RB - Lekcija 11-12

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You can fallin love a first sight with a place, as with a person. ‘Alec Waugh, British writer 0 CASE (2 4 GRAMMAR adverbs d_ Complete the sentences with the words in brackets as an adjective or adverb. a Complete the chart. = va |} is Adjective Adverbs a ‘oad badly careful a 3 easily fast ‘ ff well | heslthy a ‘possible el aietly i real ® b Are the words in bold adjectives or adverbs? Write adj (adjective) or adv (adverb). 1 Ploase drive carefully ady__ 2 Theda bad day yestordey. ad. 4 They don't eat healthy. (helthy) 3. Her daughter works hard. 2 She wears expensive clothes. expensive) 4 Tim plays the piano quite well Sicntanmuy igecah 5 This road is very dangerous, 4. My wife and | have quite jobs. etressful) 6 He's 2 fast learner — 5 Oliver plays the guitar __. (beautiful) 7 You speak beautiful English poy eoteall (boa) 8 Dave speaks fast 7 She never speaks tome. (polite) 9 That's a hard question 3 Wate pony? (good) 10 Fler's pizas are incredible, — 9 Martina opened the door quien ¢ Gircléithe correct option. 10-| think this exercise is vory -(e25y) Frank cooks real /eall well. ove my phone. I's easy / easily to use. PRONUNCIATION connected speech We walked quick / quickly tothe station. He's very quiet/ quietly. He never says anything! My French is bad / badly. ! ‘Come here! The view is incredible / incredibly. 2 Can you speak more slow/ slowly, please? 3 Diego speaks good / well English. 4 He's a good / well footballer. 5 Wes — raining. 6 7 8 a @11.1 Listen and complete the sentences. | ic it quickly went to ___ the morning, We often air Wow! sky. 10 leat a lot of healthy / healthily food. He day. She tickets _ mornings. b @11.1 Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. VOCABULARY common adverbs Complete the chart. Adjective beautiful fluent good hard loud . patient polite serious Complete the sentences with the adverbs in a. 1 He asked me politely 2 Emma sings _ ‘opera singer. 3. My father never gets stressed and he always behaves 4 Colette's mother is from Patis, so she speaks French 5 find it hard to wait 6 My grandmother talks my grandfather to hear her. 7 Lwork at the weekend. 8 My sister dresses always wears old clothes. 9 They don’t laugh a lot, because they take life to move my car. ___ She wants to be an. ina queue. when she wants during the week, so | like to relax , but her husband ¢ Look at the picture. Describe the actions. Use the verbs from A and adverbs formed from the adjectives from B. Accycle drive sing speak talk wait walk work B beautiful dangerous fast hard loud patient polite stow 1 He's 2 They're working 3 She's Go online for more practice) | 75 1 GRAMMAR verbs + to + infinitive 2 Complete the sentences with to + a verb from the list. arrive buy call get put sell speak tumoff 1 sometimes forget to before I go to bed. 2 They decided they didn't use it the lights their car because 3 tried my sister but she didn't answer. 4 You forgot __sugar in my tea. 5 He promised _ early, but then he was late, 6 She chose _ a job and not to go to university. 7 He wanted __some new clothes so he went to the shopping centre. 8 She learned lived in Mexico. Spanish when she b Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use to + infinitive or verb + -ing. 7! 1 He'strying to sleep. 2 They like doing sport. (sleep) (do) 3 She needs 4 They're planning anew phone. (buy) ____to lta. (go) a : 5 She doesn't mind ___. (cook) 6 Held like a coffee. (have) Ii love to lve ike a poor man, but with lots of money. $ Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter "+ to+ infiitivelf V verbs that take the infinitive z 1 Ay 8 He loves _ i tennis. (play) 7 She's learning ____ (read) Complete the conversations with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets and the correct form of the verbs from the list. Use to + infinitive or verb + -ing. be become buy call drive getup go watch 1A Whyare you angry with your boyfriend? B Because he always forgets to call__me. (forget) 2. A Whyare you calling a taxi? B Because ! ____home. (want) 3. A Does Nicky like shopping? B Yes, she _ clothes. (love) 4. A Isyour brother in a band? B Yes, heis. He ___famous. (hope) 5A Whyare you going to bed now? B Because! ___ early. ineed) & A Why do you like your neighbours? B Because they always friendly. (try) 7. A Whyare you turning on the TV? B Because | the news. (would tke) 8 A Why does your wife get the train to work? B Because she _in the city centre (hate) d_ Write sentences or questions with would like. Use contractions where possible. 