FCPS EYE 23 May 2023 (M)

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Fixation of thoracic wall Ⓑ Adduction of vocal cords glossopharyngeal nerve actually supplies stylopharyngeus ➜ this
Ⓒ Increase pressure Ⓓ Phonation proximity and related function may lead to confusion

Ⓒ Pushing chest above bar ➜ requires increased intra-abdominal 90. Larynx is made of both hyaline and elastic cartilage. A
and intrathoracic pressure ➜ larynx is involved in increasing this structure that has both types: (ENT 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84338
pressure. Ⓐ Epiglottis Ⓑ Thyroid cartilage
83. What is true about inverse stretch reflex: (ENT 23 May Ⓒ Arytenoids Ⓓ Cuneiforms
2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84330
Ⓐ Epiglottis ☛ has both types of cartilage ➜ it to be flexible (elastic
Ⓐ Muscle spindle cells Ⓑ Regulate tension in muscle cartilage) yet maintain structure (hyaline cartilage).
Ⓒ Doesn't let muscles stretch beyond a limit other structures of larynx, like the thyroid cartilage and cricoid
Ⓓ Is monosynaptic cartilage, are primarily made of hyaline cartilage

Ⓒ Muscle stretches ➜ Inverse stretch reflex activated ( Golgi tendon 91. A diver has hearing loss: (ENT 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84339
reflex) ➜ Contraction of muscle fibers decreases ➜ Prevents muscle
Ⓐ Hemotympanum due to negative middle ear pressure
from stretching beyond a safe limit.
Ⓑ Displacement of ossicles
84. Blood supply of middle ear is mostly by: (ENT 23 May 2023 Ⓒ Rupture of tympanic membrane (TM)
(M)) - ID: 84331
Ⓒ Diver descends or ascends too quickly ➜ rapid change in pressure
Ⓐ Maxillary artery Ⓑ Auricular artery can lead to barotrauma ➜ tympanic membrane (eardrum) rupture ➜
Ⓒ Facial artery Ⓓ Occipital artery lead to hearing loss

Ⓐ Middle ear Blood supply is primarily derived from maxillary 92. Post ethmoidal sinus has intimate relation with: (ENT 23
division of external carotid artery, which is complemented by branches May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84341
of the internal carotid artery.
Ⓐ Trigeminal nerve Ⓑ Ophthalmic artery
Deep auricular branch of the maxillary artery supplies lateral surface
Ⓒ Hypoglossal nerve
of the tympanic membrane

85. Main arterial supply of palatine tonsil I through: (ENT 23 Ⓑ Post ethmoidal sinus ☛ located within ethmoid bone in skull ➜
May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84332 found between orbit and upper nasal cavity ➜ in close proximity to
ophthalmic artery ➜ which travels near this region as it enters orbit
Ⓐ Facial artery Ⓑ Lingual artery through optic canal
Ⓒ Maxillary artery Ⓓ Ascending palatine artery

Ⓓ Ascending palatine artery is a branch of facial artery ➜ moves

upward between pharynx and styloglossus muscle ➜ sends several

Eye 23 May 2023

branches to palatine tonsil, which is located in pharynx, being the main
arterial supply.

86. The structure most superficial in submandibular gland:

(ENT 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84333

Ⓐ Retromandibular vein Ⓑ Lingual artery

Ⓐ submandibular gland is a salivary gland situated beneath floor of 1. Patient with myasthenia gravis on neostigmine and
mouth ➜ retromandibular vein runs superficially, making it most atropine was doing well but now the response is
superficial structure to submandibular gland. decreasing. Edrophonium is given and symptoms
improved. What will you do (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID:
87. A patient had heat intolerance and exophthalmos. 23
What is mainly the cause? (ENT 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84334
Ⓐ Withdraw neostigmine Ⓑ Increase neostigmine
Ⓐ TRH Ⓑ TSH Ⓒ Withdraw atropine Ⓓ Increase atropine
Ⓒ TSI Ⓓ Cortisol
Ⓑ Myasthenia ☛ complement activity increases and decreases with
Ⓒ TSI ☛ often present in Graves' disease ➜ overproduction of thyroid inc or dec in no of synaptic receptor ➜ ↑ neostigmine dose when
hormones ➜ inflammation and swelling in tissues around eyes causing patient is getting weak.
exophthalmos, eyes bulge out. Edrophoinum ☛ short acting ➜ used for diagnosis
TSH ☛ in Graves' disease, typically low due to a feedback, whereas
2. Among Following which one is most obvious sign of
TSI, mimicking TSH, keeps stimulating thyroid
malignancy (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 82
88. Pt had a mass in lung tissue. He had increased serum
Ⓐ Loss of differentiation
Na level and decreased urine osmolality. It is due to
Ⓑ Increased nuclear- cytoplasmic ratio
increased: (ENT 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84335
Ⓒ Metastasis Ⓓ Decrease telomerase activity
Ⓐ Cortisol Ⓑ ADH
Ⓒ ACTH Ⓓ Thyroid hormones Ⓒ Cancer ☛ can also spread regionally, to nearby lymph nodes,
tissues, or organs ➜ can spread to distant parts of body ➜ it is called
Ⓑ ADH ☛ responsible for retaining water in body ➜ Increased ADH metastatic cancer.
can lead to SIADH ➜ decreased urine osmolality
3. The patient came in ER with chest pain ECG normal
SIADH can be caused by lung ca ➜ pseudo-hyponatremia.
cardiac enzymes normal doctor advised thoracic cage X.
89. Nerve that arises from nerve to mylohyoid supplies: RAY. Which one of these structures is a primary
(ENT 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84337 cartilaginous Amphiarthrosis joint? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +14
past) - ID: 894
Ⓐ Styloglossus Ⓑ Stylopharyngeus
Ⓒ Levator palatini Ⓓ Tensor palatini Ⓐ Costochondral Ⓑ Teeth and jaw
Ⓒ Inferior tibiofibular joint Ⓓ Sutures of skull
Ⓑ Inferior alveolar nerve (branch of trigeminal nerve) ➜ gives off a Ⓔ Sutures of skull
branch before entering mandibular canal ➜ this branch is nerve to
mylohyoid ➜ this nerve is close to glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) ➜

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Costochondral joint is a primary cartilaginous joint (The bones ✪ Proprioceptors in skeletal muscle and joints ➜ Stretch ➜ detected by
involved are connected by hyaline cartilage . It also sometimes occur the medulla ➜ increased rate and depth of respiration. ( Guyton )
between ossification centers)
11. What would be the Response of the posterior
4. A patient with carcinoma of the lower lip. Lymphatic hypothalamus in thermoregulation of body? (Med 25 May 2023
drainage of the lower lip is (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +18 past) - (A.N) +14 past) - ID: 4530
ID: 1291
Ⓐ Peripheral vasodilation Ⓑ Shivering
Ⓐ Submental and submandibular Ⓒ Sweating Ⓓ Stress
Ⓑ Submental and supraclavicular
Ⓒ Submental only Ⓓ Deep cervical lymph node on Ⓑ ✪ Posterior hypothalamus ☛ Excited by cold signals from skin
and spinal cord ➜ Shivering ➜ Thermegenesis
Ⓐ The lymph from the sides of the lower lip drain into submandibular ✪ Anterior hypothalamus ☛ respond to heat
nodes, whereas the lymph from the middle third of lower lip drains into ✦ Ganong, Pg. 319 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 498
submental lymph nodes.
12. In REM sleep main neurotransmitter is? (Eye 23 May 2023
5. Histology slide shows rete ridges with nuclear atypia (M) +4 past) - ID: 4613

and nuclear pleomorphism with infiltrating malignant Ⓐ Serotonin Ⓑ Acetylcholine

epithelial cells.Likely cause is (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +18 past) Ⓒ Dopamine Ⓓ Nor-epinephrine
- ID: 2753

Ⓐ Verrucous Carcinoma Ⓑ Squamous Carcinoma Ⓑ Cholinergic neurons ( produce acetylcholine ) ☛ ↑ activity in

Ⓒ Transitional Cell carcinoma Ⓓ Small cell carcinoma REM sleep wakefulness and wakefulness and ↓ activity in NREM sleep.
✦ Bradley’s Neurology, Pg. 1623

