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Point-of-care Vascular Ultrasound: Of Fistulas

and Flows
Adina S. Voiculescu and Dirk M. Hentschel

Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is increasingly being used in nephrology as a diagnostic tool, and there is a growing interest
among physicians and nursing staff to learn how to use POCUS for the evaluation of the dialysis vascular access (DVA). The goal
of POCUS is to extend the physical examination and more closely evaluate the DVA at bedside. Typically, POCUS quickly
answers yes-no questions (ie, Is the vein too deep? Y/N). It is not the goal of POCUS of the vascular access to extensively
investigate the entire fistula or graft. In conjunction with a good physical examination, brightness-mode ultrasound alone
can answer most questions regarding the DVA, such as depth and diameter of the vessel. With some additional training, a
limited color Doppler can be added to the standard evaluation to check flow direction and pseudoaneurysms. With more
extensive training and an understanding of Doppler physics, access flow volumes can also be determined using spectral
Doppler-mode ultrasound.
Q 2021 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Words: Ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, Point-of-care, Dialysis vascular access, Arteriovenous fistula

Duplex ultrasound5; however, these are aimed at vascular

P oint-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is increasingly being
used in medicine and its subspecialties.1 Nephrology
practitioners have recently shown increased interest in
surgeons or interventionalists.
Nephrologists, dialysis nurses, and technicians, and as a
acquiring the necessary POCUS skills including the result, their patients in clinic or the dialysis unit, would
evaluation of the dialysis vascular access (DVA).2,3 POCUS likely gain the greatest benefit from DVA POCUS training.
is an attractive tool because it is universally available, However, practitioners often do not have the skills or spe-
noninvasive, nontoxic, portable, and easily repeatable.1 cific ultrasound technical training to support and enhance
The goal of POCUS is to confirm and extend the DVA the examination of the DVA.
physical examination as well as allow real-time
troubleshooting at the bedside. POCUS is an excellent WHAT ARE THE PREREQUISITES FOR POCUS FOR
tool for answering yes/no questions, ie, is the vessel too FISTULAS AND FLOW?
deep? It is not the goal of DVA POCUS to extensively
investigate every possible characteristic of a given fistula Nomenclature
or graft. These distinctions need to be kept in mind when The first step is to be able to recognize and properly name
setting trainee expectations and establishing rules and the DVA using a standardized nomenclature for the
standards for teaching and competency. dialysis access. According to the Society of Vascular
The objective of this article is to first describe the Surgery guidelines, arterio-venous-fistulas and arterio-
necessary knowledge base of nomenclature for the DVA, venous-grafts are named according to site of use (right/
followed by a discussion of a thorough physical left, forearm/upper arm/thigh/chest-wall), the inflow artery
examination of the DVA combined with the proper used for arterial anastomosis (radial, brachial), the named
technique of POCUS, and finally, a list of common vein used for the anastomosis (cephalic, basilic), and the indi-
applications of POCUS in a clinical setting. cator differentiating between an autogenous or a prosthetic
access6 (Table 1). Figure 1 depicts the most common types
CURRENT STATE of access.
At present, POCUS of the DVA is neither commonly Step 2 is to use the same description of the access in terms
performed nor is it standardized for nephrology staff. of functional areas. The access circuit has an access inflow,
Typically, nonnephrologists and vascular laboratory the “stick zone” for needle insertions, and an access outflow
technologists perform ultrasound studies of the DVA (Fig 2). The access inflow encompasses the inflow arteries,
using guidelines published by The American Institute of the juxta-anastomotic segment, and an inflow segment of
Ultrasound in Medicine.4 This recommended examination varying lengths between the juxta-anastomotic area and
format is complex and time-consuming and requires
extensive training. Despite these guidelines, even when From the Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA.
performed by expert vascular laboratories, data acquisi- Financial Disclosure: A. S. Voiculescu is a consultant for Clinlogix. D. M.
tion and its presentation and interpretation remain highly Hentschel is a consultant for Bard-BD, Biosurfaces, BluegrassVascular, Elipsys,
variable. One reason for this is that the nonnephrologists Laminate, Medtronic, Merit, MinnHealth, Sanfit.
or technologists perform DVA examinations usually Address correspondence to Adina S. Voiculescu, MD, FASDIN, Assistant
without practical knowledge of how DVAs are used in Professor Harvard Medical School, Renal Division Brigham and Women’s Hos-
dialysis units, what surgical or endovascular procedures pital, Director of Ultrasound in Nephrology, Brigham and Women’s Faulkner
have been performed or are possible, and what cardiovas- Hospital, 1153 Centre Street, Suite 4G Boston, MA 02130. E-mail:
cular consequences DVAs carry for individual patient’s
Ó 2021 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
health. Experts in vascular access creation have published
detailed protocols for dialysis access evaluation with

