrrse35
(1) cr*rr$v Sa"6u z
Sankaran Nair
(z) Saifuddin Kitchlew
(3) Satyapal (3) X>6s*6
(4) S.N. Banerjee (4) JF).JS. A,$0

29. Which of the following pairs is not correctly 20. so6 a6e)d 56 SOtr X:Otfoddu r
matched ?
(1) @0iDE S6 $c$58 ee;rt6
(1) Aligarh ' Sir Syed Ahmed 6dg;!o qr.S
Movement Ktran
(2) Sgd X,6d n0c$doql
(2) I'araizi Haji Shariatullah 66J5oo
(3) 6cb,r0
(3) Tayuni Rashid Ahmed
Movement Gangohi
(4t ellr;So5r fug ttero aolr35
(4) Ahmadilya Mirza Ghulam
Movement Ahmad

1850 €S; eYS $eAoS X>oaoeorS 3o6

30. Which of the following statements is eorrect
6rddX)p,$ 5a I
regarding the l.ex Iaci Act of 1850 ?
(1) aA L4 Sget$ ale>s iul:3odo
(1) It prohibitcd child marriage below the S?16o13o6.
age of 14.
{2) EA L0dfr qr66d{o eeode.} S&
Q) It extended the prohibition of Sati all )&Oo$o6.
aa E6$ {-
dJ $y6,$
(3) It provided the right to tvoCoSe>g\ S'6sSoe) €r&$
property to Hindu converts to ;r6$e55orr
6yocJ XrS$2,,{o
(4) It grantcd the legal recognition to widow (4) eA S6odo S;rI;6o$ .5Q$64.$
marriages. i' aAJo6.
GS12G1200 I12t
SECTION B =o{5 s
Geography sru{i,
s1. Consider the following statements :
81. So& (>Ser.$e>,$D $Or1€Boi5o6:
I. According to Continental Drift Theory,
I. qlo6r5o$ fu6foe5o g$s-do, SD5r6)
about 150 million years ago, Pangaea, L50 IDOcSJS X:o5e11o"o LS6o,
the super continent, had sptit into '*oz3c$y eo,{erd luIfqlodo,
Laurasia and Gondwanaland. cfdhc[r JDOoI$ n'ocs"5;rero6 ot
rr 36$6olo6.
II. About 65 million years ago,

Godwanaland further broke up to give

II. {D5}dD 6E &EcSJ,S SoJ63o"e:
g3e5o, fitocn3;eero6 ael6 qloc"e)
rise to other continents.
lo"3ol5o crO&?:s, Jo0o6n"
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Sddfoto6.
(1) Statement I only p [>S$,$od xig,$I ?

Q) Statement II only (1) L$s$J r 5J"L63r

(3) Both of them
(2) Lbs$,$ rr 5r1-e5dr
(4) None of them
(4) ")A s'Co
92. Identifu the incorrecf statement :
32. $drO1.IlSCI.$$D tuQo,Io6 :
(1) At the focus of an earlhquake, the
(1) aJySo$arfl 56, {g Sdo6o eo$doo6.
energy is released.
(2) alv5o$o"O .too6 $fuX)oef$
(2) The point on the surface nearest to the 6'i:06 oo! 6,$1 So6o$,$r
focus is called cpicentre. coQBol6o eloerd).
(3) Epicentre is the first one to experience (3) 66on"or fui6e3n eo6€oU5o ,$l
the waves. er5ues'oD.

(4) Epicentre is a point directly below the

G, esQ€o16o esd6 dr5oba.0S Stbm
6lt$,$ eod 3og5o.

ss. lnQe5 ep$6,

33. Granite is a./an:
(1) 666 eofi1?e:
Extrusive Igneous rock

{D Intrusive fgneous rock

(3) Mechapically formed Sedimentary rock
(3) olrog&$orr d:&.d ?e:

(4) Mechanically formed Metamorphic rock (4) cr5ro1&Sorr 5dl6$ dy#oeld ?er

GSt2G/20A ( 13 ) E
34. Match the following s4. $o&;"e3& b0#er;o&:
List I List il a"frsI trAsII
(Landform) (Gxomorphic agent) G1y,5:dr{ol (eJ:",{:S)irfr yd{o)
a. Delta I. Waves and Current^s a. 6c;r L e!don"e> $0oX])
b, Cirque II. Winds ill;rXfex
b. S6a II. X:So"*t
c. Cliffs III. Running water
e. $Sr IIi. th5lrod SdD
d. Sand Dunes IV. Glaciers
d. aXtS 6al3e> rv. :v5r,5,$n;'or
Codes: $$pqlpoc :
a b c ab c d
(1) I II UI (1) I II III w
(2) II I rv Q) II I ff III
(3) III I ry (3) IU I ry II
35. In which of the following layers of the s6" 6e>&rl elod0$o ,$ood 13(>3?o,3,$S3do,
atmosphere meteorites burn up when the.y L3o6 e$3a6$ 5 ;rry56$ $6erd
(1) Mesosphere (1) er$6qao

(3) Ionosphere (s) eeob.$ eg$deao

(4) Exosphere (4) JS; esSdeao

36. Match the following on ;rp$6eao s6$a*o Sooci)r)

Atmosphere: 3o6;re3$ XrOSoSod
List I List fi rilsI d"A€II
(Process) (Mechanism) (dds1 @qio)
a. Advection L Horizontal heating a. 6,* tS;YJYo I. 9&a XrJroe96
b. Convection il. Vertical heating ryI>,$o
c. Insolation III. Direct heating b. *{ (:o53.$o u. dr{g uI:So
c. X:,r6SIAoo III. t 56Sg sb,$o
d. Conduction IV. Heating the lower
layers d. *[ JXr,$o Iv. 6tuS S6or
a cd b d
(1)IIlIIIrv (1) I II III ry
Q) II I IV UI (2) I nr 1u
(3) III I ff u (3) rI I rY II
(4) III IV I il (4) ilI IV I II
GS/zG/200 t14) E
*?, Coasider the following statemenLs : 81. 3oO 1ii5$.Ser,to $0t1E6or5o6 :

T, Kavaratti is the largest city in r. s$6sb 66odS sJdg es8ad

Lakshadweep Islands. .$116o.

II. Nine Degree Channel separates Minicoy

r. e5tu16 6Ln qP,$€ oS6sSdS
Io$ycfi> 65$c1 srQ$o dood Scb
Island of Lakshadweep fi'om Maldives.
Which of the above statements iVare correct ? p 1irs$.$od lalbe x) ?
(1) Statement I only (1) t$seJ,$ I Sr"L6d)
(2) Statement II only (2) USS0J,$ II SIt$d)
{3) Both of them (s) Oodv
(4) None of them

38. Matchthefollowing: 98. 3o6 oei$,{:0dl'o3o6:

List I List II atfrsl a.ilsll
(Ocea.n Bottom (Characteristic 6:,5tLddre6e> @3# og€ao)
Reliet) feature) fr3rS,J2ean1
s. Continental L Presence ofcanyons a. q>o6366 L elrrrye>"5o0oju
Shelf and trenches €roi5D eerr6 6dler *'SS
b. Coatinental IL Associated with u. q)o6&69 II. gcfirte>
Slope active volcanoes and
strong earthquakes.
;rPe) erfi1$65ue)) &0051)
c. Deep Sea Plain III. Presence of massive
aop,$ aIrSo*erd
Xloalodo SOfi
d. 0ceanic Deeps IV. Presence offine- c. eerp6 X)tu16 III. q:.6 esSS$ Str*e>
grained sediments prJo 6&S I

d. Jo*6X)IDL6S rv. ,fy5.Z dea:Seret'

Codee: esn'So 516,$ eg$$*o aSS
a b c d XlSrfuer> :
(1) I II III ry a b c d
(3) III I IV II (2) II I w III
(4) III IV I n (3) III I IV II
89. IdentiS the
(4) III ry I u
correct arangement the of
following water bodies as per their salinity in s9. ;r"e3 e.>$c3c[rd 1!rs*So, e3{)dD,$f t5$oef
order $o& ScS 5,$doe 60.$ eeJDOSfio
(1) Lake Van > Dead Sea > Great Salt i'uQo.5o6:
(2) Dead Sea > Great Salt Lake > Lake Van
(3) Great Salt Lake > Dead Sea > Lake Van
(4) Dead. Sea > Lake Van > Great Salt Lake
(3) Lde5 #{ ds>66$>6s;',$
(4) 66 $ > dS;y,$ > LdeS ilS 65
GS/2G1200 { 15 t B
40, Which of the following mountains are SoO vdd 5 l:6Ssel ,$$,$ tudoe$($Q)
fold mountains ? $d5eor t
(1) The Appalachians
(1) eo$;6rlc$53
(2) Q) E,C5Q
The Aravalis

(4) fire Urals

4t. tp6o XlJoA6{+ fi6 aSvsuer a$ad
41, Prairies are the temperate grasslands present 6;r)o)J:
in: (1) €eEo0v XrooSll$ o"L*o Jo0c[x
(1) The United States and Mexico arst$
Q\ The United States only
Q) (gA)ov Soob$ o"L*ef) Iule!*r
(s) es6r0v o"li $605$
(3) The United States and Canada
(4) Canada aud Alaska (4) S,$ff lo0obr eeCI#L

42. The part of'the Himalayas between Satluj and X)Qf $o6cr5r) s"S .$d>o fDds 6d)
Kali rivers is edled : Sv$roolro alrr$) SJoS ilellcb :
(1) PuqiabHimalayas (1) Soa'6lr5vooJre))
(2) Kashmir Himalayas Q) sp0l6 tr$rooivor
(3) Himachal Himalayas
(3) lrsli5dirS.roolrsr
(4) SoSv"Y,SSvivocSrql
Kumaon Himalayas
olr6f 5,$Ioo J52,6 Jood J566 $6$>
43. T?re East€rn Ghak stretch SS0or) 6o-1or::
(1) llhi Mahanadi valloy (t) $)36,$6 dcUr ,Soa d*r5oo Sode:
hills S65D
(D Mahendragiri to Seshachalam hills Q) Ior"roq600 doo& d*.5ero So6e:
(3) Mahendragiri to the Nilgiris
6fi0.$oo6 Se-rno 5650
(4) The Mahanadi valley to the Nilgiris

U. Which of the following river forrns u, EoB ;v03d 5 ,$6 6xroo'5 aolu$l
Dhuandhar waterfalls ? S6rduilo6 z
(1) the Mahanadi (1) )oXr6,$6

(3) Ttre Indus (8)

(4) (4) toXraOtuS

The Brrhmaputra
GS/2G/200 ( 16 ) E
46. Pre-monsoon Mango Showers are common 46, 6do$"5ro,er5u JsoCo;)d frfuS Bepe>;J
the coastal areas of: $+ &O t-Joo"$ #rydoorr $duffor:
(1) Karnataka "cJS ,
(sl Tamil Nadu (2i eIfu{ardrl
(3) Gujarat (3) Iuae6
(4) Andhra Pradesh
(4) eroL6L5d6
4t. In India, very deep black soils are , cler dg,s ,rg e57,6

(1) North-Western part of the

Plateau 1) 5515 $Ody}) 6u$6 6'{6
5?l,1ot;roilSst qytlo
Q) Eastern part of the Deccan Plateau
(2) 5565 *:OdrCI dr(bt arllo
Southern partofthe Deccan Plateau
(3) 6515 $O{rn ffis56 6&sc a}6o
(4) South-Eastern part of the Deccan
@) 6565 SOdrnu a:u56 egdlc$ qrfio
41. The most widespread foresis in India are :
47. ql6e56dod eoelgoeg f&Oe!&r$ eod$ol
(1) Trqpical Evergreen forests i:h

12) Semi Evergreen forests (1) e*$:o6o X)e56 XrOd es6$ex

(3) Tropical Deciduous forests (2) iP $6er;rOe, e))
forests (3) ergto"6l eo6$or
(4) Iuo6e) er6oo"63 esdser>
Match the following
List I Li"st II ,.:
48. 5o6;re3&Xr0lfo;o6:
(Riuer) (Origin)
a"ilel a"flstt
a. Vamsadhara I. Nallamala hills
{,'$d (a,$l{)CIo)
b. Machkund Il. Nandidurga hills &. $odcI6 I. ,$gloe.r So6ot
c. Gundlakamma IIL Jayapur hills
b. 5rc5$oo6 IL ,$oOCo{ So6or
c. fuo655ol III. ac[:86 goder
d. Per:nar ff. Muilugal hills
d. ?:;116 Iv. Sld)t16 3no6ql
Codes: Xr$rrynnoo :

a b c d abe d
II Iil ff (1) I II m w
I IV UI (2) II I IV m
III u I (3) ry IU II I
(4) III IV I II (4) III ry I II
GS/2G/200 (17 )

49. Identi& the incortvcl statement: 49, ,$6Y.C IuQodSo6:

(1) The geographical extent ofLaterite soils ef e.r$p05 Se>$ afn'OS
in Andhra Pradesh is limited.
(2) Laterites are formed in semi arid
(D eo{ $Xr4 SoOc[>J el5oa$ ${}6o a,$f
low rainfall
UloryS ere;p0Sor l)dldoor.
(3) Laterites and appear
$0ob J6oS SDOctu f)$o$ J6lA
and yellowish red. 6or'ud ssbilor.
(4) Laterites can be used to grow Mango, t4) $rno6, d65Y$6 eSoo,to ?)ot]Str$S
Cashewnut orchards. er$peso.$o 6$ffivflor5S&.1.

