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Pinoy Job Satisfaction PINOY would view his work in the organization in different levels. Job satisfaction
of PINOY in organization refers to the conditions prevailing in the organization. It may be favourable or
unfavourable depending on his perception of how management handles people and organizational
behaviour. It may refer to the working condition or the treatment of management towards its employees
and the environmental conditions that affect his productivity at work.

High job satisfaction of PINOY tends to be connected with positive condition towards greater productivity
and work efficiency. Good management of organization aims to develop high job satisfaction. It is the
result of effective behaviour management of managers as high job satisfaction could not be bought or
persuaded into existence. Organization should develop a solid foundation for the development effective
behavioural management.

What is Job Satisfaction?

PINOY job satisfaction is how he perceives the relative favourable or unfavourable condition with which
he views his work in the organization. Job satisfaction results when his job characteristic and his wants
and needs fit. It expresses the amount of congruence between one's expectations of the job and rewards
that the job provides. Job satisfaction is an important component of the management task as it refers to
the human behaviour that affects his total performance in the organization.

It is a complex task of every manager or leader. PINOY may be satisfied with his pay but he may not be
satisfied with the working condition. He may be satisfied with his sick and vacation leave of 30 days every
year of service but he may look for health insurance plan that would include his family as it will unburden
him looking for financial solutions while he is at work. He may be satisfied with the air conditioning unit
in his work place but he may be looking for a better working table or chair that will make him comfortable
in performing his job.

Job satisfaction and social and psychological satisfaction are intertwined. It may be interpreted in the
general emotional tone of the employee at work and his home environment. PINOY may be satisfied with
his family and social environment but he may think that the job is not enough to support his family needs.
On the other hand, he may feel happy and contented at work but lacking in family attention that at times
creates problems. Such situation may make him be absent from work to attend to his family problems.

Spill over and Compensatory Effect

Spill over effect is the condition that whatever occurs in work place has its effect on his social and personal
life and vice versa. His job satisfaction is affected by the prevailing conditions in his community and family
life. On the other hand, the condition at work also affects his emotional tone at home. PINOY, as a complex
individual displays different behaviour at different times. He has his emotional needs that affects his
family and his job.

Contentment is the state of one's social, mental and emotional stability which the organization has to
develop among its employees. A contented employee is happy at work and with his family. It must go
together to attain the desire total productivity of the individual. It is quite difficult to attain but
organization must try to develop a happy balance between life satisfaction and job satisfaction.
Compensatory effect is the condition where PINOY adjusts his needs and wants to what is the prevailing
condition at work or in his family life. PINOY might have high life satisfaction but low in work satisfaction.

PINOY stays longer in the office and goes home late. He enjoys working overtime in the office rather than
going home early to avoid the nagging wife or other domestic problems. On the other hand, PINOY hates
his boss or his office condition and goes home at five to enjoy family life with his wife and children. He
does some household chores and enjoys the company of his family.

When PINOY hates his work and his family relation, the tendency is for him to find some place with friends
and stay on a drinking Spree. He may go playing basketball or other games just for him to avoid the
boredom of office work or his family problem. Pinoy is an individual with the means of compensating what
he does not have with other things. MATIISIN AND PINOY AT MAY MATATAG NA PANININDIGAN.

Organizational Productivity and Job Satisfaction

The aim of any organization is productivity of its human resources. The achievement of this goal is related
to the development of a sound organizational behavior. It must be favorable both to the company's
interest and to the individual PINOY who brings in the necessary output.

PINOY may have high job satisfaction but may have low productivity. This condition is brought about by
lax management policy. It may be due to some system and procedures that the company implements in
the work area that tend to develop laxity in job performance. It may be related to the employee's concept
of the equal work for equal pay. When the salary is barely enough, the employee delivers what is equal
to his performance. "I like the job but I hate the work." GUSTO KONG MAGTRABAHO, NGUNIT AYAW KO

On the opposite, PINOY has high productivity but has low job satisfaction. The condition can be brought
about by stringent company policy and work procedure that leave Pinoy no elbow room to be creative
and to be free to make his own decision. Supervisors and managers are always on the lookout counting
many hours of productive time. The type of supervision is autocratic in character and PINOY could not
resist. While the pay may be substantially higher than the ordinary minimum wages this did not make

The Effects of Job Satisfaction in Organizational Productivity

PINOY is generally hardworking if put in a condition where he is satisfied with the work he is doing. PINOY
has the versatility and patience for work. All he needs are satisfying condition that will drive him to
productivity. When the conditions become unfavourable and his perception of the work environment is
beyond his level of satisfaction it results in lower concern for the job.

The following variables affect performance and level of job satisfaction:

1. Labor Turnover
PINOY who is dissatisfied looks for a new employer will give him the necessary satisfaction at
work. It may be favourable or unfavourable to the organization depending on how PINOY
performs his job. It is a negative factor for the organization if PINOY is doing his job well but not
given necessary recognition at work. On the other hand, it is positive when his performance in the
job is below satisfactory so a new replacement could be hired for his position.

