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The English country house is certainly an Jcon of British culture, Julian Fellowes, British actor Se [2 8 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Circlelthe correct verb. go (piaytennis take / wear an umbrella dio / make exercise say / speak sorry like / tive animals read / watch a book do/ want a coffee say/ speak German b Match the verbs and nouns to make verb phrases. tneed 2 homework 2 drink biv 3 wear © acar 4 90 mineral water 5 live @ tothe cinema 6 do f-enew phone 7 watch g ina fiat 8 drive h glasses ¢ Complete the verb phrases. 2 GRAMMAR present simple a Circle)the correct answer, a or b. 1 Alot of British people ... animals. 2 (its) likes 2 Italo in my county. a don'train b doesn't rain 3 Lewis. a fast car. a drive b drives 4 People ... identity cards in Britain 2 donthave —b doesn't ave 5 You ... alot of books. a read b reads 6 My boyfriend ... English a don'tspeak —b doesn’t speak 7 We ... anew computer. a need b needs 8 |... Chinese, a don'tspeak —b doesn’t speak aw. inan 4 to b Complete the sentences. 1 I don't (not play) tennis, 2 They (not go) to the cinema, 3 Paul {have) four young children 4 Herfather (not work) in an office 5 tt _ (ain) a lot. 6 We (live) in a big fat 7 My parents (not speak) English 8 My brother (study) at Oxford University 9 You (not do} your homework. 10 The restaurant (open) at 11.30. or El verb. ¢ Complete the text with a cook finish go like Jive study want work Hift'm Catrin and I'ma student. I've ia ina flat with two other girs: Aisha and Holly. Aisha and1*_ history, but Holly = inan office. She isn't very happy because she + _Elher job. She’ [Bla new job! Aisha andy q 0 university 88:30 trcthe Eyer late, inner morning, but we 7 Intheevening,we® for Holly, and she's very happy. ‘Complete the You column in the chart. Then write or E] sentences. Ryan | Sarah | You eat vegetables v x ‘wear glasses drink mineral water do housework ‘play the guitar ISS Res Ryan 1 Ryan eats vegetables. 2 He doesn't wear 3 He 4 5 Sarah 6 Sarah 7 She 8 9 10 You 11 12 18 4 8 PRONUNCIATION third person -s (Circléithe word which ends in zi. 1 likes works ances 2 lives drinks watches 3 drives finishes plays 4 uses takes speaks 5 does listens closes 6 changes gives wears ) 3.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. (Gein) be Choose ajob you love and you wil never have to work a day in your li. Confucius, Chinese philosopher 1 GRAMMAR present simple [7] ¢ Make questions using the words in brackets and verbs from the list. a Are the questions right (¥) or wrong (x)? _ Correct the wrong ones. do earn Tike live pla speak wear work 10 you work at weekends? 1 Po you work at weekend “ your job? (you) k____long hours? the) tennis after work? (he) 2 Do James travel to different countries? x Does James tra 3 Do they wear a uniform? _in a flat? (your parents) housework at weekends? 4 Do Grace do a lot of overtime? _ 2 uniform? (Miriam) good English in your 5 Do you have special qualifications? x Peciat al country? (people) & Do your room have a desk? 8 a lot of money? (they) 7 Do your office have big windows? VOCABULARY jobs 8 Do you want a coffee? _ a Circle)SIXTEEN more jobs. 9 Do your girlfriend drive? AE TEMANAGERO MR E WY R EF CP LW 10 Do your teacher speak Turkish? UL AWYERALIAE _ s DC PAMOOELEA b Complete the questions with does, do, is, or are. Then match the questions to the answers. | RHNRGRTAONW 1 What does shedo? ce clG EAC TORNTGA 2 What they do? iluR ER WS A 4 3 he a builder? ev 4 What you do? AT BU lLOERENT 5 they policemen? NDOCTORPLTEE 6 Where — she work? __ . 7 she a student? vEeEENESOLDIER 8 What hedo? [Ts utcHEFoDRI He's an actor. [RD ENTISTAUVOL Ina restaurant - she's a waitress. a b € She's-adector, d No, they're lawyers. I'ma hairdresser. £ No,he'san engineer. g They're pilots. h No, she's a teacher. b Complete the jobs with the missing vowels 2,6,1,0, or u. administrator ux fety wok drvir 1 2 3 4c pt 5 fl_ght _tt_nd_nt 6 7 8 cc__nt_nt 9 sh_p _ss_st_nt © Complete the job descriptions with a verb from the list. You can use some verbs more than once. drive earn have speak travel wear work 1 ‘work inside and outside during the day or at night Sometimes |? acar and sometimes I walk. I don't a lot of money. “ a uniform,” 2. ‘Iwork in an office with a computer, or outside with other people. 