Activity Template - Meeting Agenda

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Team Meeting

July 21st / 10:00 AM / CONFERENCE ROOM


● Financial Analyst
● Fulfillment Director
● Human Resources Specialist
● Quality Assurance Tester
● Customer Service Manager
● IT Specialist
● Inventory Manager
● Training Manager
● Core Team

Purpose and Expectations

Purpose - Status Update & Improvement regarding Product Quality, Delivery Timelines and
Customer Support.
Expectations - Summarize what has been accomplished so far and determine the actions
needed to improve/complete each task.

● Topic #1: Product Quality
● QA Tester, Core Team, Training Manager

● Topic #2: Delivery Timelines

● Delivers Rose to 90%
● Customer Delivery Preferences

● Fulfillment Director, Inventory Manager

● Topic #3: Customer Support

● Increased Support Satisfaction
● Live Support Preference
● Customer Service Manager


Action Items

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