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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | AUG 2023 PAPERS

Surg 22 Aug 2023 (A.N)

RBCs, Low reticulocyte count and Low serum ferritin. All
parameters decreased but Increased TIBC is seen in ? - ID :

Ⓐ Thalassemia
Ⓑ Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD)
1. A student asked a patient to clench his teeth then
Ⓒ Sideroblastic Anemia Ⓓ Iron Deficiency Anemia
followed his masseter inferiorly. On lower madibular
margin he felt a pulsation of - ID : 4032
Ⓓ ✪ ↓ Ferritin stores ➜ ↑ TIBC and ↑ Ferritin stores ➜ ↓ TIBC.
Ⓐ Lingual artery Ⓑ Facial artery ✪ IDA ☛ ↓ Ferritin stores ➜ ↑ TIBC.
Ⓒ Maxillary artery Ⓓ External carotid artery ✪ Thalassemia ☛ Normal TIBC.
✪ Sideroblastic Anemia ☛ Normal.
Ⓑ Facial artery ☛ Arises from external carotid artery ➜ curves
✪ ACD ☛ ↑ Ferritin stores ➜ ↓ TIBC.
around inferior margin of body of mandible at anterior border of ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 279 ✦ Goljan, Pg. 321
masseter muscle.
It is here that pulse can be easily felt 8. In an Old Pt with resting tremor and expressionless
✦ SNELL, Pg. 580 masked face with stooped posture, rigidity and shuffling
gait, where do you expect the Lesion? - ID : 20231
2. A person has sharp knife injury to upper medial aspect
of arm due to which he is unable to do supination, flex his Ⓐ Cerebrum Ⓑ Globus pallidus
elbow and having loss of cutaneous sensations on lateral Ⓒ Dentate nucleus
aspect of forearm. The nerve injured is - ID : 6966 Ⓓ Nucleus of substantia nigra
Ⓔ Pons
Ⓐ Median Nerve Ⓑ Axillary nerve
Ⓒ Radial Nerve Ⓓ Musculocutaneous Nerve Ⓓ Parkinson Disease ☛ Damage at Substantia Nigra ➜ 80%
Dopamine Lost ➜ Loss of Inhibitory control ➜
Ⓓ Musculocutaneous nerve ➜ Lateral cutaneous nerve forearm
✦ Overactive Bladder ➜ Urinary Incontinence
➜ Sensory cutaneous supply of lateral forearm
✦ Fascial stiffness ➜ Masked Face
Flexion at elbow joint is done by biceps brachii and brachialis
muscle ➜ both supplied by Musculocutaneous Nerve ✦ Resting Tremors ✦ Slurred Speech ✦ Bradykinesia ✦ Limb jerky
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 209, 208 Diskinetic movements ( Robbins )

3. Dermatome of medial 1/3 of hand is - ID : 11028 9. 55 years old person is a a chronic alcoholic for 20 years.
His lab shows megaloblastic anemia. what should be the
Ⓐ Radial nerve Ⓑ Axillary nerve treatment ? - ID : 20367
Ⓒ Median nerve Ⓓ Ulnar nerve (C8-T1)
Ⓐ Stop Alcohol Ⓑ Give IV Cobalamine
Ⓓ Ulnar nerve (C8-T1) ➜ Sensory cutaneous innervation to ➜ the Ⓒ Give Methyl Alcohol Ⓓ Give Oral Vit B12
medial forearm, medial wrist, and medial one and one-half digits. (
Snell ) Ⓑ ✪ Alcohol ➜ Atrophic Gastritis ➜ ↓ intrinsic factor ➜ ↓ vitamin
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 205 B12 Absorption ➜ Megaloblastic Anemia.
4. A Child having tumor with blue cells secretes
✪ IV B12 supplementation ➜ Immediate effect.
catecholamines and caused by gene amplification and N - ✪ Stopping alcohol ➜ take longer to correct problem.
✦ First Aid, Pg. 379
MYC gene mutation in children? - ID : 15528

Ⓐ Retinoblastoma Ⓑ Neuroblastoma 10. Patient presented with weakness, constipation,

Palpitations and sinking heart. His ECG shows narrow
Ⓒ Glial glioma Ⓓ Wilms tumor
depressed T wave, with prominent U wave and prolonged
PR interval. What could be the reason ? - ID : 23206
Ⓑ N-MYC oncogene ☛ Mutation due to amplification cause
Neuroblastoma (most common extracranial solid tumor of Ⓐ Hypokolemia Ⓑ Hyponatremia
childhood that secretes catecholamines) Ⓒ Hypernatremia Ⓓ Hyperphosphatemia
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 210

Ⓐ Hypokalemia < 3 mEq/L cause :

5. Dome and muscle of diaphragm is supplied by which
nerve? - ID : 15595 ✪ Sagging of ST segment
✪ Depression / Inversion of T wave
Ⓐ Vagus Ⓑ Phrenic nerve
✪ U wave (after T wave) ➜ shows purkinje repolarizarion
Ⓒ C1-C2 Ⓓ C5-C6
✪ Slightly prolonged PR interval.
Ⓑ Diaphragm is innervated by C3, 4, and 5 (phrenic nerve). Pain ▶ Clinical signs ➜ Palpitations , Muscular Weakness , Cramping ,
from diaphragm irritation (e.g., air or blood in peritoneal cavity) Constipation , Hypoventilation , Hypotension
✦ Ganong, Pg. 535
can be referred to the shoulder (C5) and the trapezius ridge (C3,
4) 11. Longest receptive field sensation is carried by which
✦ First Aid, Pg. 663 tract? - ID : 31270
6. External anal sphincter is supplied by - ID : 16395 Ⓐ DCML Ⓑ Lateral spinothalamic
Ⓐ Pelvic plexus Ⓑ Genital nerve Ⓒ Interior spinothalamic
Ⓒ Podendal nerve Ⓓ Cystic nerve
Ⓑ Spinothalamic tract Laminar distribution:
Ⓒ Pudendal nerve ➜ inferior rectal nerve ➜ supplies ● external ✪ Apical cells of dorsal gray column (lamina I) ☛ Small
anal sphincter ● mucous membrane of lower half of anal receptive fields.
canal ● perianal skin ✪ Deep dorsal column cells (laminae IV to VI) ☛ Receptive
✦ SNELL, Pg. 309 fields are small or medium-sized.
7. An 8 year old girl with history of Pica presented with
✪ Cells in the ventral grey column (laminae VII and VIII)
Pallor and Dyspnea. Labs show HB 6.8 MCV 59 MCH 18 ☛ Large, complex receptive fields (often bilateral) that encompass
and MCHQ 27, Low serum iron, microcytic hypochromic widespread areas of body.

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | AUG 2023 PAPERS

✦ Gray's Neuroanatomy, Pg. 138, 137, 138, 137, 138, 137 ✦ Ganong, Pg. 163
Ⓒ Von Willebrand disease ☛ due to deficient V.W Factor
12. A male patient known case of renal failure, presented ➜ platelets cannot effectively stick to walls of blood vessels after
with sign and symptoms of upper respiratory tract injury ➜ initial platelet plug formation delayed ➜ increase in
infection, chest infiltrate and fever, which of the following bleeding time (BT)
antibiotics, safe for this patient: - ID : 33723 Factor VIII ☛ clotting factor, binds to VWF in circulation ➜ In
Ⓐ Azithromycin Ⓑ Ciprofloxacin Von Willebrand's disease, reduced levels of factor VIII ➜ lead to a
Ⓒ Gentamycin Ⓓ Norfloxacin prolonged APTT
Hemophilia A ☛ factor 8 deficiency But does not increase BT and
Ⓐ Azithromycin ☛ effective against upper respiratory pathogens its common in Men
➜ v little amount appears in urine ➜ safe in renal failure.
19. Patient presented with crushing chest pain for 3 hours
13. Nerve root present between L4-L5 (FCPS Old Pool ID: O/E bp and pulse was normal but RR= 33/min
34396 Investigation of choice? - ID : 72266

Ⓐ L4 Ⓑ L5 Ⓐ CK.MB Ⓑ Trop T
Ⓒ L6 Ⓓ C6 Ⓒ Myoglobin Ⓓ LDH
Ⓐ ✦ Thoracic and lumbar roots exit below the vertebra of the
corresponding number Ⓑ ◉ Within 1 hour ☛ Myoglobin
✦ Cervical roots ( Upto C7 ) exit above the vertebrae of ◉ After 2-4 hours ☛ Trop I > Trop T > CKMB
corresponding number Trop-I is the most sensitive and Specific of all !
✦ Snell Review, Pg. 702

14. A patient had a Radical mastectomy. Now she is

unable to lift her arm above 45 degrees and comb her hair ✦ Davidson, Pg. 497 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 417 ✦ Pathoma, Pg. 74 ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 414
and lift her arm above her head. Which of the following
nerve damage leads to winging scapula? - ID : 35025 20. 45-year-old woman having weight loss with Increase
T3 T4 decreased TSH. Her laboratory investigations were
Ⓐ Accessory Nerve Ⓑ Long thoracic nerve done and it showed Scrum Calcium level: 2.60 mmol/L
Ⓒ Axillary Nerve Ⓓ Phrenic Nerve (2.10 - 2.65 mmoI/L Normal), inorganic phosphates:
0.9mmol/L (0.8 - 1.9 mmol/L is Normal). ALP 385 IU/L
Ⓑ Radical mastectomy ➜ Long thoracic nerve damaged and the serum PTH levels were border. line raised; 6.1
➜ serratus anterior muscle paralysedWinging of scapula occurs mmol/L (Normal: 1.5 - 6.0). Most likely diagnose is - ID :
because of serratus anterior muscle dysfunction due to long
thoracic nerve palsy Ⓐ Primary Hypothyroidism Ⓑ Primary Hyperthyroidism
Ⓒ Secondary Hyperthyroidism
15. Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) within? -
ID : 35340 Ⓓ Tertiary Hyperthyroidism
Ⓔ Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Ⓐ Almost Immediately Ⓑ Within 4hrs
Ⓒ Within 24hrs Ⓓ Within 48hrs Ⓑ Primary Hyperthyroidism ☛ malfunctioning of the thyroid
Ⓔ Within 6 hrs gland ➜ ↑↑ thyroid hormones ➜ ↑ T4, T3 levels and ↓ TSH.
✦ CMDT, Pg. 1139
Ⓑ TRALI ☛ severe reaction to blood transfusion ➜ usually occurs
21. Pericardiophrenic is branch of - ID : 82893
within 1-4 hours of transfusion, not immediately.
Ⓐ Internal iliac Ⓑ Internal thoracic
16. After giving blood transfusion pt develops
Ⓒ Axillary Ⓓ Aorta
hypersensitivity reaction. Which type of hypersensitivity
reaction? - ID : 35848
Ⓑ Pericardiacophrenic artery ☛arises from the internal thoracic
Ⓐ Type 1 Ⓑ Typ2 artery, a branch of the first part of the subclavian artery
Ⓒ Typ3 Ⓓ Typ4
22. Which one is the DNA repair gene? - ID : 83056
Ⓑ Type II HSR involve antibody-mediated destruction of cells. Ⓐ P53 Ⓑ Brca 1
This type of reaction is best seen by blood-transfusion reactions, in Ⓒ Myc Ⓓ Cea
which host antibodies react with foreign antigens on the
incompatible transfused blood cells and mediate destruction of Ⓐ Damage to DNA ➜ sensed by intracellular sentinel proteins ➜
these cells. accumulation of p53 protein ➜ p53 first arrests the cell cycle (at
17. Extensor carpi ulnaris. Nerve supply? - ID : 38082 the G1 phase) to allow the DNA to be repaired ➜ But if the
damage is too great ➜ P53 triggers apoptosis
Ⓐ Posterior interosseous nerve ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 213 ✦ Robbins, Pg.
Ⓑ Median nerve Ⓒ Ulnar nerve
Ⓓ Anterior interosseous nerve 23. In carpal tunnel syndrome all muscles are affected
Ⓔ Axillary nerve except: - ID : 83934