50. Match the following : 50. So5;rei$ (>odFopd

L*I I List II rOeII .
(Scheduled Tribe) (State/Union trAaI ,

Territory) (".drt€ an) (o"t&ol€o1d*iles

a. Gaddis I. Sikkim lrilo6o)
a. t1Q[r L tuSao
b. Jarawas U. Jharkhand
b. acxyf,: IL r(o5
c. Santhals III. Andaman and
c. $ory6 uI. eso6Sr5 JDOobJ
Nicobar Islands
CSzr6 6$qr
d. Bhutias ff. Himachal Pradesh
rv. :l'Syr551$d6'
d. dresobfr
Codes: {l$rqp;uler
a b e d a b c d
u Ifi rv
(1) I II UI w
(1) I I ry ilI
Q) TI I rv ilI
51. Eo6 1X>Se;,$e>$o $0ds5or5o6 :

61. Consider the following statements : I. d:e!s$$rel esff3 LJdl>S $s;rol'

l. The monsoons are primary rvinds. u. 6doSSnro 2o"N XDOob 2o"S Jo65
II. The monsoons are confined only to the 6,5) a$Ioo6o@ooo5u $IL6d)
tropical lands lying between 20'N and $OSoe5A 6oc'IoD.
20"s. m. d{o ef$ CErl,$1erol EdlA
IU. Distribution of rainfall received from the t1r60$5ru"o ,$oo6 5d.: J8il6
" :1'
South-West monsoons is governed S&deado Lbcr.$on LX>ari6o SSol'
rnainly by the rrelief of the country. B t6$er.$oef 5a $P.s6 ?
Which of the above statements are correct ? (1) I SoOoiD II
(1) I and II
{2) I $6oX}) III
I and III
(3) II
(3) II and IlI
{4) I, IU
GS/2G/200 {18}
62, Match the following:
6?. 8o6;yei$X>Offo3o6:
List I II
trAsI a"ilett
elossification of town) $Qtret 13a5refi{ @trXp6€a)
a." Mining town I. Jamshedpur
a. fi$0o16$55 Sgao I. ao-*EXy6
b. Industrial town II. Ankleshwar
b. #01a.30S Sgeao II. eooSd{56
c. Admioistrative town III. Udhampur c. bo$o,$ bopeao III. 66o{y"E
d. Garrison Cantonment [V. Gandhinagar d. 6$ea6s =d,SSL$d{ ry. no6$il8
Codes: XrSrqmwel
abcd a b c d
(1) I (1) I II III ry
(2) II I rV III (3) ry III u T

(3) rv III III (4) III ry I u

68. 1so6 .SrBfloae: Jloc.:od l)6'6s'$ocrn'
53. Which of the following oilseed crops is grown 5rge5$ $oaildr r
ae'rabi'crop only ? (1) 36J{,$6
(1) Groundnut
{D €ed}e:J
(2) Mustard (s) Sq)Ac,JrbdD
(3) Sun{lower (4) do$Sor
{4) Sesame

il. le$ {oe$ 156J,:.{oeJ qJ"666{od,0

fr4. In which regronin India was tea plantation 5 gboe5od dofrso deJe> i;oX:s$1
started in the first half of the lgs century ?
L#6oflocrdo r
(1) Brahmaputra valley (1) 1aXr2{1el eTc[>
Q) Darjeelingregion (2) cnQOoE 6}od!<>
(3) The Nilgiris (3) Sofl6ro:
(4) Cardamom hills (4) o5re>gle) 9o6er>
GS/zG/200 {19}

56. Match the following or industrial eeol6tjSdfld ernc On:u6

developed by APIIC Ltd. in Andhra Pradesh :
$o6 #01a"S:5 $S5o.{o $0ife-:;o&
List I List 1I av*eI rfrstt
(Loeatinn of tlw @OL6"erg g#5 ffi1tj{,5: d$al
Ind,ustrial ClusMr) 6,0s1
s. Gandrajupalle in a. .)e$fe t*ro6od$ t. X)ep JoEcS))
Chittoor region dolcu'zr$$ Siffex
II. aoaS0ofi
c. Makavarapalem at III. Aluminium
Visakhapatnam c. Sa'qpl)cJ:o J6 III. eoor5fu&c$o
d. Machilipatnam fV. Jewallery IrrSav0tr6o
d. Su.365er1o IV. ,5l1er:
Codes !
S$rqrxnep :
ab cd
ab cd
(1)IIImff il)IIIruff
(s) II I Iv t2) I
(s) rv NI II (3) $III
{4} III IV I
(4) ruI il

ali, In which place in India was the first avdelddoet' ED6ei Rr6ooe5 *oe5 1e04d
plant set up in 1904 ? 5 u$6{oef ff3ror5a6oo ?
(1) Mumbai (BombaY)
(i) 5r:oalol (alod)
{2} afir
(3) Kolkata (Calcutta)
(s) SdSry ($o$ry:
(4) Pune (Poona)
(4) ;ir.6 (sry)

6f. Which one of the

following So& crl*'o et' ba Xrdry-3acs;S"6'ar16ft
connected ll'ith the S'6 ffvfi rrSf,i }hQ,Sd
Jagdishpur fffVJ) gas piPeline ?
e$o$oqr$or5a$d#o r
(1) Uttar Pradesh (1) e'Sd L$6r
Q) t2) So#slsd8
(3) (S) ltao.e$
(4) Maharashtra {4) I
GSt?G/200 120I m
58. Bilaspur is the headquarters of which
3o6 $ gd3 d,S So 8erftS"6
following Railway zones ? $o"S
(1) South Eastern s-o"se)c[oo ?

Q) East Coastal
(1) erdlc$:
Q) OrO:; &6
South East Central

5S. ldatch the following on min*ral rescurces

Andhra Pradesh : eroL6LX)d6 p.$a SJ6e_:p Sofi ;ycSS
ListI List II X:0#e-:1o6:
{Ivlineral) {'place in erstwhile r*el d"fr€U
a. IUanganese I. Forest areas of
tq)frad firds& xy*f #e:ot
Visakhapatnarn and
a. "bo6,Sfo I. Sa.p$c.:lo JDOoSn
East Godavari *5:'63n"cr$0d eser$
b. Bauxite IL
b. ?ys,rrs rr. gffif;.o$fies*
Garividi in
c. Mica III. Jqmmalamadugu and c. &y rrr. 56$ 6boegoC&
Mydukuru in Kadapa a$goJodor,uI$Oo$r
d. Limestone fV. &CD51l,6)
Nellore Region d. Xu,$1fucrol rv. Ewdl1#oe5.o
Codes r XrSrpperl:
ab c d &bed
(1) I II IiI ry
(4)IIIryIII (4) III IV I n

60. Match the following tourist spots af eloLdl$d,fet't {:o5o5 g$6a"o} 8o6
Pradesh: . ;re3& dl0fl5er3o6:
List I List It s&sI
(&eaah) (Nearest Cityl Totw) ft6fu&,$/fdot
a. Sqr,-alanka I. Narasapuram {tdtao}
b. IVlanginapudi II. O:rgale a. *rrdgoo$ I. ,$6&&6o
c. Kothapatnam III. Ilachilipatnam b. S:on,i$'& II. a,ofl6e:l
d. Perupalem IY. Bapatla c. s$*o1o III. xoa6$*ro
d. *do*eo ff,
Codes I
a h c d ab a
(1) I ry (1) I II III
Q) II ry fiI
(3) rv III
(4) III IVIII $)mrvIII

, qoedl$ m,rpg3

0t. To eradicate child marriagss, s unlque

driven appmach like AtIV.{is adCI$ted by :

tl) Bajgarh district of Mailhyo Pradesh

tLt Wardha district of Maharashtra

{t) $drl*dtrs$ crf,{16 *Ef

(4) .Warangal district of Telangana

used by fcrt&csr,$ e*rdol $

excarnation or the disposal'of human.
$o,ie1d#or SogYSrrnB ;reS& {>Iva
$lr$s'e$ $)CICIb o"aodD$) "1s{.3
#trEoa6 aodo$oso alir{6o dcsldo
$$o 6$6r'no$ SOgtsd So"3er"Sr SIuS

(2) Apnrigraha (l) arb0$Ir

t3) Sallekhana ()qqv;u'
t41 Shenshai (4) ?rilcfi)
t}dl. 'Diku Anditmeans :

(1) in 'I{oya *nd

u) So5l *oOcUil d:$6 6risd S&J*cilro
Morriage by exc}auge cr3o'aOd s+Iro
Savara tribes
t.U ;rr1 edod es*Xrd€a rv3cr aCIfi
ru) Marriage by capturn in Nafe tribes t\:v*^

{.At l[*age by prohation in Kuki trik {prabation} cr3o'

8t,,, The ::oalir& pqrtel develnpeil ' hy

"S(ilrol&oCI)r5$ro 1986 t6SA gSIsC

{:$6oiv&} il#*{$o$on ee$}$) Sosoo
rvas amended in 2016), is: gcXlo ards t&d:e9*o 5 as$S$ ff{6 ,{D'
eBO$OQ dRro6:
(1) sl6z, rsiano
(2' fla,s tsnuaxl
(S} YUKM :

. t':
GSt2G{2AO 122'l .:
Consider the following statements : & $oe ijbse),6${$ Ir0rleSotis& I

I. W.P. Scott defrned divorce a$ L 6ryS.S,. ena6 &cr"$oerdr

terminating the
and allowing each partner the right
Io";er'es& Cd :

U" lbe first iegislation in 'respect, of

II. qrdegd{o$ S;yIy 6{:$i, &oalCI6or3,,
disrolution of, marriase ,in lrrdia
1s6ed *r$o$od5aj6,$ A$6d rlQo
and Divorce Acf. *$Sc$$ '#6J S;rXt'cD ,,J08ry
m. The irresponsible departure from Sry5ue: *So'" I

horne on the parb of husband,

the family to fend for itselfis called
'the poor rnan's divorce',

Which uf the above given stet&ments AJ-

CJOJ' (the
correct ? ,
(1) I and 1I only
{2} ,II and III only

oo. $eema are husband and

(4) 5,t*
GS/2Gt200 (23 1

67 As per the recommendations of the Sachar 67, X>crE SIDcJ ?of&fo frrdo e $oA l)
Committee, which among the following
'tufro SJovX,ceS ivodv oBCe> $v&Orr
Muslim groups needs additional attention,
es5,$I) ${ eo$X:do 60{6 ?
similar to that of Hindu OBCs ?

