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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Medulloblastoma Ⓑ Glioblastoma multiforme Ⓑ The needle will be inserted in posterior fontanella for the purpose of
Ⓒ Oligodendroglioma Ⓓ Meningioma draining the CSF.

Ⓐ Medulloblastoma ☛ A fast-growing, high-grade tumor ➜ Due to 2. 12 year old boy has hepatomegaly and joint and
its rapid growth, it often exerts a compressing effect on the surrounding abdominal pain. Most like it is due to which of the
brain tissue. following (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 683

142. A boy fell from the flight stairs. blood accumulates in Ⓐ Hemoglobin C Ⓑ Hb SC
the nape neck. which part is fractured? (Radio 23 May 2023 Ⓒ Hb SS Ⓓ Transferrin
(A.N) +1 past) - ID: 84251
Ⓒ ✪ Sickle cell disease ☛ 2 abnormal β genes ➜ >90% HbS in
Ⓐ Middle cranial fossa Ⓑ Anterior cranial fossa RBCs ➜ presents with joint and abdominal pain.
Ⓒ Posterior cranial fossa Ⓓ Occipital lobe ✪ Massive erythroid hyperplasia in Sickle cell disease ➜
Extramedullary hematopoiesis ➜ hepatomegaly.
Ⓓ Boy fell from stairs ➜ Blood accumulates in nape of neck, which is ✦ Pathoma, Pg. 47, 48
directly related to occipital region ➜ bone underlying this region is
occipital bone, and it forms posterior cranial fossa housing occipital 3. The patient came in ER with chest pain ECG normal
lobes of brain cardiac enzymes normal doctor advised thoracic cage X.
RAY. Which one of these structures is a primary
143. In Vitamin A deficiency complication can occur is cartilaginous Amphiarthrosis joint? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +14
kidney stones (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +1 past) - ID: 84318 past) - ID: 894

Ⓐ Atrophy of renal epithelium Ⓐ Costochondral Ⓑ Teeth and jaw

Ⓑ Hypertrophy of renal epithelium Ⓒ Inferior tibiofibular joint Ⓓ Sutures of skull
Ⓒ Metaplasia of renal epithelium Ⓔ Sutures of skull
Ⓓ Dysplasia of renal epithelium
Ⓔ Hyperplasia of renal epithelium Ⓐ Costochondral joint is a primary cartilaginous joint (The bones
involved are connected by hyaline cartilage . It also sometimes occur
Ⓐ vitamin A deficiency ➜ lack of retinoids can cause reduction in between ossification centers)
cell growth and function ➜ atrophy of renal epithelium, which is a
component of urinary system ➜ eventually lead to renal dysfunction 4. A patient with carcinoma of the lower lip. Lymphatic
and increased risk of kidney stones. drainage of the lower lip is (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +18 past) -
ID: 1291
144. UGO (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N)) - ID: 84419
Ⓐ Submental and submandibular
Ⓐ Urine extravasion in supp distal Ⓑ Submental and supraclavicular
Ⓑ Cystoscopy Ⓒ Ureteroscopy Ⓒ Submental only Ⓓ Deep cervical lymph node on
Ⓓ Transurethral resection of the prostate
Ⓐ The lymph from the sides of the lower lip drain into submandibular
Ⓐ Urine extravasation in suprapubic distal could potentially be the nodes, whereas the lymph from the middle third of lower lip drains into
result of a urologic procedure or injury. submental lymph nodes.

145. Nephrogenic D.I (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N)) - ID: 84422 5. Climber at high altitude experience hypothermia on
returning to base camp and adapts to cold weather by heat
Ⓐ Increase ECF osmolarity Ⓑ Decrease ECF osmolarity generation. Heat loss of the body is controlled by which of
Ⓒ Decrease in urine osmolarity Ⓓ Increase in urine the following? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +23 past) - ID: 2196
Ⓐ Lateral hypothalamus Ⓑ Preoptic hypothalamus
Ⓐ Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus ➜ kidneys fail to respond to ADH Ⓒ Posterior hypothalamus Ⓓ Hippocampus
➜ failure to concentrate urine ➜ excessive urine production and
increase in ECF osmolarity. Ⓒ Posterior ☛ Respond to Cold ➜ Shivering

146. Testes descent completed by (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N)) - 6. Why the spinal nerves are called mixed nerves? (Eye 23
ID: 84423 May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 3362

Ⓐ 33 week Ⓑ 36 week Ⓐ Sensory and motor nerves Ⓑ Dorsal and ventral

Ⓐ Majority of fetuses, testes will have descended into scrotum by the Ⓒ Come through inter vertebral foramen
33rd gestational week. Ⓓ Constitute both craniosacral and thoracolumbar outflow
✦ N.I.H USA, Pg. Ⓔ Constitute both craniosacral and thoracolumbar outflow

Ⓐ As spinal nerves contain both motor and sensory nerves they are
called mixed nerves.

Radio 23 May 2023

7. Triple pattern of microtubules present in which cellular
structure? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +6 past) - ID: 3882

Ⓐ Flagella Ⓑ Centrioles

Ⓒ Cytoplasmic microtubules Ⓓ Stereocila

Ⓑ Centrioles are typically made up of nine sets of short microtubule

1. USG showed a dead hydrocephalous baby in a triplets, arranged in a cylinder.
primigravida who was presented in labour for two hours at
8. The ascent of horse shoe shaped kidney Is prevented by
two stations.At which of the following sites, doctor will
which of the following (CPSP Demo +16 past) - ID: 3938
insert the needle to drain the CSF? (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +5
past) - ID: 558 Ⓐ External iliac artery Ⓑ Internal iliac artery
Ⓒ Superior mesenteric artery Ⓓ Inferior mesenteric
Ⓐ Anterior fontenella Ⓑ Posterior Fontenella
Ⓒ Sagital suture Ⓓ Coronal suture
Ⓔ Coronal suture

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓓ Horseshoe kidney ● Inferior poles of both kidneys fuse Ⓑ Posterior circumflex humeral artery winds around the neck of
abnormally ● hooks under origin of inferior mesenteric artery which humerus. so if it gets fractured artery will be damaged
prevents its ascend ● Kidneys function normally ✦ First Aid, Pg. 455
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 152 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 579
16. A 32 year old woman notices a rock hard lump in her
9. Which one of the following is associated with lower breast. She is diagnosed with breast cancer, and
motor neuron lesions? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 4609 undergoes a mastectomy during the procedure, the
surgeon notes that the breast tumor has spread to involve
Ⓐ Flaccid paralysis. Ⓑ Hyperactive stretch reflex the muscle layer immediately deep to the breast Which
Ⓒ Spasticity Ⓓ Muscular incorrdination muscle is involved: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 7063

Ⓐ Lower motor neuron lesion ☛ Flaccide paralysis, Muscle atrophy, Ⓐ External oblique Ⓑ Pectoralis major
loss of Muscular reflexes, Muscle fasciculations and Contractures. Ⓒ Platysma Ⓓ Rectus abdominis
✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 166
Ⓑ Two thirds of bed of breast are formed by pectoral fascia
10. A male with gynecomastia and small testes diagnosed
overlying pectoralis major muscle.Breast cancer cells can
as Klinefelter’s syndrome. The karyotype involved is (Med 23
invade pectoral fascia overlying pectoralis major and penetrate muscle
May 2023 (A.N) +25 past) - ID: 4823
which lies immetialtely deep to it
Ⓐ 45XO Ⓑ 46XX
Ⓒ 47XXX Ⓓ 47XXY ✦ KLM, Pg. 104, 104

17. Which of the following hormone is Major stress

Ⓓ Already Explained in previous paper
hormone: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +19 past) - ID: 8342
✦ Oxford OBG Handbook, Pg. 110

11. Trauma to lateral surface of sole, what is the Ⓐ Cortisol Ⓑ Norepinephrine

Ⓒ ACTH Ⓓ Epinephrine
Lymphatic drainage of lateral side of foot is (Radio 23 May
2023 (M) +4 past) - ID: 5513
Ⓐ Cortisol > ACTH because cortisol directly responds to stress by
Ⓐ Popliteal lymph nodes Ⓑ Great saphenous vein increasing glucose in blood ( by gluconeogenesis ).
Ⓒ Superficial inguinal lymph nodes ✦ Guyton, Pg. 977
Ⓓ Medial group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes
18. Supportive cells of pituitary glands: (Surg 24 May 2023 (M)
+2 past) - ID: 8359
Ⓐ Popliteal Lymph Nodes ➜ ● About six lymph nodes
● receive superficial lymph vessels from the lateral side of the foot and Ⓐ Chromophobes Ⓑ Glial cells
leg ● from the knee joint Ⓒ Pituicytes Ⓓ Astrocytes
● from deep lymph vessels accompanying the anterior and posterior Ⓔ Chromaffin
tibial arteries.
✦ SNELL, Pg. 479 Ⓒ Pituicytes ☛ Glial cells of posterior pituitary. Supporting role.
12. Lymph drainage of perianal skin is from which one of 19. Which hormones are responsible for milk Production (
the following (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +1 past) - ID: 5638 lactogenesis ) ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +13 past) - ID: 8967
Ⓐ Internal iliac nodes Ⓑ External iliac nodes Ⓐ Oxytocin and prolactin Ⓑ Oxytocin and progesterone
Ⓒ Lateral group of horizontal superficial nodes Ⓒ Oxytocin, prolactin, progesterone
Ⓓ Medial group of horizontal superficial nodes Ⓓ Oxytocin prolactin cortisol