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228 Voiculescu and Hentschel

the visibly used needle-insertion segment. The “stick spectral Doppler may not be available on hand-held
zone” can also be described as the body of the access and devices. In addition, the Doppler feature needs to include
has an arterial needle and venous needle insertion area. flow volume calculation software.
The venous outflow encompasses peripheral and central
veins leading to the right atrium. Training in Access Ultrasound
POCUS evaluation of the access is focused on the As with any technical skill, adequate training and prac-
“stick-zone” and determines depth, diameter, and the tice are a prerequisite. It is key to establish a compre-
location of side branches. Flow determination requires hensive curriculum and enforce rigorous training
an additional evaluation of the inflow artery or a common criteria for the POCUS novice to ensure the resulting
single outflow vein segment. benefits for patients. This would include didactic
training in principles of ultrasound and hands-on prac-
Physical Examination tice performing the particular examination. In addition,
The final step before performing a POCUS is a standard- knowledge and application of standardized documen-
ized physical examination of the DVA.7 This standardized tation, image storage, and report writing are equally
physical examination described in the literature includes important. A total of 50-100 training studies are often
evaluating the following 5 criteria: thrill, bruit, pulsatility, necessary to allow for competent and independent ul-
augmentation, and the collapse of the vein during arm trasound evaluation of the DVA. These studies should
elevation.8 The mastering of this comprehensive physical include B-Mode images of the body of the access with
examination enables the understanding of flow, pressure, measurement of depth and diameter. They should
and difficulties that could arise during needle cannulation. note if side-branches/hematomas are present and
Table 2 shows the 5 key elements of the physical should measure access flow volumes in the brachial
examination with a description of a normal and abnormal artery.
examination. The absence of To date, most training
a bruit and thrill will typi- programs for vascular tech-
cally be sufficient to deter- nologist apply criteria of
mine that an access is the American Institute of
 Point-of-care ultrasound for the nephrologist should
completely thrombosed. Ultrasound in Medicine.4
include dialysis vascular access (DVA) evaluation.
Increased pulsatility, with Currently, the American
no collapse of the body of  Training includes mastering the correct nomenclature of
Society of Diagnostic and
the access, indicates a likely the DVA and proper physical examination technique.
Interventional Nephrology
outflow obstruction. Poor  Brightness-mode (with black and white images) ultrasound is taking the lead in outlining
augmentation with absent allows for evaluation of depth and diameter of the vessel as criteria for vascular access
pulsatility indicates a likely well as evaluation for extravasations and can be a guide for ultrasound training and
inflow obstruction. Different cannulation of the access. certification in the use of
types of accesses are predis- ultrasound throughout
 Spectral Doppler-mode, although requiring more training
posed to certain locations of and sufficient understanding of ultrasound physics, en- nephrology. These certifica-
stenoses as upper arm access ables reliable flow volume measurements which adds tion guidelines are presently
and grafts often have essential information to the overall DVA evaluation. under development.
outflow obstructions and
forearm fistulas most often
have inflow problems.9 ACCESS ULTRASOUND
In short, outflow stenoses will increase the intra-access Ultrasound evaluation has been shown to be helpful in
pressure with increased bleeding propensity, infiltrations, determining clinical maturation of the DVA while looking
and high venous pressure alarms while on the dialysis at diameter, depth, and flow volumes at 2 and 6 weeks
machine. Inflow stenoses are associated with difficult after a newly created access.10-12 A DVA is considered
needle placement, arterial needle alarms, or collapse of usable if the body of the access has a diameter of 4-6 mm
the access around the venous needle. Inflow and outflow and a depth of less than 5-6 mm, and the access has a
stenoses may decrease the overall access flow; therefore, flow volume of .500-600 mL/min.10,13 In our experience,
measurement of flow volume alone does not allow one the rule of 6 (,6 mm depth, .6 mm diameter, and
to determine where a stenosis is located. .600 mL/min flow) for defining access maturation is
easier to remember and obtains better results in dialysis
What Instruments Are Needed? units.
Ultrasound machines of any size, equipped with a To date, vascular laboratories or radiology departments
high-frequency probe (7.5-12 MHz) are required. have been responsible for performing maturation studies
Brightness-mode (B-Mode) ultrasound is standard on of the DVA, but with proper training, nephrology
any machine including hand-held ultrasound devices. practitioners can obtain the same parameters at the
For the utilization of Doppler, one has to differentiate bedside or in the office using POCUS. It is important to
between color Doppler and spectral Doppler. While color note that several additional questions can also be
Doppler is available on nearly all types of machines, answered using ultrasound at the bedside. Table 3 lists