Ⓐ Verrucous carcinoma ☛ variant of squamous cell carcinoma ➜ 13. Stimulated due to Hypoxia, which one of the following
ridges , pleomorphism , Parakaratin pluggin further stimulates erythroid stem cells to proliferate and
Squamous Carcinoma ☛ Absent Rete ridges and Parakeratin pluggin differentiate (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 6637
✦ Reference, Pg.
Ⓐ Erythropoietin Ⓑ Growth factors
6. Following drug is used in hepatic transplant without
Ⓒ Growth hormone Ⓓ Androgen
causing Bone Marrow Suppression but cause
Nephrotoxicity. (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +13 past) - ID: 2938 Ⓐ Hypoxia ➜ stimulates Erythropoietin ➜ stimulates erythroid stem
Ⓐ Cyclophosphamide Ⓑ Cyclosporine cells to divide ➜ ↑ O2-carrying capacity of blood.
✦ Goljan, Pg. 315
Ⓒ Azathioprine Ⓓ Methotrexate
14. The strongest ligament attaching the clavicle to rest of
Ⓑ ✪ Cyclosporine ☛ has dose-related nephrotoxicity without causing the pectoral girdle and transmitting weight of the upper
marked bone marrow suppression. limb to the axial skeleton is (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID:
✪ All other cause Bone Marrow suppression. 7020

7. A patient with Paraneoplastic syndrome. Most common Ⓐ Sternoclavicular Ⓑ Coracoclavicular

hormone secreted by SCC (oat cell carcinoma) leading to Ⓒ Costoclaviclar Ⓓ None of above
cushingoid appearance of patient is (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N)
+24 past) - ID: 3185 Ⓑ Coracoclavicular ligament is a strong pair of bands that unite
coracoid process of scapula to clavicle, anchoring clavicle to coracoid
process.it provides means by which scapula and free limb are
Ⓒ Prolactin Ⓓ FSH
(passively) suspended from the clavicular strut
Ⓑ Small Cell Carcinoma of lung ☛ ectopic production of ACTH or
✦ KLM, Pg. 796
ACTH-like polypeptides ➜ Cushing syndrome.
✦ Robbins, Pg. 236 15. During supra pubic catheterization a transverse
8. Why the spinal nerves are called mixed nerves? (Eye 23 incision is given. What is most likely to be damaged here
(Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +12 past) - ID: 10762
May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 3362

Ⓐ Sensory and motor nerves Ⓑ Dorsal and ventral Ⓐ Inferior epigastric artery Ⓑ Superior epigastric artery
roots Ⓒ Deep circumflex artery Ⓓ Internal iliac artery
Ⓒ Come through inter vertebral foramen
Ⓓ Constitute both craniosacral and thoracolumbar outflow
Ⓐ correct answer A inferior epigastric vessels are damaged in
suprapubic catheterization as they are present in the rectus sheath
Ⓔ Constitute both craniosacral and thoracolumbar outflow
16. Adherence of WBC to endothelium is by (Eye 23 May 2023
Ⓐ As spinal nerves contain both motor and sensory nerves they are (M) +11 past) - ID: 12167
called mixed nerves.
Ⓐ Collagen Ⓑ Fibrin
9. Which of the following is non-depolarizing antagonist at Ⓒ Selectin Ⓓ Integrins
motor end plate of the neuromuscular junction? (Eye 23 May
2023 (M) +3 past) - ID: 3375 Ⓓ ✪ Rolling leukocytes are able to sense changes in the
endothelium ➜ adhesion to endothelial surfaces ➜ mediated by
Ⓐ Cocaine Ⓑ Dopamine
integrins expressed on leukocyte cell surfaces interacting with their
Ⓒ Tubocurarine Ⓓ Atropine
ligands on endothelial cells
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 135
Ⓒ Tubocurarine ☛ competitive blocker of NM junction.
17. ICF differs from ECF in (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID:
10. Which factor will increase the respiratory rate in a
person who do exercise regularly? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +4
past) - ID: 4528 Ⓐ High Na Ⓑ High HCO
Ⓒ High K Ⓓ Low PO4
Ⓐ Proprioceptors Ⓑ Stretch receptors in lung
Ⓒ Baroreceptors Ⓓ Chemoreceptors
Ⓒ ✪ K + ☛ ◉ ICF : 140 mEq ◉ ECF : 4 mEq
✪ Na ☛ ◉ ICF : 10 mEq ◉ ECF : 142 mEq
Ⓐ 2 Factors increase respiration During Excercise
✪ HCO3 ☛ ◉ ICF : 10 mEq ◉ ECF : 28 mEq
✪ sympathetic nervous system.
✪ PO4 ☛ ◉ ICF : 75 mEq ◉ ECF : 4 mEq

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | May 2023 Papers
Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

✦ Guyton, Pg. 48 25. Female presented with galactorrhoea and

pituitary mass, high prolactin level, bromocriptine was
18. Lung Activate which of following (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +5
given and galactorrhoea subsided.What is the MOA of
past) - ID: 12687
bromocriptine: (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 15166
Ⓐ Renin Ⓑ Angiotensin-II
Ⓒ Erythropoitin Ⓓ Angiotensin-I Ⓐ Dec. ACTH Ⓑ Increased Prolactin
Ⓒ Inc. LH
Ⓑ Angiotensinogen is produced by liver, converted to Angiotensin-I in Ⓓ Binds to dopamine receptors and Decreasing release of
Kidneys and then to Angiotensin-II in lungs. prolactin from ant. pituitary

19. Major content of nucleolus is (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +14 Ⓓ Bromocriptine ☛ ↑ dopamine ➜ inhibits prolactin.
past) - ID: 12712
26. Murmur of the aortic valve can be best auscultated at:
Ⓐ Small RNA Ⓑ DNA (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +10 past) - ID: 15199
Ⓒ Proteins Ⓓ Lipid
Ⓐ 4th intercostal space
Ⓐ Nucleolus main function is ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and Ⓑ 3rd intercostal space at midclavicular line
ribosome biogenesis Ⓒ 3rd intercostal space at midaxillary line
Ⓓ Second intercostal space at right side of sternum
20. A patient presented with severe metabolic
alkalosis,B.P was 190/110 and serum potassium was 1.9, Ⓓ The peaking of murmur moves toward S2 as valve area narrows.
Na+=150mmol/L.there is increased aldosterone level in Classically, aortic stenosis murmur is heard best at right upper sternal
his blood (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +14 past) - ID: 12777 border 2nd ICS (where it is harsh and noisy).
✦ Goljan, Pg. 276
Ⓐ Conn's Syndrome Ⓑ Adrenal Hyperplasia
Ⓒ Secondary Hyperaldosteronism 27. In a patient for kidney transplant the most suitable
cells for HLA typing (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 15214
Ⓐ Conn's syndome ( primary hyperaldosteronism ) ☛
Ⓐ WBC Ⓑ Hepatocytes
↑ ↑ aldosterone ➜ increased sodium reabsorption + potassium
Ⓒ Acini Ⓓ Bone marrow
secretion ➜ retention of water along with sodium ➜ hypokalemia +
✦ Robbins, Pg. 788
Ⓐ ✪ HLA typing is mainly used in renal and bone marrow transplant
and most suitable cells for typing are WBCs ◉ BUT if tissue asked then
21. Phasic, Rapidly Adapting receptors that sense Pressure ans will be Buccal Mucosa for HLA typing, a swab from the inside of the
and vibration? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +56 past) - ID: 12901 cheek (buccal swab) is preferred.
✦ Levinson, Pg. 539
Ⓐ Ruffini Ⓑ Merkels
Ⓒ Paccinian Ⓓ Baroreceptors 28. Active Programmed cell death is called (Eye 23 May 2023
(M) +2 past) - ID: 15238
Ⓒ Pacinian corpuscles ☛ Rapidly adapting, deep , encapsulated Ⓐ Necrosis Ⓑ Apoptosis
receptors ➜ high-frequency vibrations in the skin + gross pressure
Ⓒ Atrophy Ⓓ Hypoplasia
✦ First Aid, Pg. 494 ✦ Duane Neurosceince, Pg. 244 ✦ Guyton, Pg.
615, 608
Ⓑ If cells are no longer needed, they commit suicide by activating an
intracellular death program. This process is therefore called
22. Only inherited from mother to the child is (Anesth 23 May programmed cell death, although it is more commonly called apoptosis
2023 (M) +21 past) - ID: 13146 (from a Greek word meaning “falling off,” as leaves from a tree).
Ⓐ Nucleus Ⓑ Mitochondrial DNA 29. A 40 years old male smoker was presented with
Ⓒ Cillia Ⓓ G.appratus dysphagia. On further investigation, he was diagnosed to
have CA in lower 1/3 of the esophagus. What will be the
Ⓑ Mitochondrial DNA ☛ Inherited exclusively from mother histology of Cancer? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +3 past) - ID: 15491
because mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by
egg cell after fertilization Ⓐ Small cell carcinoma Ⓑ Adenocarcinoma
✦ Ganong, Pg. 36 Ⓒ Squamous cell carcinoma Ⓓ Large cell carcinoma

