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Question Text Model Answer/ Answer Key

What is the first step in providing first aid for severe Apply direct pressure to the wound
Which of the following is a common symptom of a Chest pain or discomfort
heart attack?
What is the recommended technique to assist Performing abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)
someone who is choking and unable to speak?

Define the term "ABC" in first aid. "ABC" stands for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation, which are the primary
concerns in assessing and managing a person's vital functions in a medical

What is the purpose of the recovery position in first The recovery position is used to maintain an open airway and prevent choking in
aid? an unconscious person by placing them on their side, allowing fluids to drain from
the mouth and reducing the risk of aspiration.

Define the term "hemorrhage." Hemorrhage refers to excessive bleeding, either internally or externally, typically
caused by injury, trauma, or underlying medical conditions.

What is the recommended compression-to- The recommended compression-to-ventilation ratio for CPR in adults is 30
ventilation ratio for CPR in adults? compressions to 2 rescue breaths.

Define the term "shock" in the context of first aid. Shock is a life-threatening condition characterized by inadequate blood flow and
oxygen delivery to the body's organs and tissues, often resulting from severe
injury, trauma, or medical emergencies.

What is the primary goal of splinting in first aid? The primary goal of splinting is to immobilize and stabilize a fractured or injured
bone or joint, reducing pain, preventing further damage, and promoting proper

explain the term "triage" in the context of first aid. Triage is the process of quickly assessing and prioritizing patients based on the
severity of their injuries or medical conditions to ensure that those with the most
critical needs receive prompt medical attention.

explainn asthma. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation of the

airways, leading to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest
tightness, and coughing.

illustrate dressing. Dressing refers to the protective covering applied to a wound or injury for
cleanliness, protection, and to promote healing. It can include materials like gauze,
bandages, and adhesive strips.

illustrate choking and sign and symptoms of choking. Choking occurs when the airway is blocked, hindering breathing. Signs include
clutching the throat, inability to speak or cough, and a bluish skin color.

outline the primary function of the skeleton in the The primary function of the skeleton is to provide structural support, protect
human body? internal organs, facilitate movement through joints, and serve as a mineral

outline name two signs of internal bleeding in an Two signs of internal bleeding in an abdominal injury are abdominal pain or
abdominal injury. tenderness upon touch and the presence of bruising or discoloration around the

outline the primary purpose of a tourniquet? The primary purpose of a tourniquet is to control severe bleeding by constricting
blood flow to a limb. It is used as a last resort when other methods fail.

show three types of bones and provide an example Long Bones (e.g., femur), Short Bones (e.g., carpals), Flat Bones (e.g., skull).
of each.
compare between voluntary and involuntary Voluntary muscles are under conscious control (e.g., biceps), while involuntary
muscles. muscles work without conscious effort (e.g., heart, digestive muscles).

identify the sign and symptoms of asthma. Common signs of asthma include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness,
and coughing, especially at night or in response to triggers.

apply the type of Bandage. Triangular bandage, elastic bandage, and roller bandage are common types used
for different purposes in first aid and wound care.

identify the purpose of first aid. The purpose of first aid is to provide immediate and initial care to a person
suffering from injury or illness. It aims to stabilize the condition, prevent further
harm, and promote recovery until professional medical help arrives.

identify the importance of early defibrillation in Early defibrillation is crucial in cardiac arrest as it helps restore a normal heart
cardiac arrest. rhythm. Rapid defibrillation within minutes of cardiac arrest significantly improves
the chances of survival by delivering an electric shock to the heart.

Develop the role of the skeleton in providing support The skeleton provides structural support for the body, facilitates movement
and protection for vital organs. through joints, and protects vital organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs from

Develop the purpose of an adhesive bandage in first Adhesive bandages serve to protect small cuts and wounds from infection,
aid for small cuts? promote healing by keeping the wound clean, and provide a barrier against
further injury or contamination.

Develop management of asthma. Asthma management involves using bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory
medications to control symptoms. Additionally, identifying triggers, maintaining an
action plan, and seeking emergency care when necessary are essential
components of asthma management.

Develop the common types of fractures and their Types include:

causes. Closed Fracture: Bone breaks without penetrating the skin.
Open Fracture: Bone breaks, and the broken end pierces the skin.
Greenstick Fracture: Incomplete break, common in children.
Comminuted Fracture: Bone shatters into multiple pieces.
Causes can be trauma, falls, or underlying medical conditions.

