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GRAMMAR 2 3are, 4you'te, 5s, She’, 7 she, B she's, 915, 1018, 11 are, 12 were 13 they, 14 they're b 2!m,34,4%e,5%, 6/10 © 2m, 3 They'e,d she's, 5 You're, 6Hes, 7 we! PRONUNCIATION ° ia tee fa man, thanks elton wall ev gh day fa fe, tee € 2 tenis, 3 eighteen, 4 thirteen S basketball 6 goodie, 7 sal 8 internet. 9 computer, 10 hela VOCABULARY ‘8 2 Sunday, 3 Thursday, 4 Monday, 5 Friday, 6 Wednesday, 7 Tuesday b 2 twolve, fourteen, sixteen 3 eightoon, nineteen, twenty 4 leven, thirteen, fifteen 2 Tueeday, 3 eight, 4 Thursday, 5 four, 6 Sanrcay d-1 Hello, Lola. You'e in ny English ase 2 Ohl Nice to meet you, Lola. 3 Nice to meet you, too. 4 Well, seo you on Monday, Lola, 5 No, the class ison Tuesday, not Monday! & Bye. 7 Goodbye, VOCABULARY 2 2Beazl, 3 Chinese, 4 England, 5 French, 6 Ireland, 7 Mexican, & Poland, 9 Sw, 10 Turkey b 3 Japanese, 4 Hungary, § American, 6 italy, 7 Spanish, 8 Scotland 9 Eayptian, 10 Czech Republic ‘¢ 2 South America, 3 Europe, 4 Africa, 5 North America, & Australia 4 1 cighty-three 2 fifty-one, twenty-seven 3 ftyemo, forty-four 4 thiny-si, twenty-eight 2 PRONUNCIATION 8 2Chifid, 3 Germany, 4 lll 5 Eufopal 6 Polland, 7 Iflly, 8Cajpan Chin € 1 Swiss, 2 English GRAMMAR 82 Where's she from? 3 Are they from South America? 4 Are you from Spain? 5 lehe from Poland? & Aree in room five? b a5,b204,d3,66 4 Spanich 3. He n't German, het 4 They aren't in Egypt, they're in 5. She isn't British, he's & It isn't from France, is from 7 Imnot Scots, !m 8 tis Brazilian, i's 2 3 3 5 6 Are you American? are you from ‘re you a student? is/'6 your teacher from leshe English? © Students’ own answers VOCABULARY 2 board, computer, door picture, table, wal, window b 3d,4b,51,60,7¢,80,9),109, ini 2k € 2Sony, 3have, please, 4 spel, S What, 6 How, 7 Can, please, 8 repeat, plas, 9 know PRONUNCIATION 4 2South, 3 Asia, 4 do © 25,30,44,55 GRAMMAR 2 2you, Shi, 4 she, St, our 7 your, Bthey b 2Hls,3 Our 4 My, 5 its, your 7 Their © 2 book 3 his bike 4 Ite our elaseroom, Iteher chain Its thee pizza, Its my laptop/eomputer. tes your house d_2your, 3 you, 4 your § your, 6 your 7 your, 8 you Students’ own anewers Practical English 4 VOCABULARY 2single, 3 double, 4 bar, § reception, 6 ground floor 2 CHECKING IN a 2sign, 3 lift, 4 you, 5 spall, 6 right, Tey, moment 2 Can you spel tha, please? 3 Thats right 4 Justa moment 5. Canyou sign here, please? & Here's your key. 7 The lit's over there 8 Thank you. WOULD YOU LIKE...? 2 Would you lke a beer? No, thanks, 3. Would you like a Coke? No, thank 4 Would you like 3 103? Yes, please. 5 Would you like @ mineral water? Yes, please. {6 Would you lke a hot chocolate? No, thanks, SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 about, 3 problem, 4 that, 5 business, 6 perfect, 7 time Can you remember...? 1 1 GRAMMAR 2isn, 3 your daren, Syou, ds 2 VOCABULARY 2 today, 3 thineen, 4 Polish, § Europe, 6 Germany, ? door, 8 repeat 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 bye, Shis, 4 do, Stable, 6 g0 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 2b,3.a,4c,5b,63,7¢,8a,9a, 106 VOCABULARY 2 Across 5 ticket, 8 scssors, 10 phone, At pen, 12 key Down: 1 dictionary, 2 photo, 4 tissue, Slam, 7 diary, 9 coin Zin, 3 under, 4 under, § on, 6 in 2 GRAMMAR a 3itsa,4ltSan, 5 ikea, 6 kan, 7 ites, Bisa bb -= keys, pencil, photos, tckots, windows “es: clases, sandwiches, watches jes: counties, diaries, dictionaries © Ten, 2 woman, 3 people, 4 child 2 man, 3 children, 4 people, S women eA 2 dictionaries Irs a charger, 4 They're magazines, 5 They're glastes 6 Iesapen B 2 on the desk 3 is under the desk 4 Tre magazines are inthe bag. 5 é ‘The glasses are onthe laptop, ‘The pen isin the notebook F Students own answers 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 classes, 3 watches, 4 sandwiches, 5 glasses VOCABULARY 18 2pink, 3 rd, 4 orange, yellow, 6 green, 7 blue, B brow, 9 grey, TO black blight, 4 high, § short, 6 empty, 7 big, 8 poor 9 old, 10 right, 11 good, 12 fast, 13 strong, 14 different © 2really cold, 3 very lean, 4 quite young, 5 relly bad, 6 very long GRAMMAR 8 3V,4.x big house, 5X old magazines, 64,7.4.8 F oxponcive watches, 9¥, 10% young wornen bam ‘an expensive phone. 3 Myhaicis quite long. 4 Ave they new students? 