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[13 fev.

2024 10:42:38]
Permission Request Completed :
"name" : "appTracking",
"referrer" : "onboarding",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"wasGranted" : true,
"section" : ""

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:38]

Studio Shown :
"videosCount" : 0,
"collageCount" : 0,
"section" : "studio",
"mechanism" : "",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"photosCount" : 0,
"montageCount" : 0,
"headerCountryCode" : "XX"

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:38]

Session Started :
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"defaultSection" : "",
"link" : "",
"campaignId" : "",
"cameraPermission" : false,
"mechanism" : "Direct",
"photosPermission" : true,
"referringApp" : "",
"locationPermission" : false,
"section" : "studio",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"notificationsPermission" : true

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:40]

Personal Profile Shown :
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "studio",
"mechanism" : ""

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:40]

Button Tapped :
"screenClass" : "",
"section" : "studio",
"contentType" : 0,
"screenName" : "space_main_view",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"name" : "spaces_main_tab",
"networkConnection" : "wifi"

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:40]

Studio Filter Changed :
"section" : "private profile",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"mediaTypeFilter" : 0,
"publishFilter" : 0,
"columnState" : 0,
"indicatorsEnabled" : false,
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"editFilter" : 0

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:40]

Screen Viewed :
"screenName" : "user profile",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"screenClass" : "NextGenUserProfileViewController",
"referrer" : "not provided",
"section" : "private profile",
"contentType" : 0,
"networkConnection" : "wifi"

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:40]

Feed Shown :
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"section" : "private profile",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"mechanism" : ""

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:42]

Feed Shown :
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"mechanism" : "",
"section" : "feed",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX"

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:43]

Button Tapped :
"section" : "feed",
"screenName" : "feed",
"screenClass" : "VSCOFeedContainerViewController",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"name" : "menu_icon",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"contentType" : 0

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:50]

Screen Viewed :
"section" : "feed",
"screenName" : "paywall",
"screenClass" : "CellPaywallViewController",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"referrer" : "Global Menu",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"contentType" : 0

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:50]

Content Impressions :
"dscosViewed" : 0,
"unknownContentViewed" : 0,
"imagesViewed" : 1,
"journalsViewed" : 0,
"videosViewed" : 0,
"montageVideosViewed" : 0,
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "feed",
"contentSection" : 1,
"networkConnection" : "wifi"

[13 fev. 2024 10:42:54]

Button Tapped :
"name" : "monthly_tab",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"screenName" : "paywall",
"contentType" : 0,
"screenClass" : "CellPaywallViewController",
"section" : "feed"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:06]

Button Tapped :
"contentType" : 0,
"screenClass" : "CellPaywallViewController",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"name" : "navigation_close_button",
"section" : "feed",
"screenName" : "paywall"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:07]

Permission Request Completed :
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"wasGranted" : true,
"referrer" : "onboarding",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"name" : "appTracking",
"section" : "feed"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:08]

Screen Viewed :
"referrer" : "global menu",
"screenName" : "activity",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"screenClass" : "VSCOInboxViewController",
"section" : "notification center",
"contentType" : 0

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:19]

Notification Card Tapped Greyhound :
"type" : "followed",
"headline" : "anycmo está seguindo você",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"section" : "notification center",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"deepLink" : "vsco:\/\/notifications\/user\/176128417",
"isNew" : false,
"subhead" : "no-value"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:19]

Screen Viewed :
"screenClass" : "NextGenUserProfileViewController",
"contentType" : 0,
"screenName" : "user profile",
"referrer" : "not provided",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "notification center"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:22]

Button Tapped :
"screenClass" : "not provided",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"name" : "follow_user",
"contentType" : 0,
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"section" : "public profile",
"screenName" : "user profile"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:23]

Content User Followed :
"suggestedCategory" : "",
"publisherId" : "176128417",
"suggestionAlgorithmId" : 0,
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "public profile",
"suggestionAlgorithm" : "",
"source" : "",
"mechanism" : "user header"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:23]