(1) (1) eef&

(2) Arzal
(3) Ashraf
(4) saS;boors $c$s6
(4) ShaikhandSyed
S,r.$05$6 6}6 Sla6o iooo5rl
88. In the lines of Prohibition of Employment dvo XaSrrurX> iSrdo 2018 1ps6o, 6
Manual Scavengers and tleir Behabilitation
t-3o6 ;ve3d 5 ddeS,s &$drfior)
Act 2013, which of the following Robots can be
qxdeSd{ SrdoSS6 il}Eodofi AIQS
used to end India's manual scavenging ?

(1) , S?r6od55$og l

(2) Vyommitra
(1) Eo*
(3) Bandicoot
(D "fsfule!
(4) ManavSudh
(3) ao6$re5
(4) $v$5{D6
69. In which of the following cases is it alleged $ qto6 tre5d 5 gSDeY qrde, Xo6o$d>
that the verdict of the Supreme Court
&Ot ;rdrsdt Sooo JDOo:D ?rdrS$
diluted the stringent provisions of
Scheduled Castee and &heduled. Tlibes
Er1 (eplev"oe.3o Ad65) dsQo, 1989d.S
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 ? 50.$&.5 Salo6.$o,So 5$r5.$ dfuod,C
(1) ILC. Vasanth Kumar & fuiother vs esdso$a>do6 r
Stats of Karnataka S.fu. 55o6 SDSI6 $OolD edd:$r vs

(D Srish Kumar Choudhury vs State of Qe5 er$ 5gto5

Tripura e) fn srro ff6o "s fre5 as$ u&b6
(3) Om Prahash Mahajan vs State of
(3) 2,o USsr[. SoX:6aS vs Acs es[>
Madhya Pradesh So6SUX>df,

Subhash Kashinath Mahqian vs State

(4) Soil{r s'?io'6 $rifa,S vs esi)
GS/2G/200 t24t B
70. The Shuddhi Movement to bring back the 7o. 3yo6y Jo6o ,ioo& e55o Joe$y a*o
people *ho transfo:med their religion to Islam S)0oUD tp&S Joe5od3 $rdr$o,$l
and Christianity from Hinduism was started
q$ao,$o &On iyoclr $6oet'$
&XoSo'fcsls $oQ 665$rs1 JS6)
(1) Brahmo Samqj (1) gclr; S$rao
12) Satyashodhak Samaj (2) X:efSa'6S $$yao
(3) RamakrishnaMission (s) o,SoS.1{ $Xr,S
$) Arya Samqj (4) erdg Slrrao

71. India's first high-tech sports training centre for 71. 25 co$a6, 2024,$ 6;rgofue:
Divyangian,The AtaI Bihari Vqjpayee tildo0or:5a6.$ q,J66d.rl)
Training Centre for Disability Sports' eerySfi)O$ t8re" ?Selr SoLdo,
inaugurated on 2od October, 2A23 ielocated at : eX,'6 rf*oq>r LESo6 ?ooer6
(1) A€AOeS stfl;'
JS;6 co;or5a&o6 :

Q| Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

(1) o"fS{e5, rbary6
(3) Ahmedabad, Gujarat
(2) rr5Oc$6,5od5$da
(4) Prayagrqi, Uttar Pradesh
(3) eexP i'uao"5
{4) 1$c[rfied, *Sdti5d.f
72. Under whose Chairmanship was a high-level
committee on socio-economic, health and 72.
ql'666{od$ fl0a,$ 55Io SSra$-erQ$,
educational status of tribat comnrunities of
erdti5o Xo0c[> $org Q&ilduop 6,$16
India set up by the Prime Minister's OIfice in flou SiJdS 2o1ad LSo.$Suog8
2013 ?
s-o"Se:c$o JSO el6S$.6$ , ,5e)Cu
d?oo6 z
(1) Dr. Joseph Bara
{1) ry$6 *>[>"
Q) Dr. Kamal Ii Misra
(3) t2) ry$6 5Jo6 S.tuta-
Dr, Hrusikesh Panda
(4) Prof. Virginius Xaxa
(3) e$6;r.$€5 ilocr
(4) YJYJ
Who stated that 'I measure the progress
of a
13. 'Ioiy{o #6or),$ 63t1& fots aS d,$t
community by the degree of progress which (l5ra L5a1&,C $er>fJo' ee& JJd)
women have achieved'?
bff1nr16 z
(1) 3r. Vina Mazumdar (1) cs$6 3;u" Ioaodr6
{.2) Pandita Ramabai (2) I>o6e9 6$:"aror>
(3) Mahatma Gandhi (3) Iu$'o3 no$
g) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (4) cr"$6 0.er6. eod6tr6
GS/2G/200 (2$l E
?4. Alter a landmark Judgement on Triple Lca$e5 6er5p 201?d X>ot5o;r$t5&,$
2017, which amorg the following &Orl *crS6, $u&o X:$vaoet' a*tD$6od
divorce practised ir Muslim ;) Qc$oo l)de ruoo') ae5$e"r
recently challenged in the Apex Court of India a$dd{odS eo6o5J16 ;rSc$:ff$od
(1) Talaq-e-Hasan
S;rer: Scfua6o6 e

(3) Talaq-e-Ahsan

Q) Lian
(3) eSer$-e-eo#35
(4) OcS),S

76. Which smong the followiug IT

d{cr5&orr 5x,$S eogSJo 6;rsrd $X,6
by the Ministry of Home Atrsirs
SD4X&J Seo IpOo'Xd S$rcr<r01
JIrfe3$Iaf6o eo6or5cs'tS 500o$r SAd
crimes, including Human Traltrcking
ot*o Su$5 $ill.S"Sdoo dctrccrn$ Sol*
the country on real time basis and enables
inro SSJI:oeo $oL8dS ilqP S
Interstate co-ordination ?
p6oSor5a6,$ lt $6,$o i6 r
(1) Investigation Tracking Systom
(r) aBS&de.$ LcY$o6 ?o*o {16 A$156
Sexual Offences 0TSSO)
er;)EJh 0TSSO)
(2) National Database of Sexual
(2) sh,$6 derdfi: es& a5o$5
es?o66t (ND$0)
(3) Crime Multi AgencY
(3) t3$ $oQ 5a,t: ?ooer6 {cd-IdAc)
(4) Special Police Unit for Women
(4) ft$rd c[:r$fs {)6 $ftS eeo6.}Lrr,$
Children (SPUWAC)

76. Who defined 'Communalism as the 'erduS$56ea$0 efxsurosf allr.:$r5,$

assertiveness of maintain Siyaoef <f,$ lllQo0,Sl S,$drflor5crS$ a"5
identity in a XloSpG ffir:53 rra$c[o 6O66.Sd>
modernization'? S$rry,$Oao'es0 J$6 Sd5rlotrdo ?
(1) Prof. Ram Ahuja (1) LCrIX)6 tr5t e$ur
Q, Bipin Chandra (2t fii:,S riSot-6
(3) Mqjumdar and Madan (3) $oarocr6 JDEoJr; JDd,$
(4) nobert lt{elson aad Howard \{olpe -"nJPifQ
G/200 t26t m
77. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 enacted by 77.
the Government of India camb into force from
?d6 154!6so dyso6or).$ 56$err
et)6 r5edo, 1961 JI>;eS,$o& esfio$reyg
(1) 20& May, 1961
(2\ lstJune,1961
{1) 3r zo, to6r
(3) 20th June, 1961
Q) d'5 1, 1961
(4) 18t July, 1961
(s) a-5 zo, 1961.

78. Consider the following statements : Q) ef,"p 1, 1961

I. In the 15th Lok Sabha the

elected women members in Lok
78. 6a1to6 lb5d;,$odo X>Otle5or5o6 :
had crossed LAo/o of its total strength for
the first time. I. 1bJ dS$dd ":C;g,s JoireP S4bse:
a'6o E::6e3&6rr al{o et'Sfqj
fi. The l?th Lok Sabha has a highdr
$4bJ$ ae:od lozo cyc3o6
percentage of representation of elected
women members than before and it is II' 1zJ eYS XrdeJ Jdoy$a&.$ *ulyr
the highest ever since the independence ,$4bsCI t#&s6so ti6od SotJ")50&$
of India. a"e!o 6o0 JDOo5D ay6eSdd"CS
ru, The women membcrs elected to the #S6oL6So 5.)3,$ elo"5e! a&
l,egislative Assembly of Andhra Pradesh epd5Q5orr 6o6.
in Gencral Elections 2019 was Ll.74Vo of IIL 201e &d51&5 JSlSoef erolglbd.f
its total strength.
d.X).$$6 AsSo urooet', JSIS.$
ry. The Women's Reservation Bill, 2A23 Jr:lrv" X){bt$ LL.1 4E(, 6;13(1>.
got the assent of the President on
ry. Joire" Oadgir5 Oep zoza ilQoaS
?8ft September,2023.
28,2023,$ o1{Xl& egEr6o So6o6.
Which among the above given statements are
corrcct ?
?,$ arll$ QSaooe5oet' an x)p$.$ ?

(1) I, II and III only

(t) I,II Jo0cso) ttl5:rU$A)
Q\ I, III and IV only
(2) I, III JoOcUD MlyLdSr
(3) I, II and IV only I,II JDOcID IV

(4) II, IlI and IY only (4) II, uI $rOoID rvSrLSSr

GS/2Gl200 t27 I E
79. Under the pressure of groups interested in ?e. e* t-*o&cnefA er*g &,$) X>SrrXfe:
linguistic regionalism, the President of the e,Qeet', ardeS crarjofi XraJ es6r$er:,
Constituent Assembly of India has appointed sol6, SEO$, s6$ IDOCID Jolfols
the Linguistic Provinces Comnrission to report o"L*o bo"Serl} 3365 a$5cSS 0on3fo5
0n creation of provinces of Andhra,
U#ftslX> 5}th5,sl Cc$rloourdr. 6a
Karnataka, Kerala and lvlaharashtra. In sa);r,s.$ 5 sose$tdod &c&Iuoo"do
which year was this Commission appointed
JDOoSD cv,t8 J$6l epdS$.e} Jiroad> l
and.who was it chaired by ?
. L948,.Iustice Fazal Ali
(1) 1948, a*ft {taeS esO
(2) 1949, Pattabhi SitaramayYa
(2) 194s, X)$rA i:oe$cS:S
(3) Vallabhbhai Patel
(3) 1950, $gP6 $gqfcfi) I)trd
(4) qrs

80. eo$po 6'6SSDo l"uoor) $ 1So& (>5e.:,$e;,$:

80. Consider the fullowing statements about the
Assam Movement:
I. esd ee*Jo X3r6oe53 c[lfnc$,S
I. The Assam Movement led by All Assam (AASU Se5.165od €et"Jo dd5Ioo
Students'Union (AASU) was started in
1e83 So$e636od t#doaJ&o 6.
the year 1983.

U. The objective of the Assary Movement is

II. eei"Jo 6'6S$o ffipSa e>S.Jo Se.:Xr

to identify the migrant people, protect

1X:ao,$r r1i9o,56o $Oc6r:
and provide constitutional, legislative ao[Pd6' $oX>crdlo$t o'r5ol1, ilS$
and administrative safeguards to the $D0c$r X>O#$d"16&.$ dS.eao,tu
Bangladeshi Migrants in Assam. eso60{560.
m. The Assam Movement was officially III. ardd lbS.SSo 6d5to dulo.f e"5
ended on 15th Auguat, 1989 after er$mlr,$S0 Srll$ e!<rge!, srSJCI
coming to an understanding with the ervQ rP L$R Q EoOr$ esQv05
Government of India which found ep$friv,$ e"Il3o6o Sodu6$0.$1
olficial expression in the Memorandum eScb;rd ee$Jo 66SJoo es6$0$orr
of Uuderstanding popularly known as 15 esil&, ts89,$ $rflfuo6.
the Assam Accord.