5 Your boots are really dirty, 6 Ieis an old city. 7 Thatisn’t a very good book 8 Hishouse is quite near 2a beoutifl city, 3 fast cars, 4 dangerous animals, 5 rich people, ba dificult language old, 3 vary old, is very tall, Bis quite short, 6c quite tll fe Students’ own answers PRONUNCIATION ‘2 2green jeans, 3a black cat, 4 fast chargar, 5 hot dogs, Ga shore story, 7 a good book, Bnew shoes VOCABULARY 18 thirsty, 3 happy, 4 cold, 5 sad, 6 stressed, 7 bored, Bhot, 9 hungry, TOticed, 11 woried, 12 frightened bb 2thiesty, 3 sad, 4angry, S happy, 6 cold € 2am/‘mtied, 3am/’m ightened, 4is/'shot, 5 are/ ‘re bored, 6i8/'s hungry GRAMMAR Lets stop here. 3 Lets sithere. 4 Lovs not eat her, 5 Lets go there 6 Lots open the window. b 3 Answer, 4 Stop, § Don't do, 6 Tu of, 7 Don't read, 8 Don't cross € 3 Lets go toa restaurant 4 Close the door. 5 Lats go on holiday. & Have a drink 7 Lets.go home. PRONUNCIATION ‘a 2 Tum of 3 Let’ ask, 4 Don't open, 5 Lots eat 6 Don't sit on VOCABULARY 0,4 say, Slike, 6 read, 7 want, 8 speak b 2d,3h,40,59,6a,7b.8¢ € 2play the guitar, 3 workin an offic, 4 Tieton to music, 5 do homework, Ghave 2 garden, 7 eat vegetables, 8 speak German GRAMMAR 2 2b,3b,4,52,6b,73,88 b 2don's go, 3has, 4 doesnt work, 5 rains, 6 lve, 7 don't speak, @ studies, 9 don’t do, 10 opens € 2 study, 3 works, 4 dosn't ke, § go, 7 dont finish, B cook d 2 glasses 3. drinks mineral water 4 He does housework 5 He doesn't play he guitar. é 7 a doesn't eat vegeta wears glasses She doesn’: clink mineral water, 9. She doesn't do housework, 10. Sho plays the guitar 11215 Student’ own answers 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘2 2watches, 3 finishes, 4 uses, 5 closes, & changes GRAMMAR 8 3¥,4x Does Grace do, SV, 6X Does your room have, 7 x Does your ffce ave, 87,9 X Doss your girifiend drve?, 10 x Does your teacher speak b 2do, 9,315, f,4do, ©, 8 Are, , 6 does, b, 7h, 8 does, 8 Does he play Do your parents live Do you do oes Miriam wear Do people speak Do they earn VOCABULARY architect, buildor, chef, cleaner, dentist, doctor engineer guide, lawyer ‘manager, model, pilot, soldier, teacher, b 2 taxi driver, 3 factory worker, 4 receptionist, 5 fight attendant, 6 accountant, 7 hairdressr, 8 footballer, 9 shop essitant 2 chive, 3 earn, 4 wear, 5 speak, 6 travel 7 work, 8 have, 9 eam, 10 work d_ajournalist2, a nurse 3, a police officer 1 @ 2n,3 for, 4 unemployed, 52,6 retired, £ Students’ own answers 9 Students’ own answers 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 st! city, Germany, nurse, Thursday, university, work fal actor, cleaner, doctor, footballer, manager, understand GRAMMAR 8 2 Doyou like animals? Is your dog hungry? 4 How many languages do you spoak? 5 Aro youa vet? é 7 \Where i your teacher fom? Does your house have a big garden? b 2b you the, 3D youhate ise, Bite sous cove Pei sites Sie ientte » VOCABULARY Pzesati sh 6,709 baad ot 3 ha few many Bice whet wns wl ¢ 2here dian, therm BWthadeh Ao. 8 why 4 Suen cnn ower 5 PRONUNCIATION P7isatb,sa6e7¢ © 2 re doyes tne ee eat 4 What kind of fms do you ike? 5 Who's your favourte singer? Practical English VOCABULARY 2 half past, 3 eleven o'clock, 4 twenty-five fo nine, 5 quarter past twelve, {twenty tos, 7 twontyfive past wo, B ten to seven BUYING A COFFEE 2 3-A Regular or large? Large, please To have hore ortake anay? To take away Anything elec? No thanks, How much is that? ‘Thats £3.65, please Sorry, how much? £3.65, Thank you, And your change. 12. B Thanks, b 2Can!,3.or double, take away, Shave here, 6 is that, 7 how much 8 your change 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH poparara> 1 1 Would you like something to drink? Talk to you later. Is this your ist time in the UK? 2 3 3 2- Would you lice something to sink? 5 le this you fst te in he UR? 4 Takroyouloter, Can you remember...? 1-3 GRAMMAR 2 work, 3 Don't turnoff, & doesnt have, 5 Are, & Does, wear VOCABULARY 2 window, 3 bag, 4 woar, 5 cheap, late, 7 tesue, 8 watch PRONUNCIATION 2bive, $high, 4 charger, S matches, 6 hairoscor 89 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 2c,3b,43,53,63,7b,86,93, 106 GRAMMAR Do you know Barbara's sister? ‘Tirn's wife is Russian, workin my fathers shop. ‘The Volvo is my parents cer, The children’s room is very untidy. Chris's fiends are in ireland Whore isthe men's hairdresser? b 3A,48,58,6A,7A88 € 3 Whose, 4 Whol, 5 Who's, 6 Whose, 7 Who's, 8 Whose they ist keys are they Whose umbrellas it? Whose headphones are they? sunglasses Sandra’s charger ‘They're my sisters keys les my fathers umbrella, They're Amy's headphones. 