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Experiment Number SUPE RCONDUC TIVI TY

pheuomenon im ce teiu
geicny ct e loo teulp. chaacteni 2ed by
of h mteioy me. fieled.
fx Some weteaial tie resisHviy veisles
at some low tep tey become Supercnduc
Hug, Such uatetls eoNCendech

Sepercmdu eHuy was discoveee by H< awer

Iongh wuo wes sfudyw e cistee of sid
H at Cyegenic tuperetre
+ Hiee nesistarne e f satie He Suddenly
diseeppeas Sepercen duc ivity
Seveirel ote meteàl
Citiaal teuperetu
A1arge class ff mate ials
has heern fend to shuw tthe paeperty of ze
esistivity belo certeim teupexmcalled
e chal tewperetue teuperty
lbeler wetich eleetical resistenee
The Coouy of te weterdet un be achejeal

DIe U) Teacher's Signature

Gueuerl chclhertescs :

O.£lectical resistence
en ehee ticel eis tqm!
TAnite Conduc Huity: Supercnductr
weteril s ooled to q teup. below its Te,e
esHuty of e, seple beanes zem te
be less Haan
esstee t Cuy supercm deuctr wust fecr f lo
4the estnce of wels
wetls by ct l e t
to beliene hect i4 is
So ne tS mensn
duciuity o, terene
acutally en! The cn
bec emes n Anite

wheu puity is edldeel

(3) Totope afeet c d transiH m teu

The eert
Te value f Supr cndu ctr S oum to vary
sotopic Not
n of
t ef isotopic
imver sely roportnl to
tge superconduetr
etic field efec+ field epplied
bel ts Tc Super cn deectr
to q supercon fry spenCUnductiy to nerml
nder g0cs q trom sjhy
stte. 4

when Oo(H+)

Experiment Number

meeie Succeptbilit.C
appld meq. Aete)
W vele uf H shos 4hat super cnduetr is
per feet

when q
nore to sepex cinducHvity
Stete 'eld
el wees
exhibttb peafect dieege HBm
beloo Te when seper cnduchr lae eel in
Aeld G) penetrecte
he ueleie

H Cootee

urwl tee whes Sueh Suple i cotec

to q teup, below iHs Tet Te wegieicflux
Teachera Stgnature
speiun, w | be
wlureh rs lrady in side
frncey' law,weh wed tend to tup te fum
i s e the specd me.
uleh s

Cwoled t q t e . belu is

spercndeetny.heu pluerd in
Te,l a g it Iiny & w wot
e wey.
hfor weg. Aed,
law f mdeti m, urnts
b caus cee: to fyrucey
imduced in the Sauple wth of pote y cha
he speden.
A Sepr mductr, Such cuneuts
e e mduced wtll
TeStstem ce cud wll Peep wey. fluM o l .

Experiment Number Page

The super cenduc iny stte
ef q supcr Conduc tig maleriabreaks oben te aghcht
field CelteY eternal OT produced by current floi
supercn duc tx HSelf mcrases beyund 4 certin
value aud saupk staxts oe haing Iike an orelioar
cn ductax Tlis er tein walue of rogreic
nagne kc fetd
fict4 beyond
wlach super cmduch returns to orinary stekis
Called Ci tHcel mag ield
The Value of Caitical wag field tepends teup.
As the teup. ( belo Te) reuceg
Citt cal wad feld incTeases

F He is the streuth of the field aeaired to destoy

Supexcndc Huity specimen at q
|Hedference free energy per Unit volue
betwee) he Syper cao d°cttg take aud qnQY Mal
Stete et
f tt feld e

He CT)
An (t)~ As (T) =
Tws eueray difference is called teK Cundesin
eneg Te dependene of
b te following

Teacher's 5ignatra
with eopeet to
teir behuviou
ield) Supe n d e h cen be
two dis inc+ classeS
(Soft Super eun
) TyPe I Super cndue tor /superendueti
s tete
As the Critcel feld is Normel stale
Speciuen eyrs the nomel
Stet .e 4e
lue does wot penete
pplied wag. ld is He

lower H n cti cal fetd App wee fietd (H)’

