Professional Learning Communities

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Professional Learning Record

Name: Kaelan Fulford

Date Title Location/Presenter Description* Learning: Key points

09/19/2 OPHEA - Ontario ZOOM/Andrea OPHEA has a range of teacher ● “We are working towards an Ontario where all 2 million
3 Physical and Health Haefle resources and professional children and youth have the knowledge and skills they
Education learning for supporting healthy need to make informed choices about their health and
Association schools and the physical well-being. As connectors, providers, and leaders we are
education and health committed to supporting our audiences and having the
education curriculum. greatest positive impact on the well-being of children
and youth across the province.”
● Elementary and Secondary Resources: Includes lessons
plans, assessment tools and healthy living guides.
● Play for All: resources to help educators implement
inclusive, meaningful, safe and fun intramural
programming that meets the needs of all students
● Includes health and safety standards to ensure teachers
are minimize the risk of injury and threat to health

10/04/2 Nonfungible CRX 140/ Dr. With the launch of the new ●
3 Teachers (NFTs) : Michelle Schira Ontario K-8 Language ● Learning to Teach Online is an open educational
Your Irreplaceable Hagerman Curriculum and the insertion resource available to anyone with an interest in
Value in a Time of of digital literacy expectations designing high quality online teaching and learning
Digital Disruption in the front-matter of our experiences for K-12 Students
foundational policy ● Need to focus is on preparing new teachers to design
documents, she provides Year learning environments that support students socially,
1 students with frameworks culturally and emotionally
for sorting spam from ● She focuses on the critical and strategic use of digital
substance. In a context that technologies to support student learning and literacies.
often hypes the potential of ● Support to teachers to grow as confident integrators of
tech without serious critique, diverse digital tools to support students learning
she offers students strategies ● Need to consider the ethical uses of computers in
for knowing their irreplaceable accordance with Ontario College of Teachers ethical
value and for centering what standards, need to give students the appropriate skills to
matters most in their teaching negative digital resources
practices. ● Uses digital physical making skills to leverage their digital
literacy skills, strategies and mindsets.
10/04/2 Learning for a Zoom/Pamela Learn how to prepare students ● How is climate change affecting Canada: snowfalls, sea
3 sustainable future: Gibson to meet the challenges of level rise, flooding, changes to biodiversity, extreme
Connecting climate change as confident, weather, etc.
Curriculum to the solutions-minded citizens, now ● What is sustainability: Meeting the needs of the present
UN Sustainable and into the future. without compromising the ability of future generations
Development Goals · Opportunities to to meet their needs
through climate explore ● Sustainable development goals are eco-justice goals
action (K-8). curriculum ● The Sustainable future schools' framework: the
connections sustainable self is the individual child in our care at
· Amazing school, putting the student’s growth and well-being at
resources for the center of the learning community. Students build
climate change awareness, caring relationships with others and with
education nature, learn new skills and knowledge all in support of
· Strategies for taking action to better their lives and the communities.
engaging learners
in climate inquiry
and action that
can make a real
difference in
10/17/2 Before the school CRX 140/ Karl Developing a conceptual ● There are different aspects of well-being including;
3 bell rings: Well- Fernades (OECTA) framework to situate a physical, economic, social, emotional and psychological
being practices for teacher's sense of well-being, ● Mental health is a spectrum and can vary day to day,
teacher candidates identify challenges to the well- thus it's important to know when you need social
being of new teachers, and support and self-care versus professional care
most importantly connect to a ● Teachers experience an information overload and
wide range of accessible challenges at work. Some things that can help improve
practices and resources that your overall well being include; release exercises for
support personal well-being. physical effects of tension, reconnecting with nature, the
power of gratitude and acts of kindness as well as eating
11/14/2 Professional CRX 140/Randy Highlights the importance of ● defines “boundaries” as “the verbal, physical, emotional
3 Boundaries Banderob (OSSTF) maintaining professional and social distances that an educator must maintain in
boundaries and provides order to ensure structure, security, and predictability in
practical advice to Ontario an educational environment.
Certified Teachers at any point ● It is critical to understand that their professional
in their education careers. It judgment can be affected when the line between their
identifies some of the personal and professional relationships is blurred.
professional, ethical and legal ● Ontario Certified Teachers must not use their
parameters that govern their professional position to coerce, improperly influence,
practice. It also clarifies their harass, threaten, abuse or exploit a student.
professional responsibilities to ● OCTs are urged to keep their online interactions as
conduct themselves in professional as they would in a classroom.
accordance with professional
standards, legislation, and the
11/14/2 Ministry of Zoom/JoAnn Henry An overview of the Ministry of ● There is a 20% achievement gap between Indigenous and
3 Education: Education’s approach to Non-Indigenous students (a key indicator is graduation
Indigenous Indigenous Education in