23. Eparterial bronchus supplies (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) Ⓑ Adenocarcinoma ☛ most common in lower 1/3 of esophagus in
- ID: 13169
GERD,Alcohol,smoking, obesity and barret esophagus.
Ⓐ Right apical Ⓑ Left apical
30. A Child having tumor with blue cells secretes
Ⓒ Medial apical Ⓓ Middle segment
catecholamines and caused by gene amplification and N -
MYC gene mutation in children? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +39 past)
Ⓐ The eparterial bronchus (right superior lobar bronchus) is a branch - ID: 15528
of the right main bronchus given off about 2.5 cm from the bifurcation
of the trachea. This branch supplies the superior lobe of the right lung Ⓐ Retinoblastoma Ⓑ Neuroblastoma
and is the most superior of all secondary bronchi. It arises above the Ⓒ Glial glioma Ⓓ Wilms tumor
level of the pulmonary artery, and for this is named the eparterial
bronchus. Ⓑ N-MYC oncogene ☛ Mutation due to amplification cause
✦ SNELL, Pg. 114, 65 ✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 240 Neuroblastoma (most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood
that secretes catecholamines)
24. Patient sustains injury in Road traffic accident and ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 210
presents with bleeding from left ear. Left eye and dilated
pupil. Which cranial nerve is damaged? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) 31. Patient with massive blood loss, B.P. 50 mm Hg. Which
+6 past) - ID: 14385 response will be most active , important and Potent below
60 mm hg? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +49 past) - ID: 15738
Ⓐ Oculomotor Ⓑ Trigeminal
Ⓒ Trochlear Ⓓ Facial Ⓐ Renin-angiotensin reflex Ⓑ Bain-bridge reflex
Ⓒ CNS ischemic response Ⓓ Barorecptors
Ⓐ CN III paralysis ➤ Diplopia, External strabismus, Loss of parallel mechanism
gaze, Ptosis, Dilated pupil, Loss of light reflex, Loss of accommodation
✦ Kaplan Neuro, Pg. 311 Ⓒ Most potent ( below 60) ☛ CNS ischemic response
✦ Guyton, Pg. 223

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

39. Most important buffer of Blood and plasma? (Eye 23 May

32. What makes Autosomal dominant different form 2023 (M) +27 past) - ID: 19230
autosomal recessive? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID:
16020 Ⓐ HCO3/H2C03 Ⓑ Hb/HBB
Ⓒ HPO4/Po4 Ⓓ None of above
Ⓐ Homozygous affected Ⓑ Hetero not affected
Ⓒ Hetrozygous is affected Ⓓ Least understood Ⓐ Most Important Buffers
✪ Extracellular, plasma, interstitial, blood or whole body buffer☛
Ⓒ ✪ Disorders of autosomal dominant inheritance are manifested in Bicarbonate
the heterozygous state, so at least one parent in an index case usually ✪ Intracellular buffer ☛ Proteins and phosphate
is affected ✪ Urinary buffer (qualitatively) ☛ Phosphate
✦ Robbins, Pg. 246
✪ Urinary buffer (quantitatively) ☛ Ammonium
33. Where are the the Clara cells present? (Med 25 May 2023 ✪ RBC buffer ☛ Hemoglobin
(M) +46 past) - ID: 16195 ✪ Bone buffer ☛ Ca carbonate
✦ Guyton, Pg. 413
Ⓐ Distal bronchioles Ⓑ At bifurcation of trachea
Ⓒ Both a and b Ⓓ Terminal bronchioles 40. Which one of following is benign tumor? (Gynae 24 May
2023 (M) +24 past) - ID: 19270
Ⓓ Clara cells are most abundant in the terminal bronchioles, where
Ⓐ Pleomorphic adenoma Ⓑ Warthin tumor
they make up about 80 % of the epithelial cell lining ➜ secrete several
Ⓒ Adenocarcinoma Ⓓ Adenoid cystic carcinoma
distinctive proteins important for Surfactant
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 62
Ⓑ Warthin ☛ Benign Tumor ( 8% of parotid Tumors )
34. Anterior 2/3rd of tongue pain sensation carried by Pleomorphic Adenoma ☛ Benign but can transform into Highly
which of the following nerve? (Med 24 May 2023 (A.N) +17 past) malignant so here Warthin to be Preferred
- ID: 16216 All Other mentioned ☛ Malignant
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 516, 517
Ⓐ Facial nerve Ⓑ Vagus nerve
Ⓒ Occulomotor nerve 41. HIV patient developed reddish lesions on his skin. One
Ⓓ Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (lingual) of his sex partners has similar lesions too, Most common
skin cancer in HIV/AIDS patients are: ( may also be asked
Ⓓ Anterior 2/3rd of tongue ➤ in case of homosexuals ) (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +36 past) - ID:
Special sensory ➜ Facial nerve 19477
general sensory ➜ TrigeminalNote :- Pain/temp is general sensation ,
Ⓐ Lymphoma Ⓑ Kaposi sarcoma
taste is special sensation
Ⓒ Lymphogranuloma venarum Ⓓ Warts
35. Pap smear, Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of
CA cervix? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 16704 Ⓑ Kaposi sarcoma is a neoplasm of endothelial cells. it is seen in
HIV/AIDS ( hint:homosexual male) and transplant patients. it presents
Ⓐ Secondary Ⓑ Tertiary as dark/violaceous plaques or nodeuls representing vascular
Ⓒ Quaternary Ⓓ Screenig proliferations.

Ⓐ Primary: Prevent disease occurrence (e.g., HPV vaccination). 42. Descemet membrane is basement membrane of ? (Eye
23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 19517
Secondary: Screening early for disease (e.g., Pap smear)Tertiary:
Treatment to reduce disability from disease (e.g., chemotherapy) Ⓐ Epitheloid cells Ⓑ Corneal endothelium
36. After 5 years of transplant surgery there is an increase Ⓒ Epithelial cells Ⓓ Stromal cells
incidence of: (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +14 past) - ID: 16779
Ⓑ Descemet's membrane ☛ basement membrane ➜ built by
Ⓐ Lymphoproliferative disorders squamous epithelium ➜ lines posterior surface of cornea ➜ designated
Ⓑ Hepatocellular carcinoma Ⓒ Renal carcinoma as corneal endothelium.
Ⓓ Myelopproliferative disorder
43. Rapid ventricular filling when Contraction of atria over
Ⓐ PTLD ( Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder ) ☛ most incompetent valve is accompanied by ? (Radio 23 May 2023
(A.N) +35 past) - ID: 19615
common malignancy ➜ complicates solid organ transplantation ➜
represents range of lymphoproliferative disorders, from infectious Ⓐ 1st heart sound Ⓑ 2nd heart sound
mononucleosis and lymphoid hyperplasia to malignant lymphoma ➜ Ⓒ 3rd Heart Sound Ⓓ Arrhythmia
associated with Epstein Barr virus.
✦ Davidson, Pg. 1299 Ⓒ Third heart sound ( ventricular gallop ) ☛ usually abnormal sound
➜ due to Rapid passive ventricular filling ➜ occurs in dilated CHF,
37. Microtubules are part of (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID:
17560 severe hypertension, M.I, or mitral incompetence ➜ occurs just after S2
when mitral valve opens, allowing passive filling of left ventricle.
Ⓐ Centrioles Ⓑ Cell membrane ➤ S3 can be a normal finding in children, pregnants and athletes
Ⓒ Peroxisomes Ⓓ All of above ✦ Davidson, Pg. 459

Ⓐ Centriole is a small set of microtubules that are arranged in a 44. A patient with decrease thirst and hunger and disturb
specific way and involved in the cell division. sleep. Sleep and hunger center present in (Eye 23 May 2023
(M) +9 past) - ID: 19946
38. How Aspirin prolongs bleeding time and is beneficial in
Ⓐ Thalamus Ⓑ Hypothalamus
inhibiting platelets aggregation by blocking which of the
Ⓒ Basal ganglia Ⓓ None of above
following pathway? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +32 past) - ID: 18424

Ⓐ Clotting factors in liver Ⓑ Lateral nucleus ☛ Hunger center lesion will lead to decrease
Ⓑ Prostacyclin in vascular endothelium hunger
Ⓒ CAMP is platelets Ⓓ Thromboxane A2 in platelets SON and PVN ☛ Release ADH ➜ ↓ Thirst
✦ First Aid, Pg. 498
Ⓓ Aspirin ☛ inhibits COX ➜ ↓ production of TxA2 and PGEs ➜ ↑ 45. Max glucose absorption via secondary active transport
BT with no effect on PT, APTT. using a Sodium co-transporter occur in which of the
✦ First Aid, Pg. 411
following part of nephrone ? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +26 past) -
ID: 20493