8 French and Spanish and I sometimes ¢ to different countries. | don't wear a uniform. v for a newspaper 3 ‘Iwear @ uniform and | work with other people. | ‘ special qualifications, but | don't? 2 lot of money | work during the day oF at night, but I don’t work outside. re in a hospital d_ Match the descriptions in ¢ to a job. ‘ e+ Sask ree ee eee] b Complete the sentences with words from the list. an ot for in retired unemployed He studies history at My brother is We work I don't have a job. I'm Peolais___ receptionist. My grandparents are 75. They're _ They work a factory, _ university engineer, ‘an American company. hose a job from a, b, or d, or use your own job. nswer the questions with short answers. PQ Vounene Do you work outside? Yes. Ido. Do you work at the weekend? Do you work long hours? Do you have good holidays? Do you speak foreign languages? Deo you travel to different countries? Do you wear special clothes? 8 Do you like your job? 1 No, idon't Write a short paragraph about the job inf. Use your answers to help you. er. work outside and in ano PRONUNCIATION /:/ and /a/ Complete the chart with words from the list. cleaner dirty doctor footballer manager nurse Thursday university work Germany understand 3.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Goer GRAMMAR word order in questions Write the question with the word in brackets in the correct place. Remember to start with o CAPITAL LETTER 1 how old you? (are) How old are you? 2 you like animals? (do) 3. your dog hungry? (is) 4 how many languages you speak? (do) 5 youa vet? (are) 6 where your teacher from? (is) 7 your house have a big garden? (does) Carl and Lily are new friends. They go for a coffee. Complete the questions. € So, Lily, ‘where do you live? L In North London. In a big flat. c? with your parents? L No, | live with my sister. any brothers and sisters? € Ihave a sister. She's 20 Lt a student? € No, she works. She's a shop assistant. L What about you? # work? € Inahotel. Le your job? € Yes, Ido, Hove it! ‘A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself Josh Bilings, humourist and lecturer Make questions with the words in brackets. 1 IsLuciana__ flight attendant? (Luciana / be) 2 Doyouwant a coffee? {you / want) 3 What _ 2 (your phone number / be) 4 How 10 work? (Toni / go) 5 What sports 2 (you / like) 6 tired? (you/ be) 7 Where 2 (ony keys / be) 8 dogs? (your boyfriend / lke) VOCABULARY question words Match questions 1-8 to answers a-h. Where do you work? « What car do you drive? When do you go to the cinema? What kind of films do you like? How many children do you have? Who's your favourite actor? Why do you like him? —_ Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 2 Atwoekends. b Because he's great! era factory: 4 Leonardo DiCaprio. © AMini. £ Action films g Tea h Two. b Circlelthe correct question words, 4+ How many (hea Who do you play he utr? B Inthe evening 2A What kind of / Which / Why music do you like? B Rock. 3. A What/ Where / Who do you do? B I'm an engineer. 4 A How many/ When / Which languages do you speak? B Three, 5A Whatkind of / Where / Why’s it cold in here? B Because the window is open. 6 A What/ When / Who is your favourite singer? B Adele. 7A How many / What kind of / Which do you prefer, the cinema or the theatre? B The cinema. 8 A What/ Where / Why do you study English? B Ata language schoo! € Complete the questions. 1 What ’'s your name? My name's Aurelian. 2 __ do you live? Live in Lucerne in Switzerland, 3 do you have English classes? (On Tuesdays and Thursdays 4 students are in your class? Twelve 5 _ food do you like? Uke Italian. 6 do you prefer, basketball or football? | prefer basketball 7 's your favourite singer? Ed Sheeran. 