Develop a joint and describe its significance in A joint is a structure where two or more bones meet. Joints allow for movement
human movement. and flexibility, enabling essential functions like walking, running, and various body

Classify first aid kit A first aid kit is a collection of essential supplies and equipment for providing
immediate care in emergencies. It typically includes items such as bandages,
antiseptic wipes, scissors, adhesive tape, and pain relievers.

Classify the priority in providing first aid for an The priority in first aid for an amputation is to control bleeding by applying direct
amputation? pressure, elevating the injured part, and seeking emergency medical assistance

Campare between a sterile dressing and a bandage. A sterile dressing is a clean covering applied directly to a wound to prevent
infection. A bandage, on the other hand, is used to secure dressings in place,
provide support, and control bleeding. The dressing is sterile, while the bandage
may not be sterile but should be clean.

Analyze muscles work in pairs during body Muscles work in pairs during body movement through the principle of antagonistic
movement? Provide an example. action. For example, the biceps and triceps act as opposing pairs; when the biceps
contract, the triceps relax, and vice versa, allowing for the flexion and extension of
the arm.

Analyze the importance of regularly changing Regularly changing dressings on wounds is crucial to prevent infection, promote
dressings on wounds. healing, and monitor the progress of recovery. Fresh dressings maintain a clean
environment, absorb exudate, and minimize the risk of complications.

Analyze is a fracture, and how does it differ from a A fracture is a break in a bone, while a sprain involves the stretching or tearing of
sprain or strain? ligaments, and a strain involves the stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons.
Fractures are related to bones, while sprains and strains involve soft tissues.

Campsre the dynamic interaction between muscles In voluntary movements, muscles contract to pull on bones, creating movement at
and bones during voluntary and involuntary joints. In involuntary movements, such as reflexes, the nervous system triggers
movements. muscle contractions without conscious control, ensuring rapid responses to

Analyze the initial steps you should take in providing Initial steps include assessing the scene for safety, calling for professional medical
first aid for a suspected fracture? help, stabilizing the injured area with a splint, and providing support to the person
while awaiting medical assistance.
Analyze a step-by-step guide on how to Steps include washing hands, using gloves, cleaning the wound with mild soap and
appropriately clean and dress a wound using sterile water, applying an antiseptic, placing sterile dressing, securing with a bandage,
techniques. and monitoring for signs of infection.

Explain the importance of continuous monitoring Continuous monitoring during evacuation ensures timely identification of changes
during the evacuation of an injured person. in the injured person's condition, allowing for appropriate adjustments in care and
prompt communication with emergency services.

Evaluate the basic steps for cleaning and dressing a Clean hands, wash the wound with mild soap and water, pat dry, apply an
small cut. antiseptic, place a sterile dressing, and secure with a bandage.

Explain the purpose of the recovery position. The recovery position helps maintain an open airway and prevents aspiration in an
unconscious person. It promotes drainage of fluids from the mouth and minimizes
the risk of airway obstruction.

Defend between open and closed wounds, providing Open wounds involve a break in the skin (e.g., cuts), while closed wounds have no
examples of each. Discuss the potential break in the skin (e.g., contusions). Complications of open wounds may include
complications associated with open wounds. infection, delayed healing, and scarring. Closed wounds can lead to internal
bleeding or swelling.

Discuss how the health of joints is crucial for overall The health of joints is crucial for overall mobility as they facilitate movement and
mobility and the prevention of musculoskeletal provide stability. Maintaining joint health through proper exercise, a balanced diet,
disorders. and injury prevention is vital for preventing musculoskeletal disorders and
ensuring an active lifestyle.

Explain on the signs and symptoms of abdominal Signs of abdominal injuries include pain, tenderness, swelling, and bruising. First
injuries and the principles of first aid, considering aid principles involve ensuring the person lies still, seeking medical help, and
the potential for internal bleeding. monitoring for signs of shock or internal bleeding.

Explain in detail hand washing. Hand washing involves wetting hands, applying soap, rubbing hands together for
at least 20 seconds, including between fingers and under nails, rinsing thoroughly,
and drying with a clean towel. Proper hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the
spread of infections.

Explain the various types of bandages, their Types include triangular bandages for slings, elastic bandages for compression,
materials, and when to use each in first aid and roller bandages for securing dressings. Triangular bandages are versatile,
scenarios. elastic bandages provide support, and roller bandages secure dressings on various
body parts.

Explain the principles of muscle contraction and Muscle contraction involves the shortening of muscle fibers, while relaxation is the
relaxation, emphasizing the significance of tendons return to the original length. Tendons connect muscles to bones, transmitting the
in connecting muscles to bones. force generated by muscles to produce movement at joints.