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ PCT Ⓑ DCT immune response

Ⓒ Collecting tubules Ⓓ None of above NK > CD8+
✦ Kaplan Immunology, Pg. 46 ✦ Levinson, Pg. 518
ⒶAlready Explained in Previous paper
✦ Guyton, Pg. 350 52. Cornea get oxygen directly from ? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +2
past) - ID: 21699
46. Which of the following muscle tenses vocal cords?
(Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 21157 Ⓐ Aqueous humor Ⓑ Tear film
Ⓒ Atmosphere Ⓓ Blood
Ⓐ Cricopharyngeus Ⓑ Thyroglossal
Ⓒ Thyrohyoid Ⓓ Cricothyroid Ⓑ Cornea is Avascular so it cant take Oxygen from the blood. Oxygen
is first dissolved into Tear film present just outside cornea and from
Ⓓ Cricothyroid muscle is only tensor muscle of larynx aiding with tear film this dissolved O2 is taken by corneal cells.
phonation ✦ KLM, Pg. 892
.Attachements to anterolateral aspect of cricoid and inferior cornu
53. Aqueous secreted through Active transport from which
and lower lamina of thyroid cartilage,
structure? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +4 past) - ID: 21725
Action tilts thyroid forward to help tense vocal cords.
Ⓐ Ciliary process epithelium Ⓑ Arachnoid villi
47. Which area converts written language to auditory
Ⓒ Cilliary body Ⓓ Vitreous
sense system? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 21584

Ⓐ Broca's Ⓑ Wernicke's Ⓐ The aqueous humour is a transparent, watery fluid similar to plasma,
Ⓒ Angular Gyrus Ⓓ Premotor but containing low protein concentrations. It is secreted from the ciliary
Ⓒ Angular gyrus ( Area 31 ) ☛ Converts the read words in to auditory
54. If Cornea is dry which nerve got damaged? (Eye 23 May
2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 21726
✦ Ganong, Pg. 292, 293, 292, 293, 292, 293
Ⓐ Greater petrosal nerve
48. Regarding suprarenal glands which of the following
Ⓑ Proximal part of lacrimal nerve
statements is true anatomically? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +20
past) - ID: 21588 Ⓒ Optic nerve Ⓓ None of above

Ⓐ Thoracic (greater) splanchnic nerve supply Ⓐ Greater petrosal nerve ( superficial petrosal nerve) branches from
Ⓑ Pass through central tendon of diaphragm ☛ facial nerve it forms part of chain of nerves that innervate ☛ lacrimal
Ⓒ Left side of diaphragm Ⓓ IVC gland.

Ⓐ ✪ Preganglionic sympathetic fibers derived from Thoracic splanchnic 55. Thickened Deep fascia of parotid forms which of
nerves supply Adrenal glands following ligament ? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +11 past) - ID:
✪ Both glands rests posteriorly on the diaphragm.
✪ Right suprarenal gland extends medially behind the inferior vena Ⓐ Mandibular Ⓑ Maxillary
cava Ⓒ Nasal Ⓓ Stylomandibular lig
✦ SNELL, Pg. 213, 215

49. Regarding cilio-retinal artery, which of the following is Ⓓ Stylomandibular ligament ➜thickend posterior portion
more appropriate? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 21610 of investing cervical portion forms stylomandibular ligamen
●runs from styloid process to angle of mandible
Ⓐ Good prognosis in CRAO Ⓑ Bad prognosis in ✦ KLM, Pg. 920
56. Gray matter contains which of the following ? (Eye 23
Ⓒ Both of above Ⓓ Only b
May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 21786

Ⓐ The cilio-retinal artery has good prognosis in CRAO Ⓐ Cell bodies Ⓑ Axon
Ⓒ Both a and b Ⓓ None
50. A 50 yr male with Macrocytic anemia and is pale and
lethargic with sore tongue and mouth ulcers. he also
Ⓐ Grey matter (or gray matter) is a major component of central
complaints of tingling sensations under feet. He has H/O
nervous system, consisting of neuronal cell bodies, neuropil glial cells
Gastrectomy for Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome about two ✦ Gray's Neuroanatomy, Pg. 1
years ago. What will you do to replace the deficiency
causing this condition ? (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +45 past) - ID: 57. Mechanism of action of local anesthesia is ? (Eye 23 May
21620 2023 (M) +32 past) - ID: 22265

Ⓐ Oral vitamin B12 and folic acid Ⓐ Block Cl channel Ⓑ Block K channel
Ⓑ IV vitamin B12 Ⓒ Whole blood Ⓒ Block Ca channel in ionized form
Ⓓ Iron supplement Ⓓ Block Na channels in ionized form
Ⓔ Works in unionized form
Ⓑ Gastrectomy ☛ Loss of Parietal Cells ➜ ↓ Intrinsic factor ➜ ↓
Vitamin B12 Absorption in ileum ➜ ↓ Bone Marrow stimulation ➜ ↓ Ⓓ Local anesthetics ☛ reversibly binding to and inactivate Na
RBC maturation ➜ Macrocytic Anemia ➜ Condition is Reversed by IV channels ➜ blocking conduction in peripheral nerves.
vitamin B12. ✦ Medscape, Pg.
✦ Guyton, Pg. 822
58. Which of the following drugs causes tachycardia and
51. Principal 1st line anti tumor cell and Covid-19 cells are respiratory distress, increases cardiac output in
? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +45 past) - ID: 21644 therapeutic dose? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +24 past) - ID: 23199

Ⓐ CD8+ T Lymphocytes Ⓑ Basophils Ⓐ Pethidine Ⓑ Beta blocker

Ⓒ NK cells Ⓓ CD4 + T Lymphocytes Ⓒ Propranolol Ⓓ None of above

Ⓒ ✪ NK Cells ➜ earliest Innate immune defense against Microbes and Ⓐ ✪ Most opioids ☛ no direct effects on heart and other than
Tumor Cells using granzymes and perforin and they dont need prior bradycardia, no major effects on cardiac rhythm.
activation like T cells. ✪ Meperidine / Pethidine ☛ exception to this generalization ➜
✪ CD8+ cells that recognize class I MHC are destined to become antimuscarinic ➜ tachycardia.
cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) ➜ Most effective Anti Tumor Adaptve ✦ Katzung, Pg. 561

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59. A patient has high levels of prolactin due to pituitary Ⓑ Pericardiocentesis ➜ Needle should be inserted through left 5th or
tumor compressing optic chiasm. which of the following 6th intercostal space near the sternum To remove the excess fluid
type of vision loss will be present due to damage to optic
chiasma ? (CPSP Demo +37 past) - ID: 23478

Ⓐ Bilateral temporal hemianopia

Ⓑ Homonymous hemianopsia Ⓒ Heteroymous ✦ KLM, Pg. 134 ✦ Reference, Pg.
Ⓓ Quadrantanopia 65. Melanoma reaches orbital Cavity through (Surg 24 May
2023 (A.N) +12 past) - ID: 28395

Ⓐ Pituitary Adenoma ( Prolactinoma ) ➜ at the mid-optic chiasm ➜ Ⓐ Emissary vein Ⓑ Retina

