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PART A. LISTENING (4.0 points)

Hướng dẫn làm phần thi nghe hiểu:
- Bài nghe gồm 20 câu, thí sinh được nghe 2 lần, đĩa CD tự chạy 2 lần.
- Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc, hướng dẫn chi tiết đã có trong bài nghe.
I. SECTION 1 Question 1 - 10
Living in Easthill
Questions 1 to 5
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
 Cheapest accommodation is in 1......................... flat.
 Look on 2............................ for studio flats.
 New requirement from landlords – show documents about your 3..........
 Check if 4............. and ........... are included in rent.
 Best to buy 5.......................bus pass.
Questions 6-10
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBERfor each answer.
Blooms Leisure Club Good Life Centre
For non-
Guided tour available 6..........for free
Café 7................members get 10% discount Closed at present
Equipment Wide range of machines Machines arranged for doing 8............
Full-size swimming pool is
Facilities All-weather tennis courts; small pool
now 9..............
Support Personal trainer always available Consult qualified trainers 10.................... only
Questions 31 – 40: Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer
River Turtles
Nesting habits
11. The arrau turtle’s shell is approximately .................long.
12. A female arrau deposits at least ....................every night.
13. River terrapins make a noise similar to ...................
14. Male river terrapins’ heads change the breeding season.
15 Alexander von Humboldt estimated that ..............................jars of oil were produced at Rio Orinoco.
16. River terrapins used to be protected by a system of .................. for egg collectors.
17. River turtles are used in traditional ............................ in Asia.
18. River turtles can reproduce for several ........................if they are unharmed.
Farming as a solution?
19. Turtle farmers are encouraged not to sell turtles until they are .....................
20. It is uncertain whether turtle farming will be successful in ..................... terms

SECTION 1: 1. shared 2. 3. employment 4. sheets/towels 5. 90-day/ninety-day 6. two/2 fitness

classes 7. gold card 8. special routines 9. heated 10. by appointment
SECTION 4: 31. 75 cm 32. 70 eggs 33. drums 34. colo(u)r 35. 5,000 36. licenc/ses 37. medicine 38. decades 39.
mature 40. economic
SECTION 1: Part 1 (qus 1-10) Focus on the underlined parts of the transcript which highlight the key words
and phrases needed to answer the questions correctly.
Female Easthill Town Hall, Tourism and City Life Office, Fiona speaking. How may I help you?
Male Yes, hello. I don’t live in Easthill, but I’ve just been offered a job there, for a few months. It means I
need to arrange to move to Easthill for the summer.
F Where would you like to start?
M Perhaps with accommodation?
F OK, Easthill’s certainly not the easiest place to find accommodation in.
M Oh dear.
F But I’m not saying it’s impossible. It’s not that big a town, and the centre, being historic, is quite small,
so demand is very high and that’s reflected in prices.
M I only want a single place.
F What I’d recommend, to keep costs down, is a shared flat. The rent would be much lower than
for a one-bedroom place, particularly in the centre.
M Uh-huh. If I really wanted to maintain my privacy, and get at least, say, a studio flat...
F Well, that might be a compromise. I don’t have any specific details. If you were already here, you could
visit some of the local estate agents to get details of studio flats, but I do know that if you go onto new home
– as one word – dot com, that site has quite a few places, and there are pictures and plans and so on.
M OK. I’ll just write that down. That’s great, thanks.
F One thing to be aware of is a new piece of legislation which means that landlords are responsible for
ensuring their tenants are who they say they are. So any landlord will ask you to provide documentary
evidence, not just your passport etcetera, as they always have, but now of your employment.
M Right, thanks. And I guess I’ll need to pay by standing order through my bank?
F That’s the normal way, yes. With the rent, do get clear what is and isn’t part of the standard price.
You’ll need to know if sheets and towels are provided, or whether you’d have to allow extra. Bills
such as electricity are always included, but I think the phone will always be an extra.
M Right. Now, what about transport?
F Easthill has really good bus services. They’re frequent and they go everywhere, and they’re how
everyone gets around. But they are quite expensive if you pay for each trip, so it’s better to get a pass.
M OK. F They’re available as 7-day, that’s the shortest, 30-day, 90-day, which would perhaps
suit you the most, and one-year, which works out the cheapest, but might be too long for you.
M Yes, it definitely would.
F Is there anything else I can help you with?
M Yes. I like to keep fit, so I’d like to know what health clubs there are in Easthill.
F Ok, well, there are two, Blooms Leisure Centre and also the Good Life Centre. I’ve got some
information here about them.
M Would I be able to try them before actually joining?
F Let’s see... yes, one of the staff at Blooms will show you around if you go along, and then you make
your decision about joining. While at the Good Life, you can... well, OK, they offer two fitness classes at no
charge, so you can get a taste of what they’re like. This isn’t for specialist classes, such as tai chi, it says.