Elaborate two types of bandages and describe their Triangular bandages are versatile for slings or head injuries, and elastic bandages
specific uses. provide compression for sprains or strains.

Develop two carry techniques for moving an injured Two carry techniques include the two-person seat carry and the clothes drag, both
person quickly. useful for quickly moving injured individuals to safety.

plan rapid action essential in the case of an Rapid action is essential to control bleeding and preserve the amputated part.
amputated body part? Proper first aid involves applying direct pressure, elevating the injury, and
transporting the amputated part with the person to the hospital.

Elaborate the principles of infection control in the Infection control in first aid includes proper hand hygiene with soap and water or
context of first aid, including proper hand hygiene hand sanitizer, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) like gloves, and
and the use of personal protective equipment. maintaining a clean environment to reduce the risk of infection transmission.

Explain the differences between arterial and venous Arterial bleeding is bright red and spurts with each heartbeat, while venous
bleeding, and outline the steps to control severe bleeding is darker and flows steadily. To control severe bleeding, apply direct
bleeding in a first aid scenario. pressure, use a tourniquet if necessary, and seek professional medical help

Explain the proper procedure for applying a sterile Follow these steps: wash hands, use sterile gloves, clean the wound, apply an
dressing to a wound, considering the principles of antiseptic, place a sterile dressing, secure with a bandage, and avoid
wound care and infection prevention. contaminating the dressing. Regularly change dressings to prevent infection.

Explain head to toe examination. A head-to-toe examination involves systematically assessing each body part for
injuries or abnormalities. It includes checking the head, neck, chest, abdomen,
pelvis, extremities, and back for signs of trauma or medical issues.

Develop a step-by-step guide on how to perform Call for help, check for responsiveness, start chest compressions, perform rescue
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), emphasizing breaths, and continue the cycle until professional help arrives. Emphasize the
the importance of chest compressions and rescue importance of compressions for circulating blood and rescue breaths for
breaths. oxygenation.

Adapte how the muscular system contributes to The muscular system contributes to posture, stability, and complex activities.
posture, stability, and the execution of complex Injuries or strains can impact function, causing pain, reduced mobility, and
activities, and elucidate how muscle injuries or dysfunction. Proper rehabilitation and preventive measures are essential for
strains can impact overall musculoskeletal function. musculoskeletal health.

What is the main function of the nervous system? Communication

what Fits, convulsions, and seizures are terms often Nervous system disorders
associated with:

what are primary function of the gastrointestinal Nutrient absorption

system is:

What is the role of neurotransmitters in the nervous Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit signals between
system? neurons. They play a crucial role in the transmission of nerve impulses, affecting
mood, cognition, and various physiological processes.

Define the term "hypothermia." Hypothermia is a condition where the body temperature drops below the normal
range, leading to symptoms such as shivering, confusion, and, in severe cases,
organ failure. It can result from prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.

Define the term "AED" in the context of emergency AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator. It is a portable device that
response. delivers an electric shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm in cases of sudden
cardiac arrest. AEDs are crucial in emergency response for prompt defibrillation.

What is the immediate action for someone having a Ensure the person's safety by moving objects away, place them on their side to
seizure? keep the airway clear, cushion their head, and time the seizure. Do not restrain or
put anything in their mouth.

what are the defference between a burn and a scald. A burn is a general term for damage to the skin caused by heat, electricity, or
chemicals. A scald specifically refers to a burn caused by hot liquid or steam.

Define the term "frostbite." Frostbite is a condition where skin and other tissues freeze due to exposure to
extreme cold, leading to ice crystal formation within cells and potential tissue

outline what age does male puberty typically begin? Male puberty typically begins between the ages of 9 and 16, with an average
starting age around 12.

outline Name a complication associated with an Complications may include internal injuries, muscle and tissue damage, cardiac
electrical burn. arrhythmias, and neurological issues due to the passage of electric current
through the body.

illustrate is the first step in providing first aid for a The first step is to cool the burn with running cool (not cold) water for at least 10
burn injury? minutes to stop the burning process and alleviate pain.

outline name two types of burns. Thermal burns (caused by heat sources like flames or hot objects) and chemical
burns (resulting from contact with corrosive substances).

Explain the degree of burn. First-degree burns involve the outer layer of skin, second-degree burns affect both
the outer layer and part of the underlying layer, and third-degree burns damage or
destroy the full thickness of the skin and may involve underlying tissues.