Ⓐ Pronator teres Ⓑ Flexor Carpi radialis

Ⓐ EXPLANATION Ⓒ Pronator quadratus Ⓓ Extensor carpi radialis
18. Patient Young girl has deficiency of factor 8. increase
BT and APTT. She has menorhagia, petechiae etc, what is Ⓓ Carpal tunnel syndrome ☛ median nerve compressed as it
diagnosis? - ID : 56241 travels through carpal tunnel in wrist.
Extensor carpi radialis ☛ innervated by radial nerve, not median
Ⓐ Hemophilia A Ⓑ Hemophilia B
nerve, so it remains unaffected
Ⓒ Von willebrand’s disease
Ⓓ ITP 24. A patient has been receiving IV antibiotics for 3 weeks
and now presents with bleeding. What could be the cause?
- ID : 86854

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | AUG 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Vitamin Kdef Ⓑ Vitamin C def 31. After 3 days of blood transfusion hemolysis occurs,
Ⓒ B12 deficiency Ⓓ Low platelets count Findings of secondary hemolytic reaction - ID: 93104

Ⓐ Methemoglobinemia Ⓑ Hemosiderosis
Ⓐ Vitamin K deficiency: Long-term use of certain antibiotics can
Ⓒ Hemoglobinemia Ⓓ Hemoglobinuria
decrease the amount of vitamin K-producing bacteria in the gut,
which can lead to vitamin K deficiency. As vitamin K is crucial for
Ⓒ ✪ Hemoglobinemia ☛ is a condition where there is an excess
the synthesis of certain clotting factors, its deficiency can lead to
of hemoglobin in the blood plasma. It is a common finding in
bleeding.Vitamin C deficiency: would typically result in
secondary hemolytic reactions that occur after blood transfusions.
symptoms such as petechiae, purpura, or gum bleeding, but not
general bleeding. 32. After muscle contraction, calcium after detaching from
B12 deficiency: usually leads to anemia and neurological sarcoplasmic reticulum transport through - ID : 93105
symptoms, but not bleeding.
Ⓐ Passive diffusion Ⓑ Active transport
Low platelets count: scenario doesn't indicate any condition that
Ⓒ Facilitated diffusion Ⓓ Osmosis
would result in a decrease in platelet count.
25. Death due to MI, patient having coronary emboli, Ⓑ ✪ Calcium ions ☛ are actively pumped back into the
which only factor, unrelated / independent to any other sarcoplasmic reticulum ➜ via active transport after muscle
cause, that promote thromboembolism - ID : 91648 contraction ➜ to prepare for the next contraction.
Ⓐ Hypercoagulable stat Ⓑ Stasis 33. Reticuloendothelial cell involves - ID: 93106
Ⓒ Endothelial injury Ⓓ Immobilization
Ⓐ Kupffer cells of liver Ⓑ Astrocytes
Ⓒ ✪ Endothelial injury ☛ is a significant independent risk factor Ⓒ Schwann cells Ⓓ Oligodendrocytes
for thromboembolism, as it activates the clotting cascade.
Ⓐ ✪ Kupffer cells ☛ are specialized macrophages located in the
26. Palpation between greater trochanter and ischial liver, and they are a part of the reticuloendothelial system.
tuberosity - ID : 92628
34. G6pd deficiency characteristic - ID : 93128
Ⓐ Sciatic nerve Ⓑ Pudendal nerve
Ⓒ Superior gluteal artery Ⓓ Piriformis muscle Ⓐ Bite cell Ⓑ Sickle cell
Ⓒ Schistocyte Ⓓ Elliptocyte
Ⓐ ✪ Sciatic nerve ☛ runs between the greater trochanter and
ischial tuberosity. It is the largest nerve in the body and is Ⓐ ✪ In G6PD deficiency ☛ bite cells are a characteristic feature.
palpable in this region. These are erythrocytes where denatured hemoglobin has been
removed by splenic macrophages.
27. Patient with cough and fever, took antibiotic, now
develop anemia with hypercellular bone marrow - ID: 92658 35. Nerve arising superior cord of brachial plexus - ID:
Ⓐ Leukemia Ⓑ Lymphoma
Ⓒ Megaloblastic anemia Ⓓ Myelodysplastic syndrome Ⓐ Supra scapular Ⓑ Thoracodorsal
Ⓒ Dorsal scapular Ⓓ Median nerve
Ⓐ ✪ Hypercellular bone marrow and anemia ☛ are more likely
Ⓐ ✪ Supra scapular nerve ☛ arises from the superior cord of the
in leukemia ➜ a blood cancer that starts in the bone marrow.
Antibiotics can't cause leukemia, but infections may prompt brachial plexus and supplies the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
medical evaluations that reveal it. muscles in the scapular region.
36. Structure attach to medial meniscus of knee - ID: 93130
28. Unable to open jar and bottle caps, distal phalanges
weakness, sensations intact, nerve involve - ID: 92659 Ⓐ Medial collateral ligament
Ⓐ Ant. interosseous nerve Ⓑ Median nerve Ⓑ Lateral collateral ligament
Ⓒ Radial nerve Ⓓ Ulnar nerve Ⓒ Popliteus
Ⓓ Anterior cruciate ligament
Ⓐ ✪ Anterior interosseous nerve ☛ controls fine motor
Ⓐ ✪ Medial collateral ligament ☛ is anatomically attached to
functions in the hand. Its impairment would ➜ lead to weakness in
the medial meniscus of the knee, providing stability to the inner
the distal phalanges without affecting sensation.
side of the joint.
29. Increase in ACTH cause - ID : 92660

Ⓐ Hyperpigmentation Ⓑ Hypocholesteremia
Ⓒ Hypopigmentation Ⓓ Hypercholesteremia

Ⓐ ✪ ACTH ☛ stimulates melanocytes to produce melanin, leading

to hyperpigmentation of the skin.

30. Patient with epistaxis and gum bleeding, diagnosed as

ITP, IV immunoglobin given, Role of IVIG - ID: 92662

Ⓐ Competitive inhibition of Fc portion of macrophage

Ⓑ Cause decrease Ab production from B cell
Ⓒ Produce antibodies against neutrophils
Ⓓ Activate the complement system

Ⓑ ✪ Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) ☛ can modulate

immune response and inhibit the function of B cells, ➜ thereby
reducing antibody production ➜ that might be causing the
thrombocytopenia in ITP.

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | May 2023 Papers
Medi Call FCPS – 1 | AUG 2023 PAPERS

Surg 24 Aug 2023 (A.N)

6. In Lab reports of a pale patient with Hx of Gastrectomy,
large sized RBCs with nuclear remnants along with
Hypersegmented neutrophils are found. Patient is
diagnosed as Megaloblastic Anemia. what could be the
possible cause of this ? - ID : 3025
1. If there is a long family history of hemolytic disease,
Ⓐ Gastric antral cell loss Ⓑ Decreased serum iron
and the labs show PT 12s, APTT 60s (normal 30 to 40 sec),
Ⓒ Parietal cell loss Ⓓ Goblet cells loss
and prolonged BT, what would be the diagnosis? - ID : 595

Ⓐ Von willebrand disease Ⓑ Classic hemophilia Ⓒ ✪ Gastrectomy ➜ Loss of Parietal Cells ➜ ↓ Intrinsic factor
Ⓒ Haemolytic anemia Ⓓ G6PD deficiency Production ➜ ↓ Vitamin B12 Absorption in ileum ➜ ↓ Bone Marrow
stimulation ➜ Failure of RBC maturation ➜ Macrocytic
Ⓐ ✪ von Willebrand disease ☛ Autosomal dominant disorder ➜ AnemiaNote ➤ There are three causes of IF defeciency
Platelet adhesion defect. ➊ Autoimmune destruction
✪ Lab Findings ☛ ↑ BT and PTT and normal PT and Platelet count.
➋ As a result of gastrectomy
✦ Goljan, Pg. 397, 405
➌ Congenital defeciency
2. Most Important feature and Diagnostic criteria for Only autoimmune loss is called pernicious anemia others don't
Dysplasia and pre malignant condition is which of the ✦ Guyton, Pg. 822
following - ID : 1545
7. Short gastric artery is the branch of which of the
Ⓐ Increase nuclear cytoplasmic ratio following - ID : 3812
Ⓑ Pleomorphism Ⓒ Mitotic figures
Ⓐ Superior epigasric artery
Ⓓ Hyperplasia
Ⓑ Hepatic artery Ⓒ Splenic artery
Ⓓ Gastric artery
Ⓑ ✪ Earliest microscopic feature and Diag Criteria of
Premalignant Condition / Lesion (Metaplasia) ☛
Ⓒ Short gastric arteries☛ ● five or six in number ● arise from
Pleomorphism > ↑ N:C Ratio
end of the splenic artery ● Supply fundus of the stomach ●
▶ Metaplasia☛ Dysplasia ➜ Carcinoma in situ ➜ Invasive Anastomose with :
carcinoma ➊ left gastric artery ➋ left gastroepiploic artery
✪ Diag criteria For DYSPLASIA☛ Pleomorphism > ↑ N:C Ratio > ✦ SNELL, Pg. 217, 191
Loss of polarity
✦ Robbins, Pg. 193 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 206
8. Which of the following structures is produced in 3rd
week of development - ID : 3988
3. 4th brachial pouch derivartive is - ID : 2516
Ⓐ Thyroid gland Ⓑ Parathyroid gland
Ⓐ Dorsal wing : Parafollicular cells Ⓒ Genital ridge Ⓓ Heart tube
Ⓑ Dorsal wing : Superior Parathyroid
Ⓒ Ventral wing : Thymus Ⓓ 3rd week ☛ endocardial heart tubes formed ➜ fuse to form
Ⓓ Ventral wing : Palatine Tonsil primordial heart tube.

Ⓑ 4th brachial pouch derivatives ➜ 9. A student asked a patient to clench his teeth then
followed his masseter inferiorly. On lower madibular
Ⓐ Dorsal wing ➜ Superior parathyroid gland
margin he felt a pulsation of - ID : 4032
Ⓑ Ventral wing ➜ Parafollicular C cells of thyroid
✦ Langman's, Pg. 267 Ⓐ Lingual artery Ⓑ Facial artery
Ⓒ Maxillary artery Ⓓ External carotid artery
4. Patient with pancreatitis has dec fat absorption,
developed steatorrhea due to deficiency of ? - ID : 2518
Ⓑ Facial artery ☛ Arises from external carotid artery ➜ curves
Ⓐ Enterokinase Ⓑ Peptidase around inferior margin of body of mandible at anterior border of
Ⓒ Amylase Ⓓ Lipase masseter muscle.
It is here that pulse can be easily felt
Ⓓ Pancreatitis ➜ Loss of Lipase ( major enzyme for Fat digestion ✦ SNELL, Pg. 580

) ➜ ↓ Fat digestion and absorption ➜ fatty, bulky, clay-colored 10. Halothane is given as a general anesthetic and poor
stools (steatorrhea) analgesia. Which of the following drugs can be used in
● Amylase ➜ digests Carbs ● Trypsin ➜ digests Proteins combination to maximize the effect of halothane? - ID :
✦ Guyton, Pg. 825 4089

5. A non-diabetic female undergo bone marrow transplant Ⓐ Thiopentone. Ⓑ Nitric oxide.

after 2 years having chronic rhino sinusitis develop fungal Ⓒ Enfluran. Ⓓ Ketamine
infection that shows fungal ball branching septate hyphae
at acute angle and producing respiratory symptoms most Ⓑ Nitric acid ☛ analgesic properties ➜ combined with halothane (
likely fungus is: - ID : 2675
analgesia may not be adequate if used alone ).
Ⓐ Mucor Ⓑ Aspergillus
11. Which other structure is related to and likely
Ⓒ Histoplasma Ⓓ Candida
damaged if injury to medial meniscus and then knee is
unstable - ID: 5480
Ⓑ Invasive molds:
✪ Aspergillus ☛ Septate, branching hyphae forming Narrow angle Ⓐ Anterior cruciate ligament
or V-shape ➜ Aspergillus keratitis and endophthalmitis. Ⓑ Lateral malleolus Ⓒ Deltoid ligament
✪ Mucor ☛ Non-septate, branching hyphae Ⓓ Patellar ligament

forming right angle ➜ Orbital cellulitis or Retinal artery thrombosis

Ⓐ ✪ Medial meniscus is damaged much more frequently because
and visual impairment.
of its strong attachment to medial collateral ligament of knee joint,
✦ Levinson, Pg. 418 ✦ Oxford Microbiology, Pg. 489
which restricts its mobility.
✪ Common injury in contact sports due to lateral force applied to a

