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Jamii Bank Teller Ticketing System

Faculty: School Of Technology
Course: Bachelor of Science Information
Unit code\name: BIT 04105\Final Year Project 2
Student Name: Kiriswa Ian Wamalwa
Reg NO: 20/03737
Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Kibuku

VERSION 1.0 | 08/02/2024

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Assumptions and Constraints ....................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Project Organization...................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Hardware Components: ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Software Components: ............................................................................................................ 4
2. Management Overview ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Description of Implementation ...................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Points of Contact .......................................................................................................................... 7
3. Major Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Implementation approaches considered ....................................................................................... 8
4. Implementation Schedule................................................................................................................. 10
5. Security and Privacy ........................................................................................................................ 11
5.1 System Security Features ........................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Security Setup during Implementation. ....................................................................................... 12
6. Implementation Support ................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Hardware ................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Software ................................................................................................................................. 13
6.3 Facilities.................................................................................................................................. 13
6. Documentation ............................................................................................................................. 15
8. Performance Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 16
9. Acceptance Criteria.......................................................................................................................... 17
10. References .................................................................................................................................... 18

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1. Introduction1.1 Purpose
The Implementation Plan outlines the steps to effectively implement the Bank Teller Ticketing System as per
the System Requirements Specification (SRS).

1.2 Assumptions and Constraints

1. Schedule:
 It is assumed that the projected schedule is feasible and realistic, aligning with estimated
timeframes for each project phase.
 It is assumed that any dependencies or constraints affecting the schedule are identified and
accounted for accordingly.
2. Budget:
 It is assumed that the allocated budget adequately covers all project expenses, including
hardware procurement, software licensing, and training.
 It is assumed that any budgetary limitations are promptly communicated and addressed to
prevent disruptions to project delivery.
3. Resource Availability and Skill Sets:
 Assumed is the availability of sufficient resources, encompassing project management,
development teams, and technical expertise, in accordance with the project plan.
 Assumed is the possession of requisite skills and expertise by team members to execute
assigned tasks effectively.
4. Software and Technology:
 Assumed is the availability of necessary software licenses and technologies for deployment
and integration.
 It is assumed that any third-party software or technology dependencies are adequately
licensed and compatible with project requirements.
5. Product Interfaces:
 It is assumed that interfaces with existing systems, such as core banking systems and CRM
platforms, are appropriately documented and accessible for integration.
 It is assumed that any constraints linked to product interfaces are identified and resolved
during project planning and execution.
1. Schedule:
 Constraints may arise from tight deadlines or fixed project milestones, potentially limiting
schedule flexibility and necessitating careful management to prevent delays.
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2. Budget:
 Budget constraints might restrict project scope or require trade-offs between desired
features and available resources.
3. Resource Availability and Skill Sets:
 Limitations in resource availability, such as staffing shortages or competing priorities, could
impact project timelines and deliverables.
 Constraints associated with specific skill sets or expertise availability may require additional
training or outsourcing to address.
4. Software and Technology:
 Constraints stemming from software or technology availability or compatibility could
necessitate alternative solutions or adjustments to the project plan.
5. Product Interfaces:
 Constraints related to product interface complexity or limitations may require additional
resources and time to overcome integration challenges.
Acknowledging these assumptions and constraints upfront enables better risk management and planning to
ensure project success.

1.3 Project Organization

The bank teller ticketing system is made up of a number of interconnected parts that cooperate to control
client lines, expedite teller processes, and improve customer care. The system consists of software
programs that operate on servers and client devices in addition to hardware components that are set up at
the bank branch.

1.3.1 Hardware Components:

 Queue Management Kiosk: Customers can create tickets for a range of banking services at these
kiosks, which are situated at the bank branch's entrance. They are made up of a ticket printer, touch
screen interface, and display screen with information on the queue.

 Teller Workstations: A computer terminal, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse are included with
every teller workstation. Bank tellers utilize these workstations to provide client service, transaction
processing, and queue management.

 Server Infrastructure: The server infrastructure consists of networking hardware to enable

communication between components, database servers to store customer and transaction data, and
backend servers to host the ticketing system software.

