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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to subjects like GCSE

Geography. It requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and the ability to present information
coherently. Here are some reasons why writing GCSE Geography coursework can be difficult:

1. Research Intensity: Geography coursework often involves extensive research, data

collection, and analysis. This can be time-consuming and may require access to various
2. Complex Concepts: Geography encompasses a wide range of complex concepts, from
physical geography like landforms and climate to human geography involving population
studies and urbanization. Understanding and articulating these concepts effectively can be
3. Data Interpretation: Geography coursework often involves interpreting data, charts, and
maps. The ability to analyze and draw meaningful conclusions from this data is a crucial
aspect of the coursework.
4. Effective Writing Skills: Communicating findings and analyses in a clear and concise
manner is essential. Writing skills play a significant role in presenting arguments and ideas

Considering these challenges, it's understandable that some students may seek external help. While
⇒ ⇔ is mentioned in your request, it's crucial to note that using such services
should be approached with caution. Academic integrity is important, and it's essential to ensure that
any external assistance is in line with the policies and guidelines set by educational institutions.

If students find themselves struggling with their GCSE Geography coursework, it is advisable to
seek help from teachers, classmates, or other reputable academic resources. If external assistance is
necessary, they should choose services that prioritize originality and adherence to academic

Remember, the primary goal of coursework is to enhance learning and demonstrate understanding.
Seeking help is acceptable as long as it contributes to personal growth and development within the
educational framework.
Allsop history revision guide includes numerous helpful hints. To collect this data I had to ask at
least two residents and two tourists a set of questions. This is because Cromer has to abide by strict
development laws. Average Clast Size (cm) 9.84 9.6 8.64 10.28 12.64 5.38 11.14 7.34. In conclusion
my surveys show that Cromer does have the chance to have a good economic future, but only if it is
developed further i.e. by building better transport links so more tourists would be able to visit, and
by allowing development into the area to improve shopping and other facilities. This graph can help
to answer the second enquiry question, as it shows what the tourists- who are the people spending
their money in Cromer, think about its future. Fig. 14 Interpretation- The above located map shows
the amount of residents that have a job in Cromer. They choose these places because the frame
provides and exit from the core and therefore these shops can attract pedestrians leaving the Core to
get trade. This could be because of the same reasons cover in the scatter graph which were, high
order goods sold there, more attractive and a market place. The diagram below shows how the five
types fit into an urban hierarchy, although this has been generalised. ELDERLY DEPENDENT: The
age range that usually have to rely on the economically active. The gradient decreased from source to
mouth and this can be seen in this scatter. This survey helps to answer the enquiry question as it
shows the economic impact of tourism by there being a high amount of shops that rely on tourism.
Location: Church Street Time: 10:45 Time: 1.00 Time: 3:30 Morning Afternoon Evening Young:
Middle aged: Elderly: Below is a copy of my pedestrian count before it was completed. First, 15
clasts were picked up from the river bed at random, with our eyes closed so. See other similar
resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
This is because Hitchin has many pedestrianised areas, as well as there being a parking area,
therefore there were very few cars making any noise. The high street (the core) has more major shops
and retail companies This is because the high street has a higher influx of people wanting to buy more
who are there top shop specifically.Whereas Queen Street (the frame)there are more catering services
and personal shops. It is tailored towards the sub-topics that we have selected as a school, which are
Tropical Rainforests and 'Hot Deserts' in the Living World t. Awarded by deborah durack examining
students. introduced. Recording all investigations in this term. 2009 aqa a geography a powerpoint.
This graph can be linked with Fig. 11 which asks the same question but to residents. I have chosen to
represent my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036 0.082
0.105 0.17 0.091 0.127 0.183. It shows how many shops on Church St are tourist dependent. From
my graphs, I can see what economic impact tourism has on Cromer. Fig.1 shows that the majority of
residents in Cromer believe tourism brings money into the area. I chose to collect this data in the
afternoon as this was the time both tourists and residents would be out. This would give us an
overall total of 100 pebbles. This graph tells you that tourism hasn't had a good economic impact on
Cromer as a lot of the residents choose not to work there as it doesn't have enough opportunities.
Overall, all the depth readings at this site were what was expected to be seen at this. The river
increased in depth at site 2 where it was 0.14m. Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2.
However, at site 4, the width decreased by 1.38m from the previous site. Although it is at more of
risk of having more litter, it however doesn’t. Also Southgate has a big residential area surrounding it
so therefore there are only locals commuting to Southgate. We had collected these pieces of data to
test against hypothesis we made. This photo supports the enquiry question as it shows the
environmental impact tourism has had on Cromer. On the other hand, if we chose to increase the
spacing to 75cm, for example, it would be harder to keep and we will also degrade the accuracy of
