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Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

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Objective well-being level (OWL) composite indicator for sustainable and

resilient cities
Viktor Sebestyén a, b, *, Attila János Trájer a, Endre Domokos a, András Torma c, János Abonyi b
Sustainability Solutions Research Lab, University of Pannonia, Egyetem utca 10, Veszprém 8200, Hungary
ELKH-PE Complex Systems Monitoring Research Group, University of Pannonia, Egyetem utca 10, Veszprém 8200, Hungary
Department of Applied Sustainability, Széchenyi István University, Egyetem tér 1., Győr 9026, Hungary


Keywords: Well-being is a critical element of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. Given the complexity of
Well-being the concept of well-being, it follows that its measurement requires complex, multivariate methods that can
Sustainable city characterize the physical, economic, social and environmental aspects along with the mental state of a city.
Composite indicator
Although it is not sufficient to carry out settlement-level analyses to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and
Resilience enhancement
sustainable. It is necessary to understand patterns within settlements. This work aims to present how the urban
Urban macrostructure
macrostructure of urban well-being indicators can be estimated based on GIS-based multilayer analysis. Open-
source data, e.g. road networks, points of interest, green spaces and vegetation, are used to estimate urban
well-being parameters such as noise levels, air quality and health-related impacts supplemented by climate
models to assess urban resilience and sustainability. The proposed methodology integrates 24 models into six
categories, namely walkability, environment, health, society, climate change and safety, which are weighted
based on a multilevel Principal Component Analysis to minimize information loss for aggregated composite
indicators. The study revealed two main components of the macrostructure related to well-being in the studied
city: one related to the geometrical features and the other can be derived from the structure of the natural
environment. In Veszprém a natural restoration of the detached house area, industrial area and downtown is
recommended including developments with green and blue infrastructural elements and nature-based solutions.

Furthermore, human well-being and the mitigation of climate

change are also strongly connected due to the hedonistic attitude of
1. Introduction human beings and the related large carbon footprint of urban citizens
(Lamb and Steinberger, 2017), because the association between green­
There is a consensus that sustainable development must cover both house gas emissions and changes in human well-being is complex
environmental (ecological) and human well-being sustainability (Yan (Lawson, 2020). Environmental degradation is a key factor since eco­
et al., 2018). In fact, urban sustainability is closely related to the field of systems are the main drivers of social systems that provide a diverse
human well-being, moreover, the relationship between well-being and range of services (Mashizi and Sharafatmandrad, 2021). However, due
environmental degradation processes is very sensitive (Kassouri and to the highly dynamic nature of urban landscapes, an understanding of
Altıntaş, 2020). From the psychological point of view positive associa­ the complex relationship between improvements in urban environ­
tions were found between sustainable development and happiness mental quality, factors affecting human well-being and the maintenance
(Helliwell et al., 2021). Since this is indicative of improvements in the of sustainable urban development requires a holistic approach (Pan­
urban environment by taking both human and environmental consid­ agopoulos et al., 2016).
erations into account (Cloutier et al., 2014), urban sustainability is at the Overall human conditions, including human health and well-being,
centre of decision-making in city councils worldwide with the aim of are affected by the landscape-modifying effect of urbanization via
increasing as well as maintaining the physical and mental well-being of several socio-cultural and environmental processes (Jennings et al.,
its citizens (Musa et al., 2015).

* Corresponding author at: Sustainability Solutions Research Lab, University of Pannonia, Egyetem utca 10, Veszprém 8200, Hungary.
E-mail addresses: (V. Sebestyén), (A.J. Trájer),
(E. Domokos), (A. Torma), (J. Abonyi).
URL: (V. Sebestyén).
Received 15 June 2023; Received in revised form 4 September 2023; Accepted 16 December 2023
Available online 9 January 2024
1470-160X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

List of abbreviations fs Fire safety

OWL Objective well-being level as Ambulance service
POI Point of interest ps Police force
Ij Impact identification p1− 7 empirical constants of regression models
NIj Impact normalization d distance (m)
PCA Principal Component Analysis Lw Sound power level (dB)
PCAj PCA based impact clustering Dc Directivity correction (dB)
wi weight A Attenuation (dB)
n number of analyzed impacts BEX Regional background concentration of NOX (μg/m3 )
SDG Sustainable Development Goals TL50 Traffic load for a 50 m-long circular buffer (vehicles/day⋅m)
dw Daily-needs walkability POP1000,5000 Population density a for 1000 & 5000 m-long circular
pw Park walkability buffers (inhabitants/m2 )
rw Religious walkability HTL500 Heavy traffic load for a 500 m-long circular buffer
tn Traffic noise (vehicles/day⋅m)
pn Point-source noise IDM Inverse distance to all major roads (1/m)
np NOX MRL25,50 Lengths of major roads with 25 & 50 m-long circular
pp PM10 buffers (m)
op Ground-level O3 TML500 Traffic load for major roads with a 500 m-long circular
vc Vegetation cover buffer (vehicles/day⋅m)
tm Total heat-related mortality T Air temperature (◦ C)
hr Heartrate changes NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
aa Airborne aspergillus NDVIs Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for soil
ar Asthma risk NDVIv Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for vegetation
md Mood disorders (MDs) Aj Floor space of building j (m2 )
pd Population density s Specific housing area per capita (m2 /person)
bd Building density X, Y, Z Spatial coordinates for digital elevation models
pr Productivity Tday;thres Daily temperature threshold (◦ C)
dr Dirofilariasis Tmax;hi Daily maximum temperature (◦ C)
er Stormwater erosion risk OSM OpenStreetMap
hw Heat wave
eh Extremely hot days