Ⓓ Perianal skin has its own lymphatic vessels ➜ collect lymph from Ⓓ ✪ Prolactin ➜ Produce milk in Alveoli.
perianal skin ➜ then transported to superficial inguinal nodes, ✪ Oxytocin ➜ Ejection of Milk.
specifically medial group of horizontal nodes ✪ Cortisol ➜ Induce lactation.
13. Posteriorly lesser sac has all of the following except: So overall these 3 hormones are involved in whole process. If only one
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +3 past) - ID: 6207 is asked then Prolactin for Secretion and Oxytocin for
Ejection specifically.
Ⓐ Left supra renal gland Ⓑ Right kidney ✦ Guyton, Pg. 1067,1068, 1067,1068, 1067,1068
Ⓒ Left kidney Ⓓ Abdominal aorta
20. Cerebral blood flow at rest (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +4 past) -
ID: 9699
Ⓑ Posterior wall is formed by peritoneum that covers front of ● neck
and body of pancreas ● upper part of left kidney ● left suprarenal gland Ⓐ 25ml/100mg/min Ⓑ 50 ml/100g/min
● commencement of abdominal aorta ● coeliac artery (plexus and Ⓒ 100 ml/100mg/min
nodes) ● part of diaphragm
✦ RJ Last, Pg. 366 Ⓑ The average rate of blood flow in the human brain as a whole is
14. A pathologist wants to pass dye to the liver for approximately 50ml/100 g tissue/min
✦ Guyton, Pg. 204
diagnostic purposes. In which of the following structure
should he inject it: (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 6272 21. Main pillar of medial longitudinal arch of the foot
posteriorly (Med 24 May 2023 (A.N) +7 past) - ID: 11127
Ⓐ Ligamentum hepaticum Ⓑ Ligamentum teres
Ⓒ Ligamentum ateriosum Ⓓ Hepatoduodenal Ⓐ Talus Ⓑ Navicular
ligament Ⓒ Cuboid Ⓓ Calcaneum

Ⓑ Falciform ligament ➜ ● Liver to anterior abdominal wall ● Ⓓ Anterior pillar ➜ is long and weak. Formed byctalus, the navicular,
Derivative of ventral mesentery three Cuneiform and first three metatarsal bones.
it contains➜ Ligamentum teres hepatis (derivative of fetal umbilical Posterior pillar ➜ is short and strong. It is formed by medial part of
vein) ● patent paraumbilical veins calcaneum
✦ First Aid, Pg. 261 ✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 159, 160

15. In fracture of surgical neck of humerus damaged 22. Ant interventricular septum carries vein (Radio 23 May
artery is (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 7037 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 12209

Ⓐ Axillary Ⓑ Posterior circumflex humeral Ⓐ Great cardiac Ⓑ Coronary sinus

Ⓒ Anterior circumflex humeral Ⓓ Radial artery Ⓒ Small cardiac Ⓓ Left cardiac

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Anterior lnterventricularr Seplum position is indicated and is the most superior of all secondary bronchi. It arises above the
by interventricular groove on the surface. it carries Great Cardiac vein level of the pulmonary artery, and for this is named the eparterial
and Anterior interventricular Artery bronchus.
✦ SNELL, Pg. 114, 65 ✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 240
✦ SNELL, Pg. 81
31. Pre-motor cortex lies in (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID:
23. Abdominal angina is due to occlusion of (Radio 23 May 14443
2023 (M) +27 past) - ID: 12417
Ⓐ Frontal lobe Ⓑ Temporal lobe
Ⓐ Celiac artery Ⓑ Spleenic artery Ⓒ Occipital lobe Ⓓ Parietal lobe
Ⓒ Coronary artery Ⓓ Superior Mesenteric Artery
Ⓐ Premotor cortex ☛ is an area of motor cortex lying within the
Ⓓ Abdominal angina ➜ ● most common cause of abdominal angina is frontal lobe of the brain just anterior to the primary motor cortex.
an atherosclerotic vascular disease at ostia of mesenteric ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 285
vessels ● Superior mesenteric artery occlusion is usually found in
32. Incoordination with Pendular reflexes knee jerk and
patients with symptomatic occlusive mesenteric ischemia
hypotonia, intentional tremors is seen in? (Med 25 May 2023
✦ N.I.H USA, Pg.
(A.N) +22 past) - ID: 14526
24. Which of following is strongest Erythropoitn stimulant
Ⓐ Cerebellar disease
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +28 past) - ID: 12527
Ⓑ Upper motor neurons lesion of cerebrum
Ⓐ Anemia Ⓑ Infection Ⓒ Lower motor neuron lesion of spinal cord
Ⓒ Inflammation Ⓓ Hypoxia Ⓓ Paralysis of quadriceps muscles

Ⓓ Erythropoietin: Released by interstitial cells in the peritubular Ⓐ Signs of cerebellar disease:

capillary bed in response to hypoxia Scanning speech, Intention tremor, nystagmus, asthenia,
ataxia/drunken gait, atonia, dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, pendular
25. Lung Activate which of following (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +5 knee jerk, vertigo.
past) - ID: 12687
33. What is the Blood supply of thalamus, hypothalamus
Ⓐ Renin Ⓑ Angiotensin-II
and subthalamus? (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N) +11 past) - ID: 14585
Ⓒ Erythropoitin Ⓓ Angiotensin-I
Ⓐ Anterior crebral artery Ⓑ Middle cerebral artery
Ⓑ Angiotensinogen is produced by liver, converted to Angiotensin-I in Ⓒ Posterior communicating and posterior cerebral
Kidneys and then to Angiotensin-II in lungs. Ⓓ None of above
26. Major content of nucleolus is (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +14
Ⓒ Both of arteries form circle of villus which supply deep structures of
past) - ID: 12712
Ⓐ Small RNA Ⓑ DNA ✦ Netter Nervous System Illustrations, Pg. 112
Ⓒ Proteins Ⓓ Lipid
34. Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated by?
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID: 14659
Ⓐ Nucleolus main function is ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and
ribosome biogenesis Ⓐ Vagus nerve Ⓑ Facial nerve
Ⓒ Opthalmic division of Trigeminal nerve
27. Satiety center is present in which part of Ⓓ Glossopharyngeal nerve
hypothalamus (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +11 past) - ID: 12855

Ⓐ Medial Ⓑ Anterolateral Ⓒ ✪ Afferent ➤ Opthalmic division of CN V ✪ Efferent ➤ CN VII

✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 330
Ⓒ Anteromedial Ⓓ Ventromedial
35. Cystic artery is a branch of: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +11
Ⓓ Ventromedial nucleus ( satiety center ) ☛ Sensation of fullness past) - ID: 15196

28. Single most Significant test before Transplant in Ⓐ Spleenic Ⓑ Right hepatic
Patient is ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +19 past) - ID: 13116 Ⓒ Superior mesenteric Ⓓ Celiac trunk

Ⓐ Rh compatibility Ⓑ Tissue matching Ⓑ Celiec Artery➜ hepatic Artery ➜ Cystic artery ( arises from Right
Ⓒ ABO compatibility Ⓓ HLA compatibility
hepatic artery )
✦ SNELL, Pg. 200, 217
Ⓓ ✪ Before transplantation HLA typing is done to determine the closest
MHC match b/w donor and recipient and is most signaficant to 36. A patient came in emergency with diplopia, occipital
determine acceptance or rejecance of graft headache describe it as "Worst headache" and
✦ Levinson, Pg. 539 deteriorating counscious level. Examination reveals neck
stiffness. CT scan shows brain hemorrhage. CSF is blood
29. Only inherited from mother to the child is (Anesth 23 May
stained. What is the diagnosis? (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +27 past)
2023 (M) +21 past) - ID: 13146
- ID: 15278
Ⓐ Nucleus Ⓑ Mitochondrial DNA
Ⓐ Subdural hematoma Ⓑ Arachnoid hematoma
Ⓒ Cillia Ⓓ G.appratus
Ⓒ Spinal hematoma Ⓓ Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Ⓑ Mitochondrial DNA ☛ Inherited exclusively from mother
Ⓓ Subarachnoid hemorrhage ☛ Bleeding due to trauma, or rupture
because mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by
of an aneurysm (such as a saccular aneurys or arteriovenous
egg cell after fertilization
malformation. Rapid time course. Patients complain of “worst headache
✦ Ganong, Pg. 36
of my life.” Bloody or yellow (xanthochromic) lumbar puncture.
30. Eparterial bronchus supplies (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) ✦ First Aid, Pg. 513
- ID: 13169
37. During exercise Blood flow to non exercising skeletal
Ⓐ Right apical Ⓑ Left apical muscle is Maintained through which Mechanism (Med 25 May
Ⓒ Medial apical Ⓓ Middle segment 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 15586

Ⓐ Local metabolism Ⓑ O2 requirements

Ⓐ The eparterial bronchus (right superior lobar bronchus) is a branch
Ⓒ Adrenergic stimulation Ⓓ Vasodilation
of the right main bronchus given off about 2.5 cm from the bifurcation
of the trachea. This branch supplies the superior lobe of the right lung

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓒ Blood flow Regulation: Ⓒ Most potent ( below 60) ☛ CNS ischemic response
✪ Non-exercising muscles ☛ by sympathetic stimulation via α1 and ✦ Guyton, Pg. 223
β2 receptors.
44. A child presented to OPD with 104 fever for the last 4
✪ Exercising Muscles ☛ Local metabolites causing vasodilation
days. He has been passing cola colored urine for last one
( Guyton + First Aid )
day. He has been on anti malarial medication. His LFTs are
38. Where is the shivering centre in brain (Radio 23 May 2023 deranged with increase unconjugated bilirubin. Most
(M) +11 past) - ID: 15594 probable diagnosis ? (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +33 past) - ID: 15768

Ⓐ Posterior hypothalamus Ⓑ Anterior pituitary Ⓐ Blackwater fever Ⓑ G6PD deficiency