1.3.2 Software Components:

 Queue Management Software:
This software module oversees customer lines, allots tickets to agents according to their skills and
availability, and shows current queue data on teller workstations and kiosk screens.
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 Software for customer relationship management (CRM): CRM software keeps track of interactions,
stores transaction history, and maintains customer profiles. By integrating with the ticketing system,
it gives tellers insightful knowledge on the preferences and behavior of their customers.

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2. Management Overview
In this section is a description of how the implementation will be managed and identify the major tasks

2.1 Description of Implementation

Planned Deployment, Installation, and Implementation Approach:
1. Preparation and Planning:
 Conduct thorough planning sessions to define project scope, objectives, and success criteria.
 Identify key stakeholders and establish effective communication channels for collaboration.
 Assess hardware and software requirements and develop a detailed project plan.
2. Deployment Strategy:
 Evaluate deployment options such as incremental rollout or phased implementation to
mitigate risks.
 Prioritize deployment locations based on branch size, customer volume, and geographical
3. Hardware Installation:

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 Procure necessary hardware components and coordinate installation processes.
 Configure hardware devices according to operational needs and security protocols.
4. Software Deployment:
 Install required software applications and integrate them seamlessly with existing systems.
 Conduct user training sessions to ensure staff proficiency with the new software.
5. Testing and Quality Assurance:
 Execute comprehensive testing procedures to validate system functionality and security.
 Address any issues identified during testing and ensure timely resolution.
6. Rollout and Implementation:
 Deploy the system to designated branches according to the chosen strategy.
 Provide on-site support and training to facilitate smooth adoption by bank staff.
7. Monitoring and Maintenance:
 Implement monitoring tools to track system performance and security incidents.
 Establish maintenance procedures for regular updates and security patches.
 Conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
This structured approach ensures a systematic and successful deployment, installation, and implementation
of the bank teller ticketing system, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

2.2 Points of Contact


Project/Program Manager Ian Wamalwa 07911793419

System Developer or
Ian Wamalwa 07911793419
System Maintainer

Quality Assurance
Jane Okoth 0723845123

Security Officer Simon Mwangi (G4S) 0757345691

Database Administrator Ian Wamalwa 0791179419

3. Major Tasks
Task 1: System Installation and Configuration
 Objective: Install and configure the Bank Teller Ticketing System software.
 Resources: System Developer, Database Administrator.
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 Criteria for Completion: Successfully installed and configured system on designated hardware.
Task 2:
Network Setup
 Objective: Establish the necessary network infrastructure for system communication.
 Resources: System Developer, Network Administrator.
 Criteria for Completion: Functional network connectivity between customer devices, kiosks, and
central system.
Task 3:
Security Setup
 Objective: Implement security measures to ensure compliance with regulations and protect data
 Resources: Security Officer, System Developer.
 Criteria for Completion: Security protocols configured and tested for effectiveness.

3.1 Implementation approaches considered

Option 1: Incremental Implementation or Phased Approach

 Enables a gradual rollout, minimizing disruptions to ongoing operations.
 Facilitates early identification and resolution of issues within each phase.
 Allows for better management of resources and allocation of tasks.

 Potential for increased complexity in managing multiple phases simultaneously.
 May necessitate additional coordination efforts between teams and stakeholders.
 Risk of delays if dependencies between phases are not adequately managed.

 Incomplete functionality in early phases may impact user satisfaction.
 Interfacing issues between different phases could lead to system instability.
 Resource constraints may impede the pace of implementation in later phases.

 Ensuring seamless integration between phased components.
 Managing user expectations for features not yet available in initial phases.
 Addressing potential resistance to change from stakeholders.

Estimated Time Frame:

 Each phase may require several weeks to months, depending on complexity and scope.

Estimated Resource Requirements:

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 Dedicated project management to oversee each phase.
 Development teams for each phase, including software engineers, testers, and analysts.
 Additional resources for training and support during the rollout of each phase.