He ct)
Shoo Hhs
poport e chaye f
Scunple os
4ne werg. fielel. wequetHC field of indue tim B
1s relee to e weguei s t n through

ie charqc te vised by s-o

A Super(unducr S So Qs

upplied fielel \s less thqn e CittCel

long s
Suple shows perfect dimequeise
value f megtisrctn eyual H/4a .

beyon Hc, mege ds t Zen shoig

Thes e Super un deetrs find veny celle c Sof4 SupenCnde.
lowe Y Hc.
Cfollw weisyner e e s i c y
Experiment Number

ype SuperendectstHhard Super Conduch)

Hc, = louer Ciical

Hca criice Me

mixed Stake uopTEX stale (H)>

T=Normal Stat

Sypex Cuodectr behane Itle type I SuperCmdect

field ess ttham lowcr citcel Aetc!
wl the feldexceeds 4 s value luegu iSaion
does uot fust p to zer us teed ueg,flu
pene trates he

Couple te pege atio of wagueHc flux, 0ccUrs ohe

the stemgth of the pplied i reaches a value Hca
callecd e wpper critcl fietd HCs
Siregth of te applied field behue en
these fhe Susstemceis in c Tater
couplicwted in kx uii ate stati
Teachers Signatwe
eisICer ee shws ht when Super cmdeer
placed m egeic er Sur face ureuts

e super cnduetg Sawple s in ta

shape of 4 dagh mut r 9 tooid Subjes
the Sumple to bethe wy. feld, wheu tte Sawple
is n its wn l stete lu liues ae insde 4he
Sanple. Tf cooled to a teeif. a

belo Te ,te flue liuey qe expelled.

Tu s Case Sue,.fue lines pass hhmg the hote
iu tt toroid. I He magueHc ietd is nuw settelheel

Resistamce =o

Cunst at, beit per ssteut
Suh Cureuts been seeuto perst wthnt
we wsurable ecvese fir ner q year
cher ack isic de cuy +iwe of t leot lo
Doll cud Nab auer Cng G) ael
fuirbis (ig6) weedthe trpped flu ot

Cn tlee cer tuu dscete Values.

Exoerinant Number

Micnscepic Theoy
(Bardeen Cooper cLel Schrie ffex (Igs)
Accoriwey to BcS theor laice play iuportemt
lole passcsS
He laice inbescae
wtHh tthe eusti ien
electsteieeley le. cuobie imteTactH tkes place
imsyS q msult atice
qet di stted The meiun of iglh posiHve charge is
creaded tus phonons
ephomn e mterecHy

when au ey laie it ul be
imste acd f Coulo bic epulin hetween
Teachars Signalwe 4eu.
second e hs tueracted urty frst e
tthroys phonon This ype of uereeti y is cellle
phoue ineacHn.

leHe yet distte

eeepuli y
Cooper Pelr s frweel fos when to0 e in er ael wtty
saeh oter hgth phonon ttractuely áud b ouercom
4e Coelobic repulsin frce. Tue bin d eet
ofcooper is of tthe order lo-ev. uorch is weny
Smale. Sper cndueHÀty s lw teu.
pheuoenn. the e n Cooper p r hae ppuihe
sei totee sein f q cooper pur is e.

Experiment Number Page

OceureC er of Superconductivity i
o Conves honal
&uper cunduc tivity oce
eir ctpods, also in alloys.
te eheueut, miobin he e ighe st Te
Aso Niobiuu ttn
teup. iicel
field of 28T. Nba Sh pose a ebln in its
bi cai on since it is So fer, nly two
eetetals VaG1g cud NbaAL hauN been prepared
Auo the Cemen t enal Super cenduc tw ,Nb Ge
has tth Wghest Ta of 23:3 cued a eiicul field ef
3T CTete)

when taio bin s alyed uitth sSualley aue

suellex ctuss to f n q clas f
called AIS Couponds. Hoeer coupounds
alng tte serie s by alloig Nb th ShA
ally ecomes more
Mne ficut to prepqR
A Class f Molybdemug Cipdalled chenl
Cempounds Kn tePossess igh cnitice«l hells