Ⓒ Anterior hypothalamus Ⓓ Thalamus Ⓒ Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
Ⓓ Rhabdomyolysis
Ⓐ Posterior Region: Temperature regulation and shivering Center ,
lesion ---t poikilothermia (inability to thermoregulate) Stimulates Ⓑ G6PD deficiency ☛ Intake of Certain Drugs / Infections / Food ➜
sympathetic nervous system Formation of Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) ➜ Oxidant damage
to Hemoglobin ➜ Formation of Small round inclusions within RBCs (
39. Patient presents with unconscious neat in BR blood
Heinz Bodies ) ➜ Spleen ➜ Macrophages ➜ Damaged part of
glucose level a 400mg/dl and PH=7.L What will be most
Hemoglobin Removed ➜ Appear bitten ➜ Bite Cells ➜ Premature
important buffer in plasma of DKA? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +13
Hemolysis ➜ Anemia, Jaundice, Hematuria.
past) - ID: 15599
✦ Robbins, Pg. 450
Ⓐ PO4 Ⓑ Hb-H
45. Which structure passes from most posterior hiatus at
Ⓒ Proteins Ⓓ HCO3
T12 ( AORTIC) of diaphragm? (Med 25 May 2023 (A.N) +21 past)
- ID: 15809
Ⓓ Sodium bicarbonate ( buffer ) ☛ used in mild to moderately
severe acidosis. Ⓐ IVC, SVC Ⓑ Aorta, phrenic nerve
✦ Davidson, Pg. Ⓒ Thoracic duct, aorta and Azygous vein
Ⓓ Vagus nerve, esophagus
40. Patient is known case of peptic ulcer disease.he is
having pain in epigastrium. What nerve is involved in
Ⓒ Aortic Hiatus which is the most dorsal/posterior opening contains
conduction of stomach pain? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +34 past) -
Aorta, Azygous vein and Thoracic duct
ID: 15636
✦ First Aid, Pg. 663
Ⓐ Vagus Ⓑ Left gastric
46. Where are the the Clara cells present? (Med 25 May 2023
Ⓒ Right gastric Ⓓ Great splanchnic nerve (M) +46 past) - ID: 16195

Ⓓ Visceral referred pain from a gastric ulcer, for example, is referred Ⓐ Distal bronchioles Ⓑ At bifurcation of trachea
to epigastric region because stomach is supplied by pain afferents that Ⓒ Both a and b Ⓓ Terminal bronchioles
reach T7 and T8 spinal sensory ganglia and spinal cord segments
through greater splanchnic nerve Ⓓ Clara cells are most abundant in the terminal bronchioles, where
✦ KLM, Pg. 257 they make up about 80 % of the epithelial cell lining ➜ secrete several
distinctive proteins important for Surfactant
41. Asthmatic patient with pH 7.3, HCO3 25, pCO2 48. ✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 62
Which is the defect: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +12 past) - ID: 15692
47. Patient has history of gastric pain for three years.
Ⓐ Metabolic acidosis uncompensated Above 3 cm of gastroesophageal junction , cells of
Ⓑ Respiratory acidosis compensated epithelium undergone a change. Barrett's esophagus is
Ⓒ Respiratory acidosis uncompensated diagnosed by (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +17 past) - ID: 16538
Ⓓ Respiratory alkalosis
Ⓐ Squamous to Columnar Metaplasia
Ⓒ ✪ pH : 7.33 ➜ Just below normal ➜ Partially compensatedAcidosis Ⓑ Columnar to squamous Metaplasia
✪ pCO2 : 48 ➜ High ➜ due to CO2 Retention ( Asthma is Acute and Ⓒ Anaplasia Ⓓ Hyperplasia
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease )
✪ HCO3 : 25 ➜ Slighty on upper side of normal Value due to Renal Ⓐ Barrett esophagus ☛ Glandular metaplasia ➜ Replacement of
compensation ➜ Cause is Respiratory ( Opposite directions : ↓ pH + nonkeratinized (stratified) squamous epithelium with intestinal
↑ HCO3 ) epithelium (nonciliated columnar with goblets cells) in the distal
Renal Compensation for Acute Resp Acidosis ➜ For every 1 mm esophagus
Hg increase in PaCO2 ☛ 0.1 mmEq of HCO3– to set pH Normal ( 1 : ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 57
0.1 Ratio )
48. A child bora with urine coming out from umbilicus
Full Compensation Criteria ➜ pH should be normal upto 7.4 so in
doctor diagnosed this as patent lumen of allantois. Patent
given options Uncompensated Resp Acidosis to be chosen
lumen of allantois form which structure (Radio 23 May 2023 (M)
✦ BRS Physiology, Pg. 341
+16 past) - ID: 16642
42. Renal blood flow per minute is Best calculated by:
Ⓐ Vitelline duct Ⓑ Gastroschisis
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +32 past) - ID: 15711
Ⓒ Exstrophy of bladder Ⓓ Urachus fistula
Ⓐ Creatinine clearance Ⓑ Inulin
Ⓒ PAH clearance Ⓓ 1/3rd cardiac output Ⓓ Failure of Allontois to obliterate ☛ urachal fistula ➜ urine
leakage.Patent lumen of allantois ☛ forms urachal fistula.
Ⓒ ✪ Renal Plasma Flow is calculated by clearance of para-
49. Following is true regarding fibrocartilage (Radio 23 May
aminohippuric acid (PAH), as at low concentrations this compound is
2023 (M) +21 past) - ID: 17573
completely cleared from plasma by renal tubular filtration and secretion
in a single pass. RPF=CPAH=UPAH×V/PPAH Ⓐ Contain Collagen type II fibers
✦ Ganong, Pg. 643 ✦ Guyton, Pg. 354 Ⓑ Present in intervertebral disc
Ⓒ Once damaged cannot regenerate
43. Patient with massive blood loss, B.P. 50 mm Hg. Which
Ⓓ Present in Laryngeal cartilage
response will be most active , important and Potent below
60 mm hg? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +49 past) - ID: 15738
Ⓑ Connecting fibrocartilage ☛ present in limited motion joints ( e.g.
Ⓐ Renin-angiotensin reflex Ⓑ Bain-bridge reflex intervertebral disks ) ➜ act as cushion to distribute stresses ➜ lack of
Ⓒ CNS ischemic response Ⓓ Barorecptors vascular supply
mechanism ◉ Relatively poor regenerative properties

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

◉ Present only in epiglottis among 5 Laryngeal cartilages pulmonary oedema features are seen in ? (Radio 23 May 2023
◉ Contain Type 1 Collagen (M) +9 past) - ID: 19837
✦ High Yield Neuroanatomy
Ⓐ Aortic stenosis Ⓑ Tricuspid stenosis
50. Male non-smoker One year cough history. X ray shows Ⓒ Pulmonary stenosis Ⓓ Aortic regurgitation
mass in peri-hilar which was squamous muscle cell Ca.
Second leading cause of Lung cancer after Smoking is ? Ⓓ Aortic Regurgiation ➜ Volume overload of left ventricle (LV) ➜
(Med 25 May 2023 (M) +30 past) - ID: 18466 hyperactive left ventricular dilatation (LVD) :
✔ very short, early diastolic decrescendo murmur
Ⓐ Asbestosis Ⓑ Silica
✔ As pressure increases throughout pulmonary circuit, patient develops
Ⓒ Anthracosis Ⓓ Radon
dyspnea and pulmonary edema.
✦ CMDT, Pg. 358 ✦ Davidson, Pg. 623
Ⓓ Smoking > Radon > Asbestos
✪ Radon ☛ Byproduct of uranium decay ➜ Cause Lung cancer ( 2nd to 57. A 25-year old healthy male while playing cricket
Smoking ) sustained trauma resulting In bleeding from abrasions.
✪ Asbestos ☛ Bronchogenic carcinoma > Mesothelioma The initial and 1st hemostatic response after Vessel or
✦ First Aid, Pg. 225 Tissue injury and inflammation is ? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M)
+32 past) - ID: 20651
51. During fight a person hit other person with knife and
cause stab at the stomach bed. He presented with upper Ⓐ Vasoconstriction Ⓑ Haemostasis
GI bleeding on endoscopy artery on the posterior surface Ⓒ Hyperemia Ⓓ Hypersecretion
of the stomach is bleeding which artery is most probably
present? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +5 past) - ID: 18520 Ⓐ ✪ Tissue / Arteriolar injury ➜ Immediate Endothelin secretion
from endothelium ( Potent Vasoconstrictor ) ➜ Hemostasis
Ⓐ Celic trunk Ⓑ Spleenic artery ✦ Robbins, Pg. 101
Ⓒ Left gastric artery Ⓓ Right gastric artery
58. A lady suffering from CA breast undergoes a total
Ⓑ Slpenic artery lies posterior to stomach The splenic artery (in the mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection and
past called the lienal artery) is the blood vessel that supplies develops edema of the right arm which of the following
oxygenated blood to the spleen It branches from the celiac artery and can be the reason for this edema? (ENT 23 May 2023 (M) +26
past) - ID: 20661
follows a course superior to the pancreas.
Ⓐ Lymphatic obstruction
52. The Non Caseating Granuloma is found in which of the
Ⓑ Increase vascular permeability
Following ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID: 18618
Ⓒ Decrease oncotic pressure
Ⓐ TB Ⓑ Sarcoidosis Ⓓ Increase hydrostatic pressure
Ⓒ Syphilis Ⓓ Histoplasmosis Ⓔ Endothelial damage
Ⓔ Aspergillosis
Ⓐ Mastectomy ➜ Removal of LN ➜ Lymphatic obstruction ➜ Edema
Ⓑ Only Sarcoidosis in given options causes Non Caseating Granuloma. ✦ Robbins, Pg. 98
✦ Robbins, Pg. 86
59. An 85-year-old man presented with fever and neck
53. Spiral groove got damaged due to humerus shaft stiffness and was diagnosed as meningitis. On CSF
fracture. which nerve would be affected? (Radio 23 May 2023 examination, low glucose high proteins. What can be the
(M) +14 past) - ID: 19382 most common cause of meningitis in an 85 years old
patient ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 20749
Ⓐ Ulnar Ⓑ Radial (wrist drop)
Ⓒ Axillary Ⓓ Median Ⓐ H influenza Ⓑ N. meningitis
Ⓒ Strep Pneumoniae Ⓓ E coli
Ⓑ Radial nerve ☛ passes in Radial spiral groove on posterior surface
of humerus bone ➜ injured due to fracture on spiral groove ➜ wrist Ⓒ ✦ Neonates ➜ Gram -ve Bacilli > Group B Streptococci ✦ Pre-School
drop , numbness along the posterior surface of lower part of arm Children ➜ H. Influenza > Neissseria > Strep Pneumoniae ✦ Older
✦ Kaplan Anatomy, Pg. 207 Child and Adults ➜ Neisseria > Strep Pneumoniae ✦ Above 60 years ➜
Strep Pneumoniae ( ??? : Davidson 21st Ed Page 1206 ). Neisseria is #
54. A patient has been on hyperbaric O2 therapy for more
1 Cause in Teens and Young adults ( ??? : First Aid 2019 Page 180 )
than 24 hours and later develops difficulty in breathing
Diagnosis is ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 19467 60. The 1st carpometacarpal joint (Thumb) is an example
of the ? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +5 past) - ID: 20811
Ⓐ Fibrolental hyperplasia Ⓑ Optic atrophy
Ⓒ Tension pneumothorax Ⓓ Hypoxemia Ⓐ Cartilagenous Ⓑ Pivot type
Ⓒ Ellipsoid Ⓓ Platipoid
Ⓒ CPAP ventilation ➜ Barotrauma ➜ pressure of air in the pleural Ⓔ Saddle type
space exceeds ambient pressure ➜ Tension pneumothorax
✦ CMDT, Pg. 325
Ⓔ The first carpometacarpal joint (Joint of the Thumb) is a saddle
55. Rapid ventricular filling when Contraction of atria over shaped joint while the remaining four are all synovial ellipsoid joints.
incompetent valve is accompanied by ? (Radio 23 May 2023 The articulation takes place between the carpus and second to fifth
(A.N) +35 past) - ID: 19615 metacarpal bones.