Compression ➜ crossing fibers from each nasal retina are damaged ➜ Ⓒ Optic nerve Ⓓ Lymphatics
Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia ➜ vision missing in the outer
half of both visual fields Ⓐ Primary choroidal melanoma ☛ arises from melanocytes within
✦ Kaplan Neuro, Pg. ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 350 choroid.
60. 9 month old girl vaccinated 2 weeks back now Metastasis ☛ through emissary channels into orbit
develops rash over body fever. she had 1 episode of gum 66. Fasting long hours or Summer season cause
bleeding 3 months ago.CBC report reveal hb 13 wbc 6×10 concentrated urine with increased osmolarity due to: (Eye
and decreased platelet . peripheral smear shows large 23 May 2023 (M) +16 past) - ID: 33707
platelets. BT Is prolonged. PT and APTT are normal.
Diagnosis ? (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +24 past) - ID: 23894 Ⓐ ADH Ⓑ Oxytocin
Ⓒ Epinephrine Ⓓ NE
Ⓒ Anemia Ⓓ Thalassemia Ⓐ Summer / Fasting ➜ Summer sweating along with excessive
evaporation from skin or Less water intake during fasting ➜
Ⓐ ✪ ITP ☛ ↓ Platelets ➜ petechial haemorrhages, easy bruising, and dehydration ➜ ↑ ADH Secretion ➜ Renal water retention ➜
mucosal bleeding. Concentrated urine will be pass.
✪ MMR Vaccine ☛ reported to cause ITP in children. ✦ Guyton, Pg. 364 ✦ Guyton, Pg. 371
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 311 ✦ Researchgate, Pg.
67. Which of the following translocation is seen in
61. During transport of oxygen, CO2 the amount of CO2 Burkitt’s Lymphoma? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +16 past) - ID:
dissolved in plasma at 45 mm Hg is (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +7 33882
past) - ID: 24290
Ⓐ T (8:14) Ⓑ T (8:21)
Ⓐ O.3% Ⓑ 2.7% Ⓒ T (9: 22) Ⓓ T (11:14)
Ⓒ 23% Ⓓ 7.5% Ⓔ T (X:18)
Ⓔ 70%
Ⓐ Burkitt Lymphoma ☛ cells have translocation between
Ⓑ ☛ Total 0.3 ml CO2 transported in dissolved form by each 100 ml of chromosomes 8 and 14 ➜ overexpression of MYC gene on chromosome
blood flow. This is about 7% of all the CO2 transported 8 by juxtaposition with immunoglobulin heavy chain gene regulatory
● Venous CO2 diss. at 45 mm Hg ➜ 2.7 ml/dl (2.7 volumes %) elements on chromosome 14.
● Aretrial CO2 diss. at 40 mm Hg ➜ 2.4 ml/dl (2.4 volumes %) ✦ Robbins, Pg. 202
✦ Guyton, Pg. 534, 534
68. Which of the following nerve lesion due to DM results
62. Young girl has 3 books in hands when fourth one was in vision problems including diplopia and pain in eye? (Eye
added she dropped all books. which reflex was it ? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 33964
23 May 2023 (M) +28 past) - ID: 24428
Ⓐ Occulomotor Ⓑ Abducens
Ⓐ Stretch reflex. Ⓑ Inverse stretch reflex Ⓒ Trochlear Ⓓ Optic
Ⓒ Monosynaptic reflex Ⓓ Myostatic reflex
Ⓐ Oculomotor nerve palsy in diabetes ☛ presents with acute onset
Ⓑ Stretch on muscle ➜ Stretch reflex ( Muscle spindle ) ➜ Muscle diplopia, ptosis and pupillary sparing.
contraction ➜ Further stretch ➜ Inverse stretch reflex ( Golgi tendon
organ ) ➜ Sudden relaxation. 69. Action of Norepinephrine is terminated after being
✦ Ganong, Pg. 232, 232 released from presynaptic terminal? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +2
past) - ID: 34057
63. A patient with severe burns has blood oozing from a
site. He has developed generalized swelling. Hb was low. Ⓐ Reuptake Ⓑ Metabolism by COMT
The reason for swelling is decrease in ? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) Ⓒ Metabolism by MAO
+30 past) - ID: 25617 Ⓓ Diffusion into post synaptic space

Ⓐ Albumin Ⓑ Beta globulin Ⓐ Removal of NE From Synaptic cleft:

Ⓒ Alpha globulin Ⓓ Gamma globulins ✪ Reuptake by an active transport
✪ Diffusion into surrounding body fluids and Blood.
Ⓐ ✪ Hypoalbuminemia is a common clinical deficiency ✪ Destruction of small amounts by tissue enzymes ( monoamine
in burn patients ➜ ↓ Plasma Oncotic Pressure ➜ ↑ extravascular fluid oxidase ).
leakage ➜ edema ➜ abnormal healing ✦ Guyton, Pg. 776
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 97
70. Structure behind Ovarian Fossa (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +22
64. Patient presented with shortness of breath and past) - ID: 34292
scratchy sound with no change in respiration. On
echocardiography, pericardial effusion is noted, which is Ⓐ Internal Illiac Artery Ⓑ Ureter
the best site to remove fluid? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +22 past) - Ⓒ External iliac artery Ⓓ Obturator
ID: 26576
Ⓐ 4th to 5th ICS mid clavicular line Already Explained in Previous paper
Ⓑ Left 5th or 6th intercostal space near sternum ✦ GRAY'S, Pg. 1106
Ⓒ The 2nd intercostal space at the right sternal angle.
Ⓓ The 2nd intercostal space at the midclavicular line 71. A tailor developed TB symptoms, XRAY B/L hilar
lymphadenopathy. The mode of transmission of his
disease is? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 34494

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Ⓐ 1st arch Ⓑ 1st cleft

Ⓐ Inhaling aerosol droplets Ⓑ Direct contact Ⓒ 2nd arch Ⓓ 2nd cleft
Ⓒ Blood transfusion Ⓓ Needle sticks injury
Ⓑ External ear ☛ external auditory meatus arises from the first
Ⓐ TB transmitted by airborne droplets and is preventable disease pharyngeal cleft.
✦ CMDT, Pg. 288
✦ N.I.H USA, Pg.
72. In hemolysis hemoglobin (Hb) binds with: (Med 25 May 79. Small cell carcinoma of lung causes? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)
2023 (M) +9 past) - ID: 34497
+12 past) - ID: 35196
Ⓐ Haptoglobin Ⓑ Hemopexin Ⓐ Cushing disease Ⓑ Myasthenia gravis
Ⓒ Albumin Ⓓ Ferretin Ⓒ Hypocalcemia Ⓓ Cushing syndrome
Ⓔ Hyperthyroidism
Ⓐ Haptoglobin ☛ Binds free Hb
Hemopexin ☛ Binds heme Ⓓ Almost 10% of patients with lung cancer develop paraneoplastic
✦ Ganong, Pg. 563
syndromes ( Indirect effects )
73. A female soccer player after leg fracture got cast over Squamous cell Ca ☛ secretion of a pTH–related
her leg for the past 2 weeks presents now with a strange peptide ➜ Hypercalcemia
observation that the size of gastrocnemius muscle of the Small Cell Ca ☛ Ectopic production of ACTH ➜ Cushing syndrome
cast side has been decreased. The most likely cause would Adenocarcinoma ☛ Hematologic syndromes
be? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 34502 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 543, 236

Ⓐ Decrease protein synthesis and Decrease cell size 80. Which of the following is a component of acquired
Ⓑ Blood supply of the muscle compressed due to cast immunity? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +4 past) - ID: 35211
Ⓒ Progressive denervation of muscle Ⓐ Complement cascade Ⓑ Antibody
Ⓓ Decrease muscle caliber Ⓔ Decrease myofibril Ⓒ Increase CRP Ⓓ NK cells

Ⓐ Resting in cast ➜ immobilised in cast ➜ diminishes functional Ⓑ Adaptive immunity ☛ T cells, B cells, circulating antibodies
activity ➜ Decreased actin and myosin ➜ Disuse atrophy ✦ First Aid, Pg. 99
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 37
81. A 20-year-old sexually active woman with suprapubic
74. Localized malignant tumor (Med 25 May 2023 (A.N) +24 past) pain, frequency, urgency, and burning sensation. O/E no
- ID: 34640
ulcer were noted. Urine R/E shows numerous pus cells.
Ⓐ Pleomorphic adenoma Ⓑ Hydatidiform Mole Culture shows organism that is catalase positive, and
Ⓒ Ameloblastoma Ⓓ Melanoma coagulase-negative. organism. Which one of the following
sets of bacteria is most likely to cause this infection? (Surg
Ⓒ Ameloblastoma ☛ is the most common benign but locally invasive 24 May 2023 (M) +13 past) - ID: 35299
epithelial odontogenic tumour
Ⓐ Staphylococcus saprophyticus Ⓑ E.Coli
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 513
Ⓒ Streptococcus pyogenes Ⓓ Klebsiella
75. A male during driving test was unable to distinguish
between red and green colour. The defect is called? (Eye 23 Ⓐ Staphylococcus saprophyticus ☛ Most common cause of UTI in
May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 34698 sexually active young females and 2nd to E.Coli in community acquired
UTI ( Levinson BCQ)
Ⓐ Deuteranopia Ⓑ Tritanopia ✦ Levinson, Pg. 115, 126
Ⓒ Protanopia Ⓓ Deuteranomalous
Ⓔ Normal vision 82. To see long-term compliance to insulin or control of
diabetes Mellitus which investigation Is performed? (Anesth
Ⓐ ✪ Unable to differentiate RED from GREEN ☛ Protanopia 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 35594
✪ Unable to differentiate GREEN from RED☛ Deutranopia
Ⓐ Urea clearance Ⓑ Fasting blood sugar
76. The first step in formation of platelets plug is? (Anesth 23 Ⓒ Urea and creatinine
May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 34756 Ⓓ Glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1c)
Ⓐ The shape changes from round to flat with release of enzyme
Ⓓ ✪ HBA1c ☛ best monitor for long term glycaemic control.
Ⓑ The shape changes from flat to round with release of enzyme ✪ Advantage ☛ no fasting is required.
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 818

