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Writing a coursework on a complex and sensitive topic like the death penalty can indeed be

challenging. It requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of various
perspectives surrounding the issue. Crafting a well-researched and compelling coursework demands
significant time, effort, and expertise in academic writing.

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For many decades, many philanthropists have examined the criminal justice and penal systems; the
capital punishment debate has intensified greatly. AccuraCast Featured ( 20 ) Getting into the tech
field. According to Canadian polls, seventy percent wanted change and death penalty for first degree
murders. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable
laws. However, the entire death penalty faces a wide resistance from different stakeholders based on
their perception, ethical and moral view of the death sentencing (Braswell et al. 221). The US states
have different rules and considerations that are adhered to with regards to capital offences. The latest
example was the stabbing that took the life. Order now Capital punishment is legal in 30 states of the
US. Hanging, use of lethal gas and firing squad are used in some states but does not guarantee the
safe death of the inmates. The current study adds significantly to research on the death penalty in
Washington and beyond, as we utilize quasi-experimental methods to estimate cost differences using
a wide variety of data sources. The electric chair also remains vague in that no one knows whether
the death experience is painful or not, or how long until one becomes dead. Using the death penalty
as one of the ways of deterring crimes helps the society in eliminating people who cause havoc.
Chances are that citizens may lose faith in the criminal justice system if the states execute innocent
people (Preajan, 2006). They also read web viewers' comments and submit their own opinions on the
website. There were 657 recorded executions in 20 countries (excluding China, where thousands of
executions are believed to have been carried out), with more than 25,000 people on death row. In
1723, the Waltham Black Acts was passed in the Parliament in which many new crimes were ratified
and this augmented the number of people given the death penalty every year. Keeping criminals in
prison for the rest of their life also serves as a more economical way of dealing with crime, as
opposed to the death penalty. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. Therefore,
its perceived as the best answer to the murder since it extends the same treatment to the killer. There
are an array of reasons both supportive of and opposing the death penalty. Michigan was the first
American state to repeal the penalty in 1846, and by 1917 the norm was adopted by ten states. All
the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. The death
penalty is broken and the only way to reform it is through reforms. Considering the rate at which
countries are reforming the laws providing for the death penalty, it is evident that the punishment is
slowly dying a natural death and with time it will be extinct. Tes classic free licence Reviews Select
overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Bagley, ---F.3d---, 2008
WL 507818 (C.A.6 (Ohio). The Court held that the state was “collaterally estopped under the Double
Jeopardy Clause” from relitigating the determination made by the State Supreme Court that the
petitioner was indeed mentally retarded (Bies v. The options will allow individuals who are expected
to face capital punishment to be given another chance to be law-abiding citizens in the community. A
2015 resolution on the death penalty condemned its use to suppress opposition, or on grounds of
religious belief, homosexuality or adultery. The punishment ensures that the offender gets what he
deserves as breaking the law should not be tolerated. If the death penalty was not in force, the wrong
done to these individuals might have been avoided, and their lives saved. The complete abolition
took place in 1965 by the abolition of The Death Penalty act. This indicates the countrys efforts
towards eradication of the offense.
Death penalty should be abolished because it is unfair, wastes time and money, is against human
rights, and prevents victims from benefiting from the due process of the law.ReferencesMcLaughlin,
J. (2014). The price of justice: interest-convergence, cost, and the anti-death penalty movement. The
critics of the death penalty are of the view that it should be scrapped both in law and practice
because it has no place in the penal and criminal justice systems of modern civilised nations which
uphold human rights. Criminals are also human beings, and they should be accorded their due
respect, in spite of the crimes they may have committed. Due to multiple controversies associated
with the death penalty, it is imperative to handle the issue delicately to avoid raising conflicts across
the divided camps in the United States, regarding the capital punishment. There is danger that
guiltless persons may be sent to the hangman’s noose, and once an execution occurs, the error is
final. Others forms of punishment even life imprisonment without parole for the heinous and
premeditated murder cannot serve justice to the crime committed (Radelet and Borg, 2000). People
cite different reasons in support of capital punishment. Should sentences strive to punish or
rehabilitate the particular offender or protect societies from the risk posed by the individual offender.
Consequently, this essay will focus on various reasons given to support or oppose the death penalty
in order to make conclusions on the effectiveness of the method towards the achievement of both
justice and deterrence of others from future engagement in acts punishable by similar sentencing.
Charging murder criminals with death execution is reciprocates loss of life with the loss of life too
(Bohm). The costs of implementing capital punishment are lesser than those incurred in the
facilitation of the life imprisonment, especially when costs of food, security, and healthcare are put
into consideration. The death penalty is critical to arriving at and in some cases may lead to the
unjust sentencing of innocent victims. Providing the offenders with jail time may boost their chances
of seeking justice in cases of false charging. An innocent man may be wrongfully executed as a
result of inadequate legal representation and police and prosecution misconduct. Schweizer (2013)