2 VOCABULARY 2 2father, 3 aunt, 4 husband, S sister, 6 s0n,7 niece, & cousin b 2niace, 3 aunt, 4 grandmother, 5 cousin, 6 grandfather, 7 nephew, Bbeotherinlaw, 9 mother inlaw, 10 stepmother husband Mia sister Hes Mia son, Shot Miat niece He's Mia’ brother in-law, She's Miat daughter He’ Mia nephew. He’ Mia’ father. Students’ own answers 3 PRONUNCIATION 18 nurse, model, journalist € 1b,24,3a,4¢ | VOCABULARY 12 Zhave a shower, 3 have breakfast, 4go towork, 5 go home, é go shopping bb 2finish, 3 see, 4 put on, § do, 6 walk 7 relax, 8 take, 9 get, 10 have © 2get, Ihave, 4have, 5 g9, 6 go, 7 get, 8 go, 9 go, 10have, 11 get, 12 g0, 1390, 1dhave, 1S have 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 2 thave a shower at eight 53 He stars work at eleven 4 He has a shave after breakfast 5 Thay speak on the phone every evening. 6 Twrte alot of emails 3 GRAMMAR 8 in_ the winter the fternoon,1984 fen Monday, Saturday evening, 2st August at hight, the weekend, Chrisimas b 2in,32t,4at, Sin, 60n,7 at Bat, 90, t0in © 2,320, 40n, Sin, Sat,7 a 8, 9.0n, 10 in Students’ own answers 1 VOCABULARY 2 2Fobruary, 3 March, 4 Apel, § May, 6 June, 7 July, 8 August, 9 September 10 October, 11 November Db 2twelve, 3 seven, 4 sixty, § four, 6 twenty-four, 7 thity, 8-200 € nove, 3 usually, 4 once, § sometimes, three times 2 week GRAMMAR 2 2X Mike sometimes dives to work 47, 5 X They go to tay every summer 6 X lie drinks cofee threo times a day 7 ¥, 8X Wo study Englsh twice a week 9 xi am always stressed. 107 bb 3 My mother goos shopping every moming. 4 Thardly ever sleep for eight hours, 5. We soe our fiends every weckend, 6 L usually get up at quarter to seven. 7 My children are always happy. 8 She takes the dog fora walk three times a day relaxed oes sport or exercise often eats healthy food He is never il sometimes sleeps for eight hours isoften relaxed She never does sport or exercise. She hardly ever eats healthy food 10 She i aly il. TIS. Students own answers 3 PRONUNCIATION 8 Zhome, 3 hospital, 4 hour 5 halerosser, happy bb isnot pronounced in hour VOCABULARY 12 Down: 2 moet, 3s0e, § give, sing Acrots: 4 remember, paint, 7 usa, 9 dance 1b 2dram, 3 look, 4 run, § send, 6 swim, 7 take, 8 wait € help, 3 leave, 4 tel, Sty, 6 hear, 7 talk 8 find 2 GRAMMAR 2 2b,34,40,52,64 b 2cantttalk, 3 can see, 4 can't tun 2 Shecan't paint. 3 Ho can't swim, 4 Ho can cook, 2 Canyou paint? 3 Can you swim? 4 Can you cook? PRONUNCIATION b 1 A Canyou speak German? B Yes, 'can.v 2 Lean't find the keys. 7 3 She can sing 4 Where can buy a newspaper? 5 A Can you cook? B No, leant v 6 He can't swim. VOCABULARY 8 2practice the piano, 2 bark 4 have 2 noisy party 5 argue, & play loud music, 7 ery, 8make a lot of noise b Zhave,3 bark, 4 cry, Sake, 6 gue, 7 play, 8 have Student’ own answers GRAMMAR 2 2are, 2isnt, 4s, 5’mnot, 6 aren’ b 2isbuying, 3 aren't dancing, I, coming, S isnt wearing, 6 Are, watching, 7'm not working, 8 are swimming © 2 are playing football 3 are arguing 4 is barking 5 is/'seying 6 s/s playing the gutar 7 isi Ssinging 8 is Stalking on her phone PRONUNCIATION b 2pink, 3 long, uncle, 5 chink, {6 Hungary, 7 young, 8 think VOCABULARY 8 winter, 3 summer, 4 autuma 1b 2windy, 3hot, 4 snowing, § sunny, 6 raining, 7 caid, 8 cloudy © 2itshot. 3 WS raining, 4 Its snowing Siswindy. 61s foggy. 7 tes sunny. Bite cold GRAMMAR a 2 Imsightseeing 3 mhaving dinner 4 do they usually go 5 She travels & sit aining 7 does your gitriend do? 8 Are you working 2 makes, isn't cooking 3 am/"m working, finish 4 practi, ae /"0 playing 5 goes, is/ Sworking & am/'m reading, Buy € 2don't need, 3is/¢aining visting, S love, 6s standing isn’t looking, Bis taking, 9 go PRONUNCIATION 2 Westminster Albbey Covent Gariden StPauls Catheldral Pilcaldilly Ciceus Leicester Square the Houlses of Parlialment Tralfalgar Square Wemibley Stal um the Towler of Lonidon 1 Practical English VOCABULARY 2acket, 3 jeans, 4 shirt, § sweater, G trousers, 7 Thin, 8 skirt 2 BUYING CLOTHES @ 2se, 3medium, 4 large, 5 ny, & changing, 7 Thank, 8 much b overthere, 3 there © 2 That, 3 Those, 4 These 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Zits 0 cooll 3 Whats wrong? 4 No way, 5 ight now? 6 |have to go. 7 Hove fun! Can you remember...? 