Explain the signs and symptoms of burn. These can include redness, pain, swelling (for first-degree burns), blistering (for
second-degree burns), and charred or white skin (for third-degree burns).

illustate immediate actions should be taken if a Do not rub the eye. Blink several times to encourage tears to wash out the object.
foreign object enters the eye? If blinking doesn't work, rinse the eye gently with cool water. If the object remains,
seek medical attention. Avoid rubbing as it can cause further damage.

illustrate some common treatments for epilepsy. Antiepileptic medications, ketogenic diet, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), and in
some cases, surgical procedures to remove or disconnect the seizure focus.

show common symptoms of a stroke. Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, confusion, trouble
speaking or understanding speech, severe headache, and difficulty walking or
maintaining balance.

develop the primary goal of first aid for a snake bite? The primary goal is to keep the victim calm and still to slow the spread of venom.
First aid involves immobilizing the bitten limb, keeping it at or below heart level,
and seeking immediate medical attention.

develop is the role of the placenta during The placenta serves as a lifeline between the mother and fetus, providing oxygen
pregnancy? and nutrients while removing waste products. It also produces hormones that
support pregnancy.

develop are the primary physical changes that occur Physical changes include the growth of facial and body hair, deepening of the
during male puberty? voice, development of the Adam's apple, growth spurt, and the enlargement of
the testicles and penis.

identify the stages of pregnancy, highlighting key Three stages:

developmental milestones for both the mother and First Trimester: Initial development of major organs and body structures.
the fetus. Second Trimester: Rapid fetal growth, and the mother may feel fetal movement.
Third Trimester: Continued growth, maturation of organs, and preparation for

identify the stages of labor and delivery, including Three stages:

the physiological processes and emotional First Stage: Onset of contractions to full cervical dilation.
experiences involved. Second Stage: Full dilation to birth of the baby.
Third Stage: Expulsion of the placenta.

plan are the main types of seizures? Generalized seizures (affecting the whole brain), focal seizures (originating in a
specific part of the brain), absence seizures, and tonic-clonic seizures.

illustrate does the nervous system contribute to the The nervous system regulates body temperature by controlling blood flow,
regulation of body temperature? sweating, and metabolic processes. The hypothalamus acts as a thermostat to
maintain a stable internal temperature.

illustate the steps in providing first aid for sunburn, Move to shade, cool the affected area with cold compresses, drink water to stay
including prevention strategies. hydrated, apply aloe vera or moisturizing lotion, and take over-the-counter pain
relievers if needed. Prevention strategies include using sunscreen and avoiding
prolonged sun exposure.

develop the steps in managing a person with an Wash the wound with soap and water, apply an antiseptic, control bleeding with a
animal bite, considering infection prevention. clean cloth, and cover with a sterile dressing. Seek medical attention to assess for
infection risk, and ensure the person is up to date on tetanus vaccination.

Analyze is the acronym FAST used for in the context FAST stands for Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, and Time to call
of stroke awareness? emergency services. It is used to recognize and respond quickly to symptoms of a

Analyze the key physical changes that mark the Physical changes include breast development, growth spurt, the onset of
onset of female puberty? menstruation (menarche), development of pubic and underarm hair, and changes
in body shape.

Analyze what are the common methods of Natural childbirth (vaginal delivery), cesarean section (C-section), water birth, and
childbirth? assisted deliveries using forceps or vacuum extraction.

Classify the causes and first aid measures for Causes include exposure to cold temperatures. First aid involves moving the
hypothermia. person to a warm environment, removing wet clothing, wrapping in blankets, and
providing warm fluids.

Classify differentiate between first-degree, second- First-degree burns involve the outer skin layer, second-degree burns affect the
degree, and third-degree burns. outer and part of the underlying layer, and third-degree burns damage all skin
layers and may involve underlying tissues.

Classify the steps in providing first aid for someone Stay hydrated with clear fluids, rest, and avoid solid foods initially. If symptoms
with food poisoning. persist or are severe, seek medical attention. Prevention includes proper food
handling and hygiene.
Explore the importance of communication and Communication fosters understanding, consent ensures mutual agreement, and
consent in a healthy sexual relationship, and discuss education promotes responsible behavior, emphasizing the importance of
the role of education in promoting responsible consent, respect, and communication in healthy sexual relationships.
sexual behavior.
Discuss the psychological challenges commonly Boys may face challenges related to body image, self-esteem, and peer
faced by boys during puberty, exploring topics such relationships. Changes in appearance and emotions can contribute to feelings of
as body image, self-esteem, and peer relationships. insecurity, making supportive environments and education vital.

