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Re: Container Technologies

by Guna Narisati - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 8:29 PM

The Azbee award-winning statement in July 2022 that forecasts the exponential
growth of application containers indicates the major changes in the tech panorama. The huge
growth from $2.126 billion in 2019 to $4.3 billion in 2022, as per 451 Research, shows the
industry's greater dependency on containerization. This rapid success can be ascribed to
several reasons, the most prominent of which is the scope of these technologies over the
traditional virtual operating systems.
Containers are a lightweight and efficient solution for deploying and running
applications across different computing environments. Different from virtual
machines(VMs), containers, directly sharing the host OS kernel, do not require a full
operating system stack for each application (Ren, 2020). It results in faster startup times,
lower resource footprints, and better scalability. The container modularity and encapsulation
also contribute to the successful development, as they allow smooth integration and
deployment, which provide high efficiency and low costs in the end.
In addition, container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes have gained wide
popularity, intensifying the growth of containers. Such platforms make it easier to manage
containerized applications at scale by providing functions like automatic scaling, load
balancing, and effortless updates (Golightly et al., 2022). What comes out of this is greater
agility, which gives organizations the ability to adapt quickly to changing business needs.
As we look at the future, the adoption rate of container technologies shows no doubt
that they will grow and become the de facto method of application deployment. These
technologies are the building technologies of the modern software development paradigm
because they support microservice architecture, promote resource utilization, and facilitate
DevOps. Container technology is bound to experience increased growth and become a leader
in the tech industry due to the need for businesses to be agile, scalable, and even more cost-

Golightly, L., Chang, V., Xu, Q. A., Gao, X., & Liu, B. S. (2022). Adopting cloud computing
as innovation in the organization. International Journal of Engineering Business
Management, 14(1), 184797902210939.
Ren, Y. (2020). Construction of Lightweight Big Data Experimental Platform Based on
Dockers Container. International Journal of Information System Modeling and
Design, 11(3), 100–113.

355 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Pranitha Kamana - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 8:31 PM

The huge growth projection for application container technologies, as per the report
from 451 Research, is really startling. One of the strong evidence that signifies the speed of
growth of this technology in the IT sector is that it has increased from $2.126 billion in 2019
to $4.3 billion in 2022. This exponential growth rate clearly demonstrates that enterprises
from different spheres of business are beginning to see that containers are a valuable means
of performance that they can apply to their operations.
The main advantage of container technologies over traditional virtual operating
systems is that they are lightweight, portable, and fast. Containers wrap the application along
with all its dependencies into a single unit, thereby simplifying the process of deployment
and running consistently across different environments. The portability here guarantees that
the applications act consistently despite the underlying infrastructure, such as on-premises, in
the cloud, or hybrid environments (Casalicchio & Iannucci, 2020). Unlike virtual machine
systems, virtual operating systems have a full emulation of hardware, which makes them
more resource-intensive and less performant.
The use of containers is more efficient in resource usage than virtual machines. As
containers only rely on the host operating system's kernel, they consume fewer resources and
are able to spin up and scale much faster than virtual machines. This efficiency results in cost
savings and agility improvements for businesses (Casalicchio & Iannucci, 2020).
Consequently, they can be more responsive and flexible to changes in market demands,
which enables them to scale their applications easily as required.
The perspective of container technology seems to be really bright. The adoption of
cloud-native architectures and DevOps will continue, and the containers will occupy this role
of key modernization of software development and deployment processes. Furthermore, the
concrete manifestation of this new paradigm is boosted by the appearance of container
orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, which add opportunities to manage containers and
scale containerized applications at a huge scale. In the next years, technology will advance,
and many industries will be involved in these innovations.