1-5 GRAMMAR 4 brothers, SIs, 6 Don't stop, 7 usualy yees, on, 8 Whos, 9 are you going 2 VOCABULARY 2 soldier, 3 have childeon, 4 easy, 5 run, & cheap, 7 eighty, 8 builder PRONUNCIATION 2 mother, 3 take, 4 hot, § hour 6 lunch GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 2b,30,4b,52,6b,7¢,8b,9a, 106 GRAMMAR @ 2you, him, d her, 5, 6us,7 you B thom bb Zhim, 3you, 4 them, 5 us, 6 me, 7 you, Sher, 9 him, 10 them € 3he, me, 4, them, 5 She, us, 6 We, t, 7 they im, 8, you dd 2her, 3he, 4 him, 5 them, 6 they, 7 her, Bshe 2 VOCABULARY 2 24,3¢,49,546h,76,8a bb 2artve, 3 desert, 4 comfortable, 5 sls, 6 valuable, 7 through, 8 vilage € inside, 3 decide, 4 stenge, 5 mountain, 6 leave, 7 into, 8 suprised PRONUNCIATION bb 2this, me, 4 these, 5, 6 niece VOCABULARY 8 Zsecond, 3 third, 4 fit, 5 twelfth 6 thirteenth, 7 twentieth, 8 twenty-first sixth, eighth ninth, eleventh ‘ighteanth, twonty-second fieenth, wentieth ‘twenty frat twenty twenty-third, twenty thiieth, thirty-first 31/10, the thiny-frst of October 11, the fest of January 407, the urth of July 14/2, the fourteenth of February PRONUNCIATION a 22,39,4b,50,6b,7b,89 GRAMMAR 2 ‘8 2 painting, 3 dencing, 4 running, 5 cooking, & swimming, 7 studying, 8 wing, 9 playing diving a night doesn't mind siting in cafée He loves swimming in the sea. He doesn like watching football loves dancing at parties hates driving at night Sho lke sting in cafes, She dosens ike swimming in the soa, She dosen't mind watching footbal, Students! own answers the twenty-fith of December He gets up quite early They have eggs. They have lunch at home, They watch afin (on TM. ‘They play games together They go to bed very late b th cond 1115 <2 Student’ onn answers VOCABULARY 8 Down: 2 guitar, 3 accordian, & bass, 7 pian Across: 4 drums, 5 keyboard, 8 violin 9 saxophone: bb 2 guitars, 3 accordionist, 4 drummer, 5 keyboard player, 6 bass player, 7 pianist, 8 violist, 9 saxophonist € 12,2638,4¢,5b,60 GRAMMAR 4 Zdoesn't, 31s, 4 aren't, § Do, 6 don't, Tigo’, 8 Doss bb 2do, 3ient, 4 dont S arent, 6 Does 7,8 doesn't, 9 dont, 10 Are play 3 Is Fiona 4 does Harriet ive 5. How old are Chris and Gray? & What does Jason play? 7 Where do Scott and Fiona Ive? 9 10 Whereis /'s Scot from? What does Horret play? Where do Gray, Jason, and Cheis live? PRONUNCIATION 2 2 journalist, 3 nurse, 4 lunch, S summer © 2 {eal keiths fantastic. 3. dont ice him. Hes awl 4 dont like her. Shes terible GRAMMAR 2 2Wore, 3 wasn't, 4 were, 5 wasn't, ‘Were, 7 was, 8 weren't b 2was, Was, 4 wasn't, 5 was, 6 was, 7 were, Bwere <2 3 4 5 Students’ own answers PRONUNCIATION aA Nouson @>orare Who was Andy Warhol? He was an artist Was he English? ‘No, he wasn't. He was American, Wea was he bon? He was bom in 1928 Were his parents Amer No, they weren't She was Swe He wasnt ‘They weren't expensive. Where were you? Was sho a vot? Fe wae wrong. VOCABULARY {2 -erdancer, paintor, singer, writer “or actor, director, inventor nist, novels, pianist, scientist ‘an musician, politician b 3 vas. actor, 4 was a scientist, S was a singer, 6 were inventors, Twas a writer / novels, B were painters / arate € 3 Was Charlotte Bronte a novelist? Yes, she was, 4 Was Frida Kahl a pianist? No, she wasn't, She was an ate. 5 Were JIRR. Tolkien and C'S, Lewis No, thay weren't, They were writers 6 Was David Bowie a singor? Yes, he was 7 Were Vivaldi anc Bach composers? Yes, they were. 8 Was Dante Alighieri a politician? No, he wasn't He wae poet. GRAMMAR 2 2 called, didn call 3 liked, didn't ke 4 looked, didn't look 5 dich’ check é didn't ook played, cidrt play ” ‘What time cl the match finish? Did you like your birthday presents? ‘What did your brother study at university? Did your parents arve lastnight? Where di your friends lve in Germany? / Where in Germany did ‘your fonds live? Did you ery at the end of the fl? 18 Whst time did Sandra start wore yesterday? 2 When did Amy Winehouse die? She died in 2011 3 When did Spot start? Ie started in 2008, 4 When did Neil Armstrong walk on ‘the moon? He walked on the moon in 1969. '5 When did the satellite Juno arrive at Jupiter? itartved in 2016, 6 When did the fist tablets appear? They appesred in 2002 7 When cid Tim Berners-Lee crete World Wide Web? He created it in 1990, 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 2painted, 3 waited, 4 posted, started, & decided 3 VOCABULARY 28 2 twoyears ago last month yesterday morning {wo hours ago last July ‘wo weeks ago yesterday sfternaon in 1990 10 the day before yesterday b 2ag0, 3 last, 4 yesterday, 5 yesterday, 6 ago, 7 in, Blast Students’ own anewers | GRAMMAR @ 2drank, 3 bought. 