M It’s something, anyway. I’d hope to meet new friends at a health club, you see.
F Oh yes, and both clubs have cafés. If you do join Blooms, you can elect to be a gold card member,
which means you’d be entitled to a discount of ten percent in the café there. Actually, the café in the Good Life
is shut at the moment for refurbishment, but I guess it might be open again by the time you move here.
M Does it say much about the equipment available?
F Blooms have a lot of different machines, so you can choose exactly what you want to do, while the
Good Life doesn’t have quite so many machines, but they’re carefully sequenced, so that you follow
special routines. It says that these get you really fit.
M Sounds interesting. And I love swimming. Do they have pools?
F Yes. The one at Blooms is full-size, and it’s outdoor, so it used to be rather chilly except in the summer,
but they’ve improved the situation by making it a heated one, so it feels as if you’re indoors while you’re
swimming. The Good Life pool is just a small one, but they have covered tennis courts.
M I don’t play tennis. Maybe I should start! Are there trainers to help you?
F Blooms, yes, at any time, but Good Life, no... well, the trainers are fully qualified, but you must see
them by appointment, not just any time.
M That seems fair enough. You’ve been very helpful, thank you.
F Not at all. Now, would you like me to send you the information you asked about...

Section 4: Part 4 (qus 31- 40) Focus on the underlined parts of the transcript which highlight the
key words and phrases needed to answer the questions correctly.
Today on Nature Focus we’re looking at the river turtle and the threats it’s facing in today’s
world. Two main places we see the giant river turtle are South America and South-east Asia. The best
way to see the big rivers of South America, such as the Amazon and the Orinoco is probably by plane.
But then you might miss the strange shallow craters that cover the sandbanks along these rivers.
These are the nests of the arrau turtles, and at night thousands of turtles rise up out of the river
water and scuttle into these holes. The holes are around ninety centimetres in diameter, so the
turtles, whose shells are about seventy-five centimetres in length, fit neatly. Enormous
numbers of eggs are laid on the beaches. Since hundreds of females, each laying between
seventy and eighty eggs, crowd together it means that literally thousands of eggs fill the sandy
nests, waiting to hatch.
A similar story is played out in Asia, where the river terrapins also lay their eggs communally
and in the open. The difference is that the terrapins, once they have used the nests, cover them over
and then beat the sand down with their limbs, making an amazing sound, like drums. The noise at
night of many terrapins doing this is incredible, and drowns out the sound of the river water. And the
male terrapins are fascinating too. Throughout the breeding season, they are famous for the
colour changes to their oddly-shaped heads that take place.
However, these wonderful creatures are under threat, and this has been the case for quite
some time. As long ago as 1811, the scientist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt was a witness to
the mass destruction of turtle eggs at the Orinoco river. The eggs made oil and the oil made money.
He recorded that, ‘A jar contains twenty-five bottles of oil, each bottle being the production of two
hundred eggs, and allowing for the wastage of eggs damaged in the nest, thirty-three million eggs
had been harvested to fill the five thousand jars’ (chai, lọ)– and that was a sight and a
calculation that appalled him.
And it appalled many others too, so there have been, over the years, various initiatives
designed to protect turtles and terrapins from such slaughter. For example, the Sultans of Perak in
Asia ensured the safety, at least to some extent, of the beaches for terrapins when they
issued licenses to official egg collectors. These collectors would only collect eggs in numbers that
were sustainable. However, the scheme of course vanished with the Sultans. And despite efforts at
protecting turtles, there are ever growing demands for them, for pets in some countries, and as food
in others and also heavily in traditional medicine in various parts of Asia. These levels of
exploitation unfortunately far exceed their ability to reproduce and so replace their lost stock. It takes
a turtle a long time – many years – to grow from a baby, or hatchling, to an adult that can reproduce,
and so the survival of eggs and hatchlings is crucial to the survival of the species. But the threat never
stops being acute. Once adult, a female turtle can continue reproducing for a number of
decades, provided they are not killed or injured, so the loss of even a single adult can mean many
years of reproduction are lost forever.
