B. Inggris Wajib

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib

Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Atas
Kelas / Program : XII IPA/IPS
Waktu : 120 Menit

1. Periksa dan bacalah dengan cermat setiap soal sebelum menjawab
2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang bila ada tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
3. Semua soal harus dijawab.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
5. Periksalah dahulu pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada lembar jawaban yang

Choose the best answer.

Spiders are eight-legged arthoropods which occupy every continent in the worid, expect Antartica. There are
more than 45.000 species and some of them are known to be venomous and deadly. Spider’s bodies consist of the
head and thorax, and the abodemen. Spider’s have different number of eyes. Some of fair of eyes, and others
have four fairs of eyes. Spiders’s legs are located at the front. They dont have mouths or teeth to chew the food,
but they have a body part that enables them to suck liquid from they prey. Spiders have a gland called a spinneret
which allows them to produce sticky webs. They use it to trap prey.
1. What is not TRUE according to the text?
A. Spiders have eight legs D. Spiders produce sticky webs
B. Spiders live in every continent E. Spiders have different sets of eyes
C. There are more than 45.000 species of spiders.
2. How does a spiders eat?
A. It sucks the liquid of its prey D. It chews its own body part
B. It bites the flesh of its prey E. It feeds on small files
C. It waits in the webs

A man who had been missing for three days was found floating in Brantas River. Search and Rescue Unit said
that he was still alive despite having injures and swollen body parts. The man was sent immediately to the nearest
hospital. Police notified the family and brought them to meet him.

The man, who was later identified as Santo, stated that he had gone fishing when suddenly his boat turned
over. He survived three days without food. The doctor who treated him said that Santo had developed an infection
in his stomach and needed to stay in the hospital for futher treatment.

3. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain why the man was missing D. To deliver news about a missing man
B. To persuade the readers to meet the man E. To entertain the readers with the man’s story
C. To make the readers symphatise with the man
4. “He survived three days without food” The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. Died B. Sustained C. Fought D. Got through E. Gave up


US Bahasa Inggris Wajib, TP. 2019-2020 Page 1

Rabbits are mammals with long ears, whiskers,short tails and fur covered bodies. There are more than 30
species of rabbits in the world. Rabbits are small, but some species can grow as big as a small child. Rabbits weigh
around 4,5 kilograms. Rabbits are herbivores. They only eat plant based food like grass and some vegetables. They
live in colonies and usually eat at dusk or dawn. Their predators include owls, wild dogs, and ground squirrels.
Rabbits long legs help them to run a away from their predators.

5. What can we infer from the text?

A. Rabbits live everywhere in the world D. Rabbits use the legs to climb trees
B. Rabbits diets are plant-based E. Rabbits sometimes eat roots
C. Rabbits heve short ears
6. How does a rabbit defend itself from a predator?
A. It hides in a hole on the ground D. It runs away using its long legs
B. It pretends to be dead E. It hides under the tree
C. It climbs the tree


1. Make sure of the cleanliness of your body before entering the pool
2. Use the diving board if you want to dive
3. Playing around the pool is not allowed
4. Children must be accompanied by guardians (age 5-12)
5. Show your member’s card at the registration desk
6. Take your towel from the provided place
7. Smoking inside the pool area will incur a fine of $ 50
8. Guests must sign at the registration desk
9. Get the keys at the registration desk, then put your clothes in the locker
10. The pool is only for members and their family
11. Persons without membership card will not be allowed to use the pool
12. Leave the pool before 5.30 p.m

7. What is the text about?

A. How to join Coral West Swimming Club
B. The regulations of Coral West Swimming Club
C. Learning to swim with Coral West Swimming Club
D. Rewads and punishments if you join Coral West Swimming Club
E. Advantages and disadvantages of joining Coral West Swimming Club
8. What happens if someone smokes in the pool area?
A. The guard will throw him into the pool D. He will be fined
B. The membership will be revoked E. He will be jailed
C. The guard will kick him out
9. What must members not do in the pool area?
A. Request the locker key to safeguard their clothes D. Use diving boards to dive
B. Come to the pool accomppanied by parents E. Play around the pool
C. Take towels from the providedplace
10. “ Use the diving board if you want to dive”
The underlined pronoun refers to ... .
A. The writer C. The member E. The reader
B. The pool guard D. The trainer


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One of the original animals in the North America was the camel. However, around 11,000 years ago the
population of camels in North America decreased dramatically. Nowadays, camels are usually found in the dry
areas of Africa, Asia< and australia. They are large cud-chewing mammals with humps on the back. In ancient
times, camels roamed all continents, with the exceptation of Australia and Antartica.

More than 3000 years ago, people in Asia who lived in the desert tamed camels. They used camels as their
transportation, took their wool and consumed their meat. Known as the “ship the desert”camels can survive
without having to eat or drink longer than any other mammals. The humps behind their necks contain nutrition os
food reserves.