Casalicchio, E., & Iannucci, S. (2020). The state-of-the-art in container technologies:
Application, orchestration, and security. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, e5668.
361 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Preetham Challozu - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 8:37 PM

According to the Azbee award winner, the projections of the rapidly growing market for
application container technologies showcase how containerization has become more
significant and popular in the tech industry. The double growth rate as shown by the numbers
clearly demonstrates the rapidly evolving and increasing adoption of container technology.
The growth rate is impressive, and this undoubtedly signals a bright future for container
There have been many benefits of container technologies over traditional virtual operating
systems. The containers are unmatchable in terms of their portability, flexibility, and
efficiency. They are speedier, lighter, and better suited to automation and management than
VMs (Mavridis & Karatza, 2019). Images of the operating system are not included in the
container, and thus, they are more reliable, lightweight, and portable, leaving minimum
system and resource overhead.
The containers encapsulate apps and dependencies in lightweight, isolated environments.
This results in faster deployment, higher scalability, and easier management. VMs bring
freedom from the conventions of natural Virtual Machines. Besides, containers are what
"write once, run anywhere" is all about. They do not consume a lot of resources compared to
VMs but provide better utilization of computing resources (Mavridis & Karatza, 2019). This
agility enables the developer to incorporate it in their existing DevOps environment, which
ultimately results in faster delivery of improvements.
The future for the application container market is huge, and the benefits of the solution over
the traditional virtual machines are evident. We are seeing a shift towards a more digital and
cloud-based future, and container technologies are sure to become even more significant. It is
an exciting time for developers and businesses alike as this technology takes over.

Mavridis, I., & Karatza, H. (2019). Combining containers and virtual machines to enhance
isolation and extend functionality on cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems,
94, 674–696.
305 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by SrihariReddy Yenumula - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 8:40 PM

Opinion on the Predicted Rate
Based on the statement, it is evident that the number of businesses deploying their
applications through containers frequently is quickly increasing. Since 2019, the number of
containerization applications used has dramatically increased from $2.126 billion to the
current predicted figure of $4.3 billion in 2023. This rate of projection is a reflection of the
fast rate of market demand for containerization applications. Based on my personal opinion, I
can stipulate that the statement made by the Azbee Award Winner is quite remarkable and
aligned with the current advanced technology in various fields.
Many positive factors make containerization technology to be more interesting than
the traditional virtual OS. The most important factors that make the technology to be more
important than the traditional virtual OS environment include performance, adherence to OCI
standards, and security vulnerabilities (Casalicchio & Iannucci, 2020). Unlike the traditional
virtual OS, application container technologies are based on singularity. It is meant for the
optimization of HPC. This enables the system to provide robust reproducibility features,
notable integration with effective management, and support of workload for particular
resources of HPC such as parallel file systems and GPU. Besides, container technologies play
a vital role in minimizing potential overhead in the system. This is by leveraging the user
namespace to prevent overheads of running containers as the basic thereby improving the
performance of the application container environment.
Based on the container technologies’ future, it is more likely to continue prospering
and getting more acceptance in its marketplace. First and foremost, container technology
focuses on digital error which is the vision for many developed and developing entities. As
the interest of organizations in digital operations continues to increase, the technology will
gain more market demand in the future. Application container technology is also more likely
to have a prosperous future due to its flexibility and scalability. Many organizations including
businesses are focusing on improving their operations’ efficiency through adaptability and
economic scale. The flexibility and scalability of container technologies will make such
operations more resilient to changes in the future and increase their performance to meet the
customer's or clients’ needs in the future.
Casalicchio, E., & Iannucci, S. (2020). The state‐of‐the‐art in container technologies:
Application, orchestration and security. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, 32(17), e5668.

382 words

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In reply to SrihariReddy Yenumula

Re: Container Technologies

by Yue Zhang - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:04 PM

Thank you for sharing your insightful perspective on the rapid growth and promising future
of containerization technologies. Your analysis of the increasing market demand for
containerization applications since 2019 underscores the transformative impact these
technologies are having across various industries. It's indeed remarkable to witness such
substantial growth in a relatively short period, reflecting the heightened interest and
recognition of the benefits offered by containerization. Your exploration of the advantages of
container technologies over traditional virtual OS environments is comprehensive and
highlights key factors such as performance, adherence to standards, and security
vulnerabilities. I agree that these factors contribute significantly to making containerization
technology more appealing and practical for modern computing needs. The optimization for
High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the reduction of system overheads through user
namespace utilization are particularly noteworthy advancements.
132 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by VenuGopalReddy Pallerla - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 8:55 PM