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | AUG 2023 PAPERS

planted foot. Consists of damage to the ACL , MCL, and medial Ⓐ Skin Ⓑ Blood vessels
meniscus (attached to MCL). Ⓒ Pupil Ⓓ Salivary glands
✦ SNELL, Pg. 503 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 460

Ⓓ Salivary glands ➜ dual supply ➜ sympathetic +

12. A person has sharp knife injury to upper medial aspect
of arm due to which he is unable to do supination, flex his parasympathetic ➜ both increase salivation ➜ So No Reciprocal
elbow and having loss of cutaneous sensations on lateral supply ➜ means Both supplies do the same function and do not go
aspect of forearm. The nerve injured is - ID : 6966 against eachother ( Guyton )
Ⓐ Median Nerve Ⓑ Axillary nerve 19. True regarding Lesser omentum as Liver attached to
Ⓒ Radial Nerve Ⓓ Musculocutaneous Nerve Lesser curvature of stomach-ligament - ID : 11172

Ⓐ Forms falciform ligament

Ⓓ Musculocutaneous nerve ➜ Lateral cutaneous nerve forearm
Ⓑ Related to left adrenal gland
➜ Sensory cutaneous supply of lateral forearm
Ⓒ Related to left kidney Ⓓ Hepatogastric ligament
Flexion at elbow joint is done by biceps brachii and brachialis
muscle ➜ both supplied by Musculocutaneous Nerve Ⓓ Gastrohepatic ligament ➜ ● Liver to lesser curvature of
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 209, 208
stomach ● contains Gastric vessels ● Derivative of ventral
13. Patient has weakness of forearm .wasting of thenar mesentery ● Separates greater and lesser sacs on the right ● Part
muscles and loss of sensation of lateral 2/3rd of fingers of lesser omentum
and palm. Which nerve is likely involve in Transverse ✦ First Aid, Pg. 361
carpal ligament damage ?? - ID : 7108
20. Angiotensin 2 causes salt retention through which of
Ⓐ Radial nerve Ⓑ Musclucutenous nerve the following mechanism? - ID : 12319
Ⓒ Median nerve Ⓓ Ulnar nerve
Ⓐ IP3 mechanism Ⓑ C-AMP mechanism
Ⓒ C-GMP mechanism Ⓓ Phospholipase C
Ⓒ Carpal Tunnel ☛ compression of Median nerve ➜ burning pain
or “pins and needles” to lateral three and a half fingers + Ⓐ ✪ IP3 Mechanism ☛ GnRH , TRH , GHRH , Angiotensin II
weakness and wasting of Thenar muscles
, ADH , Oxytocin Receptors
▶ No paresthesia over thenar eminence because this area of skin
✪ cAMP Mechanism ☛ ACTH , LH and FSH , TSH , ADH , HCG
is supplied by the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve,
, MSH , CRH , Beta1 and 2 Receptors , Calcitonin , Glucagon
which passes superficially to the flexor retinaculum ✦ BRS Physiology, Pg. 229

✦ SNELL, Pg. 398 ✦ Netter, Pg. 21. Which of the following has True end artery. - ID : 12345

14. Which one of the following is selective, potent COX-II Ⓐ Coronary Ⓑ Hepatic
inhibitor. - ID : 8435 Ⓒ Central retinal Ⓓ Scapular
Ⓐ Aspirin Ⓑ Celecoxib
Ⓒ ✪ Anatomic (True) end artery ☛ No Anastomoses ➜ Central
Ⓒ Indomethacin Ⓓ Meloxicam
artery of retina , labyrinthine artery of internal ear
Ⓑ Celecoxib is a selective COX-2 inhibitor ➜ inhibits ✪ Functional end artery ☛ Ineffective Anastomoses ➜ Heart ,
prostaglandin synthesis ➜ reduces inflammation and pain. brain , liver , kidneys , spleen , intestines ( Snell )
Meloxicam ☛ non-selective NSAID ➜ inhibits COX-1 and COX-2 22. A patient has pain in the region of auricle which
become worse on chewing. The nerve most likely involved
15. Ketogenic aminoacids are - ID : 8886
is - ID : 12451
Ⓐ Lysine and leucine Ⓑ Proline and lysine
Ⓐ Auriculotemporal Ⓑ Facial
Ⓒ Threonine and cystine Ⓓ Thiamine and threonine
Ⓒ Buccal Ⓓ Mandibular

Ⓐ Ketogenic amino acids are those amino acids that can be Ⓐ NERVE SUPPLY of TM joint: Auriculotemporal and masseteric
degraded directly into acetylcoa which is the precursor of ketone
nerves, branches of themandibular division of the trigeminal
16. Severe form of steatorrhea is present in - ID : 9540
23. For Sjogren syndrome investigation of choice is which
Ⓐ Gastric resection of the following - ID : 12774
Ⓑ ZolIinger ellinson syndrome Ⓐ Anti SSA Ⓑ Anti SS
Ⓒ Gall bladder resection Ⓓ Pancreatic resection Ⓒ Anti Ds Ⓓ Anti ANA

Ⓓ Pancreatic resection results in severe steatorrhea Ⓐ ✪ SSA and SSB ☛ Antibodies against SSA/Ro ➜ found in ~ 60-
17. Injury to hippocampus will cause - ID : 10338 70% of patients with disease ➜ absence of anti-SSA/Ro antibodies
does not eliminate dx of primary or secondary Sjögren syndrome
Ⓐ New Memory formation loss (Anterograde Amnesia) ✦ Goljan, Pg. 89
Ⓑ Hyperphagia Ⓒ Increased thirst
Ⓓ Hypersexuality 24. Only inherited from mother to the child is - ID : 13146

Ⓐ Nucleus Ⓑ Mitochondrial DNA

Ⓐ ✪ Hippocampal formation ☛ Dentate gyrus, Hippocampus Ⓒ Cillia Ⓓ G.appratus
proper and Subiculum ( Portion of parahippocampal gyrus ).
✪ Function ☛ Converts recent memory into long term memory. Ⓑ Mitochondrial DNA ☛ Inherited exclusively from mother
✪ Lesion ☛ Anterograde amnesia ☢ Deposition of Neurofibrillary because mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed
tangles in hippocamal formation ➜ Memory loss in Alzaheimer`s. by egg cell after fertilization
✦ Netter, Pg. 351, 68, 351, 68, 351, 68 ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 305 ✦ Ganong, Pg. 36

18. Tissue with Dual autonomic supply but not reciprocal 25. Which of the following receptors is involved in flexor
supply is - ID : 10377 withdrawal reflex - ID : 14001

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Ⓐ Golgi tendon organs Ⓑ Nociceptors ✦ SNELL, Pg. 200, 217

Ⓒ Ruffini's corpuscles Ⓓ Pacinian corpuscles 31. Compression between L4 and L5 vertebrae in man
lifting weight results in radicular pain at which nerve root?
Ⓑ Withdrawal reflex or Nociceptive reflex ☛ Cutaneous input - ID : 15443
➜ Nociceptor stimulate ➜ Send signals to spinal cord ➜ Inhibit
Ⓐ L3 Ⓑ S1
extersor motor neuron and Stimulate Flexor motor neuron ➜
Ⓒ L4 Ⓓ L5
Contract flexor muscle ➜ Withdrawal of extremity
✦ Duane Neurosceince, Pg. 147
Ⓓ 5 nerve ☛ Anatomically related to disc between L4 and L5 even
26. A young lady presented with butter fly rash and though it arises from L5-S1.
proteinuria. She is suspected to having SLE. ANA was ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 18 ✦ Gray's Neuroanatomy, Pg. 122 ✦ SNELL, Pg. 702

positive. What’s the diagnostic test for the condition? - ID

32. Diabetic patient with Ischemic heart disease and
: 14138
Myxedema with B.P. 180/100 mmHg. Which
Ⓐ Anti-dsDNA Ⓑ Antihistone Antihypertensive is best for that patient: - ID : 15709
Ⓒ Anti smooth muscle antibody
Ⓐ Verapamil Ⓑ Captopril
Ⓒ Propranolol Ⓓ Labetalol
Ⓔ Anticentromere antibodies
Ⓑ ACE Inhibitors ( Captopril ) ☛ hypoglycemic effect ➜ ↓ blood
Ⓐ Anti Ds-DNA ☛ most specific for SLE, especially in high titres,
glucose by increasing muscular glucose disposal rate in
and is present in 70% cases.
hypertensive diabetic patients.
ANA ☛ Sensitive are demonstrable in about 98% cases and are
used as screening test 33. A child presented to OPD with 104 fever for the last 4
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 63 days. He has been passing cola colored urine for last one
day. He has been on anti malarial medication. His LFTs are
27. After a road traffic accident, and massive blood loss,
deranged with increase unconjugated bilirubin, having
patient undergoes shock, MAP less than 60mmhg. Most
heinz bodies and bite cells . Most probable diagnosis ? - ID
potent response in massive hemorrhage? - ID : 14870
: 15768
Ⓐ CNS ischemic response Ⓑ Baroreceptors Ⓐ Blackwater fever Ⓑ G6PD deficiency
Ⓒ Peripheral chemoreceptors Ⓒ Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
Ⓓ Brain bridge reflex Ⓓ Rhabdomyolysis

Ⓐ Arterial pressure control : Ⓑ G6PD deficiency ☛ Intake of Certain Drugs / Infections / Food
✪ Most potent ☛ CNS ischemic response ( Only below 60 mmHg )
➜ Formation of Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) ➜ Oxidant
✪ Maximum feedback ☛ CNS Ischemic > Baroreceptors >
damage to Hemoglobin ➜ Formation of Small round inclusions
Chemoreceptors > Renin Angiotensin
within RBCs ( Heinz Bodies ) ➜ Spleen ➜ Macrophages ➜
✪ Fastest and Short Term ☛ baroreceptors
Damaged part of Hemoglobin Removed ➜ Appear bitten ➜ Bite
✪ Long term ➜ Renal / Renin angiotensin
Cells ➜ Premature Hemolysis ➜ Anemia, Jaundice, Hematuria.
✦ Robbins, Pg. 450
28. One of the following is related to the diagnosis of
obstructive lung disease, asthma in 20 yr. old male? - ID : 34. The most important factor to produce fever: - ID :
14885 15782

Ⓐ FEV1/FVC less than 65% Ⓑ PO2 =40 mmHg Ⓐ TNF Ⓑ IL-1

Ⓒ Respiratory rate=12 Ⓓ Tidal volume 500 ml Ⓒ Bradykinin Ⓓ IL-6

Ⓐ ✪ FEV1/FVC ➜ % Amount of air you can forcefully exhale from Ⓑ ✪ Systemic acute-phase response ☛ IL-1 and TNF (as well as
your lungs IL-6) induce the systemic acute-phase responses associated with
✪ FEV1 ➜ volume of breath exhaled with effort in first second ( infection or injury, including fever
Normal value : 80% ) ✦ Robbins, Pg. 74 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 74

Obstructive lung disease ( ◉ Asthma ◉ COPD ◉ Chronic 35. You are working as a house officer in gynae OPD. Your
Bronchitis ◉ Emphysema ◉ Bronchiectasis ) ➜ Decrease in elastic registrar is examining a 60-year-old female with
recoil ➜ Distended Lungs ➜ Decreased Expiratory flow ➜ Both Uterovaginal prolapse. The patient is having 2nd-degree
FEV1 and FVC are reduced, but FEV1 is reduced more than FVC prolapse, what is the major uterine support - ID : 16305
thus ➜ FEV1/FVC is decreased
Ⓐ Round ligament Ⓑ Coper
✦ BRS Physiology, Pg. 221 ✦ Kaplan Physiology, Pg. 157
Ⓒ Longitudinal ligament
29. The blood vessels that run in the kidney especially Ⓓ Transverse cervical ligament
along/ parallel the loop of Henle in medulla - ID : 15158
Ⓓ The transverse cervical (cardinal) ligaments, which attach the
Ⓐ Vasa recta Ⓑ Afferant arterioles
cervix and upper end of the vagina to the lateral pelvic walls. It
Ⓒ Efferent artrioles Ⓓ Convulated vessels
imparts lateral stability to the cervix and is an important support
Ⓐ In the blood supply of the kidney, the straight arterioles of of the uterus.
✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 397 ✦ RJ Last, Pg. 466
kidney (or vasa recta renis) are a series of straight capillaries in
the medulla (Latin: vasa, "vessels",recta, "straight"). They lie 36. Narrowest part of ureter and most common site of
parallel to the loop of Henle. ureteric stone obstruction is - ID : 16381