1 he / move abroad EI 2 you, climb a mountain [2] - — 2 3 we/ go to Canada] 4 I/learn to fly a plane Ei] 5 she / do karaoke E] 6 they / get married next year(2] PRONUNCIATION weak to, sentence stress a @11.2 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 They're _ __ Paris. 21 you again 3 She the answer. 4 You here at 8.00. 51 the TV. 6 Did you some milk? b 11.2 Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. VOCABULARY verbs that take the infinitive a Match sentences 1-8 to sentences a-h. 1. My parents gave me a car. f 2 Our washing machine is broken 3 Ihave alot of dresses. 4 im going to play tennis tomorrow. 5 Please be quiet 6 We are looking at hotels in the South of France. 7 don’t have time to do my homework now. 8 min love with my boyfriend. 1'm trying to study. | promise to do it later. | hope to win the match. We want to get married. We're planning to go there on holiday. fm learning to drive 4g We need to buy a new one. h I decided to wear the red one. Complete the sentences with verbs from the list. decide forget hope leave need promise try want 1 I'm tired, | want to go to bed. 2 Everything's dirty. We todo the housework. 3 [eel awful. | always __t0 call my aunt on her birthday. 4 I'm sorry I was late last night. | tocome home early tonight. 5 We don't buy snacks. We _to eat healthily 6 Ididn't bbe an actor until | was 30 years old. 7 We're going to drive to Germany tomorrow. We need to home very early. 8 Goodbye,!_ to see you again soon. Use the words to write questions. Use the present simple form of the verbs. 1. where / want / go / next summer ? Where do you want to go next summer? 2 which / places / want / visit 3 when / hope / retire 4. what / sometimes forget / take / on holiday 5 what / need / buy / this week 6 when / try / do English homework Answer the questions in ¢ about you. 1 Lwant to go___ more practice) 7 ‘Apparently we love out ‘own coll phones, but we hate everyone else's Joe Bob Briggs, writer and actor VOCABULARY phones and the internet Complete the sentences with words from the list. app attachments broadband login search Skype | Skype iy sister in Australia every weekend. ___. Ittells me exactly when I have a great weather it’s going to rain Ifyou get an email from somebody you don't know, don't open any — 4 Our is really slow — we can't watch films online, 5 My friend posted a really funny yesterday. 6 Ican't_______ to my email account. | can't remember the password. 7 If | need information, | always online. Cross-out the word in each group you can't use with the verb. 1 download —anapp_efiend a photo 2 message friend _yoursister_a video 3 post aphoto abook atweet 4 send anemail_ a phone calla text message 5 Skype an app afriend your brother 6 upload aphoto atweet avideo Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs from the list. jownload login post search send share Skype upl 1 When my brother wanted to get fitter, he that tracked how many steps he walked. 2 When my niece was in Australia, she and my sister three or four times a week 3 When the actor died, his son everyone. 4 When Tom arrived in New York, he text message. 5 When I found the video of my favourite song, ! it with my friends on Facebook 6 When she got back, she to Facebook loaded an app atweet to tell his girlfriend a her best holiday photos 7 When |__ , ltyped the wrong password three times, so I couldn't use the website. 8 When they for her name on the internet, they discovered she was a famous scientist. GRAMMAR definite article a Gircléithe correct words. 41. Can you open fridge /(the fridgefor me, please? 2. Did you go to bed/ the bed early last night? 3 usually have dinner / the dinner at half past six, 4 I don't like romantic films / the romantic films. They're boring. 5 Excuse me, how much are shoes / the shoes in the window? 6. Hamburgers / The hamburgers in this, restaurant are amazing. 7 Did you see moon / the moon last night? twas really beautiful 8 She's nicest / the nicest person | know. 9. Vegetarians / The vegetarians don't eat meat 410 Inever go to work by bus / the bus. b Correct the mistakes in B's answers. 