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Time: 2 hrs Question paper : 80

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]
(Attempt all questions from this Section.
Question 1 [15marks]
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.)
i) Which pair of elements listed below will not undergo covalent bond
(a) H and O (b) C and H (c) C and Cl (d) Na and Cl.
ii) Two bases which are not Alkali.
(a) Al(OH)3 and ZnO (b) Na2O and K2O
( c) NaOH and KOH (d) Ca(OH)2 and NH4OH.
iii) A metal M forms an oxide having the formula M2O3. It belongs to third
period. The atomic no. and valency of the metal is :
(a) 12 and 3 (b) 5 and 3 ( c) 13 and 2 (d) 13 and 3.
iv) The precipitate which is insoluble in HNO3 but soluble in NH4OH.:
(a) Pb(OH)2 (b) PbCl2 ( c) AgCl (d) AgOH
v) The number of molecules in 3.6g of H2O:
(a) 1.2 x 1023 (b) 0.2 x 1023 (c ) 6 x 1023 (d) 12 x 1023
vi) Which of the following pairs of metals are extracted only by
(a) Na and Pb (b) Ca and Cu (c ) Na and Ca (d) Ag and K
vii) Name an alloy of Cu used in musical instruments.
(a) Brass (b) Bronze (c) Duralumin (d) German silver.
viii) Mr. Raj Kumar happen to explain the acidity of HCl using red rose
petals. Which of the following will show the acidity?
(a) Dry HCl gas (b) wet red rose petals
(c) Dry HCl and dry Rose petals (d) All of the above.
ix) In the manufacture of Sulphuric acid ,SO3 is absorbed in :
(a) H2O (b) Conc.H2SO4 (c) Quartz (d) Oleum
ix) A yellow precipitate obtained by the passage of H 2S through a
solution of Lead nitrate is of:
(a) PbCl2 (b) Pb(OH)2 (c) PbSO4 (d) PbS
x) Which of the following hydrocarbon undergoes substitution reaction?
(a) Acetylene (b) carbon tetra chloride (c) methane (d) Ethene
xi) The functional group present in Methanal is:
(a) Ether (b) Aldehyde (c) Ketone (d) Oic acid
xi) An organic compound X of molecular formula C2H4O2, gives a brisk
effervescence with sodium bicarbonate . X is:
(a) Acetic acid (b) Formic acid (c) Benzoic acid (d) Oxalic acid
xii) The blue colour of aqueous Copper sulphate solution remains
unchanged during its electrolysis due to:
(a) Pt electrode (b) graphite electrode
(c) Cu electrode (d) Zn electrode
xiii) Sodium atoms and Sodium ions :
(a) Are chemically same. (b) have the same number of protons.
(c ) have same number of electrons (d) form covalent bonds.
xiv) The metallic oxide reduced to metal generally by electrolysis is :
(a) Fe2O3 (b) MgO (c ) CuO (d) Ag2O
xv) The correct order of electron affinities is :
(a) Cl > Si > Na > Ar (b) Si > Cl > Na > Ar
(c ) Cl > Na > Si > Ar (d) Cl > Si > Ar > Na
Question 2 [5]
a) Fill in the blanks with the correct choices given in the brackets:
i) Pure water consists almost entirely of ______. ( ions/ molecules /
ii) If an element has a high Ionisation energy, then it is likely to be
______. ( metallic / nonmetallic ).
iii) An aqueous solution of HCl gas is named _______.( muriatic acid /
aqua fortis / oil of vitriol)
iv) Conversion of Ethene to Ethane is an example of ______ reaction .
(addition/ substitution)
v) Warm water reacts with Magnesium nitride to give _______ gas.
( N2 /NH3 / NO )

b) The given figure shows Laboratory preparation of Ammonia gas: [5]

(i) Identify X and Y .