2017). Due to urbanization, an increasing number of people are living in Moreover, individuals who are more attached to nature tend to have
an anthropogenic environment (Chaolin, 2020), which fundamentally a greater degree of eudaimonic well-being and higher levels of personal
defines daily life, including emotions, self-sufficiency and human health. growth in particular (Pritchard et al., 2020). Although subjective well-
The most rapidly urbanizing cities are in less wealthy nations in low- being is spatial in nature, the direction of these relationships is highly
income countries (Vlahov and Galea, 2002) where negative aspects of dependent on how it is measured which indicates that general correla­
urbanization, e.g. increased exposure to hazardous environmental con­ tion in terms of the population can differ greatly from individual ones
ditions as well as associated morbidity and mortality patterns (Harpham (Ala-Mantila et al., 2018). Noise and particle pollution from urban
and Stephens, 1991), are the most conspicuous (City et al., 2010). It is public transport as well as air pollution often significantly detract from
known that the urban structure strongly influences individual well- the attractiveness of downtown areas and threaten not only to cause a
being (Brown et al., 2015) and depends on various factors like the decline in the quality of life in the long run but also have a serious
spatial patterns of urban green spaces (Reyes-Riveros et al., 2021). detrimental effect on health, even leading to premature death (Yusuf
Moreover, not only is their establishment a horticultural or engineering et al., 2001). However, environmental consciousness is not just influ­
task, social and health factors play key roles in the understanding and enced by changes to measurable environment factors but by the
scaling up of green infrastructures (Venkataramanan et al., 2019). perception that the environment is deteriorating (Zhong and Shi, 2012).
Even though the destruction of urban green spaces is one of the It is well-known that the average temperature in city centers is several
factors which is linked to urbanization (Mensah, 2014), the effect of degrees higher than in their rural counterparts, depending on the size of
green vegetation is not always positive, as invasive plant species can the city concerned (Oke, 1973). In addition to the fact that high tem­
cause serious environmental problems in urban environments (Shack­ peratures at the center of heat islands during the summer also put a
leton et al., 2019). This is a growing environmental problem because the strain on our psyche, its health consequences can be significant,
landscape defined by the urban infrastructure and buildings has a depending on the age group concerned and underlying diseases (Lowe,
negative impact on human attitudes and motivations (Sen and Guchhait, 2016). Furthermore, all the factors that are generally disadvantageous to
2022) as well as on health, since a consistent positive association was the resident population also have an adverse effect on tourism, which is
found between decreased exposure to urban green spaces and general especially true of heat islands in city centers (Stankov et al., 2014).
mortality, heart rate as well as violence (Kondo et al., 2018). Recrea­ Most socioeconomic factors affecting quality of life are indirectly
tional areas are often shifted far away from residential areas to beyond related to the quality of the living environment, which in turn has a
the outskirts of cities, which is a typical urban structural problem significant impact on the desire of residents to move to other arguably
because solid evidence of the benefits of forest environments on our more attractive places (Tiran, 2016). As a result, estimating the quality
health and well-being has yet to be confirmed. Nevertheless, benefits of urban life requires a complex holistic approach that basically consists
may be derived based on randomized controlled trials (Oh et al., 2017), of two dimensions, namely the subjective (well-being) and objective
and caring for nature refers to relationship values that truly define us as (quality of the place). (Murgaš and Klobučník, 2018). The objective
humans (Jax et al., 2018). factors can be grouped into three main categories: attractiveness from

