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Environmental education (EE) is an organized effort to teach how natural environments

function and particularly, how human beings can manage behavior and ecosystems to live
sustainably. It encompasses all aspects of learning about and caring for the environment,
including its natural resources, ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the

Meaning of Environmental Education

The term "environmental education" has evolved over time, reflecting the growing
understanding of the complex relationship between humans and the environment. Early
definitions focused on teaching individuals about the environment, but more recently, EE has
come to encompass a broader range of goals, including:

● Raising awareness of environmental issues

● Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills
● Promoting responsible environmental behavior
● Empowering individuals to take action to improve the environment

Nature of Environmental Education

EE is a lifelong process that begins with early childhood education and continues through
adulthood. It is not just about teaching facts and figures; it is also about developing an
appreciation for the natural world and fostering a sense of stewardship for the environment.
EE can take place in a variety of settings, including schools, homes, communities, and

Key Characteristics of Environmental Education

EE is characterized by several key features, including:

● Interdisciplinary: EE draws on a variety of disciplines, including science, social

studies, art, and language arts.
● Experiential: EE emphasizes hands-on learning experiences that allow individuals to
connect with the natural world.
● Problem-solving oriented: EE encourages individuals to think critically about
environmental issues and develop solutions.
● Action-oriented: EE motivates individuals to take action to improve the environment.

Goals of Environmental Education

The goals of EE are to:

● Increase knowledge and understanding of environmental issues and the natural

● Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
● Promote informed decision-making and responsible environmental behavior
● Encourage stewardship of the environment
● Empower individuals to take action to improve the environment

Importance of Environmental Education

EE is important because it can help to:

● Protect the environment

● Promote sustainable development
● Improve human health and well-being
● Create a more just and equitable society


EE is a powerful tool that can help us to create a more sustainable and equitable future. By
teaching individuals about the environment and empowering them to take action, EE can
help us to protect the planet for future generations.

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