our overall results, this is because measuring the depth will also help us to explain the discharge’s
hypothesis as the channel depth can be used to draw work out and draw a surface-area graph, which
is in the Discharge formula. Scoring 21 out of 50, and the high street scoring -15 out of 50. We new
that this complex would have an affect on the current C.B.D. We needed to know what Implications
would take place in order to maintain a core and frame model within Exeter. I have chosen to
represent the depth of the river as a bar chart because it is very easy. Through way, for first of how
do i like the author. Gradient along the eight sites of the river Holford. This is strange because it
would be expected that there is more exposed topsoil in P.M because of the higher expected amount
of tourism. One human problem was that the angularity of the clasts had to be decided by eye. In the
higher profile of the river mainly vertical erosiontakes place. Another explanation of why the width
readings were not as the hypothesis had. The survey shows that air pollution in R.H.G was -1, and in
Pillow Mounds, it was 2. I repeated this survey two more times throughout the day to get an
accurate set of data, and to also see if the amount of traffic changes during the day. From my graphs,
I can see what economic impact tourism has on Cromer. Fig.1 shows that the majority of residents in
Cromer believe tourism brings money into the area. This shows that the economic impact hasn't been
as impressive as it could be as there are hardly any jobs in Cromer that don't rely on tourism. Below is
how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. The information I needed for the flowcharts
was collected from the internet, therefore making it secondary data. The geology, (which is seen on
page 8), at the first 3 sites was Quartzite which is a. Tourism in Cromer could be greatly improved if
there was better access to the roads. There is also boulder clay which vegetation has formed on top
of. The plot of 0.572 above gives a significance level of under 5% which tells us that it is. These all
led me into producing a good piece of coursework. The economic impact means the effect on jobs,
the economy and whether tourism brings enough jobs and money to Cromer. The graph tells us the
differences between the areas physical factors. This may be because tourists spend the majority of
their time at the beach or on the high street, instead of the quieter residential areas, so residents do
not notice any problems. This pie chart helps to answer the enquiry question as it shows the
environmental impact of tourism because traffic has increased, therefore increasing pollution. Fig. 3
Interpretation The above located graph shows where I completed my traffic count. In conclusion my
surveys show that Cromer does have the chance to have a good economic future, but only if it is
developed further i.e. by building better transport links so more tourists would be able to visit, and
by allowing development into the area to improve shopping and other facilities.
This is because Southgate there are two supermarkets in Southgate, Asda and Marks and Spencers.
This is a copy of my traffic count before it was completed. This enables Mountain Ash to grow
which is the first tree growing down the mountain because it is sheltered in the V-shaped valley. At
the first 3 sites when we were measuring the velocity, using a hydroprop and an. The water is also
getting deeper as the river is now entering its middle course. November 2012 linear specification a
specification a geography government and this. After finding the results from the Spearman’s rank, a
significance test will be used to. This could be because there are a lot dustbins situated everywhere.
Average Clast Size (cm) 9.84 9.6 8.64 10.28 12.64 5.38 11.14 7.34. Overall, visually, my hypothesis,
that the depth will increase as you go from source to. This is proof that Cromer needs to be further
developed for a wider range of tourists, so it will stand a good chance of having a future as a tourist
resort. Fig. 11 Interpretation- The above doughnut chart shows what tourists visiting Cromer believe
are problems of tourism. The middle course is less steep when compared to the upper course. We
have shown this in all the investigations we carried out. This was supported by the fact that there was
a score of -2 for people in Pillow Mounds and a score of 3 for R.H.G. this means that more people
were in Pillow Mounds. See other similar resources ?0.00 5.00 1 review Download Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. Marked by dissertation topics business for recording all component
marks. The last reading that we had to take at each site was the Gradient. The vegetation is also
becoming a lot greener as there is more grasses and other types of vegetation. And that is that more
people have been in the Pillow Mounds and have eroded the ground by walking over it. My second
hypothesis was that the depth of the river would increase as you went from. The town has developed
ahead of its time, evidence for this is that the hotels and residential areas were built much earlier than
in other resorts. All of this information is important to me as it will help to answer my main enquiry
questions, on whether Cromer has a good economic future and what the impact of tourism on
Cromer is. Now a statistical test called Spearman’s Rank correlation must be undertaken to see. An
investigation into how physical channel characteristics. Pedestrian Count To answer my enquiry
questions on the economic impact of tourism on Cromer and if tourism offers Cromer a good
economic future, I had to do a pedestrian count. Where we were along the drainage basin could have
changed the width of the river. Another human limitation was that we could have taken ten
measurements for every. We had some trouble identifying which brand or type some shops were as
many were in-between two or more categories. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles
in minutes. I also took photographs of tourist attractions which will help me to show if tourism offers
Cromer a good economic future.

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