De Chon Doi Tuyen Chinh Thuc 19.1.24

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NĂM HỌC: 2023 - 2024
Môn: Tiếng Anh
(Đề gồm 09 trang) (Thời gian làm bài:150 phút)
Giám khảo
Điểm bài thi Mã phách
(Ký và ghi rõ họ, tên)
Giám khảo số 1: Điểm bằng số

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Giám khảo số 2: Điểm bằng chữ

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(Thí sinh không được ghi vào các nội dung trên)


Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-5, choose the
best answer A, В or C. (1.0 pt).
1. You hear some information about a country on a travel programme. Where do most people spend
the summer months?
A. at the seaside B. in the capital city
C. in the mountains
2. You hear part of a radio programme about chewing gum. What is the speaker doing?
A. outlining its history B. describing why it has changed
C. explaining its popularity
3. You hear part of a radio programme where listeners phone in with their opinions. What does the
man want to do?
A. express his disappointment B. complain about his situation
C. encourage other listeners
4. You hear a woman speaking on the radio about buying a painting for the first time. What opinion
is she expressing?
A. A painting can be a worthwhile investment.
B. Only buy a painting if you have room for it.
C. Take your time when buying your first painting.
5. You hear a man being interviewed on the radio. What does he say about his mother?
A. She helped him become an artist. B. She persuaded him to do research.
C. She wanted him to make money.
Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2: You will hear part of the student’s presentation about the variety of defferent
pieces that live in the world oceans. You have some times to look at questions. (2.0pts)
Biodiversity hotspots
 areas containing many different species.
 important for locating targets for (6)_____________.
 at first only identified on land.
Boris Worm, 2005
 identified hotspots for large ocean predators, e.g. sharks
 found that ocean hotspots:
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- were not always rich in (7) _____________.
- had higher temperatures at the (8) _____________.
- had sufficient (9) _____________ in the water.
Lisa Ballance, 2007
 looked for hotspots for marine (10) _____________.
 found these were all located where ocean currents meet
Census of Marine Life
 found new ocean species living:
- under the (11) _____________.
- near volcanoes on the ocean floor
Global Marine Species Assessmen
 want to list endangered ocean species, considering
- population siz
- geographical distribution
- rate of (12)_____________
- Aim: to assess 20,000 species and make a distribution (13)_____________for each one.
Recommendations to retain ocean biodiversity
 increase the number of ocean reserves
 establish (14) _____________corridors (e.g. for turtles)
 reduce fishing quotas
 catch fish only for the purpose of (15) _____________
Your answers
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0,5pts)
1. A. examine B. determine C. famine D. dine
2. A. hatred B. naked C. asked D. wanted
3. A. exact B. extra C. exist D. exam
4. A. dinghy B. rough C. cough C. laugh
5. A. negotiation B. enlarge C. invent D. think
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Pick out the word whose stressed syllable is placed differently from the others. (0,5pts)
1. A. comparable B. interpret C. colleague D. enthusiast
2. A. originally B. descendant C. ethnicity D. multiracial
3. A. committee B. expensive C. guarantee D. successful
4. A. temperature B. fortunately C. recognize D. curriculum
5. A. congregating B. individual C. distribution D. geographical
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I. Circle A, B, C or D which best completes or responds to each sentence. (2.0pts)
1. Daisy: “What a lovely house you have!” - Mary: “_______”
A. Lovely, I think so B. No problem
C. Of course not, it’s not costly D. Thank you. Hope you will drop in
2. On the_______, optimists believe that life will be much better than it is today.
A. contrary B. contrast C. opposition D. opponent
3. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and_______ when being asked about their future.
A. depress B. depression C. depressed D. depressing