argues that capital punishment is unfair especially to the black people who live in the United States.
The use of the death penalty imparts fear in people, making them think twice before engaging in any
criminal activity. However, four fifths of the 55 African countries have abolished capital punishment
or operate moratoriums. Bredesen, 486 F.3d 896 C.A.6.Tenn., 2007). In this case, the drug used in
lethal-injections was the pancuronium bromide which veterinarians refused to use in euthanizing
animals (Workman v. Provide your email for sample delivery Please enter valid email By clicking “I
want to recieve an essay” you agree to be contacted via email Send me this sample Thanks. However,
this limitations does not mean the death penalty is not effective or it is not the best punishment for
the offenders especially when considering justice and deterrence as the principal ends that the penal
system aim to achieve. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Capital crimes include
premeditated murders and more recently The Death Penalty is awarded for kidnapping in some
countries as well. Incapacitation is another reason for supporting the justification of the death penalty
given its ability to keep offenders under a strict state control that ensures there is a minimal chance
that an offender can commit future criminal acts. Rachael, Roberts. Interview: Life Experience after
Losing a Family Member to a Death Penalty. BrightAttorney Stephen B. Br.pdf AGAINST THE
DEATH PENALTYStephen B. Human rights standards requires everyone to respect the life of other
people and let them live without threats. Based on the view of relatives, killing the person they love
doesn’t serve as a. Although this is a strong argument, against the death penalty, it is my argument
that the abolition of capital punishment should not be made on the basis of the fact that there is a risk
of executing the innocent. Rees, 07-5439). The decision in this case will certainly affect how the
procedure is being carried out although it does not necessarily put into question the validity of the
death penalty itself (Finkelstein and Zuckerman, 1). An inmate may be charged with life sentencing
for killing an infant girl by rape (Wheeler). Other forms of opposition to capital punishment such as
based on the risk of convicting and executing an innocent person can be addressed by ensuring the
criminal justice system is able to eliminate the available margin of error as much as possible so that all
those convicted are those that deserve the penalty.
This is because it can be more beneficial to the remaining members of the victim’s family when
resources are channelled towards offering support such as counselling or financially in cases where
the victim is a sole or main breadwinner. Therefore, arguments surrounding rehabilitation can only be
made in opposition to the death penalty for it is not logical to claim treatment of the offender can be
achieved through a death sentence given that the person will not be given a chance to exercise a
changed attitude and behaviour in society. Additionally, using dollars used in executing death to
establish schools that give at risk children an opportunity to access an education that can keep them
from crime, results in a better society. On the other hand, capital punishment is considered
hypocritical. In that light, the victims can seek parole or reopening of their cases to seek justice. He
had spent more than half of his life in prison. Therefore, charging any criminal is committing the
same act. This implies that alternatives of the capital sentence should be explored. This resource
hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
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Tushnet, Mark. The Death Penalty. New York: Factson File, Inc., 1994. Using the death penalty as
one of the ways of deterring crimes helps the society in eliminating people who cause havoc. Latzer,
Barry. Death Penalty Cases: Leading U. S. Supreme Court Cases on Capital Punishment, Second
Edition. If given a chance, law offenders facing death penalty can be transformed into useful
members of the society through the use of appropriate corrective measures other than execution.
Between imprisoning criminals for life and death penalty, confining them for life is the lesser evil of
the two. The Death Penalty is inappropriate but a legal necessity (Haas and Marquis). These may
include serving as an ultimate warning to potential criminals on the outcome of life ending crimes
(Braswell et al. 222). Some feel that the punishment gives closure to the victim's family members
and a sense of justice being apprehended. It is wrong to believe that killing one proves that justice is
served. Order from one of our vetted writers instead Order a paper now If you are the original author
of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the. In the United States criminal justice
system when a human being takes the life of another human being there are roughly two options for
consequences; Life in prison with no possibility of parole or the death penalty. Semple, Kirk. Middle
East: Saddam Hussein is Sentenced to Death. This article reviews the history of the Catholics'
position on the death penalty. Rachael, Roberts. Interview: Life Experience after Losing a Family
Member to a Death Penalty. Name: Instructor: Task: Date: death penalty death penalty denotes the
extreme means of punishing convicts, which has culminated massive controversy. Furthermore, the
death penalty is an irrevocable act which does not dissuade crime but rather a way of escaping from
reality. This suggests that the death penalty only deters the executed rather than all other evil minded
individuals. Also allowing prisoners to serve lifetime imprisonment may not be an easier punishment
but rather a more reflective and suffering experience. Opposition to the view that death penalty is the
only effective measure that ensures the offenders has been challenges by studies that have been
conducted to determine how many offenders actually goes back to their previous criminal activities.
In this case, equal judgement is believed to be attained. Therefore, although I am aware that the by
passing a death penalty to the offender does not restore the life of the victim, the family and friends
of the victim will at least be consoled by the fact that justice has been served for the loss of a loved
one. The death penalty threatens the enjoyment of the entitlement to life.

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