Is it all gloom? Well, there are some grounds for cautious optimism. There are some well
thought out management systems in place which can help the stocks of threatened turtles and
terrapins to rebuild. In Brazil, for example, the government has been encouraging and supporting the
farming of river turtles, with the idea that this happens alongside the banning of the hunting of wild
turtles. The idea of the scheme is to provide farmers with a one-off batch of hatchlings,
which they are urged to keep until they become mature. This should mean that good
quantities of turtles capable of reproducing come to the rescue of the species. Will it work? Let’s hope
so. The scheme has its doubters, who point out that, while the biology arguments for the scheme
certainly do make sense, the farmers on the scheme of course have no experience of this kind of
farming. That means it’s impossible at this stage to know if the turtles they develop will be sufficiently
marketable, and thus if the scheme will work well from an economic point of view. It may be
that it has to rely on subsidies (tiền trợ cấp), and that would mean, in the long term, that it would
probably fail. But it’s certainly worth a try, and I hope to be back on this programm e in a few years’ time,
reporting on its great success.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. dweller B. overcrowded C. network D. waste
Question 2. A.nourish B. flourish C. courageous D. courage
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 3. Two students are talking about their friend Tim: take pot luck: có gì ăn đấy
A:" Tim has a very easy job. He's paid a lot of money to do little." B: “________________.”
A. It's the luck of the game (trò chơi may rủi) B. It's an incredible piece of luck
C. Wish him good luck D. He crossed his fingers for luck
Question 4. . Mai: "I'm really excited about Aunt Mary's surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren't
you?" Lan: “______________________”
A. Oh! I didn't know she was older B. Really? What happened next?
C. Uh-huh! What then? D. Yeah! How old is she?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5. You should drink a glass of water before a workout and then pause regularly to drink more.
A. break up (chi tay, nghỉ hè ở trường học, thay đổi –thời tiết) B. break down (đạp vỡ, xô đổ,
suy nhược, phá sản, hỏng hóc xe) C. break off (tuyệt giao với ai; đột nhiên dừng lại) D.
break in (can thiệp vào, ngắt lời ai)
Question 6. This type of artificial Intelligence would not usurp human team members, but work with
them as partners to tackle difficult challenges. Chiếm đoạt, tiếp quyền (sai trái bằng vũ lực) /ju’zə:p/
A. take someone else’s power B. criticize someone strongly
C. decide something officially D. determine other's behaviors
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7. She was like a cat on hot bricks - khắc khoải, lo âu before her driving test.
A. nervous B. comfortable C. depressed D. relaxing
Question 8. Don’t get angry with such a thing. It’s only a storm in a teacup. – chuyện bé xé ra to
A. serious problem B. trivial thing C. commercial tension D. financial issue
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined parts that need correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 9. In principal there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one
A. In principal B. that C. be able to D. one day
Question 10. The annual increase in the world's population has peaked about 88 million in the late 1980s.
A. The annual increase B. world's population C. has peaked D. about 88 million
Question 11. My mother couldn’t bare waste - she always made us eat everything on our plates.
A. couldn’t bare - bear B. made C. eat everything D. our plates
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
Question 12. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and _____ high ranks in many
A. hold B. keep C. mark D. score
Question 13. When I told my family I wanted to be a professional musician, I faced a ________ of
criticism from my parents, who strongly disapproved of the idea.
A. barrage of criticism: sự chỉ trích nặng nề B. barricade – vật chướng ngại, phòng thủ
C. blast (tiếng kèn, luồng hơi, luồn gió) / phá hại/ làm tan vỡ D. attack
Question 14. When my daughter was a baby, I noticed that she developed a __________ liking for
classical music, and when she was six I signed her up for violin classes.
A. special B. particular: cực kỳ đam mê C. specific D. dominant
Question 15. I hate it when people _________ assumptions about me based on my skin color.
A. make – giả định B. do C. give D. take
Question 16. My aunt's going through a____________divorce; she's paying a fortune in legal fees.
A. bitter B. messy : ly hôn có tranh chấp C. mutual D. carefree
Question 17. would prefer to go to university and do a ______ in International Studies, father than start
A. certificate B. qualification C. degree D. result
Question 18. Mary demanded that the heater __________ immediately. Her apartment was freezing.
A. repaired B. be repaired C. being repaired D. been repaired
Question 19. The marathon, first staged in 1896, _________ the legendary fest of a Greek soldier who
carried news of victory from the battle at Marathon to Athens.
A. commemorates B. commemorated C. was commemorated D. commemorating
Question 20. True Blood is my favourite TV series, ___ I didn’t have much time to watch it often.
A. although B. before C. if D. yet
Question 21. He worked on fixing the computer for two____ hours before giving up and calling tech
A. compact B. solid C. tight D. rush
Question 22. Dave apologized ________for forgetting about our appointment.
