0.plani XII I Punuar

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Grade 11 ( First Language)

Field: Language and communication

On Screem B1.2

2017 - 2018
34 weeks X 3 hours/week = 102 hours


Communication aspect 58
Language skills 38

Cultural formation 6

a. Revisions 3
b. Tests 3
c. Projects 6
d. Writing Practices (w/p) 13
e. Grammar and Function Pract 13


Nr Section Ability
1 Module 1 Rd
2 Unit 1b- Vocabulary Sp
3 1.c Grammar in use Sp
4 1.c Grammar in use Wr
5 1.d Listening skills Wr
6 1.e Speaking skills Lst
7 1.f Writing Sp
8 1.f Writing Sp
9 Language focus Wr
10 CLIL 1 Biology Sp/wr
11 Progress Check 1 Sp
12 Module 2- Travelling Sp
13 2.b Vocabulary
14 2.c Grammar in use Wr
15 2.c Grammar in use Rd
16 2.d Listening skills Sp
17 2.e Speaking skills Wr
18 2.f Writing Wr
19 Language knowledge Lst
20 Language focus Sp
21 Clil 2 Sp
22 Progress Check 2 Wr
23 Activity book Sp
24 Project 1 Sp
25 Revision WR
26 Written-test 1 Wr
27 Module 3- Our world Rd
28 Unit 3.b Vocabulary Sp
29 3.c Grammar in use Sp
30 3.c Grammar in use Wr
31 3.d Listening skills Wr
32 3.e Speaking skills Lst
33 3.f Writing Sp
34 Language knowledge Sp
35 Language focus Sp/wr
36 Clil 3 Sp
37 Progress Check 3 Wr
38 Workbook Sp
39 Revision Wr
40 Written-test 2 SP
41 Project 2 Sp
42 Evaluation Sp


Field: Language and Communication

Subject: English : On Screen B1.2
Grade: XI
Nr Section Ability
43 Module 4 - Festivals & Cel Sp
44 Unit 4b Vocabualary Sp
45 4.c Grammar in use Sp
46 4.d Listening skills Wr
47 4.e Speaking skills Lst
48 4.f Writing pr. Sp
49 Language knowledge wr
50 Language focus Wr
51 CLIL 4 - Art & Design Sp
52 Progress Check 4 Sp
53 Module 5-Arts Wr/Sp
54 5.b Vocabulary Rd
55 5.c Grammar in use Sp
56 5.d Listening skills Wr
57 5.e Speaking skills Wr
58 5.f Writing Lst
59 Language knowledge Sp
60 Language focus Sp
61 CLIL 5 Wr
62 Progress Check 5 Sp/wr
63 Revision Sp
64 Project 3 Wr
65 Written-test 3 Wr
66 Module 6- Food Rd
67 Unit 6b Vocabulary Sp
68 6.c Grammar in use Sp
69 6.d Listening skills Wr
70 6.e Speaking skills Lst
71 6.f Writing an email of adv Sp
72 Language knowledge Sp
73 Language focus Rd
74 CLIL 6 Wr
75 Progress Check 6 Sp
76 Written Test Wr
77 Project 4 SP
78 Evaluation Wr/Sp

Field: Language and Communication

Subject: English " On Screen B2
Grade: XII


Section Ability
79 Module 7 - Civilisation Rd
80 Unit7b Vocabulary Sp
81 7.c Grammar in use Sp
82 7.d Listening skills Lst
83 7.e Speaking skills Sp
84 7.f Writing Sp
85 Language knowledge Wr
86 Language focus Sp/wr
87 CLIL 7 Sp
88 Progress Check 7
89 Project 5 Wr/Sp
90 Project 6 Wr/Sp
91 Module 8 Education Rd
92 Unit 8b Voc. Sp
93 8.c Grammar in use Sp
94 8.d Listening skills Wr
95 8.e Speaking skills Lst
96 8.f Writing Sp
97 Language knowledge Sp
98 Language focus Wr
99 CLIL 8 Sp/wr
100 Progress Check 8 Rp/Sp
101 Written Test Wr
102 Evalualtion SP
and communication






3-month teaching plan

September - December 42 classes
Lines 42 Total of classes
Communicative Aspect 26 classes - 65%
Language Skills 16 classes - 35%