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

both social and economic perspectives and attractiveness based on to the urban macrostructure is one of the main objectives of this
environmental concerns (Sinkienė and Kromalcas, 2010). The first two research.
factors are fundamentally determined and still influence the develop­ The hypothesis of this research is that well-being is a complex phe­
ment of cities today. In practice, linking health with planning as well as nomenon that requires multivariate analysis moreover, effective devel­
disseminating and developing good practices are key to urban devel­ opment requires the identification of implementation locations within
opment (Barton and Grant, 2013). The economic potential of cities - the cities. The design of sustainable and resilient cities requires inter­
including business opportunities in addition to financial security and pretable, aggregated composite indicators that minimize the informa­
stability - is more attractive to residents in cities, even in times of eco­ tion loss associated with aggregation operators. The proposed OWL well-
nomic crises (Raźniak et al., 2017). being analysis tool uses 24 different models and it can be integrated into
Factors influencing economic and social attractiveness is also decision support easily, as it provides information available for the
comprised of the range of services available including cultural products entire area of the analyzed cities. Since currently no methodology is
(education, entertainment), the spatial accessibility of healthcare ser­ available to extract well-being patterns within cities, our primary aim is
vices (Kaur Khakh et al., 2019), as well as access to recreational goods to determine the objective well-being level (OWL) composite indicator
and luxury products and cultural activities (Van der Ark and Richards, that is universally applicable to any city and explores the relationships of
2006). The proliferation of expensive condominiums and residential well-being at different levels of abstraction. The key novelty of the
tower blocks has fundamentally changed social and economic patterns present article is a multi-objective analysis of the “health and well-
of several developed countries over recent decades (Novak, 2020) being” Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3) for cities based on which
illustrating that the ultrastructure-level attractiveness of cities is sub­ strategic policies, programs and plans (PPPs) can be “ex-ante” identified.
jected to continuous functional redistribution and revitalisation pro­ Furthermore, the identified patterns can be used to support the One
cesses (Webb and Webber, 2017). The importance of the third Health approach, as cover human-, environmental- and animal health
environmental group of factors is rapidly increasing in growing cities indicators. In this research, the following research question is answered:
(Adhikari, 2000). This is important both economically and for local in­ how indicators belonging to the objective part of well-being (quality of
habitants since one’s appeal to a city is not only influenced by the life) can be evaluated in the whole area of a city, based on which how the
widening spectra and number of attractions in cities (Miftahuddin et al., most effective improvement areas can be identified, and how the
2021) but also by the significant contribution regularly monitoring of different models can be integrated in such a way that measures can be
the sewage discharge and cleanliness of the visited sites makes regarding formulated not for 24 different development tasks, but for groups of
the increase in the touristic attractiveness and liveability of a city indicators.
(Panagoda et al., 2016).
Urban livability and well-being have previously been analyzed in 2. Steps by which the objective well-being level (OWL)
several ways, for example structural equation modelling approach was composite indicator is developed
used for planning interventions to improve both the sustainability and
liveability of cities (Jiao et al., 2016). On the one hand, liveability is a Well-being is a complex phenomenon that can be divided into
crucial component when planning sustainable cities and is strongly objective (life circumstances) and subjective (individual perception)
linked with the health status of individuals at the physical, mental and elements (Voukelatou et al., 2021). Our proposed methodology deals
community levels (Chi and Mak, 2021). The One Health (OH) approach only with the “quality of life” aspect, i.e. with the estimation of the
holistically evaluates human, animal and environmental health issues objective elements of well-being, which is why it is consistently named
(Lebov et al., 2017), the connections of which to well-being is an objective well-being level (OWL). This research does not include the
exciting research task. In several studies, the level of mental well-being appreciation of life and emotional responses of the persons, but only to
was measured on a scale of subjective satisfaction (Oswald and Wu, quantify the living conditions that can be improved by urban planning
2010). Psychologically speaking the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well- measures by the decision support of urban strategic planning. This
Being Scale (WEMWBS) used to estimate the component of psycholog­ section defines the objective well-being level (OWL) composite indica­
ical health and a General Health Questionnaire are the most commonly tor, which explores patterns of well-being within cities based on freely
used forms of assessment (Krefis et al., 2018). A different approach to accessible databases according to the following six categories, namely
objectify the problem of well-being is the quantification of potential walkability, environment, health, society, climate change and safety.
factors by utilizing aggregated mesoscopic patterns (Dong et al., 2020). The workflow of the proposed objective well-being level (OWL) method
Such a relatively subjective concept as individual-dependent well-being is shown in Fig. 1.
cannot be quantified without applying mixed claims and several It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the development of this composite
different kinds of general factors (Alexandrova, 2020). An abstract space indicator begins by collecting data sources from which the impacts of
characterized by multidimensional variables such as well-being derived well-being can be calculated based on the models summarized in
from the characteristics of the urban environment cannot be examined Table 1. The data collection step is followed by the normalization of the
without the use of composite indicators (Commission et al., 2008). The data, after which the variability in the patterns of the layers is examined
use of composite indicators in well-being has already been investigated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Based on similarities between
at country level (Otoiu et al., 2014), province level (Ciommi et al., 2017) the patterns, the level of abstraction of the given city is chosen and then
and city level (Sarra and Nissi, 2020; Tomaselli et al., 2021), which the layers of the composite indicator of the objective well-being level are
enables ranking (Peiró-Palomino and Picazo-Tadeo, 2018) and national produced as the weighted outputs of the models.
strategy creation tasks (Mizobuchi, 2014). However, smaller-scale ana­
lyzes are indispensable for the identification of implementation sites in 2.1. Models and data sources used for the calculation of the components
cities, for which our proposed methodology handles this research gap. of well-being
The theoretical background of both objective and subjective well-
being or happiness as well as their relevant dimensions have been One of the main objectives of developing this composite indicator
explored through data science (Voukelatou et al., 2021). This paper was to provide an analytical tool to achieve a deeper understanding of
attempts to describe the patterns of objective well-being within the city sustainable and resilient urban planning (especially SDG3 “good health
based on publicly available data sources. Few interdisciplinary ap­ and well-being”). Therefore, the data sources were chosen to make the
proaches demonstrate the complexity of urban structures and dynamics proposed OWL composite indicator easy to calculate for any city
as well as their potential impacts on urban health and well-being (Krefis worldwide. In other words, objective elements of well-being are
et al., 2018). Therefore, the derivation of well-being parameters related modeled and evaluated, which are related to the quality of life. The

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

Fig. 1. Workflow of the objective well-being level (OWL) calculation.

Table 1
The models related to objective well-being in OWL methodology.
No. Abbr. Parameter Equations References Category

