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Writing a coursework, especially in a complex subject like biology, can be a challenging and time-

consuming task. Crafting a Biology Coursework on a topic such as "Beetroot" requires not only a
solid understanding of the subject matter but also effective research skills, analytical thinking, and
the ability to communicate findings coherently.

Beetroot coursework often involves experiments, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Students may need to explore the impact of various factors on beetroot cells, conduct experiments to
measure changes in permeability, and present their findings in a well-structured and scientifically
sound manner.

The challenges in writing a coursework on beetroot can range from designing and executing
experiments to analyzing complex data and drawing meaningful conclusions. Additionally, students
need to adhere to academic writing standards, properly cite sources, and present their work in a clear
and organized format.

For those who find the coursework writing process daunting or are pressed for time, seeking
assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option.
These services often provide expert writers with subject-specific knowledge who can craft well-
researched and high-quality coursework.

However, it's important for students to approach such services responsibly and ethically. Using these
services should be viewed as a supplementary measure to aid understanding and learning rather than
as a substitute for one's academic efforts. Ordering from ⇒ ⇔ can be a helpful
solution for those who need guidance or want to ensure a polished and well-written coursework
while still taking an active role in their academic journey.
Core practical(Why does the colour leak out of cooked beetroot?). Small, polar, hydrophilic
molecules, like oxygen, and water, can pass through cell membranes by diffusion. I have awarded
this piece 3 stars because it contains a well written method and some consideration of the key
variables. If the beetroot was left in for too long then no matter what concentration the beetroot was
in with ethanol, all of the pigment would have naturally leaked out, or the ethanol would eventually
have destroyed the entire membrane. As the concentration gradient is in favour of the test tube filled
with distilled water the dye leaks out. Betacyanines include about 90% of beetroot betalaines. The
length that will be subsequently used from analysing the preliminary experiment for the final work
will be 9mm. From the results it would give scientist predictions of the effect of ethanol on a persons
stomach or digestive lining. However a chart is considerable easier to read and the colourimeter is
occasionally difficult to make a reading exactly 100% with a water filled cuvette. In a cell, which
has so many organelles and other large molecules, the water flow is generally into the cell. Boiling
tubes should be removed from water baths with high temperatures using tongs. The piece of
equipment measures to an accuracy of 0.005 and so my results will be quite reliable from this
perspective. Leave for 5 minutes until the water reaches the required temperature. This means that
the potato cells will have begun to deteriorate and would not give me very accurate results. Finally,
the 70% concentration has also been labelled as an anomalous result because it should show the
highest absorbance, as it is the strongest solution of alcohol and should have damaged the membrane
the most. Mixtures Lab Chemistry Material Alumnat Chemistry Material Alumnat Cells Osmosis
Cells Osmosis Evaluation of Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic Evaluation of Bactericidal and
Bacteriostatic Viewers also liked Study Support Biohemical Molecules Study Support Biohemical
Molecules Teresa Briercliffe The Principles and Practices of Organic Beet Seed Production in the
Pacific N. This distilled water should be replaced at least twice. Unlocking the Cloud's True
Potential: Why Multitenancy Is The Key. When heated, the proteins will untangle and break apart
because of the vibrations associated with the kinetic theory. To ensure I cause no harm to others or
myself, I cut the beetroot on a tile on the desk, whilst standing up. Place cuvette into colorimeter and
test noting down the absorbance (%) and write into a suitable table Plot a graph of transmission
against temperature Health and Safety: Some of the water baths will be very hot and therefore care
must be taken to avoid burns When you are cutting the beetroot into the discs a scalpel is used, the
scalpel is very sharp and care must be taken so as to avoid any injuries BEETROOT STAINS. The
Principles and Practices of Organic Beet Seed Production in the Pacific N. This would gain a more
specific set of results and a larger comparison to be possibly made. When using the colorimeter, the
lower concentrations will have a value much smaller than the higher concentrations which will have
higher values closer to 2. Typically, you will find that about 70% of a cell membrane is protein,
they're formed of coiled and folded strings of amino-acids, held together by hydrogen bonds and
disulphide bridges. The proteins that are on the outer edge or on the surface of the membrane have
carbohydrates molecules attached, usually short sugar chains. This breaks apart the phospholipid
bilayer creating larger holes in the membrane substainsial enough to allow the red pigments called
betalains in the cell vacuole that do not normally pass through the membrane. Experiment needed to
be carried out and finished the same day. When the beetroot is heated the cell membrane becomes
disrupted as an increase in temperature provides an increase in kinetic energy making the
phospholipid bilayer (in cell membrane) vibrate more energetically until the hydrogen bonds holding
the 3D structure of the proteins together breaks therefore denaturing the selectively permeable cell
membrane. Biology coursework investigation: Comparing the length of ivy leaves (Heder.