Teacher's Signature
Drgeuie Super cuyductyr
weter tels anane bee ex tensively tu lie e fhr
CCUremce of `upe amdeetity since 193 wheu

aeil s
Ppert wes syuttysiged. Te
Gmdee tur ad 8sK with
ad epec ted tu shouw wetelic respnce to LR.
-Superndertuty has been en exit mqclass
Se based Orgauic coupd clled bechgaard Salt
these chuge thsfe
Salts of tyne (TmT SE),X, wther TMTSF st«mds ffir
tetra wety tetq sele na fulvelene celx is ee
Tafe,Re Op et,
struef tmSE wte


(4)TmTSF (6) SEDT- TT

Auother lennwn cluss of orycuwc wietls be lo mys to
(a£DT TTF),x faulyce uwee
(S n e
bis ctaytene Aittiototetry fulvq leme. (E+),
dunor havig a structue m o)

Experiment Number Page

fulleeroe si
Hw. eroto dscouerel new fur w t
LC duskrs cutuiuluy_Cco c etus.
is extre weg Stble ael Ceey Suruine euenhostlr
enviTomeut of t e tershell er Spqce.

Jy Ceothe c ctus Qe cut tthe soverdice of

a holl Aruutated osehehong havi ug s0 hexatun
fuces cuuel 12 _pentegnel teee, tehe tee S
Siuilax to hut of qsoccer bale clusters
Cuntaiug 10 cee gO C a t s hane clso
beeoseeed manee Reekeinstex fullereur

o uole cule Pack in a fcc Shuctme wit g laCe

Cmstent iui2 A°. SinKe the adig of te molcul is
SAtis lecvg larte emouh eeeEL Vacan çes to
acoouodate dopcuuts of Sell adi Ou e basis
Lef t s Scintist catteeupt doping of in flu
f co wth

wax cem dctivty uf

Of kCoo
of ises expnen Haly
a value of 3 fr er vale of tie Cmduciuih
bule cuel tlin Saluples of ka Goa See H
Lonset of suex(mdcHvity be lo 18K
squples of RbglGo hne een mepotkd to sho
Super mdectivity witth a Te of about
Teacher's Signature
- High Teperctre Super Cen d cturs
wattals 4thet hane Super cun ducti Te abote
HTSC uy t n defiim
Atoove e teup. of 30 K
traqnitin teup. h t is larger frauttan
() avig 4
feteup. han fr cun ven Hmee Super
Cen deec t r s S h cy elee tel Ha or pb
Exaupie of wgts Te cuprate smpercen ductrs nelude
as Arst wnaterial to athiee supercon deuct vity
dbove te bp. oF iq. .
Thh igh teupeTatyre S ebout 12
TA, Ba,Ca,Cuo These hae loeen en veious nuu
odre super cmdeetrs, c e r e Supercnuetis
but tthese hae gene rlet refered to
High teeup. Super un ducts (Htsc)
having fruy
oter exauple is 1-2-3 Goupd of Yoco bavn

pervo skit. Provsle te Shuc. chcra ceris Hc of haien
itnate cless f eelechcs as atons e
Cerners of t e cbe, t e cins oot
4he fuces f the cube euel T at
Qt tH (emthe of Cikte.
e cemte

ENperiment Number Page

Applic a t s of£ Super Codeeehs

Daglev Coacle dont

uequeHzed treck echcei ceel
due to wch spee wp to
SgUtDS CsupCnduet y queuntus in er fenrene
derice s) docble yunct
lanc tHon qgmtn oterferene
can detec eg. feld of rder of 10 Tesla
Suee dewtces Cun be e to fnd suel chay În earh wey.At
detect parae nesponse of ver
fust elechical Suttcy as t is cec to

licei t e spen cndch

(order uf ibs
Twp wnel wmetwel S f Pouner teer etinwhicl
in exp stee use supercn du
,st wetHdy plasug is w r e e ,
freel mto cn otiOynlly di recd mag fie!
wlich spgrates ee daug tnt two
based on. he polarity of e cleqe. cpnents
wettacd is buseed t f Stwy uag: field
power eertin
Spe CnducA
Teacher sSignatye
resncce tagig c m k I ) f e aliad dicquosis

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