Ⓒ Fibrin collection 83. Large and numerous fenestrations are found in? (Eye 23
Ⓓ The shape changes with no release of enzyme May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 35880

Ⓐ Ora serrate Ⓑ Retina

Ⓐ Primary platelet plug ☛ ➜ Disruption endothelium ➜ Expose
Ⓒ Sub macular area Ⓓ Choroid
subendothelial collagen ➜ VWF ➜ Adhesion ➜ Activation ➜ Shape
Ⓔ Cornea
change ( Round to flate ) ➜ Degranulate ➜ release enzymes ➜
Aggregation ➜ PPP
✦ Robbins, Pg. 101
Ⓒ Choriocapillaris ☛ distributed as a dense network of one layer of
freely connected capillaries in peripapillary and submacular area. Part of
77. Chrionic villus sampling done at which week? (Eye 23 choriocapillaris that faces RPE has large fenestrations, larger and more
May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 34830 numerous in submacular area
✦ Reference, Pg.
Ⓐ 11 week Ⓑ 15 week
Ⓒ 19 week Ⓓ 20 week 84. Hyphema is basically hemorrhage In? (Eye 23 May 2023
(M) +4 past) - ID: 36074
Ⓐ CVS ☛ between 10 and 13wks
Ⓐ Anterior chamber of eye Ⓑ Posterior chamber of eye
Amniocentesis ☛ 15wks onwards
✦ Oxford OBG Handbook, Pg. 130 Ⓒ Outer vascular layer of eye Ⓓ Nervous layer of eyeball
Ⓔ Pigmented layer
78. External auditory meatus of ear developed from: (Eye 23
May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 35023 Ⓐ ANSWER

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85. Patient with Lower orbital wall fracture having Ⓐ Interpersonal learners love to interact and prefer learning through
proptosis, numbness of lower eyelid and cheek. Which communication and interaction
nerve is most probably injured (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) -
ID: 36300 93. Hydrocephalus has resulted in a patient in
enlargement of one lateral and 3rd ventricle. Which of the
Ⓐ Supraorbital nerve Ⓑ Infraorbital nerve following is the most likely site of a blockage? (Anesth 23 May
Ⓒ Long buccal nerve Ⓓ Maxillary nerve 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 37733

Ⓑ ✪ Infraorbital nerve ☛ supply skin of lower eyelid and cheek, side Ⓐ Foramen luschka
of nose, and upper lip. Ⓑ Foramen Monro (interventricular foramen)
✪ Injury to IO nerve ☛ caused by trauma, including facial fractures Ⓒ Subarachnoid space Ⓓ Superior sagittal sinus
➜ presents with numbness and pain in entire cheek, ala of nose and Ⓔ Foramen of magenda
upper lip.
Ⓑ CSF Path ☛ Lateral ventricles ➜ 3rd ventricle ➜ 4th ventricle ➜
86. First line of defense and the most immediate response subarachnoid space via ➜ foramina of luska and magendie
in bleeding by? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +4 past) - ID: 36355
Types of hydrocephalous and features
Ⓐ Blood vessels constriction Ⓑ Coagulation system
✪ Noncommunicating ☛ obstriction of flow within ventricles occur at
Ⓒ Platelets Ⓓ WBCs
narrow formena monro (communicating channel between paired lateral
ventricle and 3rd ventricle cavity on either side) and opening of fourth
87. Alcohol used by the mother during 1st trimester of ✪ Communicating ☛ Impared CSF reabsorption in ➜ arachnoid
pregnancy may cause (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +13 past) - ID: granulations or obstruc of flow within subarchnoid space
36363 ✪ Normal pressure (chronic) ☛ CSF is not absorbed by arachnoid
Ⓐ Anancephaly Ⓑ Premature birth
Ⓒ Microcephaly Ⓓ Spina bifida 94. Regarding hereditary spherocytosis. It is due to? (Eye
23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 38622
Ⓑ Alcohol use, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, increases
Ⓐ Membrane proteins defect
the risk of miscarriage, Premature birth
✦ NHS.uk, Pg.
88. Related to the hilum of lung posteriorly (Anesth 23 May
2023 (M) +14 past) - ID: 36386 95. A boy hit by a cricket ball was complaining of diplopia.
Examination revealed the restricted movement of the
Ⓐ Aorta Ⓑ Phrenic nerve eyeball in an upward direction. The most likely cause is
Ⓒ Vagus nerve Ⓓ Azygous (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 54950

Ⓒ Vagus nerve ☛ Behind the root of lungs Ⓐ Oculomotor nerve paralysis Ⓑ Abducent nerve
✦ SNELL, Pg. 99 paralysis
Ⓒ Blow out fracture of orbital floor
89. The ECG change characteristic of acute myocardial Ⓓ Lens dislocation
infarction is: (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +16 past) - ID: 36464
Ⓒ Blowout fracture ☛ is a break of one or more of the bones that
Ⓐ Displacement of ST-segment Ⓑ Disappearance of Q-
surround the eye. When an object strikes the eye, the force is
transmitted into the eye compartment (orbit) , and the thinnest bones
Ⓒ Inverted T-wave Ⓓ Tall T wave
within the orbit will buckle or break from the force of the trauma.
✪ S/S ➜ bruising, tenderness and swelling around the eye; redness of
Ⓐ ✪ ECG in Acute M.I ☛ First peaked T waves ➜ then ST Deviation(
the eye; double vision, or diplopia (seeing two images at the same
25 – 40% ) ➜ then negative T waves ➜ finally pathologic Q waves.
✦ Davidson, Pg. 497
time); numbness of the cheek, nose or teeth.

90. Ectopic thyroid produced by (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +13 past) 96. A patient was really afraid of dental extraction. When
- ID: 36771 he sat in the dentist's chair, his heart beat increased. What
other reaction is most likely to occur in Extreme
Ⓐ BCC sympathetic stimulation ? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +44 past) -
Ⓑ Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx ID: 55469
Ⓒ Adeno CA Ⓓ Small cell CA
Ⓐ Decreased heart rate Ⓑ Decreased blood pressure
Ⓑ ANSWER Ⓒ Decreased sweating Ⓓ Bronchodilation

91. Neurogenic shock has (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: Ⓓ β Adrenergic Sympathetic Stimulation
36896 ➜ Airway smooth muscle Relaxation ➜ Bronchodilation.
✦ Ganong, Pg. 260 ✦ Guyton, Pg. 779
Ⓐ Decreased SV Ⓑ Decreased CO
Ⓒ Decreased Systemic Arterial Filling Pressure 97. Liver is only organ involved in (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +4
Ⓓ Increase CO past) - ID: 58079

Ⓐ Urea Formation Ⓑ Nucleotide

Ⓒ Neurogenic shock ☛ Due to Spinal cord / brain injury ➜ loss of
Ⓒ Glycogenolysis
sympathetic vascular tone ➜ peripheral vasodilation ➜ pooling of
peripheral blood cause with no compensatory tachycardia ➜ ◉ Flushed
Ⓐ Urea formation ☛ Liver
warm skin ◉ Bradycardia ◉ Hypotension with a Normal pulse pressure
Urea excretion ☛ Kidney
◉ Disorientation or neurological deficits e.g loss of spinal reflexe
✦ First Aid, Pg. 82
✦ CMDT, Pg. 506
98. Chlorpromazine most toxic effect? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M)
92. People learning in group learning after seeing each
+8 past) - ID: 59144
other type of learning (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID:
37187 Ⓐ Hallucinations Ⓑ Dystonia
Ⓒ Anxiety Ⓓ Seizure
Ⓐ Interpersonal learning Ⓑ Limitation
Ⓒ Socialization
Ⓓ Chlorpromazine ☛ Corneal deposits , Dystonia But most serious
effect is seizure

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✦ Katzung, Pg. 522 midaxillary line ➜ Site can be further confirmed with either routine
ultrasonography (US) or a bedside portable ultrasound machine.
99. Attachement of Vitreous is Srongest at (Eye 23 May 2023
✦ Medscape, Pg.
(M) +1 past) - ID: 61397
106. Child with proteinuria more than 3.5 hypertension,
Ⓐ Foveal region Ⓑ Back of lens
feet edema, lipiduria most likely cause (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M)
Ⓒ Across ora serrate Ⓓ Margin of optic disc
+2 past) - ID: 72704