Which of the above given statements idare !,$ arx;d'6sse*od Sarb$ Sg,$S ?

corect 7 (1) I $oOcS$ Ir SI"USSI

(1) I and II only
(2t II SoOc$) uI &vLelts)
Q\ II and III oaly
(3) III SrLegdr
(3) III
{4) s"$
(4) None of
GS/2Gl200 {28}
81 Consider the following statements regarding 81. $Jo 863 {>5 AtrJ,$ 565o tbOor3 6r L3o6
the PM CARES for Children Scheme : Ub$er,$er$ Xr0tldot5o6:
I. the PM CARES for Children Scheme 1. $16-rg $*rIr2O s-6€a0rr
was launched by the Prime Minister of 6Q6o1doo,Io $ef;ol,$ bgc> $$o
Ind,ia on tls March , 2O2O for children ;5y6,: tl, 2o2o$ qJ'66 $ry.$Joo1&
who hqve lost their parents due to bJo 36"1. $6 t)ig,$ $6sSl
COVID-l9 pandemic.
II. the PM CARES for Children Scheme u. bJo 86.l ;)6 ,}tel5 Xld5o cp.Se
inter-alia provides support to children bgo ,blDLtl $o6gea JDOoID d,{a,$t
through convergent approach, gap &dod eobon Gro6orS66J s-Syocc,
funding for ensuring education, health,
S55, erdti5o, 14 X)o56geo $c$&u;
monthly stipend from the age of 14 years
and the child receives a lump sum
,tood Eory6 &So6A SDOoID

amount of ? 10 Inkhs sn attaining the 18 XroSdyro So6,$ A{SD' bS

au}oet' r ro e)ge)) eeo6Ddoo6
age of 18 years.

m. Tho children who have lost their legal

m. $16-rg JoirSrSO s.d€'orp dy0
guardian, adoptive parents or, single $e6)$6&,$ X>o6$5udo, 6gd
adoptive parent due to COVID-19 SXoS,sl 6Q6oUloel dcn a,oe$n'
pandemic are also entitled to benefits 5Sg &xuSSr 6Qdol6ro,$o
under t"he seheme. $d;ou$ Sge>l S,rc & Ild5o 3o6
Which of the above given statements are Lbdlail"o(u er$el.
incorrcct ? !,$ ar33$ L;)Ser,$e:d IS J6e?0, ?

(f) I andII only (1) r JDooJ$ rI5JPL63)

(2) I and III only (2) I SDOqlD III SIU$$
(3) II and III only (3) rr 5o0o5D rrr $t6d)
@) None of the above (4) Edi yS
82. 'ae>$),$ 569fi6 er$oaroryo aQS $r0ojD
82. Arcording to whom the existence of strcng
olodeao eed o$5o, $x,$OS rlsa,$So
personal attachments and the fact of death,
ex$god Sod $Oflod ;oOotu cs$IS$orp
which of ell human events is the most
upsettiag and disorganizing to man's *Sl 5s,$$ {to{Det,$e>r, airul IDd
calculations, are perhaps the main sources of
$*5ilQS tiry,$ S,$6tq), €e& JSd)
religious belief ?

(1) TalcottParsons
(1) drerp5 $63,S3
(2) Emile Durlheim
(2) Jl>6 c566$
(3) BronislawMalinowski
(3) ldaps
$) Simone de Beauvoir
(4) tuArS &

GS/2Gl200 (29) E
83. Which of the following S$r S6Sct sS$ &vdrat> S6OoS tdcvl
Amendments provided rights for making Jorergo$,$ t_55rer$f 58o$6o IDOoSJr
provisionsin favour of the SCs and $Ta for €o16o $o0oiD crl* LsqbdS ?o$o$u
relaxation of qualifying marks in any
L$are{ $Sc$od oad5$.$ $xro ;$3
examination (or) lowering the gtandards of
SoOoiD,fi*o$u es{D$}oorp Sao6,$o,$r
evaluatioo and for reservation in the matter of
promotions to the public sen'ices of the Centre
6r$o6o1513! g5o6 5 earsolJ $S6ea

and the Statc ? Ir$rpSo cao6X)ito6 ?

(1) 80e Constitutional Amendment

(1) 8oS o"erSot{ X:$dea

82nd Constitutional Amendment

(2) 825 ear5oll $$6ea

(S) 89& Constitutional Amendment

(3) 895 ertofi S56ea

(4) g$rd Constitutional Amendment (4) 9sS ryarJofi &Sdea

u. 6o5od aJoo5o 1b6z.pS6erll 1B6ya.$o

84, Identify the country with which the Union
d$rdger, X>oao6ot3.$ 6ofiod SXrsdo
Cabinet of India has approved si$xing
$Xlo epSn Ir,$ a,$3o6o $16o (Joe"obr)A
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
co-operation in disability gector that benefits $od$o dc$cr,XB ry66 3o16 $og65{o
the persons with disabilities (h/vDs) ?
esBr6or},$ drsl tb9or5o6 I
(1) South Africa

t2) Crermany
(2t a6as
(3) Japaa
(3) aJS
(4) Brazil
(4) 1666
86. & t$o6 sdd €6dds ,$oay&o IDooS$
86, A cousensual and infomal relationship
;rc$r6o ;bdl &rdASSIoS d5Qfo tFy6o
practised in accordance to matrilineal laws of
Kerala that prevailed among Namboothirie
$6$t6o elo6$ooda6,$ f$Qo$)

and Nairs is knowu as :

cafir$s"O$ 6oao6o 16 r
(1) Sambandham
(2) Pakulam Patlrirarrum
(3) Pranchiyettan
(s) t$o'3O0le*,$

(4) Udakapoornam
(4) 66SSdSo
GSI2G/200 (30) E
86. Recently the Delhi High Court has upheld the 86. ad;e: s-e>od AQ :r$S ll"odr s;rrr
constitutionel validity of a provision of the <5So 6>51 ryar"Jofi 6e}r?iPe$'tu
Hindu Marriage Act which'prohibiLs marriage
$IuQoSoO Sroclr S;rXr t5goefS
between people who are related to each other
Sao6J (>s"6o '6Q5oqdoo ES fiood
X:f6SSro cPJo" a,SO$SCu d:oao6o a,$)
through ancestors frcm their pareut's side
$SSo $6S"sO €rcrcre>) eodo$8cg 6$;
unless their customs allorv them to do so'. Ttre $;r$5,Q1 S*.rQilo6'. trodr l;rly
said provision was mentioned in which Section r5godalagsd&sao6,$
of the Hindu Marriage Act ? Lbf$oria6o6 r
(1) Section 4(a) (1) ftSS a(a)
Q)' Section 5(v)
(2) -,o$.$ 5(v)
(3) Section 12(1Xa)

&) Section l3(ii) (3) fts.s D(lXa)

(4) -dsi",$ 13(ii)
87. A Centrally sponsored scheme that aims to
achieve the objectives of child protection, 87. XD&l6 erO5OO e.;$je> (SDG e))) Sod $ge>
happy childhood and development under the d5ea, So&ASO&S eJreso XrooS)r

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is :

esfl$OQ e>g5e:,So &6or.56o e;Sjorr
=.:€.p$u,$1 Bold 6ildr8el 565o :
(1) Mission Laalana
(1) IDIrS er"o;J"
(2) Mission Bala Vihar
Q) SrIrS a.rer SX:66
(3) MissionBalsamrudhi (s) $IrS ?.rPOSkSrS
(4) Mission Vatsalya (4) il6Je)S

s8. Which of the following was the Scre$,$ s.eod #Od X:op,$dst. $$:$s
practised during the ancient period that 6o a50 t5,SdFo; 6ofu ese$$oei t;vlre5
allows married women to cohabit with a t&eu IDOc$J 36odo"So, $ocr.$o
socverd 5gg addsod scsra:oria6,$
designated male for the sole purpose of
procreating a child if her husband was
Odrl$6d 6XPd$$b dc[:c,A$
es,$So&od ecirrdo S6 t
impotent or had died ?
(1) eg$&oa)

Q) fuSe.: t;r;rg
(3) lbAA

(4) 36111
GS/}G/200 (31 l m
89. As per Article 164(1) of the Constitution gg. e,fdd o"r5ofiod$ e*Q55 164(1) 1$16o,
India, a minister in charge of tribal welfare
:rdrS$ s\rerelr SDOo5rl 3,$o$al6,$
who may
sd.$orr a.r6sd Slro$ flOa,$

compulsory for which of tbe following states ? *o$$o il$ Jool& 3o6 b o"L*SS

I. I{adhya Pradesh elb:$Xl0 z

II. Punjab I. XD6S L$df

m. Uttar Pradesh $oard

{ ru Jharkhand
a$d LI)d,f

v. Odisha
(1) I, II and lV only
I,Ir $$ooJD rv $}[$B)
t2) II, IlI and [V only
u, III S$Octu rvicrLddr
(3) I, ry.$OoID v
(4) II, III and Vonly
(4) II, III JoOoID v S]Ldd)

90. 'fhe comment'I)evotion cannot be eubjected to

gender discrimination'was made by the Apex '{9 Oot{ s$gSD lu0vs,r66'ses {ao.tre)
Court in its judgement in the Sabarimala Case €$d tuSo $dr ets Sooxf rarssor3
and permitted women of all age groups into as$) $c$)6rJe> tlo Joirdo,{o {a0Juu
the Sabarimala temple. Who among the
€rerc$odS es,$rIo&o0o6. er6o$dl
following middle aged women first entered the
Sabarimala temple after the Supreme Court elrrgd {zr0$oo er$c$JodE Er:6$r
judgement ? t$ts?o,),$ sr6s 5c$$:aE,$ i&exJ$ci; a

(1t Bindu Ammini and Jyothi Nair (1) Do6o ertu2$ Sooc$D #S&;Yc[:6

(2) Kanaka Durga and Aadhishree S'$5 e{ ID0o5$ eeQt,

(3) Bindu Ammini and Kannka Durga (3) Oodo esloJ$ $OoID S,$g

(4) I(anaka Durga anil Aishwarya Melton (4) S,$S 6D{ JD0o5$ ud365 tslgt,$

GS/2Gl200 {32} ffi
suoo5 Ji6r
91" Consider the following statements 9J egfuc6y $es"e;S g6au:Su $oa:o$o$
the th Asian Winter Games :
6a qSoO G5ser.$odo Xl0fiefor5o6:

I. The 9e Asian Winter Games 2A26 $a I s$ esfuo5r 0eyob ttae:> zats

set to be held at Beijing, China. pro"dn Saond sd5?rorlarduso:r.
II. The official slogan of the ge Asian II. 9J erfuoJr lErs"ob 18ao 2025 6DSa
Winter Games 2025 is'Dream of Winter, esOs"OS So"6q'L65, o$, $oC;6, oS
Love Among Asia'. as$Io6 erfuc$I' (Dream of Winter,

ru, The names of the two tiger mascots of Love Arnong Asia).
the 9e Asian Winter Grmes 2025 are m. 9$ esfuc$r *os"olg 64ur 2025 6l$3,.
Yi$gying and Nini, oodo pt16 5o$p5e> *oS or1offgofr
ff. On January llth, 2024 the 5$OoiD,CS.
of the ge Asian Winter Games 2025 ry. a,$So u.,20246 9J er?oc[r SeroJg
'Breakthrough' was officially announced.
18ao 2oz5 $il)CI'1dS6Sy'
Which of the given above statements are (Breakthrough) eeQs'O$orr
correct ?
0) I and II only
!.$ ar)J.$ lssel;oej ic
(2) II and III only (r) I Io0obt II i:"L63J
(3) I and fV only (2) rr $oosD rrr JotsSJ
(3) I JoOolD Iv SrLelSr
(4) Ir Sroob rv SlLdd)
8:, Which country was certified as zoz4ct' 65$o15 erditS so* (wlo)
by the World Health
68rd t6:556e0 $Ls$r 5 d{o &&o,)oa r

(1) Morocco
(1) 3uo'S
Q) Cabo Verde {2) s-f Ad
(3) United Arab Emirates
(3) <rbpt.>6 eode5 Jt>6e5r
(4) Mauritius (4) $IOXrfu
GS/2G/200 (33) E
93. Who among the following
personalities have been conferred with
Padma Shri Award 2024 fsr their 2024,$01$cr,$o dr6 z

contributions and achievements in the r, td€a 4,ro5v5

Arts ? lbero 56 c6
I. Drona Bhuyan
o'aro'SJ ES
il. Ghulam Nabi Dar
cvXr0 9odXlt
UI Rajaram Jain
v. $x8D
w. Dasari lkndappa
t2) I,
(3) II, Iv $)Oob V $tdB)
(s) u, V only (4) ?5st
(4) All of the above (rs6o, &a6 Eo*o$o
94. According to INTERPOL, which State
alOdootto ae>$o6o dc[orrSS ]o36.$
had registered one ofthe first cases in India
.$x,$5 eeLS$ 6;rer$t SoaoQorX
human trafficking committed to force victimg ry66ddorY Eorde3 3so 5 ct+ C,6S*Del)
to eommit cyber fraud ?
.$BldD dz'6 u

