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Javascript ReactJS task - Notes

Task description

Create an app for notes. Every note has a title and description, date and time of creation and
modification. Every note also has a heart or favorite button to emphasize the importance of the
note, users can add or remove it. A note can be deleted or edited (modified). The first page
shows the list of all notes, the list is paginated. Users can also search notes. Users can filter
important (emphasized) notes. Users can export (download) all or just one note.

Use git for the code. The Readme file has installation/startup instructions. Docker is optional. A
person reading the README file should be able to start the app without additional help or
questions quickly. The app should be able to start using yarn, npm or docker. Optionally set up
an online staging environment using Vercel or other alternatives.


● Use ReactJS framework

● Optional configuration file
● Use Flexbox
● Use Hooks
● Add a feature of your choice
● A persistent storage solution is optional
● Write at least two tests
● Readme file

After finishing the task, write a short report about the process. How did you do certain things,
why did you choose specific ways, and did you have any blockers in doing this task. Where did
you get your information for starting and doing the task? Your opinion, suggestions and ideas
about the task. You can write anything you find necessary. Write a report in the English
language. The report is not stored in git, the report should be sent to In the
report include the link to the repository of your finished task.

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