11. Where does a camel store its food?

A. In its barn D. In its fatty stomach E. In a sack of a bag
B. In its mouth E. In its humps on its back
12. What is the aim of the text?
A. To describe camels in general D. To explain how camels survive
B. To describe a camel owned by the writer E. To give specific report on camels in ancient times
C. To give information about the extinction of camels
13. “Often called the “ship of the desert””
The phrase “ship of the desert” means ... .
A. Desert-dwelling people in Asia D. Camels as a means of transfortation
B. Camels are unrivaled among mammals E. A source of milk, meat,wool,and hides
C. Camels have incredible endurance as pack animals

14. Based on the text, the camel is unrivaled among mammals because ... .
A. It is able to rurvive for along periods of time without food and water
B. It is usually found in the arid regions of africa,Asia and Australia
C. The camels back provides nutrition when no food is avaliable
D. People have relied on the camel as a means of transfortation
E. Became they were extinct about 11,000 years age


1. Tie your hair or use a headband

2. Wash your hand
3. Put a measure of cleansing milk into your palm
4. Rub the cleansing milk on your palms
5. Apply the milk to your face and neck
6. Pat your face gently and massage
7. Rinse your face, using warm water or a cotton ball

15. What should you do before applying the cleansing milk?

A. Put it on your palms C. Rinse your face E. Wash your hands
B. Massage your face D. Pat your face

16. What is NOT required according to the text?

A. Massaging your face D. Getting your hair out of your face
B. Rubbing the milk in your haands E. Putting the milk directly on your face
C. Rinsing your face with warm water


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To all senior years students,
Our school will have an IELTS Simulation that will be held on,
Day /Date : Saturday, May 8th
Place : Cendrawasih Ballroom, Bidakara Hotel Ahmad yani Street No.101, Solo
Time : 08.00-12.00
It is compulsory event for third grades. Submit your name and classes to class leaders, and submit it to
Student Affairs.
On the day of the test, please bring your Student ID and 2 copies of a recent photograph.
Any inquiry about the test is directed to Ms. Amalia Hardini (+62 811-2345-6789)

Thank you.
Student Affairs Dept.

17. What is the writer’s objective of writing the text?

A. To invite them to join a social media group D. To invite students for an English test simulation
B. To advertise an online English course E. To inform them about an online English test
C. To inform about an event held by a social media group.
18. How long does the test take?
A. 3 hours B. 4 hours C. 9 hours D. 12 hours E. 2 hours
19. “ Any inquiry about the test is directed ... .”
The underlined word is opposite in meaning to ... .
A. Quiz B. Challenge C. Answer D. Questionare E. Question
20. It is a “compulsary “ event for the third graders”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. Unnecessary B. Selected C. Mandatory D. Optional E. Non-essential


Are you a traveller or backpaker looking for reasonable accomondation? BnB Capsule Hotel the right
choice for you. Located in the heart of Jakarta, it is strategically close to train stations stops, and shopping malls.

Our rooms are avaliable in standard and dormitory class. All include Indonesian style breakfast and free
Wifi. Bike rental and city tours are also avaliable upon request. We also have a barbeque party every weekend for
all of our guests, so you can mingle and make new friends.

Visit us at bnbcapsulehotel.com or contact us +621-987123

21. Who is likely to stay in the hotel?

A. Hotel staff B. Backpakers C. Expatriates D. Businessman E. Immigrants
22. What is NOT offered as a service?
A. Pick – up arrangement C. Breakfast E. Barbecue party
B. Bike rental D. Free wi fi
23. “... so you can mingle and make new friends”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. Unrelated B. Separate C. Disparate D. Split up E. Socialist

IKOA is having year end sale !
Starting in December 21st, all funiture will be discounted up to 60%. You can find furniture suitable for your
household at a great price.

US Bahasa Inggris Wajib, TP. 2019-2020 Page 4

ASD card holders are entitled to IDR 200,000 cashback for minimum purchase of IDR 500,000.
Come visit our main store in BBD Park, Tanggerang.

24. What is the topic of the text?

A. Furniture sales C. Housewarming events E. Showroom displays
B. Special barbeque parties D. Furniture exhibitions
25. What is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The discounts are up to 60% D. Cashback is for all card holders
B. The sale starts on December 21st E. The sale is at BBD Park, Tanggerang
C. There is a minimum spend to get the cashback.

Once upon a time, there lived a father and his six sons. Their mother has passed away many years ago. The
six sons could not get along with one another. They always quarreled with each other. The father tried very hard to
unite them, but always failed.