My Opinion

The application of container technologies in recent years has gained popularity and adoption
at a higher rate. People's interest in container technologies has continued to gain more
significance, as shown in the statement. In 2022, for instance, the Azbee Award Winner
recorded a projected market value of $4.3 billion for application container technologies.
Initially, the projected value had been recorded at $2.126 billion, making 2022 double the
2021 results according to the 2019 predictions. This represents a rapid growth of container
technologies in the various markets and how people from the markets have continually
increased interest in the technologies over the recent years. As a business person, this can be
used as a surveillance or study to understand the current market. The rapid market expansion
over such a short time gap should guarantee new business owners of the potential and
opportunities emerging in the container technologies industry.

The application of container technologies and the use of virtual OS differ in many ways.
More ways show the importance of implementing container technologies rather than virtual
OS. One such way is that container technologies promote systems'systems' portability and
efficiency. Containers encapsulate a system or an application and its dependencies (Van
Steen & Tanenbaum, 2017). As a result, this allows developers to deploy the technologies
quickly across various environments without experiencing problems. It allows developers to
develop portable applications or systems that run seamlessly on any platform, from on-
premises servers to cloud infrastructure.

Based on its future, container technologies are more likely to grow such that they will drive
innovation in various sectors, including DevOps practices, cloud computing, and edge
computing. Container technologies will enable businesses to modernize their IT
infrastructures, especially given the contemporary interest of many businesses in embracing
digital transformation.


Van Steen, M., & Tanenbaum, A. S. (2017). Distributed systems (p. 20). Leiden, The
Netherlands: Maarten van Steen.
311 words

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In reply to VenuGopalReddy Pallerla

Re: Container Technologies

by Yue Zhang - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:02 PM

Thank you for sharing your insightful perspective on the rapid growth and potential of
container technologies. Your analysis of the projected market value and comparison with
virtual OS sheds light on the significant advantages containers offer in terms of portability
and efficiency. I wholeheartedly agree that the expansion of container technologies presents
lucrative opportunities for businesses, and your viewpoint on leveraging this trend for
surveillance and market study is astute.
70 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Yue Zhang - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:01 PM

The prediction of $4.3 billion for computing market size for container technologies in 2022
reflects a paradigm shift in the landscape of computing. This projection is more than doubling
the expenditure of 2019, and I think it underscores the accelerating adoption and recognition
of the advantages these technologies offer.
Firstly, I would say that people must understand the essence of application containers and
their advantages over traditional virtual operating systems (OS). Application containers are
overall containers for software dependencies and runtime environments, which allow the
software to enable seamless deployment across diverse computing environments. Unlike
virtual OS, which requires emulation of hardware, The application containers share the host
OS kernel, which can lead to efficient resource utilization and rapid deployment without
requiring emulation of hardware. This fundamental distinction paves the way for several
advantages in both present and future computing scenarios.
One of the most apparent benefits of container technologies is their portability.

By utilizing the application containers, software, and applications packaged within these
containers can run consistently across various platforms without considering the underlying
infrastructure differences. This can be implemented from the development stage to
production environments. In other words, this portability can provide developers with more
agility and flexibility in software development and deployment pipelines. One of the most
famous application container examples is Docker, a leading containerization platform, that
empowers developers to build, ship, and run applications seamlessly across different cloud
providers and on-premises infrastructure.

Moreover, the software development lifecycle will be more consistent due to the immutable
nature of containers in the application environment. In the application containers developers
can minimize compatibility issues and increase reproducibility across different environments
by encapsulating dependencies and configurations within the container image. This feature
significantly empowers the predictability and reliability of the software deployment lifecycle,
which is critical in mission-critical applications such as financial services and healthcare.
307 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Manideep Chowdary Kalluri - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:04 PM