2. Absences from Work

PINOY, who finds his work boring and too taxing may always file absence from
work He needs to rest or finds other means that will ease his boredom. This is
counterproductive because absence will disrupt work flow and group efficiency.
Managers and supervisors of organization must look at the reasons for absences and find
out the real causes before work disruption becomes apparent.

3. Employees' Age
PINOY, as he becomes older, tends to stay in the job no matter what job
opportunities come. He may not be very satisfied but he could not do otherwise as there
is limited opportunity for him outside the organization. Another factor is he becomes
adjusted to the work environment that his level of satisfaction becomes lesser.

On the other hand, the younger PINOY is full of vitality. He is an adventurer. He is

full of hope for the coming of new horizon in the work place. Asa talented PINOY, he
would be easily dissatisfied for any working condition that would not fit his lifestyle and
expectation. He seeks new employment opportunities in the local setting or explores job
opportunities abroad where he could practice his skills and talents.

4_ Nature of the Work

PINOY who holds a managerial position would likely have a higher job satisfaction
than the other individual who is on the production line and is exposed to the elements of
heat and dust. As individual who goes higher in the structural ladder, he enjoys more
luxuries like car allowances, higher productivity bonus, and more job freedom in decision
making. The nature of job is essential factor in job satisfaction.

5. CommunitySetting
PINOY who lives in the rural area where working condition is moderately
satisfactory would have a higher job satisfaction. The living condition is simple as long as
he enjoys the comfort of the conveniences of life like television programs, electronic
gadgets, and better educational system for the children. On the other hand, PINOY who
lives in the city has to beat the traffic problems, pollution and other elements of city living.
Cost of living is higher and he has to budget his income to meet his daily needs. A study,
however., on this matter could be made to determine the factors that affect job
satisfaction as far as community setting is concerned.
Imperatives for Organizational Job Satisfaction Survey

The study of job satisfaction is central to all managers of an organization. The organization
wants to know the levels of job satisfaction of its employees as it affects work performance.
Managers have to see beyond pay, benefits, and promotional opportunities in order to make the
employees more efficient in carrying out their task.

A healthy organization looks after the levels of job satisfaction of the working force as it
affects productivity and efficiency. A periodic evaluation must be conducted by the human
resource department to determine the factors that affect the level of job satisfaction. It is
important that management know the factors that affect the levels of job satisfaction to institute
remedial measures before it affects organizational objective of productivity.

The following are benefits of Job Satisfaction Survey:

1. It is a powerful diagnostic instrument in looking at employee's problem.

The general employee's problem should surface in the survey for management to
revise some policy guidelines that affect his level of job satisfaction. PINOY would always
appreciate management move for his concern and feelings in the work place as it is an
indication of proactive management. PINOY is a sensitive individual but looks at
management with understanding. MABABAW ANG KALIGAVAIIAN N PINOY, KAUNTING

Z. It improves working attitude.

Job Satisfaction Survey could improve PINOY working attitude in the organization.
His work values have to s; analysed in terms of his job perception and this may surface in
the study. It could serve as a safety valve for the release of some inner feelings. Company
unions are formed because management did not detect the inner sentiments of
employees. The formation of union becomes their avenue to express their personal

3. Job satisfaction survey improves communication linkages with management.

The f l o w o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n f r o m t h e l o w e r l e v e l t o h i g h e r l e v e l i n t h e
organizational ladder could improve through the study. PINOY would have the
opportunity to air hisfeelings and sentiments on management policies and programs. The
upward and downward communication could open up better management-employee

4. It is useful in analysing training needs of supervisors and employees.

Supervisory attitudes could surface in response to the employees in the survey.
This could serve as an avenue for the employees to express their sentiments on how
supervisors treat them in their work place. It could also serve as a mechanism to
determine what management system of supervision would be most welcome by the
employees. Supervisors may be sent to training programs on proper management of
5. It improves benefit administration.
Job satisfaction survey should include employee's perception of benefit program
administration. Management must be aware that some benefits affect job satisfaction.
When benefits are properly administered, employees will respond more favorably,
thereby, greater work values are developed. The present economic condition and cost of
hospitalization for the employees and their family are just among the great concerns of
employees. PINCY may respond more favorably to hospitalization benefits rather than
additional sick leave
Designing Job Satisfaction Survey

Job Satisfaction Survey is a research component that must be undertaken by the Human
Resource Department to determine the satisfaction level of the employees at work. The research
is not necessarily a thesis or dissertation format but on an actual observation., formal
questionnaire and answer form where the employees could freely express their sentiments and
opinions about company policies and programs that affect employee's performance.
1. Objective Type Survey
This is the survey research that is easy to ad minister as it is a set of questions and
answers where the respondents check mark or encircle the best sentiments or feelings
that he has about the company. The survey questions could be designed in a simple true
or false type or a multiple choice item or using the perceptual concept of 1 to 5 where 1
is poor and 5 the highest level.

TRUE or FALSE Survey


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