Option 2: Parallel Execution


 Facilitates comparison and validation of the new system against existing processes.
 Minimizes disruptions to ongoing operations as both systems operate simultaneously.
 Provides a fallback option if issues arise with the new system.
 Doubles resource requirements and increases implementation costs.
 Requires meticulous coordination to ensure data consistency between parallel systems.
 Potential confusion among users and staff due to simultaneous use of multiple systems.
 Data discrepancies between parallel systems leading to errors or confusion.
 Integration challenges between the new and existing systems.
 Potential delay in full adoption of the new system if parallel operation continues for an extended
 Ensuring synchronization of data and processes between parallel systems.
 Managing user training and support for both systems concurrently.
 Addressing potential resistance to change from stakeholders accustomed to existing processes.
Estimated Time Frame:
 Parallel operation may be necessary for several weeks to months to ensure a smooth transition.
Estimated Resource Requirements:
 Requires duplicate resources for the development, testing, and support of both systems.
 Additional coordination and management efforts are needed to oversee parallel operation.

Option 3: One-Time Conversion and Switchover

 Minimizes overlap and potential confusion between old and new systems.
 Enables rapid adoption of new processes and benefits across the organization.
 Streamlines resource allocation as focus shifts entirely to the new system.
 High risk associated with potential disruptions during switchover.
 Limited fallback options if issues arise with the new system post-conversion.
 Requires meticulous planning and testing to ensure a smooth transition.
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 Data loss or corruption during the conversion process.
 Inadequate user training leading to decreased productivity post-switchover.
 Resistance from stakeholders due to abrupt changes in processes.
 Ensuring data integrity and completeness during the conversion process.
 Providing comprehensive user training and support to minimize disruption.
 Addressing any unforeseen technical issues or bugs in the new system post-switchover.
Estimated Time Frame:
 Conversion and switchover process may take several days to weeks, depending on system
Estimated Resource Requirements:
 Requires significant resources for planning, testing, and execution of the conversion process.
 Additional support resources needed post-switchover to address user queries and issues.

4. Implementation Schedule
1. Planning and Preparation Phase:
 Start Date: January 10, 2024
 End Date: February 7, 2024
 Tasks:
 Define project scope, objectives, and success criteria.
 Identify key stakeholders and establish communication channels.
 Assess hardware and software requirements.
 Develop budget and procurement plan.
 Finalize project plan and obtain necessary approvals.
2. Hardware Installation Phase:
 Start Date: February 10, 2024
 End Date: March 10, 2024
 Tasks:
 Procure necessary hardware components.
 Coordinate delivery and installation processes.
 Configure hardware components to meet specifications.
 Conduct thorough testing and validation procedures.
3. Software Deployment Phase:
 Start Date: March 13, 2024
 End Date: April 10, 2024
 Tasks:
 Acquire and install required software applications.
 Configure software settings and ensure seamless integration with existing systems.
 Conduct comprehensive user training sessions.
4. Testing and Quality Assurance Phase:
 Start Date: April 13, 2024

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 End Date: May 3, 2024
 Tasks:
 Execute rigorous testing procedures for hardware and software components.
 Perform stress testing to evaluate system performance under various conditions.
 Address and resolve identified issues promptly.
5. Rollout and Training Phase:
 Start Date: May 6, 2024
 End Date: June 14, 2024
 Tasks:
 Deploy the system across all branches.
 Provide comprehensive on-site training sessions for bank staff.
 Solicit and address feedback to ensure smooth transition and user adoption.
6. Monitoring and Maintenance Phase:
 Start Date: June 17, 2024
 End Date: Ongoing
 Tasks:
 Implement robust monitoring tools to track system performance and security
 Establish proactive maintenance procedures for software updates, hardware
maintenance, and security patches.
 Conduct regular audits and reviews to maintain compliance and address any
emerging issues.

5. Security and Privacy

In compliance with the data protection and privacy act in Kenya. Data will not be transferred cross-border.
Data collected is not to be transferred outside Kenya, unless there is proof of adequate data protection
safeguards or consent from the data subject. Data will be processed in accordance with the right to privacy
of the data subject.
In addition to this no personal or identification data will be collected

5.1 System Security Features

 Security Patch Management:
To reduce vulnerabilities and fix security problems, I will routinely update and patch all operating
systems, third-party libraries, and software components. Establishing vulnerability management
procedures can help to quickly address any security flaws that are found.
 Data encryption:

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To safeguard data while it's in transit and at rest, use encryption techniques. Encrypting all sensitive
data, such as transaction records and client account information, is recommended to guard against
illegal access or interception.
 Audit Trails and Logging:
Set up thorough logging systems to monitor system events, user activity, and attempted access. Audit
trails assist compliance needs, make it easier to discover suspicious activity, and make forensic
analysis easier in the event of a security issue.
 Employee Education and Awareness:
Continually train staff members on security awareness to enlighten them about social engineering
tactics, security best practices, and the value of safeguarding confidential data. Workers must to
receive training on identifying and swiftly reporting any security hazards.

