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What is the EU?

 It is an international organisation created in the wake of WW2.

The main motive is the piece and well-being for its members.
 There are 27 member states with 488 million citizens.
 In the EU, there are polices and binding laws for its members.
 The EU has its own set of rules and bodies.
 The member states remain sovereign in which they have shared
some of this sovereignty.

What is EU Law?

EU law comprises of primary, secondary EU law and case law.

 Primary EU Law – Charter of fundamental rights, Treaty on EU
and Treaty on the functioning of the EU.
 Secondary EU law – Regulations, directives and decisions.
 Case law of the courts of justice and the EU.

Why does EU law matter?

 Generates rights and obligations for governments, companies,

organisations and individuals.
 Covers economic activity and commercial practices.

Why does EU law matter for the UK?

 The EU is the greatest multi-state trading bloc in the world so
for non-member states such as the UK, some EU
rules/standards may need to be followed as a result of any
trade agreements.
 EU laws serve as a model for other systems.
 EU laws impact on companies with trading relationships with
consumers in the EU. ‘Brussels effect.’

Nature of the EU
 Intergovernmental (between govs) – Member states cannot be
bound by a higher body as they are independent. Argue that it
is the member state government’s that determine the direction
and pace of integration.
 Supranational (above govs) – Operates above the member
states with some limits on national sovereignty are accepted.
Emphasise the significance of other actors in the integration
process where SO have political influence.

 European commission – promotes the interest of the EU by

proposing and enforcing new legislation and implementing new
policies. Establsihed in 1958 in Brussels. It is politically
 European parliament – EU law making bodies
 Council of the European Union – Voice of the EU member
govnemrents and adopts new EU laws.
 European council – defines political directions and the priorities
of the EU.

Article 13 (2) – Each institution shall act within the limtis of their
powers conferred upon it.

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