1A Where were you yesterday? B Atthe work. 2A What do you do? B I'mengineer. 3A Where's the milk? B ina fridge. 4 A What's that? B Aidentity card. 5 A How often do you go? B Twice the week. 6 A What music do you like? B The rock music 7 A How did you get there? B Byacar, 8 A Where did you find it? B_ On internet c Complete the sentences with the or — (no article) What do you use your phone for? Complete the sentences for you. Write an adverb of frequency 1 Were lunch ata nice Japanese (sometimes, usually, etc. in the first space. 2 Hearned to swim inthe sea 1 | sometimes _ share ph 3's newest model on the market. 2 |___upload 4 don't think __ young children need 31 message smartphones. 41 Skype 5 Did you see _ match? Manchester City 51 send_—_ won. 61 post 6 Did you read my boyfriend's tweet? 71 download 7 Can you open door for me, please? 81 search 8 We travelled by __ train when we were in ‘aby PRONUNCIATION the a Say the pairs of words and decide if the is pronounced the same or different. Write S (same) or D (different). Complete the conversation with the or ~ (no article). ‘A How often do you change your phone? B Quite often like having 1 thesong the video s ‘the _most recent model. | usually only 2 theletter the email keep my phone for about a year. 3 themessage __the tweet {A What do you use your phone for most? tthe sregalery themuseur B Probably? internet. And messaging. he on - You knw, tings ike WhatsApp and Messenger 5 theapp —theinternet A So you don't use it much to talk to® emi orange Juice aan 7 the architect the engineer B No, not very often | prefer to send ¢ 8 the keys the umbrella - messages. b ‘A What other apps do you use a lot? B [have a sports news app because | love 5 football and Formula 1. | use that 11.3 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. quite @ lot. And I have some games | lke playing Talso use Skype because * my brother is living in Germany at” moment, so | sometimes use Skype to talk to him A Do you like reading on your phone? B It depends. | don't ike reading ° books on my phono, but | read sports articles on? BBC website on my way to ® work ‘A Do you have any unusual apps thet you sometimes Ihave a ‘sleep tracker app. What doos " app do? Ietells me when to go to ® bed and when to wake up. l also have an app that counts * calories. Ithelps me plan what to breakfast, iunch and dinner. o>o have for * (© ee catnntormere pice) (G) Socal tochekyor progres) Practical English | erting to the alfport | VOCABULARY public transport a Look at the pictures. Write the words. 2x 2 - eS een — Oat 3 4 5 6 & Complete the paragraphs. You can get.a taxiora ‘cab. at a taxi , __. People usually give the driver a * 2. Before you get a plane, you have to *ch in online or at the airport. Then you go through Security to the °d _lounge. Finally you go to your's 3 You get a train at a ralway st _. First you get a°t and then you find the right pl 4 You get a bus ora "c. at a bus station You can also get a bus at a bus "st_ You can buy a ticket in advance or sometimes you can pay the "ar. . GETTING TO THE AIRPORT Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list. ‘And could I have a receipt? Can | pay by credit card? Could | have a ticket to Luton Airport, please? Could you-callme-a taxi,please? How much is it? Now, please. Single, please. Standard, please. To St Pancras station. © Ge online to prectise the Practical English phrases WV pubic transport ‘Could you call mea taxi. pleas Yes, of course. Where to? ‘And when would you like it for? poro>r That's £18.50, please. - Make it £20. Thank you very much, sir. paprar Single or return? Standard or first class? That's £25.50. o>orora> Yes, of course SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list. can't believe it Thank you Have a good journey much I'm so happy 1 A Bye for now. B Goodbye. 5 2. A Isthis your wallet? It was on the floor. B Yes! Ineed to be more carefull 3A 7 There are no trains! B_ How are you going to get home? 4A Are you OK? B Yes, life's great. 5 A Goodbye. I'm leaving now. B Bye, __— = Can you remember...? 