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1 Helping economically weaker 1. To work towards reducing hunger, illiteracy and other social problems for the betterment of the weaker
section of society section of Society.
2. To organize and arrange welfare programs in the economically weaker section area and create and promote
awareness about better lifestyle choices and healthy life.
3. To encourage economically weaker section of the Society towards better life choice and encourage them
towards development.
4. To promote and support economically weaker section of the Society by providing them economical and
moral for their overall improvement and upliftment.
5. To work towards development, establishment and facilitation of better medical relief for the Society and
especially the economically weaker section of the Society.
6. To work towards promotion of need of education and establishment institution to impart better education for
the Society and especially the economically weaker section of the Society.
7. To work for the upliftment of the economically weaker section of the Society
8. To encourage and create awareness among the economically weaker section of the Society towards
education, skill-based training and better job opportunities.
9. To promote and work for betterment of the Society and help towards the upliftment of the economically
weaker section of the Society by providing them education and better health care.
10. To organize and arrange welfare programs in the economically weaker section area and create and
promote awareness about better lifestyle choice and healthy life.
11. To work and promote education and vocational skill development among the economically weaker section
of the Society.
12. To work for and build Hospitals for better health care facilities for the Society, especially economically
weaker section of the Society.
13. To work and promote education and health care system among the economically weaker section of the
14. To work towards reducing hunger, illiteracy and other social problems for the betterment of the weaker
section of the Society
15. To work for the upliftment of the economically weaker section of the Society by providing economical help
for healthcare facilities.
16. To promote and support economically weaker sections of the Society by providing them good quality and
access to healthcare for their overall improvement and upliftment.
17. To encourage economically weaker sections of the Society towards better health choices and encourage
them towards development.
18. To provide and organize skill development class and sessions for the socially and economically weaker
section of the Society
19. To work and train the economically weaker section of society in the field of data entry, manpower, and
technological innovation.
20. To help the economically weaker section of society to gain employment in the field of manpower
recruitment and data entry.
21. To organize and promote charitable camps and charitable institution for the welfare of the economically
weaker section of the Society by providing them better access to education, skill development programs,
medical reliefs and cultural development.
22. To arrange and organize health care events and campaigns for improvement of health care among
economically weaker people of the Society.
23. To promote and work for betterment of the Society and help towards the upliftment of the economically
weaker section of the Society.
2 Women Empowerment 1. To work in the field of Woman Empowerment, Health Care Support and Orphanage for elderly and specially
abled people.
2. To work towards the empowerment of Women in all walks of the Society.
3. To work towards the improvement of Women condition in the Society by providing them adequate helps in
improving the standard of life in rural and urban area.
4. To work towards preventing all kinds of criminal acts against women, especially, female foeticide, sexual
abuse and other kinds of assaults.
5. To work towards reducing the gender gap in the society by providing necessary support and education to
women and men about gender gap.
6. To promote and provide vocational course and skill development session, especially designed for women to
make them self-dependent. To provide them basic training to improved their quality of life.
7. To provide women with the economical backing they need to start business ventures and actively participate
in the economy.
8. To assist small businesses run by women and girls in gaining access to credit and finding markets for their
9. To support economic development by helping households to use any money they earn to accumulate assets
and insure themselves against adverse situations.
10. To achieve a balanced civil society with equal chances and equal representation of men and women and
different ethnic groups in public and private sectors.
11. To foster, encourage and promote the empowerment and well-being of women and children by means of
education, advocacy and other forms of assistance.
12. To Provide advisory and consultancy services on business issues to institutions and organizations which
are being run by women on a micro, small or medium scale, including development agencies.
13. To support women in difficult social and economic situations, victims of violence and discrimination, and
those in need of protection, and help for their social integration.
14. To improve the socio-economic status of women and girls through capacity building, economic
empowerment activities, and advocacy
15. To Empower women by strengthening their socioeconomic status and providing them with the knowledge
and skills needed to live a sustainable and healthy life.
16. To empower and promote sustainable economic independence for women and girls. Increase opportunities
for professional and personal development of women through the provision of support skills.
17. To co-operate with National and International NGOs and agencies by networking and co-aligning for the
achievement of specific goals for the welfare and development of women.
18. Improving the socio-economic status of women and youth through capacity building, economic
empowerment activities, and advocacy
19. Work towards ending discrimination based on gender by awareness and gender sensitisation camps and
work through offline and online sources to spread awareness and to help the women being suffered from
20.To organize community-based campaign against discrimination and violence towards women to establish
women’s rights and dignity in the family and society
21. To empower women by strengthening their socio-economic status and provide them with the knowledge
and skills needed to live a sustainable and healthy life.
22. To advocate for women and children’s rights
23. To monitor and implement Women's Rights to attain equal status of women in all aspects of social, political
and economic development pan India.
24. To educate the public on the rights of women and the means of enforcing such rights for the achievement
of equality, development and peace.
25. To promote access to Health Education/Promotion, Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
26.To empower and promote sustainable economic independence for women and youth. Increase
opportunities of professional and personal development of women through the provision of support skills.
27. To co-operate with National and International NGO’s and agencies by networking and co-aligning for the
achievement of specific goals for the welfare and development of women.
28. To advance the idea of women as active participants in politics and national development.
29. To promote the principle of anti-discrimination and gender equality concepts in governmental and
organizations’ practices.
30.To protect women and young girls from all forms of discrimination and gender-based violence.
31. To contribute and take positive steps to protect women’s rights, participation in the development process,
peacebuilding and enhance access to Justice.
32. To prevent and protection of vulnerable women and young girls working from sexual abuse, exploitation,
and trafficking
33. To establish a strong platform with government, non-government and private sectors to promote rights-
based approach and ensure the rights, entitlements, and services for women and young girls.
3 Betterment of Society 1. To promote and work for betterment of the Society and help towards the upliftment of the economically
weaker section of the Society.
2. To establish and build Hospitals for better health care facilities for the Society.
3. To encourage and educate people towards their rights and duties in the Society.
4. To work towards reducing hunger, illiteracy and other social problems for the betterment of the weaker
section of the Society
5. To encourage the people to use flora and fauna for clothing items, livelihood and food.
6. To encourage and promote use of flora and fauna for betterment of the Society.