30. Cystic artery is a branch of: - ID : 15196 Ⓐ At center Ⓑ Near bladder

Ⓒ Near prostate Ⓓ Nearest to kidney
Ⓐ Spleenic Ⓑ Right hepatic Ⓔ Pelvic brim
Ⓒ Superior mesenteric Ⓓ Celiac trunk
Ⓑ Stones are more common in Adulta and gets lodged and stuck
Ⓑ Celiec Artery➜ hepatic Artery ➜ Cystic artery ( arises from where the Ureter is Narrowest in Diameter.
Right hepatic artery ) ✪ In Adults The narrowest point of the ureter is ➜ Nearest to

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Bladder ➜ UVJ (1 to 3 mm ). Ⓐ ✪ DVT ➜ Arise From Deep veins of Lower Extremity ➜ Turn
✪ In children the most common Place for obstruction is UPJ . ( into Emboli ➜ IVC ➜ RA ➜ Lodge in Pul Arteries or bifurcation of
Medical Management of Kidney stones by Walter P. ) right and left pulmonary arteries (saddle embolus) ( Depend on
Size )
37. External anal sphincter is supplied by - ID : 16395 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 112

Ⓐ Pelvic plexus Ⓑ Genital nerve 44. Patient with hoarse voice, dysphagia and difficulty in
Ⓒ Podendal nerve Ⓓ Cystic nerve swallowing and has mass on base of skull. Nerve involved
? - ID : 19368
Ⓒ Pudendal nerve ➜ inferior rectal nerve ➜ supplies ● external
Ⓐ Glossopharyngeal - IX Ⓑ Vagus - X
anal sphincter ● mucous membrane of lower half of anal
Ⓒ Accessory - XI Ⓓ Hypoglossal - XII
canal ● perianal skin
✦ SNELL, Pg. 309
Ⓑ Damage to CN X ➤ Hoarseness, breathing and swallowing
38. Which one of the following is best example of psycho
social stress: - ID: 17848 ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 352

Ⓐ Noise Ⓑ Economic viability 45. 30 year old male underwent Partial Lower Lobe
Ⓒ Hunger Ⓓ Disease thyroidectomy for enlarged goiter. Inferior thyroid Artery
ligation done and now complains of hoarseness of voice
Ⓑ EXPLANATION due to Loss of high pitched voice and difficulty in
swallowing. Which structure is intimately related to Inf.
39. With regard to counseling, the best statementis: - ID :
thyroid artery and could be damaged during surgery ? - ID
: 19944
Ⓐ It is done by trainedcounsellors.
Ⓐ External Laryngeal Nerve Ⓑ Superior Laryngeal Nerve
Ⓑ It is about giving the best possibleadvice.
Ⓒ Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Ⓒ It is not an ordinary everydayconversation.
Ⓓ Vagus Nerve
Ⓓ It is a technique to help people help themselves by increasing self
understanding Ⓒ Lower lobe Thyroidectomy ☛ Inferior Thyroid Artery Ligation
Ⓓ Counselling is the provision of professional assistance in ➜ RLN blood supply is compromised ➜ Unilateral RLN Damaged
resolving personal or psychological problems. mostly ( Right RLN > Left RLN ) ➜ Ipsilateral Cord Paralysis ➜
Hoarsness of Voise☛ Great care is taken to ligate inferior thyroid
40. In Diabetic folleys catheter was inserted that culture artery closer to gland after it has given off branch to recurrent
shows green blue on media which organism it could be? -
laryngeal nerve. ( Netter + Bailey )
ID : 18197
46. A 30 year old female has come to you with a neck
Ⓐ Pseudomonas Ⓑ Ecoli
mass. She is diagnosed as a case of high-grade B-cell
Ⓒ Strep cocci Ⓓ Listeria
lymphoma with c-myc translocation Virus involved is ? - ID
: 20134
Ⓐ Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a member of the genus
Pseudomonas, colloquially called the pseudomonads. The water- Ⓐ EBV Ⓑ CMV
soluble pigments, pyocyanin and pyoverdin, give P. aeruginosa its Ⓒ HIV Ⓓ HHV
distinctive blue-green color on solid media.
Ⓐ EBV infection ➜ Translocation of the c-myc oncogene ➜
41. A young group of boys living in daycare service, all of
Increased synthesis of the c-myc protein ( potent oncoprotein ) ➜
them are having malaise and weakness and restlessness
Burkitt’s lymphoma
during night, they cant properly sleep due to perianal ✦ Levinson, Pg.
itching. What is the cause of their symptoms? - ID : 18518
47. Absence of Cartilage in respiratory and terminal
Ⓐ Pin worm (Entrobius vermicularis) bronchiole differentiates it from? - ID : 20451
Ⓑ Huge worm Ⓒ Thread worm
Ⓓ Hook worm Ⓐ Conducting zone Ⓑ Terminal bronchioles
Ⓒ Respiratory bronchioles Ⓓ Alveolar sacs
Ⓐ The symptoms of a pinworm infection frequent and strong Ⓔ Alveoli
itching of the anal area. restless sleep due to anal itching and
discomfort. pain, rash, or other skin irritation around the anus. the Ⓐ The chief difference between the membranous airways and the
presence of pinworms in the area of your child's anus. the bronchi is the absence of the fibrocartilage framework and the
presence of pinworms in stools. secretory glands. The terminal bronchioles initially have a ciliated
columnar epithelium that soon transitions to a low cuboidal
42. Person thirsty for 24 hour. In dehydration ADH causes epithelium. ( Guyton )
effect by ? - ID : 18712
48. A 50 yr male with Macrocytic anemia and is pale and
Ⓐ Increasing permeability of water through CD lethargic with sore tongue and mouth ulcers. he also
Ⓑ By constriction of efferent arterioles complaints of tingling sensations under feet. He has H/O
Ⓒ By constriction of afferent artrioles Gastrectomy for Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome about two
Ⓓ By diluting the urine years ago. What will you do to replace the deficiency
causing this condition ? - ID : 21620
Ⓐ ✪ ADH ☛ Its principal physiologic effects is retention of water
Ⓐ Oral vitamin B12 and folic acid
by kidney by increasing permeability of collecting ducts of kidney
Ⓑ IV vitamin B12 Ⓒ Whole blood
so that water enters hypertonic interstitium of renal pyramids
Ⓓ Iron supplement
✦ Ganong, Pg. 279
Ⓑ Gastrectomy ☛ Loss of Parietal Cells ➜ ↓ Intrinsic factor ➜ ↓
43. DVT emboli first lodge in which vessel? - ID : 19286 Vitamin B12 Absorption in ileum ➜ ↓ Bone Marrow stimulation ➜ ↓
Ⓐ Pulmonary artery Ⓑ IVC RBC maturation ➜ Macrocytic Anemia ➜ Condition is Reversed
Ⓒ Coronary artery Ⓓ Aorta by IV vitamin B12.

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✦ Guyton, Pg. 822 54. Girl from poor family presented with frontal
bossing,leg bowing,wide wrist angle ,pigeon chest. which
49. First line of defense against microbial agents is
deficiency you expect ? - ID : 22527
provided by? - ID : 21782
Ⓐ Vit D Ⓑ Vit A
Ⓐ Skin and its mucus membrane
Ⓒ VIt B Ⓓ Vit C
Ⓑ Muscle Ⓒ Bones
Ⓓ Blood
Ⓐ Rickets ☛ Due to vitamin D deficiency.
Ⓐ First line of defense microbial agents is skin. The first line of Skeletal deformities : Bow legs, Forward projection of the
defence (or outside defence system) includes physical and breastbone (pigeon chest or pectus carinatum), Funnel chest
chemical barriers that are always ready and prepared to defend (pectus excavatum), "Bumps" in the rib cage (rachitic rosary) and
the body from infection Asymmetrical or odd-shaped skull , frontal bossing
✦ First Aid, Pg. 633

50. Patients with renal artery stenosis may present with

55. How does a tumor spread from the infratemporal fossa
very high blood pressures due to increased renin
to the middle cranial fossa? - ID : 22550
secretion. Which of the following structures in the kidney
is responsible for sensing inadequate perfusion and Ⓐ Tegmen tympani Ⓑ Antrum tympani
secreting renin? - ID : 21999 Ⓒ Lesser wing of sphenoid Ⓓ Sphenoid body
Ⓔ Geater wing of sphenoid
Ⓐ PCT Ⓑ JG cells
Ⓒ DCT Ⓓ Collecting ducts
Ⓔ Greater wing of the sphenoid: The tumor could spread via
Ⓑ ✪ Renal Artery Stenosis ➜ ↓ Renal perfusion ➜ ↑ Renin release the greater wing of the sphenoid to the middle cranial fossa. The
greater wing forms part of the floor of the middle cranial fossa and
from the juxtaglomerular cells ➜ ↑ Na reabsorption (and water) +
is anatomically connected to the infratemporal fossa.Tegmen
↑ BP ( Sec. Hypertension )
✦ Robbins, Pg. 550
tympani: Not the route for tumor spread in this case.
Antrum tympani: Also not the route for this specific type of
51. A female with primary amenorrhea, webbed neck, tumor spread.
streak ovaries on USG, and short height. What's your Lesser wing of sphenoid: Not the relevant structure for this
diagnosis? - ID : 22085 particular tumor spread.
Ⓐ Down syndrome Ⓑ Klinefelter syndrome XXY Sphenoid body: Also not the route for this specific type of tumor
Ⓒ Turner syndrome 45X0 Ⓓ Patau syndrome spread.
56. A soldier returning from siachin glaciers after 6
Ⓒ Turner syndrome ☛ 45X or 45X0 ➜ female is partly or months, presented to CMH with headache and blue
completely missing an X chromosome discoloration of fingertips. His BP is 150/90 mmhg also
◉ Short stature ◉ Ovarian dysgenesis (streak ovary) have moderate splenomegaly. On investigation, RBC : 6.4
◉ Preductal coarctation (femoral < brachial pulse, notched ribs) million. PCV : 60 % . arterial PCO2 : 20, Bicarbonate : 25.
◉ Lymphatic defects cause ➜ Webbed neck or cystic hygroma, He is likely suffering from: - ID : 23048
lymphedema in hands and feet Ⓐ Polycythemia vera Ⓑ Secondary polycythemia
◉ Horseshoe kidney◉ Bicuspid aortic valve Ⓒ Methemoglobinemia Ⓓ Essential hypertension
◉ Most common cause of Primary Amenorrhea ◉ No Barr body
✦ CMDT, Pg. 1216
Ⓑ Living at Height / COPD / Obstructive Sleep Apnea ➜ Chronic
52. The Slow growing thyroid tumor is ? - ID : 22237 Hypoxia ➜ Stimulus for Renal EPO production ➜ Inc.
Ⓐ Papillary CA Ⓑ Follicular CA Erythropoeisis ➜ Inc. volume percentage of RBCs in blood ( HCT or
Ⓒ Medullary CA Ⓓ Anaplastic CA PCV ) ➜ Secondary Polycythemia
✪ High BP ☛ Due to Raised Viscosity
Ⓐ Papillary Carcinoma ☛ slow-growing malignant tumour ➜ ✪ Spleenomegaly ☛ Due to increased RBC destruction
presents as asymptomatic solitary nodule. ✪ Low PCO2 ☛ may be due to result of Hyperventilation to
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 802
compensate Hypoxia.
53. A 20 yo pop star singer complains of inability to raise ✪ Cyanosis ☛ Due to overall decreased oxygen saturation
the pitch of her voice. She attributes this to the Upper of blood.
thyroid surgery she underwent a few months back. Which ✦ Guyton, Pg. 453, 453

of following nerve get damaged during Superior lobe

57. Patient presented with weakness, constipation,
Thyroidectomy or Superior thyroid artery ligation? - ID :
Palpitations and sinking heart. His ECG shows narrow
depressed T wave, with prominent U wave and prolonged
Ⓐ External Laryngeal Ⓑ Superior Laryngeal PR interval. What could be the reason ? - ID : 23206
Ⓒ Recurrent Laryngeal Ⓓ Internal Laryngeal
Ⓐ Hypokolemia Ⓑ Hyponatremia
Ⓒ Hypernatremia Ⓓ Hyperphosphatemia
Ⓐ ➊ Lower lobe Thyroidectomy ☛ Unilateral RLN Damage
➋ Superior lobe Thyroidectomy ☛ Superior Thyroid Artery Ⓐ Hypokalemia < 3 mEq/L cause :
Ligation ➜ External Laryngeal (Branch of Superior Laryngeal Nerve ✪ Sagging of ST segment
) ➜ Damage ➜ Loss of High Pitch sound ✪ Depression / Inversion of T wave
➌ Complete Thyroidectomy ☛ Bilateral RLN Damage ➜ Bilateral ✪ U wave (after T wave) ➜ shows purkinje repolarizarion
vocal fold paralysis ➜ stridor and snoring sounds + severe ✪ Slightly prolonged PR interval.
▶ Clinical signs ➜ Palpitations , Muscular Weakness , Cramping ,
➍ Tracheostomy ☛ Extubation ➜ Bilateral RLN damage
Constipation , Hypoventilation , Hypotension
➎ Overall Most common injured Nerve during Thyroidectomy ☛ ✦ Ganong, Pg. 535
External Laryngeal
✦ SNELL, Pg. 659 ✦ KLM, Pg. 999
58. A patient has high levels of prolactin due to pituitary
tumor compressing optic chiasm. which of the following