Where as some substances, including water, are transported directly through the lipid layer. Repeat
the readings for all the temperatures, recording all recorded data onto a table. Finally, the 70%
concentration has also been labelled as an anomalous result because it should show the highest
absorbance, as it is the strongest solution of alcohol and should have damaged the membrane the
most. Since the concentrations have been lowered to the range between 0 and 25, with a gap of 5
between each, then only 5 boiling tubes shall be needed for each experiment hence 15 altogether.
This is because of the change in pH to the cell membrane which causes the proteins to denature and
no longer hold a complete structure. This can be done by using a syringe and placing the liquid into a
cuvette, making sure that all the tubes are the same size. However once heated the bonds between
these regions weaken therefore the gaps or permeability increases. To do this I will use small section
of beetroot and place them at different temperatures; -2, 7, 27, 50 and 70 C. Metabolic processes in
animals and plants usually require oxygen, which is in lower concentration inside the cell, thus the
net flow of oxygen is into the cell. Some proteins also span the whole of the membrane bilayer from
one side to the other. To ensure I cause no harm to others or myself, I cut the beetroot on a tile on the
desk, whilst standing up. This would also imply that ethanol does in fact affect the cell membrane to
such an extent that it emulsifies the lipids to therefore cause pigment leakage. Phospholipids are
modified so that a phosphate group (PO 4 - ) replaces one of the three fatty acids normally found on
a lipid. But if the membrane is destroyed and the phospholipid bilayer and possibly proteins are
altered, more pigment, betacyanin, and leaks by means of diffusion. I had access to beetroot, potato,
carrot and liver. I found out that as the temperature increases the more dye leaks out due to the
bonds vibrating in the structure. I placed one of my samples in the freezer, instead of providing me
with a slow or no dye leakage it produced the highest colorimeter reading. The hydrophilic heads
point towards both inwards towards the cell cytoplasm and outwards towards the aqueous external
environment. So the higher the temperature, the more damaged the membrane becomes and so the
more dye will leak out. The factors that affect the rate of diffusion are: concentration gradient,
temperature, pH (the charge), surface area, size of molecule and the width of the diffusing space.
When you heat the bilayer the molecules behave like any other and start to spin and vibrate faster.
For the preliminary work, a similar experiment will be investigating the effects of ethanol on the cell
membrane of the beetroot instead of temperature. From this knowledge, the rate of diffusion is
dependant on temperature. In these lipid seas, there will be a number of proteins in various degrees
of submersion. The calorimeter will ensure that precise, numerical readings are taken. To do this I will
use small section of beetroot and place them at different temperatures; -2, 7, 27, 50 and 70 C. The
standard deviation shows that the year’s results were quite accurate because each spread of data is
considerably comparable. It can also be added to petrol, where it improves the performance of the
engine. This breaks apart the phospholipid bilayer creating larger holes in the membrane substainsial
enough to allow the red pigments called betalains in the cell vacuole that do not normally pass
through the membrane. Investigating the effect of temperature on plant cell membranes.
They are water-soluble and exist as internal salts in the sap vacuoles of plant cells. But if the
membrane is destroyed and the phospholipid bilayer and possibly proteins are altered, more pigment,
betacyanin, and leaks by means of diffusion. I will measure the amount of dye, which is released,
and compare my data. Place the cuvette into the colorimeter, making sure that the light is shining
through the smoothed sides. The cell membrane also contains cholesterol for stability of the cell and
glycoprotein and glycolipids for action as cell receptors and cell recognition. Place the tube in to the
colorimeter and take the reading. This may have only affected my results slightly, but not
significantly enough to influence the final result as only a few betalain molecules had leaked. Since
the lipids bilayers are impermeable to essential molecules and also to a few small molecules like
oxygen and carbon dioxide, these molecules and ions diffuse freely across the cell membrane.
However there seem to be a few anomalies that do not completely fit the trend and I have labelled
them on the results graph and th. The Effect Of Temperature On The Permeability Of The Cell
Membrane. To improve on the accuracy I could use a laser cutter to cut the beetroot and a weighing
scale to measure the amount of distilled water to get my results more accurate. The tails pack
together, exposing only the polar heads to the water. The most common molecule in the model is the
phospholipids, which has a polar (hydrophilic) head and two non-polar (hydrophobic) tails.