Explore the role of healthcare providers, support Healthcare providers support women during childbirth by monitoring the mother
systems, and medical interventions in the childbirth and baby's health, providing pain management, assisting with delivery, and
process, discussing both natural and medically- addressing complications. Support systems and medical interventions contribute
assisted delivery options. to safe and positive childbirth experiences.

explain are the immediate steps to take after an Wash the wound with soap and water, apply an antiseptic, control bleeding, and
animal bite? cover with a sterile dressing. Seek medical attention to assess for infection risk and
consider tetanus vaccination.

explain is the definition of sexual intercourse? Sexual intercourse is the act of engaging in genital contact, typically involving
penetration, between individuals for the purpose of sexual pleasure, reproduction,
or both.

plan Differentiate between male and female Male puberty changes include voice deepening, facial and body hair growth, and
puberty change. testicle enlargement. Female changes involve breast development, menstruation
onset, and body shape alterations.

explain are the common signs and symptoms of an Signs include redness, swelling, pain, and itching. Manage by removing the stinger,
insect sting, and how should they be managed? cleaning the area, applying a cold compress, and using over-the-counter
antihistamines or pain relievers.

explain a long note on significance of first aid in your In healthcare-related courses, understanding first aid is crucial for immediate
perticuler course. response to emergencies. It ensures students can provide initial care, stabilize
conditions, and prevent further harm, laying the foundation for advanced medical

Describe the hormonal fluctuations in female Hormones like estrogen and progesterone increase, leading to breast
puberty and their influence on both physical and development, body hair growth, and menstrual cycle initiation. Hormonal
emotional aspects of development. fluctuations influence mood swings, emotional changes, and the development of
secondary sexual characteristics.

Outline the first aid measures for foreign objects in Emphasize not to attempt removal if objects are embedded or deep. For the eye,
the eye, ear, nose, or skin, emphasizing the flush with clean water. For the ear, don't use objects. For the nose, do not push
importance of professional medical assistance. further. For the skin, clean around the object. Seek professional medical assistance

Discuss the common causes and first aid measures Causes include infections or dietary issues. First aid involves staying hydrated with
for diarrhea, emphasizing the importance of oral rehydration solutions, avoiding certain foods, and seeking medical attention if
rehydration. symptoms persist or worsen.

Discuss the steps to manage road and traffic Ensure safety, call for emergency services, assess victims, provide first aid without
accidents, considering the safety of both victims and jeopardizing safety, and wait for professional help. Prioritize victim and first
first responders. responder safety.

explain are the early signs of pregnancy Early signs include missed periods, breast tenderness, nausea, increased urination,
and fatigue. Confirming pregnancy through a test and seeking prenatal care are

explain unconsciousness different from sleep? Unconsciousness is a state of being unaware and unresponsive, while sleep is a
natural, periodic state involving reduced consciousness and physiological activity.

explain can one alleviate the itching and swelling Apply a cold compress, use over-the-counter antihistamines or corticosteroid
associated with insect stings? creams, and avoid scratching to prevent further irritation.

Discuss the steps in managing swallowed foreign Encourage coughing if the person can, do not attempt abdominal thrusts, seek
objects, addressing potential complications and professional help if the object does not come out, and monitor for signs of
when to seek medical attention. distress.

Explore the societal and cultural factors that can Societal and cultural factors can influence body image, self-esteem, and mental
contribute to the emotional experiences of girls well-being in girls during puberty. Peer expectations, media influence, and cultural
during puberty, including the impact on identity,
relationships, and mental well-being. norms can contribute to emotional experiences.

Describe the common signs of infection that may Signs include redness, swelling, warmth, pus or discharge, and increasing pain.
follow an untreated animal bite. Infection may spread to surrounding tissues or the bloodstream.

Discuss the types of burns associated with heat, Heat burns require cool water, electrical burns need power cutoff, and chemical
electricity, and chemicals, outlining specific first aid burns require flushing. First aid involves removing the source, cooling the burn,
measures for each. and seeking medical help.

Plan a comprehensive overview of epilepsy, including Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. Types
its types, triggers, and first aid measures for include focal and generalized seizures, triggered by various factors. First aid
someone experiencing a seizure. involves ensuring safety, cushioning the head, and staying with the person during
the seizure.

Elaborate the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of a Risk factors include high blood pressure and smoking. Signs include face drooping,
stroke, elaborating on the importance of timely arm weakness, and speech difficulty. Immediate intervention is crucial, and
intervention and rehabilitation. rehabilitation aids recovery.

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