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type of vision loss will be present due to damage to optic

Ⓐ Fibrinopeptide A Ⓑ FibrinoPeptide B
chiasma ? - ID : 23478
Ⓒ Laminin Ⓓ Cadherin
Ⓐ Bilateral temporal hemianopia
Ⓑ Homonymous hemianopsia Ⓒ Heteroymous hemianopsia Ⓐ ✪ Plasminogen activator acts on plasminogen present as
Ⓓ Quadrantanopia component of plasma proteins to form plasmin. Further breakdown
of fibrin by plasmin forms fibrinopeptides or fibrin split products
Ⓐ Pituitary Adenoma ( Prolactinoma ) ➜ at the mid-optic chiasm ✦ Goljan, Pg. 393

➜ Compression ➜ crossing fibers from each nasal retina are 65. Most common fungal opportunistic infection in HIV: -
damaged ➜ Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia ➜ vision ID : 33673
missing in the outer half of both visual fields
✦ Kaplan Neuro, Pg. ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 350 Ⓐ Pneumonia Ⓑ Candida
Ⓒ Pseudomonas Ⓓ Cryptococcus
59. A new born was brought to emergency department
with vomiting, altered state of consciousness, neck rigidity Ⓑ Oral candidiasis ☛ commonly known as thrush ➜ most
was positive and baby was febrile, what is the most
common fungal infection among AIDS and AIDS Related Complex
common cause of this condition - ID : 25794
patients ➜ in 80-90% of cases.
Ⓐ H. Influenza Ⓑ Strep Pneumonia
66. Patient having extraction of Molar, he develops
Ⓒ Strep agalatace Ⓓ Staph Aureus
condition of Acute Pyogenic Osteomyelitis, It is commonly
caused by - ID : 33756
Ⓒ Neonates Meningitis ☛ E.Coli > Strep Agalactiae (group B)
✦ Robbins, Pg. 863 Ⓐ Staph Aureus Ⓑ Streptococcus
60. Which of following is sign of cerebellar dysfunction? - Ⓒ Pseudomonas Ⓓ Nocardia
ID : 26235
Ⓐ MCC of osteomyelitis overall ☛ Staph aureus
Ⓐ Dystonia Ⓑ Increase rigidity ✦ Harrison, Pg. 948 ✦ Davidson, Pg. 1021
Ⓒ Resting tremors
67. MOA of cabergoline: - ID : 33772
Ⓐ explanation Ⓐ D1 Agonist Ⓑ D2 Agonist
61. Longest receptive field sensation is carried by which Ⓒ D1 Antagonist Ⓓ D2 Antagonist
tract? - ID : 31270
Ⓑ Cabergoline ☛ long-acting dopamine receptor agonist ➜ high
Ⓐ DCML Ⓑ Lateral spinothalamic affinity for D2 receptors.
Ⓒ Interior spinothalamic
68. 20 years young boy presented with fever, headache
Ⓑ Spinothalamic tract Laminar distribution: vomiting. He is having neck stifness and Alter mental
status with hallucination which among following is brain
✪ Apical cells of dorsal gray column (lamina I) ☛ Small
eating parasite? - ID : 33885
receptive fields.
✪ Deep dorsal column cells (laminae IV to VI) ☛ Receptive Ⓐ Naegleria Fowleri Ⓑ Entamoeba Histolytica
fields are small or medium-sized. Ⓒ Amoeba Proteus Ⓓ Chaos Carolinense
✪ Cells in the ventral grey column (laminae VII and VIII)
☛ Large, complex receptive fields (often bilateral) that encompass Ⓐ Naegleria fowleri ☛ commonly known as brain eating amoeba
widespread areas of body. ➜ free-living microscopic ameba ➜ causes amebic
✦ Gray's Neuroanatomy, Pg. 138, 137, 138, 137, 138, 137 ✦ Ganong, Pg. 163 meningoencephalitis ➜ brain infection that leads to destruction of
62. An old female experiences pill rolling tremors in her brain tissue.
hand while writing on blackboard. Diagnosed as Parkinson 69. 7th month pregnant lady with chronic ITP having
Disease. What is the site of lesion? - ID : 31336 ecchymosis and epistaxis. Her platelets count 5*10 and on
Ⓐ Braiastem Ⓑ Cerebellum fidl steroid dose what will be next suitable step? - ID :
Ⓒ Substantia nigra Ⓓ Spinal cord
Ⓔ Reticular area Ⓐ IV immunoglobulin Ⓑ Immunosuppressant’s
Ⓒ Splenectomy Ⓓ Steroids
Ⓒ Parkinson Disease ➜ Damage at Substantia Nigra ➜ 80%
Dopamine Lost ➜ Loss of Inhibitory control ➜ Ⓐ ✪ Oral Corticosteroids ☛ Over two-thirds of patients with ITP
◉ Pill Rolling (Resting Tremors) ◉ Masked Face respond ➜ most relapse following reduction of dose.
◉ Slurred Speech ◉ Bradykinesia ✪ IV immunoglobulin or anti-D ☛ temporarily ↑ platelet counts
◉ Jerky movements ◉ stooped posture ( duration, up to 3 weeks, rarely longer ) ➜ serial IVIG or anti-D
◉ Overactive Bladder (Urinary Incontinence) treatment ( platelet counts less than 30,000/mcL ) may allow adult
✦ CMDT, Pg. 1024
patients to delay or avoid splenectomy...
✦ CMDT, Pg. 559
63. Hyperkalemia leads to which of following? - ID : 33641
70. An 32 years old obese male comes complaining of
Ⓐ Decreased Action Potential
rapid heart rate, 9kg weight loss in 2 months and heat
Ⓑ Flaccidity Ⓒ Tachycardia
intolerance. His pulse is 110/min and serum T4 levels are
Ⓓ Powerful contraction
elevated. Upon questioning, he admits taking thyroxin
tablets for losing weight. The parameter which shows an
Ⓑ Hyperkalemia ➜ partially depolarizes membrane ➜ becomes
increase is? - ID : 34072
less negative ➜ ↓ RMP in cardiac fibers ➜ ↓ Action Potential
intensity➜ ↓ contraction + ↓ Conduction Ⓐ Serum cortisol Ⓑ Serum free T4
Ⓒ Serum TSH Ⓓ Serum T3
Leads to ☛ Dilated Flaccid heart + Arrythmias + Bradycardia
✦ Guyton, Pg. 121
Ⓑ Thyrotoxicosis ☛ Weight loss, heat intolerance, ↑ pulse
64. Fibrinogen is converted to Fibrin which of the pressure ➜ ↑ Serum free T4 ( ↑ T3 in 5% cases ).
following product is released? - ID : 33652

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✦ Davidson, Pg. 636, 637 Ⓐ Tissue hypoxia Ⓑ Toxic injury

71. Structure behind Ovarian Fossa - ID : 34292 Ⓒ Chemical injury Ⓓ Physical injury

Ⓐ Internal Illiac Artery Ⓑ Ureter Ⓐ Shock ➜ Hypoperfusion ➜ Tissue hypoxia ➜ Cell death ➜ Organ
Ⓒ External iliac artery Ⓓ Obturator failure ➜ Death
✦ Goljan, Pg. 147
79. Skin of glans penis lymphatics: - ID : 34929
Ovarian fossa boundaries ➤
✦ Superiorly ➜ External iliac artery and vein. Ⓐ Superficial inguinal lymph node
✦ Anteriorly and inferiorly ➜ Broad ligament of uterus. Ⓑ Deep Inguinal lymph node Ⓒ Internal iliac
✦ Posteriorly ➜ by the ureter, internal iliac artery and vein.
✦ GRAY'S, Pg. 1106 Ⓐ Skin ☛ of penis is drained into medial group of superficial
inguinal nodes.
72. A child with a history of pica is showing signs of
Deep ☛ structures of penis are drained into internal iliac nodes.
microcytic anemia, pallor, fatigue, and low hemoglobin.
✦ SNELL, Pg. 316
What is the most appropriate diagnosis? - ID : 34297
80. A patient had a Radical mastectomy. Now she is
Ⓐ Iron Deficinecy Anemia Ⓑ B12 Deficiency unable to lift her arm above 45 degrees and comb her hair
Ⓒ Thalassemia Ⓓ Folate Deficiency and lift her arm above her head. Which of the following
nerve damage leads to winging scapula? - ID : 35025
Ⓐ IDA ☛ Pica ( Eat dirty things like mud , sand) with mycrocytic
hypochromic P/S are typical features Ⓐ Accessory Nerve Ⓑ Long thoracic nerve
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 275 Ⓒ Axillary Nerve Ⓓ Phrenic Nerve

73. Endotoxin is present in bacteria. Where is it found ? -

Ⓑ Radical mastectomy ➜ Long thoracic nerve damaged
ID : 34340
➜ serratus anterior muscle paralysedWinging of scapula occurs
Ⓐ Outer membrane of cell wall because of serratus anterior muscle dysfunction due to long
Ⓑ Periplasmic space Ⓒ Cytoplasmic space thoracic nerve palsy
Ⓓ Cell Membrane
81. Group of students observing a dead body having
Ⓐ ✪ Endotoxin ☛ Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of outer membrane of rigidity and stiffness. The mechanism of Rigor mortis is? -
ID : 35200
cell wall of gram-negative bacteria
✪ It is called endotoxin because it is an integral part of cell wall, in Ⓐ Failure of Troponin, tropomyosin, actin filament to separate
contrast to exotoxins, which are actively secreted from bacteria Ⓑ Failure of Cross bridges of myosin to separate
✦ Levinson, Pg. 9 Ⓒ Increase in ATP concentration
74. Antihyperlipidemic drug's Most common Side Effect is Ⓓ Separation of Actin myosin crosses bridges
- ID : 34403
Ⓑ Rigor Mortis ☛ Several hours after death, all muscles
Ⓐ GI disturb Ⓑ Neuropathy
of body go into a state of contracture. rigidity results from loss of
Ⓒ Headache Ⓓ Heart Failure
all ATP, which is required to cause separation of cross-bridges from
actin filaments during relaxation process.
Ⓐ Antihyperlipiemic drugs ( E.g Statins ) Side effects ➜ GI ✦ Guyton, Pg. 88
disturbance ( Diarrhea ) , Nasopharyngitis , Arthralgia , Insomnia ,
82. 60-year-old man with painless testicular swelling,
biopsy shows mature stem cells like hair and teeth. What
75. Insulin mechanism of action is through? - ID : 34586 is your likely diagnosis: - ID : 35262

Ⓐ Tyrosine kinase Ⓑ Ip3 Ⓐ Choriostoma Ⓑ Lymphoma

Ⓒ CAMP Ⓓ G protein receptors Ⓒ Mixed cell tumor Ⓓ Teratoma
Ⓔ Adenoma
Ⓐ Hormones Using Receptor Tyrosine Kinase ☛ Fibroblast
growth factor, Growth hormone, Hepatocyte growth factor, Insulin Ⓓ Explanation
Insulin-like growth factor-1, Leptin, Prolactin, Vascular endothelial
83. Newborn baby with neck stiffness, Cause of meningitis
growth factor. in newborn: - ID : 35281
✦ Guyton, Pg. 932