1. dw Daily-needs walkability p1 ⋅d2 − p2 ⋅d + p3 (Frank et al., 2021; Lamb and Steinberger, 2022) Walk.
2. pw Park walkability p1 ⋅d5 − p2 ⋅d4 + p3 ⋅d3 − p4 ⋅d2 + p5 ⋅d + p6 (Lamb and Steinberger, 2022) Walk.
3. rw Religious walkability p1 ⋅d2 − p2 ⋅d + p3 (Frank et al., 2021) Walk.
4. tn Traffic noise Lw + Dc − A (ISO, 1996; Chung et al., 2017; Sari et al., 2014; Barceló Villalobos, 2009);
(To and Chung, 2015; Farouq and Ahonsi, 2018; Kemp et al., 2013) Env.
5. pn Point-source noise Lw + Dc − A (ISO, 1996); Env.
6. np NOX p1 + p2 ⋅BEX + p3 ⋅TL50 + p4 ⋅POP1000
+ p5 ⋅HTL500 + p6 ⋅IDM + p7 ⋅MRL25 (Schmitz et al., 2019) Env.
7. pp PM10 p1 + p2 ⋅TML500 + p3 ⋅POP5000 + p4 ⋅MRL50 (Schmitz et al., 2019) Env.
8. op Ground-level O3 p1 + p2 ⋅T (Trájer et al., 2019; Trájer et al., 2022) Env.
9. vc Vegetation cover ( NDVI − NDVI )2 (Avdan and Jovanovska, 2016) Env.
10. tm Total heat-related p1 − p2 ⋅T + p3 ⋅T2 − p4 ⋅T3 + p5 ⋅T4 (Chen et al., 2018) Health
11. hr Heart rate changes p1 ⋅T4 − p2 ⋅T3 − p3 ⋅T2 + p4 ⋅T + p5 (Madaniyazi et al., 2016) Health
12. aa Airborne aspergillus p1 ⋅T − p2 (Alshareef and Robson, 2014) Health
13. ar Asthma risk p1 ⋅T5 − p2 ⋅T4 + p3 ⋅T3 − p4 ⋅T2 + p5 ⋅T + p6 (Lam et al., 2016) Health
14. md Mood disorders (MDs) p1 ⋅T3 + p2 ⋅T2 − p3 ⋅T + p4 (Niu et al., 2020) Health
15. pd Population density Aj (Domokos et al., 2022) Soc.
16. bd Building density 1 − |d| Soc.
17. pr Productivity p1 ⋅T3 − p2 ⋅T2 + p3 ⋅T + p4 (Zhang et al., 2018) Soc.
18. dr Dirofilariasis e− 0.003⋅d (Trájer et al., 2016) Soc.
19. er Stormwater erosion risk [( ∂Z )2 ( ∂Z )2 ]1/2 (Prodanović et al., 2009) Clim.
∂X ∂Y
20. hw Heat wave 1 n ⃒
∑ ⃒ ⃒ (Viceto et al., 2019) Clim.
Tday;tres − Tmax;hi ⃒
n i=1
21. eh Extreme hot days 1∑n ⃒⃒ ⃒ (Viceto et al., 2019) Clim.
i=1 day;tres
− Tmax;hi ⃒
n ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
√ ̅
22. fs Fire safety (Masoumi et al., 2019; Domokos et al., 2022) Safety
|Δx|2 + |Δy|2
23. as Ambulance service (Masoumi et al., 2019; Domokos et al., 2022) Safety
|Δx|2 + |Δy|2
24. ps Police force (Masoumi et al., 2019; Domokos et al., 2022) Safety
|Δx|2 + |Δy|2

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

development of this means the improvement of resilience and sustain­ • The heat-related indicators (ground-level ozone, total heat-related
ability aspects of cities, which can be supported by our proposed OWL mortality, heart rate changes, airborne aspergillus, asthma, mood
methodological development. Well-being, resilience and sustainability disorders, productivity, heat waves and extremely hot days) are
are strongly interrelated issues whose data-based decision support re­ based on the urban heat island model, which can be calculated based
quires multidisciplinary approaches, for which the OWL composite in­ on satellite images and surface temperature monitoring data. Vege­
dicator could be a promising framework. tation coverage can also be determined based on satellite images.
The model parameters presented in Table 1 and the level of • Building density can be analyzed by calculating the distances be­
abstraction (number of principal components) can be fine-tuned by tween buildings. The population density can be estimated by taking
analysts. Given that the collected models cover six categories to describe into account the floor space of the buildings and their numbers of
well-being, the method fills in long-term unresolved gaps in strategic floors as well as knowing the types of the buildings and the popu­
planning for “sustainable cities and communities” (SDG11). lation of the city as normalization factors.
The evaluation of the objective part of well-being requires the choice • Dirofilariasis can be diagnosed from the distance to surface water
of indicators related to the quality of life, which means a multidisci­ bodies, namely bodies of standing water and streams.
plinary selection, keeping in mind that the chosen indicators have to be • Since the stormwater erosion risk can be examined by applying the
calculated for the entire area of the analyzed settlement to explore the Digital Elevation Model and neglecting the sinks, e.g. sewer network
intra-city patterns. The proposed OWL methodology performs an inno­ topology, it is a stormwater-related phenomenon but can not be
vative integration of the related models published in the scientific comprehensively characterized.
literature, so all published models were used that are available and • The analysis of the fire safety, ambulance service and police force can
suitable for deriving high-resolution patterns in terms of well-being. be characterized by calculating the arrival times from their respec­
In Table 1, the well-being models identified by public data published tive stations to each junction in the road network according to al­
in the scientific literature are classified into six categories, that is, gorithms that identify the shortest paths (based on a developed
walkability as described by 3 models, the environment by 6, health by 5, MATLAB code).
social change by 3 as well as climate change and safety which are out­
lined by 3 each. The data sources required to calculate the model parameters
The models in Table 1 can be identified by using the data sources of described in Table 1 are listed in Table 2. Table 2 shows that the models
Table 2 according to the following principles: of the OWL indicators are produced using widely available map data
sources according to Table 1. Based on this, urban well-being is esti­
• The walkability of daily needs is calculated based on the POI data­ mated from the situation of different infrastructural elements, such as
base from the distance to shops, bakeries, convenience stores, buildings, road network, POIs, parks, water bodies, which is enriched by
pharmacies, restaurants, pubs and other related categories. processing satellite images and elevation as supporting sources of in­
• In the case of park walkability, the distance to parks and forests is formation. The proposed OWL methodology integrates point-, line- and
taken into account, while churches, cathedrals, parishes and me­ polygon (area) data sources, thereby providing an informative and
morial sites are used to calculate religious walkability. generally applicable methodological development in the assessment and
• To calculate traffic noise, the road network is used, which contains optimization of the well-being of cities, as it provides information for the
the permitted speed data. The traffic data could be matched to this, entire area of the analyzed settlements. It may happen that certain
enabling sound propagation models to be calculated with a high infrastructural elements (e.g. parks) are not freely accessible, these are
degree of accuracy when divided according to acoustic vehicle cat­ not taken into account by the proposed method. Accessibility can be an
egories. In the case of point source noise, the sound power level was interesting development direction that can be supported by the inte­
determined based on the measurement data in the literature and our gration of mobility databases (Tiziana et al., 2023).
many years of experience of measuring noise. The calculations are
performed using the IMMI modeling software according to interna­ 2.2. Calculation of the OWL composite indicator
tional noise control engineering standards.
• The nitrogen oxides (NOX ) and particulate matter (PM10 ) pollution Based on the published models, a composite indicator system is
can be estimated by monitoring data based on the regional back­ proposed whereby it is much easier to track and study one or three
ground air quality, road network topology and traffic data. variables than to identify common trends across many separate in­
dicators. These composite indicators should represent multidimensional
concepts which cannot be captured by a single model or variable. The
indicator system is multi-level as the variables are categories belonging
Table 2 to the previously presented thematic groups (Fig. A1).
Used data sources and attributes. Given that the variables should be aggregated and weighted to
Name Data source Description Geometry/ compensate for their correlation, multivariate analysis should be used to
Type study the overall structure of the dataset and identify groups of variables
Roads and OpenStreetMap (OSM) Five categories of Line that are statistically similar.
sidewalks roads and sidewalks In our work, Principal Component Analysis and, more specifically,
POI database OpenStreetMap (OSM) Polygons converted Point
Factor Analysis were used to form composite indicators that capture as
into points (centroid (polygon)
comprehensively as possible the information common to individual
Buildings OpenStreetMap (OSM) Building types and Polygon models, therefore, the resulting OWL composite indicators are repre­
areas sented as a linearly weighted aggregation of the original models:
Parks Corine (Copernicus) Corine database Polygon
and OpenStreetMap refined by OSM ∑

