Assignment Essay Writing Roll 24

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Dhaka Internation University

Course Name: Communicative English

Assignment: Essay writing
Roll: 24

Title: My Role Model - The Guiding Light: Muhammad (SAW)


A role model is like a guide who helps us in life. My role model is Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
He was an amazing person who showed us how to live with kindness and goodness.

The Wise Teacher

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was really smart. He taught us important things through the Qur'an.
His wisdom helped people understand how to lead and make good choices. The lessons from
the Qur'an are like a light that guides us.

The Hard Worker

Muhammad (SAW) worked really hard to spread a message of peace and justice. His dedication
was strong, and he never gave up. His hard work teaches us that we should keep trying, even
when things are tough. Success comes from not giving up.

The Caring Friend

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a caring person. He was humble, kind, and always thought
about others. His sincerity showed in everything he did. Learning from him, we can also be
sincere and caring in our actions, thinking about the well-being of those around us.

The Model of Patience

Muhammad (SAW) exemplified patience in the face of adversity. Despite facing numerous
challenges, he remained calm and steadfast. His ability to endure difficulties teaches us the
value of patience, reminding us to stay strong and composed during tough times.

In conclusion, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a great role model. His smart teachings, hard work,
and caring nature guide us to live a good life. Following his example, I want to make wise
choices, work hard for my goals, and be kind and sincere to others.

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