The information presented in the statement shows that the projected market for application
container technologies has significantly grown over two years. This can be reflected in the
figures, wherein in 2019, container technologies were predicted to have a market value of
$2.126 billion. The value significantly increased to $4.3 billion in 2022, more than double
that indicated in 2019. Such unexpected increases can be attributed to the advantages of
application container technologies surpassing virtual OS. Unlike the environment of virtual
OS, container technology has a pleasant performance, high portability, and lower overheads
(Pahl et al., 2017). This makes the technologies more ideal to develop and deploy, especially
in the modern environment. Moreover, application container technologies are more flexible
and scalable than virtual OS environments. Containerization technology is easy to manage,
speeds transportation, and is typically economically scalable.
The future of application container technologies is more appealing. This follows the urge of
many organizations to embrace the digital environment with their operations. In terms of its
flexibility feature, many entities find it more accessible to develop and deploy
containerization because it allows developers to apply it in multiple environments. Moreover,
unlike in virtual OS, containerization does not need rewriting of codes from scratch, thereby
saving time and resources during development and deployment. Any organization's goal is to
save time and resources in its spending. Therefore, more entities are more likely to embrace
container technologies in the future as they continue to understand the benefits underneath.

Pahl, C., Brogi, A., Soldani, J., & Jamshidi, P. (2017). Cloud container technologies: a state-
of-the-art review. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 7(3), 677-692.
268 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Manideep Koya - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:10 PM

Based on the figures provided by the Azbee Award winner, it is evident that application
container technologies have gained more traction over the recent years, particularly in tech
companies. This trend is more likely to continue over the coming years as more people and
organizations acknowledge the importance of software development and deployment in
various activities or operations.
In essence, containers and virtual OS are technologies used to run software applications.
Nevertheless, they differ in various ways, and containers become preferable to virtual OS.
While virtual machines refer to isolated OS instances on a physical host, containers are
considered segregated applications on the host sharing a similar OS platform. There are
numerous advantages of application container technologies over virtual OS environments.
One of the advantages is efficiency. Containers are typically lightweight and tend to share the
kernel of the host system (Siddiqui, Siddiqui & Khan, 2019). This plays a vital role in
reducing overheads as opposed to the virtual OS environment, which needs separate instances
of OS for each virtual machine. Another advantage is isolation, where containers offer an
isolation level for applications without full virtualization overheads. In containerization
technology, each container can run independently, making the changes or issues of one
container invisible to other containers within the same host.
With such benefits that come with application container technologies, the adoption of
containers in the future will grow substantially. Notably, as more companies shift their
operations and activities towards cloud-native architectures, the future market of the
technology will continue to get nourished. Containers are seen as a key enabler of this shift,
so their market is expected to continue expanding rapidly.

272 words
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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Hemanth Kumar Gaja Giri - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:14 PM

The estimated market growth for the adoption of container technologies, as noted by Azbee
showed a significant uptrend. The projected $4.3 billion market size of 2022 more than
doubling from $2.126 billion in 219 depicts rapid application and investment in container
technologies. Similarly, the embracement of container technologies in businesses continues to
grow. The high adoption rate reflects the increasing acknowledgment of container
technologies over traditional operating systems.
Containers offer several benefits over the virtual OS. Firstly, containers are lightweight which
enhances their mobility unlike the virtual OS although movable they are primarily intended
for static deployment which limits their movement (Siddiqui et al., 2019). Containers'
portability promotes agility and flexibility which supports smooth deployment and scaling of
applications across various platforms from on-premise servers to cloud infrastructure.
Secondly, Containers' ephemeral nature requires higher performance compared to virtual OS
which is generally slower to instantiate and requires more resources. This aspect enables
containers to provide a competitive edge in cases where speed and efficiency are paramount.
Moreover, containerization promotes a DevOps culture and practices by promoting the
development, testing, and deployment processes (Siddiqui et al., 2019). The immutable
nature of containers promotes consistency between development, testing, and production
environments which reduces compatibility challenges and speeds up the software delivery
In the near future, the adoption of container technologies is expected to grow at
unprecedented rates. In the rapidly evolving technological landscape companies are
continuously exploring new ways to optimize operations and maintain a competitive edge.
Therefore, the implementation of container technologies will probably increase in the future,
as containerization emerges as one of the primary methods of transforming software
development and paving the way for a new era in application development. Furthermore,
with upcoming trends like microservices architecture and edge computing gaining popularity,
containers will be valuable in supporting modern application development and deployment
paradigms which will further increase their adoption levels.