(1) Maharashtra
(1) Iolfol{
(2) Uttar Pradbsh e) 6e96 L$d,t

t4) (4)

05. Match the following List I with List II with 96. ee$,$ esuQ.l 20mS XloaroQo,S Eod
regard to Arjuna Awards 2023.: erAs I& erAer uS X:OtroJoA :
List I List Il a"frgI a,fistt
(Name ) (sports ($6) rtldet td"$?dal
a. RituNegi I.
a. 6oo dn L rf6;
b. Sheetal Devi II. b. &ogO dr u. sa6
c. Naorem Roshibina III. Squash c. trOSr dilO;r dS rrr. trZ,S&
Devi d. 6g crd6 IV. $a-erd)B
d. Diksha Dagar fV. Para-Archery
e. Iy6o66 #5 R:ofi v. 6fD
e. Harinder Pal Singh V. Wushu $o{u
b c de
a b a d Q

(1) ilI v I u
(1) IV v III
(2) II v ff I UI
(2) v ry TUI
$)II ry v m I (3) ry v IIII
GS/2Gi200 {34) E
96. Which smorg the following is the initiative by dloofi SoOc[D SIr5 fu6d]]
the Government of Karnataka in collaboration 66S5 UrryJSdSXlf ere5-ao6o5r fiS)
with the AII India Game Developers Forum 6$o116l ff6$ (ArcDr) X>Irydoef
(AIGDF) with special emphasis ou gamrng and
Sorler5 Lb4bolSo & 13o6 dleJd 5A
social nredia ?
ti}6o0orlo6 I
(1) Detox
tg) Digital One Stop
(2) 6deJ5 JS *%
tg) Digital Smart
(3) 6del5 ea0
. (4i Digital Bengaluru One
(4) 6dere5 606qr6r $,$
97. What is the theme of 'International Day 97 'eeo6g'&c6r lcr5 6,$6JSo 2024', 6fs51
Edueation 2024'?
ff$6So (theme) btue3
{1) Learning for people, planet, prosperity (1) 601o6 i5 $S6, *6e5, leffi.:roe3
and peace
eeoS sf,)
(2) To invest in people, prioritize education (2) e]} aEs* q,$ $46, G)olyoesf
(3) Learning for lasting peace Jdog€Xr5
(4) Education : A key driver for inclusion
and empowerment (4) rEs6
eoo6 Jo$5CI:oe5
98. Consider the following statements :

India's first National Highway 98. .6a 1Eo6 tlsSer;i5c)Xo I>O6dor5o6 :

steel slag road section is on NH-66 I. a:'66d{A aDdei Sx},$6 EIH &6
Mumbai-Goa National Highway.
il6 " d5 NH-66 $toe-fl';r ,ar"&c$l
II. Stee1 slag technology rvas developed dirrr0p C0gor5a6o6.
by the Indian Green Building Council II. bO *''6 Ecslods ao6c$S 165
(IGBC) and Central Road Research
8Qofi s&35 ucBc) JDocSD -^lo1!6
lnstitute (CRRI).
666 6-,o63 aS.LeyseS (cnRI)
III. JSW Steel, under the IGBC-CRRI esfl$0Q 6rqr.
technological guidance, has constructed
a 1 km long four lane steel slag road - III. IGBC-oRRr eoB&S Jr{663565od
sectioo on NH-66 Mumbai-Goa National Jsw fue5, NH-66 Slop-n";r er&c$
Highway. 611110! 1 S.&r. ;reDtb dS &6 ilfi
above given statements i#are
d{> $D &o3or)o6.
!,$ a')l$ 5al5s $p,$$ ?
$)I (1) I 6
(2) II SyLeld)
(3) r $Doo5D rr syLddr
$) II and III only (4) II So6ojD III5rPL63)
!r, '

63t2Gt200 ( m
S9. 'The Husavik Exploration Museum' seen aeSSO ;.8#
SS3X*,$:'6 irr#S5 JSt
the news recently, belonga to which counhry ? 'ff6$,$ $u5ac$o'S da"S$ 6o&r$S ?
(1) Poland
(1) dfsoS
{2) Bulgaria tD ar$oov
(3) Saint Lucia ftoroe5 elrboix

10o. MILAI{ 2024 fu0or} t8o6 $geJ,$CI,$o

100. Consider the following statements about
I\{[,AN 2024:
L MII"AI-I 2024 eeSA 6$ea ffY6{
I. MILAI.I fCI24 is the 12tr edition
Multilateral Naval Exereise being
$Sro5 erdsdSod 2024

63u5a rz$
February, 2024 and IEII*AN 2024 6u{a 1t6635

aimed tswards building upon $la$O rg ,$iod 25 $650

oxperience of multilateral Iooql}) $$DL6oey 50$ $ss?o
operating tngether at sea. aXrolgg {$o ep,$d;rodo
SoCoSS6o e>gJorr be}5oo6.
IIl. The Sea phase of 1l{II"Al.I 2024 is being
conducted from zz,d in 2?& February, IIt MILAN 2024 6u52, Xl$u16 6{
2A24 and provides a Platform for
partieipating navies to discuss
subjects of commou interest and
Which among the above given staternents

(1) I and II only (1) I IDOo5rl II $.rLdd)

(2) II and III onlY (2) II IDOCSD III SflSd)
(3) I, II and III II XDOOb III
U) None

101. Which country has offficially declared

$rooJl bcr5Sdea i:ioeloose$ b*
tvd8CIl6,r 'S:orlr: 86:c!' ,$J
'Snow Looperd' as its national
to er8of: $*r1om $ d{o es0r6$on"
and ecological batsbee ?
(1) Kazakhstan
(2) Mozambique
(3) sQdil,$
uull G t36) E
I02. ?he Global Biotuel Alliance (GBA) wag roa. fl6a6 a6y S'Sc[>d €eoc$$J, (GBA)
launched on gth September, 2023 during s ?j-6oa>6, 2023$ G20 $s)36 $o663orr
the G20 Summit. Which among the following
L*6o0o$ar6o6.13o6 Gzo d)66 da"od
non-G20 countries are supporting the Global
5S ['erd a6y SScbd
Biofuel Alliance (GBA) ?
XDdulo a;$;r")o) ?



V. Chile
VI. Finland
(1) I, II, UI, IV and V I, il, III, fV JD0obJ V
Q) II, ilI,IV, V and W

(3) I, III, ry, V and VI

(3) I, III, fV, V SDOcfu VI

( I, II, III, IV and VI

103. The Government of Gujarat is set to launch

r0s. fDao"*5 tbabosSo JJo X>Xry6oe!'d{oeytr
the eount4/s first Submarine tourism in ADSSDdei X)a5&pS 0,r:"OaoJo
collaboration with: Lldo0od5Jr:o6:
(1) Huntington Ingalls Industries
(1) Iroe3o{S BorrdJ aodl&$
(il (2) d8 :)5 DQon JDCIo$ Erps
Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine
Engineering Co. Ltd
aoa$oon $. Orooa
(3) crS &'o0g6J 03r?16
(3) Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited "Xoa"m5
(4) a,$65 p,$$53 s"6J655
General Dpramics Corporation
104. adt$g 6o6.$ 5o?>$ ?r$16 Ay&,$
104. A German-based company, Pepper Motion
9.5 tnvl a:$rJer> IDOcfu 1€.>5r:tro erc[y6
set to inyest t 4,640 crores in its EY Bus and
ob:,$6S {:oao6or) 5 poetu$ soo
JSo"S r 4,640 $qr aepald ?lopJoo6:
(1) Badvel,YSRKadapa
(r) ad55, QJ$e$ SdXr
{2) Sorn4ndepalle Mandal, Ananfspsl'
Q) RffoodllQ 5oo6oo,
(3) Atchutapuram,Visakhapatnam (3) eoCuge$6o,
G5t?G/2CI0 { 311
105. In which state was the law guaranteeing L&$S 6ot'iod sr$ ffS$ Srtu6:et$\: ?sr
reservation for their
oansns *sfusdt l:Sefer 5 erlSad
A$S ' crrsorl Sdo{IDe $OXoeu
private sector struck dorrn by the High
stating the law ie unconstitutisnal ?
Sf$ts?ooe I
(1) Karnataka
(1) sQIeJS

(a) Jharkhanil
(s) a'{o&
i4) {roLdt*ffS

106. Consider the following statements :

L The Global


uxder the Ministry of Jal Sbakti

launched at COP28 in New Pelhi.

II. Itre Olobal River Cities Alliance (GRCA]

i* a unique 0$6 ?odsf,) cae>c[>SJ (GRCA)

river cities in 11 countries,

Qlobal river
is the firet of its
Which of the above given statements
correct ?

(1) I and II only (1)

tU I only ts)

{s) I and III only (s) I SDOoI$ uI $eUSd)

(4) II and III only


G$/zG/200 (38)

10?. lffhich among the following is & t$o6 tre3d 5A efgS* . a6

paired ? dc$ar6oA i
(1) Jagananna Chedodu : It provides
(1) afi,$,$} dddo : a6 da$ So0dlr
financial assistance of f 10,000
xro:r6rrlrj€alo$o Bl&E$ dS,Se6
&nrum to Aajakas and Nayee
SX:o .{>o$e!po"S$ r to,coo eeqs
X:Ifc$oo eso6dXpo6.
for better livelihood.
(2) ar1,$.$1 *gtdD : es{>p,$ *d, SJf
Q) Jagananna Thodu : It. facilitates JoOcfu flJ: "r5#6ro5u erQs
working capital Ioan up to Y 10,000
#5e1o1e!5o 503ocro$ a${5oe$ a6
the eligible poor, small and T 10,000 5650 ae.I,a:& Xllfc$o Sod
vendors with an intention
Cbsc"ex,$o epo0{:jto&.
Iinancially independent.
(3) all,$,$l dS 1so& X>65o : BC, SC
t$) SoOc[$ ST $po$ Eo6.$ Iotr$odu
aims to empower and provide #Sy66 IoOoID #SdS &der*ef
stability to wom€r belonging t0 BC, eso6o$5o 6C o5So. & 565o 3o6
and ST categories. ?he oSo"doo5o ffg0or *DOcfB *:6er:
receive sheep and goat uaits
eg6 s"fdcbo $6So 6;rrn
(4) doilod 6d5r1 es$sa"CI,$o
YSR Navodayam Scheme : It +ims
provide self-emplolment
{:;Soi56o crj(r
to the youth of Andhra Pradesh
creating job opportunities in
transport sector. ,fi
ao$-a1r6:e5 eogfiSe":;E 1*B$ 15o6
hoe.:6 es* J53R:O,5; {)5 B*t:zue5l
108. The Centre of Exeellence for Vegetables eso6 !p-"rfu' .$J J546 l)o"3$ dc[re-r.t
$pices under ,,the Iadorlsrael
Project was proposed to be set.up in :

(1] (1) eo,$;Joc[l5 dqp

(2) Alluri Sitharamaraju District {2)

Palnadu District
(3) EqI
(4) Guntur District (4) rbo$y6 aql
GSl2G1200 (39' m
109. Consider the following statemeuts :
1@. 6o 6o6 t$(el$o,{o X>Ofi6or5o6 :

T. Vijayawada Railwny Station was

I. Sac$;r6 pds *.*nSE oaOan aS
awarded ttre 'Green fiailway
;,$Q eeo6 JSSr,$Eooe^:6 6A'$
cerbification with the highest rating of
(I"EED), USA o5o" @6S05 ffd.$o
Platinum by Leadership in Energr and
6e3ofid 'thS pds ?*xr5' sQt3ss
Envircnmental Deeign (LEBD), USA.
fl. Vijqyawada fiailvar Stati-on ts
in the South-Central Railway (SCR) u. 6gec-Iu6s pd5 (scu d,Sey *r3,$<>
Zoneto have bagged the Platinum ring. 006d0 flelr5osrr,$1Bo)6e3 p6s tn,$
Which anrong the above given statements
idare correct ? b,$ arSl$ (rs$,$od 56/5$ $p,$s ?