Ⓐ N.meningitis Ⓑ H. Influenza
76. Localized aggressive malignant tumor - ID : 34640
Ⓒ Staph.aureus Ⓓ Strept.agalactiae
Ⓐ Pleomorphic adenoma Ⓑ Hydatidiform Mole
Ⓒ Ameloblastoma Ⓓ Melanoma Ⓓ Group B Streptococci ☛ Strep Agalactiae.
GBS is the biggest cause of neonatal meningitis
Ⓒ Ameloblastoma ☛ is the most common benign but locally
invasive epithelial odontogenic tumour 84. Organism Involving In Intra oral Infection, multiple
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 513 pus draining sinus are present? - ID : 35421

77. Side effects of ACE inhibitors - ID : 34641 Ⓐ Actinomycosis israelii

Ⓐ Hypokalemia Ⓑ Hyperkalemia Ⓐ Actinomycetes ☛ Cause Abcess and Draining sinuses of Mouth,

Ⓒ Hypoglycemia Ⓓ Hypocalcemia Jaw , Abdomen and Pelvis
✦ Levinson, Pg. 194
Ⓑ ACEIs ☛ inhibit rennin angiotensin system ➜ ↓ aldosterone
85. Which one of the following is the feature of
secretion ➜ ↓ K excretion ➜ hyperkalemia.
irreversible injury - ID : 35714
✦ First Aid, Pg. 610

78. In every type of shock, organ failure occurs due to? - Ⓐ Cell blebs Ⓑ Mitochondria damage
ID : 34748 Ⓒ DNA changes Ⓓ Detachment of ER
Ⓔ Detachment of DNA

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Ⓑ Mechanism of Irreversible cell injury : Ⓐ Diaphragm + External intercostal+ SCM + Serratus anterior +
❶ Mitochondrial damage ➜ ATP depletion ➜ Necrosis + leakage Scalene muscle
Ⓑ Diaphragm + internal intercostal
of mitochondrial proteins ➜ apoptosis
Ⓒ Diaphragm + SCM + external oblique + Serratus anterior muscle
❷ Influx of calcium ➜ Killer enzymes activation ➜ damage
Ⓓ Abdominal muscles
cellular components ➜ trigger apoptosis
❸ Accumulation of reactive oxygen species ➜ covalent Ⓐ EXPLANATION
modification of cellular proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
❹ Increased permeability of cellular and organelle membranes 92. A newborn is brought with lumbosacral swelling
containing meninges without neural tissue What is most
❺ Accumulation of damaged DNA and misfolded proteins ➜
likely diagnosis of this swelling - ID : 36509
triggers apoptosis
✦ Robbins, Pg. 12, 12, 16 Ⓐ Spina Bifida with meningocele
86. After giving blood transfusion pt develops Ⓑ Rachischisis Ⓒ Myelomeningocele
hypersensitivity reaction. Which type of hypersensitivity Ⓓ Spina bifida occulta
reaction? - ID : 35848
Ⓐ Meningocele ☛ simplest form of open neural tube defects ➜
Ⓐ Type 1 Ⓑ Typ2
cystic dilatation of meninges containing CSF without any Neural
Ⓒ Typ3 Ⓓ Typ4
✦ Nelson Paeds, Pg. 716
Ⓑ Type II HSR involve antibody-mediated destruction of cells.
This type of reaction is best seen by blood-transfusion reactions, in 93. Sequence of leukocytes event - ID : 36519
which host antibodies react with foreign antigens on the Ⓐ Margination, Rolling, Adhesion, Transmigration
incompatible transfused blood cells and mediate destruction of Ⓑ Rolling, Margination, Adhesion, Transmigration
these cells. Ⓒ Margination, Rolling, Adhesion, Migration
87. A patient with prolonged diarrhea along with offensive Ⓓ Margination, Rolling, Transmigration, Adhesion
stools that float after drinking spring water undergoes
OGD. Biopsy of the small intestine shows numerous Ⓐ Sequence of leukocytes extravasation
crescent-shaped protozoa adjacent to epithelial brush ➊ Margination ☛ movement towards wall of channel.
border. Which is the likely pathogen involved? - ID : 35893 ➋ Rolling ☛ low affinity adhesive interaction between leukocytes
and vascular endothelium
Ⓐ Entamoeba histolytica Ⓑ E. coli
➌ Adhesion ☛ hallmark of inflammatory process
Ⓒ Giardia lamblia Ⓓ Naegleria fowleri
Ⓔ Trichomonas vaginalis ➍ Transmigration ☛ diapedesis ➜ passage of cells through intact
vessel wall.
Ⓒ Giardiasis ☛ Chronic diarrhea, Biopsy of small intestine ➜ ➎ Migration ☛ chemotaxis towards chemotactic factor.
✦ Pathoma, Pg. 13
CRESCENT shaped protozoa adjacent to epithelial brush border.
✦ Reference, Pg.
94. X - linked recessive disease occurrence: - ID : 37131
88. Structure found 2 feet proximal of appendix and 2 feet
Ⓐ Father shift 50% to son
away from the ileocecal junction, at anti-mesenteric
Ⓑ Heterozygous female rarely affected
border is most likely - ID : 36044
Ⓒ Equal in all offspring Ⓓ 50% co-dominance
Ⓐ Omphalocele Ⓑ Meckel’s diverticulum
Ⓒ Volvulus Ⓓ Gastroschisis Ⓑ XLR ☛ Heterozygous female rarely express full phenotypic
Ⓑ ✪ Meckel diverticulum ☛ arises from antimesenteric border of ✦ Robbins, Pg. 246

small intestine. 95. What is the most common anatomical position of the
✪ Rule of 2 for MD ☛ present in 2% of population, 2 feet away vermiform appendix in a 25-year-old patient diagnosed
from ileocecal valve, symptomatic before age 2 and 2 inches long. with acute appendicitis? - ID : 37251

89. Alcohol used by the mother during 1st trimester of Ⓐ Reterocecal Ⓑ Subcecal
pregnancy may cause - ID : 36363 Ⓒ Pelvic Ⓓ Pre-ileal

Ⓐ Anancephaly Ⓑ Premature birth

Ⓐ Retrocecal position is the most common location of the
Ⓒ Microcephaly Ⓓ Spina bifida
appendix, found in about 65% of individuals. It is located posterior
to the cecum. This position could make the diagnosis of
Ⓑ Alcohol use, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy,
appendicitis challenging due to its hidden nature.NOTE : Subcecal,
increases the risk of miscarriage, Premature birth
✦, Pg.
Pelvic, Pre-ileal - While the appendix can be located in these
positions, they are less common compared to the retrocecal
90. A lady accidentally cut her finger by knife in the position.
kitchen she brought to hospital and wound is sutured
doctor assured her that healing take place. Which of the 96. A child with infection blood is needed for lab studies.
following layers will be regenrate/ healed first and Venesection done. Which structure will be damage - ID :
foremost - ID : 36404 37453

Ⓐ Statum basale Ⓑ Stratum spongiosum Ⓐ Saphenous nerve Ⓑ Common peroneal nerve

Ⓒ Stratum lucidum Ⓓ Stratum granulosum Ⓒ Superficial peroneal nerve
Ⓓ Sciatic nerve
Ⓐ Basal cells ☛ have a regenerative capacity (are stem cells)
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg. Ⓐ EXPLANATION

91. Inspiration is vital process for oxygenation of tissues. 97. A patient climbed a peak with a heavy bag on his
Forceful inspiration occurs via active contraction of which shoulder after that he developed sensory loss of thumb
muscle - ID : 36449 and hand, weakness of deltoid, loss of adduction of arm
with loss of flexion at elbow and loss of extension at wrist.

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Diagnosed as waiter's tip hand or Saturday night palsy. ✔ X-linked recessive ✔ Only males affected
Most likely damage occurs to which of the following? - ID : ✔ Family Hx Present ✔ APTT ➜ Prolonged
✔ Heamarthrosis is hallmark
Ⓐ Upper brachial plexus damage ✦ Kaplan Pathology, Pg. 34 ✦ Wikipedia, Pg.

Ⓑ Radial Nerve injury

102. A 60 year old man presents with a blood pressure of
Ⓒ Musculocutaneous nerve damage 165/100 mmHg. He is a known type 2 diabetic. His blod
Ⓓ Axillary Nerve injury sugar is controlled on Glucophage. The most appropriate
drug for controlling his hypertension would be - ID: 55120
Ⓐ Brachial Plexus Palsy Injuries
Upper Lesion ☛ Erb's Palsy Ⓐ ACE – Inhibitor Ⓑ Beta-blocker
Nerve Roots C5, C6, +/- C7 : Ⓒ Calcium channel blocker Ⓓ Diuretics
◉ Inability to abduct shoulder, externally rotate arm, and supinate
Ⓐ ACE Inhibitors ( Captopril ) ☛ hypoglycemic effect ➜ ↓ blood
forearm (Waiter's Hand)
◉ Possible diaphragm paralysis glucose by increasing muscular glucose disposal rate in
hypertensive diabetic patients.
Lower Lesion ☛ Klumpke's Palsy
Nerve Roots C8, T1 : 103. A patient on ATT for the last 6 months has presented
◉ Inability to flex wrist or grasp (Claw hand ) with anasarca. On examination there is pitting oedema,
◉ Possible Horner syndromeArm Abduction JVP not raised, BUN 21 mg%, S. Creatinine 1.2 mg%, LFT
☛ 0° upto 15° by Supraspinatus ➜ Suprascapular ➜ Branch of normal, S. K+ 3.9 meq/L. Chest x -ray show bilateral
upper trunck pleural and pericardial effusion. Abdominal U.S
examination reveals massive ascites. The most likely
☛ 15°upto 100° by Deltoid ➜ Axillary ➜ branch of posterior cord
cause for anasarca is - ID: 55382
☛ > 90° by Trapezius➜ Accessory
☛ > 100° by Serratus Anterior ➜ Long Thoracic (SALT) ➜ Root Ⓐ CCF
C5, C6, C7 Ⓑ Constrictive pericarditis
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. ✦ KLM, Pg. 710 Ⓒ Hepatic failure Ⓓ Nephrotic syndrome

98. Extensor carpi ulnaris. Nerve supply? - ID : 38082 Ⓓ Nephrotic Syndrome ☛ Proteinuria > 3.5 mg/dl ➜ Hypo
Ⓐ Posterior interosseous nerve albuminuria ➜ ↓ oncotic pressure ➜ Fluid leak ➜ Anasarca (
Ⓑ Median nerve Ⓒ Ulnar nerve extreme generalized edema ).
Ⓓ Anterior interosseous nerve ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 99

Ⓔ Axillary nerve 104. Cimetidine may significantly prolong the prothrombin

time and causes bleeding in patient who has been treated
Ⓐ EXPLANATION with warfarin. How does this happen by? - ID : 55526
99. 21-Year-old boy diagnosed with leukemia. he has to Ⓐ Decrease hepatic clearance of warfarin
undergo bone marrow biopsy. Best site for trephine biopsy Ⓑ Displacing warfarin from plasma protein
- ID : 38265
Ⓒ Increasing the oral bioavailability of warfarin
Ⓐ Sternum Ⓑ Femur Ⓓ Inhibiting renal tubular secretion of warfarin
Ⓒ Tibia Ⓓ Clavical Ⓔ Inhibiting the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin


100. A 42 year old obese female presented with loss of 105. Patient presented with shock. A physician palpated
appetite, bradycardia, constipation, cold intolerance and artery between trachea and infrahyoid muscle. Which
weight gain develop carpal tunnel syndrome and wear artery is present at this site? - ID : 57886
thick cloths. On further history and examination, she was
Ⓐ Common carotid artery Ⓑ Internal juglar
depressed with slow reflexes. The most appropriate
investigation for her would be - ID : 55090 Ⓒ Internal carotid Ⓓ Anterior juglar

Ⓐ Thyroid biopsy Ⓑ Thyroid Scan Ⓐ Common carotid artery ☛ on either side of neck in
Ⓒ Plasma Free T4 and TSH Ⓓ Thyroid ultrasound groove between infrahyoid muscles and trachea.