Ⓐ 1st heart sound Ⓑ 2nd heart sound 61. Functional unit of liver is which of the following ? (Radio
Ⓒ 3rd Heart Sound Ⓓ Arrhythmia 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 21307

Ⓐ Portal triad Ⓑ Porta hepatis

Ⓒ Third heart sound ( ventricular gallop ) ☛ usually abnormal sound
Ⓒ Renal sinus Ⓓ Hepatic acinus
➜ due to Rapid passive ventricular filling ➜ occurs in dilated CHF,
severe hypertension, M.I, or mitral incompetence ➜ occurs just after S2
Ⓓ liver acinus the smallest functional unit of the liver, a mass of liver
when mitral valve opens, allowing passive filling of left ventricle.
parenchyma that is supplied by terminal branches of the portal vein and
➤ S3 can be a normal finding in children, pregnants and athletes
hepatic artery
✦ Davidson, Pg. 459
62. Pain and temperature transmitted by ? (Med 25 May 2023
56. Early Diastolic Murmur at left lower sternal border
(M) +15 past) - ID: 21323
with low preload, left ventricular hypertrophy and

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Lateral spinothalamic Ⓑ Medial spinothalamic Ⓓ Stylomandibular ligament ➜thickend posterior portion

Ⓒ Dorsal column Ⓓ None of above of investing cervical portion forms stylomandibular ligamen
●runs from styloid process to angle of mandible
Ⓐ ✪ Anterolateral System (Spinothalamic tract) ☛ Pain, Thermal ✦ KLM, Pg. 920
sensations, Crude touch and pressure sensations, Tickleand itch
69. Where is the maximum amount of K ions is found ?
sensations, Sexual sensations.
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 22054
✦ Guyton, Pg. 609 ✦ Lange Neuroanatomy, Pg. 149
63. Which of the following is part of innate immunity (Radio
23 May 2023 (M) +23 past) - ID: 21550 Ⓒ Blood Ⓓ Interstitial

Ⓐ Antibodies Ⓑ T Cells Ⓑ ✪ ICF K+ ☛ 140 meq/L

Ⓒ B Cells Ⓓ NK cells ✪ ECF K+ ☛ 4 meq/L
✦ Guyton, Pg. 4
Ⓓ ✪ Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes in the same family as T
70. Cataract , heart defect and paraventricular calcification
and B cells, ◉ coming from a common progenitor. ◉ However NK cells
(brain ventricle ) in child is associated with which
Belongs to the innate immune system and show strong cytolytic
organism/infection in mother during pregnancy ? (Radio 23
function against physiologically stressed cells such as tumor cells and
May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID: 22133
virus-infected cells.
✪ All Other options belong to Adaptive Immunity Ⓐ RSV Ⓑ EBV
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 61 Ⓒ HBV Ⓓ Rubella (German Measles)
64. Which of following activates the complimentary
Ⓓ The classic triad for congenital rubella syndrome is composed of
immune system? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +4 past) - ID: 21556
Sensorineural deafness (58% of patients) Eye abnormalities—especially
Ⓐ IgA Ⓑ IgD retinopathy, cataract, glaucoma, and microphthalmia (43% of patients)
Ⓒ IgG3 Ⓓ IgE Congenital heart disease—especially pulmonary artery stenosis and
patent ductus arteriosus (50% of patients
Ⓒ IgM > IgG
71. Tall man with normal external genitalia married but
✪ IgG ☛ ◉ Most abundant Ab is plasma ◉ Can cross placenta ◉
had no kids. He had normal ejaculation period but semen
Complement fixation ◉ Opsonization
analysis showed azoospermia, cause may be due to defect
✪ IgM ☛ Most efficient complement fixation
✦ Levinson, Pg. 526 in which sturcture? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +26 past) - ID: 22154

65. Regarding suprarenal glands which of the following Ⓐ Vas deference Ⓑ Sertoli cells
statements is true anatomically? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +20 Ⓒ Rete testes Ⓓ Semniferous tubules
past) - ID: 21588 Ⓔ Adrenal cortex

Ⓐ Thoracic (greater) splanchnic nerve supply Ⓑ Azoospermia is associated with defect in sertoli cells
Ⓑ Pass through central tendon of diaphragm
Ⓒ Left side of diaphragm Ⓓ IVC 72. A patient had RTA, he does not know recent events but
he remembers his school events. Short-term memory loss
Ⓐ ✪ Preganglionic sympathetic fibers derived from Thoracic splanchnic occurs due to lesions in which of the following areas? (Med
nerves supply Adrenal glands 25 May 2023 (M) +25 past) - ID: 22207
✪ Both glands rests posteriorly on the diaphragm. Ⓐ Uncus Ⓑ Insula
✪ Right suprarenal gland extends medially behind the inferior vena Ⓒ Hippocampus Ⓓ Midbrain
cava Ⓔ Neocortex
✦ SNELL, Pg. 213, 215

66. A 50 yr male with Macrocytic anemia and is pale and Ⓒ Hippocampus ☛ Roles in consolidation of information and if
lethargic with sore tongue and mouth ulcers. he also damaged, cause loss of Short term memory.
complaints of tingling sensations under feet. He has H/O
73. On barium meal feather shaped on left side of
Gastrectomy for Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome about two
abdomen is due to ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +9 past) - ID: 22244
years ago. What will you do to replace the deficiency
causing this condition ? (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +45 past) - ID: Ⓐ Jejunum Ⓑ Ileum
21620 Ⓒ Dudenum Ⓓ Colon
Ⓐ Oral vitamin B12 and folic acid
Ⓐ Jejunum ☛ feathery appearance located in left upper abdomen ➜
Ⓑ IV vitamin B12 Ⓒ Whole blood
Shown by normal barium meal
Ⓓ Iron supplement
✦, Pg.

Ⓑ Gastrectomy ☛ Loss of Parietal Cells ➜ ↓ Intrinsic factor ➜ ↓ 74. Glans penis and corpora lymph drainage is ? (Radio 23
Vitamin B12 Absorption in ileum ➜ ↓ Bone Marrow stimulation ➜ ↓ May 2023 (M) +11 past) - ID: 22284
RBC maturation ➜ Macrocytic Anemia ➜ Condition is Reversed by IV
Ⓐ External iliac nodes Ⓑ Superficial inguinal nodes
vitamin B12.
✦ Guyton, Pg. 822 Ⓒ Internal iliac nodes Ⓓ Para aortic nodes
Ⓔ Deep inguinal nodes
67. Which lipoprotein contains high amount of protein ?
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +19 past) - ID: 21739 Ⓔ The lymphatics of the skin of the penis and prepuce drain primarily
to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes, especially the superomedial
zone. The lymphatics of the glans may drain to the superficial inguinal
Ⓒ HDL Ⓓ Chylomicrons
lymph nodes or may feed directly to either the deep inguinal nodes or
the external iliac nodes
Ⓒ lipoprotein with highest Protein HDL > LDL > VLDL > Chylomicron
75. DYSTONIC REACTIONS are associated with which of
68. Thickened Deep fascia of parotid forms which of
following CNS drugs? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +15 past) - ID:
following ligament ? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +11 past) - ID:
Ⓐ Chlorpromazine Ⓑ Gentamicin
Ⓐ Mandibular Ⓑ Maxillary
Ⓒ Amitryptaline Ⓓ Valproate
Ⓒ Nasal Ⓓ Stylomandibular lig

