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Accessibility Report

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Assignment no 2
Accessibility Conformance Test Report.........................................................................................................................4
1. Approach to Conformance Testing:............................................................................................................................4
Definition of Conformance Testing:...............................................................................................................................4
Testing Tools:.................................................................................................................................................................4
2.WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool):.............................................................................................................4
WAVE is a browser extension that identifies and reports accessibility errors on web pages........................................4
aXe Accessibility Checker:.............................................................................................................................................4
Used for in-depth analysis of specific elements on the ICC Cricket website.................................................................4
Manual Inspection:..........................................................................................................................................................4
Conducted a manual review to assess aspects that automated tools might overlook.....................................................4
2. Test Results:................................................................................................................................................................4
3. Recommendations:......................................................................................................................................................5
ARIA Roles:....................................................................................................................................................................5
Heading Structure:..........................................................................................................................................................5
Form Labels:...................................................................................................................................................................5
Testing Across Browsers:...............................................................................................................................................5
Periodic Accessibility Audits:.........................................................................................................................................5
4. Additional Recommendations:....................................................................................................................................5
9. Responsive Design:.....................................................................................................................................................5
10. Transcripts for Multimedia:......................................................................................................................................5
11. Focus Order:..............................................................................................................................................................5
Maintain consistency in navigation elements and placement across pages to facilitate an easier user experience........6
14. Link Descriptions:.....................................................................................................................................................6
15. Text Readability:.......................................................................................................................................................6
5. Conclusion:.................................................................................................................................................................6
7. Future Considerations:................................................................................................................................................6
a. User Testing:...............................................................................................................................................................6
b. Training for Content Creators:....................................................................................................................................6
c. Accessibility Statement:..............................................................................................................................................6
8. Conclusion:.................................................................................................................................................................6

Accessibility Conformance Test Report

1. Approach to Conformance Testing:
Definition of Conformance Testing:
Conformance testing is a process used to ensure that a product or system adheres to specified standards or
guidelines. In the context of web accessibility, it involves evaluating whether a website complies with the
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). For this conformance test, I employed a combination of
manual evaluation and automated tools to assess the accessibility of the ICC Cricket website.

Testing Tools:
I utilized a mix of free, widely accepted, and reputable accessibility testing tools to evaluate the ICC
Cricket website:

2.WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool):

WAVE is a browser extension that identifies and reports accessibility errors on web pages.
Used to perform a preliminary scan of the ICC Cricket homepage for common accessibility issues.
aXe Accessibility Checker:

Integrated into the browser's developer tools, aXe identifies accessibility issues and provides detailed
Used for in-depth analysis of specific elements on the ICC Cricket website.
Manual Inspection:

Conducted a manual review to assess aspects that automated tools might overlook.
Verified color contrast, focus states, and overall visual presentation.
2. Test Results:
WAVE Overview:
WAVE Overview

The WAVE tool detected several issues, including missing alternative text for images, contrast errors, and
potential navigational challenges.
aXe Accessibility Checker Example:
aXe Accessibility Checker

aXe identified specific issues related to landmarks, ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles,
and contrast ratios.
Manual Inspection Findings:
Identified issues with color contrast in certain areas, potentially impacting users with visual impairments.
Observed instances where keyboard navigation may not be optimal.
3. Recommendations:
Based on the findings, the following recommendations are proposed:
Alt Text for Images:

Ensure all images have descriptive alternative text to provide context for users relying on screen readers.
Color Contrast:

Address color contrast issues to enhance readability for users with low vision or color blindness.
Keyboard Navigation:

Optimize keyboard navigation, ensuring that all interactive elements are accessible and focus states are
clearly visible.
ARIA Roles:

Implement appropriate ARIA roles to enhance the understanding and navigation of dynamic content for
screen reader users.
Heading Structure:

Review and ensure a logical heading structure is in place to aid screen reader users in understanding
content hierarchy.
Form Labels:

Confirm all form elements have associated labels for better form accessibility.
Testing Across Browsers:

Verify the website's accessibility across various browsers to ensure a consistent experience for users.
Periodic Accessibility Audits:

Conduct regular accessibility audits to identify and address new issues that may arise with content
By addressing these recommendations, the ICC Cricket website can significantly improve its
accessibility, providing an inclusive and seamless experience for all users.
4. Additional Recommendations:
9. Responsive Design:
Ensure the website is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience across various devices and screen
10. Transcripts for Multimedia:
Provide transcripts or captions for multimedia content such as videos to accommodate users with hearing
11. Focus Order:
Review and optimize the focus order of interactive elements to ensure a logical and intuitive navigation
sequence for keyboard users.
12. Consistent Navigation:
Maintain consistency in navigation elements and placement across pages to facilitate an
easier user experience.
13. Timeouts and Session Management:
Implement mechanisms to adjust or extend session timeouts to accommodate users who may require more
time to interact with the content.
14. Link Descriptions:
Ensure that links have descriptive text that provides clarity about the destination or action associated with
the link.
15. Text Readability:
Optimize text readability by providing options for users to adjust font size and line spacing.
16. Language Attributes:
Confirm that language attributes are correctly set to assist screen readers in pronouncing content
5. Conclusion:
The accessibility conformance test revealed both automated and manual findings, highlighting areas for
improvement on the ICC Cricket website. Addressing the identified issues and implementing the
recommended actions will contribute to creating a more accessible and inclusive online environment for
all users. Regular monitoring and testing should be integrated into the website maintenance process to
ensure ongoing accessibility compliance. By prioritizing these enhancements, ICC Cricket can extend its
reach and provide an enriching experience for a diverse user base.
6. Accessibility Conformance Summary:
In summary, the accessibility conformance test for the ICC Cricket website utilized a combination of
automated tools and manual inspection to evaluate its adherence to WCAG guidelines. The key findings
encompassed various aspects, including alt text for images, color contrast, keyboard navigation, ARIA
roles, and overall website responsiveness.

7. Future Considerations:
To maintain and further enhance accessibility, it is recommended that the organization consider the
following ongoing practices:

a. User Testing:
Engage users with diverse abilities in testing to gain insights into their experiences and identify specific
b. Training for Content Creators:
Provide training for content creators on accessibility best practices, ensuring new content is developed
with inclusivity in mind.
c. Accessibility Statement:
Develop and prominently display an accessibility statement on the website, outlining the commitment to
accessibility and providing contact information for users with concerns.
d. Regular Audits:
Schedule periodic accessibility audits to identify and rectify new issues, particularly after significant
updates or content changes.
8. Conclusion:
In conclusion, achieving and maintaining web accessibility is an ongoing process that requires a
commitment to continuous improvement. The recommendations provided are intended to guide the ICC
Cricket organization in creating a more inclusive online environment. By integrating accessibility
considerations into their development and maintenance workflows, ICC Cricket can foster a positive and
accessible experience for all users.

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