1-11 GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 We drove to the restaurant and parked right outside. (drive) 2 I promise you when I arrive at my hotel. (all) 3. She doesn’t usually dress casually at work, but today she jeans and a T-shirt. (wear) 4 Is New York — than London? (big) 5 Ana's husband football on TV every evening (water) 6 Thate____ shopping on Saturday mornings, because there are always a lot of people. (go) VOCABULARY Circleithe word that is different. ‘theatre museum (balcony) town hall bridge street square rice forget yourbag meet somebody new fall inlove get married seriously ugly calmly patiently download share post fog need attachment want like planist footballer daughter policeman chemist’s supermarket souvenir department store PRONUNCIATION Circléithe word with a different sound, 1 great behave (meat) stay 2 police surprise decide flight 3 careful where share were GQ pone 5 post coach come hope 4here cereal theatre there tl} (BBY computer 6 comfortable table vegetable cereal GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Complete the text. Write ONE word in each space. a Many people use their phones when 5 are walking in the street. This can be very dangerous, especialy when they need 2____cross.a road. Some cities have trams, and these are worse ® __cars because they are quieter, People don't hear when they are crossing the tram lines and looking at their phones. in some cities in Germany, ° are now special lights in the ground next to tram crossings. They are similar to traffic lights: they're green when people * ‘cross safely and red when a tram ______ coming. Augsburg and Cologne had these lights first, but now other cities . also trying to help. In Munich, some tram crossings send * message when a tram is coming. People with a special app receive ” message. Some cities in the USA have talking buses. When the buses are going to turn a corner, they tell people in the street that they are coming Inthe city of Chongging in China, people can choose where they "_ __to walk on the pavement: 6 the side for people with phones off the sidé for people without them. The important thing in allthese plaegs is'that people &, sale (@ Goonline to check your progress | Bil Films should have a beginning, ‘a middle, and an end ~but not * necessarily in that order. Jean-Luc Godard, French film director LT 1 GRAMMAR present perfect € Complete the conversation with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. a Girclélthe correct word. 1 Sorry 'm late.(ia3V Have the match A ‘Have you heard (you / hear) of Rosamund Lupton? started? B Yes, 1 (read) one of her books. ‘A Really? Which book > ___ (you/ read)? he hasn't / haven't seen this film before. She hasnt/ haven't see B The Quality of Silence. | thought it was great! Hes/ Have you checked your emails this es / How At {you / see) the firm? morning! B No, but my friend Lara *_ (see) it. She loved ‘Anna has / have seen all the Harry Potter itl Was it Luptor’s frst book? fins. A No, | think it was Sister, but ® _(I/ not readd it I hasn’t/ haven't read this book B Ohyes!”_ (17 hear of it.I think there's a Has / Have Susan booked the tickets for film, too. tonight? We hasn't/ haven't used Netflix before. : PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 8 Can you open the door? Phil and Judith has / have arrived, a (12.1 Listen and complete the sentences. b Write sentences with the present 11 a twice. perfect and the words in bold. 2 We that TV series. 1 you /read / Elizabeth is Missing? i's 3 They abroad fantastic! 4 his homework? Have you read Elizabeth is Missing? 5 what to do? 2 my brother / decide / to get a new job. 6 Paul __ the exam. He isn't very happy at work. b (12.2 Listen and underline the stressed words. 3 I/not study / for the exam. | didn’t have time, 4 they / see / the film, but they didn't like it. 4 5 he /not answer / my email. Perhaps he's on holiday. you / call / your brother? It's his birthday today. 2 1 / finish / the first series. Now 'm going to start the second they / post / their holiday photos on lave you read The Hunger Games books? Facebook? | want to see them. A Have you read The Hunger Games book B No, I haven't. ‘A Have you seen the films? B Yes, I have. I've seen all of them. € (12.2 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. VOCABULARY irregular past ¢ Complete the You column in the chart. Then use the participles information to write questions and answers. Write the past simple forms and past participles of these irregular verbs in the chart. Infinitive | Past simple | Past participle 1 buy bought _| boug 2 fall 3 give Leanne and Neil You 4 hear meet a famous 1 ° 5 person v * 7 $ thecneme v ° Z buy film on 3 3 buys x Vv " fall asleep 4 . . Use past participles from the chart in a during a film v * to complete the sentences. 