Lab II Video Answers, Ornella Marchionda

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Lab II

Coloquial English

Talking about interviews with Ryan Judd


1.- What’s the first thing Judd´s looking for in a candidate for a job?

He looks for experience in a candidate for a job.

2.- How does he get candidates to relax in the interview?

For him, it’s important to engage with the candidate.

3.- What about during the interview?

Ha starts witch general questions, so the candidates talk about themselves.

4.- Is it important for candidates to ask questions? What kind?

When candidates ask questions they can ask anything relate with the job.

5.- Is it ok to ask about salary?

Yes, it is and it’s also ok if they talk about their expectations about it.

6.- How important are CVs?

CVs are important because they give a point of view about the candidate.

7.- What’s the worst thing a job candidate can do when applying for a job?

Coming late to an interview is one of the worst things a candidate can do.

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