4 Health Care 1. To establish and build Hospitals for better health care facilities for the Society.

2. To encourage and create awareness towards education, skill-based training and better job opportunities.
3. To organize and host online and offline programs to promote better health care.
4. To promote and encourage better health care by organizing camps and booths pan India.
5. To work for and build Hospitals for better health care facilities for the Society
6. To work and promote education and health care system. To promote and encourage better health care by
organizing camps and booths offline and online pan India.
7. To organize and arrange welfare programs in the economically weaker section area and create and promote
awareness about better life style choice and healthy life.
5 Education & Vocational Skills 1. To work towards the betterment of the Society in the field of education, awareness and social welfare.
2. To work and promote education and vocational skill development among the economically weaker section of
the Society.
3. To work and promote education and health care system
4. To encourage and create awareness among the economically weaker section of the Society towards
education, skill-based training and better job opportunities.
5. To organize and host online and offline programs to promote better education programs and enable people
to achieve in the same field.
7. To provide and assist economically weaker children with technical knowledge and skills, so that they can
use it to achieve their goals and grow in the Community.
8. To secure and adapt to the government projects to undertake the objectives.
9. To promote livelihood development and community development through education and to provide
sponsorships and raise funds for the education of underprivileged children.
10. To promote services in the field of education development by forming academic and educational institutions
and residential schools.
11. To create child clubs and parent clubs and advocate to promote education.
12. To promote services in the field of education development by forming academic and educational institutions
and residential schools.
13. To encourage and support student to achieve their farfetched dream by way of providing them access to
quality education.
14. To provide and promote education beyond the text books and work towards the overall growth of the
underprivileged children and families.
15. Encourage and support youth towards better future by learning vocational skills and give learning
16. Host and organize various seminars and events for the youth to educate them about various career
opportunities including entrepreneurship.
17. To promote and formulate a better environment in education institution towards mental health and support
students with required external support.
6 Environment 1. To promote use and educate Society of the need of environment protection and promote initiatives for the
2. To promote and create awareness about safety not only with respect to physical environment but also with
respect to prevalent technology world.