Industrially, it can be made by absorption of ethene and sub-sequent reaction with water, or by the
reduction of ethanal in the presence of a catalyst, and is widely used as a solvent. To make things
worse, lipids become more fluid as temperature goes up so the membranes become more fragile.
Some substances, particularly carbohydrates and ions, are transported across the membrane via the
proteins. However when cooked the dye leaks out and so I am investigating the effect of different
temperatures on the amount of dye and the extent of damage on the beetroot membrane structure
which causes the holes to allow larger molecules through. Some of the proteins are surface bound
and act either to help give the cell mechanical support or act as cell receptors. My results will
therefore be quantitative but measuring a qualitative colour change. More from Teresa Briercliffe
Extra Credit Exam Question Variation Extra Credit Exam Question Variation Teresa Briercliffe
Variation Lesson Two Variation Lesson Two Teresa Briercliffe Variation Is. Small, polar, hydrophilic
molecules, like oxygen, and water, can pass through cell membranes by diffusion. The actual
temperatures of the baths are therefore lower than the expected value. This would then provide a
concentrated measurement and comparison. Then dry cylinders using a paper towel Add 1 beetroot
cylinder to each test tube and leave in the water bath for 15 minutes Shake each test tube once. Core
practical(Why does the colour leak out of cooked beetroot?). I placed one of my samples in the
freezer, instead of providing me with a slow or no dye leakage it produced the highest colorimeter
reading. Other variables were not controlled, such as the temperature (which was room temperature,
which changes and is not. From this, it shows that the initial prediction made was correct. When
heated, the proteins will untangle and break apart because of the vibrations associated with the
kinetic theory. There are many ways I could have used to do this but I had chosen not to.
The cell surface membrane is impermeable to most molecules because of several factors. When you
heat the bilayer the molecules behave like any other and start to spin and vibrate faster. Can be
damaging if large amount is splashed into eyes. At the moment the cell membrane is normal and the
hydrophilic regions are pack tightly together with only small gaps large enough for water molecules
to diffuse through. If the slices were thinner, thus providing a larger surface area it therefore speeds
up the pigment leakage. Be careful not to spill beetroot juice in your skin or clothing, as it will stain
very badly. The proteins that float in this bilayer are either on the surface or they completely
penetrate the lipid layer. The cell membrane also contains cholesterol for stability of the cell and
glycoprotein and glycolipids for action as cell receptors and cell recognition. The Principles and
Practices of Organic Beet Seed Production in the Pacific N. I decided not to use liver as the source
because it loses mass very rapidle. In this case it is temperature and it as an effect on the final
experiment and any other variable. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn. It is
usually recommended that you don’t remove the outer skin of the beetroot and don’t cut off all the
stalk and root if you want to avoid getting lots of red dye in the cooking water. However a chart is
considerable easier to read and the colourimeter is occasionally difficult to make a reading exactly
100% with a water filled cuvette. Unlocking the Cloud's True Potential: Why Multitenancy Is The
Key. Place cuvette into colorimeter and test noting down the absorbance (%) and write into a
suitable table Plot a graph of transmission against temperature Health and Safety: Some of the water
baths will be very hot and therefore care must be taken to avoid burns When you are cutting the
beetroot into the discs a scalpel is used, the scalpel is very sharp and care must be taken so as to
avoid any injuries BEETROOT STAINS. This means that they are small enough to fit between the
phospholipids layers. Therefore higher the concentration of the solvent, the more permeable the
membrane will be. Taking averages can account for any anomalies that may occur in the experiment.
Ethanol emulsifies the plasma membrane and therefore pigments are released from the membrane.
The Effect of Temperature on the Cell Membranes of Beetroot Cells. When using the colorimeter, the
lower concentrations will have a value much smaller than the higher concentrations which will have
higher values closer to 2. The tails pack together, exposing only the polar heads to the water. The
betacyanin pigment (red pigment) is located in the cell vacuole of beetroot cells. For the preliminary
work, a similar experiment will be investigating the effects of ethanol on the cell membrane of the
beetroot instead of temperature. Place the tube in to the colorimeter and take the reading. This
movement causes the structure to fall apart and increase the kinetic energy of betalains which
increases the rate of diffusion of betalains out of cells. When pure, it is a colourless liquid with a
pleasant odour, miscible with water or ether. We see a dip in the absorbance at 50% and I have
labelled this is as an anomalous result because the absorbance should be more than 40%. Be careful
not to spill beetroot juice on skin or clothing since it stains very badly.