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4. People can become very_______ when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.
A. nervous B. stressful C. bad-tempered D. pressed
5. There has been a great_______ in her English.
A. escalation B. rise C. increase D. improvement
6. A part- time job gives me the freedom to_______ my own interests.
A. pursue B. chase C. seek D. catch
7. Tim looks so frightened and upset. He_______ something terrible.
A. must experience B. can have experienced
C. should have experienced D. must have experienced
8. _______ we invested in telecommunication industry, we would be rich now.
A. Should B. Were C. Would D. Had
9. The little boy pleaded_______ his mother not to leave him alone in the dark.
A. on B. in C. with D. to
10. She_______ modern art. She visits all the local exhibitions.
A. looks down on B. goes in for
C. fixes up with D. catches up with
11. After he had spent many years studying, an honorary doctorate was_______ on him by a famous
A. reflected B. reckoned C. descended D. conferred
12. It is the recommendation of many psychologists_______ to associate words and remember
A. that a learner uses mental images B. that a learner use mental images
C. mental images are used D. that a learner must use mental images
13. Neither Tom nor his brothers_______ willing to help their mother with the housework.
A. was B. is C. are D. has been
14. They are having their house_______ by a construction company.
A. to paint B. painted C. being painted D. painting
15. You must lend me the money for the trip. _______ I won’t be able to go.
A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Otherwise D. Although
16. She wondered_______her father looked like now, after so many years away.
A. How B. What C. Whose D. That
17. Someone comes to visit us soon, _________?
A. doesn’t he B. hasn’t he C. haven’t they D. don’t they
18. The new road currently under _______ will solve the traffic problems in the town.
A. design B. progress C. construction D. work
Mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in the following question.
19. The company will only employ competent engineers, so they want to see evidence of their work
as well the references from previous employers.
A. proficient B. inconvenient C. ambitious D. unqualified
Mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in the following question.
20. The weather was perfect, so we had a smooth flight without any problems at all.
A. stable B. gentle C. convenient D. rough
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
II. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs given. Write your answers below.(1.0pt)
1. Our neighbours (go) to Austria for Christmas. They will be back on 2nd January.
2. He despises her constantly (ask) him questions while he is working.
3. She had backache because she (plant) flowers all morning.
4. I hope (finish) painting by the time the furniture arrives.
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5. She wishes the children (not spend) so much time watching TV.
6. It (know) that at least two burglaries take place in the area daily.
7. Young people (not watch) as much TV these days.
8. Don't you need (take) a break? You've been working non-stop for over 8 hours!
9. Whoever you ask in this office (say) the same as I did.
10.(give) a chance, I think she will defeat her forever opponent next time.
Your answers

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
III. Supply the correct form of the word in CAPITAL letters. Write your answers on your
answer sheet. (1.0pt)
1. We had a marverllous holiday and our trip to the mountains was ______. (FORGET)
2. It was believed that it was the duty of women to live for others in complete______of themselves.
3. His arguments are so______ that it is almost impossible to have a sensible discussion with him.
4. We were______ for the eggs in that little shop on the corner: don’t ever go there to buy
anything! (CHARGE)
5. My first attempt to climb the mountain ended in______. (FAIL)
6. The______ of the car came as a shock to me. (THIEF)
7. The meeting adopted a______ calling for the president to resign. (RESOLVE).
8. Please accept this book as a token of my______. (GRATE)
9. People living in cities often suffer from______ (LONE)
10. List the problems facing poor and______ countries. (POPULATE)
Your answers

11. 12.
13. 14.
15. 16.
17. 18.
19. 20.
IV. There are ten errors in the passage. Read carefully then find the errors and correct them.
Write your answers in the next boxes. (1.0pt)
Errors Correcttion
For many years,peoples in the United States used streetcars to travel in ………....... ……………
cities. At first, streetcars called horse cars because horses pulled them. ………....... ……….......
Later, streetcars were powered with steam in the 1800s, people tried to ………....... ……….......
use electric power, but doing electricity was considered to be too ………....... ……….......
expensive. In 1888, a machine was invented what made electricity ………....... ……….......
In that similar year, the first electric powered streetcars were put into ………....... ……….......
use they quickly replace the steam-powered streetcar. With the ………....... ……….......
invention of the gas engine electricity streetcars were soon replaced by ………....... ……….......