8 _—do you like him? Like him because he's a really good singer. Answer the questions in ¢ for you 1 Myname's 21 PRONUNCIATION question words, sentence stress Match question words 1-7 to the words with the same sounds a-g. 1 why a you 2 wihich b hot 3 who _ © there 4 what domy Show e ten & when f Fich 7 where g now 3.3 Listen and check. Then listen again. and repeat the words. Underline the stressed words. 1. What do you do? 2 Where do you live? 3 What car do you drive? 4 What kind of films do you like? 5 Who's your favourite singer? 3.4 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences. © Ge online for more practice } (@ Go online to check your progress) |/28 wR — Practical English buying @ cole ¥ telling the timo VOCABULARY telling the time b Complete the conversation with phrases from the list. Complete the times. Cant have here helpyou how much ° e or double is that take away your change A Can | thal B Yes. * have an espresso, please? A Single ® 2 B Single, please. A To have here or * 2 B To® A Anything els B No thanks. How much ® 2 A That's £2.80, please. 1 It’s half past e B Sorry, 2 2 I's ‘A £2.80. Thank you. And * 3 It's B Thanks. 4 hs 5 It's 6 It’s SOCIAL ENGLISH phrases ; Its a Re-order the words to make phrases. Wes 1 we/ Here / are BUYING A COFFEE 2 you/ something / drink / like / Would / to a Order the conversation. — 2 3 t0//later / Talk / you 1A Cant help you? B No thanks. How much is that? ) ; 1A Anything sha? 4 this /the /in / UK / your /Is/ fist / time B Thanks. 2 A £3.65. Thank you. And your change. b Complete the conversations with the phrases in a. B Sorry, how much? A Regular or large? 1A OK. Here we are is your hotel. 2B Yes, Can have a latte, please? B Oh; it’s very nice. __ A That's £3.65, please. B To take away 2 A Sitdown, 2 A Tohave here or take away? B No thanks. m fine, _— B Large, please. 3 A Nice tomeet you 2 B_ No, it isn't. know London very wel 4A - Bye. B Bye. Go online to practise the Practical English phrases _— Can you remember...? 1-3 1 GRAMMAR GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with the correct form of Read the article. Circiela, b, or c. the verbs in brackets. 1 limnot very happy today. (not be) 2 Nurses very long hours. (work) My COAG 3 the TV. | want to watch this programme. (not tum off) cet ae a 4 It’sa small town. It an airport Se ee a ee a ad (rot have) Pima 5 —_— you hungry? It's lunch time. (be) Ce ae Cen Cr od 6 your teacher glasses? ‘oo different groups of dogs. tn the morning, she has (wean) Se eee Cea ee gee es VOCABULARY DD ae Gircleithe word that i diferent. a saihechet Hp imiaetti he 1 tablet charger mobile @uestion) Sehr ee ee es 2 window coin purse wallet ere cia 3 strong bag expensive young 4 wrong wear tall clean 5 cheap worried bored angry 6 cook drink eat late 7 tissue doctor lawyer vet 8 who watch where which PRONUNCIATION Circléthe word with a different sound. 9 una 4 came 74 By bird | 1 nurse (Short) thirsty werk 2 Pe ee 1a hae be « have 2a job b work, © works a 3 a doctor b vet © avet 4 actor bag black charger 4 a doesn'twork b notwork — € don'twork — Sa bigdogs Bb dogebig_€ bigs doge 5 dows dives raves. watches Ga slongwok —& longwak € awaltong 7a bored b tied suessed 6 hairdresser musician Russian 8 a doesn't want b notwant ¢ don't want ‘shop 9 a her b his © your 7 10 a do b does cis @ Ge online to check your progress) 2B sessive', Whose. GRAMMAR possessive ‘s, Whose...? ‘Add an apostrophe (') in the correct place in these sentences. 1 Martha is my brothersgirlriend 2 Do you know Barbaras sister? 3 Tims wife is Russian, 4 work in my fathers shop. 5 The Volvo is my parents car. & The childrens room is very untidy. 7 Chriss friends are in Ireland. 8 Whereis the mens hairdresser? Look at the ‘sin the sentences. Write A (possessive) or B (is) in the box. 1 Kate's sister is a lawyer. A 2 His mother’s very short. B 3 My cousin's flat is very big. 4 Our grandfather's 70 today. 5. Their uncle's a pilot 6 Jim's children wear glasses, 7 My brother's wife plays the piano. 