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Dialysis Access Ultrasound 229

Table 1. Nomenclature of Dialysis Accesses

Type of Access Forearm Upper Arm
Autogenous access Radial-cephalic access (Snuff-box, Brachial-cephalic fistula
Cimino, RADAR) Transposed brachial-basilic fistula
Transposed ulnar-basilic (rare) Transposed brachial-brachial fistula (rare)
Proximal radial—perforans fistula (Gracz or Endo-arterio-venous fistula)
Proximal radial-cephalic bidirectional (Jennings) fistula
Prosthetic access Radial-cubital median/cephalic/basilic/ Brachial—axillary straight or loop graft
brachial straight graft Axillary-axillary loop graft
Brachial-cubital medial/cephalic/basilic/ Axillary-brachial loop graft (reverse)
brachial forearm loop graft

Abbreviation: RADAR ¼ radial artery deviation and reimplantation (surgical technique for radial-cephalic autogenous access creation).

many of the questions, which may be addressed with determine if an access vein or graft is accessible with
POCUS applications. needles. If the vessel in the body of the access is at more
than 5- to 6-mm depth, cannulation will be difficult or
Technical Aspects of Performing POCUS of DVA impossible. Figure 3 demonstrates a vessel that is sufficient
Rest the patient’s arm comfortably on a pillow. Before in size and at appropriate depth for cannulation. If the
beginning any DVA ultrasound study, it is of utmost vessel is not 5- to 6-mm wide, it will be difficult to
importance to apply a liberal amount of ultrasound gel to cannulate without significant trauma and usually
the region of interest. Without adequate gel, the trans- indicates that the access does not have the right flow and
mission of ultrasound waves, and therefore the image pressure balance.
acquisition, will be incomplete. In addition, it is important Tributary veins, known as side branches, can divert flow
not to apply too much pressure with the ultrasound probe. from the main access vein and can be a cause for poor
augmentation observed during the physical examination.
B-Mode Ultrasound Side branches can occur in the presence and in the absence
POCUS with B-Mode allows for a visual map of the DVA. It of stenoses of the access vein. In this situation, side
helps identify straight and curved sections. A transverse branches can be located by performing a transverse sweep
and longitudinal evaluation with B-Mode helps to (sweeping of the ultrasound probe from the inflow to the

Figure 1. Images of the most frequent types of accesses. (A) Left forearm radial-cephalic autogenous access. (B) Left upper
arm brachial-cephalic autogenous access. (C) Right upper arm transposed brachial-basilic autogenous access. (D) Left
forearm brachial-cephalic loop prosthetic access. (E) Left upper arm brachial axillary loop prosthetic access.
Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2021;28(3):227-235
230 Voiculescu and Hentschel