Water bodies OpenStreetMap (OSM) Stagnant water bodies Line and OWLi = NI j ⋅wi,j (1)
and streams Polygon

Satellite Landsat 8–9 Level 2 dataset GeoTIFF

images raster where the parameters wi,j of each factor were estimated using Principal
Digital NASA EarthExplorer 50 m resolution GeoTIFF Component Analysis (PCA). It is important to note that although these
Elevation raster weights do not measure the importance of the associated indicators,
according to PCA, the weighting corrects for duplicate pattern between

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

the variables. Principal Component Analysis is widely used to analyze seat of Veszprém county in Central Transdanubia, Hungary (Lenner,
climatic data (Bueso et al., 2020), select effective series for modeling 2012). The urban area of the city is 126.9 km2 and the resident popu­
(Nourali, 2023) and dimension reduction of highly correlated data lation about 60,000 individuals. The city can be found at the northern
(Kherif and Latypova, 2020). edge of the dolomite karst plateau in the Balaton Highlands to as far,
The number of composite indicators is determined by analysing the south as the foothills of the Northern Bakony Mts. in about 260–270 m a.
principal components. Only a subset of principal components is retained s.l. The macrostructure of the total number of features found in the city
i = 1, …, m. Solely indicators that contribute individually to the expla­ is presented in Fig. 2:
nation of overall variance in excess of 10% and cumulatively to account
for the overall variance in excess of 60% were considered to have 3.2. Raw impacts of OWL
participated in the composite indicator system. The applicability of the
PCA in constructing a well-being composite index was successfully In this subsection, the modeled values of the indicator parameters
presented in Italian provinces (Mazziotta and Pareto, 2019). used to determine the objective well-being level (OWL) are presented in
The varimax rotation is used to minimise the number of individual the form of categories, walkability, the environment, health, society,
indicators that have a high loading on the same factor, an ideal indicator climate and safety, as is presented in Table 1 as well as applied in the
system in which each variable is loaded exclusively on one of the models. The spatial distribution of the modeled indicators was plotted in
retained factors is sought. The varimax rotation was successfully applied a normalized and unweighted form in order to show the differences in
to explore the relationships between the factors of well-being at work the urban patterns of well-being.
(Husky et al., 2020). In the case of urban well-being, PCA is a measure of The intra-city pattern of the three indicators in the walkability
the spatial similarity of the modeled indicators. In other words, PCA is category is illustrated in Fig. 3:
used for information redundancy reduction and indicator relevance In Fig. 3, daily needs walkability (dw ) is based on the distance be­
determination (Xiao et al., 2021). tween the objects visited on a daily basis, including grocery stores,
Since 24 independently interpretable models have been integrated pharmacies, restaurants, pubs and playgrounds. The pedestrian acces­
into the proposed OWL methodology, which are calculated based on the sibility in order to meet the daily needs of subsistence is usually the
same data sources in several cases, it is important that the repeating greatest in the city centers, as is the case in Veszprém. In contrast, due to
patterns do not distort the results of the comprehensive analysis. In other the built-up area, the availability of green spaces and parks (pw ) is
words, in the OWL composite indicator method developed, the redun­ usually limited in city centers, which is especially true in Veszprém, as
dant information is neglected, so the potential intervention sites for shown in the second map of Fig. 3. The third map in Fig. 3 shows the
urban development can be clearly defined, which supports the strategic pedestrian accessibility of religious walkability (rw ) in the study area,
decisions necessary for sustainable and resilient cities. For example, the which is highest close to downtown but not completely concentrated
indicators of the health category are mainly driven by temperature, so there.
their urban patterns are also similar (Fig. 5), so this pattern similarity Overview maps of environmental indicators are shown in Fig. 4. Six
must be taken into account during the formation of the OWL composite indicators are found in this category that are very important with regard
indicator, if we would like to avoid the overestimated importance of to objective well-being. Environmental factors, as expected from the
repeatedly used data sources in the final composite indicators. heterogeneity of input values, exhibit very diverse spatial patterns. It
can be said that point-source noise pollution, for example, is at its
3. Results maxima in city center, while other forms, like air pollution or the at­
mospheric ozone concentration are rather in line with the distribution of
3.1. Case-study area the densely built-up parts of the city. The indirect effect of the topog­
raphy on these values is also visible, namely the well-being-related
The study was performed in Veszprém (Fig. 2), which is the county factors are generally higher in the less densely populated area in the