Ⓒ Ora serrata ☛ Vitreous attachment is strongest at ora serrata, Ⓐ Minimal change disease Ⓑ FSGS
junction between retina and ciliary body. Ⓒ Nephrotic syndrome
Foveal region ☛ Although vitreous is in contact with it, its attachment
is not the strongest at this point Ⓐ Minimal change disease is a type of nephrotic syndrome that is
the most common type in children so the answer should be minimal
100. Which of the following is the mostcommon mutation change disease not nephrotic syndrome
in Ewing's sarcoma (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +11 past) - ID: 65159
107. Of the following local anesthetics, which has intrinsic
Ⓐ Translocation X : 18 Ⓑ Translocation 11 , 22 vasoconstrictive action? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 74162
Ⓒ Activative mutation of G5a,p, surface protein
Ⓓ Missense mutation in EXTI Ⓐ Cocaine Ⓑ Procaine
Ⓒ Xylocaine Ⓓ Bupivacaine
Ⓑ Ewing's Sarcoma ☛ malignant, distinctive small round cell sarcoma
➜ associated with t(11:22) translocation ➜ most commonly occurs in Ⓐ ◉ Coccaine ☛ intranasal administration of near dose used for
the diaphysis of long bones. topical anesthesia causes vasoconstriction of coronary arteries, with a
decrease in coronary blood flow,
101. Keratinization and pearl formation is characteristic of
(Surg 25 May 2023 (M) +20 past) - ID: 65496 108. Tumor suppressor gene involved in Renal and
gonadal Agenesis? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 82459
Ⓐ Squamous cell carcinoma Ⓑ Basal cell carcinoma
Ⓒ Melanoma Ⓓ Lymphoma Ⓐ WT1 Ⓑ P53
Ⓐ ✪ Keratin pearl is a keratinized structure found in regions where
abnormal squamous cells form concentric layers. Ⓐ WT1 gene ☛ provides instructions for making a protein necessary
✪ Squamous cell cancers commonly have keratin pearls that stain for development of kidneys and gonads (ovaries in females and testes
bright red with a hematoxylin-eosin (HandE stain) in males) before birth
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 701
109. Eye carcinoma that spread minimal? (Surg 24 May 2023
102. A Patient with localized Circumferential (A.N) +6 past) - ID: 82926
subendocardium Lateral wall infarct which artery
involved? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +13 past) - ID: 72127 Ⓐ Retinoblastoma Ⓑ Melanoma
Ⓐ Aorta Ⓑ Pulmonary artery
Ⓒ LCX Ⓓ Marginal Ⓓ Locally Malignants☛ Locally Invasive and Do Not metastize
BCC ☛ Highly Locally Invasive and rarely Metastize
Ⓒ Blocked left LCX / branches of LAD ➜ Lateral STEMI or ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 185, 517, 519 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 192, 196, 589
Anteriolateral STEMI.
➊ ST elevation in the lateral leads (I, aVL, V5-6) 110. Furunculosis on the tip of nose, infection spread to
➋ Reciprocal ST depression in the inferior leads (III and aVF). cavernous sinuses via: (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 83074
✦ SNELL, Pg. 89 ✦ Davidson, Pg. 497
Ⓐ Ophthalmic vein Ⓑ Emissary vein
103. Regarding preferential thorough fare channel correct Ⓒ Mandibular vein Ⓓ Maxillary vein
statement is (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 72157
Ⓐ Infection pathway can spread from Boil in Danger Triangle ➜
Ⓐ Small caliber Ⓑ Having smooth muscles Ophthalmic Vein➜ Cavernous sinus and can cause Thrombosis and
Ⓒ Open on demand eventually Death.
Ⓓ Present at origin of precapillary sphincter ✦ Snell Review, Pg. 581
Ⓔ Increase capillary valve
111. Edema fluid due to acute inflammation is? (Med 25 May
2023 (A.N) +7 past) - ID: 83143
Ⓑ Thoroughfare channels ☛ Smooth muscle > Have precapillary
sphincter > open on demand Ⓐ Exudate Ⓑ Purulent
✦ Ganong, Pg. 568, 569 ✦ GRAY'S, Pg. 131 Ⓒ Fibrinous Ⓓ Transudate
104. Most radiosensitive tumor is which of following? (Surg
Ⓐ ✪ Features of Exudate
24 May 2023 (M) +16 past) - ID: 72399
◉ ↑ vascular permeability ◉ Inflammatory edema
Ⓐ Ependymoma Ⓑ Seminoma ◉ ↑ protein ( 2.5-3.5 mg/dl) ◉ ↑ Sp.gravity ◉ ↑ LDH
Ⓒ Glioma Ⓓ Craniopharyngioma ◉ Low PH ◉ Low Glucose conten ( < 60 mg/dl)
Ⓔ Brainstem Glioma ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 96

112. After a gunshot injury to the lower back, patient has

Ⓑ Radiosensitive tumor ☛ Lymphoma > Seminoma > Glial glioma
contralateral pain lost, temperature intact. what is the
> Craniopharyngioma
likely diagnosis? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 83250
✦ Goljan, Pg. 653
Ⓐ Browns secquard Ⓑ Sensory dorsal one root
105. A patient has liver cirrhosis. Site of liver biopsy (Eye 23
May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 72457 Ⓒ Lesion of dorsal root S1 Ⓓ Syrengiomyla

Ⓐ 7th Intercostal space midaxillary Ⓒ Brown sequard ➜ C/L loss of pain and temp , I/L loss of vibration
Ⓑ 8th intercostal space midclavicular and position sense + Weakness.
Ⓒ 7th Intercostal space midclavicular ✦ Gray's Neuroanatomy, Pg. 5 ✦ GRAY'S, Pg. 5 ✦ SNELL, Pg. 170
Ⓓ 8th intercostal space near sturnum
113. Regarding Ciliary body (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID:
Ⓐ Liver biopsy ☛ Start with percussion over right upper quadrant
➜ biopsy site is usually located in 7th or 8th intercostal space in Ⓐ Pigment epithelium produces aqueous
Ⓑ Pigment epithelium of retina is

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Ⓒ Non pigment epithelium produces aqueous Ⓐ Contraction Ⓑ Scar formation

Ⓓ Supplied by short ciliary arteries Ⓒ Keloid Ⓓ Hypertrophy

Ⓒ Ciliary body, contains ciliary processes lined with non-pigmented Ⓑ Wound healing by first intention (primary intention)☛ occurs when
ciliary epithelium. Epithelium is responsible for production of aqueous wound edges are directly approximated, such as in a surgical incision.
humor Key feature is minimal scar formation.
Contraction ☛ play a role in wound healing, But more associated with
114. Epithelium of meibomian gland duct is (Eye 23 May 2023 secondary intention wound healing (where the wound edges are not
(M) +1 past) - ID: 83417
approximated), which results in more significant scarring.
Ⓐ Simple squamous Ⓑ Simple cuboidal
121. Neonatal total blood volume weight of baby is 5 kg
Ⓒ Simple columnar Ⓓ Stratified squamous
(Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 84261
Ⓔ Stratified cuboidal
Ⓐ 400 Ⓑ 300
Ⓓ Meibomian glands (tarsal glands) ☛ large sebaceous glands in Ⓒ 200 Ⓓ 100
eyelids. The duct of these glands is lined with stratified squamous
epithelium, which is multi-layered and provides protection against the Ⓐ Neonatal blood volume is approx 80 ml/kg ➜ thus for a 5kg baby,
friction of blinking. the total blood volume would be about 400ml.

115. Retinal tear shows (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 122. A band consists of (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +4 past) - ID:
83419 84264

Ⓐ Lattice degeneration Ⓑ Snail track degeneration Ⓐ All of actin and a little of myosin
Ⓒ White with pressure Ⓑ All of myosin and no actin Ⓒ All actin and no myosin

Ⓐ Lattice degeneration ☛ is a thinning of retina in a lattice pattern Ⓐ A band is a part of sarcomere, functional unit of muscle fibers ➜ It
, crisscross appearance of the degenerated retina. ➜ increases risk of contains entire length of a single thick filament (myosin) and includes
retinal tear and detachment. overlapping portions of thin filaments (actin).

116. Surgical limbus width (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 123. Earliest Neuroendocrine response to stress (Anesth 23
83424 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84269

Ⓐ 3 mm Ⓑ 1 mm Ⓐ CRH release Ⓑ ACTH release

Ⓒ 5 mm Ⓓ 2 mm Ⓒ Adrenaline release Ⓓ Cortisol release

Ⓓ Surgical limbus ☛ important landmark in eye surgery ➜ typically Ⓐ Stress ➜ triggers hormonal changes ➜ initiated by hypothalamus
has a width of approximately 2 mm ➜ This area marks transition from releasing corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) ➜ this signals pituitary
cornea to sclera, and is commonly used as a reference point in ocular gland to produce ACTH ➜ ACTH then signals adrenal glands to produce
procedures. cortisol.