Ⓒ ✪ Symptoms of Hypothyroidism ☛ Weight gain, Cold 106. Hormones act locally through which mechanism ? - ID
: 58109
intolerance, Fatigue, Somnolence, Dry skin, Dry hair.
✪ Investigations ☛ ↓ T4 and ↑↑ TSH ➜ >20 mIU/L. Ⓐ Endocrine Ⓑ Paracrine
✦ Davidson, Pg. 637, 640 Ⓒ Autocrine Ⓓ Exocrine
101. A 10-year-old boy came in an OPD with complaints of
Ⓑ ✪ Paracrine action ☛ hormone acts locally by diffusing from
pain and swelling in the left knee, which developed
spontaneously. . On inspection, the overlying skin is its source to target cells in the neighborhood.
bruised and tensed due to swelling. There is a history of 5 ✪ Endocrine action ☛ hormone is distributed in blood and binds
same incidences since the age of two. Family history of to distant target cells.
bleeding present. Which of the following is the most likely ✪ Autocrine action ☛ hormone acts on same cell that produced
diagnosis? - ID : 55104 it.
Ⓐ DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) 107. What is the single most accurate test for diagnosing
Ⓑ Chronic liver disease Ⓒ Hemophilia myeloma? - ID: 59736
Ⓓ Von-Willebrand disease
Ⓐ Skull x-rays Ⓑ Bone marrow biopsy
Ⓒ Hemophilia A ☛ ↓ factor 8 ➜ spontaneous hemorrhage into Ⓒ 24-hour urine Ⓓ SPEP
Ⓔ Urine immune-electrophoresis
joints ( hemarthrosis ) ➜ blood and fat ( Cholesterol crystals ) in
joint space ➜ pain and swelling.
✔ Gum Bleeding, bruising, epistaxis

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Ⓑ Bone marrow biopsy is the most definitive diagnostic test for Cytomegalovirus: Could cause similar symptoms but not as likely
multiple myeloma. It allows the visualization of the malignant as Candida
plasma cells, typically revealing a higher than normal percentage
112. Lesion of complete optic radiation will cause ? - ID:
(over 10%) of plasma cells in the marrow.Skull x-rays: Can show 68081
lytic lesions associated with myeloma but are not definitive for
diagnosis. Ⓐ Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
24-hour urine: Can detect Bence-Jones proteins, which are seen Ⓑ Bitemporal Hemianopia
in some cases of myeloma, but not all. Ⓒ Ipsilateral homonymous hemianopia
SPEP: Serum protein electrophoresis can detect monoclonal
proteins, but this finding is not specific for myeloma. Ⓐ Complete Optic Radiation ☛ Contraleteral homonymous
Urine immune-electrophoresis: is similar to 24-hour urine, hemianopia
looking for light chains, but again is not definitive. 113. In Alzheimer disease brain finding will be - ID : 72125
108. A person with a history of long-term smoking and Ⓐ Loss of Sulci Ⓑ Hyperplasia of brain
drinking has a mass in the middle third of the esophagus. Ⓒ Hypertrophy of brain Ⓓ Atrophy of brain
What is the most common worldwide carcinoma of the
esophagus? - ID : 60017
Ⓓ Alzheimer's disease ☛ usually first damages hippocampus,
Ⓐ Adenocarcinoma Ⓑ Squamous cell carcinoma Widespraed cortical atrophy leading to memory loss and
Ⓒ Carcinoid Ⓓ None of above disorientation. Hippocampus is the most medial portion of the
Temporal Lobe cortex
Ⓑ Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common type of ✦ Guyton, Pg. 749 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 520

esophageal cancer worldwide. Both smoking and alcohol are 114. Patient presented with crushing chest pain for 3
significant risk factors for this type of cancer, especially when hours O/E bp and pulse was normal but RR= 33/min
combined. Investigation of choice? - ID : 72266
109. What is the most common site for carcinoma of the Ⓐ CK.MB Ⓑ Trop T
prostate? - ID: 60231 Ⓒ Myoglobin Ⓓ LDH
Ⓐ Anterior zone Ⓑ Transitional zone Ⓔ CPK
Ⓒ Peripheral zone Ⓓ Central zone
Ⓑ ◉ Within 1 hour ☛ Myoglobin
Ⓔ Posterior zone
◉ After 2-4 hours ☛ Trop I > Trop T > CKMB
Ⓒ Prostate cancers (around 70%) originate in the peripheral Trop-I is the most sensitive and Specific of all !
zone of the prostate gland. This zone can be easily assessed
during a digital rectal examination.
✦ Davidson, Pg. 497 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 417 ✦ Pathoma, Pg. 74 ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 414
110. In Parasitic infestation, e.g hookworm infestation,
blood will most likely show raised: - ID : 60615 115. A man Crossing road he look right then left side this
movement caused by vertebrae having which type joint? -
Ⓐ Lymphocytes Ⓑ Neutrophils
ID : 72299
Ⓒ Basophils Ⓓ Eosinophils
Ⓔ None of above Ⓐ Pivot joint Ⓑ Condyloid joint
Ⓒ Synovial joints Ⓓ Biaxial ellipsoid
Ⓓ Eosinophilia occurs in: Ⓔ Uniaxial ellipsoid
✪ Allergy ☛ Hay fever, asthma, eczema
✪ Infection ☛ parasitic. Ⓐ AtlantoAxial ☛ Pivot Joint ➜ between first and second cervical
✪ Vasculitis ☛ e.g. eosinophilic granulomatosis, granulomatosis vertebrae ➜ rotational motion
✦ SNELL, Pg. 13
with polyangiitis.
✪ Malignancy ☛ solid tumours, lymphomas. 116. Lady after total abdominal hysterectomy done
✪ Bone marrow disorders ☛ myeloproliferative disorders, acute bilateral oophorectomy done now present on examination
myeloid leukaemia. with adnexal mass is present following tumor marker is
✦ Robbins, Pg. 74 ✦ Davidson, Pg. 926 important for recurrence of disease - ID : 72404

111. What is the most likely causative organism for a 55- Ⓐ CA 125 Ⓑ CA 19-9
year-old immunocompromised patient presenting with Ⓒ Alpha fetoprotein Ⓓ CEA
dysphagia, pain on swallowing, and redness, fissuring, and Ⓔ CA 15-7
soreness at the angle of his mouth? - ID: 66583
Ⓐ Human herpesvirus 8 Ⓑ Molluscum contagiosum
Ⓒ Cytomegalovirus Ⓓ Candida 117. A patient Presented with Chest pan radiating to left
arm and diagnosed as MI, after 4 days died due to
Ⓓ Dx: Candida is a yeast and the most likely organism causing uncontrolled BP, which type of shock will be found in this?
these symptoms, especially in an immunocompromised patient. - ID : 72436
The symptoms of dysphagia and pain on swallowing along with Ⓐ Hypovolemic shock Ⓑ Septic shock
redness and fissuring at the angles of the mouth (angular cheilitis) Ⓒ Anaphylactic shock Ⓓ Cardiogenic Shock
are characteristic of Candida infection.
NICE Guidelines and international standards support antifungal Ⓓ Acute MI ☛ MCC of cardiogenic shock ◉ Dec. stroke volume
treatment in such cases. ➜ Cardiogenic Shock ➜ systolic BP < 90 mm Hg + urine output <
Candida commonly affects immunocompromised patients.
20 mL/hr
Symptoms include dysphagia, sore mouth, and angular cheilitis. ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 436
Human herpesvirus 8: Generally associated with Kaposi's
sarcoma. 118. In case of parotid swelling, the diagnostic procedure
of choice is: - ID : 74081
Molluscum contagiosum: Causes skin lesions, not typically
dysphagia or mouth sores.

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Ⓐ FNAC Ⓐ Pre-mortem thrombus shows layering of blood and fibrin (lines

Ⓑ Superficial Parotidectomy of Zahn) and will attach to the vessel wall
Ⓒ Enucleation Ⓓ Excision biopsy Post-mortem clots : loose casts, which are moist, shiny,
rubbery, and readily removed (chicken fat clots)
Ⓐ ◉ Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) ☛ guided by ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 118

ultrasound imaging (US) is a widely used diagnostic tool to

126. Temporal/parietal hematoma artery - ID : 82861
evaluate both neoplastic and inflammatory lesions of salivary
glands. Ⓐ MCA Ⓑ ACA
119. A Man smoke 20 packs per month work in factory he
develops lung cancer which carcinogen in cigrette causes
Ⓐ Cortical branches of MCA ☛ Motor and Somatosensory
lung cancer? - ID : 79509
cortices ( representing whole body except of lower limb ), Auditory
Ⓐ Hydrocarbon Ⓑ Vinyl Chloride area, Insula and opercula ( covering formed by junction of
Ⓒ Nitrosamine frontal, parietal and temporal lobe above insula ).
✦ Netter Nervous System Illustrations, Pg. 52, 52 ✦ Gray's Neuroanatomy, Pg. 94 ✦
Duane Neurosceince, Pg. 127
Ⓐ Tobacco smoke ☛ major source of human exposure to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ➜ associated with lung cancer 127. Pericardiophrenic is branch of - ID : 82893

120. Neostigmine Mechanism of action ? - ID : 82133 Ⓐ Internal iliac Ⓑ Internal thoracic

Ⓒ Axillary Ⓓ Aorta
Ⓐ Block Acetylcholine receptors
Ⓑ Deactivate Acetylcholinesterase Ⓑ Pericardiacophrenic artery ☛arises from the internal thoracic
artery, a branch of the first part of the subclavian artery
Ⓑ Inhibits the hydrolysis of acetylcholine by inhibiting the
acetylcholinesterase at sites of cholinergic transmission. 128. Patient with nephrotic syndrome. Which structure in
GBM plays major role in perm- selectivity for proteins - ID
121. A patient came with swelling at preauricular : 82968
associated with otorrhea and occasional
lymphadenopathy. biopsy needed. which one to prefer - ID Ⓐ Lamina rara interna Ⓑ Lamina rara externa
: 82312 Ⓒ Lamina densa
Ⓓ Visceral epithelial layer
Ⓐ Trucut biopsy
Ⓑ Fine needle aspiration biopsy Ⓓ The glomerular filtration barrier consists of fenestrated
Ⓒ Asspirational Ⓓ Excisional biopsy
endothelium, GBM, and podocyte foot processes, which are
connected by a slit-diaphragm.
Ⓑ ◉ Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) ☛ guided by
ultrasound imaging (US) is a widely used diagnostic tool to 129. Vein along anterior interventricular artery / Left
evaluate both neoplastic and inflammatory lesions of salivary Anterior Descending (LAD) artery - ID : 83221
glands. Ⓐ Greater cardiac vein Ⓑ Middle cardiac vein
122. Diagnostic criteria for sarcoma - ID : 82387 Ⓒ Ant cardiac vein Ⓓ Smallest cardiac vein

Ⓐ Increase vascularity/ mitotic figure Ⓐ Great cardiac vein accompanies ☛ Anterior interventricular
Ⓑ Inc mitochondria Ⓒ Pleomorphism artery
Ⓓ Metastasis ✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 267

130. On data Normal distribution - ID : 83460

Ⓐ Sarcoma ☛ invade capillaries and/or venules and directly
spread to distant sites without involving the lymph nodes Ⓐ Mean, median, mode are equal in normal curve
✦ Goljan, Pg. 233
Ⓑ Median, mode in skewed curve
123. Myxoma in heart location? - ID : 82393 Ⓒ Mode, median in bimodal curve
Ⓓ Mean, median in kurtotic curve
Ⓒ LA Ⓓ LV Ⓐ Normal distribution (bell curve) ☛ mean, median, and mode
are all the same and lie at center of distribution.
Ⓒ Myxomas ☛ About 75% occur in left atrium of heart ➜ Most
common 1° cardiac tumor in adults ➜ usually described as a “ball 131. Loss of supination of the forearm and flexion of
valve” obstruction in left atrium ( associated with multiple syncopal forearm muscle involved - ID : 83486
episodes ). Ⓐ Deltoid Ⓑ Biceps
Ⓒ Triceps Ⓓ Brachioradialis
124. Aromatase is produced by - ID : 82487

Ⓐ Granulosa cells Ⓑ Inner theca cells Ⓓ Brachioradialis ☛ primarily involved in flexion of elbow but
Ⓒ Outer theca cells Ⓓ Pancrease also contributes to supination and pronation. Loss of supination
Ⓔ Ovaries could be due to dysfunction of this muscle.