3. To create awareness among all people about environment conservation at district, state and national level.
4. To work towards better environment and cleaner city by encouraging people to take part in activities and
5. To conduct seminars, webinars, conferences relating to environment and ecology issues prevailing in the
society currently.
6. To undertake various activities to conserve nature and wildlife, and environmental conservation.
7. To work with governmental authorities to spread awareness and life skills during disaster management,
humanitarian aid and natural calamities.
8. To collaborate with other organisations and individuals nationally and internationally who have the same
9. To conduct seminars, webinars, conferences relating to environment and ecology issues prevailing in the
society currently.
10. To undertake various activities to conserve nature and wildlife, and environmental conservation.
11. To work with governmental authorities to spread awareness and life skills during disaster management,
humanitarian aid and natural calamities.
12. To collaborate with other organisations and individuals nationally and internationally who have the same
13. To make a positive contribution to the conservation of nature, natural resources, including wildlife, and
stimulate community and private conservation efforts.
14. To develop and pursue policies consistent with the promotion of environmental development.
15. To provide advocacy and support on key issues related to environmental issues to the government and
institutions working for the protection of environment.
17. To design and implement alternate solutions that provide convenience on par with existing habits or even
more better by replacing with environmentally friendly materials.
18. To educate the behaviour of individuals, groups, and society as a whole towards protecting the
19. To provide clean and eco-friendly environment
7 Mental Health 1. To work towards spreading awareness about mental health and abuse in the community through public
awareness program, and to cooperate and collaborate with patient support groups and other such non-profit
organisation or NPO working towards similar objectives.
2. To promote and formulate a better environment in education institution towards mental health and support
students with required external support.
7 Mental Health

3. To promote and provide social media and online platform for spreading awareness towards mental health.

4. To provide and promote psychoeducation, free therapy to abuse survivors in order to create a safe and
brave space to build a resilient community and also promote awareness among the school children and to
conduct workshops and campaigns to promote emotional and mental wellbeing in children, adolescents, adults
and elderly and also work towards normalizing mental health care besides making it accessible to one and to
also work towards normalising mental health care besides making it accessible to one and all.
5. To formulate and conduct a training program in psychoeducation and identify and support institutes and
faculty who shall provide help and support in conducting such a training program.
6. To build, promote, and assist in starting web /electronic media-based platforms so as to exchange
information and provide education and further research in the field of psychoeducation and mental health and
7. To promote and encourage student interest and participation in local, regional and international conferences
psychoeducation and to work towards collaborations with the foreign Institute/Bodies for research in the field of
health care and to work towards the other activities necessary for promotion of health care and awareness on
abuse in India.

8. To start and conduct distance educational courses in psychoeducation and to hold various camps, seminars,
training programs, workshops for the purpose of carrying out research and experiments in the field of
psychoeducation, for the said purpose to invite the experts in those fields and arrange group discussions,
speech, training programs etc. and also organize and conduct cultural as well as social and also leisure time
recreational activities and programs and for that purpose organize seminars, meets, workshops.
9. To Promote education in all streams of learning for children, students and adults without any discrimination
of age, sex, caste, color, creed, nationality and culture and inculcate value of education among the people and
to undertake scientific research development in psychoeducation.
8 Water Harvesting 1. To encourage and educate people about Water Harvesting.
2. To spread awareness about use of Water Harvesting in School, College, other public places.
3. To encourage designing Homes to enable Water Harvesting.
4. To spread awareness of environmental effects of Water Harvesting.
9 Cycling 1. To promote and propagate awareness about benefits of healthier life style.

2. To promote and encourage citizens to take healthier choices in terms of transportation and use Cycle.
3. To promote and hold seminars, awareness camps and digital and offline campaign to encourage and
support eco-friendly option towards transportation including walking, cycling and use to public transport.
4. To promote and create safety measures for Cycling.
5. To promote and encourage safety measures for pedestrians in the city.
6. To work towards better environment and cleaner city by encouraging people to take part in activities and
10 Welfare of Children 1. To create and promote awareness about Child Rights at district, state and national level.
10 Welfare of Children
2. To promote, create and encourage parents to make better and wiser choices in terms of parenting and
better health of the children.
3. To provide primary health care and first aid to children of the all classes of the society.
4. To provide food at the day care services for working parents from all classes of the society.

5. To provide safer and healthier environment to the children for the overall growth, in absence of their parents.
6. To provide day care services for working parents from all classes of the society.
7. To create awareness about democratic rights among the people.
8. To provide and support children with special needs by providing hostel facilities and education program for

9. To provide guidance and counselling by way of training programs to parents with special needs children.
11 Social Welfare 1. To perform social welfare activities and encourage social welfare in the Society by means of technology,
print media and other social network tools.
2. To work towards the betterment of the Society in the field of education, awareness and social welfare.
3. To encourage and perform social welfare activities
12 Social Science Research 1. To organize and undertake research initiatives to use social science research work for the upliftment of the
2. The organization will also work towards use of social science research work to eradicate cultural problems in
Indian and South Asia and create a better environment for all walks of people.