1. My sister's very happy. She's fallen Leanne inlove. 1 Has Leanne met a fam son 2 Ohno! Ive ry jacket in the Yes, she h restaurant, 2 Has she 3 Sorry, | can't make you a coffee. | haven't No, she - any milk 3 Has 4 A This is a great book No, B I know. I've already it 4 5 | remember this flm now. Ive - it before, 6 My boyfriend has Us tickets Corina and Noll to see The Lion King at the theatre. 5 Have 7A Have you Jason's good news? 6 B Yes, he’s going to get married, 8 A Hes Isabel you about 7 her party? B Yes, it's on Saturday but | can't go. 8 You 9 Have you 10 " 12 | want to go somewhere I have never bboen, and I'd lke to go there with you. Douglas Adams, British writer EET 1. GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple? a Underline examples of the present perfect form and circle examples of the past simple. ‘A "Have you been on holiday recently? B Yes, last month A Where did you go? B *We went to Ibiza for a week A ‘Has Jessie gone out? B Yes, I think so. ‘A *Where’s she gone? B I think she’s gone to a friend's house. ‘A "What time did she go? B "She went about an hour ago. ‘A PHave you ever tried Greek food? B No, never. b Complete the sentences with been or gone. 1 Has Paul cone__ home? He isn’t at his desk. 2 Have you ever bee! to Disneyland? 3 It's late so the children have_____to bed 4 Kerry isn’t here. She's _ for a walk 5. Your hair's shorter, Have you tothe hairdresser’s? 6 We've shopping, so the fridge is full 7 We to the gym, so I need to have a shower. & My parents are out. They've tothe supermarket 9 My parents are away. They've holiday. 10. My gitlftiend has never __ abroad. Complete the questions with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Then complete the short answers. ‘A Have 'you ever been _ to Australia? (you / ever / be) B Yes, 1? ‘A When? there? (you / go) Bis to Sydney a few years ago. (go) ‘A Where's Megan?® 2 (she / go out) B I think so. She® about five minutes ago. (leave) ‘A Where” 2 (she go) B I don't know. She * (not say) BS a D Ae to the new Italian restaurant? (you / be) B Yes, we ® = an it? (you / like) B Yes, we The food was great! VOCABULARY learning irregular verbs Write the past simple forms and past participles of these irregular verbs in ‘the chart. Infinitive |Past simple | Past participle Tbe | was/ we cer 2 do 3 eat 4 get 5 have 6 lose 7 meet 8 speak 2 sing 40 win ‘Complete the sentences with past participles from the chart in a. 1 Sorry, ve eaten all the biscuits. Can you buy some more? 2 She needs to sit down because she's - a shock! 3 I'm going to be late. Ive the car keys. 4 We my boyfriend's mother, but not his father. 5 She's nervous because she's never, a song in public before, 6 Matt's his homework, so he's going out, 7 Ihaven't __ to Charlotte recently. Is she OK? 8 Ive to Spain, but not Portugal. 9 Ican't believe it! 've_ £10,000! 10 Have you heard about Jenny and Steve? They've married! © Use the words to write two questions: the first present perfect, the second past simple. 1 see a Fellini film 2 take a selfie Have you ever 2 Where did - 2 3 eat Japanese food Have - - 2 What 2 4 win any money How much 5 getlost Where 2 6 meet a famous person Who 2 d_ Answer the questions in ¢ for you. PRONUNCIATION irregular past participles a Circléthe word with a different vowel sound. : 8 £ Osa RQ herse egg up train phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 given | found left | come | taken | broken written | thought | heard | done | made known Seen) caught | said | drunk read lost driven | worn | sent got_pald_| spoken _ b Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. (Gsemiwtornocena) Meee 1 GRAMMAR revision a Complete the questions. Write TWO words. 1 Whodo _ you ive with? With my parents. 2 adoctor? Yes, | am 3 ______ your brother do? He's a builder. 4 of music do you like? Soul. 5 ___hear a noise? No, | can't. 6 Annie crying? Because she's sad. 7 raining? Yes, itis. 8 beds are there? Six. 9 did your friends see? Star Wars. 10 go out last night? No, | didn't. " is that? It's Amy's phone. 12 you yesterday? At university. 