(f ) I only (1) I Svleld)

Q) II only (2) II SILSd)
(3) I and II (3) I So0o5.l) II
(it) None ot the aDove (4)

110. Which smonS the following countries got

rro. a,$$0 t, zu4,$oo& t-ESr f$d (BRIcs
membership iuts B&ICS bloc with effect from
bloc) * qSoO da'od 5S X:dSryS&f
ltt January,2A24?
Soryoo ?
I. Egypt
r. &sfr
U. Argentina u. esQoe*r
ffi. Indonesia UI, so6s:)(}I.I
ff, Ethiopia e66rboIP.
v. Saudi Arabia

(1) I, II and III (1) I, II SOOOSr: III

(2) II, III and V (D II, III JoOoJ$ V

(3) I, III and V (s) I, ilI Jo0o$l V

(4) I, fV and V G\ I, MoOcUD v
GSt2Gi200 t40l E
111. Identify the ineonecf statement regarding rrr. '$Jo $dS56: 6ya,$'S6ySS X:oao6or3
'PM Vishwakarma Yojana'Scheme : SdnO 1itSeJ,$,$D luQot5o & :

L The Government of India launched the r. o.,$-tsrsEf de.* son IscJJ

'PM Vishwakarma Yojana' Scheme to
provide end-to-end support to fishermen
"$6lSvdloso tr'Q il<rr X>Xrv6o
eeo6o.5GSS av6el tj54b6So 'SJo
with non-mechanized boats. f{5563 6J'a,$' X>6ySf
il. 'PM Vishwakarma Yojana' Scheme 6}6oflorlo6.
provides collateral free enterprise rI. 'SJo S{5562 61va,$' 1165o
development loan up to T 6 lakhs in t'w,o oflcrtbo5u oodo nA6S r o
tranches. 5650 eSe"D 6$ooo' Joe,r6ftf
(1) I only tr$oI>&oe5 dre6Pe)),lD eoo6So6.
Q) II only (1) I Sr.Ldd)
(3) Both I and II (21 rI IirleSd:
(4) None of the above (3) I Sr0oiD II Oodv
L12. Consider the following statements : Q) ?35 s"S
I. Dr. Tallavajhala Patanjali
was conferred with Sahitya 6a $od 1X:5c.:,Ser,$r *Ofiseot5od:
Award 2023 in Telugu Language for his
I. F. e5g'Jdpo 56oa0 a"L&e 6,$
poetry and poetry collections.
5S65o JoOc$) S$ry $oSe$
II. D.Ii Chaduvula Babu uras conferred SEydod €otu qy5eY #3ye5S
with the Sahitya Akademi Bal Sahiffa ess"65r el;rq) 20zseg6 X:66ootr6o.
Puraskar 2023 in Telugu Language for
his short stories l/ajrala Vaana'.
II. 6.8. .560"bcr axars el,$ o*r Sdsr
'SLa'o ;s",$' 3 6o:Iu qJ[eY #?.ye1s
III. Johny Takkedasila was conferred with ees.d5; #3re5j S6ila6o 2023
the Sahitya Akademi Yuva Puraskar ult X>e51oocr6.
2023 in Telugu Language for his book
ilI. ar"S 683,6?oC e5,5 'd56 $t3bu',
'Devara Kotishu'.
SSyCS Eq:Iu 4rlret' t'frel5 ces"6*)
l{hich of the above given cdl$ ;J6*6do zO:166 Xie12,0otr6.
incorrect ?
E,s a,)rJ 6SSe.:Sod IS ,SdyO z
(1) I and II only (1) r JDOoS}) rr SrLddr
Q) II and III only
Q} II $DOc$) III n}LO;1)

G) All of the above (4) EJSr

GS/2Gl200 {41 ) E
113. Identify the incorreet statements & 13o6 ;rc3d A$s 1;55er,$e>d,r
following: luQodod:
I. Y"1 $ingh is the second Indian to
gold medal at the Asian hbd aondD bel5o J6ot)$ Oo65
U. Hardik Singh was named as Men's FIH
Player of the Yeai at the International
tL aotl6lirr$e, X,.g -o66$,$ $)af.rLs
Hockey Federation llockey Star Awards
L.g il6 cg;rQJ 2om$ $QS bo6
*dc$l6 er[) 6
2023. St5lXuo Serfio€f
ec$6n Jo35oIr5do.
m. Indian women's hockey captain
Chanu won the FIH m. ry66 JolreP X,.E 3AS $0o cr.$,:
the Year Award' at the aoc.l6lXr,$6 X,.S !166;15 (J$o=.yt5)
Hockey Federation Hockey Star Awards xrS il6 eedrQJ zoxd'6Q ff6 S56
2023. ee$ 6 ac$6'e$r*dD freD&)g!o6.
W. Shubman Gill has been selected rv. e9odtrac$ sS:o (rcc)
'Emerging Player of the Yeat'
eerq)e)) 2029ef {)6rDS fl6'J5rQofi
International Cricket Council
'*cS6 Qe$ 6 ac[r6'n'Job5otrr5do.
Awards 2023.

(1) I anil III only

(1) I $D0ob III $yL6$

(2) II and trI only (2) II sDooSD IrI srL6d)

(3) III and fV only (3) III TDOOJD IV 6

I and fV only (4) I IDOo$r Iv58L6d)

rrn. ar66ddodC aDQaDde3 eo&=.:$ LAdcS

114. In which part of Andhra Pradesh is India's
first largest private gold mine located ?
aon d) l{S eeoLdLbdfefs $ 6}o6od

606 ?
Iftishnagiri Mandal of Knrnool District
(r) S6,rlerr *qI Se)*nO loo6erc
(2) Aspari Mandal of Kurnool District
(2) Strlel SgT er$;Oluo5oo
(3) d9r
(4) Rudravaram Mandal of Kurnool District (4) $tlryer> dql6rL6J6o Joodoo
GS/2G1200 l42l E
Consider the following statements about the 6'0&, Ccro5l656ea 5r0o5u es05o6 $X)o
Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarnoament S.:fr 6b,$ JOS adl ao6o' rPo6
and Development for 2023: aXruJoA 20za rb0or3 13o6 $Se.lSo,$:
I. Daniei Barenboim was arnounced $0lldor5o6:
wirrner of the Indira Gandhi
for his efforts to solve economic crisis elQS $o$a.v$l 50Ir&Oo,5ur&S JDOoID
his contribution in the development EooS es0so0d eec6r$ dtu,$ $ohS
Sri Lenka. rr,$o so6rr n"o6 a:irrc$8 zozs Sddn'
U. Ali Abu Awwad wasi arrnounced as winner 155e3otrtb
of the Indira Gandhi Prjrze 2023 for his II.
efforts towards a non:yiolent resolution of
the Israel-Palesti "e conflict.
$O*a6o dtu,$
@?}) C9;JP ao60"
m. the International Jury of the Indira 2023 1IlSdoert!.
Qanilhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament
and Development for 2023 was chaired by III. ryo8, So.o1u656ea So0o5r eflSOQ
Justrcq of India, $So S6h dfu,$ ;r0S edl ao6c no$
aX)iDJo& eoea eaoelg&cs> a"56S qrqeS
Which aryong the above given statements are 5rd t-So.S EPSc$$qE eg5.Jo. efql
irlr,onzct? esdSS.6 $iro.56o aOfl o6.
(1) I aud II only 1.$ Eal$ 155eJ.$od 53 dg; r
II and III (1) I $Oc$lr II5rL6$
(2) II ID0obr III SrLerS)

llt Which arnong the following rare natural
phenomenon is going to happen in 2024, aftat lt6. 221 X>oSelJo"o 6o'.Se1 20245
221years, in the United States of America ? $o$e5:dod * g8o6 ;re3d 5 epCu[,$
(1) FireTornadoes Xrlra d;figllc$o adtlat'do6l
@) Glow \lrorm Caves (1)
New York's Ice Q) 0t;16l BSJ (Glow Worm Caves)
(3) ,$8 JooCo
117. Which among the following are fuwonzctly
paired with regard to Swaehh Surnekshau t1 s
Awards 2OZg? 1Eo6 5sad ?

I. Best SafaiMitra Suraksha Sheher : I. aSJD X>ilou$Ld dD6g5 $fJoo :

Praya.gqi 1$olr6o"d
IL Cleaneg! Ganga Town rank 2 : Varanasi il. isQ 6orr $Qeao o"SoS 2: rydryi>
III. Cleanest Cantonmeqt Board : Mhow III.;)0{>g$4,$ SodFioe5 fq) : ErS
Cantonment Board 5odh3oe5 d'{>
ry All India Cleanest City ra''k 3 : Navi IV. erd aodaly $nt RleS eJoS a : .$5

(2) II III SrLeS

(3) m IV only (3) III SoOoJD rv SyLeld)
$) I and IVonly Q) I JoOoiD rvSILdd)
., ,.,1 ht

GS/2G1200 (43)
118. Consider the following statements with regard 118. * g3o6 ;vc3d aodo1x foa5"1 OefQ
to India Skills Report 2A24: 2024 5o &oao6or},$ 1$5c),$or{u
I. I\{aharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala $Otl$or5o6:
are the top three states with the highest
availability of talent with computer
5of5$6 ?oadref Sy6.$
skills. LI>&ar$odoe: es e5S6 5o rP eeodDzJ"h)d
6,$) B))6C3 $IdD o.t*d Xolr.o"i{,
u. Karnataka is the most, prefermd stata 6g6LSdf, JDOc$r 36S 6;o"1ot.
to worh for both male and
employable talent.
Joti SDOo5)) [A e]6 6rt15e,$
m. Telangana has the highestconcentration
63qr5odoo $C dc[less es65od
of employable talent in the age group of
a*$d cn*o SEoS.
18 to 91 years. Irr. Be>onod 18 ,$orX zL l)f $6,
rv. Andhra Pradesh is one among the states
$c$$p e$) el0 6rtiS&$
with the largest concentration of Lb8ar$ oeloo es65 65o rr 6o'y6r.
employable resources. ru. esdS65 atPo 6yl1SD,$
Which of the above given statements are t5&e'S,$6o,$o SOn 6$) o'L*'S
correct ? egoL6L$df a,Ses.

(1) I, II and Wonly A,$ *A&.$l LXr$el$e>d la X)p,$s ?

(1) t,II JDOoID rv 51163)

(2) II, III and [Vonly
{2) II, III JD0oJD lv$,]16ts)
(3) III aud IV
(4) All of the above (4)

110. Pick out the odd pairs with regard to newly

elected Presidents ofthat respective country :
119. & $o6 ;reJd $$rr J,{01$a6,$ e9 d;f
epds$6S $oao6oi3 {>OyS a6e),$o
l. Fernando P6rez Molina: Guatemala
I. ?crlod :)of trro;v : rr5?.r$re>
III. Felix Tshisekedi : Democratic Bepublic rt cr0d Sqf J6-iotu:618[
oftho Congo
m. i>051 l:Fo36 : EErgscSS obQS er[r
ry. Sierra [.eone : Liberia
(1) I and II ouly w. $d>po" OGrS: pSOOr
$) II aud III only (1) I So0ob II SILc5S)
(3) I and III only (2) II IDOoJD III Sr'L6d)
@) Iand I SOOo5D III
I JDOc$)
120, Which is the first South Asian Nation to
120. $50ofi S;rit'Sr .5Bv6o dfo,$
formally register Bame Bex marriage ?
Erldd 6&serfuo$, d{o ira z
(1) India (1)
Q) Nepal
(3) Maldives (3)
(4) Bhutan (4) {xer$
GS/2Gl200 144 t m
Mental Ability
3rodo6 JAod
Study following arrangement carefully I
6 $oO io.;erdu rttl{n' to6Scfr,$o

of questioa
sequenoe based on
the above arrangement ? ! eoS:OS eeqr6orr 13o6l$Joodn lSry"f{5
9$P 60$ A#A ?
ruS trl f,$od 5sr *ocro t
DE* 9$P 60S A#A ?