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Chlorpromazine ☛ extrapyrimidal neurological effects ➜ Dystonia, Ⓓ Physical activity ☛ ↑ O2 demands ➜ Muscle contract ➜ Compress
Muscle stiffness, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. blood vessels ➜ Imbalance between supply and Demand ➜ Demand
exceed the supply.
76. The Superior rectal artery is a branch of ? (Radio 23 May ✦ Ganong, Pg. 518, 518
2023 (M) +15 past) - ID: 23030
83. Common variant of Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) ? (Med 25
Ⓐ Inferior mesenteric artery Ⓑ Middle rectal artery May 2023 (M) +15 past) - ID: 24345
Ⓒ Superior rectal artery Ⓓ Posterior rectal artery
Ⓐ Nodular Ⓑ Ulcerative
Ⓐ Braches of inferior mesenteric artery ● Superior rectal artery is a Ⓒ Plaque Ⓓ Ulcerative Nodular
continuation of the inferior mesenteric artery ● left colic artery ●
sigmoid arteries ( 2-4 ) Ⓐ 2 Most Common pattrens of BCC seen
✦ SNELL, Pg. 194 ➊ Multifocal growths originating from the epidermts (superficial
77. A male pt came with h/o yellow thin penis discharge ➋ Nodular lesions growing downward into the dermis as cords and
and suffering from some sexually transmitted disease. The islands of variably basophilic cells With hyperchromatic nuclei
most commonly transmitted bacterial STDs that caused embedded in a fibrotic or mucinous stromal matrix ( Robbins )
this condition is? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +4 past) - ID: 23133
84. Motors speech area (Broca's area) is located in (Radio 23
Ⓐ Syphilis Ⓑ Chlamydia trichomonas May 2023 (M) +13 past) - ID: 24978
Ⓒ E coli Ⓓ Streptococcus
Ⓐ Superior frontal Ⓑ Superior temporal
Ⓑ Signs and symptoms of chlamydia trachomatis infection may include, Ⓒ Inferior gyrus of frontal Ⓓ Parietal lobe
Painful urination, Lower abdominal pain, Vaginal discharge in women,
Discharge from the penis in men, Painful sexual intercourse in women, Ⓒ Broca`s area ( Motor speech area ) ➜ Brodmann areas 44 and
Bleeding between periods and after sex in women, Testicular pain in 45 ➜ Inferior frontal gyrus.
men ✦ Snell Neuro, Pg. 285

78. Platelet aggregation is promoted by which of the 85. A patient with severe burns has blood oozing from a
following ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 23200 site. He has developed generalized swelling. Hb was low.
The reason for swelling is decrease in ? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N)
Ⓐ Thromboxane A2 Ⓑ Thromboxane B2 +30 past) - ID: 25617
Ⓒ Leukotrienes Ⓓ Prostaglandins
Ⓐ Albumin Ⓑ Beta globulin
Ⓔ Cox 1
Ⓒ Alpha globulin Ⓓ Gamma globulins
Ⓐ Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) is a type of thromboxane that is produced
Ⓐ ✪ Hypoalbuminemia is a common clinical deficiency
by activated platelets during hemostasis and has prothrombotic
in burn patients ➜ ↓ Plasma Oncotic Pressure ➜ ↑ extravascular fluid
properties: it stimulates activation of new platelets as well as increases
leakage ➜ edema ➜ abnormal healing
platelet aggregation
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 97
79. The insulin increases glucose uptake into which of the
86. Abduction of hip joint is limited by (Radio 23 May 2023 (M)
following cells ? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +23 past) - ID: 23231 +4 past) - ID: 27685

Ⓐ Skeletal muscles Ⓑ Brain Ⓐ Pubofemoral Ⓑ Ileofemoral

Ⓒ Heart Ⓓ Kidney Ⓒ Ischiofemoral Ⓓ Hamstring

Ⓐ Glucose uptake in response to insulin in skeletal muscle and adipose Ⓐ ✪ Lateral rotation is limited by the tension in iliofemoral and
tissue is mediated by the glucose transporter GLUT4 [1,2,3,4]. GLUT4 pubofemoral ligaments, and medial rotation is limited by the
is a 12-transmembrane protein that permits peripheral blood glucose to ischiofemoral ligament
move into the cell across the plasma membrane ✪ Relations ➜ ● Superiorly Piriformis and gluteus minimus
80. Which of the following intermediate filament is present ● Inferiorly Obturator externus tendon
in muscle cell ? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 23289 Posteriorly obturator internus, gemelli, and quadratus femoris muscles
separate joint from sciatic nerve
Ⓐ Keratin Ⓑ Vimentin
Ⓒ Desmin Ⓓ Nestin ✦ SNELL, Pg. 468, 469

87. Gold standard investigation for placenta previa: (Radio

Ⓒ ◉ Desmin ☛ intermediate filament (IF) protein occurring
23 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 28999
exclusively in muscle and endothelial cells ➜ present throughout
smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells Ⓐ Pelvic USG Ⓑ Pelvrc MRI
◉ Nestin and Vimentin ☛ not unique to muscles Ⓒ Transvaglnal USG
✦ N.I.H USA, Pg.
Ⓒ Transvaginal ultrasonography ☛ gold standard for diagnosis of
81. Rotator cuff tear, which is most commonly Involved?
placenta previa ➜ accurate, cost-effective and well tolerated.
(Radio 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 23409

Ⓐ Supraspinatous Ⓑ Infraspinatous 88. Fasting long hours or Summer season cause

Ⓒ Teres minor Ⓓ Subscapularis concentrated urine with increased osmolarity due to: (Eye
23 May 2023 (M) +16 past) - ID: 33707

Ⓐ The rotator cuff is a series of 4 muscles in the shoulder that form a Ⓐ ADH Ⓑ Oxytocin
cuff of tissue around the humerus bone in the shoulder joint. These Ⓒ Epinephrine Ⓓ NE
muscles provide rotational strength to the shoulder. Tears in the
tendons of these muscles are called rotator cuff tears. The most Ⓐ Summer / Fasting ➜ Summer sweating along with excessive
commonly affected muscle is the supraspinatus. evaporation from skin or Less water intake during fasting ➜
dehydration ➜ ↑ ADH Secretion ➜ Renal water retention ➜
82. In healthy man metabolic requirements may exceed
Concentrated urine will be pass.
the oxygen supply in which? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +3 past) -
✦ Guyton, Pg. 364 ✦ Guyton, Pg. 371
ID: 23765
89. Which of the following translocation is seen in
Ⓐ Brain Ⓑ Kidney
Burkitt’s Lymphoma? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +16 past) - ID:
Ⓒ Heart Ⓓ Skeletal muscle

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ T (8:14) Ⓑ T (8:21) 96. In a grip test, a man is unable to hold a piece of paper
Ⓒ T (9: 22) Ⓓ T (11:14) between his thumb and index finger. O/E the flexion of
Ⓔ T (X:18) thumb at interphalangeal joint has been affected. Which of
the following nerves has most likely been injured? (Med 25
Ⓐ Burkitt Lymphoma ☛ cells have translocation between May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 34752
chromosomes 8 and 14 ➜ overexpression of MYC gene on chromosome
Ⓐ Anterior interosseous Ⓑ Deep ulnar
8 by juxtaposition with immunoglobulin heavy chain gene regulatory
Ⓒ Superficial ulnar Ⓓ Radial nerve
elements on chromosome 14.
✦ Robbins, Pg. 202
Ⓔ Posterior interosseous

90. A chronic pressure overload in the left ventricle due Ⓐ Pinch grip test ☛ AIN syndrome ➜ failure of pinch grip
to aortic stenosis results in: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ➜ weakness of flexor pollicis longus and radial portion of flexor or
ID: 33951 digitorum profundus ➜ ↓ flexion power of the interphalangeal joint
of thumb and distal interphalangeal joint of index finger
Ⓐ Altered left ventricle distensibility
✦ GRAY'S, Pg. 859
Ⓑ Decreased contractility Ⓒ Left ventricular dilatation
Ⓓ Left ventricular hypertrophy Ⓔ No change 97. Chrionic villus sampling done at which week? (Eye 23
May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 34830
Ⓓ Left ventricular hypertrophy ☛ caused by chronically increased
Ⓐ 11 week Ⓑ 15 week
workload on heart ➜ most commonly resulting from pressure overload
Ⓒ 19 week Ⓓ 20 week
induced by arteriolar vasoconstriction as occurs in chronic hypertension
or aortic stenosis.
Ⓐ CVS ☛ between 10 and 13wks
91. Structure behind Ovarian Fossa (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +22 Amniocentesis ☛ 15wks onwards
past) - ID: 34292 ✦ Oxford OBG Handbook, Pg. 130

Ⓐ Internal Illiac Artery Ⓑ Ureter 98. A patient had a Radical mastectomy. Now she is unable
Ⓒ External iliac artery Ⓓ Obturator to lift her arm above 45 degrees and comb her hair and lift
her arm above her head. Which of the following nerve
Ⓑ B>A damage leads to winging scapula? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +35
Already Explained in Previous paper past) - ID: 35025
✦ GRAY'S, Pg. 1106
Ⓐ Accessory Nerve Ⓑ Long thoracic nerve
92. Plalates adhere to each other by? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) Ⓒ Axillary Nerve Ⓓ Phrenic Nerve
+1 past) - ID: 34334
Ⓑ Radical mastectomy ➜ Long thoracic nerve damaged ➜ serratus
Ⓐ Thrombaxane 2 Ⓑ Archandaoic acid anterior muscle paralysedWinging of scapula occurs because
Ⓒ Fibrinogen of serratus anterior muscle dysfunction due to long thoracic nerve palsy