Fig. 2. The modeled urban area of Veszprém, the used macrostructural elements along with their total numbers of features.

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

Fig. 3. Modeled distribution of indicators belonging to the walkability category (dw denotes daily needs walkability, pw stands for park walkability and rw refers to
religious walkability). The dark blue indicates areas of higher levels of well-being, while lower levels are depicted in green.

Fig. 4. Modeled distribution of indicators belonging to the environmental category (tn denotes the traffic noise, pn stands for point-noise sources, np refers to NOX
pollution, pp represents particulate matter (PM10 ), op shows the ground-level ozone pollution and vc is vegetation cover). The dark blue indicates areas of higher well-
being, while lower ones are depicted in green.

vicinity of the valley north of the city centre. This pattern with regard to of the ’Séd’ stream is characteristic, as can be seen in Fig. 5. In general,
the macrostructure of the city is clearly visible in the modeled values of the industrial region in the northwest part of the city exhibits the lowest
NOX pollution and in terms of the vegetation cover, because the mini­ well-being-related indicator values. The modeled factors of the health
mum values of vc are determined by the industrial area. category are also a classic peripheral gradient, in fact this trend can only
The patterns with regard to the health category are shown in Fig. 5: be seen in the peripheral areas. The suburbs of the city do not exhibit
In the case of the indicators in the health category, the effect of the notably different values compared to downtown.
natural green spaces linked to the steep topography of the central valley The purpose of the society category is to collect and present the most

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

Fig. 5. Modeled distribution of indicators belonging to the health category (tm denotes total heat-related mortality, hr stands for heart-rate changes, aa refers to
airborne aspergillus, ar represents asthma risk and md is mood disorders). The dark blue indicates areas of higher well-being, while lower ones are depicted in green.

subjective elements of objective well-being level (OWL), as illustrated in suburbs. Therefore, the emergency response (departure) time is the
Fig. 6: highest in these cases.
The society category-associated well-being factors present a strongly
heterogeneous picture. Although the building density (bd ) is the highest 3.3. OWL
in the pericentral regions, this is not the case at the definitive geomet­
rical centre. The change in outdoor productivity shows value pattern The objective well-being level composite indicator integrates the
based on the building density. The relative risk of dirofilariasis oexhibits results of the 24 models, based on which the implementation sites of
a specific character which is a consequence of the distribution of the urban development plans can be accurately identified in the decision
freshwater habitats in the western-central and northeastern parts of the making process. The redundancy of the patterns of the different in­
city. However, it is notable how deeply the areas with a higher risk of dicators is reduced during aggregation using the PCA technique.
dirofilariasis penetrate into the central parts of the settlement. Depending on how diverse the patterns of the examined indicators are,
Even though the modeled factors of the climate category presented in the OWL method allows for customization of the number of composite
Fig. 7 show a nearly city-center-focused maximum pattern, the values indicators. In this representation, the objective well-being level of city of
are more closely related to the building density, green spaces and forest Veszprém can be described by two composite indicators (Figs. 9 & 10.),
cover than to the absolute geometrical conditions of the studied settle­ in which the values are weighted by PCA coordinates (Fig. A2) during
ment. Generally, in the suburbs, the modeled values are lower than aggregation. The distribution of the model parameters in two-
downtown, which is also true for the central valley and outskirts of dimensional abstraction space appears along two main axes. Although
downtown where the proportion of green spaces are the highest. The some of the factors can be traced back to differences in the natural and
worst values can be seen in the industrial estate in the northwest area of built environments, they are also influenced by a number of local fac­
the city (see Fig. 8). tors. Such is the local characteristic that the deep stream valley which
The safety categories related to the availability of the police force, crosses the city has remained a sparsely built-up area and that no
ambulance service and fire department show very similar patterns due buildings have been built on some of the steep slopes that border this
to the spatial proximity of the stations to each other. Apart from the valley. Therefore, relief, as a primarily negative factor in terms of well-
individual differences, the shapes of the availability patterns are similar being, appears associated with for example, parks, moreover a number
and seem to be less affected by the local topographical factors. It can be of the positive psychological, physical and energetic effects of which are
said that these services are the most accessible in the southern parts of known. The first principal component includes temperature-controlled
the city and less in the suburbs. In the case of the fire department, the indicators such as aa , op , pr , md , etc. Plant cover vc , dirofilariasis
population of the western part of the city reside in the best location. In dr related to the proximity to water bodies and NOX form the other group
general, these services are the closest to the western and southern lo­ (Fig. A2), which can be traced back to the macrostructure of natural
cations of the city but furthest from the northeastern districts and sites. Two groups can also be identified as a result of this division