Field: Language and Commun

Subject: English
Grade: XII
Topics Learning situation
Jobs + Reading. Would you dare a job like this? people`s lifestyle
Vocabulary. jobs and money. Voc. related to clothes
Grammar in use. present tense + Future tenses Personality
Grammar in use: Defining/Non-defining, key word transf Present Situation
Listening skills + Pronunciation present Situation
Speaking skills. Job interview. Interview situat.
Writing. A letter of application. predicting content
Language knowledge 1. A lifestyle "To die for" Personal Information
Language focus. Phrasal verbs + word formation. Describing a person
CLiL 1 + culture spot. Careers. Biology
Progress check 1. Bird researcher. Lang. Practice
Travel and shopping + Reading. The pearl of the Indian ocean. knowledge practice
Vocabulary. Going places. knowledge
Grammar in use. Past tenses + Used to, would grammar
Grammar in use: clauses of result + Key word transf Underwater world
Listening skills + pronunciation (diphthongs) Animal Voc/ Environmental pr
Speaking skills. Describing things Gr. Knowledge pract.
Writing. A story Writing
Language knowledge. Exploring Fiji Listening Situat.
Language focus. Phrasal verbs + Prepositions , word formation. making suggestions
CLiL 2. Being a responsible tourist. providing solutions
Progress check 2. Around the world in 80 days. water
Workbook exercises Lang. Practice
Project 1. knowledge practice
Revision 1 knowledge practice
Written test 1. knowledge check
Our world + Reading. An island in crisis. Natural wonders
Vocabulary. Environmental problems. Discussion
Grammar in use. Reported statements(question and commands Voc. Transport
Grammar in use: Reporting modal verbs. Gr. Knowledge pract.
Listening skills + Pronunciation. Dialogue
Speaking skills. discuss an issue. Express concern/disgust/hope. Listening Situat.
Writing. An essay suggesting solutions to a problem. Decribing picture
Language knowledge. The great storm. group discussion
Language focus. + grammar in focus. knowledge practice
CLiL 3. How geysers work. Lang. Practice
Progress Check 3. A force of nature nobody can control. lang. Practice
Workbook exercises. lang. Practice
Revision 2. Knowledge Check
First term Test. Class discussion
Project 2. class discussion
Portfolio Evaluation. class discussion

3-month teaching plan

January - March 36 classes

Lines Total of classes

Communicative Aspect 23 classes - 65%
Language Skills 13 classes - 35%

nd Communication
On Screen B1.2

Topics Learning situation

Moods and Feelings + Reading. Who says stress is bad for you. mindmap
Vocabulary. stages of life + hobbies + phrasal verbs. National holidays
Grammar in use. Modals + Tenses of the infinitives. Voc. Practice
Listening skills + Pronunciation. Gr. Knowledge pract.
Speaking skills. Asking about/ expressing feelings. etc Spidergram
Writing. An opinion essay. Individual pr. work
Language knowledge. The cost of fame. Individual pr. work
Language focus + phrasal verbs and prepositions, word formation. Individual pr. work
CLiL 4 + culture spot. Bullying in schools. lang. Practice
Progress check 4. In pursuit of happiness. class discussion
Art + Reading. A new dimension to art. Discussion
Vocabulary. The arts. Class discussion
Grammar in use. Passive voice + causative. Vocabulary drills
Listening skills. The blue note. Gr. Knowledge pract.
Speaking skills. Deciding what to watch on Tv. Gr. Knowledge pract.
Writing. A review. Listening Situat./photos
Language knowledge 5 . Descrpt./conversations
Language focus 5 + Grammar in focus. class discussion
CLiL 5 + culture spot. After the impressionists. Individual pr. work
Progress check 5. Mona Lisa's twin sister. Workbook exercises. Lang. Practice
Revision 3. Knowledge practice
Project 3. project
Written test. 3 knowledge check
Food and health + Reading. poisonous foods we love to eat. Descriptive/exp.telling
Vocabulary. Illnesses, accidents and injuries. Discussion/present.inf
Grammar in use. Conditionals/ wishes. key word transformation. Voc. Practice
Listening skills + pronunciation. Gr. Knowledge pract.
Speaking skills. Asking for/giving advice. Listen.Situat/exp.telling
Writing. A for -and-against essay. Conversations
Language knowledge 6. Free soloing in Yosemite class discussion
Language focus 6. word formation. class discussion
CLiL 6 + culture spot. Reading food labels. class discussion
Progress check 6. lang. Practice
Second term test. Knowledge Check
Project 4. Class discussion
Portfolio Evaluation. Presentation

nd Communication
On Screen B2

3-month teaching plan

April - June 24 classes

Lines Total of classes

Communicative Aspect 10 classes - 40%
Language Skills 8 classes - 35%
Cultural formation 6 classes - 25%