Ⓐ Primary hemostasis ☛ 99. Astereognosis due to lesion (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +5 past)
1) Vasoconstriction Mediated by reflex neural stimulation and - ID: 35144
Ⓐ Primary somatosensory area
2) Platelets adhesion ➜ vWF attach to expose subendothelial
Ⓑ Somatoesthetic association area
collagen ➜ Platelets bind to vWF through GP1B
Ⓒ Premotor cortex
3) Platelets degranulate ➜ ADP and TXA2 ➜ Promote GPIIb IIIa on
Ⓓ Secondary somatosensory cortex
platelets and promote platelets aggregation
4) Platelets aggregation ➜ Platelets aggragate using GPIIb IIIa ➜
Ⓐ Astereognosis ☛
Platelet plug
✦ Person is unable to judge shapes or forms of objects
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 124
✦ Lesion in Somatosensory Area I
93. 85 year male Patient complain of lower backache, ✦ Guyton, Pg. 613
doctor during examination noticed an outgrown with tuft
100. Arterial supply of 1st portion (2cm) of duodenum is
of hairs at L5 and dimple in the sacral segment. what is
from? (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 35194
your Diagnosis? (Med 25 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 34349
Ⓐ Hepatic artery Ⓑ Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
Ⓐ Meningomyelocele Ⓑ Meningoencephalocele
Ⓒ Gastric artery Ⓓ Ileocecal
Ⓒ Spina bifida occulta Ⓓ Anencephaly
Ⓔ Superior pancreaticoduodenal
Ⓒ Spina bifida Occulta ☛ Neural tube defect ➜ small bony gaps
Ⓔ Upper half of duodenum is supplied by ➜ superior
between lumbosacral vertebae ➜ defect Hidden by intact Skin along
pancreaticoduodenal artery, a branch of the gastroduodenal artery (
with dimple and Tuft of hairs .
branch of Hepatic Artery )
✦ Nelson Paeds, Pg. 716
lower half is supplied by ➜ inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, a
94. A tailor developed TB symptoms, XRAY B/L hilar branch of superior mesenteric artery
lymphadenopathy. The mode of transmission of his ✦ SNELL, Pg. 217, 177
disease is? (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 34494
101. A 20-year-old sexually active woman with suprapubic
Ⓐ Inhaling aerosol droplets Ⓑ Direct contact pain, frequency, urgency, and burning sensation. O/E no
Ⓒ Blood transfusion Ⓓ Needle sticks injury ulcer were noted. Urine R/E shows numerous pus cells.
Culture shows organism that is catalase positive, and
Ⓐ TB transmitted by airborne droplets and is preventable disease coagulase-negative. organism. Which one of the following
✦ CMDT, Pg. 288 sets of bacteria is most likely to cause this infection? (Surg
24 May 2023 (M) +13 past) - ID: 35299
95. Localized malignant tumor (Med 25 May 2023 (A.N) +24 past)
- ID: 34640 Ⓐ Staphylococcus saprophyticus Ⓑ E.Coli
Ⓒ Streptococcus pyogenes Ⓓ Klebsiella
Ⓐ Pleomorphic adenoma Ⓑ Hydatidiform Mole
Ⓒ Ameloblastoma Ⓓ Melanoma Ⓐ Staphylococcus saprophyticus ☛ Most common cause of UTI in
sexually active young females and 2nd to E.Coli in community acquired
Ⓒ Ameloblastoma ☛ is the most common benign but locally invasive UTI ( Levinson BCQ)
epithelial odontogenic tumour ✦ Levinson, Pg. 115, 126
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 513

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

102. Proximal artery stenosis is: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +2

past) - ID: 35545 110. Monozygotic twin different in (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1
past) - ID: 37968
Ⓐ Proximal 2cm of Renal Artery Ⓑ Distal 2cm of
RenalArtery Ⓐ Eye color Ⓑ Skin color
Ⓒ Distal 1cm Ⓓ Distal 0.5cm Ⓒ Hair texture Ⓓ Genotype
Ⓔ Phenotype
Ⓐ Renal artery stenosis ☛ Atherosclerosis (~75% of cases) involves
the proximal renal artery Ⓔ ANSWER
✦, Pg.
111. What type of organism Falciparum malaria is ? (Radio
23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 38023
103. To see long-term compliance to insulin or control of
diabetes Mellitus which investigation Is performed? (Anesth Ⓐ Sporozite Ⓑ Schizoid
23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 35594
Ⓒ Unicellular amoeboid protozoa
Ⓐ Urea clearance Ⓑ Fasting blood sugar Ⓓ Tapeworm
Ⓒ Urea and creatinine
Ⓓ Glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1c) Ⓒ Plasmodium falciparum ☛ Unicellular protozoan parasite of
Ⓔ GTT humans, and deadliest species of Plasmodium that causes malaria in
✦ Davidson, Pg. 273
Ⓓ ✪ HBA1c ☛ best monitor for long term glycaemic control.
✪ Advantage ☛ no fasting is required. 112. A man of 20 years of age broke his humerus in a road
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 818
traffic accident. The fracture was treated by plaster of
104. Alcohol used by the mother during 1st trimester of Paris (POP) which was removed after ten weeks. His limb
pregnancy may cause (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +13 past) - ID: appeared atrophic. The most likely cause is (Radio 23 May
36363 2023 (M) +17 past) - ID: 54953

Ⓐ Anancephaly Ⓑ Premature birth Ⓐ Denervation atrophy Ⓑ Disuse atrophy

Ⓒ Microcephaly Ⓓ Spina bifida Ⓒ Atrophy due to inadequate nutrition
Ⓓ Atrophy due to diminished blood supply
Ⓑ Alcohol use, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, increases
the risk of miscarriage, Premature birth Ⓑ Resting in cast ➜ immobilised in cast ➜ diminished functional
✦, Pg. activity ➜ Decreased actin and myosin ➜ Disuse atrophy
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 37
105. Related to the hilum of lung posteriorly (Anesth 23 May
2023 (M) +14 past) - ID: 36386 113. A patient was really afraid of dental extraction. When
he sat in the dentist's chair, his heart beat increased. What
Ⓐ Aorta Ⓑ Phrenic nerve other reaction is most likely to occur in Extreme
Ⓒ Vagus nerve Ⓓ Azygous sympathetic stimulation ? (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +44 past) -
ID: 55469
Ⓒ Vagus nerve ☛ Behind the root of lungs
✦ SNELL, Pg. 99 Ⓐ Decreased heart rate Ⓑ Decreased blood pressure
Ⓒ Decreased sweating Ⓓ Bronchodilation
106. 1st line of defence against viral cells (Radio 23 May 2023
(M) +4 past) - ID: 36413
Ⓓ β Adrenergic Sympathetic Stimulation
Ⓐ Langerhen cells Ⓑ Natural killer cells ➜ Airway smooth muscle Relaxation ➜ Bronchodilation.
Ⓒ T lymphocytes Ⓓ B lymphocytes ✦ Ganong, Pg. 260 ✦ Guyton, Pg. 779
Ⓔ Interferons 114. During surgery in OT, patient needs bladder
emptying, surgeon passed needle to upper surface of
Ⓑ NK cells ☛ Kill viral infected cells and Tumor cells bladder vessel at risk of damage is: (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +10
✦ Levinson, Pg. 618 past) - ID: 58099
107. The ECG change characteristic of acute myocardial Ⓐ Inferior epigastric Ⓑ Deep Circumflex artery
infarction is: (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +16 past) - ID: 36464 Ⓒ Superficial Circumflex artery
Ⓐ Displacement of ST-segment Ⓑ Disappearance of Q- Ⓓ Superior epigastric
Ⓒ Inverted T-wave Ⓓ Tall T wave Ⓐ Inferior epigastric artery ☛ a branch of external iliac artery. It is
found on the anterior abdominal wall, passing superomedially from the
Ⓐ ✪ ECG in Acute M.I ☛ First peaked T waves ➜ then ST Deviation( inguinal canal towards midline.Can gets damage
✦ Reference, Pg. 854, 856
25 – 40% ) ➜ then negative T waves ➜ finally pathologic Q waves.
✦ Davidson, Pg. 497 115. Basal cell carcinoma is seen in most commonlyin
108. Biopsy of stomach non specialised mucosa with which eyelid? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 61432
scattered goblet cells (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: Ⓐ Upper medial Ⓑ Upper lateral
Ⓒ Lower medial Ⓓ Lower lateral
Ⓐ Dysplasia Ⓑ Metaplasia
Ⓒ Atrophy Ⓓ Hyperplasia Ⓒ BCC☛ reddish nodule slowly forms on eyelid ➜ most commonly
found on lower eyelid, followed by medial canthus and can occur on the
Ⓑ ANSWER upper eyelid.

109. Patient has pain in the popliteal fossa, while flexing 116. Anteversion of uterus is maintained by? (Surg 24 May
the knee he experienced excruciating pain at popliteal 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 63464
fossa, which muscle is responsible? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 Ⓐ Cardinal ligament Ⓑ Uterosacral ligament
past) - ID: 37631
Ⓒ Pubocervical ligament Ⓓ Round ligament
Ⓐ Sartorius muscle Ⓑ Soleus muscle
Ⓒ Plantaris muscle Ⓓ Gastronemius muscle Ⓓ Round ligament helps maintain tanteversion position of uterus
Ⓔ Popliteus muscle during pregnancy.
Cardinal ligaments support the uterus.