Ⓐ Aromatase ☛ produced in granulosa cells ➜ converts all 132. In carpal tunnel syndrome all muscles are affected
except: - ID : 83934
androgen and much progesterone is converted into estrogens (
follicular phase ) Ⓐ Pronator teres Ⓑ Flexor Carpi radialis
✦ Guyton, Pg. 1044
Ⓒ Pronator quadratus Ⓓ Extensor carpi radialis
125. Difference between clot of antemortem and
postmortem clot - ID : 82532 Ⓓ Carpal tunnel syndrome ☛ median nerve compressed as it
travels through carpal tunnel in wrist.
Ⓐ Fibrin (lines of Zahn) Ⓑ Fibrinolysis
Extensor carpi radialis ☛ innervated by radial nerve, not median
Ⓒ Size Ⓓ Ask for Family history
nerve, so it remains unaffected
Ⓔ Adherence to the vessel

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133. FSH is inhibited by which of the following organ / Ⓐ Schistocytes: or fragmented red blood cells, are a typical
Gland? - ID : 84125 finding on a peripheral blood smear in TTP. They are formed due to
Ⓐ Seminal Vesicle Ⓑ Testes the shear stress that red blood cells undergo while passing through
Ⓒ Ductus deference Ⓓ Ovaries small blood vessels filled with clots. Burr cells: not specific to TTP.
They can be seen in renal disease and liver disease.
Ⓑ Testes ☛ stimulated by FSH ➜ spermatogenesis + production Smudge cells: are typically seen in chronic lymphocytic leukemia,
of Inhibin ➜ negative feedback to pituitary ➜ inhibit FSH not TTP.
Ovaries ☛ stimulated by FSH ➜ growth of ovarian follicles. No 138. A patient has been receiving IV antibiotics for 3
Inhibition of FSH weeks and now presents with bleeding. What could be the
cause? - ID : 86854
134. A healthy 45 years old man was sitting relaxed in his
lawn reading the newspaper on Sunday morning. The Ⓐ Vitamin Kdef Ⓑ Vitamin C def
muscles he is using for quiet breathing during this relaxed Ⓒ B12 deficiency Ⓓ Low platelets count
state is/are: - ID : 84216
Ⓐ Vitamin K deficiency: Long-term use of certain antibiotics can
Ⓐ Diaphragm
decrease the amount of vitamin K-producing bacteria in the gut,
Ⓑ Diaphragm and external intercostais
which can lead to vitamin K deficiency. As vitamin K is crucial for
Ⓒ Diaphragm and internal intercostais
the synthesis of certain clotting factors, its deficiency can lead to
Ⓓ Internal intercostais and rectus abdominis
bleeding.Vitamin C deficiency: would typically result in
Ⓔ Sternocleidomastoid and scalene
symptoms such as petechiae, purpura, or gum bleeding, but not
Ⓑ Quiet relaxed breathing : general bleeding.
B12 deficiency: usually leads to anemia and neurological
1. Diaphragm contracts and flattens ➜ increases vertical
symptoms, but not bleeding.
diameter of thoracic cavity
Low platelets count: scenario doesn't indicate any condition that
2. External intercostals contract Simultaneously ➜ raising ribs
would result in a decrease in platelet count.
and further increasing volume of thoracic cavity ➜ reduces
pressure inside ➜ air flow into lungs 139. Death due to MI, patient having coronary emboli,
which only factor, unrelated / independent to any other
135. A patient presents with a history of fever, cause, that promote thromboembolism - ID : 91648
hemoglobinuria, elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH),
and reduced haptoglobin. What is the likely underlying Ⓐ Hypercoagulable stat Ⓑ Stasis
mechanism? - ID: 86611 Ⓒ Endothelial injury Ⓓ Immobilization

Ⓐ Urerria Ⓒ ✪ Endothelial injury ☛ is a significant independent risk factor

Ⓑ Glucose 6 phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency for thromboembolism, as it activates the clotting cascade.
Ⓒ Extravascular hemolysis Ⓓ Intravascular hemolysis
140. Hormone of stress in trauma - ID : 91661
Ⓓ Intravascular hemolysis: These clinical findings are indicative
Ⓐ Cortisol Ⓑ Adrenaline
of red blood cell destruction within the blood vessels. Ⓒ Norepinephrine Ⓓ Glucagon
Hemoglobinuria (hemoglobin in the urine) is typically seen in
intravascular hemolysis, as is an increase in LDH (a marker of cell Ⓐ Cortisol ☛ is the primary stress hormone released during
destruction) and a decrease in haptoglobin (which binds free trauma. It helps in the mobilization of energy stores and the
hemoglobin).Note: Uremia, Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase modulation of the immune response.
deficiency, and Extravascular hemolysis are not the most likely
explanations for these findings. 141. Palpation between greater trochanter and ischial
tuberosity - ID : 92628
136. What is the diagnosis for a 65-year-old woman
treated for arthritis, now presenting with weakness, Ⓐ Sciatic nerve Ⓑ Pudendal nerve
bruising, pancytopenia, 0.1% reticulocyte count, and Ⓒ Superior gluteal artery Ⓓ Piriformis muscle
hypocellular bone marrow with normal cell morphology? -
ID: 86676 Ⓐ ✪ Sciatic nerve ☛ runs between the greater trochanter and
Ⓐ Myelodysplastic syndrome Ⓑ Aplastic anemia ischial tuberosity. It is the largest nerve in the body and is
Ⓒ Myeloproliferative disorder palpable in this region.
Ⓓ Lymphoproliferative disorder 142. Increase in ACTH cause - ID : 92660

Ⓑ Aplastic anemia: body fails to produce enough blood cells due Ⓐ Hyperpigmentation Ⓑ Hypocholesteremia
to damage in the bone marrow. The presentation of pancytopenia Ⓒ Hypopigmentation Ⓓ Hypercholesteremia
(a decrease in all blood cell lines - red cells, white cells, and
platelets), a low reticulocyte count, and hypocellular bone marrow Ⓐ ✪ ACTH ☛ stimulates melanocytes to produce melanin, leading
is indicative of this condition.Myelodysplastic syndrome: usually to hyperpigmentation of the skin.
presents with abnormal cell morphology, unlike this case. 143. After muscle contraction, calcium after detaching
Myeloproliferative disorder: overproduction of blood cells in from sarcoplasmic reticulum transport through - ID : 93105
the bone marrow, not a decrease.
Lymphoproliferative disorder: refers to a condition where Ⓐ Passive diffusion Ⓑ Active transport
lymphocytes are produced in excessive quantities, which is not Ⓒ Facilitated diffusion Ⓓ Osmosis
indicated in this scenario.
Ⓑ ✪ Calcium ions ☛ are actively pumped back into the
137. In Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), sarcoplasmic reticulum ➜ via active transport after muscle
what is the most reliable finding in a peripheral smear? -
contraction ➜ to prepare for the next contraction.
ID: 86790

Ⓐ Schistocytes Ⓑ Burr cells 144. G6pd deficiency characteristic - ID : 93128

Ⓒ Smudge cells

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Ⓐ Bite cell Ⓑ Sickle cell substantial amount is reabsorbed in the nephrons.

Ⓒ Schistocyte Ⓓ Elliptocyte ✪ A higher urine output such as 10 liters would be more consistent
with a GFR of 150 mL/min than the other options.
Ⓐ ✪ In G6PD deficiency ☛ bite cells are a characteristic feature.
These are erythrocytes where denatured hemoglobin has been 152. Basophils and Mast cells - ID: 94233
removed by splenic macrophages. Ⓐ Vasodilation of arteries
145. Patient is mentally retarded , everted ear , large Ⓑ Vasoconstriction of veins
testes ,tall hypogonadism, Dx is - ID : 93419 Ⓒ Increase capillary permeability
Ⓓ Inhibition of clotting
Ⓐ Klinefelter syndrome Ⓑ Turner Syndrome
Ⓒ Down Syndrome Ⓓ Fragile X Syndrome Ⓐ Basophils and mast cells ☛release substances like histamine
that cause vasodilation, particularly of arteries.
Ⓐ Klinefelter syndrome ☛ characterized by an additional X
chromosome in males (47, XXY) ➜ manifests as mental 153. Dorsum of middle 3 hand fingers - ID: 94235
retardation, everted ears, large testes, and tall stature. These Ⓐ C,4,5,7,8,t1 Ⓑ C,3,4,6,7,t1
symptoms align with the patient's clinical presentation. Ⓒ C,4,5,6,8,t1,t2 Ⓓ C,3,4,5,7,t1
146. Glans Penis lymph supply - ID: 93448
Ⓐ Dorsum of middle 3 fingers ☛ (index, middle, and ring) is
Ⓐ Internal iliac Ⓑ External iliac usually innervated by branches of the cervical nerves C4, C5, C7,
Ⓒ Sacral lymph nodes C8, and the thoracic nerve T1.

Ⓐ ✪ Lymphatic drainage of the glans penis primarily goes to the 154. Anconeus supplied by - ID: 94237
internal iliac lymph nodes. Ⓐ Deep interosseous branch Ⓑ Radial nerve
147. Surgery of a mass at posterior wall of Right Ⓒ Ulnar nerve Ⓓ Median nerve
sternocleidomastoid (SCM muscle) just 4cm above medial
clavicle removed by surgeons and bleeding occurs due to Ⓑ Anconeus muscle ☛ is innervated by the radial nerve, which
which vessels - ID: 93450 provides motor function to the extensors of the forearm.

Ⓐ Vertebral vein Ⓑ Internal jugular vein 155. Inguinal hernia, Surgeon is suturing skin. what
Ⓒ External jugular vein Ⓓ Subclavian artery happens first? - ID : 94238

Ⓐ Proliferation of epithelium
Ⓐ Vertebral vein ☛ runs in the posterior triangle of the neck and Ⓑ Granulation tissue
could be at risk during surgery involving the posterior wall of the Ⓒ Coagulation cascade activation
SCM muscle near the clavicle. Ⓓ Acute Inflammatory response
148. Scenario about transfusion of AB+ for pt. With -O
blood group, patient. Die due to - ID: 93598 Ⓒ Coagulation ☛ is the first step in hernia repair to minimize
bleeding and create a stable environment for the following stages
Ⓐ Anaphylactic shock Ⓑ Hemorrhagic shock of wound healing, such as epithelial proliferation and granulation
Ⓒ Septic shock Ⓓ Neurogenic shock tissue formation.

Ⓐ ✪ Anaphylactic shock ☛ can occur due to ABO incompatibility 156. Cross striation, peripheral nuclei, glycogen, which
in blood transfusion. tissue: - ID: 94240
✪ In this case, an O- patient receiving AB+ blood is at high risk for Ⓐ Involuntary muscle Ⓑ Cardiac muscle
severe immunologic reaction leading to anaphylactic shock. Ⓒ 1a fibers Ⓓ II fibers
149. Sequence arranged data - ID: 93760 Ⓔ Smooth muscle

Ⓐ Chi square Ⓑ T-test Ⓓ Type II fibers ☛ are found in skeletal muscle and are
Ⓒ ANOVA Ⓓ Pearson correlation characterized by cross striations, peripheral nuclei, and glycogen
storage. These features help in rapid contraction and power
Ⓐ Chi-square test ☛ is generally used for analyzing categorical generation.
data to find relationships between variables.
150. Recurrent laryngeal nerve scenario that is branch of -
ID: 93862

Ⓐ Vagus nerve Ⓑ Glossopharyngeal nerve

Ⓒ Trigeminal nerve Ⓓ Facial nerve

Ⓐ Recurrent laryngeal nerve ☛ is a branch of the vagus nerve

(cranial nerve X) and is responsible for innervating all intrinsic
muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid muscle.
151. GFR 150 without medications. Urine output was
asked. - ID: 93865

Ⓐ 3 lit Ⓑ 5 lit
Ⓒ 10 lit Ⓓ 20 lit
Ⓔ 70 lit

Ⓒ Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) ☛ of 150 mL/min is

abnormally high, indicating an elevated rate of filtration at the
glomeruli in the kidneys. The high GFR would lead to an increased
urine output. However, not all the filtered fluid ends up as urine; a

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | May 2023 Papers

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