3. The Organization undertakes and endeavours to organize seminars, workshops, courses and conferences
to create and spread awareness about the social science research work on the society at large.
4. The organization will also develop research projects on relevant areas including but not limited to urban
studies, social media, digital cultures etc. Based on these Projects, the Organization may seek donation from
organizations, universities, or donors working in the allied fields for the Project towards the upliftment of the
society at large.
13 Art & Culture 1. To work and encourage towards the promotion of arts and commerce.
2. To curate artistic exhibitions for the promotion of art and artists.
3. To work for the upliftment of the economic weaker society through one artistic project at a time.

4. To organise and conduct artistic workshops where the proceeds earned go to charities and charitable trusts.
5. To impart knowledge and education to any member of the society of any age in any form of arts which may
be helpful for the member.
6. To promote or join the promotion or conduct, undertake, or participant in local, national and international
festivals, tours, exhibitions, Museums, Seminars, Conferences and Conventions
7. To create, maintain, use and distribute funds for the livelihood of artists and students in need.
8. To create, partner, collaborate, consult or setup any kind of educational or artistic studio, school, college,
village or any such space needed for training, teaching or performing any kind of artistic form.
9. To use theatre and performing arts as a positive change-making tool.
10. To use arts as a tool or medium in education, awareness and infotainment across all kinds of institutions,
organizations, public or private sector.
11. To promote the performing arts and artistic expression as the medium of communication to understand,
ideate, curate and express ideas, creations, artistic and community driven work as an essential tool for human
and community development.

12. To create equal opportunities for economically weaker sections of society through the medium of art.

13. To spread awareness about economic and resource discrepancies in society through artistic programmes.

14. To promote local and indigenous art and culture by promoting the local artists, artisans, painters, etc.
14 Sports 1. To work towards education and sports field and help the socially and economically weaker section of the
Society with better educations opportunities.
2. To promote sports and leisure activities to people for the betterment of physical and mental wellness.
3. To create child clubs and parent clubs and advocate to promote sports
4. To secure and adapt to the government projects to undertake the objectives
15 LGBTQ+ 1. To impart knowledge and create awareness about the LGBTQ+ community.
2. To provide a healthy space for people from the queer community to connect.
3. To help amend policies for the recognition of minority groups.
16 Monetary Aid 1. To work for economically and socially weaker communities by providing them monetary loans at low interest
rates, to help them get educated, medical attention, home appliance, clothes, and soft skills.
2. To provide loans to small businesses in economically weaker communities at lower interest rates.
3. To microfinance NGO’s, societies or companies registered under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013 with
prior approval from governmental authorities
17 Motorcycling 1. To promote backpack travellers, motorcyclists, public transport travellers, and tourists in the country and
abroad by organising online and offline workshops.
2. To conduct educational events and workshops on safe riding, lifesaving skills etc for the community for
motorcycle riders and travellers of all modes of transport
3. To conduct conferences, seminars, meetups and other such events all over India and abroad.
4. To conduct training camps to improve driving skills and road sense.

5. To organise, host, conduct fund and sponsor motorcycle rides and road trips across the country and abroad
6. To collaborate with other biking/ motorcycling clubs across the world.
7. To add other biking and motorcycling clubs to BCI as members.
8. To establish and manage branches and offices in India and abroad for the promotion of the biking
9. To indulge in technological research related to automobile performance and safety.
18 Animal Welfare 1. To support and provide shelter to abandoned animals and provide necessary healthcare for them.
2. To care for and prevent cruetly on homless animals and to control their population with the help of
18 Animal Welfare

3. Building and maintaining shelter homes

4. To support and provide shelter to domestic and wildlife animals and provide necessary healthcare for them.
5. To assist, support and promote environmental and sustainable initiatives and creating awareness of the
6. To file cases before appropriate forum seeking rights for Animal and Environmental Protection.
7. To help create a legal staus of animals as sentient beings under both the national as well as international
19 Biodiversity Conservation 1. To preserve the diversity of species and sustainable utilization of species and ecosystem.
2. To conserve biological diversity and the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity.
3. To create biodiversity conservation through environmental education for sustainable development and the
fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.
4. To apply all types of educational pedagogy coupled with digital technology for school and college youths to
understand the necessity for biodiversity conservation that leads to the all-round social development which
helps future generation.
5. To create awareness among the mass public hailing from rural, urban and rurban areas about the need to
sensitise the biodiversity conservation which plays a major role in social change.
6. To identify and eliminate practical problems in obtaining biodiversity conservation education and to establish
community colleges for biodiversity conservation.
7. To conducting biodiversity conservation seminars, biodiversity conservation workshops and biodiversity
conservation seminars on the uniqueness and comparison of biodiversity conservation education offered in
India and around the world.

