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FG countable / uncountable nouns, 41 VOCABULARY food and drink a Complete the crossword. (Clues across > ae Clues down J To eat well in England, have breakfast throe times a day. W. Somerset Maugham, British writer VEE Write the words in the correct column. apples bananas biscuits carrots chocolate crisps mushrooms nuts onions oranges peas pineapple potatoes strawberries sweets Vegetables Snacks | Complete the sentences with food words 1 Can | have some cheese. on my pasta, please? 2 There's cr cor fruit salad for dessert. 3 Iprefer ‘to meat. Salmon is my favourite 4 Do you take s 5 Thore isn’t any br. in your tea? 0 you can'thave a sandwich. 6 Wehavee __for breakfast every morning. 7 Do you cook with butter or 0, ° 2 8 There’sal , but there aren't any tomatoes sol can't make a salad, GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns, a/ an, some / any What did Sarah and Martin buy when they went shopping yesterday? Write a, an, or some in the gaps. They bought 1 some ___sausages 6 orange 2. lettuce juice 3 ham 7 _____pineapple 4. apple 8 crion 5 ____peppers 9 seafood b Look at the pictures. Write @ / an or some ed Fi ey “a IDS 5 chicken 6 chicken 7 cake © Write the sentences in the positive [3] or negative E) form. 1 There's some milk in the fridge. EX there isn’t any milk in the fide. 2. There are some herbs in our garden Elthere — 3 | didn't have an ego for breakfast. @i__ —— — — 4 There isn’t any sugar in my coffee there 5 didn’t eat any snacks yesterday. 6 There weren't any spices in the cupboard There 7 She made a cake for his birthday Elshe _ 8 There was some bread on the table, Either _ — Complete the conversation with a, an, some, or any. ‘A What do we need to buy for our dinner party? Let's make a list B Well, | want to make a lasagne, so we need a pasta and? meat. A Pasta...and meat. What about tomatoes? Are there * tomatoes in the fridge? B Let's have a look. There's®___onion, but there aren't *_ those on the list, too. A Right...tomatoes. Is there”_ cheese?’ B Yes, there's ® that's perfect. A Let's have’, salad with the lasagne. B OK. Then we need to buy" _ lettuce. ‘A What about dessert? Is there fruit? B No, there isn’t. Let's get _ strawberries. tomatoes. Put mozzarella cheese, so Write ten things that you think are in your fridge. 1 Theresa lettuce, 6 2 There are some e. 7 3 _ 8 4 9 5 10 PRONUNCIATION the letters ea Jethe word with a different sound. 1 meat (breakfast) tea eae ran | ent gant ct 9.1 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. © 66 online formore practice) Gt ae 41 VOCABULARY food containers tja jar 5 cpeatk 2 bro 6 nica - 3 rocnat 7 totble 4 nit - b Complete the sentences with a container from a. 1 She was thirsty, so she bought a can _ of fizzy drink. 2 I gave hera_ __ of chocolates to say thank you. 3 He took the of strawberry jam out of the cupboard. 4 [sometimes have @ cof crisps when I'm hungry. 5 We always take @ ___ of water when we go fora walk. 6 They made some sandwiches with a__ of tuna. 7 Do you need the scissors to open that items in the pictures. 1 There's a jor of her never use them. 2 Iwas hungry, so | ate a of ___before dinner. 3 Can you buy a of for breakfast ‘on your way home? 4 Loften drink a of when tim thirsty 5. It was Dave's birthday yesterday, so he took a of towork 6 Did youbuye __of. ___? want to make a salad. 7 We don’t have any fresh vegetables, but there's a of in the cupboard, Re-order the letters to make words for food containers. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the on the shelf, but we Human beings are 70% water With some people, the rest is collagen. Martin Mul, American actor and witor PRONUNCIATION linking, // and /s/ 9.2 Listen and repeat the phrases. 1 abox of chocolates 2. acarton of juice 3 a packet of biscuits 4 abottle of water 5 acan of drink 6 ajar ofjam 7 atin of tomatoes Circlé'the word with a different sound. snake | 1 (ugar) salad cereal e shower |4 short information centre 9.3 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. 9.4 Listen and repeat the sentences. She saw Susan standing outside the cinema, Sharon said sorry for singing in the shower. Steve puts six spoons of sugar on his cereal. Sylvia spends Saturdays in the shopping centre 2 ° GRAMMAR quantifiers Look at the phrases in bold. Are they right (7) or wrong (x)? Correct the wrong phrases. 1 We eat a lot of vegetables. v 2. & How much fruit did you buy? B Quite a lot of x 3 I don’t use much salt when I'm cooking. 