117. Distance between nasal ora serrata and limbus. (Eye 23 124. Cell bodies of horizontal ganglion present in (Eye 23
May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 83435 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84289

Ⓐ 4.50 mm Ⓑ 5.75 mm Ⓐ Outer nuclear layer Ⓑ Inner nuclear layer

Ⓒ 6.50 mm Ⓓ 7.50 mm
Ⓑ Inner nuclear layer in retina ☛ made up of three neural cell
Ⓐ Distance between nasal ora serrata and limbus is approximately classes ➜ relay visual signals from photoreceptors to gganglion cells ➜
4.5mm. sculpt signals into visual streams.
Ora serrata is serrated junction between retina and ciliary body.
125. Sclera related (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84291
118. Hospital nurse consults a microbiologist about
fumigation. It should be done when (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +5 Ⓐ It is slightly blue in childhood
past) - ID: 83462 Ⓑ It is always white
Ⓒ It is slightly pink in childhood
Ⓐ In wards where a patient of plague was admitted Ⓓ It turns yellow with age
Ⓑ 5 confirmed cases of dengue
Ⓒ Cardiac surgery O.T where increased incidents of post Op Ⓐ sclera ☛ can appear slightly blue in children due to its relative
infections reported. thinness ➜ thin sclera allows underlying uveal tissue to show through,
Ⓓ 4 cases of measles were in the room giving a bluish appearance.

Ⓐ Fumigation ☛ typically done when there is risk of highly infectious 126. Ganglion relays on 1 and 2 layer of (Eye 23 May 2023 (M))
- ID: 84292
diseases, like plague to disinfect the area and prevent further spread of
the disease. Ⓐ LGB Ⓑ Visual cortex
119. 45 years old business man from Dubai, abnormal Ⓒ Retina Ⓓ Hippocampus
circadian, variation in body temp, disruption of sleep wake
cycle. impaired nocturnal surge of secretion of melatonin.
Ⓐ Ganglion cell axons transmit visual information from retina to
lateral geniculate body (LGB), specifically its 1st and 2nd layers ➜ This
mri shows involvement of which nucleus that cause Sleep
is key part of visual pathway.
regulation (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +4 past) - ID: 83472
127. Melanoma (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84294
Ⓐ Acessory optic Ⓑ Lateral pre optic
Ⓒ Pre tectal Ⓓ Suprachiasmatic Ⓐ Lethal Ⓑ Non-malignan t
Ⓔ Supraoptic Ⓒ White pigmentation

Ⓓ Suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is primary regulator Ⓐ Melanoma ☛ malignant type of skin cancer, originating from
of circadian rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle and body melanocytes ➜ can metastasize ➜ Lethal
temperature variations.
128. DMN (Dorsomedial Nucleus) and VMN ( Ventromedial
120. About clear wound first intention: (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) Nucleus) (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84295
+2 past) - ID: 83941
Ⓐ Hypothalamus Ⓑ Thalamus
Ⓒ Cerebellum Ⓓ Frontal lobe

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Ⓐ Dorsomedial nucleus and ventromedial nucleus are both parts

of the hypothalamus ➜ play critical roles in feeding behavior and

Radio 23 May 2023

energy homeostasis.

129. Nuclear sclerosis of lens (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84296

Ⓐ Myopia Ⓑ Astigmatism
Ⓒ Presbyopia Ⓓ Hypermetropia

Ⓐ Nuclear sclerosis of the lens ☛ cataract that results in hardening

and yellowing of the central part of lens ➜ index of refraction of lens 1. How does the Fatty acid from adipose tissues is
increases, causing light rays to bend more ➜ can cause myopia transported in blood? (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +2 past) - ID: 666
(nearsightedness) ➜ lead to a temporary improvement in near
Ⓐ Free fatty acid bound to albumin
vision ➜ "second sight".
Ⓑ Cholymicrons
130. Ganglion cells (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84297 Ⓒ Triglycerides bound to albumin
Ⓐ Y cell Ⓑ P cell
Ⓒ R cell Ⓓ M cell Ⓐ Free fatty acids ☛ transported in bounded form with plasma
proteins ➜ mostly albumin.
Ⓓ Y cells (alpha cells) are one type of ganglion cell ➜ involved in
perception of movemen ➜ rapid response to visual stimuli. 2. At which stage the RBC nuclei is disappeared (Radio 23 May
2023 (A.N) +11 past) - ID: 1005
131. Drugs maximally absorbed in GIT (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) -
ID: 84298 Ⓐ Erythroblasts Ⓑ Late Normoblast
Ⓒ Early normoblasts Ⓓ Reticulocytes
Ⓐ Lipophilic in nature Ⓑ Hydrophilic in nature
Ⓒ Protein-bound drugs Ⓓ Ionized drugs Ⓑ Orthochromatic / Late normoblast ☛ Nucleus is expelled
before cell becomes reticulocyte.
Ⓐ Absorption of drugs in gastrointestinal tract depends on their ✦ Wikipedia, Pg.
physicochemical properties ➜ lipophilic (fat-soluble) drugs absorbed
better as they can pass through lipid-rich cell membranes more easily. 3. A patient with carcinoma of the lower lip. Lymphatic
drainage of the lower lip is (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +18 past) -
132. Vitreous (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84301 ID: 1291

Ⓐ Same ref power as aqueous Ⓐ Submental and submandibular

Ⓑ Higher ref power than aqueous Ⓑ Submental and supraclavicular
Ⓒ Lower ref power than aqueous Ⓒ Submental only Ⓓ Deep cervical lymph node on
Ⓓ Does not participate in refraction
Ⓐ The lymph from the sides of the lower lip drain into submandibular
Ⓐ vitreous humor and the aqueous humor both have a refractive index nodes, whereas the lymph from the middle third of lower lip drains into
of about 1.336 ➜ This allows light to pass through eye without being submental lymph nodes.
significantly refracted or bent.
4. 4th brachial pouch derivartive is (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +8
133. Type of Giant cell (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84302 past) - ID: 2516

Ⓐ Langhans Ⓑ Touton Ⓐ Dorsal wing : Parafollicular cells

Ⓒ Warthin-Finkeldey Ⓓ Aschoff Ⓑ Dorsal wing : Superior Parathyroid
Ⓒ Ventral wing : Thymus
Ⓐ Langhans giant cells ☛ multinucleated giant cell found in Ⓓ Ventral wing : Palatine Tonsil
granulomatous conditions like tuberculosis➜peripheral arrangement of
nuclei in a horseshoe or circular pattern. Ⓑ 4th brachial pouch derivatives ➜
Ⓐ Dorsal wing ➜ Superior parathyroid gland
134. Bitter taste (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84303 Ⓑ Ventral wing ➜ Parafollicular C cells of thyroid
✦ Langman's, Pg. 267
Ⓐ Acetazolamide Ⓑ Sucrose
Ⓒ Sodium chloride Ⓓ Fructose 5. A patient with Paraneoplastic syndrome. Most common
hormone secreted by SCC (oat cell carcinoma) leading to
Ⓐ Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors may cause a local change in taste cushingoid appearance of patient is (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N)
receptors of tongue, leading to development of a bitter taste perception +24 past) - ID: 3185
of food and beverages
135. Pilocarpine (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84306 Ⓒ Prolactin Ⓓ FSH

Ⓐ Bradycardia and pale Ⓑ Tachycardia and flushed Ⓑ Small Cell Carcinoma of lung ☛ ectopic production of ACTH or
Ⓒ No cardiovascular effects Ⓓ Hypertension and cyanosis ACTH-like polypeptides ➜ Cushing syndrome.
✦ Robbins, Pg. 236
Ⓐ Pilocarpine is a parasympathomimetic drug ➜ stimulates
parasympathetic nervous system ➜ leads to an increase in salivation, 6. In internal carotid artery damage ,At which vertebral
sweating, and bronchial secretions ➜ At the same time, it can also tubercle you will press to stop bleeding? (Radio 23 May 2023
cause bradycardia and pallor (A.N) +1 past) - ID: 4351

136. Cytokeratin function (Eye 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84309 Ⓐ 3rd Ⓑ 4th
Ⓒ 5th Ⓓ 6th
Ⓐ Cytoskeletal Ⓑ Enzymatic
Ⓒ Secretory Ⓓ Barrier Ⓓ Carotid artery is pressed against☛
6th vertebral tubercle to stop bleeding
Ⓐ Cytokeratins are intermediate filament proteins that provide
structural support to epithelial cells➜ crucial component of the 7. Which nerve is damaged if Foot remains in dorsiflexed
cytoskeleton, contributing to cellular strength and integrity. and evert and loss of sensation on the sole: (Surg 25 May 2023
(M) +15 past) - ID: 5484

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