Topics Learning situation

Civilisations and science. Reading. Mysterious places. Descript./story telling
Vocabulary. Mysteries and civilisations. Discussion
Grammar in use. comparisons, Voc. Practice
Listening skills. Planetarium Listen. Practice
Speaking skills. suggestions. mindmap
Writing. A report class discussion
Language knowledge 7. Astronomy. class disucssion
Language focus 7 + grammar in focus knowledge practice
CLiL 7 + culture spot. comets Lang. Practice
Progress check 7. Black holes. Lang. Practice
Project. 5 Presentation
Project 6 Presentation
Education + Reading. New York Harbor school. Descript./exper.telling
Vocabulary. Education. Discussion/present.inf
Grammar in use. Modals, making deductions, Voc. Practice
Listening skills Gr. Knowledge pract.
Speaking skills. expressing opinion Listen.Situat/desc. Photos
Writing. An opinion essay. Conversations/dialog.
Language knowledge. Balancing study and free time. class discussion
Language focus. class discussion
CLiL 8 + culture spot. Oliver Twist Knowledge practice
Progress check 8 Discuss/knowledge pr.
Third term test Knowledge Check
Portfolio Evaluation Class discussion
guage and Communication

Methodology Evaluation Sources and aids

brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
Vocabulary drills ss' book/info
creativity/working in groupsformative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
pair work group evaluat. ss book
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
group discussions group evaluat. ss' book
task-based activity task-based eval. ss' book/info
working in groups group evaluat. ss' book/teacher's
group discussions group evaluat. ss' book/extra liter
mindmap self-evaluation ss' book/workbook
group discussions self-evaluation ss book
group discussions group evaluat. info
brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
group work /mindmap formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
pair work peer eval. ss book
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
group discussions group evaluat. ss' book
pair-work peer eval. ss' book/teacher's
working in groups group evaluat. ss' book/extra liter
mindmap self-evaluation ss/ book/workbook
class assignment self-evaluation ss book
class assignment paper test test papers
brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
warm-up conversation peer eval. ss' book/info
working in groups formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
role-play peer eval. ss'book
pair discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
class discussion peer eval. ss' book
working in groups group evaluat. ss' book/teacher's
group discussions group evaluat. ss' book/extra liter
group discussions group evaluat. ss book
group discussions formative evalu. workbook
group discussions formative evalu. ss book
group discussions test papers test papers
Class projects portfolio extra info

Methodology Evaluation Sources and aids

brainstorming peer evaluat.
warm-up conversation group evaluat. ss' book/info
Jigsaw Puzzle map formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
class discussion group evaluat.
task-based activity task-based eval. ss' book/info
Gaming and simulation peer evaluat.
mindmap self-evaluation ss' book/workbook
demonstration portfolio extra info
brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
working in groups formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
class discussion group evaluat. ss' book
task-based activity task-based eval. ss' book/info
working in groups group evaluat. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss/ book/extra liter
project peer evaluat. projects papers
class assignment paper test ss' book/workbook
brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
warm-up conversation formative evalu. ss' book/info
working in groups formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair discussions peer evaluat. ss' book
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
class discussion group evaluat. ss' book
pair work peer evaluat. ss book
pair work formative evalu. ss book
group discussions formative evalu. ss book
group discussions formative evalu. test papers
group discussions group discussion projects papers
demonstration portfolio extra info

Methodology Evaluation Sources and aids

brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
warm-up conversation ss' book/info
working in groups formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
class discussion peer evaluat. ss' book
class discussion peer evaluat. ss' book
working in groups group evaluat. ss' book/teacher's
group discussions peer evaluat. ss' book/extra liter
group discussions peer evaluat. ss book
demonstration portfolio extra info
demonstration portfolio extra info
brainstorming diagnostic evalu. ss' book/extra info
warm-up conversations ss' book/info
working in groups formative evalu. ss' book/teacher's
pair-work peer evaluat. ss' book
group discussions group evaluat. CD/ss' book
role-play peer evaluat. ss' book/info
class discussion task-based eval. ss' book
class discussion task-based eval. ss' book
working in groups group evaluat. ss' book/teacher's
group discussions peer evaluat. ss`book/extra inf
group discussions formative evalu. test papers
group discussions

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