8. To set up "biodiversity conservation awareness committees" in each of the panchayat unions of our country.
9. To protect the depleted resources of our country such as coal, kerosene, natural gas and minerals (iron,
gold, silver, etc.) through "environmental awareness education".
10. To raise awareness by touring local and neighbouring countries on biodiversity conservation.
11. To encourage all the organizations registered under appropriate laws to take participation in the biodiversity
conservation awareness events.
12. To establish educational institutions for beekeeping, cultivation of traditional crops and "women snake
rescuers" to serve our Indian nation.
13. To establish biodiversity conservation forums for women living in rural, urban and rurban areas all over
20 Senior Citizens 1.To establish and run old age homes for senior citizens.
2. To promote welfare programmers for Senior Citizens.
3. To provide medical facilities and health care to the senior citizens
4. To provide nutritious food to the senior citizens in the home
5. To provide shelter and clothing for the residents of the old age home.
21 Specially abled 1. To provide health care support to special home support for specially-abled in the Society.
2. To provide after-treatment rehabilitation to specially-abled in the Society.
21 Specially abled

4. To run and manage Special Homes for specially-abled people.

23 Entrepreneurs/Entrepreneurship 1. To provide small and medium scale industries economical support to develop their business and other
assistances necessary for their development.
2. To promote entrepreneurship among poor and disadvantageous community.

3. To help individual entrepreneurs and MSMEs with economical support against business losses and initial
setup cost along with other assistance such as providing business advisory and upskilling services.
24 General Objectives 1. To enter into contract for carrying out objects of the Company;
2. To enter into arrangements with any Government or authorities municipal, local or any persons or trusts or
company in India or abroad that may seem conducive to the objects of the Company or any of them and to
apply for, from such Government, authorities, persons or company any right, privileges, powers, authority,
charters, contracts, patents, trademarks, licenses, concessions, grants, decrees, rights which the Company
may think desirable for attaining its main objects.

3. To acquire, lease, manage, sell, dispose-off, let, mortgage, exchange, redeem, underlet, grant leases,
licenses, easements to turn to account or otherwise dispose-off in any manner the whole of the undertaking or
any properties (movable or immovable), assets, rights and effects of the Company or any part thereof, on such
terms and for such purposes and for such consideration as the Company may think fit.
4. To borrow and raise money in such manner as the Company may think fit;
5. To collect, disseminate and utilize statistical and other information pertaining to the activities of the
6. To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount and execute negotiable instruments;
7. To sell, improve, manage, develop, exchange, loan, sublet, mortgage, dispose of, turn of accounts, or
otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Company;
8. To receive grants, loans, advances or other moneys or deposits or otherwise from individuals, private
organizations or any kind of government authority pertaining to the activities of the company.
9. To use any kind of media, digital, print, electronic or ground, to create content, technologically upgrade and
raise awareness of the activities of the company.
10. To open, maintain and operate savings, current, overdrafts, loan, credit or deposit accounts with any banks
in India.
11. To acquire or create subsidiary partially or wholly of any brand, company or intellectual property which may
be conducive to the objects of the company,

12. To refer or agree to refer any claims, demands, disputes or any other questions by or against the Company
or in which the Company is interested or concerned and whether between the Company and the member or
members or his or their representatives or between the Company and third party to arbitration in India and to
observe, perform and to do all acts, deeds, matters and things to carry out or enforce the awards.
13. Any other objective charitable in nature and of public utility as may be defined or interpreted as "charitable"
by the Income Tax Act, 1961 for the time being in force.
25 Cyber security and Cyber Rights
1. To create awareness among the public on methods of hacking, fraud and exploitation via online platforms.
2. To spread awareness among the public on freedom of speech via online platforms and restrictions on the
3. To hold discussions on other country's privacy and data legislations and work with governmental and non-
governmental organisations so as to improve the country’s privacy and data security legislations.
4. To spread awareness among the public on new legislations regarding data security, cyber security and
privacy laws
5. To help and work with socially and economically weaker sections of society to educate them on the dangers
of online platform

6. To spread awareness among the public on rights regarding the protection of minors via online platforms.
7. To hold conferences, programmes, events and/or competitions regarding cyber security pan India.
8. To spread awareness among the public on right to be anonymous and to be forgotten on online platforms.To
organise think tanks to discuss and decode legislation on Information Technology and security measures on
upcoming technology.

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