5.2 Security Setup during Implementation.

During the installation of our bank teller management system, security during nighttime hours will be
ensured by deploying trained security guards on-site.
These guards will maintain a vigilant presence, conducting regular patrols both inside the premises and
around the perimeter to deter any unauthorized access or potential security threats. Additionally, they will
monitor surveillance cameras and alarm systems to promptly respond to any suspicious activities or
breaches. Their presence will not only safeguard the physical security of the installation site but also provide
peace of mind to our board knowing that their assets and sensitive information are protected during the
implementation phase.

6. Implementation Support

6.1 Hardware
i. Desktop computer
To be used for design and development of the system. The computer had these specifications:
a. Intel® Pentium® processor (or equivalent) with a speed of 2.50GHz or greater
b. At least 2GB RAM
c. 30 GB (or larger) Hard Disk Drive
ii. Intel Galileo Gen-2
The Intel Galileo board is a microcontroller board based on the Intel Quark soC x 1000 application
processor, a 32-bit Intel Pentium brand system on a chip (soC). It is the second-generation board
based on Intel Architecture design to be hardware and software pin-compatible with shields
designed for the Arduino Uno R3.
iii. Push-Button
A push-button is a simple switch mechanism for controlling some aspect of a machine. It is usually
made of hard material likes plasticor metal. To accommodate the human finger or hand, the surface
is usually flat. The push-button is required for this project as input from the arriving customers and
as the control pendant at the service counter.

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iv. Liquid-Crystal Display
A liquid –crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel that uses the light modulating properties of liquid
properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly. LCDs are available to display
arbitrary images or fixed images which can be display or hidden, such as preset words, digits and 7-
segment display as in digital clock. They use the same basic technology, except that arbitrary images
are made of a large number of pixels, while other displays have larger elements. For this project,
LCD is use for displaying token number at ticket counter, waiting area and service counter.
v. Buzzer
A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may be mechanical, electromechanical or
piezoelectric. Typical uses of buzzers and beeper include alarm devices, timers and confirmation of
user input such as a mouse click or keystroke. For this

vi. Ds307 Real-Time Clock Module

The DS1307 Real-Time Clock is a low power, full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock plus 56 bytes of
NV SRAM. The clock provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, and month and year information.
Address and data are transferred serially via a 2-wire, bi-directional bus. The DS1307 has a built-in
power sense circuit that detects power failures and automatically switches to the battery supply.
Meanwhile, the DS1307 happens to possible the getting of customers arrival time data. Which is
important for the system analysis

6.2 Software
To successfully run the system, there are a number of software requirements had to be met which were:
i. Operating System: Windows 7 or higher versions of OS (either x86 or x64) or Alternative Unix based
systems like Ubuntu or Linux Mint.
ii. .Database Management System: A database to store the details of various patients, specialists and
appointments. The following databased was to be used for the web server and the mobile-based
iii. Firebase Cloud storage: This was to be for data exchange between the application and the web
iv. MySQL Database: For the Web server running the application.
v. WampServer 2.1: Has been used as a web server. .
vi. Programming Languages: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS

6.3 Facilities
1. Training Facility:
 Location: conference room 2
 Accommodations: Equipped with necessary AV facilities and seating for 20 participants.
 Hours per Day: 8 hours/day
 Number of Days: 5 days
 Anticipated Dates: March 1, 2024 - March 5, 2024
2. Server Room:
 Location: Corporate Data Center