Siddiqui, T., Siddiqui, S. A., & Khan, N. A. (2019, November). Comprehensive analysis of
container technology. In 2019 4th International Conference on Information Systems and
Computer Networks (ISCON) (pp. 218-223). IEEE.
345 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli
Re: Container Technologies

by Ravi Kiran Shatiri - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:19 PM

Container technology packages a software’s application code and associated files thus
enabling easier deployment across various host environments (Potdar et al., 2020). Packaging
components within a container isolate an application's dependencies fostering scalability and
adaptability across different environments while mitigating compatibility issues. The
projection rate of the application container technology as indicated by an Azbee award
winner suggested a remarkable growth trajectory signifying the increasing use of container
solutions. The significant increase from $ 2.216 billion in 2019 to a project value of $ 4.3
billion in 2022 shows the value and potential perceived by businesses in container
technologies for revolutionizing their IT infrastructure and facilitating application

Container technologies have numerous advantages compared to virtual operating

systems. Containers share the host operating system's kernel thus optimizing resource
utilization and enabling higher workload densities (Potdar et al., 2020). This differs from
virtual OS which have a kernel which makes them consume more resources. Also, container
excels in portability because they are lightweight which makes them deployable across
different environments compared to virtual operating systems (Potdar et al., 2020). Moreover,
containers demonstrate higher speed in startup and shutdown processes which enhances
agility and efficiency in application deployment.

The future of container technologies is promising and their growth is not expected to
slow down anytime soon. The future of container development will be characterized by
increased adoption of cloud-native technologies particularly Docker and Kubernetes which
are driven by the embracement of a hybrid cloud environment. Also, security enhancements
tailored for container environments will be emphasized focusing on isolation techniques,
vulnerability scanning tools, and secure image management practices. Moreover, container
technology is expected to continue to expand its reach into emerging domains like IoT,
machine learning, and edge computing which will facilitate the creation of advanced
applications that incorporate the capabilities of these advanced technologies.

Potdar, A. M., Narayan, D. G., Kengond, S., & Mulla, M. M. (2020). Performance evaluation
of docker container and virtual machine. Procedia Computer Science, 171, 1419-1428.

329 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by ATCHA BOPPUDI - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:24 PM

Container Technologies
Recently, container technologies have gained considerable popularity. Containers’
market was expected to reach $ 4.3 billion in 2022 as stated by an Azbee award winner citing
451 research. The projected figure was more than double the amount predicted for 2019
indicating a high growth rate in adoption of the technologies. Although the projected amount
was not achieved more than 75% of global organizations are running containerized
applications in production (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2023). I support that the adoption of
container technologies will proliferate as the adoption of cloud-native technologies and the
need for flexible portable application deployment solutions continues to rise.
Containers are more advantageous compared to virtual operating systems. Containers
require fewer system resources compared to the virtual OS because they exclude operating
system images (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2023). This efficiency contributes to increased mobility
enabling applications in containers to be deployed easily across different operating systems
and hardware platforms. Also, containers are more scalable than virtual OS due to their
lightweight nature. Besides containers ensure more consistent operations because
applications run the same host irrespective of deployment location thus increasing confidence
for DevOps teams (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2023). Likewise, containers support agile and
DevOps efforts which facilitate fast development, testing, and production cycles which
collectively enhance the overall application development process.
In the future, the adoption of container technologies is expected to continue
increasing. The high deployment of container technologies is expected to be driven by several
factors including the adoption of cloud-native technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
Also, the growing emphasis on digital transformation and the need for scalable, agile, and
more efficient application delivery solutions are expected to drive further the adoption of
container technologies. Therefore, it is recommended for businesses to embrace this
technology to avoid being edged out by their competitors.

Bhardwaj, A., & Krishna, C. R. (2023). Virtualization in cloud computing: Moving from
hypervisor to containerization—a survey. Arabian Journal for Science
and Engineering, 46(9), 8585-8601.