Education in Ontario Ontario. Information about
● Ministry works school boards and First Nations, Metis
how Indigenous Education is
implemented through and Inuit partners to fund and support the academic
collaboration between the achievement and wellbeing of these communities
ministry, the school boards ● The amount of self-reported Indigenous students in a
and community partners.
school system is underreported; due to fear of racism,
parental mistrust of the system, fear of children being
marginalized and lack of positive relationships between
● Self-identification needed to access progress towards
improved indigenous student achievement
● Ongoing crisis; lack of housing for families and education
staff, lack of internet connectivity and Insufficient
funding from the government
● REA: the regulatory mechanism that supports
streamlined funding/tuition negotiations between
boards and First Nation communities.
● Jordan’s Principle requires that services for First nation
children cannot be delayed or denied on the basis of
judicial disputes between or within the government
16/1/20 Workplace Violence OECTA/ Erin Hagan This session will review the Managing Violent Situations In Schools
24 and Saftey in the and Heidi Brinson legislation and workplace ● Effects of the pandemic on violence in school
● Routines can provoke behaviors (due to pandemic
Workplace safety expectations for all
shutdowns, led to an increase in dysregulated behavior)
● Learning gaps are creating tension + anxiety, can lead to
express themselves through violence
● Kinder and primary students are finding it difficult to
adjust to new routines and following rules/procedures
● Older students may find full-time schedule and regular
class size has led to more conflict
● Reports of violent incidents in schools is on the rise, from
Ministerial and Legislative Framework
● Be aware of your boards harassment policies (this can
come from a student, parent, admin, colleague)
● Each school/workplace must conduct a workplace
violence risk assessment as needed
● Its goal is to ensure appropriate policies and procedures
are in place to keep staff safe
● Info gathered through this assessment should inform the
work of the Joint Health & Safety Committee, as well as
the team developing Safety Plans & Notifications of Risk
● Be informed, be ready
● Report to administration / workplace violence reporting
form - an investigation by the joint health and safety
committee and ministry of labor must occur if there is a
critical injury
23/1/20 Student Injury Ministry of This session will provide an ● Bullying and cyberbullying have the potential to affect
24 Prevention- Ministry Education overview of the legislation, students' learning, sense of safety, and overall mental
of Education guidance, and resources health and wellbeing.
available to support students’ ● Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia remain
physical safety in the prevalent in Canadian Schools with 64% of participants
hearing comments.
classroom, on the field, and
● Students with disabilities are more likely to be bullied
during outdoor education
based on their condition..
excursions ● Schools are in a unique position to identify, address and
respond to bullying and support students and families
who may be impacted.
● Can create a positive school environment when;
○ Students have safe ways to communicate with
support staff.
○ Everyone in the school community feels safe,
included and accepted.
○ Equity and inclusive education are embedded in
the learning environment.
● Boards are to put procedures in place to enable students
and staff to report discrimination and harassment safety
and will enable boards to respond in a timely manner.
● School environments, both physical and virtual, need to
be safe, inclusive, welcoming spaces. Students may be
negatively impacted by incidence of cyberbullying/
bullying and compromised cyber safety due to increased
screen time for students due to pandemic.
- Actions to be Taken.
● Engage in ongoing learning. (Healthy relationships,
address bullying and cyberbullying)
● Support students – led initiatives such as equity
promoting groups and bullying prevention activities.
● Engages parents and guardians in bullying efforts
23/1/20 Consent in the OPHEA Increase the awareness and Ophea: supports teachers in helping students acquire the physical
24 Classroom: OPHEA understanding of how to and health literacy skills needed to thrive in the 21st century and
create safer spaces in lead a healthy, active life.
classroom discussion about Fundamental Principles in H & PE
healthy relationships, gender- 1. They are most effective when they are delivered in
healthy schools and when students learning is supported
based violence prevention and
by school staff, families and communities
consent aligned with the
2. Physical activity is the key vehicle for student learning
Health & Physical Education 3. Physical and emotional safety is a precondition for
curriculum effective learning in health and physical education
4. Learning in healthy and physical education is student
centered and skill based
5. Learning healthy and physical education is balanced,
integrated and connected to real life
Consent: is defined in the criminal code as the voluntary
agreement of complainant to engage in the sexual activity in
- Allow victim blaming to go unchallenged
- Focus solely on the law
- Act like everything is up for debate
- Assume is US vs Them
- Create a safe space for uncomfortable conversation
- Focus on practical tools
- Speak of it as an issue of ethics and morals
- Be intersectional and trauma informed
- Have support systems in place
Duty to Report:
- If a students comments raise questions or concerns,
educators should talk with that student individually at an
appropriate time
- Make it clear that there are limitations to teacher
student confidentiality
- If students disclose that they are at risk of harm to
themselves or others it must be reported to CAS

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