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 Accommodations: Climate-controlled environment with sufficient space for server racks and
networking equipment.
 Hours per Day: Operational 24/7
 Number of Days: Throughout the implementation period
 Anticipated Dates: March 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024
3. Testing Environment:
 Location: Development Lab,
 Accommodations: Dedicated space with workstations, servers, and testing tools.
 Hours per Day: 8 hours/day (business hours)
 Number of Days: 20 days
 Anticipated Dates: March 1, 2024 - March 24, 2024
4. Vendor Meeting Room:
 Location: Room 305
 Accommodations: Conference room with audio-visual equipment and seating for 10
 Hours per Day: As required
 Number of Days: Intermittent meetings during implementation
 Anticipated Dates: March 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024
5. Command Center:
 Location: custodian office
 Accommodations: Centralized space for project management, IT team, and stakeholders to
oversee implementation progress.
 Hours per Day: 12 hours/day (peak periods)
 Number of Days: 15 days
 Anticipated Dates: March 15, 2024 - March 29, 2024
These facilities are crucial for training, testing, meetings, and project oversight during the bank teller
ticketing system implementation phase.
6.3 Materials

Component Amount Price (kshs)

Intel Galileo Gen-2 1 31,000
LCD (16x2) 4 1,200
PCF8574N 4 3,600
Connecting wires 100 1,500
Trimpot 10k 4 430
DS1307RTC Module 1 720
6*6*1 push button 6 60
Screw and screw PCB 4 260
Buzzer 6-12 v 1 3,000
Resistor10K 8 40
total 41,810

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6. Documentation

Additional Documentation and Security Considerations:

i. Security Policies and Procedures Manual:

Comprehensive document outlining organizational security protocols, access controls, and procedures
for securely managing the ticketing system.
ii. Privacy Policy Document:
Official documentation reflecting the organization's commitment to protecting customer privacy and
responsibly managing personal data collected by the ticketing system.
iii. Training Materials and User Guides:
Extensive resources facilitating user training and support, including detailed guides, FAQs, and
troubleshooting assistance.
iv. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan:
Strategically crafted plan outlining response strategies for disasters or system failures, ensuring the
system's resilience and uninterrupted operation.
v. Vendor Contracts and SLAs:
Formal contracts and agreements with vendors offering software, hardware, or support services,
specifying service level expectations and dispute resolution mechanisms.
vi. Compliance Documentation:
Comprehensive records evidencing adherence to regulatory standards like PCI DSS or GDPR,
encompassing audit reports and evidence of compliance measures.

Security and Privacy Protection Measures:

i. Access Control:
Implementation of robust measures including user authentication and role-based access to thwart
unauthorized system entry.
ii. Data Encryption:
Adoption of encryption techniques to fortify data security during transit and storage, ensuring
confidentiality and safeguarding against unauthorized access.
iii. Logging and Monitoring:
Deployment of sophisticated logging and monitoring tools to track user activities and system events,
enabling proactive threat detection and incident response.
iv. Incident Response Plan:
Development of a structured plan delineating procedures for promptly detecting, responding to, and
mitigating security incidents, ensuring minimal disruption.
v. Security Audits and Assessments:
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Conducting regular audits and assessments to pinpoint vulnerabilities, evaluate security controls'
efficacy, and uphold regulatory compliance standards.

8. Performance Monitoring

a. Average Queue Length:

This measure shows how many people are typically in queue at any given moment. It is quantifiable
by taking an average of the number of patrons in the wait at regular times throughout the day.
Accurate data can be obtained by employing strategies like real-time monitoring via cameras or
sensors installed in the bank.
b. Average Wait Time:
This statistic shows how long it typically takes for consumers to get help from a teller in the queue.
It is computed by dividing the total amount of time that every client has to wait by the total number
of customers that are served in a given amount of time. Wait times can be automatically tracked by
real-time monitoring software that is connected with the ticketing system.
c. Service Time:
This indicator shows how long it typically takes a teller to assist a customer, starting at the beginning
of the interaction and ending when the transaction is finished. It aids in assessing how effectively
teller operations are run. The ticketing system's time-tracking tools allow you to log the service
times associated with each transaction.

d. Consumer Satisfaction Scores:

Gathering consumer opinions regarding their interactions with the ticketing system might yield
insightful information about how well it works. This information can be gathered using strategies like
feedback forms and post-interaction questionnaires. Customer happiness can be measured by
applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze sentiment from customer
e. Teller Utilization Rate:
This indicator shows how much of a teller's overall working time is spent actively helping clients. It
aids in evaluating resource allocation and teller productivity. Teller utilization rates can be
automatically computed by time-tracking capabilities that are incorporated into the ticketing system.

f. System Downtime:
Tracking the ticketing system's uptime and downtime is crucial to determining how dependable and
accessible it is. You may track system performance in real-time by using tools for system monitoring
that send out warnings when there is a disruption.