Table 3. Appropriate Questions for Dialysis Vascular Access

Diameter of access vein in needle insertion segment
(body of access)
Depth of access vein for needle insertion (body of access)
Presence and location of side-branches (yes/no)
Presence of extravasation/aneurysm/pseudo-aneurysm/fluid
Figure 2. Left forearm radial-cephalic autogenous access collection (yes/no)
with anastomosis at the “snuff-box”. Access with marking Presence of thrombus—partial or complete (yes/no)
of inflow, stick-zone or body of the access, and outflow. Guidance for needle insertion
outflow) over the access and subsequently drawn with a Direction of flow
marker on the skin (Fig 4). A fascia overlying the vein Differentiate between hematoma vs pseudo-aneurysm
can be another cause of poor augmentation and is again (yes/no)
detectable using B-Mode ultrasound (Fig 4). Doppler (spectral) mode
Flow volume measurement
Difficulty with cannulation in a patent access can be
caused by a partially occluding thrombus. Thrombi are Abbreviation: POCUS ¼ point-of-care ultrasound.
seen as echogenic, intraluminal filling defects.
Any abnormal findings after a proper physical examina-
tion and POCUS should help determine whether a fistulo-
gram with intervention (treating inflow or outflow appearance of commonly seen dialysis access–related
stenosis) or vascular access surgery (superficialization of pathologies.
the vein, fasciotomy, or side-branch ligation) is required Partial and complete thrombosis of the access are seen as
to make the DVA functional. hypoechoic material within the lumen of the vein or graft.
Using ultrasound as guidance for cannulation is another
highly useful application of POCUS. In the dialysis center, Color-Mode Ultrasound
bedside ultrasound can be used to mark the arm for needle The application of color-mode Doppler (C-Mode) can be
insertion. Alternatively, the needle can be inserted using used to determine the presence and the direction of flow.
real-time ultrasound.14,15 Protocols using ultrasound- As a general rule, flow moving toward the transducer
guided cannulations have been developed in several cen- will be coded red, and flow away from the transducer
ters.16,17 Ultrasound-guided cannulation is particularly will be coded blue. For POCUS, it is best to limit the use
useful in low-flow, low-pressure accesses and fistulas of C-Mode as a tool to help answer simple questions,
with multiple outflow veins, a situation that is often and not to map the entire access. While the physical
encountered in percutaneously created arteriovenous examination alone can reveal that there is flow, the
fistulas. addition of color can be helpful to determine flow into a
Occasionally, there is a lump or swelling over the access structure not related to the access, ie, pseudoaneurysm
that requires evaluation and interpretation. Ultrasound or continuous bleeding into the tissues (Fig 6).
can help determine whether the swelling is due to a
dilation of the vein (aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm) or if Spectral Doppler Ultrasound
there is a seroma, hematoma, or abscess overlying the Spectral Doppler (D-Mode) allows for the measuring of
access (Fig 5). Table 4 describes the ultrasonography flow velocities over time in a specific location and depicts

Table 2. Physical Examination Components for Normal and Dysfunctional Dialysis Accesses
Exam Component Normal Outflow Stenosis Inflow Stenosis
Thrill Continuous (juxta-anastomotic) Continuous (@stenosis) Discontinuous*
Discontinuous* (juxta-anastomotic)
Bruit Continuous (inflow/body) Continuous/Discontinuous* Continuous/Discontinuous*
High pitch @stenosis High pitch @stenosis
Pulsatility (feel at body of access) Normal Increased (retrograde Decreased (antegrade to stenosis)
to stenosis)
Augmentation (pulsatility while Normal Normal Weak
occluding outflow)
Collapse with arm elevation Complete (forearm fistula) No collapse retrograde Complete antegrade to stenosis
(observe at body of access Partial (upper arm fistula) to stenosis
while elevating arm over (This does not apply to grafts.)
the heart level)

*Depends on flow volume of the access. Bruit becomes discontinuous with lower flow volumes.