8 Her name's Lucy. - Complete the sentences with whose or who's, is that bag? the woman in the red dress? dictionary is this? her husband? the man with the notebook? pens are they? your English teacher this year? books are they? d A celebrity isa person who works hard al his life to Become well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. Fred Allen, American comedian Write questions about the photos. 1. Whose phone is it? 2 Whose sunglasses are > 3 Whose charger 2 4 Whose. 2 5 2 6. 2 ° a ° 3 ° 8 ny boytend wan Sendra o ~ @ ° YY . \ Ke my father my sister Amy ‘Answer the questions in d. I's my boyfriend's phon\ 2 They're Wvan’s 3 It's 4 5 6 VOCABULARY family Complete the chart ‘grand ‘grandfather ‘mother a : uncle wife a brother daughter = 7 nephew b « Complete the sentences. My father’s brother is my My sister's daughter is my My mother’s sister is my My father’s mother is my My aunt's daughter is my My mother's father is my My brother's son is my My sister's husband is my My husband's mother is my 10. My father’s new wife is my _ Look at the family tree. Answer the questions about Mia's family. 2 Who's Leo? He's Mia's 3 Who's Emily? She's 4 Who's Matt? 5 Who's Becky? 6 Who's Mike? 7 Who's Poppy? 8 Who's Connor? 9 Who's Martin? Think about people in your family. What are their names? Write about six people. PRONUNCIATION /h/, the letter o Cross out the three words with a different sound. brother hungry sen nurse husband uncle cousin model LEI "P ene couple young mother journalist. Monday ugly Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Match sentences 1~4 to sounds a=d. 6 fT a uy up bphone ec clock —d boot z] 1 Those mobile phones are old 2 Who are you? 3 Their son comes every Monday. 4 Tom's doctor is Scottish, __ 4.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences. 3 o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher SOE 1 VOCABULARY daily routine a Circlelthe action which people do first. / 1 getup /wake up) get dressed / have a shower have lunch / have breakfast {go to work / start work go home / get home make dinner / go shopping \g. check do finish get have puton relax see take walk 4 I check my messages on my phone. 21 work at 3 o'clock on Fridays. 3 We friends on Saturday evenings. 4 Doyou make-up every day? 5. Myhusband and | the housework at the weekend. 6 They live near the office, so they to work. 7 How do you after ahard day at work? 8 |___ the dog for a walk three times a day. 9 What time do you to work in the morning? 10 Doyou a shave every day? ¢ Complete the article with have, go, or get. A STUDENT’S LIFE IS EASY...OR IS IT? Many people think that students have a very easy life. We ask Helen and Rupert about their typical day. T'g0 to university in Bristol, and I live about kilometre avay from the university, with two other seadents Everyday 1% up at 7.30 and I ____a shower. 14 «coffee, and then I to iy classes. I'm at university all day, and then I® shopping ‘on my way home, so 7 home late. Ido the housework and study in the evening and I® to bed at 11.30. I'm usually very tired” Helen Edwards, from Durham in north-east England 4 to Exeter University, so [live at hhome with my parents. Every moming I wake up at 8 o'clock and I” _ breakfast with 7 sommpuy mother. Then 1 dressed Ye. to university by bus My muta good cook, 50 Ba: hhome for lunch, SS) we lunch together. Jin the afttenoon, I study for an hour or two and then I watch TV. re a bath after dinner, Fm usually quite relaxed at the end of __ the day Rupert Cavendish, from Exeter in south-west England PRONUNCIATION linking 3 Listen and write six sentences. Satur (6 words) (6 words) (S words) (6 words) (7 words) (6 words) 3 Listen again and repeat the sentences. GRAMMAR prepositions of time and place Write the words and phrases in the correct column. March 6th December 6.30 the winter Monday night the afternoon the weekend Saturday evening 1984 Christmas 21st August Circleithe correct preposition. 1 Ihave a shower(iaY on / at the morning. 