13 a microwave? Yes, there is. 4 aTVinthe room? Yes, there was. 5 you going to move? Next woek. 16 ever fallen in love? Yes, | have. b Complete the sentences with ONE word. 1 Her children are very young, five and seven, 2 Jim lives in the city ____ fiat is very big 3 Be quiet! say a word! 4 We always go on holiday ____ August 5 Who's_____ girl over there? I've never seen her before. 6 Im sorry. __ heer you. I's very noisy here. 7 My uncle is late. 'm waiting for _ _. 8 I don't like _ 80 Inever go by plane. 9 We can't make chips. There aren't potatoes. 10. The hotel was full. There alotof German tourists 11 Im vegetarian. | don't eat meat. 12. Vim 25 and you're 23. I'm than you, 13. He chose the expensive shoes in the shop. Alll the other shoes were cheaper. 14 They played really _and won the match, 4 15. My sister has a good job. She's ___ actress. im not quite as cool 2s | would lke to be lan MeKellon, British actor ¢ Look at the time expressions in bold and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use the present simple, present continuous, past simple, present perfect, or be going to. 1 We never 2. Nicole loves walking. She walk twice a day. (ake) 2 pizza for dinner. have) the dog fora 3 you your friends last weekend? (506) 4 They _ tomorrow because Jack isil. (not come) 5 you ever __ to South 6 __ your son to drive next year? (learn) 7 We ____meat every day. (not eat) 8 We a film next Saturday. (see) 9 you ever —_ a famous person? (meet) 10 Last night my husband _ _dinner. (c00k) 11 What time you usually to bed at the weekend? (go) 12 My boyfriend — football at the moment. (play) 13 We to work yesterday. (not walk) 141 never that book, but Id like to. (read) VOCABULARY revision: word groups Circleithe word that is different. Hungary Gapanes@ Turkey China Egypt Switzerland Asia Mexico awful fantastic great nice builder hairdresser cooker waiter aunt daughter niece brother spring cloudy snowy windy fireplace cupboard sofa kitchen mushroom strawberries onion peas chemist’s department store bridge shopping centre b Continue the series. 1 one, two, three, fo 2 ten, twenty, 3. Monday, Tuesday, 4 first, second, 5 morning, afternoon, 6 once, twice, 7. summer, autumn, 8 June, July, 9 second, minute, 10 day, week, © Complete the phrases with a verb. 1 listen to music ot photos 24 exercise 7m ___alot of noise 3s somry 89. dressed ah a shower ow glasses So shopping 10. u a computer d_ Complete the text. Write ONE word in each space. \ Mr Holmes is very different from all the other famous detective reas old. He \ __ live at 221B Baker Street in London, but on a farm? the | country, He has retired from his work as detective, and he now spends his days with his bees. He lives with a new housekeeper, Mis Munro, and | hherson Roger. Roger likes Holmes, and he often helps him with the bees. But “= —| Holmes is woried about two things. First, he knows he losing his memory. Second, he can't remember why he decided * retire, Some medicine helps him remember what happened. In the past, he and” friend Dr Watson received a cal from a man called Thomas, Thomas was worried about his wife Ann, because she was never at home and he ® know where she went, Holmes followed Ann to a music teacher's house where she the clas, she shopping, When Holmes saw what she bought at the mn husband. The badly, and Holmes retired. Soon after he remembers played a strange instrument, a glass harmonica. Af shop, he thought she wanted to case ended very this, Holmes has a new problem. Mrs Munro finds Roger nearly dead next to the bees. She wants to kill the bees. In the end, Holmes finds the answer to the mystery, and he saves his bees. Mr Holmes is a good film, but i’ alot slower "__ The performance as S ____ normal detective movies. thing about itis lan McKellen’s fantastic erlock Holmes. PRONUNCIATION revision: sounds a Circlethe word with a different sound. 1 ich City 2 bread peas tea 3 safe black fat 4 dark day far 5 money watch doctor SI hone | found short bought Bou |p cook food good uw] boot [a ane do go - «Bh, ore [a red ay me 11 paid steak said Alb vie 12 buy ie ing b Listen and check. ¢ Underline the stressed syllable. 1+ hosipiltal 7 italian 2 exipenisive 8 Aujgust 3 maigalzine 9 diffijeut 4 head|phones 10. mussifcian 5 administrator 11. galrage 6 enigiineer 12 bajnalnas dd 12.5 Listen and check. Go oan for mare pate) (© Go oni wo deckyourposiess) [BH

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