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buses and cars. By 1930, the streetcar began to disappear from city ………....... ……….......
streets. Interest in streetcars revived in the 1970. ………....... ……….......
V. Fill each of the sentences below with a correct particle to complete each phrasal verb.(1.0pt)
down off on with through of up out by over
1. Playing tennis for three hours every evening afer school deprived her________ her youth.
2. The accident cut________ domestic and industrial water and electricity supplies.
3. Don’t just stand________ and let others have all the fun.
4. Don’t forget to save your documents before you shut the computer________.
5. Don’t keep________ about the garden! I’ll mow the lawn tomorrow.
6. Count me________! I’m far too tired to join the skiing trip today.
7. Teddy, pick all your toys________ from the floor and put them in your toy box.
8. Can you let me have the magazine when you’ve finished________ it?
9. A man pushed me________ and tried to steal my bag.
10. I don’t think I’ll get________ the end-of-term exam this time.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
I. Read the passage then think of a BEST word to complete each of the gaps below. (2.0pts)
Every year, thousands of people come to Viet Nam to see its beautiful beaches and amazing
forests. But when you (1)________a new country, it is easy to make mistakes and accidentally upset
people. So, what do visitors need to know if they are (2)________ to go to Viet Nam?
Vietnamese people are very polite! Shouting and arguing in (3)________is very bad manners. If
there is something that upsets you, try to keep (4)________.Change the subject and do not raise your
voise. Vietnamese people think that (5)________ anger makes you look very bad indeed.
Vietnamese people love getting and giving gifts. When you give a Vietnamese person a gift, they
do not open it in front of you; they wait (6)________later. This does not mean that they are not
grateful, though! Good gifts are fruits, chocolate and flowers.
There are also lots of (7)________ that mean something different in Vietnam. Crossing your legs
when you are talking to someone, may be acceptable (8)________some countries, but it is very rude
in Vietnam (9)________if you are with older people. Another very important rule to remember is to
never (10)________ someone on the top of their head, as this is extremely bad manners!
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
II. Read the passage below carefully then circle A,B,C or D that best completes each of the
gaps in the passage. (1.0pt)
The Sapa rice terraces are (1)______ one of the best man-made wonders in Viet Nam. This beautiful
area demonstrates how man can make something both (2)______ to look at and useful at the same
So what are the Sapa rice terraces? Well, farmers made flat (3)______ in the steep hills. It is hard
work to make, but the results are worth it! These flat areas (4)______ farmers to control when water
gets to their crops and when it drains away. This (5)______ that they can grow rice in areas where it
was too hard to grow before. Just think, they invented all of this (6)______ the help of technology!
An added bonus of the rice fields is that there are dry paths for people and animals to walk along
without (7)______ wet. As a result, Sapa is a great place to go hiking! There are miles of wonderful
tracks and green mountains to walk through. The weather is (8)______ at most time of the year,
adding to its mysterious asthenosphere and natural beauty.