4 only have a few milk on my cereal 5A How much coffee do you drink? B Any. | don't like it. 6 always have a little biscuits with my tea. 7 We don’t eat much snacks between meals. 8 They don’t have any butter on their toast b Complete the questions. Then complete the sentences. ~ sugar do you putin your tea? salt do you have with your meals? A, [Cc 1 He doesn't have much salt 2 She puts —_ - biscuits sweets ) { Quite alot do you eat? did you buy? Bh Not many. 3 He doesn't eat 4 He bought Not much. cups of e coffee de you drink? c : Oo ‘ 6 She doesn't drink exercise do you do? 5 He doesn't do ¢ Read the information and write questions. 10 FOOD FACTS + There ar 2ms of sugar in an orange + Theve,arapbet 125 ealoriesin e bamsns + There are about 18 oranges in a carton of orange juice. *# Théte are 1.2 granié of éaltin a Bow of cereal + Thiet dre six eggs in a box + There are 454 grams of jam in ajar. + There ate abdut five tomatoes in a bottle. of ketenup * There are at feast tour Spiges ir? clirry. © There are éBout 12 orame Sf Butler ina + There's usually one potato in a small packolibfotisps. Answer: 23 grams. Answer: About 125, Answer: About 18. Answer: 1.2 grams Answer: Six Answer: 454 grams. Answer: About five. Answer: At least four. Answer: About 12 grams. Answer: One. © Ge online for more prectice) ————_—— EE CE 1 VOCABULARY high numbers 2 Write the numbers. 1 ahundred and fifty 0 - 2 five hundred and twenty 3 one thousand eight hundred and thirty - 4 ‘two thousand eight hundred 5 thirty thousand six hundred and forty 6 fourhundred and seventy-five thousand 7 one million seven hundred thousand 8 eight million two hundred and fifty thousand b Complete the numbers in the chart. City Population numbers | Population (words) Tokyo, Japan 37,833,000 thirty-seven ‘milion eight hundred and thirty-three _ thousand ‘Shanghai, 22,991,000 a million nine China hundred - ninety-one thousand Mexico City, 20,863,000 twenty million eight hundred Mexico. and? ‘So Paulo, 20,831,000 twenty million * Brazil and thirty-one thousand New York, 18,591,000 * USA five hundred and _ thousand __ Cairo, Egypt 18,419,000 eighteen milion” ‘Buenos Aires, | 15,024,000 fifteen milion” _ Argentina _ thousand Istanbul, 13,954,000 . million _ Turkey ¢ Write the numbers in words. 125 895 4,500 - _ 12,470 33,930 - 575,600 6,250,000 - 34,860,000 - — Iinagination ie more important than knowledge Albert Einstein, German scientist GRAMMAR comparative adjectives a Write the comparative forms of these adjectives in the correct circle. bad beautiful cheap cold comfortable difficult dirty dry far good high hungry sed thin wet 2 or more syllables tive more + adj b Rewrite the sentences using the opposite adjective. 1 Alion is slower than a cheetah. A cheetah is faster than a lion. 2. China is smaller than Russia. Russia _ 3. Manchester is wetter than London. London __ 4. January is longer than February. February _ 5. Skiing is more dangerous than swimming, Swimming is 6 Fridays are better than Mondays. Mondays _ 7. Spain is hotter than the UK. ‘The UK 8 Spanish is easier to learn than Japanese Japanese _ _ ¢ Look at the pictures. Use the adjective to compare the two items _- sweets flight London to Venice: hours 1 short ‘The flight from London to Venice is shorter than the: train journey: 2 days Istanbul 805mm 2 dry Barcelona is % men's watch: £35,750 3 expensive ‘The men’s watch par women’s watch: £28,700 town house: 7 bedrooms country house: 10 bedrooms: 4 big The country house (eee alee Lamborghini Aventador: Mercedes AMG S. 350 knv/h 300 km/h 5 fast The ‘Compare your country with Britain. Write three sentences about the food, the weather, and the people. The food in Spain is better than the food — PRONUNCIATION /2/, sentence stress 9.5 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Apencil i than a pen. 2 June July 3 The kitchen the living room, 4 Apples biscuits 5 Switzerland France 6 Everest _ Kilimanjaro. 9.5 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. Practical English ‘ordering aigal | understanding 3 menu b Complete the conversation with the questions and VOCABULARY understanding a menu sentences in a. Complete the menu with words from A Good evening. 