4 knew, 5 found, thought, 7 took, B said, 9 put on wont shopping after wor lastnight wore jeans yesterday did't have dinner at home lastnight bought a lot of things yesterday didn't get up early yesterday morning feltill yesterday dide't go out last week dide’t have breakfast yesterday 10. coulde't come to my party last yoar ¢ 3did you go, 4 did you wear, 5 did you get, 6 Did you get / take 7 Did you have, 8 Was 2 VOCABULARY 2 2forawelk, 3 egeod-time, 4 ear, S by train, 6 shopping » bb 2 got, 3had, 4 went, 5 got, 6 had 7 went, had, 9 went, 10 had, 11 went, i2had ‘90 with travel did they arrive the weather lke What did they do? Where did they have dinner? Dia they have 8 good time? Students’ own answers Practical English | VOCABULARY 2 straight, 3 right, 4 past, 5 ond, streot, Scorer, 7 bridge, 8 trafic lights 2 ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Turn left tthe traffic lights Isthe station near here? Could you sey that again? Its at the end of the steet. You can’t miss it I don’t know exactly where, Can you tell me the way to the station? Is the tation near here? {don't know exactly where. Con you tell me the way to the station? Tur loft tthe traffic lights CCouid you say that again fee atthe end of the street You can’ miss it 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 18 2could, 3 Maybe, 4 would, 5 nice, 6 there, 7 course, 8 meet bb 2 what would you lke to vist? That’ really nie of you. Whats there to see? Maybe another time? Yes, of course, What a view!| We could go tothe British Museum Can you remember...? 1-7 | GRAMMAR 2'm working, 3 found, were, 4 are ra having, § did't get, 6 dont like VOCABULARY 2oursen, 3 fourth, 4 guitarist, 5 weather, & every day, 7 month, 8 have a garden 3 PRONUNCIATION 2hree, 3 those, 4 jacket, Seeded, started 4. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 2 first, 3 for 4 took, 5 back, 6 did't, 7 was, Bher,9 spoke, 10 weren't 4. PRONUNCIATION 2 2-said, 3 lost, 4 had, S bought, 6 drove, 7 could, 8 learned GRAMMAR a 2iwasn', 3 Ithe, 4 I could, 55H cant, & Could you, 7 She stucles, 8 We didn't lke, 9 Does it finish, 10 He spoke, 11 She doesn't have, 12Did you feo! b 3xXal the lights wore off, 4, 5 X we coulen't soe who it was, 6 xt was Stoven Potter, 7 ¥, 8 X we went to his house at 6.00 a.m. 9 X He didn't want to speak to us, 10 © 3did you see, 4 cid you go, 5 Did she lke, & di, finish, 7 did you do, 8 did you leave, 9 Did you go, 10 Did you get, 11 did you go VOCABULARY 8 2come, came, 3 cen, drank, 4 drive, drove, 5 give, gave, Sow, knew 7 put, put, 8 sit, sat, 9 swim, swam, 10 wake, woke, Twin, won, 12 tte, wrote b 2met, 3 thought, 4 found, 5 bought, 6 lost, 7 broke, 8 took, 9 made, TO could € 2drove, 3 knew, 4 wanted, 5 watched, 6 waited, 7 saw, 8 followed, 9 was, 10 stopped, 11 opened, 12 took, ‘Blk 14 had, 15 looked, 14 wasnt, Twas VOCABULARY 2 Across: 4 miro, 7 shelf {0 staire Down: t carpet, 2 cooker, 3 armchair, 5 fireplace, 6 bed, 7 shower, 8 lamp b 2bathroom, 3 dining room, 4 study, 5 garage, 6 kitchen, 7 living room, B beckoom, 9 garden 2balcony, 3 wardkobe, 4 micronave, 5 wall, bath 7 dishwasher, 8 plant GRAMMAR 1 2is there, 3 there ist, 4 there’, 5 are there, 6 There ae, 72, 8 there i, 8 any, 10 ary, 11 some ‘Are there any carpets? ‘There aren't any plants ‘There are soma Books Are there any glasses ‘There aren't any files € 2it,3 There, 4 they 5 There, 6 There, 7 there, 8 there, 9 there, 10 They 2 There a sofa under the bike 43 There ae some boxes on the shelves 4 There’ a small table in ont ofthe sofa 5 There’ a small carpet on the floor. 6 Thre a window inthe comer @ Studens’ own answers Student’ own answers PRONUNCIATION 2 2staie, 3 we're, hair fridge, GRAMMAR ‘2 2 There weren't any chairs 3. Was there a dishwasher? 4 There were some cupbosrds 5 Were there any glasses? 6 There wasn'ta table, b 2were, 3 was, 4 wasnt § were, 6 was, 7 as, B weren't, 9 were € 2 there weren't, 3 Was there, 4 thore wasn't, 5 there wasn't, 6 Was thoro, 7 there we Were there, 9 there were VOCABULARY a 2nextto,3in front of, 40n, Sunder, S between, 7 opposite, 8 over, 9 behind bb 2next to, 3 opposite, 4 behind, 5 under, S between, 7n front of, Bon, 9 above € 2 ffom,.t0,3 into, 4 through, 5 out af, bup 3 there weren't any shelves or cupboards “There was @ window “There weren't any curtains There wasn't 2 shower in the bathroom There was only a bath {8 There wore tree spiders inthe bath PRONUNCIATION @ 2cupboard, 3 white, know, § autumn, 6 wale, 7 bellder, 8 wrong VOCABULARY 18 Across: 6 chicken, 8 cake, 9 jam, 11 cereal Down’ t butter, 2 steak, 3 rice, § chips, 7 