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The area was once very poor, but now thousands of (9)______ go there every year to look at the
amazing man-made hillsides. Instead of being quiet and remote, it is now an exciting tourist
(10)______. This wonder of human engineering is a must –see for any visitor to Vietnam.
1. A. truly B. extremely C. positively D. firmly
2. A. amazement B. amazed C. amazing D. amazingly
3. A. floors B. courses C. yards D. layers
4. A. enable B. confess C. allow D. authorize
5. A. means B. symbolizes C. suggests D. understands
6. A. with B. by C. without D. under
7. A. becoming B. getting C. catching D. turning
8. A. misty B. cloudy C. darky D. bright
9. A. voyagers B. goers C. trippers D. sightseers
10. A. departure B. terminal C. destination D. harbor
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
III. Read the passage carefully then circle A,B,C or D that best completes each of the questions
below. (1.0pt)
For many people who live in cities, parks are an important part of the landscape. They provide a
place for people to relax and play sports, as well as a refuge from the often harsh environment of a
city. What people often overlook is that parks also provide considerable environmental benefits.
One benefit of parks is that plants absorb carbon dioxide—a key pollutant—and emit oxygen, which
humans need to breathe. According to one study, an acre of trees can absorb the same amount of
carbon dioxide that a typical car emits in 11,000 miles of driving. Parks also make cities cooler.
Scientists have long noted what is called the Urban Heat Island Effect: building materials such as
metal, concrete, and asphalt absorb much more of the sun’s heat and release it much more quickly
than organic surfaces like trees and grass. Because city landscapes contain so much of these building
materials, cities are usually warmer than surrounding rural areas. Parks and other green spaces help
to mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect.
Unfortunately, many cities cannot easily create more parks because most land is already being used
for buildings, roads, parking lots, and other essential parts of the urban environment. However,
cities could benefit from many of the positive effects of parks by encouraging citizens to create
another type of green space: rooftop gardens. While most people would not think of starting a
garden on their roof, human beings have been planting gardens on rooftops for thousands of years.
Some rooftop gardens are very complex and require complicated engineering, but others are simple
container gardens that anyone can create with the investment of a few hundred dollars and a few
hours of work.
Rooftop gardens provide many of the same benefits as other urban park and garden spaces, but
without taking up the much-needed land. Like parks, rooftop gardens help to replace carbon dioxide
in the air with nourishing oxygen. They also help to lessen the Urban Heat Island Effect, which can
save people money. In the summer, rooftop gardens prevent buildings from absorbing heat from the
sun, which can significantly reduce cooling bills. In the winter, gardens help hold in the heat that
materials like brick and concrete radiate so quickly, leading to savings on heating bills. Rooftop
vegetable and herb gardens can also provide fresh food for city dwellers, saving them money and
making their diets healthier. Rooftop gardens are not only something everyone can enjoy, they are
also a smart environmental investment.
1. Based on its use in paragraph 2, it can be inferred that mitigate belongs to which of the following
word groups?
A. exacerbate, aggravate, intensify B. obliterate, destroy, annihilate
C. allay, alleviate, reduce D. absorb, intake, consume
2. Using the information in paragraph 2 as a guide, it can be inferred that______.
A. cities with rooftop gardens are cooler than those without rooftop gardens
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B. some plants are not suitable for growth in rooftop gardens
C. most people prefer parks to rooftop gardens
D. most people prefer life in the country over life in the city
3. According to the passage, the Urban Heat Island Effect is caused by the fact(s) that______.
A. cities are warmer than nearby rural areas
B. building materials absorb more of the sun’s heat than organic surfaces
C. building materials release the sun’s heat more quickly than organic surfaces
D. A. B and C B. A and B C. A D. A, B, and C
4. Based on the information in paragraph 3, which of the following best describes the main
difference between parks and rooftop gardens?
A. Parks are expensive to create while rooftop gardens are not.
B. Parks are public while rooftop gardens are private.
C. Parks absorb heat while rooftop gardens do not.
D. Parks require much space while rooftop gardens do not.
5. The author claims all of the following to be the benefits of rooftop gardens except______.
A. increased space for private relaxation B. savings on heating and cooling costs
C. better food for city dwellers D. improved air quality
6. According to the author, one advantage that rooftop gardens have over parks is that they______.
A. decrease the Urban Heat Island Effect B. replenish the air with nourishing oxygen
C. do not require the use of valuable urban land
D. are less expensive than traditional park spaces
7. The author’s tone in the passage is best described as______.
A. descriptive B. passionate C. informative D. argumentative
8. Which of the following pieces of information would, if true, most weaken the author's claim that
rooftop gardens are good for the environment?
A. Parks have many benefits that rooftop gardens do not share.
B. More pollution is produced during rooftop garden construction than rooftop plants can remove
from the air.
C. Extremely high winds atop tall city buildings can severely damage some plants.
D. The overall environmental benefits that result from driving less exceed those of planting a rooftop
9. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. A hypothesis is stated and then analyzed.
B. A proposal is evaluated and alternatives are explored.
C. A viewpoint is established and then defended.
D. A thesis is presented and then supported.
10. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would most likely endorse a program that ______.
A. permitted the construction of buildings in city park land provided they have rooftop gardens.
B. extended discounts on plants to customers who use them to create rooftop gardens.
C. offered free admission to schools willing to take their students on field trips to the city park.
D. promised vacation getaways to cooler destinations for those trapped in the city at the
peak of summer.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
IV. You are going to read an article about the terracotta warriors of Xi’an, in China. The
headings of the paragraphs have been moved. Choose the most suitable heading from the list
A-G for each part of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (1.0pt)
A. Ready for battle B. Perfectly preserved
C. The ruler’s final resting place D. A return to popularity