(1) A9A
(2) AAL
{2) AAL
(3) ASe
(3) A,S9

(4} ALA
T4} AI,A

121, R{esh codes the alphabets as numbers such

odfl ${;rodn es$coJo 3=f, [=!, 6=g
T en what is the
as a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on. EDdp,$ $oqr5elrr t'E dil6,r, eeAJdD
value that Rqiesh gets by adding all the
lettere (according to the code given tn that
letter) in the word

'pn eumonopltramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis'
'i ? aA;S $6 lfsOo)
(es eeS<r,CS ryJcp o.d[\
So6,$ SelJ Jo6?

Q\ 536

(3) 548 (3) 548

(4) 560 $) 560

GS/2Gl200 {45) E
Directions for question noe. 128 to 126 $op, rar {$o6 i26 $650 Xtrr$,$el
Study tlu giuen information and dnswer tlu ail.5,.$ fitralefiS sdsolsio EX) "f,lo:;t" e
following questions : e.:3[: JJrO"Jo a;Sod:
YSB Kadapa team has to play cricket matches with S6SirXl,$f 'egdocro
56X: aQ;t la"ql$€.1)o
Visakhapatnam team as. a part of 'Aadudam
tEBeS SrSrSeD eecFOJ a.06. t5& aQet'S
Andhra'organized by the Government of Andhra
X)osS e5$lSX>Orr b Srlerdr 6oc"O.
Pradesh. The number of players in each must
be 5 only. Both the teams have to choose 5 players aep 5 ioo6 ererrr{do Jo.b$;rO. 6e gsod
from the eight players given below. The information $*SeY JSIDA $o6 eecrn"$, ae}d rO JLd
in the team and
about the eight players, their role e"$ $r5r5 eg6.$oCodu 8QotrCI;.$ 6al3
the money to be paid for playing one match is as d:$vcr6o *o6
follows: a,{ ir16
Player Role Money tobe
@bn"d) *td ed,$ods31s
paidper Match flQo,t0s,$
A Batsman r 5,000 dass;t

B Batsman < 5,500

A a:r"te5:r&rS r 5,000
B zr.ce5:f)"5 ? 5,500
c Batsman/Part time < 6,500
Wicketkeeper C arse5r5y5r&€ T 6,500
D Specialist Wicketkeeper t 5,500 B"$ SB05s$5
D tu:x}OE) 33e5956 ? 5,500
E Bowler (Spin) T 5,000 E aJ-o6 tfu:51 T 5,000
F Bowler (Fast) r 6,000 F aro6 til&l ? 6,000
G Bowler (Spin) t 5,500 G afo6 tfu:$l t 5,500
H Bowler (Fast) ? 5,500 H ere>6 (il&) r 5,500

t. B Jo6oJD c e:$D gOb Jo$$ dc$rdo
1. B and C cannot be eelected togethdr. il6So srdl:.
2. lVicketkeeper is a must in the team. 2. ' aelet 6l:3s$orr 6ocp0.
eBeS 356
J. E IDo(}lD G o,$o 503 JoSS 6c$60
3. E and G cannot be selected together. il{5o sr6o.
4. Among E, tr', G and H, only two persons are to be 4. E, F, G IDOoJD He>d e66r $S$or
selected. 5.rt-6$ Jo$S dc$ar6sdo.
5. A Jo?J( dc$zl6d, H S dbr$Xtorr Jo35
6- There must be at least two batsmen and
6. a:eleY $S$o a6dl ar5e535r,$ SDOo$)
bowlers in the team. a66r aroQ 6ocrO.
7. C is considered as both a batsman and a 7. c S a,r5e535r5 5oOo5D lSe53S6n'
wicketkeeper. $011doerO.
G$/2Gl200 {46}
1l3. YSR IGdapa team decides to compose the 123. pJ-oer6 S6$ aQl a"S *b e5"e>6 5oOoID
team with one fast bowler and one spinner a"5 i>f,S:6et' dc';l,$ 5o"3dr: dolyo,C
and has a budget of .only ? 26,500 to form S{ouodo$ro6 5o0ctu adp,$} i}crle,u
tenm. Then who among the following is zot a dcS:cSS 35oo r 26,500 a6c5 frte5$
member of that team satisfring all the 6o6. eeSfb ee$) $6e1uel,S:

conditiqns ?
$oe5O*i>6$,$ 616o & g3o6 dr6d Jsd)
er a;o5oet' X>abSdo sd5tz
(1) A
(1) A
(2) E
Q) E
(3) H
(4) G
(4) G
194. If it is known that the stadium is favourable to
fu35 a3'Oo650 tec$o ep,ib$ro"Io,S ECIi)
spin bowling and YSR Kadapa team decided to
pJ$er6 s65 e$S c
Jooqiro S c
select C and G compulsorily in the 1gem, then 6$35oocn JobS dOro,C S{o>o,3o6,
what is tbe total amount spent by the team ou €ebJdD es$t S6duo,$ S9oSdfu Jo$S
setected players satisfying all the conditions ? dfu.$ erecn {5u ae^} qp6l dfu,S Audo
(1) Y 27,000 Jod ?

(2) ? 27,500
(1) T 27,000
t3) r 28,000 Ql ? 27,500

(4) t 28,500
(3) T 28,000

$) r 28,500
L25. If it is kaown that the stadium is favourable to
fast bowling and YSR Kadapa team decided to
126. tdato ilQ afoofi(u csdDsloorr &o6&
compose the team with two fast bowlers, then BO?o pJ$es6 56$ aetp a6d> il6
what would be the least amount that can be afe>{ct aqp,{D 5e;C.u do5ro$
spent to form a team satisSing all the S{ouoSo5, epSldo ee$) Irdcloe>,So
conditions ? roo.lilx>oa ac^udD 5e3e.l dc$ry,Ot
(1) T 26,600
qP6J Sc[rde) 6$a$ an{o
r 26,600
{2) ? 2?,000
(3) r 2?,500 (3) ? 27,500
(4) ? 28,000 (4) r 28,000
qJ ,il


€. L$oe;0r.5,$$dD $65o& :

A$Dmeans'Ais to
- A$O em{,r'A epSB DS *egcrs *,06'

A&fl means'A is to the East of D' . dcr eeo{l'A ee$a D s 6,rth3,$ &o6'

A*D rneans'D is to the West of A' *o&'

atD seotr'D eg'd6 a S Xl?$rr,$

A%D means'D is to the South of.{' AToD eeotJ D esd6 A 3 6ser,$ 606'

A@DR means'A stands exactly in the

of tho horizontal line of DR'
X:$rodd dp JD6sd &oelro6'

AID& means !A stands oxactly in the middle

amn epot; A qrfl-.r&on'DR 6l$a &s:S
6a: Jodsd 6oeDo6'

'A6m$D'eeotr'n esds n$ *'Sdon" 6 SrcJq)

It should be
6vdo d aoa'eos eo{o dxls;rO.
meters to
,& t8o6 ls9Soea$ s sDoc[D t Ju6s ep&
Find the shortest distance
&$ot $ 6ro"S1 S,{0ff,$o& :

'B 19m$S5m*RBm&J6m %KIJT



(4) 3J13 m

.6$)€0,.&ta$o 29, 2016$ a$;ocrdo, er&


1"27. Ramana was born on 29th February, $So;rdo, eeeisr 209s 5650 d$otS 603r, a


whieh happened to be * Monday. If he

till 2099, hg,vv many birthdays would
celebrate on a Monday ?

(2) 7
l (3) 4

t4) 3 ({l 3
G$l2Gl200 {!18 }

1fi8. fire speeds of Rohit and Lalith are S0 S:r-s $o<r1$ oO6
qnd 40 kmlh. Initially, Lalith is atplaee X 5D0o5D 40 Sh:fdo
Bohit is at place Y. The distance il$od $ooxll dird v ff$od,&61'$r x
anil Y is 650 kms, Hohit started his $Doonq Y JD6J 6rdo 650 S.Si. &S8,trSd)
L,alith to meet him. $o$r.i$ $CI6 $otr e fioere: .5r:o6,:n d ,

they both meet each oth*r *t a place d:re5 5,$ gloSrersy L$6o*ocr6o. i
somewhere between X and Y and the
XuOEIr: Y $6, 6,$1 z *e]od,;n0,6,6r'
e"SO,SSdo Sofu$otr Y $0o$r z S)dS
Clr6o P eeo:)6, eebfdo P+2 Ssr$ Joe$ ?
(1) 930
(?) t25

1gg. If in a certain code language 'CONSERYE'

written as'BDNPM0RTPtr'QSUWDF,
how will WUMEROUS' be written in
erd $6
gnc$radbdoo6 ?
eode ?
s a{& t13r6oor.
friends. R
s qvddddod
I in India. One day R asked S that 'if the
now in USA is T hours, then what is the
$p1rr in Indial and S replied that 'India is

hours 30 minutes ahead of USA'. then of,::o6oo6' ep$
I time wiU it be 18 hours from now ecr16o. USAef 66obo 4:16 epoDd, a$Jes
th6 USA itie 4:16 AM ? Juod 18 l5o€to e!6;rd ar66d{od
(1) 1:45 in the afternoon
$Iocbo Jod ?
(1) Socls*rlo r:as
7:45 rn the evening
tD &oSro15o z:+r
(3) 1:45 the next morning (s) $)s)6f3 460$o t:*a
G$l2G/A00 {49}

a.$50 Eod trd,$S qr6& XIAS dryAd

Chaitanya Bharathi Public Schoql
' lry$Qup Ws trSb"c"65 td& ,S
Ws Swaminathan Farm, where theyl
$o60;otrdo, e0516 ;ytb Sooderrp Jo0c$l
rabbik and pigeons. One ,S$ro,S: *r#do. a"5 $o-SQ er$du,$1
counting. If the heads are counted, there
340 hbads and if legs:are counted tbere $:odeful JDOcID ]go"o 6oel, ysrt
€36o$6o L*6o0otydr: e5o$) OSat eao
&ex:r, sl{: O$tr3l66 roeo y* *;r:cbn
Iugourdo. eed{D a Sgeel (ep$a6 e,$l
:, fri$b *Scl"ft dSeffolrrb& Srrcr"
(1) 177 {llu,toardo. essf& es ild$efJS1 X>d$

t2) 167
S$crex 6mlgl;;
(1) 177

e5x JDOobr ese$C SoSycJcdD ati&her,

f$&O $cstdu;o &16c> 60 So$6JCI"e:;.
(1) 12 years

t2) 14 years
12 X)oSSJU'o)

(3) 16 years
QJ 14 SoSSSCrot
(3) 16 So563erex

133. If
eroxdx+Y+ z0or$ JoeS ?

(1) t:2 (r) tz

(2) 18 (s) 13

(3) L4 {s} 14

(4) 15

l34 and 186 Xlopd r$4 ,;b6oIi)

.. infonna$ian and.
{al.lauiry qwations :
LSod ar,3$ #Jru"o",C; sdsabi#* SS
0n the occesion of unveiling of Statue $"5ve,$o *,55o&
Jusliee, the &overnment of Andhra Pradesh had a&*,$J
: ,, Vijayawada, Baghu went to the.exhibition to
I stalle, Stalt-l, Stall-z, Stsll-3, Stall-{,
Stall-6, Stall-7, Stall-8, but not aecessrrily in ax-du-
same order. He started fmm Statl-l and
towards Stall-S which is
i o15 6C*. LfrdofiorS
East. }Ie then turned lelt and q,alked
walked 57 m
as fuer{
*s$a& ,tuo$
towards the ")6*]A&S.0
*6-15 S&$r:enf6o. erS2,6 ,$o& s$S.{o
which'goes through the
ff5-r Sr006il fr6-en
Stall-l and $vq"$t cvd, ffd-rS 5&eoorr
: Stall-2, he walk€d 40 m in the East direction
ild)e 6xd
reached $tall-?. He then v"alked 50 m lell to dln60po$,$ e9o"Je$
Stnll-8 anil then 1S m right to reaeh Stallt and
re*ch t&s tast stelt, he walked 35 m torrardb JdJDE;; 501D.$613,
fr6-*e Sdu$sry,ts s$64&
I"S4. What is the shortest distsnce between
aS0 ffSg dau$S6$'n*
: and Stall-6 ?

i (1) 66? m ffd-a JDoo5lr ile5-o $6s es& c!$07,s

:] 6vdo Jod z
{ (1) 6Js? 5)

({} 6Jil5)

Xo0cfu ":"eJ SodS er& 6$06$ Srdo Joe! z

(f) Nsrth-Bast, ?&0 m (1) *a',$5o, ?J10 fu

7t{10 m tz) ;rd:ul*to, ?&o SJ

(4) North, 39 m (4).