coffee, 10 mie Vegetables: carots, mushrooms, onions, peas, potatoes Snacks: biscuits, chocolate, crisps, nuts, Fruit: Bananas, oranges, pineapple, strewberriae ‘© ice cream, 3 ih, 4 sugar, 5 bread, eggs, 7 olve ol, 8 lettuce 2 GRAMMAR 1a 22,3some, dan, 5 some, 6 some, 72, 8 an,9 some b 32,dsome, 52,6 some, 72, 8 some bs in our garden © 2 aren't any had an ogg for breakfast is some cugarin my cotlee a 4 5 ate some snacks yesterday é 7 were some spices in the cupboard ‘int make a cake for his bitheay wasn't any bread onthe table 4 2soma, 3 some, 4 any San, 6 any, 7 any, 8 some, 92, 10, 11 any yasome (Students own answors 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 2ice cream, 3 eat VOCABULARY 1 2box, 3 carton, 4 Hn, 5 packet, 6 can, Teotle bb 2box, 3jar 4 packet, § botle, 6 tin, 7 carton € 2 packet, nuts, 3 carton, milk, 4 n, Coke/cola, 5 box, cakes, bottle, ol, 7 tin, peas PRONUNCIATION bb 2salt,3 shopping, 4 centre GRAMMAR 2 3¥, 4X little milk, 5X None, 5X a fow biscuits, 7 x We don't fest many snacks, 87 2 4 5 é 2 2 10 How much, a lot of sugarn her tea How mary, many biscuits How many, quite alot of sweets How much, much exercise How many, any cups of coffee How many calories are therein @ banana? How mary oranges are there in @ earton of orange juice? How much satis there in a bow! of coroal? How many eggs are therein a box? How much jam is there in ajar? How many tomatoes are there in @ bottle of ketchup? How many spices are there ina How much butter ie there in 8 How many potatoes are there in 2 small packet ofereps? VOCABULARY 520 6 475,000 11830 7 1,700,000 2.80 8 8,250,000 3088 ‘twenty-two, and fonythree thousand ‘ight hundred ‘eighteen milion, ninety-one fourhundred and nineteen thousand twenty-four thirtzen, nine hundred and fity-four thousand! eight hundred and ninety-five four thousand five hundted ‘welve thousand four hundred and seventy thirty-three thousand nine hundred and thity five hundred and seventy-five thousand six hundred sxmilion two hundred and fy thoutand shiry-four milion eight hung Skt thousand ed ond GRAMMAR sadder, inner, wetter dlier, drier hungrier more beautiul, more diffcu mote comfortable further batter 2 is bigger than China 3 is drier than Manchester 4 is shore than January 5 i safer than cking 6 are worse than Fridays 7 is colder than Spain 8 ig harder to lear than Spanish 2 diier than Istanbul 3 is more expensive than the women's watch 4 is bigger than the townhouse 5. Lamborghini s faster than the Mercedes Students! own answers PRONUNCIATION ‘@ 2is shorter than, 3 is diver than, 4 ace healthier than 5 is colder than, 6 is higher than Practical English VOCABULARY 2 Starter, 3 soup, 4 Main courses, 5 sauce, 6 Grilled, 7 Desserts, 8 Home-made 2 ORDERING A MEAL 2 2 Come this way, please Do you have a rotervation? I dko tho lasagne, plaase. lust water for me, Still or sparking? What would you like to drink? A table foro, please A table fortwo, please ‘Come this way, please ‘Are you ready to order? Tike the lasagne, please, What would you like to drink? Bull or sparking? SOCIAL ENGLISH Would you lke a dessert? Not forme, thanks. Nothing spacial. ‘The same for me, please. Yes, go ahead, Good news? Could we have the bil, please? Can you remember...? 1-9 GRAMMAR 2 werent, 4 aren't, San, 6 don't 2 VOCABULARY 2find, 3 housework, 4 tablet, § usualy, 6 sandwich, 7 spring, 8 month PRONUNCIATION 2 great, Seam, 4 soe, S garden, 6 chef 93 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 2a,3¢,4b,8¢,63,76,82,9¢, 106 VOCABULARY 2 hospital, park, museum, road, ver, bridge, church, castle b 2railway station, 3 post offic, 4 police station, 5 department store, 6 carpark, town hall © 2200, 3 supermarket, 4 art gallery, 5 bus station, 6 marks, 7 theatre, B chemists GRAMMAR 142 colder, the coldest 3. more expensive, the most expensive 4 sunnier, the sunniest 5. more dangerous, the most dangerous hotter, the hottest ‘more beautiful, the most beautiful more tired, the most ted better, the best worse, the worst The biggest, the Pacific “The dest the Atacama ‘The smallest, Australia The mast expensive, Singapore The largest, Russia ‘The most populated, Shanghai The werest, India 1 What to see, 2 What todo, ‘3 Where to shop Students! own answers PRONUNCIATION 2 Zhighest, 3 healthiest, 4 pretest, 5 most aifcut, 6 mest polluted, 7 most atractive, 8 mos inteligent GRAMMAR 122 She's going to study 3 We're going ta drve 4 Fmgoing to give 5 They're going ta order 