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

(OWL) composite indicator is one of the main determinants. As shown in

Fig. 9, the best quality locations of OWL1 are located in areas where
green infrastructure is dominant, thus showing a better quality of the
natural environment. A typical example of this is the Séd valley, also
marked in the Fig. 9, and the area around the zoo in Veszprém. The other
highly represented group of the indicators related to health, which show
a high correlation with the vegetation cover and its resulting microcli­
mate cooling effect. In this composite indicator, the reachability-related
indicators (walkability & safety) appear with minimal weights. Related
to this, the second composite indicator reveals availability-related
characteristics, which are described in detail in Fig. 10. According to
OWL1 a natural restoration of the detached house area, industrial area
and downtown can be recommended, which includes developments
with green and blue infrastructural elements and implementation of
nature-based solutions.
The second spatial representation of a group of factors shows the
classical city-center-shaped radial pattern. The availability of the main
services, namely the fire department, ambulance service, police force
and churches amongst others which are predominant can be found near
to the city center.
Since the pattern on the map in Fig. 10 is dominated by indicators
belonging to the safety and walkability categories, the best objective
well-being levels are found in the vicinity of downtown. As shown in
Fig. 10, the best quality locations of OWL2 are located in areas where the
built infrastructure is present in high diversity. A typical example of this
Fig. 6. Modeled distribution of indicators belonging to the society category (pd is the city center and the area of detached houses, as marked in the
denotes population density, bd stands for building density, pr refers to the Fig. 10. OWL2 contains the indicators of the walkability and safety
change in outdoor productivity, dr represents the relative risk of dirofilariasis). categories with a high weight, while the indicators of health and climate
The dark blue indicates areas of higher well-being, while lower ones are are represented with a lower weight. According to OWL2 the enrichment
depicted in green. of the infrastructural elements of suburban areas is recommended,
which must be implemented in accordance with OWL1 with the pro­
according to the second principal component. Parameters specific to city tection of natural values.
centers e.g. daily-needs and religious walkabilities, population density In general, it can be stated that the well-being patterns shown in
and point source noise and the structure of the peripheral districts, e.g. Figs. 9 and 10 show the importance of aspects concerning the applica­
the time of arrival of firefighters, paramedics and police officers as well tion of sustainable urban planning and development, as the socio­
as the availability of parks can be identified in the principal components ecological well-being can be linked to the coverage of their convenience
and also differ in the OWL composite indicators. needs, which are primarily highest in the inner-city areas, while noise
The first characteristic pattern of the objective well-being level and health-related aspects as well as air quality show worse patterns of
composite indicator in Veszprém is shown in detail in Fig. 9. This well-being levels in these areas of Veszprém. When implementing the
composite indicator is dominated by the patterns of health and envi­ locations of nature-based solutions as well as climate change adaptation
ronmental indicators, moreover, it follows that the patterns of the Séd and mitigation actions, it is necessary to take into account the co-
Valley (area of maximum objective well-being level) are visible on the benefits demonstrated in the form of well-being, so in the case of the
industrial area and downtown (minimum well-being level areas) return city of Veszprém, making the areas near to the city center more natural
in the aggregated map. It follows that the set of variables determined by and increasing the coverage of peripheral areas by introducing services
the natural macrostructure of the proposed objective well-being level would represent possibilities for increasing the objective well-being

Fig. 7. Modeled distribution of indicators belonging to the climate category (er denotes stormwater erosion risk, hw stands for heat waves, and eh refers to extremly
hot days). The dark blue indicates areas of higher well-being, while lower ones are depicted in green.

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

Fig. 8. Modeled distribution of indicators belonging to the safety category (fs denotes the fire department, as stands for the ambulance service, and ps refers to the
police force). The dark blue indicates areas of higher well-being, while lower ones are depicted in green.

Fig. 9. Visualization of the first composite indicator of the objective well-being level (OWL) in Veszprém.

Fig. 10. Visualization of the second composite indicator of the objective well-being level (OWL) in Veszprém.