Programs and Instruments for Evaluating and Monitoring Performance:

I. Ticketing System Software:

Utilize the built-in analytics and reporting tools integrated into the ticketing system software to effectively
monitor crucial performance indicators.

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II. Customer Feedback Tools:
Employ survey software or feedback forms to solicit feedback and ratings regarding customer satisfaction.

III. Real-time tracking Software:

Leverage software applications capable of providing real-time data on wait times, queue lengths, and teller
activity. Additionally, track teller utilization rates and service times using dedicated time-tracking software

IV. System Monitoring Tools:

Utilize specialized system monitoring software to oversee the infrastructure of the ticketing system,
including monitoring uptime, downtime, and various performance indicators.

9. Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance Criteria for Transitioning from Implementation to Execution:

i. Criteria for Acceptance of Hardware Installation:

 Installation of hardware components, including teller workstations, server infrastructure, and queue
management kiosks, adheres strictly to security protocols and specifications to ensure operational
integrity and data security.
 Comprehensive evaluation and validation of hardware functionality are conducted to guarantee
seamless operation and optimal performance, mitigating potential disruptions or inefficiencies.
 Suppliers provide robust warranties, support agreements, and detailed documentation, essential for
ongoing maintenance and support, reinforcing infrastructure resilience.

ii. Approved Software Deployment Standards:

 Deployment and configuration of transaction processing, customer relationship management (CRM),
queuing, and reporting/analytics software adhere meticulously to established standards, reflecting
a commitment to operational excellence.
 Successful software integration is characterized by seamless interoperability and harmonious
interface with incumbent systems, notably core banking platforms, enhancing operational efficiency.
 User proficiency in software usage is fostered through tailored training courses, empowering
individuals to maximize the potential of the deployed software suite.

iii. Testing and Quality Assurance Acceptance Criteria:

 Rigorous testing of software and hardware components ensures functionality, security,
compatibility, and performance optimization, mitigating system vulnerabilities.
 Meticulous execution of test cases identifies and rectifies anomalies or deficiencies promptly to
ensure operational reliability.

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 Stress testing validates operational resilience and adherence to performance benchmarks,
bolstering confidence in real-world usage scenarios.
iv. Rollout and Training Acceptance Criteria:
 Bank employees undergo comprehensive on-the-job training supplemented by accessible
reference materials.
 User feedback is systematically collected during the launch phase, with prompt resolution of any
issues or concerns expressed by users.

v. Monitoring and Maintenance Acceptance Criteria:

 Implementation of monitoring tools enables continuous tracking of system performance, security
incidents, and customer satisfaction metrics.
 Robust maintenance procedures are established to ensure timely software updates, hardware
maintenance, and application of security patches.
 Compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards is meticulously verified through
regular audits and reviews.
vi. Technical Processes, Methods, Tools, or Performance Benchmarks:
 Adherence to industry standards and best practices governs technical procedures, encompassing
software deployment, hardware installation, testing, and quality control.
 Methodical project, risk, and change management techniques are employed throughout the
implementation phase to ensure systematic execution.
 Utilization of project management software, such as Jira, Microsoft Project, and Slack, facilitates
effective scheduling, communication, and collaboration.
 Performance benchmarks are established to define expected metrics for system performance,
including availability, throughput, and response times.

The transition from implementation to execution is deemed complete when all acceptance criteria are met
and the deliverables specified in the implementation plan are approved. This signifies readiness for
operational use of the bank teller ticketing system.

10. References

 © 2016 Global Journals Inc. (US) 1Automated Queue Management System Project, buzzer is use for
alarming which indicate of next Customer service at the service counter.
 Luxiong Xu, Na Wang and Chenglian Liu, "Security of electronic ticketing," 2010 International
Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies in Agriculture Engineering, Chengdu,
2010, pp. 372-379, doi: 10.1109/CCTAE.2010.5543314.keywords: {Logic
gates;Industries;Cryptography;Electronic Ticketing;Access Points;AAA Mechanism;Mobile Device},
 Nair, M. A., Taunk, S., Reddy, P. G., & Sultana, H. P. (2019). Smart metro rail ticketing system. Procedia
Computer Science, 165, 435-441.

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