6 Het going torent 2 We're going to show 3 They/re going to have 4 Are you going to stay 5. They aren't going to visit & Ave they going to seo. 7 Hes going to meet, 8 She isn't going to.g0 9 Am! going to sleep 10 Is David going to go 11 tmnot going fy 12 Sarahis going to spend 2 am/'m going to travel 3 ave you going to stay 4 am/'m not going to say 5 am/'m going 0 rent 6 am/'m going to have 7 I, going to go 8 is/"s going to dive 9 are /‘re going to spend 10 are ‘re going to dence 11 am/'m going to meet 12 are you going to vist PRONUNCIATION 81 How are you going to get ther 2 Wher are you going to stay? 3 We're going to stay for a weak, 4 tm going see the sigh 5. We aren't going to go by ar. 6 maar going to stay in a hotel VOCABULARY @ 29,32,40,5b,66,7h8f b 2 goby:rain 3 eat out in local restaurants 4 book accommodation 5 havea good time 6 buy souvenirs 2 visit museums 8 ronta fat © 2 goby car 3 going to rent a house 4 Sg0ing to eat out 5 He srt going to vist ferent places, 6 aren't gang to go on holiday with fends aren't going to go by car They are going torent a house. ‘They arent going to eat out They are going t vst diferent places. 11-15 Students’ own answers VOCABULARY 8 2mest, 3 tavel, 4 get, 5 fall, 6 get, T become, 8 get, Phave, 10 move travel to diferent counties have surprise meet somebody new {gota lot of money move house become famous get married be lucky fallin love PRONUNCIATION 2 38,40,50,65,70,85 GRAMMAR 2 3¥,4X?aul's going to have, 5 XYou'e going to fall, 6¥, 7 XYou ‘are not / arent going to remember, BV, 9X they're going to be, 10X it he going todo b 2 heb /heiegaing tobe 3 I'mnot/-am not going to sleep ‘Ace you going to pass its/itis going to close We aren't / are not going to win You're going to enjoy ite/its going to rain have a surprise Het going to get a lat of money. He’ going to become famous, She's going to get martied They're going to travel t different counties, ’ 1 GRAMMAR 8 Zcarelly, 3 easy, 4 fest, 5 good, healthily, 7 incredible, 8 possibly, 9 quiet, 10 really b Sach, 4 adv, § ad), 6 adj, 7 adj, 8 ay, 9 adj, 10 ag} © 2easy, 3 quickly 4 quiet, § bed, 6 incredible, 7 siowiy 8 good, 9 good, TOhealthy Bell, 4 stressful 5 beautifully 6 badly, 7 paltely, 8 good, 9 quietly, 10 easy PRONUNCIATION 2 2bed at eight in, 3 eat outside in the open, 4 Look at the, 5 cold and, 6 studies eight hours 2, 7 gave us our, Bove early VOCABULARY 8 Zbeautily, 3 uently, 4 wel, Shard, 6 loudly, 7 pationtly, 8 politely, 9 seriously bb 2beautfully 3 calmly 4 fluently, 5 patient, 6 loudly, 7 hard, 8 well, 9 seriously hard 3. eydling dangerously 4 They're walking fast, 5 She's waiting patanty 6 Hes talking loudly, 7 8 He's speaking politaly. Its singing beauty GRAMMAR 2 2to sal, 3 to cal, 4 to put, Sto arve, 6 to get. 7 to buy, 8 to speak b 3 tobuy, 4 to-go, 5 cooking, 6 to have, 7 to read, 8 playing © 2want to go, 3 loves buying 4 hopes to become, Sneed to getup, 6 ty tobe, 7'd ke to watch, hates driving d_2 Would you lke ta cimb » mountain? 3. We'd lke to go to Canade 4 Idke to learn to fy a plane. 5 She woulda’ ike to do karaoke. 6 Would they lke to get married next year? PRONUNCIATION a 1 planning to drive to, 2hape to see, 3 wants to know, 4 promised 0 be, 5 forgot to turn off, 6 remember to buy VOCABULARY 2 29,3h,4¢,50,60,7b,8d b 2need, 3 forget, 4 promise, ty, 6 decide, leave, Shope © 2 Which places do you want to vist? 3 When do you hope to retire? | What do you sometimes forget to take on holiday? 5. What do you need to buy this woek? & When do you ty to do English homework? Students’ ovm answers VOCABULARY 2 Zapp, 3 attachments, 4 broadband, 5 tweet, 6 login, 7 search b Zevideo, 3 ebook, 4 phon Snapp, betwee © 2Shypad, 3 ported, 4 sent, 5 shared, 6 uploaded, 7 logged in, 8 searched 2 GRAMMAR ‘8 2bed, 3 dinner, & romantic Fis, 5 the shoes, 6 The hamburgers, 7 the moon, 8 the nicest, 9 Vegetarians, tobue b 21'man engineer. 3 In the fidge. 4 An identity card, 5 Twice a Wook 6 Fre Rack music, 7 By aca. 8 On the internet © 3the, 4S the, 6-7 the, B= the, 3-4-,5-.6-7 the, Behe, 10, 11 the 12-13 14 €@ Students’ ovm answers PRONUNCIATION 2 35,4D,55,6D,75,8D Practical English 1 VOCABULARY ‘8 2coach, 3 tram, 4 bus, § plane, 6 train b 2 rank, 3 tip, 4 check, § deparure, 9 plato TWeoach, 11 stop, 12 driver 2 GETTING TO THE AIRPORT Ta St Pancras station Now, please. How much ie it? ‘And could | have a receipt Could Ihave a ticket to Luton Airport, please? 