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Ⓐ Astereognosis ☛
117. Which of the following is the mostcommon mutation
✦ Person is unable to judge shapes or forms of objects
in Ewing's sarcoma (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +11 past) - ID: 65159
✦ Lesion in Somatosensory Area I
Ⓐ Translocation X : 18 Ⓑ Translocation 11 , 22 ✦ Guyton, Pg. 613
Ⓒ Activative mutation of G5a,p, surface protein 124. A patient was given some drug after which he
Ⓓ Missense mutation in EXTI develop bronchospasm and hypotension likely mechanism
related to this? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 72284
Ⓑ Ewing's Sarcoma ☛ malignant, distinctive small round cell sarcoma
➜ associated with t(11:22) translocation ➜ most commonly occurs in Ⓐ IgG Ⓑ IgE
the diaphysis of long bones. Ⓒ IgM Ⓓ IgA

118. A woman after RTA rushed to ER, she has Ⓑ Type I (immediate) reaction ☛ provoked by re-exposure to a
hypotension, bradycardia, and warm extremities and she specific type of antigen(allergen) ➜ IgE–mediated release of histamine
cannot feel the Lower part of her body. What is the type of and other mediators from presensitized mast cells and basophils ➜
shock (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +3 past) - ID: 65531 Anaphylactic shock
✦ Robbins, Pg. 84
Ⓐ Hypovolemic shock Ⓑ Neurogenic shock
Ⓒ Anaphylactic shock Ⓓ Cardiogenic shock 125. A Patient presented with Fever Headache, Muscle
ache and Rash. All symptoms suggesting Rickettsia
Ⓑ Neurogenic shock ☛ Due to Spinal cord / brain injury ➜ loss of infection. The target tissue in rickettsia infection is which
sympathetic vascular tone ➜ peripheral vasodilation ➜ pooling of of following? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 72444
peripheral blood
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 109 Ⓐ Endothelium (skin) Ⓑ Epidermis
Ⓒ Lymph node Ⓓ Nerve fibers
119. On echocardiography, the anterior 2/3rd of the Ⓔ Neural tissue
interventricular septum is necrosed. Which artery is
involved that descends into the anterior interventricular Ⓐ Rickettsia ☛ The organisms multiply in capillary endothelial cells,
groove and supply the anterior 2/3rd of the producing lesions in skin, CNS, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and skeletal
interventricular septum? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +3 past) - ID: muscles.
66890 ✦ Davidson, Pg. 270
Ⓐ Acute marginal branch 126. Congenital megacolon and Chagas disease decrease
Ⓑ Left anterior descending (LAD) artery intestinal motality defect ? (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +4 past) - ID:
Ⓒ Septal branches Ⓓ Circumflex artery 72454
Ⓔ Right coronary artery
Ⓐ Mucos Ⓑ Submucos
Ⓑ LAD artery ☛ supplies the anterior 2/3rd of the interventricular Ⓒ Serosa Ⓓ Muscularis externa
Ⓓ Hirschsprung's and Chagas ☛ primarily affect enteric nervous
120. First branch of abdominal aorta (Surg 24 May 2023 (M) +5 system ➜ Loss of peristalsis
past) - ID: 68020 Myenteric (Auerbach's plexus) ☛ primarily located in "Muscularis
Ⓐ Inferior phrenic Ⓑ Celiac trunk externa" layer of the intestinal wall
Ⓒ Celiac plexus Submucosa ☛ also contains enteric nervous system, specifically
submucosal (Meissner's) plexus ➜ primarily controls function of
Ⓑ The first and often largest visceral branch of the abdominal aorta is mucosal layer and local blood flow
✦ Guyton, Pg. 843 ✦ Robbins, Pg. 591
the celiac trunk. The celiac trunk quickly bifurcates or trifurcates into
branches. 127. A patient has liver cirrhosis. Site of liver biopsy (Eye 23
May 2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 72457
121. Layers of blood vessel wall (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past)
- ID: 68708 Ⓐ 7th Intercostal space midaxillary
Ⓑ 8th intercostal space midclavicular
Ⓐ Tunica adventitia Ⓑ Tunica media
Ⓒ 7th Intercostal space midclavicular
Ⓒ Tunica intima
Ⓓ 8th intercostal space near sturnum
Ⓐ Vessel wall ☛ consists of three layers ➜ tunica intima ( innermost
Ⓐ Liver biopsy ☛ Start with percussion over right upper quadrant
), tunica media and tunica adventitia.
➜ biopsy site is usually located in 7th or 8th intercostal space in
122. A woman and man has history of recurrent midaxillary line ➜ Site can be further confirmed with either routine
pregnancy, their clinical and genetic history is ultrasonography (US) or a bedside portable ultrasound machine.
unremarkable but all pregnancies end up still birth how ✦ Medscape, Pg.
will you investigate (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 72136
128. CSF examination gold standard to rule out (Med 24 May
Ⓐ Southern blot Ⓑ Tandem mass spectroscopy 2023 (A.N) +5 past) - ID: 72466
Ⓒ Next generation sequencing Ⓓ Karyotyping Ⓐ Retinoblastoma Ⓑ SCC
Ⓔ FISH Ⓒ Melanoma of eyelid Ⓓ Lymphoma

Ⓓ Recurrent abortions ➜ Chromosomal abnormalities ➜ Karyotyping Ⓐ Retinoblastoma ☛ Can grow along optic nerve and tumor cell can
should be done be found in CSF
✦ First Aid, Pg. 55 ✦, Pg.

123. A patient blindfolded ask to identify the structure in 129. Acessory duct drains pancreas? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N)
hand which area assessment is being done? (Radio 23 May +7 past) - ID: 72514
2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 72143
Ⓐ Lower end of head Ⓑ Upper head of end
Ⓐ Primary somesensory area Ⓑ Secondary Ⓒ Uncinate Ⓓ Tail
somesthetic area
Ⓒ Somesthetic association area Ⓓ DCLM association area Ⓒ Accessory pancreatic duct ☛ drains most of upper third and
Ⓔ Primary motor area superficial part of lower two thirds of head and uncinate process of

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130. From the surgical point of view, the liver is divided ✪ Trigeminal nerve ☛ ophthalmic division passes through superior
into Right and left two almost equal lobes by? (Surg 25 May orbital fissure
2023 (M) +10 past) - ID: 72516
137. Ear pinna, helix and tragus develops from (Med 25 May
Ⓐ Middle hepatic Ⓑ Right hepatic vein 2023 (M) +7 past) - ID: 79461
Ⓒ Left hepatic Ⓓ Right portal
Ⓔ Left portal Ⓐ 1 and 2 branchial arch Ⓑ 2 and 3 branchial arch
Ⓒ 1 branchial cleft Ⓓ 2 branchial cleft
Ⓐ Middle hepatic ☛ divides the liver into the right and left lobes and Ⓔ 4 branchial arch
runs in the same plane with the inferior vena cava and the gallbladder
Ⓐ External ear ☛ develops from first two pharyngeal arches, which
Right hepatic vein ☛ divides the right lobe of the liver into anterior begin forming six hillocks of His in the five weeks of development. The
and posterior segments first three hillocks originate from the first pharyngeal arch and fuse
together to form the tragus, helix, and cymba conchae.
131. End stage renal disease, after dialysis decrease libido
To differentiate primary and secondary hypogonadism 138. Tumor suppressor gene involved in Renal and
investigation?. (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 72519 gonadal Agenesis? (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 82459

Ⓐ Estradiol Ⓑ LH Ⓐ WT1 Ⓑ P53

Ⓒ Cortisol Ⓓ Thyroxine Ⓒ Bcl2 Ⓓ KRAS

Ⓑ Primary hypogonadism ☛ Lydig cell dysfunction ➜ High LH Ⓐ WT1 gene ☛ provides instructions for making a protein necessary
✪ LH will be low in secondary hypogonadism for development of kidneys and gonads (ovaries in females and testes
in males) before birth
132. Child with proteinuria more than 3.5 hypertension,
feet edema, lipiduria most likely cause (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) 139. Patient Having Colon Cancer with Very High level Of
+2 past) - ID: 72704 CEA. CEA Level at This Stage ll Help in? (Anesth 23 May 2023
(M) +4 past) - ID: 82769
Ⓐ Minimal change disease Ⓑ FSGS
Ⓒ Nephrotic syndrome Ⓐ Followup Ⓑ Staging
Ⓒ Grading Ⓓ Invasion
Ⓐ Minimal change disease is a type of nephrotic syndrome that is Ⓔ Immediately operate
the most common type in children so the answer should be minimal
change disease not nephrotic syndrome Ⓐ Tumor markers are used for ➤
➊ Screening
133. Posterior to the third part of duodenum,? (Med 25 May ➋ Response to Tx
2023 (A.N) +5 past) - ID: 79211 ➌ Monitoring of reccurence
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 234
Ⓐ Right kidney Ⓑ Inferior vena cava
Ⓒ Liver Ⓓ Head of pancreas 140. Clavicle fracture, separation of the shoulder joint
with the lateral end of clavicle sliding over acromion.
Ⓑ Third part (D3) Which ligament keeps acromioclavicular joint in place (Surg
✪ Anteriorly ☛ small bowel mesentery root 24 May 2023 (M) +6 past) - ID: 82800
✪ Posteriorly ☛ right psoas muscle, right ureter, gonadal vessels, aorta
Ⓐ Acromioclavicular ligament Ⓑ Coracoclavicular
and IVC
✪ Superiorly ☛ pancreatic head
Ⓒ Sternoclavicular ligament Ⓓ Costoclavicular ligament
✪ Inferiorly ☛ loops of jejunum

134. Deep plantar artery is a branch of (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) Ⓑ Coracoclavicular ligament ☛ very strong extends from coracoid
+4 past) - ID: 79317 process to undersurface of the clavicle . It is largely responsible for
suspending the weight of scapula upper limb from clavicle.
Ⓐ Dorsalis pedis artery Ⓑ Popiliteal artery ✦ Snell Review, Pg. 364
Ⓒ Posterior interosseous Ⓓ Anterior interosseous
141. Edema fluid due to acute inflammation is? (Med 25 May
Ⓐ Deep plantar artery ☛ a branch of dorsal artery of foot 2023 (A.N) +7 past) - ID: 83143

135. Aspiration pneumonia in a patient with parkinsons Ⓐ Exudate Ⓑ Purulent

disease. Food goes in to which lobe of lung while (supine) Ⓒ Fibrinous Ⓓ Transudate
lying down. (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +8 past) - ID: 79330
Ⓐ ✪ Features of Exudate
Ⓐ Posterior segment of right upper lobe ◉ ↑ vascular permeability ◉ Inflammatory edema
Ⓑ Lateral segment of right upper lobe ◉ ↑ protein ( 2.5-3.5 mg/dl) ◉ ↑ Sp.gravity ◉ ↑ LDH
Ⓒ Apical segment of right lower lobe ◉ Low PH ◉ Low Glucose conten ( < 60 mg/dl)
Ⓓ Right upper lobe ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 96

Ⓒ If you aspirate a FB ☛ 142. Vomiting center (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 83154
✪ Lying Supine ➜ usually enters superior segment of right lower lobe. Ⓐ Tractus Solitarius Ⓑ Sup salivary
✪ Upright ➜ enters right lower lobe. Ⓒ Trigeminal
✪ Lying on right side ➜ enters right upper lobe
✦ First Aid, Pg. 663
Ⓐ Vomiting center ☛ Coordinated by nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS)
136. A patient presented with unilateral corneal reflex in medulla, which receives information from chemoreceptor trigger zone
lost, after RTA. where is the lesion? (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +2 (CTZ, located within area postrema in 4th ventricle), GI tract (via vagus
past) - ID: 79409 nerve), vestibular system, and CNS
✦ First Aid, Pg. 496
Ⓐ Inferior orbital fissure Ⓑ Optic canal
Ⓒ Superior orbital fissure Ⓓ Foramen spinousum 143. Non fluent expressive aphasia, lobe damaged (Med 23
May 2023 (A.N) +2 past) - ID: 83173
Ⓒ ✪ Corneal reflex ☛ contraction of orbicularis oculi in response to Ⓐ Frontal Lobe Ⓑ Temporal lobe
light touch of cornea ➜ afferent limb of reflex being ophthalmic division Ⓒ Parietal lobe
of fifth cranial nerve and efferent limb running in seventh nerve.