2 They go on holiday in/ on / at August. 3 My sister studies economics at / in / to university. 4 My brother goes to bed in/ on / at midnight 5 Do you live at/ in/ to a house or fat? 6 We have English classes in / on / at Tuesdays ‘and Thursdays. The children have lunch at / in / to school Tina works in / on / at the weekend, 9 Jack goes at/ in to the gym after work 10 It’s very hot in / on / atthe summer. Complete the text with the correct prepositions fo My name is Francesco Mancini and I work in an office in the centre of Rome. During the week, I get up® half past six. go? __work by train, but ‘ Fridays I drive so can visit my mother $ the afternoon. I start work 6 quarter to nine and I have lunch 2 work.® the summer Iwork different hours because * 45th June we change to the summer timetable. It's very hot in Rome * ‘most people go on holiday.” August, so Answer the questions about your daily routine. Write full sentences. 1 What time do you get up? I get up at 2 Where do you have breakfast? 3 Do you go to work? 4 Do you have a coffee in the moming? 5 Where do you have lunch? 6 When do you go to English classes? 7 Do you make dinner? 8 What do you do in the evening? 9 What time do you go to bed? Go online for more practice) 2 1 VOCABULARY months, adverbs ¢ and expressions of frequency a Put the letters in order to make months. Write the months in order. Remember to start with a CAPITAL LETTER. erpebsmte ilpar movrebne ugtuas yma anyjuse ujen cotorbe ebryfuar ecerdmbe ahrme _uylj 1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 Decer b Answer the questions. 1. How many minutes jn an hour? 2 How many moiths ina year? 3 How many days in a week? 4 How many seconds in a minute? 5 6 7 How may weeks in a mofith? How many hours in a day? How many days in June? 8 How many weeks in a year? Live your lfe and forget your age Norman Voncent Peale, American writer Len OES ‘Complete the sentences with an adverb or expression of frequency. 1 Igo to the gym tice ‘a week, on Mondays and Thursdays 2 He eats meat. He's a vegetarian 3 She starts work at 9.00, but on Mondays she starts at 10.00. 4 see my parents a year at Christmas. 5 They usually walk to work, but they 6 Ihave English classes Wednesday and Friday. drive Monday, GRAMMAR position of adverbs, expressions of frequency Are the sentences right (¥) or wrong (x)? Correct the wrong sentences. 1 Pilots often sleep in hotels. y 2 The children every day walk to school. x The children walk to school every day. 3 Mike drives sometimes to work. 4 My girlfriend is never late, 5 They every summer go to Italy. 6 Ellie three times a day drinks coffee. 7. My brother hardly ever has a shave 8 We twice a week study English, 9 L always am stressed, | see my grandparents every weekend, Write sentences. Use verbs from the list and the words in brackets in the correct place. do getup go have see sleep take 1. We / the housework (once @ week) They / pizza for dinner. (never) My mother / shopping (every morning) /or eight hours. (hardly ever) We / our friends (every weekend) 6 I /at quarter to seven. (usually) My children / happy. (always) 8 She / the dog for a walk (three times a day) Complete the You column in the chart. Then complete the sentences with a verb and an adverb of frequency. always V¥VVY — sometimes ¥¥ usually YY YY hardly ever v often vw never - Matt Becky | You decolorsgt 'wvew ty |* hours be relaxed VY ® do sport or exercise *W¥ ee s cathoatlyfood vey beil = ewww |® Matt 1 Matt usual h 2 Heis always 3 He sometimes 4 He 5 Becky 6 Becky 7 She 8 13 4 PRONUNCIATION the letter h Complete the sentences with words from the list. hairdresser happy hom: hospital hour Hung: 4. Her husband is from Hun, 2 My headphones are at 3 His mothers in 4 Lunch is half an 5 Helen isa 6 The children are healthy and 1.4 Listen and check. In which word is hnot pronounced? 1.4 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Go online for more practice) | 34 pF

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