GSt2G/200 t51 ) E
136. If AB x DED = AB AB, 1.30. AB x DED = AB AIl,
ABC x DEED = ABC ABC, and ABC x DEED = ABC ABC,5)0ob
where A, B, C, D, E, F and G are A, B, C, D, S, F SiOc[D G SdSdu eeoBer)
digits, what is the value of F x G ? eeoD6,FxG$or5Joelt
(1) 2 (1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 6 (3) 6

1$7. Suneetha is worLing as a Deputy Collector $6$6n 5$dS;ryt5o

r ?4,ooo. egEo ci'S&

and gets a mont}ly salary of'+ ?4,000. She d6o

used to spend it on t}ree heads : i.e., Personal ${lei pdDJ d$o6 : 55$66
and family expe$res (P), Medical (M) and JoOolD So€,loa: q)6Jer> (p), E5So (M),
Chari$ (C) and rest were her savings. P was cPOeS (c) IDOqID &)nOS a>do eeEr
707a ofher salary, M was 20% of P and C was Scb6.P crB: dehd 7ovo,M Gu56 qld:;
t5% of M. When she gets a salary hike, her pd zos IDOoS$ c 6156 $duJ Md $%.
salary is $Wo higher than in the past. She er& d6o'=oo$ $o6,$$36r, csB) dero
maintained the same percentage of P, but M a16o $otc 60% ?>60o6, eg3o P oT>rS& pd:J

became 25?a of P and C becarne 20% of M. The

csd ary$1 $5ilfioCIo6, sS tvt 6u$a
difference between the two savings is :
$cbt Pd 25% Jo0oir c OtuS6 p6ot u d
20% aeor)o6. 6odo $do$o Io6S $SuS$o
(1) r gg4 Jo6:
(2) r 3?0 (1) ? 284
(3) { 424 (2) T 370
(4) ? 474
(3) ? 424
(4) t 474
f38. Vijay invested a sum of t at l57o per
*.r95 ?yroS eg[) ao6o1.rd
annum in State Bank of India. What is the 138. 1605)
compo rnd interest for the sum invested by
$oSelJcr0$ $qr rl$3$ r 8,192 -"1&pzl6
1 ?)trdo.t$o o .Srse)so $6 5o* 56ad
Vijay for lf Vears, if interest is compounded
Li1 So$63cro *€$ SacS> :r€,$
5 monthly ?
=o0ilradg dSLS$6 Joe} ?
(1) r 1,?40 (1) r 1,740
(2) ? 1,785 (2) ? 1,735
(3) ? 1,640 (31 r 1,640
(4) r 1,634 (4) T 1,634
cs/2cl200 ( 52 ) m
139. Some equations are solved on the basis of a 1$9. SS) $SJ5dene>r S0* ScbJoo esF'SorP
certain rule. Following the same rule find out 50ll30od5al6sor). egd CcS:JrC:
the missing number (?) :
es,ilX)OoCI t$#r{S t?) ff,$od& $opS,$r
2 t4l 3 = L4,4[6] 5 = $2, 6 Ul6 = 44, 6 [8.l 7 = ? 2 t4l 3 = 14, 4 [6] 5 = 32,5 I7l 6 = 44,6 [8] ? = ?
(1) 50 (1) 50
54 54
(3) 58
(4) 60

Arun finds the letters to be placedin the place

140. & $o6 eag$ ffIuad$ ?, Ipoo$: 't'
of ? and '!' iu the figure given and by *',$eY &ocPOJ$ es$cc:ilD cr&€
Sduffrrldo IDOcSrr ar3;$ o ;Ycr:lb
combining and aranging those four letters in
eeso'e>,$D 5er$6o XDOoUD ep.IodJ6o
a"5 d{o 615a t>6)
o.aryc 5ar

(1) Quito
(1) Ssd
(3) La Paz
(3) Lima
(4) Georgetown I 4r. 5 $oqr)S eeo)d I cvjc 4rflorSadodoo$
141. Slva defines a number as'connecied with 9'if dcr er noEpsd eeoser arelo g ersdood
it is divisible by 9, or if the sum of its digits is dcr g el foos{ z.$ esoB aeoDd *eJr{g{
9, orif I is gne of the digits of the number, and $oa:Sor 96' epfio$orySor5al6$S
other numbers are all 'not connected with 9'.
$Oo:D iDnO.$ X>oe5el) ca$) gS
, es$$&op$o$a16,$S s'S aBS A$
As per hie de{inition, the number of integers
S6Srlordo. esd$ CId3r5,$o L$Ydo
from 1 to 90 Golft included) which are not
1 ,$06 90 (1 SoOoSrl 90 Ooclr Ser:XUSSt
connected with 9 is :
56$0 966 es,$ox)orySoria6$ $'gore:
(1) 45 $oqDS Jo6:
t2) 63 (1) 46
(3) 72
(4) 81
GSl2Gt200 {53} E
142. Read the following instructions : & tSoA Kut5.$o,{u t,565o6 :
ABB means'A is the Mother of B' g 6$53. 6Q'
ABB eD,$ff A esotr
' Af m means'Ais the Brotherof B' AllB es6n' Aeooil B of,ug}S6(bd0,
A9B esJrP A erc{l B ffiu51e5o16,
A12B epr$rr'A eootr B 6151RfdCI'
$/hich P ep,{o;ydt- a 6u$a BrSXyJorr 6o6
$s9S6eaod }a *y$Ouoo z
(1) Q11N3M12P
(1) Ql1N3M12P P3S12N1
P3S12N11Q l'€Jrr$ilfiNrp[t-
6r go6 5t1:$d o56yr BS: $oarS,$t
Q1 Iu0orXo6
2, 4, 7, 11.5, 19.25, 29.375, 42.5625
14$. Find out the odd one in the following series : (1) 11.5
2, 4, 7,11.5, 1g.26, 2g.375, 42,5,626 (2) 7
(1) 11.5
(2) 7
(3) 28.375

l{4. Priyanha bmught 20 plates and 12

She marked up the plates W 18Ea on the
on the
cost price of each. She sold 75% of the plates
and 8 teacups end made a profit of f 385.
the cost ofa teacup is 60% cost of
and she got no returns on
was her overall profit or loss ? ,$$o Jod ?
(1) Loss of? 210 (1) r 210.${o
Q) Loss of ? 250
Q\ ? 250 r$*o
(4) 1

todoa 14fr. stua so* $S 6c[:dod

I hours SJofitr 6ar1tll. S0tu X)SSb,$
more to the job than if both worked SJ:r'") X>C 6c[lco"$3 s
together. worked he would
need a| more to
$,.9 dcfoa.As es6SE a|
foerer JSulS
s.iro SOtu $S 6c$ar$S Jo6
5 hours (1)

5'3 hours
(4) 6 hours
GS/2Gl200 {54} E
146. Find the number of triangles and squarns in the 146. 61 1Eo6 r)1-$od LEabrol IDOo$i)

rSdo 66$o iloApS,{o 5,$0ff,$o& :

(1) et L&4barerl S$OobJ s r,16:6LSeD

(1) 2lTrianglesandSSquares Q) 20 1a{rae.u JDOoSD a rldodg}el
Q) 20 Triangles and 8 Squares (3) 22 La4bae)) JDCIo5D ?

(S) 22 Triangles and ? Squares (4) 21Laalba;.or iD0o5}) r r5eii613'o:

(4) 2l Triangles and 7 Squaree

r47. * 61b5.$ a"5 1${1 t}16o S00o5)) il'e))ft
&Syrynro t}6ro,So (t), (z), (3) JD0qID (4)
L47. The question below consists of a problem figure SOn a,$f6.
and is follou'ed by four arlslyer figures (1), (2), (3) u$d: ,x1-dod #oco5ot),$ *p,$ a6ral
and (4). n1"5,$ Jo*>So6.
Seloct the correct answer figure that is
embedded in the question ligure.

0uution Answer ligures

M r'1 K V

M 11 k{
(1) e) (3) (4)

148. 6i 6rb5 U5{fdO ile::Iu L$ryS$rlolyo) (1),


(2), (8) JoOc[D (4) (' at)J,$ frt6o 6)l$a

148. Ctroose the comect miror image for the given
figure among the four alternatives (1), (2), (3)
*p,$ L;)ADoa"&) JoCu$o&. es6o AB E,S

and (4). the mirror is represented by a.line AB. tr.lcP X>yr)or5adrrdoo6.

Ouestion An$w8f-l Ot-6o

tr w w A*m*z*B'
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (3) @)
.GS/2Gt2o0 (5 5) E}
149. Statement : T\uo industrialists, Shyam : a6tb lrour$s3{e)), ilss)
5oOo1D JD,Str a6ot bSz,55aS a"Scv0s
other. They have been working hard for their crfioS& JDtrSei I>O$Irror 6rr1ou. ;16>
industries' development and both of them 6SD 50$Joo eoE$OQ $So 5{Sa
manufacture the same product. Both spend i>S$st;rrd> SooqJD addy &3 6'6JQS
equal amount of time, use the same mahrials
6olY6l dQPO. a6d,ro $SY6 XrSooir3f
and are equally hardworking. During the sales
EOJiltb, a-€ XlrEofio 6l)Grnil6)
So0olD S5r.$or':r 5+$6 $S d+do.
period, Shyam had better product sale in
s15o5ro s-e>od, Jo.Sf eeSJgeS dF0g6,
comparison to Manoj's product.
ilss) a)60,$ a6r& $i_$o5ro,$o Son
Conclusinn I :
The quality of material used by Manoj was not
Conclusion II :
I*$f 6$Gvflo.),$ ;reJocbS il€asd
arrr d6D.
Power cuts ruined the quality of Manoj's
product. &gPdafi :
(1) $$5 Se5erl 5D,Sf 6t5.iQ ;rea56,$o ;r{,$o
Only conclusion I follows J
{2) Only conclusion II follows (1) I Srlettsr es.$X)OXDo6
(3) Both conclusions I and II follow (2) II SvLdil e*ib$6(lo6
(4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows (3) I IDOo:D II or 6o6,v eedo$0ilo)
(4) II e)J
150. : fire
civic authority has decided
that all the factories located inside the city 160. t!s5er,$ I>cr556ea s.orhso iloc$
limits be shifted outside to reduce the level of dQododu$o ,$116 $06d 6Sl ca$)
environmental pollution in the city. .$116o Se3rro"o,$o ac$eig eld0ocroS
Assumptton I: il.6 eoQs6 c$o1oofio ${o>orlo6.
The pollution level in the city in future may &XrI:
reduce after these flactories are shifted outside & Se3n'r:'o,$o ,$fi6 SOITQo Bet$OS
the city limits. 66oor)5 16o36 6$ns-$d ,$fi6od
veDXU ilou 6{5rIol
Assumption II :
Enough usable land is available outside the
city limit for these factories.
6a $o"jrree> $X)o $t56 ;)Ofu& ts$$e)
dfl,$o6 aJrfu eeodDa;et.>l(Y &o6.
Assumption III :
Many of these factories may shift to some erdcPc$$on" 6o6er0g 61 So"in"o'ef
other smaller towns to remain profitable. iler $650 a66 O,$15Qea.o5u S16515o3.
(1) Only I is I
(2) Only I and II are e)I
Only II
(4) Only II and III are implicit (4') II JDOoiD III Sr,LdSr ep5S$&.$f

fl-i '

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