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Visual art, which includes dance, as well as audiovisual technology, shares the image as a means
of communication. That is why we start from the field of communication sciences and social
sciences to seek an explanation that justifies a reason for the communication that continues to
move the union of these fields. We are faced with an art that unites several disciplines, in
particular new technologies and dance. The purpose from the beginning is to discover the path
between the two fields, dance and technology, to understand how they have been developing,
and to analyze, evaluate and understand its current state. In the methodology therefore has had
equal importance between bibliographic sources and videographic sources and Internet around
the two fields that concern us. It is a qualitative method where the methodology, in addition to
the research lines of the social sciences, will be enriched by the incorporation of the information
provided through new technologies that have been identified as a priority from the beginning.

- Dance and technology

Contemporary dance emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, in the midst of the
effervescence of the turn of the century. It is the beginning of the questioning of values and the
search for new forms. "It is a form of corporal expression originated by the transposition carried
out by the dancer, by means of a formulation of the dancer, by means of a formulation of the
dance. by the dancer, by means of a personal formulation, of a fact, an idea, a sensation or a
feeling" .it becomes a way of being for the man who wants to to speak using his body. It is
eclectic and integrative, versatile and open to other influences from which it will be enriched,
embracing other disciplines such as new technologies. In short, it is a new form of expression
that emerges in the midst of great changes. It becomes a need for expression driven by
everything that concerns society. And is that dance as art is not born outside of social conditions,
art is a social reflection. "Reality is there for whoever wants it. It is necessary that the real be
reconstructed by us". It is a need for expression that currently has infinite possibilities with new
advances and new technologies. The public is no longer considered a simple passive spectator.

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