'Do you have ar the list B Yes.2 My name's Miriam Kieslowski —— — Ae — courses Desserts grilled home-made at 2 Main courses sauce soup Starters B Yes. The steak, please A And for you, sir? 7 cs lent A One lasagne... & 2 Three ‘courses {for £18.00 or two for £13.50 B I'm not sure. What would you like? c? * B OK. Abottle of mineral water, please Chicken * ae 2 Melon with Parma ham Steak With mushroom with vegetables table lasagne with garlic bread —_ ‘salmon with chips and peas B Is sparkling OK? a € Yes, sparkling, SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the conversations with the sentences from the list. Acdecat espresso, Could we have the bill please? Good news? Chocolate townie with nailer cpa Not for me, thanks. Nothing special. The same for me, oe ere Would you like adessert? Yes, go ahead, ORDERING A MEAL B Single or double? ‘a Re-order the words to make sentences and questions. 1 you/ order / ready / Are / to ‘Are you ready to order? 2 this / please / way, / Come B Yes, I'd lke the cheesecake, please. 3 A Coffee? B — —— 4 A What did you do last weeken 3 you/ Do / reservation / have / a B 4 like / please / the / Id / lasagne, 5 A Idilike the salmor _ _ B 5 water / Just / me / fo 6 A Canluse your phone? B 6 sparkling / Stil /or - 2 7A 7 to/ would / What / drink / you / like B Yes. | got the job! 8 table / please /two, /A/ for BA B Yes, to practise ractical English phrases = Can you remember...? 1-9 1 GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with ONE word. 1 Jack was at work yesterday. | saw him there. 2 We couldn't sit down because there __any chairs 3 I ove your shoes! Where you buy them? 4 They _ playing football because it's raining, 5S My wife is __ engineer. She works for a German company. 6 Can youhelp me? | homework understand the VOCABULARY (Circle:the word that is different. 1 thought Gwim) found came spoke went sew find fridge microwave dishwasher housework Kitchen tablet bedroom hall usually between opposite behind sandwich mik juice tea bottle carton packet spring amillion ahundred amonth a thousand 3 PRONUNCIATION Circlé:the word with a different sound. & egg 1 bread (leave) sald ten & ¢ @ tree 2 great meat niece thr f ag) veh Pree tow en ater shower 4 delicious shopping see sugar June ff o 6 armchair chef Czech kitchen GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Read the article. Circle)a, b, or c. 10 FOOD PHOTOS around the world Do youtlike !___ to restaurants? How often ___ photos of your diner? Instagram has millions of food photos from all overthe world, some *__ than others. There are“. photgs of pizza. A company called CEWE Photowodld ©. these Instagram photos and made a ‘world map of where people took them. The results are quite surprisig. The pizza map shows that Instagram hhas more photos of pizza from people *__ New York than from the city of Naples, its Italian home. The same is true ofthe popular” food, sushi. Sushi is cooked rice with *___, for example salmon or tuna, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruit!'The sushi map shows *__ more photos of sushi from New York, Bangkok and Milan than from Tokyo, the capital of sushi. But burgers are a different story. The burger map shows that Instagram has more photos of ® American food from London, UK than from the USA, the home of the burger, To find out more, take a look at the company’s website a go b goes € going a doyoutske b youtske —¢ youdo take a good bb best better a alot balotol — € any a study b didstudy studied ain b on € to a China b Japanese € Japan a fish b meat € snacks a the's bits € there are a these b this € those (@ Ge ontine to check your progress ) Bh ——k= °° °° d f : The most dangeross . net ¢ _ food is wedding cake ees “James Thurber, American writer 4 VOCABULARY places and ¢ Label the pictures with the name of the place or building. buildings a Circle EIGHT more places and buildings. —— ———} a@uAR dC S [THOS PITAL R Ac TBM US H flee rae KT ol Mus — UML D| 1] sROADHEC PR CR IV ERO b Complete the sentences with a word from each list. Acar department police post railway shopping town B centre hall_office park station (x2)_ store 1. Where can you visit different shops? Ata shopping centre, 2 Where can you get a train? Ata - 3 Where can you buy a stamp? Ata 4. Where can you talk to @ policeman? Ata . 5 Where can you buy clothes, food, furniture and other things? Ina_ — 6 Where can you leave your car? Ina — 7 Where do local politicians have meetings? Inthe GRAMMAR superlative adjectives ¢ Read the text about Bristol in the UK. Write the headings in the list in the correct place. Complete the chart. = . Where to shop What tosee What to do ‘Adjective | Comparative | Superlative 1 high highs he highest 1 high _ jh _ 5 2 cold Bristol, UK 3 expensive 4 4 sunny | The most famous place is the Clifton Bridge. 