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Dialysis Access Ultrasound 231

Figure 3. Ultrasound images of a forearm radial-cephalic access showing a transverse and longitudinal view of the body of
the access with depth and diameter determination. Access vein and depth are adequate for needle insertion.

them in graph form. While B- and C-Mode ultrasound are ultrasound machines. Special attention is needed to make
relatively easy to learn, several additional steps need to be sure that the software is present and the settings are
mastered to correctly apply spectral Doppler. correct.
Spectral Doppler is required for flow volume determina- To obtain accurate flow volume measurements in a
tion. Timed average mean flow velocities (TAMVs) in a vessel, several rules need to be strictly applied (Table 5).
vessel as well as the diameter of the vessel for calculation With the understanding that only a straight vessel with
of the area are the parameters needed for the flow volume nonturbulent flow allows for correct flow measurement, it
calculation. TAMV needs to be obtained over several pulse is best to measure access flow volumes in the brachial artery close
cycles. The area of the vessel is calculated after measuring to the elbow or in a singular outflow vein as opposed to the “stick
the diameter of the vessel. zone”.10,12,18,19 Too often, the body of the access is tortuous
The following formula is used to measure flow volumes. and has varying diameters, and the flow is turbulent,
Flow volume in ml/min ¼ Mean velocity (TAMV) (cm/sec) resulting in inaccurate measurements. Also, it is of utmost
3 Area (cm2) 3 60 (sec) This formula is preprogramed in importance to measure flow velocities at the proper angle

Figure 4. Right forearm radial-cephalic autogenous access with poor augmentation. Ultrasound images demonstrate several
side-branches, which were then marked on the skin for planning of side-branch ligation as well as a fascia overlying the
vessel, which may require fasciotomy. At the level of the fascia, the depth is marginal for needle insertion and may need
additional tissue-removal (lipectomy) to make the vessel more accessible.

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232 Voiculescu and Hentschel

Figure 5. Left upper arm brachial-cephalic autogenous access, which suffered infiltrations. The B-Mode ultrasound
demonstrates that the vein is now at considerable depth, and a hematoma is overlying the vein. The diameter of the access
vein is sufficient. A map on the arm after evaluation of the depth can help with needle insertion.

(,60o), which is often impossible in a superficial vessel, of more than 25% over 4 months points toward access
such as the body of the access or the radial artery. Only a dysfunction.10
few studies compare the accuracy of ultrasound flow Sometimes, DVA can have too much flow, ie, greater than
measurement with both the brachial artery and outflow 1.5 or 2 L/min. High flow puts the access at risk of bleeding,
vein with that of invasive flow measurement.20 Figure 7 and high pressures, vein dilation with aneurysm
demonstrates the correct location for measuring flow formation. Patients with high flow are at risk to develop
volume in the brachial artery in a patient with a left steal symptoms and/or heart failure. With diagnosis of
forearm radial-cephalic autogenous access. Figure 8 high flow, it may be best to refer the patient for expert
demonstrates the images and measurements obtained for evaluation and possible treatment with flow reduction,
flow volume determination. ie, precision banding.23
DVA flow volumes can be highly variable. Flow volumes
can range from 200 to .3000 mL/min. The critical flow What Measurements Should Not Be Attempted with
volume of an autogenous access has been determined to POCUS
be around 400 mL/min. In a prosthetic access, the critical Spectral Doppler utilization for measurement of flow
flow volume is approximately 600 mL/min.21,22 A fistula velocities and determination of stenosis of the DVA is
with a flow volume below 400 mL/min will not sustain difficult because of the aforementioned reasons, and the
efficient dialysis at pump speeds of 350-400 mL/min, and values are difficult to interpret. They also have limited
a graft with a flow volume below 600 mL/min is at risk clinical use. Therefore, measurement of flow velocities
for thrombosis. In the event where serial flow volume along the entire circuit is not recommended to be a
measurements are performed, a decrease in flow volume standard for nonexpert vascular sonographers.