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

level of the city. An interesting future research direction is the quanti­ physical structures and environmental-human factors is a simply di­
fication of the impacts of various climate actions as well as urban stra­ dactic and outdated approach.
tegies and interventions on well-being by extending the objective well- It is worth examining the validity of urban well-being models from
being level (OWL) methodology presented. the perspective of models of coupled human-environment systems
The proposed methodology, and its special weighting approach by (Turner et al., 2003). These models claim that three main ’players’ are
choosing the level of abstraction by the analyst, allows the factors involved: the complex natural system from the level of particulate
influencing the objective well-being level in cities to be better under­ matter to biomes, the complex human systems in which humans serve as
stood as aggregation in a single layer implies a significant reduction in ’decision-making bodies’ and a mediating element. The most important
information content. It should be added that the different macrostruc­ factors of the human component are access, influence, interest and
tures of other cities may require the implementation of additional OWL motivation. In terms of the sustainability of the urban environment, the
dimensions, however, this is chosen by the analyst during Principal role of the third, namely the mediating element, which creates a
Component Analysis and aggregation. connection between the two systems is crucial. The essence of this third
factor is that based on the information obtained from the natural system,
4. Discussion decisions are made by passing through the economic, political and social
filters, which necessitate human intervention with regard to the envi­
The model results revealed the complex macrostructure of the city ronmental system. This coupled human–environment system approach
related to the social, economic and environmental-related dimensions of showed that the vulnerability of urban environments exhibits special,
well-being. The applied approach, which was based on the modelling of regional characteristics which are typical of the climate and sociocul­
aggregated meso-scale patterns is in accordance with the modern theory tural environment (Srinivasan et al., 2013). It can be concluded that the
of the objectification of well-being (Dong et al., 2020) by which of available studies concerning this complex topic are rather conceptual in
composite indicators are applied to achieve this quantification (Com­ nature (e.g. (Krefis et al., 2018)) and the synthesis of the different
mission et al., 2008). It can also be seen that the factors of well-being are environmental-socioeconomic and even emotional factors have not yet
also the points of intervention of the sustainable development goals been comprehensively addressed in the literature.
(SDGs) that contribute to the development of innovative evaluation in­ An important outcome of this study is that the macro-patterns of the
dicators as well which can help a city progress to move toward urban well-being-related factors can be tight regarding main structural com­
sustainability (Geng et al., 2016). However, the theoretical contradic­ ponents of which only one shows a city center-based central image, the
tion between sustainability targets and human well-being-related mo­ others are mainly related to the main routes through the city and indi­
tivations should also be emphasized, not only on a practical level, but rectly to the topography. The pattern of the first factor is not surprising
also in terms of indicators. In other words, several human well-being since it is known that the central urban district dominates in terms of the
indicators ignore sustainability, and vice versa, in fact the majority of urban structure (He et al., 2019). On the other hand, the city center is
the sustainability indicators ignore the aspects of well-being (Neumayer, generally connected to the surrounding decentralized structure (Man­
2007). The social-group-determinant nature of the well-being-related ganelli et al., 2020) - including the suburbs and the outer industrial
motivations is also should be mentioned. The categories of age, gender estates - through urban facilities resulting in a near-concentric shape in
and extroversion strongly influence the attitude and motivatability of terms of the accessibility of the different services, workplaces,
the individuals (Munzel et al., 2018). sociocultural-socioeconomic ’point of interest’ and other city compo­
Even though it can be seen that the individual maps are highly het­ nents (Gao et al., 2013). The second factor is fundamentally determined
erogeneous, some characteristic groups can be determined. One group of by the regional and local topographical factors. The topography not only
variables, namely the thermal-related ones, traffic-related factors (e.g. influenced the evolution of the settlement and road structure but also
noise) and population density, are focused on the city center near the development of the patterns of spontaneous and anthropogenic plant
circular-shaped patterns. Incidentally, sound intensity and the urban communities in terms of their shape (Qian et al., 2020) which form the
heat island effect are typically focused on the spatial patterns of city core of the urban green spaces nowadays.
centers (Margaritis and Kang, 2017). Others, e.g. accessibility to the fire There are many approaches to evaluating and ranking cities in terms
department and healthcare services, exhibit additional city center-based of well-being, namely quality of life indices (QoLI) (Moro et al., 2008),
concentric gradient patterns. Certain values, like the potential occur­ sustainability assessment by fuzzy evaluation (SAFE) (Phillis et al.,
rence of canine dirofilariasis, urban green spaces or flooding based on 2017), Economic Well-Being (EWB) index (Ehrlich et al., 2021), quality
the relief have nearly non-circular/irregular spatial occurrences. It of urban life (QOUL) (Goerlich and Reig, 2021) but in this research, the
should be noted that since urban flooding and its level is highly uncer­ goal was to explore the patterns within the city, so it is not suitable for
tain, its exact possible course and cases of different degrees of severity comparing cities with each other. It is also important to emphasize that
were not subject to modeling (Li and Willems, 2020). The heterogeneity the proposed OWL methodology does not take into account the subjec­
of the modeled factors shows that the overall values of those concerning tive elements of well-being, such as the differences between different
human well-being follow individual patterns in different parts of the user groups. Surveying the population’s well-being preferences and
city. It is common to make a distinction between human and techno- sorting them into user groups can contribute to even more detailed
economic factors in a narrower sense. For example, according to the planning. Another promising development opportunity is that the OWL
concept of Barton (2016), the first part of the testable factors consists of results can be connected with the One Health approach, which also re­
obesity, unhealthy lifestyles, inequality and mental illness, although quires the identification of the requirements of the various actors.
climate change and environmental quality was also included in this
group of factors (Barton, 2016). The second part of the considered fac­ 5. Conclusion
tors consists of transport, housing, economic, social and energy policies,
the classification of which also indicate that the technological- The results indicate that the mapping of well-being-related factors
environmental and human factors clearly cannot be divided in an based on the local relief, climatic, urban structural as well as various
urban environment. In our study, two groups of factors can not be other natural and anthropogenic factors is reasonable. It can provide a
clearly differentiated since several human factors were derived from unique and complex approach to better understand human preferences
natural, physical factors. However, estimations using land use regression and supports the formulation of urban sustainability strategies. The
modeling, e.g. of urban air pollution (Muttoo et al., 2018) or heat- revealed patterns suggest that the habitability of a city cannot simply be
related mortality (Son et al., 2016), are commonly accepted and used down to it being a city center or rural in nature, on the other hand, due to
methods today, indicating that making a rigorous distinction between the involvement of heterogeneous environmental, socioeconomic and

V. Sebestyén et al. Ecological Indicators 158 (2024) 111460

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