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International Islamic University School I-8 Campus Islamabad

Syllabus Break down for Grade 9 (Pak studies)

Refrence Book: Pak studies for Grade 9 National book foundation

Total Chapters: 04 No of Weeks: 28

Week Topics

Week 2 Chapter 2: The Making of Pakistan .) The Cabinet Mission Plan .) Interim

Week 3 The Making of Pakistan .) Third June plan

Week 4 Making of Pakistan .) British Colonialism: Their objectives and strategies in British

Week Topics

Week 1 Chapter: 2( The Making of Pakistan) . Quaid e Azam's role in the creation of Pakistan

Week 2 Chapter: 3 Land and Environment. .) Location

Week 3 Chapter: 3 Land and Environment .) Geographical Features .) Landforms .) Climatic

conditions .) Glaciers and Drainage System.

Week 4 Chapter: 3 Lamd and Environment.) Major Natural Regions: Their Characteristics,
potential and problems.

Week Topics

Week 1 Chapter:3 Land and Environment .) Natural vegetation and Wild life.

Week 2 Chapter:3 Topical test

Week 3 RMajor Environment Hazards

Week 4 Sendups

Week Topics

Week 1 Sendups

Week 2 CChapter 4 : History of Pakistan I .) Consolidation of the State and Search for

Week 3 Chapter 4: History of Pakistan I .) Ayub Khan Era

Week 4 .) Topical Test

Week Topics

Week 1 Chapter 4: Land and Environment.) Yahya Khan regime.

Week 2 Chapter 4

Week 3 Chapter:4 topical test

Week 4 Winter vacation

Week Topics

Week 1 Crash Tests

Week 2 Crash Tests

Week 3 Crash Tests

Week 4 Crash Tests

Week Topics

Week 1 Pre board Exams

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

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