5 dangerous | ‘The most beautiful building is Bristol Museum. 6 hot | The tallest building is S¢'Mary Redelitfe chuch. (7 beautiful | — t 8 tired | ‘The oldest theatre is the Old Vic. The best place for 9 good [_ ~ a children is the zoo. The biggest park is Ashton Court. 10 bad I ‘The largest shopping oentre is The Mall, The most Complete the sentences with the superlative form expensive apartmerit’store is Harvey Nictiols. of the adjectives in brackets and a word from the list the Aniarctie the Atacama Australia India the Pacific Russia Shanghai Singapore Jest place in the world is 2 _____ ocean in the world is (big) 3 desert in the world is — (dry) 4 continent in the world is (mall) city in the world is (expensive) 6 country in the world is (large) - — 7 city in the world is oe - (populated) 8 place in the world is in (wet) PRONUNCIATION consonant groups @ (10.1 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 It’s the cheapest _ place to live. 2 Westhe mountain in the worl. 3 He's the _ person in the family. 4 kesthe village in the country. 5 kt'sthe __ language to learn. 6 lesthe city in the area 7 They're the couple | know. 8 She'sthe _______person in the class. b (10.1 Listen again and repeat the sentences. ‘Copy the rhythm. (Gemmeimem) ee 1. GRAMMAR be going to (plans) a Re-order the words to make sentences. 1 A What are you going to do tonight? se@ a film, o> ('m/see / going /1/ to) 2A What's Amy going to do at university? B - languages. (going /'s / to / study / She) 3. A How are you going to get to Scotland? 8 _______ there. (drive / going / ‘re / We / to} 4 A Whatare you going to get Kate for her birthday? B her some flowers. (t0/1/ give /‘m/ going) 5 A What are they going to have for dinner? B takeaway pizza ("8/10 / They / order / going) 6 A Where's Tom going to live when he goes to university? B a flat. (ent /'s / going / He / to) b Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to and the words in brackets. 1 2 leave early? (they / leave) 2 ur friends the city. (we / show) 3 nice meals in expensive restaurants. (they / have) with a friend? (you / stay) the museum. (they / not visit) the sights? (they / see) ___alotof people. the / meet) Con holiday this year. (she / not go) ___ on the sofa? (I/ sleep) 10 alone? (David / go) " there. (/ not fy) 2 __four days with us. (Sarah / spend) ‘Yo travel hopefully isa better thing than to arrive. Robert Louis Stevenson, British writer 1 CS ¢ Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of going to and the verbs in brackets. A So, where ‘are you going to ga. (go) on holiday? Bi? (travel) around Europe for a few weeks. A Really? Where? (tay)? B Well, this year _ {not / stay) in hotels. instead, | © (rent) rooms on Airbnb. A Airbnb? That's a good ideal B Yeah, ¢ (have) a great A? your girlfriend — (gol with you? B No, she doesn‘ Ike this kid of holiday. She (drive) to Cornwall with some (spend) all day (dance) friends. They* ‘on the beach and they allright. don't ike thet king of holiday. (meet) lots of new people and see lots of new places. ‘A Which countries ® 2 Wisi) B htaly first, and then Croatia, Greece, and Bulgaria 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 2 10.2 Listen and underline the stressed words. 1 How are you going to get there? 2 Where are you going to stay? 3 We're going to stay for a week. 4. I'm going to see the sights. 5 We aren't going to go by car. & lmnot going to stay in a hotel b (10.2 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm, VOCABULARY city holidays Match the words to make phrases. 1 stay Lc a in local restaurants 2 visit bb souvenirs 3 catout cin shostel Arent d a.good time 5 buy © aflat 6 have # accommodation 7 goby museums 8 book h train Complete the sentences with the phrases ina. 1 Jamie doesn't want to spend a lot of money, so he's going to stay ina ho 2 Ireally don't like flying, so !'m going to 3. My friends aren't going to cook this holiday; they're going to__ 4, Ruby couldn't find a nice hotel last year, so this year she’s going to — before she leaves. 5 There are a lot of activites in the hotel, so they're going to 6 It’s cheaper to ‘market than at the airport. 7 We're going to go to the beach when it’s when it rains atthe sunny and 8 There are six of us, so we're going to together. Complete the You column in the chart about your next holiday. Then write [2 or El sentences. Owen Mox ad Chars You

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