7 Single, please 8 Standard, please 9 Can poy by erect 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 Thank you so much, 3 | can's believe it! 41m so happy. § Have a goad journey. rf? Can you remember...? 1-11 1 GRAMMAR 2 to call, 3i¢/'s westng, 4 bigger, S watches, 6 going 2 VOCABULARY 2 rice, 3 forget yourbag, 4 ualy, 5 fog, 6 attachment, 7 daughter, 8 souvenir 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 police, 3 wore, there, § come, é table 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 2 to, 3 than, 4 them, 5 there, 6 can, 7s, Bare, 92, 10 the, 11 want, 12 are GRAMMAR hasn't, 3 Have, has, Shavent, 6 Hes Thaven't, Shave b 2 My brother has decided to get» new ob. Thaven't studied forthe exam, “They've seen the fm, He hasn't answered my em Have you called your bother? Ive finished the first series. Have they posted their holiday photos on Facebook? € 2have/'ve read, 3 have you road, 4 Have you seen, 5 has seen, Ei haven't ead, 8 have / Ive heard PRONUNCIATION 3 4 5 6 8 1 ‘ve read the book 2 haven't watched 2 venever vavelled 4 Hos he finished 5 Have you decided 6 hasnt passod ‘A Have you read The Hunger Games? B No, | haven’ ‘A Have you seen the films? 3B Yes, | have. Ive seen all of them. 3 VOCABULARY 2 2fell fallen, 3 gave, given ‘theard, heard, 5 let, let, & read, read, 7 saw, s0en, 8 tol, told b Zieh, 3 bought, 4 read, 5 seen, & given, 7 hoard, 8 tld 2 left a bag inthe cinoma, hasnt 3. he Bought fim on DVD, she hasn't 4 Has she fallen atloep during afm? Yes, she has they met a famous person? No, they haven’ 6 Have they let a bag inthe cinema? Yes, they have. lave they bought a fim on DVD? Yes, they have, 8 Have they fallen asleep during a fm? No, they haven 9-12 Students own answers GRAMMAR We went Has Jessie gone out Where's she gone? Shes gone What ome did she go?” 8 Ghe went 9 Have you ever b 2 gone, 4 gone, 5 been, 6 been, 7 Bean, 8 gone, 9 gone, 10 been € 2have,3 did you go, 4 went, 5 Har she gone out, 6 ef, 7d she go, 8 did't say, 9 Have you been, 10 have, 11 Did you like, 12 did VOCABULARY 2 2did, done, 2 ate, eaten, 4 got, got, Shad, had, 6 lost, lost, 7 met, met, 8 spoke, spoken, sang, sun, 30 won, won | b had, 3 lost, 4 met, 5 sung, 6 done, 7 spoken, been, $ won, 10 got © 2 takona solic you take aselie 3 you ever eaten Japanese food did you eat 4 Have you ever won any money? did you win 5 Hove you ever got lost? did you get lost 6 Have you ever met a fomous sports parson? Bil you mest Students’ own answers PRONUNCIATION 2 2 found, 3 heard, 4 got, 5 read, 6 lost GRAMMAR @ 2Are you, 3 What does, 4 What kind, 5 Can you, 6 Why is/ Why's, 7 st 8 How many, 9 What film, 10 Did you, 11 Whose phone, 12 Where were, 13 sthere, 14 Was there, 15 When are, 16 Have you bb 2Hiz, 3 Dont, 4 in, that, 6 ean’ 7 him, 8 fying, 9 any, 10 were, ‘any / much, 12 older, 13 most, 14wel, 15.0) 2 takes, 3 Did, see, 4 arent going to come, 5 Have, been, 6 Is, going to learn, 7 don't eat, 8 are /"re going 10 220, 9 Have, mat, 10 cooked, M1 do, go, 12's playing, 13 did't walk, ‘have lve, rnd VOCABULARY 12 2Asia, 3 avful 4 cooker, 5 brother, & spring, 7 kitchen, 8 strawberies, 9 bridge b 2 thiry, 3 Wednesday, thie 5 evening, 6 three times, 7 winter, 8 August, 9 hour, 10 month © 2do, 3 say, have, 5 go, 6 take, 7 mako, 8 get, 9 woar 10 uso d_ 2doosn't, 3in, 44, 5is, 6 to, 7 hs, B didn't, 9 wont, her 11 than 12 best PRONUNCIATION 18 2bread, 3 sale, 4 day, 5 money, 6 found, 7 food, 8 go, 9 tired, TO eat, 11 said, 12 ring © 1 hostel 7 talilan 2 expanisve 8 August 3 magazine 9 aiificut 4 headphones 10 muisician 5 adiminisator 11. garage 6 enjgineer 12 Bananas 95 Meee ear e e ieee ay Soearonemar Cee rs mol . Me eee gets talking Meeeanar ae rd of teachers who took part in an Oxford Impact study CeTUT RAceL SLL found that English File Meee et At Use your Workbook to: Out ute practise from Ree ee each lesson. Seen . eae ene rn practise all the language from the lessons. of English to revise what you know with cumulative exercises. mH PLUS Use the Student's Book Online JR enaichrite Practice for downloadable pronunciation = = audio. ‘kil practice note language practice Student's Book with Online Practice * Teacher's Guide with Teacher's Resource Centre Classroom Presentation Tool Class DVD Students Book eBook ‘Workbook (with or without key) Say It app for pronunciation practice Class Audio CDs OXFORD (ESa| | eevereosp somes | ennai l | | oMeorsstove Rakes

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