When heated, the proteins will untangle and break apart because of the vibrations associated with
the kinetic theory. This also contributes to the leakage of the pigment from the cell membrane. A
smooth transparent side and a rough translucent side. Where as larger hydrophilic molecules, like
glucose, can pass through the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion. This may have eliminated any
anomalies, but generally the final results were acceptable and accurate enough to count. A
colourimeter was used for the previous testing on the affects of the temperature and was reliable for
statistical information instead of an eye test comparison. This permeability will be detected due to a
colour change from light to dark purple. The structure of the cell surface plasma membrane is shown
in the diagram below. Phospholipids are modified so that a phosphate group (PO 4 - ) replaces one
of the three fatty acids normally found on a lipid. The cell surface membrane is the boundary
between the cytoplasm in the cell and the environment, so it has the important job of controlling the
movement of substances in and out of the cell. Some proteins also span the whole of the membrane
bilayer from one side to the other. Place the tube in to the colorimeter and take the reading. After
completing a set of results, pigment was obviously released whilst the scalpel was in contact, this
would have in effect released more pigment as the cell membrane was cut instead of affected by the
ethanol. In a cell they form sacks; one goes all around the cell (the plasma membrane), others may
form vacuoles. Make sure that the thermometer has clarified the temperatures to be exact as this will
ensure accuracy. The structure of the cell surface plasma membrane is shown in the diagram below.
The lipid structures in the phospholipid bilayer also become more fluid at higher temperatures,
creating a fragile and more porous membrane. A lot of experimental work was carried out, notably a
very thorough preliminary investigation which proved very valuable. The pigment serves as a marker
for scientists who want to isolate intact vacuoles. For preliminary results, the ranges of
concentrations are going to range between 0% and 100%. This means that the potato cells will have
begun to deteriorate and would not give me very accurate results. Be careful not to spill beetroot
juice in your skin or clothing, as it will stain very badly. AS Biology Coursework - Beetroot
experiment - The Student Room. This supports the fact that temperature and colorimeter reading was
directly proportional. When pure, it is a colourless liquid with a pleasant odour, miscible with water
or ether. If the beetroot was left in a shorter amount of time, then the ethanol would not have had it’s
full affect on the cell membrane to gain any efficient results from. In addition, everyone in the class
used a different size 4 borer and they might be different sizes. The proteins that penetrate the bilayer
may control the entry and removal of specific molecules from the cell. If the slices were thinner, thus
providing a larger surface area it therefore speeds up the pigment leakage. This is because of the
effect of ethanol on the lipids in the membrane.
I decided not to use potato because, although it is cheap and readily available, it tends to break down
very quickly, and this is shown in the dark colour it changes into. When the beetroot is heated the cell
membrane becomes disrupted as an increase in temperature provides an increase in kinetic energy
making the phospholipid bilayer (in cell membrane) vibrate more energetically until the hydrogen
bonds holding the 3D structure of the proteins together breaks therefore denaturing the selectively
permeable cell membrane. This might affect the speed at which the experiment is completed at and
whether all aspects of safety and accuracy are induced. When you heat the bilayer the molecules
behave like any other and start to spin and vibrate faster. I think this because as the temperature rises
neighbouring bonds become weaker. The Principles and Practices of Organic Beet Seed Production
in the Pacific N. However when cooked the dye leaks out and so I am investigating the effect of
different temperatures on the amount of dye and the extent of damage on the beetroot membrane
structure which causes the holes to allow larger molecules through. Typically, you will find that about
70% of a cell membrane is protein, they're formed of coiled and folded strings of amino-acids, held
together by hydrogen bonds and disulphide bridges. This is because of the effect of ethanol on the
lipids in the membrane. This size ensures a large surface area for the heat to act on the beetroot.
These could include that the pigment has dried up and would consequently lead to no pigment
leakage. Method Followed the instructions that were given on the sheet (Activity 2. 8). Slices of
beetroot were left overnight to wash away excess dye and then placed into boiling tubes and left for
30 minutes to allow the beetroot juices to diffuse. This wouldn’t have had much of an effect on the
final results, as only a few molecules of betalain would have leaked because of this. Carbon dioxide
is produced by all cells as a result of cellular metabolic processes. The tails pack together, exposing
only the polar heads to the water. Some of the variables that we had to control in this experiment and
how we controlled them were; Shape and size of beetroot samples - controlled by using a ruler and
scalpel to measure out 1cm long discs of beetroot from a cylinder of beetroot that had been cut out
with a cork borer. This is because freezing the beetroot first bursts the cell membranes as the water
inside expands and then kills the cells, allowing the pigment to be extracted much more quickly. The
cell surface membrane is composed of many components one of which is phospholipids. The
proteins that float in this bilayer are either on the surface or they completely penetrate the lipid layer.
