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Topic 7

Philosophical analysis of education

a) Etymological definition of education
b) The analysis of the concept education

i) Initiation (R.S. PETERS)

ii) Experiential Continuum (DEWEY)
iii) Dimensions of education (BENNAARS/NJOROGE)
iv) Education, schooling and indoctrination
c) The concepts of teaching and learning
d) Pedagogy content knowledge

Etymological definition of education

The word education derives from the Latin words: educare and educere.
Education as educare

In Latin, educare means to bring up, to mold, to drill. Education is, therefore, a process of
bringing up or moulding a child into a desired mature person. The assumption here is that at birth
a child’s mind is a tabula rasa (a clean slate, empty) and it is the moral duty of the adult or
teacher to mould its character, cognitive and psychomotor skills. It involves on the one side, an
individual (the teacher) who possesses the knowledge to be transferred and on the other hand
another individual who doesn’t have or possess the knowledge. This involves a transmission of
knowledge from the one ‘who knows’ to the other who ‘wishes to know’. It involves a superior-
subordinate relationship where the possessor of the knowledge content to be transferred is the
superior. In most cases communication is one-dimensional. Here the process of teaching and
learning is mechanical in nature
Examples of conceptualization of education as educare in the process of teaching and learning
 Rote learning
 Use of mnemonic devices
This view of education ignores a child’s inherent potency (capabilities) and encourages ‘pouring
in’ or stuffing of a child’s mind with knowledge. Hence, it can lead to educational malpractices
like indoctrination and conditioning of learners.
Education as educere
In Latin, educere means to bring out, to lead out. Here, education is seen as the process of
bringing out the potentialities a child already has. The basic assumption of this concept of
education is that a child is born with inherent potency to develop in the right direction thereby
reach the desired maturity. In the process of teaching and learning, the learner is seen as already
possessing knowledge all that the teacher needs is to direct the learner and ensure that knowledge
and vies are put in their right perspectives. Here teaching and learning involves a two-way
communication. It is dialogic in nature. The duty of the teacher is to create an environment (set
the stage) in which the child can learn.
Examples of conceptualization of education as educere in the process of teaching and learning
 The teacher only guides the learners and the rest is theirs.
 The learners here find out the answers by themselves.
 The learners here have the aptitude for critical thinking.
The main purpose of education is to develop the innate or the inner potentialities of humans.
However, there is no assurance that if the teacher only sets the stage, the child will jump onto it
and learn on his own and in the right manner. In other words, the role of the teacher in the
teaching and learning process is an instrumental rather than a passive one.

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