326 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Venubabu Jampani - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:27 PM

The predicted growth rate for the application container technology as cited by an
Azbee award winner in July 2020 has not yet been realized. Despite the ambitious projections
of achieving a $ 4.3 billion market size in 20222, the actual market size has not reached this
figure. However, we are not far from realizing this milestone as container technologies
continue to gain widespread adoption across various industries. The driving forces behind the
growth of containerization like the demand for cloud-native solutions and the need for agile
application deployment still hold the potential and the project value may be achieved shortly.
Containers and virtual operating systems are commonly used for deploying and
executing applications in a scalable and portable manner. However, in most cases, containers
are preferred over virtual OS due to their added advantages over the latter. Firstly, containers
are more efficient because they use fewer resources compared to virtual machines (Saboor et
al., 2022). Containers do not require a separate operating system for each container which
makes them faster and more lightweight than virtual OS. Secondly, containers are highly
portable for they are designed to run seamlessly on any host supporting the container runtime
like Docker hence facilitating consistent application deployment in diverse environments.
Furthermore, containers are highly scalable enabling easy horizontal scaling by adding or
removing instances without the need for provisioning and configuring new virtual machines
(Saboor et al., 2022). Scaling facilitates rapid modifications to meet the changing demand and
improve the overall operational efficiency.
The future of container technologies is poised for significant expansion specifically
fueled by the demand for cloud-native technologies and microservices architecture across
industries. The increased deployment of container technologies will also be driven by the
quest for scalability, agility, and efficiency in application development and implementation.
However, while the adoption of containers is expected to rise, it will not entirely replace the
virtual operating systems. The two technologies will continue to coexist with containers
acting as lightweight, mobile units for application elements and virtual OS offering effective
isolation and resource management capabilities.
Saboor, A., Mahmood, A. K., Hassan, M. F., Shah, S. N. M., Siddiqui, M. A., Magsi, S. A.,
Junaid, M. (2022, November). Towards Early Distribution of Container-Based Microservices
in Cloud Computing Environment. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for
Smart Community: AISC 2020, 17–18 December, Universitiy Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
392 words

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In reply to Kamala Marepalli

Re: Container Technologies

by Sai Krishna Bandla - Sunday, February 25, 2024, 9:32 PM

Container technologies contain software applications and their dependencies into
portable, isolated units enabling them to run consistently across various computing
environments. Containers are used in organizations to move operating applications into new
environments, refactor current applications for containers, develop container-native
applications, and offer enhanced assistance for microservices architecture among other
applications (Kithulwatta et al., 2021). The growth of container technologies is undeniable as
evidenced by an Azbee award winner. The predicted market size of $4.3 billion for
application container technologies in 2022 as forecasted by 451 research portrays a
remarkable doubling from $2.126 billion in 2019. This projection signifies the increasing
adoption of container technologies as a solution for realizing agility, scalability, and
efficiency in modern application design.

Containers are advantageous in various ways compared to virtual operating systems.

Due to the packing of microservices dependencies into compact units, containers are more
portable than virtual OS which facilitates movement across different environments like public
and private clouds (Kithulwatta et al., 2021). Also, containers ensure efficient resource use
and reduced footprint by sharing dependencies across packaged code which ensures that there
is only one copy of necessary files per container. Furthermore, containers use a
microservices-based architecture which enables code division into manageable
segments (Kithulwatta et al., 2021). Segmentation allows independent updates and
maintenance thus reducing concerns about potential impact on the other application
Container technology is still growing and in the future, it is going to evolve and
become more mature. Container technologies will also continue maintaining a rising
significance in the realm of IT infrastructure in the coming years. Container technologies
serve as a fundamental facilitator for cloud computing, microservices, and other emerging
technologies. Hence, as these technology trends gain popularity, the adoption of containers
will correspondingly increase.
Kithulwatta, W. M. C. J. T., Wickramaarachchi, W. U., Jayasena, K. P. N., Kumara, B. T. G.
S., & Rathnayaka, R. M. K. T. (2021). Adoption of docker containers as an infrastructure for
deploying software applications: A review. Advances on Smart and Soft
Computing Proceedings of ICACIn 2021, 247-259.

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