The investigation lacks an in depth introduction which is missing some key facts about the
breakdown of membranes with temperature. This is because of the change in pH to the cell
membrane. When this happens to the proteins spanning a lipid membrane, they will form holes that
will destroy the delicate structure. Where as larger hydrophilic molecules, like glucose, can pass
through the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion. From this, it shows that the initial prediction
made was correct. These readings fluctuate between 98% and 102%, which could possibly cause
variations with the rest of the experiment results. Our customer service team will review your report
and will be in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 28 January 2022 Share this Share through email
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teach it 3.48 127 reviews Not the right resource. A more accurate experiment would have included a
longer time frame to carry out more experiments to gain a more accurate mean. Some of the proteins
are surface bound and act either to help give the cell mechanical support or act as cell receptors.
However, only a few molecules of betalain would have been released, which would not affect the
final results. My results will therefore be quantitative but measuring a qualitative colour change.
The structure of the cell surface plasma membrane is shown in the diagram below. These could
include that the pigment has dried up and would consequently lead to no pigment leakage. In a cell,
which has so many organelles and other large molecules, the water flow is generally into the cell.
This breaks apart the phospholipid bilayer creating larger holes in the membrane substainsial enough
to allow the red pigments called betalains in the cell vacuole that do not normally pass through the
membrane. From the results it would give scientist predictions of the effect of ethanol on a persons
stomach or digestive lining. Statistical figures are given as percentage of transmission of light
through the substance. Consequently there will an average range between the stages where the cell
membrane is most affected from the ethanol. Investigate how temperature affects the permeability of
beetroot cell membr. The length that will be subsequently used from analysing the preliminary
experiment for the final work will be 9mm. This is because freezing the beetroot first bursts the cell
membranes as the water inside expands and then kills the cells, allowing the pigment to be extracted
much more quickly. Overall my data supports my hypothesis and as the temperature of the water
baths increases the absorbance of the beetroot pigment increases, this is because heat effects the
proteins in the cell membrane and so if the protein id denatured by the heat, the membrane will
become damaged and so red dye will leak out of it. As well as this the proteins embedded in the
plasma membrane begin to denature as the temperature increase creating 'gaps' in the cell membrane
for the pigment to leak out of. There was only 2 hours to repeat the experiment three times between
the concentrations of 0% and 50%. The permeability of the beetroot is based on the amount of
betalain that has been detected after a certain period of time. When the beetroot is heated the cell
membrane becomes disrupted as an increase in temperature provides an increase in kinetic energy
making the phospholipid bilayer (in cell membrane) vibrate more energetically until the hydrogen
bonds holding the 3D structure of the proteins together breaks therefore denaturing the selectively
permeable cell membrane. Essay On The Effects Of Temperature On Beetroot Cell. The negative
correlation that the graph shows, demonstrates that as the temperature that the beetroot discs are
exposed to increases the transmission of light through the corresponding solution decrease. The
evaluation section was thorough, but it is important to assess the validity of data by examining in
detail whether all the control variables were indeed controlled (kept constant). To improve on the
accuracy I could use a laser cutter to cut the beetroot and a weighing scale to measure the amount of
distilled water to get my results more accurate. In all cases of facilitated diffusion through channels,
the channels are selective. See other similar resources ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. The water will expand too, causing a disruptive effect
on any membrane in its way. Typically, you will find that about 70% of a cell membrane is protein,
they're formed of coiled and folded strings of amino-acids, held together by hydrogen bonds and
disulphide bridges. This would also imply that ethanol does in fact affect the cell membrane to such
an extent that it emulsifies the lipids to therefore cause pigment leakage. The presence of a solute
decreases the water potential of a substance. After completing a set of results, pigment was obviously
released whilst the scalpel was in contact, this would have in effect released more pigment as the cell
membrane was cut instead of affected by the ethanol. The actual temperatures of the baths are
therefore lower than the expected value. We see a dip in the absorbance at 50% and I have labelled
this is as an anomalous result because the absorbance should be more than 40%. The calorimeter will
ensure that precise, numerical readings are taken. To justify length and shape of beetroot, the beetroot
shape will be cylindrical because a large surface area to volume ratio would provide more cells
exposed to the ethanol.

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