(ii) Name the method of collection of NH3 gas and why?
(iii) Name the drying agent used in drying the gas.
(iv) Give the balanced chemical equation for the above preparation.
(v) Explain why inverted funnel arrangement is used for the preparation
of ammonium hydroxide.
c) Match the following by writing the correct options from column B against
column A [5]
Column A Column B
i) Liquor Ammonia fortis i) triple covalent bond
ii) Acetic acid ii) catenation
iii) Cryolite iii) 880 NH 3
iv) Nitrogen iv) ethanoic acid
v) Carbon chain v) An Al ore
d) Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason(R):
i) Assertion (A) : Moist hydrogen gas combines with chlorine to form
hydrogen chloride gas, in diffused sunlight , the reaction is slow.
Reason (R) : This reaction is fast and explosive in direct sunlight.
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
3. A is true but R is false.
4. A is false but R is true.
ii) Assertion (A) : Basicity of Acetic acid is 1. [2]
Reason (R) : Number of replaceable hydrogen atom is 1.
1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
3. A is true but R is false.
4. A is false but R is true.
e) i) Give the IUPAC name for the following : [2]
1. CH3-CH2-CHO 2. H3C-CH2-CH2-OH
ii) Ammonia gas dissolves in water to form Ammonium hydroxide.[2]
Give the dot structure for the formation of the Positive ion formed .
iii) 2500 cc of oxygen was burnt with 600 cc of ethane (C2H6).
Calculate the volume of unused oxygen and the volume of carbon
dioxide formed, after writing the balanced equation: [4]
Ethane + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + water vapour.
SECTION B [40 Marks]
Question 3
(a) A suffocating gas X is produced when a yellow brittle element burns and the
solution of this gas in water turns blue litmus red. [5]
Answer the following questions.
i) Name the gas X .
ii) Name the yellow brittle element.
iii) Is the solution of the gas in water acidic or basic?
iv) To which group , the element belongs?
v) Is the yellow substance a nonmetal or a metal?
(b) Element A, B and C have atomic numbers 6, 9 and 19 respectively. [3]
i) Which element forms an anion?
ii) Which element forms a cation?
iii) What type of bond exists B and C and give its molecular formula?
(c) Write a balanced equations for each of the following: [2]
i) Catalytic oxidation of Ammonia.
ii) Laboratory preparation of Ethyne.
Question 4
a) i) State Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes. [1]
ii)24 x 10 molecules of nitrogen gas present in a gas cylinder. If the
relative atomic mass of nitrogen is 14 and Avogadro’s number is 6 x 1023 ,
then determine
1. the mass of nitrogen in the cylinder.
2. The volume of nitrogen at STP in dm3 [2]
iii) What volume of oxygen at s.t.p will be obtained by the action of heat on
20 g of KClO3 . [K= 39 , Cl = 35.5 , O = 16] [2]
b) An electrolytic cell is set up using two platinum electrodes and an aqueous
solution of Copper (II) sulphate. [5]
i) Draw a labelled diagram of the electrolytic cell.
ii) Write the reaction occurring at the cathode .
iii) Write the reaction occurring at the Anode.
iv) Write the products formed at cathode and anode.
Question 5
a) How is ethene prepared by (i) Dehydration (ii) Dehydrohalogenation [2]
b) Use the list of compounds given below in the box to answer the following
questions : [3]
Ethane, Ethene, Ethanoic acid, Ethyne, Ethanol

i) The compound with -OH as a part of its structure.

ii) The compound with -COOH as the part of its structure.
iii) First member of homologous series with general formula C nH2n.
c) Give the structural formula of each of the following : [3]
i) Acetaldehyde ii) 2-pentyne iii) Di methyl ether.
d) Give reason : [2]
i) Pure Nitric acid is colourless but the acid obtained in the laboratory
is slightly yellow.
ii) Water is never poured on concentrated acid to dilute it.
Question 6
a) Give one chemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of
compounds. [5]
i) FeCl3 and CuCl2 solution using Sodium hydroxide.
ii) Zn(NO)3 and Ca(NO)3 solution using Ammonium hydroxide.
iii) ZnS and ZnCO3 using dil. Sulphuric acid.
iv) Ethane and ethene using alkaline KMnO4.
v) Dil. HCl and dil. H2SO4 using Barium chloride solution.
b) Arrange the following elements as per the guidelines in the brackets [5]
1. Cl, Na, Mg, P (decreasing atomic size)
2. C, Li, F, N (increasing electronegativity)
3. Cl, Al, Na, S (increasing ionisation potential)
4. Li, F, C, O (increasing electron affinity)
5. Ar, He, Ne (increasing no. of electron shells)
Question 7
a) Some methods used for the laboratory preparation of salts are [5]
(A) Metal + acid
(B) Carbonate + acid
(C) Precipitation (double decomposition)
(D) Direct combination
(E) Titration
Copy and complete the following table.
Salt Method of Preparation
Ammonium sulphate
Calcium carbonate
Iron (III) chloride
Lead nitrate
Zinc sulphate
a) Answer the following questions related to silver plating on a copper article.
i) Which ions must be present in the electrolyte? [1]
ii) Which type of material is used in making the anode? [1]
iii) Give the reaction at Cathode and Anode. [2]
Question 8
a) The action of heat on the blue crystalline solid P gives a reddish brown
gas Q , a gas which re-lights a glowing splint and leaves a Yellow residue
. When gas R, possessing rotten egg smell is passed through a solution
of P, a yellow precipitate is formed. [5]
i) Identify P,Q and R
ii) Write the balanced equation for action of heat on P.
iii) Write the balanced equation for action of gas R in the solution of P.
b) Bauxite is the ore of Aluminium.
With respect to the above statement answer the following questions.
i) Name the process involved in concentrating the ore. [1]
ii) Write all the equations involved in the concentration process. [3]
iii) Name an alloy of Aluminium used in making body of aircraft. [1]

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