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To Whom it may concern,


It is with great pleasure that I write this letter recommending Stephen Oppong for your
Clinical Psychology PhD program. I am a Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana and I
have known Stephen for approximately 2 years. I first met him when he was a student in
my philosophy of the mind class his third year. I have been so impressed with him since
then. He worked as a teaching and research assistant at the department of psychology,
University of Ghana after graduating.

As a student, Stephen was passionate and committed to his studies. When he first
started in my class, he struggled with some of the material, and I was pleasantly
surprised to learn that he enrolled in a tutoring class only a few weeks into the semester.
Most students do not take that kind of initiative during their initial weeks in the
semester, so his actions told me that he was committed to doing well in my class and his
studies in general.

Additionally, his passion for psychology and philosophy is undeniable. During class
discussions, he frequently asked questions and made intelligent contributions, which I
thoroughly enjoyed. As a research assistant, he continued to do the same - asking about
different procedures, doing his own research about some of the concepts discussed in
class, and going the extra mile to ensure every task he is given is meticulously

Despite being involved in several extracurricular activities while maintaining an

impressive GPA, he showed up early for every shift, delivered every assignment on time,
and on several occasions, he stayed after hours to help the department.

Over the past 2 years, I have gotten to know Stephen as a student, an employee, and a
person. I can confidently say that his passion for the field of psychology, hardworking
nature and strong desire to learn will make him a great addition to any program.
I hope you will strongly consider accepting him to your program, and I remain available
if you have any questions about his candidacy.


Steven Nkansah Morgan, PhD

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