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 Let’s Clean Up!

The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.
 Let’s Clean Up!
The Rahmansyahs work together to keep the house clean. In the morning, everyone in the
family makes the bed. Every day, Sinta sweeps and mops the Floor and Galang takes out
the trash. Each of them take turns to wash the dishes every night. Ibu Posma cooks
everyday. While she cooks, Ara usually plays with her toys. When she inishes playing,
she puts away the toys. Pak Rahmansyah does the laundry every other day. He cleans the
windows and the furniture every Saturday. The Rahmansyahs are busy every day.

1. Broom: Sapu

2. Paper Bag: Plastik sampah besar

3. Bucket: Ember

4. Vacuum Cleaner: Penyedot debu

5. Detergent: Deterjen

6. Disinfectant: Pembasmi hama/virus/kotoran

7. Doormat: Keset

8. Dustbin: Tempat sampah

9. Gloves: Sarung tangan

10. Hairbush: Sikat rambut

11. Hose: Selang

12. Lawnmower: Mesin potong rumput

13. Mop: Alat Pel

14. Shampoo: Sampo

15. Soap: Sabun

16. Table Mat: Taplak meja

17. Tissues: Tisu

18. Toilet Paper: Tisu toilet

19. Toothbrush: Sikat gigi

20. Toothpaste: Pasta gigi

21. Towel: Handuk

22. Trash Compactor: Penghancur sampah

23. Washing Machine: Mesin cuci


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