Content User Followed :
"section" : "public profile",
"publisherId" : "176128417",
"suggestedCategory" : "",
"suggestionAlgorithm" : "",
"suggestionAlgorithmId" : 0,
"source" : "",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"mechanism" : "user header",
"networkConnection" : "wifi"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:23]

Contextual Who To Follow Shown :
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"section" : "public profile",
"numberOfSuggestions" : 14,
"mechanism" : "tray",
"followedSiteId" : 176128417

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:24]

Contextual Who To Follow Shown :
"followedSiteId" : 176128417,
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "public profile",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"numberOfSuggestions" : 14,
"mechanism" : "tray"

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:25]

Screen Viewed :
"section" : "public profile",
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"screenClass" : "VSCOInboxViewController",
"screenName" : "activity",
"referrer" : "global menu",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"contentType" : 0

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:26]

Content Suggested User Carousel Shown :
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "feed",
"suggestionAlgorithmId" : 6,
"position" : 2,
"suggestionAlgorithm" : 0

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:34]

Content Impressions :
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"montageVideosViewed" : 0,
"dscosViewed" : 0,
"journalsViewed" : 1,
"imagesViewed" : 5,
"unknownContentViewed" : 0,
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"section" : "feed",
"videosViewed" : 0,
"contentSection" : 1

[13 fev. 2024 10:43:34]

Session Ended :
"sectionTimePeople" : 0,
"networkWifiSent" : 0,
"sectionTimeShop" : 0,
"quickViewStudioCount" : 0,
"studioFilterRawCount" : 0,
"sectionTimeIpadMenu" : 0,
"studioFilterEditedCount" : 0,
"sectionTimeConversation" : 0,
"sectionTimeImport" : 0,
"sectionTimeSearch" : 0,
"sectionTimePrivateProfile" : 825,
"sectionTimePersonalCollection" : 0,
"sectionTimeBin" : 0,
"hasStudioIndicatorsOn" : true,
"sectionTimeFeed" : 35328,
"sectionTimeVscogrid" : 0,
"spaceLibrarySize" : 0,
"networkConnection" : "wifi",
"sessionLength" : 56256,
"studioFilterUneditedCount" : 0,
"quickViewExploreCount" : 0,
"headerCountryCode" : "XX",
"studioFilterAllCount" : 0,
"sectionTimeStudio" : 1640,
"networkCellularReceived" : 0,
"sectionTimeInApp" : 0,
"section" : "feed",
"sectionTimeNotifications" : 0,
"sectionTimeUserProfile" : 0,
"studioFilterPngCount" : 0,
"sectionTimePersonalJournal" : 0,
"spaceFree" : 6549.88671875,
"studioFilterUnpublishedCount" : 0,
"sessionUnclosed" : false,
"networkWifiReceived" : 0,
"studioFilterPublishedCount" : 0,
"sectionTimeFavorites" : 0,
"sectionTimeCamera" : 0,
"studioLayout" : "shelf3",
"networkCellularSent" : 0,
"sectionTimeNotificationCenter" : 11995,
"sectionTimeVscojournal" : 0,
"sectionTimeSavedImages" : 0,
"sectionTimeEditing" : 0,
"sectionTimeMembershipHub" : 0,
"sectionTimeSpaces" : 0,
"spaceRemoteImageCache" : 134,
"sectionTimeDiscover" : 0,
"sectionTimeSettings" : 0,
"sessionCount" : 1,
"startupTime" : 1309,
"spaceLibraryThumbnailCache" : 0,
"sectionTimeOnboarding" : 0,
"sectionTimePersonalGrid" : 0,
"studioFilterJpgCount" : 0,
"timestamp" : "2024-02-13T10:43:34-0300",
"sectionTimeLibrary" : 0,
"sectionTimePublicProfile" : 6257

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