Table 4. Ultrasonographic Appearance of Commonly Seen Pathologies Associated With the Dialysis Access
Pathology Sonographic Appearance of Access-Related Pathologies
Seroma An-echoic round structure
Hematoma Hypoechoic/echo inhomogenous structure around the access vein
Abscess Hypoechoic/echo inhomogenous structure similar to a hematoma but with additional clinical signs of infection
Aneurysm Dilated segment of the access vein
Pseudoaneurysm Out pouching of the vessel with a pulsatile flow that appears on color and spectral Doppler
Tissue edema Cobblestoning pattern

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2021;28(3):227-235

Dialysis Access Ultrasound 233

Figure 6. Left upper arm brachial-cephalic access with “lump” and difficulties in needle insertion. B-Mode demonstrates
partially occluding thrombus with patent vessel underneath. The addition of color Doppler demonstrates continuous flow
into this partially thrombosed pseudoaneurysm.

Table 5. Step-by-Step Instruction for the Spectral Doppler Use for

Flow Volume Measurements
Dialysis Access Flow Volume Measurement Access Ultrasound Immediately After Creation of a
DVA, Before Utilization
1) Measure in a region of straight, nontapering, nonturbulent After creation, a DVA should be carefully examined for
flow (brachial artery at elbow or outflow vein at noncom- patency and maturation. The 5 points of the physical
pressible site).
examination can determine if there is any flow, if there
2) Start D-Mode (do not use C-Mode).
is sufficient augmentation, and if there is an outflow
3) The Doppler gate is to be placed in the middle of the vessel.
4) Adjust the angle of the incoming ultrasound waves using the
As long as there is bruit and thrill, the access is patent. If
steering function.
the vein itself is not well palpable and there is weak
5) Adjust gate to encompass at least 75% to 100% of the vessel
augmentation, POCUS can help determine depth, size,
6) Adjust the caliper for the angle correction to be parallel to the
and presence of side branches or an overlying fascia. The
vessel (angle between incoming ultrasound wave and additional measurement of flow volumes in the brachial
vessel , 60 ). artery will add pertinent information. A flow of less than
7) Start the spectral Doppler to obtain timed average flow 500-600 mL/min at 6 weeks after creation will require
velocities. expert evaluation for further management.24
8) Freeze image and Doppler and press Calculator.
9) Time averaged mean velocity (TAMV) not time average peak Access Ultrasound During DVA Utilization
velocities need to be preprogramed in calculation of flow Difficulty in Cannulation. POCUS can be used to check
volume. the diameter and depth of the access, which may have
10) TAMV should be determined over a sequence of 3-4 cardiac changed because of an infiltration. If the access is generally
cycles. to deep, then the use of B-Mode for real-time needle
11) The diameter of the vessel is measured perpendicular and insertion is another possible scenario.
with caution of not compressing the vessel.
Additional flow volume measurement can help deter-
12) TAMV and diameter will allow the calculation the flow
mine if the flows are too low or have decreased over time.
13) Obtain 2-3 measurements to ensure accuracy and average.
14) Document flow volume in conjunction with blood pressure
Lumps or Swelling Over the Access. Lumps or swelling
measured at the same time. over the access are frequent pathologies detected during
dialysis. In these situations, the DVA can be assessed

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234 Voiculescu and Hentschel

Figure 7. (A) Left forearm radial cephalic autogenous access, which is superficial and tortuous. (B) and (C) demonstrate the
difficulty to place the probe on the access. There is no area on the access vein allowing correct positioning. (D) The probe is
now placed at the elbow, evaluating the brachial artery. In this position, the vessel can be insonnated at an angle ,60 , and
compression of the vessel is less likely.

for pseudoaneurysms, hematoma, and extravasation with are considered to put patients at risk for steal or congestive
B- and C-Modes. heart failure.

Heart Failure or Steal Symptoms. Access flow volume SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
measurement can help diagnose a high-flow access. Even POCUS represents a very valuable extension of the DVA
though there is no standard definition of high flow, physical examination. It is portable, noninvasive, easily
generally flow volumes greater than 1500-2000 mL/min repeatable, and can be performed efficiently at bedside

Figure 8. (A) B-Mode image of the brachial artery demonstrating the direction of ultrasound waves as compared to the artery
and (B) the spectral Doppler for flow volume determination using the diameter and timed average mean velocities (TAMV)
over several heart cycles.

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Dialysis Access Ultrasound 235

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Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2021;28(3):227-235

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