Then, one day, he came up with an idea. He ca;;ed all his six sons together and showed them a bundle of
sticks. He asked each of them to break the bundle in turn. Each of them tried with all his strenght, but none of them
could even bend the bundle. Then, the father untied the bundle and separated the sticks. He gave a stick to each of
his sons. “ Now try breaking it”, he said, each of them broke his stick with easy.

The father then said, “My dear sons, if you remain united, you will be as strong as his bundle of stick.
Remember, always stick together.”

26. How many persons were there in the family?

A. Four B. seven C. Five D. Eight E. Six
27. What can we learn from the story?
A. A bundle of sticks is very useful C. Unity is strength E. Who is the strongest
B. Playing games together is fun D. Don’t be greedy
28. Why did the father use the illustration of sticks?
A. He wanted his sons to realise the importance of unity
B. He was sick and tired of the brothers quarrelling
C. He wanted the brothers to go their separate ways
D. He wanted to find out who was the strongest
E. He wanted to impress his sons


A cauliflower is aplant of the cabbage family, Brassicaceae. There are four main groups of cailiflower. They
are Italian, Northern european annual, Northwest European biennial, and Asia. Italian cauliflowers have a various
colours, such as green, white, purple, and yellow. Northern European annual cauliflowers are grown in Europe and
Northern America. They are harvested in summer and fall. Northwest european bennial are grown in Europe
(especially France). They are harvested in spring and summer Asian cauliflowers are grown in India and China.

29. What does the text talk about?

A. What cauliflowers contain C. The price of cauliflowers E. How to grow cauliflowers
B. The kinds of cauliflowers D. The benefit of cauliflowers
30. Which cauliflowers are grown in France?
A. Northwest European biennal cauliflowers C. Italian cauliflowers E. Purple cauliflowers
B. Northern European cauliflowers D. Asian cauliflowers
31. Which cauliflowers can we find in Italy?
A. Sprouting broccoli C. Winter cauliflowers E. Spring cauliflowers
B. Purple cauliflowers D. Semi – Asian cauliflowers

SINGARAJA, BALI: at leastfive people were injured, and eight cars parked along Jl. Hasanuddin in
Singaraja, Bali, were damaged, in clash between youths from two neighbouring villages early on Saturday. The
clash, which also destroyed dozens of food stalls located along the road, reportedly took place because of

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misunderstandings between two groups of youths from Kajanan and Tegal Mawar Villages. Peace was restored
after Buleleng Police Chief Ajd. Sr. Comr. I nyoman Muliarta, local administration officials and local leaders came
to the village and promised to investigate the incident.

32. What does the text about?

A. A clash B. An accident C. A match D. An explosion E. An incident
33. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To inform readers about the clash D. To describe the story of the clash
B. To amuse readers with the clash E. To retell the events
C. To entertain the readers with the clash
34. Who is I Nyoman Muliarta?
A. One of the victims B. The suspect C. A police officer D. A reporter E. An eyewitness
35. “ Peace was resorted...” The sentence means that the sircumtances returned to...
A. Norma B. quiet C. Peace D. Calm E. Silent


 AVALIABLE Monday to Friday ( from 14.00 – 16.00)
 Classical music for school orchestra
 Experienced instructors
 Open for all students of SMAN 3 grade X and XI
 No fee
 Bring your own instrument
To enrol contact Mr. Kusuma or come to students Hall everyday between 14.00 and 16.00

36. What is the announcement for?

A. Music coaches C. The alumni of the SMAN 3 E. Music instructor
B. Students of grade X and XI D. All students of SMAN 3
37. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The music class compulsory D. The music class is held seven days a week
B. The instructors teach all kinds of music E. The music lessons are very expensive
C. Only students of grade X and XI can register

Crabs live in diverse habitats. Some live in fresh water, some live on land, and others live in the (38) ..... their
bodies are (39) ...... by study, thick shells. Crabs vary in size, from a few millimetres wide (the pea crab), to four
metres wide (Japanese spiders crab). Male crabs often have larger claws, while the females have a broader,
rounded abdomen. Crabs usually walk (40) ..... However, there are also some crabs that walk fowards or

38. A. Underground B. rivers C. streams D. land E. oceans

39. A. Protected B. eaten C. attacked D. used E. covered

40. A. Upside down B. happily C.sideways D. rashly E. bouncily

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II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat!



Held : Saturday, June 23, 2020

Time : 07.00 p.m – 10.00 p.m

Place : Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta

There are also :

J-Rocks Band, Ran, Vidi Aldiano

Tickets : Rp. 500.000 for Festival

Rp. 750.000 for Tribun

Rp. 1.000.000 for VIP

For entrance tickets, please call:

Ayu : (021) 4763245

Devi : (021) 789234

1. What do you call the text?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Who hold the show
4. How long the show will be held?
5. If we want to buy the ticket, what should we do?

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