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E. Discovered by chance F. A memorable experience
G. An army of individuals
0 D
One of the greatest cities in the history of civilization, Xi’an had become little more than a
small provincial town before the discovery of its terracotta warriors. Since then, it has become
one of the most important tourist destinations in the world and its prosperity has increased
The world-famous terracotta warriors were unearthed in 1974 by local farmers who were
digging a well. The army of soldiers made out of baked clay turned out to be one of the most
important archaeological finds of the twentieth century.
The warriors were made to protect the tomb of the First Emperor, Qin Shihuang, which lies
beneath a hill 1.5 km away. Work on the tomb began in 246 BC as soon as the Emperor came to
power, and records say that it is filled with model palaces and even a model of China itself, with
rivers of mercury that can actually be made to flow. As yet, however, the tomb remains unexplored
and there is no confirmation of these wonders.
So far, interest has focused instead on the life-size soldiers lined up in wide ditches to the
east. They stand in military formation and have some armour but no helmets (which were reserved
for officers). They did, however, originally carry real weapons, made of metal, which were stolen by
robbers soon after the Emperor’s death.
The statues themselves were made of local clay. No two faces are alike – each is a personal
portrait. Each body was made separately. The legs are solid, but the rest is hollow, with hands and
head added later. Details such as beards and ears were sculpted afterwards, then the whole was
brightly painted. It is uncertain quite why so much trouble was taken, but one theory is that the
different faces, many of which belong to what have become minority races, are a celebration of the
first unification of China.
In addition to the foot soldiers, tourists can see horses and chariots. Examples of all the finds are
on display in separate exhibition halls which allow closer inspection than is possible with the
majority of figures in the ditches. It is forbidden to photograph or video the main army but
photography is permitted elsewhere. There is no doubt that a visit to the warriors of Xi’an is the
highlight of their tour for many visitors to China.
Your answers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (2.0pts)
1. "I am sorry I was rude to you yesterday" said my boss to me.
My boss.............................................................................................................................................
2. House prices have increased over the past year.
3. She refuses to pay the bill.
She has..............................................................................................................................................
4. Jane was not used to doing such strenuous training.
Jane was not in..................................................................................................................................
5. The conference will now take place at a later date.
The conference will be.....................................................................................................................
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6. The boys clearly intended to make trouble when they entered the hotel.
The boys were clearly....................................................................................................................
7. The northwest of Britain has more rain each year than the southeast.
The annual........................................................................................................................................
8. My decision to get up to dance coincided with the band’s decision to stop playing.
The moment I decided.....................................................................................................................
9. We were all shocked by his reaction.
His reaction came...........................................................................................................................
10. He brought the umbrella along but it didn’t rain.
He needn’t......................................................................................................................................
II. Write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
original sentence. Use the word given in brackets and do not change the form of the given
word. (1.0 pt)
1. Please do not eat crisps in the classroom! RATHER
2. He continued his speech, even though they all appeared uninterested. KEEP
3. Not paying on time, your booking will be cancelled. FAILURE
4. Any correspondence from the Caberra office must be dealt with before other matters. PRIORITY
5. I left my last job because I didn’t really agree with my manager’s approach. EYE

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III. Under your understanding, write a paragraph of about 220 words to talk about the
advantages and disadvantages of living in a traditional home in Viet Nam. (2.5pts)


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