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Ⓐ Damage to Frontal Lobe Left Dominant Hemisphere ➜ Broca's Area Ⓐ Lobules of breast
Damage ➜ Fluency Lost But Understanding is intact ➜ Unable to speak Ⓑ Suspensory ligaments of the breast
more than a few words but know what they want to speak ➜ Non Ⓒ Veins of breast
Fluent Aphasia ➜ Expressive aphasia, also known as Broca's aphasia Ⓓ Longitudinal ligament of breast
✦ Duane Neurosceince, Pg. 477
Ⓑ ✪ Obstruction of superficial lymph vessel ➜ peau d'orange
144. Hospital nurse consults a microbiologist about
fumigation. It should be done when (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +5
✪ infiltration the suspensory ligaments ➜ puckering (folding) of the
past) - ID: 83462
Ⓐ In wards where a patient of plague was admitted ✪ Subareolar breast cancer ➜ retacted nipple
Ⓑ 5 confirmed cases of dengue ✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 39
Ⓒ Cardiac surgery O.T where increased incidents of post Op
151. Maximum absorption from PCT: (Med 25 May 2023 (A.N) +3
infections reported. past) - ID: 84047
Ⓓ 4 cases of measles were in the room
Ⓐ Ammonia Ⓑ Creatinine
Ⓐ Fumigation ☛ typically done when there is risk of highly infectious Ⓒ Glucose Ⓓ Potassium
diseases, like plague to disinfect the area and prevent further spread of
the disease. Ⓒ PCT kidney ☛ reabsorbs majority of glucose from filtrate by
sodium-glucose cotransporters.
145. 45 years old business man from Dubai, abnormal Creatinine filtered in glomerulus but Not reabsorbed by PCT.
circadian, variation in body temp, disruption of sleep wake
cycle. impaired nocturnal surge of secretion of melatonin. 152. In vomiting which of the following occur? (Radio 23 May
mri shows involvement of which nucleus that cause Sleep 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84102
regulation (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +4 past) - ID: 83472
Ⓐ Construction of LES Ⓑ Relaxation of LES
Ⓐ Acessory optic Ⓑ Lateral pre optic Ⓒ Increase GIT motility Ⓓ Relaxation of Diaphragm
Ⓒ Pre tectal Ⓓ Suprachiasmatic Ⓔ Relaxation of abdominal muscles
Ⓔ Supraoptic
Ⓑ Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) ☛ normally prevents backflow
Ⓓ Suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is primary regulator of stomach content, relaxes to allow upward passage of gastric contents
of circadian rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle and body in Vomitting
temperature variations. 153. About carpal bones the proximal row consists of the
146. Loss of supination of the forearm and flexion of following except: (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84166
forearm muscle involved (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: Ⓐ Scaphoid Ⓑ Lunate
Ⓒ Capitate Ⓓ Triquetral
Ⓐ Deltoid Ⓑ Biceps Ⓔ Pisiform
Ⓒ Triceps Ⓓ Brachioradialis
Ⓒ Proximal row ➜ ● Scaphoid ● Lunate ● Triquetrum ● Pisiform
Ⓓ Brachioradialis ☛ primarily involved in flexion of elbow but also Distal row ➜ ● Hamate ● Capitate ● Trapezoid ● Trapezium
contributes to supination and pronation. Loss of supination could be due ✦ First Aid, Pg. 449
to dysfunction of this muscle. 154. Neonatal total blood volume weight of baby is 5 kg
(Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 84261
147. A young boy having mass in neck biopsy of lymph
node shows atypical mononucleosis cell with a bilobed Ⓐ 400 Ⓑ 300
nucleus and eosinophilia and CD 15 and CD 30 positive Ⓒ 200 Ⓓ 100
diagnosis is: (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +4 past) - ID: 83556
Ⓐ Neonatal blood volume is approx 80 ml/kg ➜ thus for a 5kg baby,
Ⓐ Hodgkin's lymphoma Ⓑ Non hodgkin lymphoma
the total blood volume would be about 400ml.
Ⓒ T cell leukemia Ⓓ BurkiTt lymphoma
155. Iron-binding protein (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID:
Ⓐ ANSWER 84262

148. Healing after suture placement (Radio 23 May 2023 (M) +1 Ⓐ Haptoglobin Ⓑ Transferrin
past) - ID: 83599 Ⓒ Hemoglobin Ⓓ Ferritin
Ⓐ Scare formation
Ⓐ Haptoglobin binds free hemoglobin released from erythrocytes with
high affinity ➜ prevents loss of iron through kidneys and makes it
available for reuse.
149. The patient comes to you after trauma, O/E with eyes
156. A band consists of (Med 23 May 2023 (A.N) +4 past) - ID:
closed he cannot identify an object touching the left side
of his body (Astereognosis) area of lesion: (Radio 23 May 2023
(M) +3 past) - ID: 83908 Ⓐ All of actin and a little of myosin
Ⓑ All of myosin and no actin Ⓒ All actin and no myosin
Ⓐ Lateral spinothalamic
Ⓑ Right secondary sensory cortex
Ⓐ A band is a part of sarcomere, functional unit of muscle fibers ➜ It
Ⓒ DCML Ⓓ Anterior spinothalamic
contains entire length of a single thick filament (myosin) and includes
overlapping portions of thin filaments (actin).
Ⓒ Cortical Modalities of DCML system ☛ Two point discrimination,
Stereognosis ( knowing what an object is by touch ), Graphesthesia 157. Pt has a grayish-white membrane on the tonsils. MOA
( interpreting a number drawn into palm of hand ).☢ Astereognosis ☛ of diphtheria toxin: (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +2 past) - ID: 84281
Inability to know shape and size of object by touching it.
Ⓐ Inhibition of DNA synthesis Ⓑ Inhibition of RNA synthesis
✦ Netter Nervous System Illustrations, Pg. 361 Ⓒ Inhibition of protein synthesis
Ⓓ Inhibition of lysosomes
150. Peau'd orange appearance of the breast occurs in
malignancy of the breast due to distortion of: (Radio 23 May Ⓒ MOA of diphtheria toxin ☛ Attachment to target cell ➜ Entry into
2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 83999
cell via endocytosis ➜ Reduction in endosome leading to release of A
fragment into cytosol ➜ A fragment (the active portion of toxin)

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

inactivates Elongation Factor 2 (EF-2) ➜ Inhibition of protein synthesis

➜ Cell death.

158. Young boy swelling on forehead. On biopsy mature

adipocytes found (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84287

Ⓐ Lipoma Ⓑ Fibrom a
Ⓒ Osteoma Ⓓ Chondroma

Ⓐ Presence of mature adipocytes in a biopsy signifies an accumulation

of fat cells ➜ characteristic of a lipoma, which is a benign tumor made
up of fat tissue.

159. What is true about inverse stretch reflex: (ENT 23 May

2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84330

Ⓐ Muscle spindle cells Ⓑ Regulate tension in muscle

Ⓒ Doesn't let muscles stretch beyond a limit
Ⓓ Is monosynaptic

Ⓒ Muscle stretches ➜ Inverse stretch reflex activated ( Golgi tendon

reflex) ➜ Contraction of muscle fibers decreases ➜ Prevents muscle
from stretching beyond a safe limit.

160. Tb cell (Med 25 May 2023 (M) +1 past) - ID: 84425

Ⓐ Langhan cell Ⓑ Reed-Sternberg cell

Ⓒ B lymphocyte Ⓓ T lymphocyte

Ⓐ Tuberculosis ➜ granuloma formation ➜ characteristic presence of

Langhans giant cells ➜ large cells with multiple nuclei arranged in a
horseshoe pattern.

161. RTA, injury to right side thoracic cavity penetrating to

sternum left side. Which structure of heart damaged (Radio
23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84452

Ⓐ Right atrium Ⓑ Right ventricle

Ⓒ Left ventricle Ⓓ Left atrium

Ⓑ Right thoracic cavity injury ➜ Penetrates sternum towards the

left ➜ Comes into contact with the most anterior structure ➜ Damages
right ventricle.

162. Trauma to pelvic region in rta pain is due to damage

to (Radio 23 May 2023 (M)) - ID: 84457

Ⓐ Ischium Ⓑ Pubic bone

Ⓒ Ischial tuberosity Ⓓ Ischiopubic bone

Ⓑ Trauma to pelvic region ➜ Energy of the impact absorbed by anterior

structures ➜ Injury to pubic bone ➜ Causes pain.


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