A. sincerely B. repeatedly C. profusely –dồi dào, vô khối D. truly
Sweat profusely: mồ hôi nhễ nhại– bleed profusely: máu chảy đầm đìa
Thank/ apologize profusely: cảm ơn ai rối rít/ hết lời
Question 23. The management committee will meet several times this week to reach _______ decisions
about the future of the factory
A. obvious B. direct C. brief D. sensible quyết định đúng
Question 24. It’s a shame that these two plans are _____ exclusive. Implementing one will automatically
rule out the other
A. imperceptibly – không thể nhận thấy, không cảm thấy B. respectively C. mutually
D. exhaustively – thấu đáo, tường tận
Question 25. This young entrepreneur may stand a chance of succeeding on account of his willingness to
throw …. to the wind
A. Forethought (đắn đo suy nghĩ) B. discretion – sự thận trọng, tự do làm theo ý mình
C. prudence – sự cẩn thận, khôn ngoan D. caution (liều lĩnh khi hành động)

PART C. READING (5.0 points)

I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answers. (1.0
Each year, the Academy Awards, better known as the Mỗi năm, Giải thưởng Viện Hàn lâm, được biết đến
“Oscars”, celebrate the best films and nhiều hơn với tên gọi “Oscar”, tôn vinh những bộ
documentaries with categories ranging from acting, phim và phim tài liệu hay nhất với các thể loại từ
directing and screenwriting, to costumes and diễn xuất, đạo diễn và biên kịch, đến trang phục và
special effects. This year, 9-year-old Quvenzhané hiệu ứng đặc biệt. Năm nay, Quvenzhané Wallis, 9
Wallis joins the list of kids who have taken the tuổi, gia nhập danh sách những đứa trẻ đã gây bão
movie business by storm, as she competes for the trong lĩnh vực kinh doanh điện ảnh, khi cô bé cạnh
best actress award for her role as „Hushpuppy’ in tranh giải thưởng nữ diễn viên xuất sắc nhất cho
the film “Beasts of the Southern Wild”. vai diễn Hushpuppy, trong bộ phim “Beasts of the
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Southern Wild”.
is made up of filmmakers in all fields. The group Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Nghệ thuật Điện ảnh bao
ranks their favorites in each category. Oftentimes gồm các nhà làm phim trong tất cả các lĩnh vực.
= often Oscar recognition can take many years, Nhóm chuyên gia này xếp hạng ứng cử yêu thích
but for some lucky and talented individuals that của họ trong mỗi thể loại. Thường thì việc nhận
honor comes early in life. được giải Oscar có thể mất nhiều năm, nhưng đối
Newcomer Quvenzhané Wallis (pronounced Kwe- với một số cá nhân may mắn và tài năng, sự vinh
VEN-zhah-nay) portrayed „Hushpuppy,’ a young dự này xuất hiện sớm trong cuộc đời họ.
girl fighting to survive in a poor Mississippi Delta Người mới Quvenzhané Wallis (phát âm là Kwe-
community prone to devastating flooding. In the VEN-zhah-nay) vào vai „Hushpuppy”, một cô gái
film, Wallis learns to find food in the wilderness, trẻ đấu tranh để sinh tồn trong một cộng đồng
escapes a homeless shelter and deals with the death nghèo ở vùng đồng bằng Mississippi dễ bị lũ lụt
of her father. She will be the youngest ever tàn phá. Trong phim, Wallis học cách tìm thức ăn ở
nominee in the best actress category at nine years nơi hoang dã, thoát khỏi nơi trú ẩn vô gia cư và
old. xoay sở sau cái chết của cha mình. Cô ấy sẽ là ứng
Born in Houma, LA., Quvenzhané was just five cử viên trẻ nhất từng được đề cử ở hạng mục nữ
years old when she auditioned for Beasts of the diễn viên xuất sắc nhất lúc chín tuổi.
Southern Wild. Since auditions for the role of Sinh ra ở Houma, LA., Quvenzhané chỉ mới năm
Hushpuppy were only open to 6-9 year olds, tuổi khi cô bé thử vai cho phim “Beasts of the
Quvenzhané’s mother lied on the initial paperwork Southern Wild”. Vì buổi thử vai cho Hushpuppy
to allow her daughter to audition. When director chỉ mở cho trẻ 6-9 tuổi, mẹ Quvenzhanéùi đã nói
Benh Zeitlin saw her audition however, he dối về các giấy tờ ban đầu để cho phép con gái thử
immediately recognized her as the best pick for this vai. Tuy nhiên, khi đạo diễn Benh Zeitlin xem buổi
strong and independent young character. thử vai của cô bé, ông ngay lập tức nhận ra cô bé là
lựa chọn tốt nhất cho nhân vật trẻ mạnh mẽ và độc
lập này.
Question 26: Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. Young Actors Achieve Big for the Oscars B. Little Lady Nominees for the Oscars
C. Youngest Ever Nominee for the Oscars D. A Young Actress makes it to the Oscars
Question 27: Which of the following is NOT celebrated by the Academy Awards?
A. films B. documentaries C. news D. cartoons
Question 28: The phrase “that honor” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. lucky and talented individuals B. Oscars recognition
C. favorites D. award
Question 29: Which of the following best describe Quvenzhané Wallis according to the passage?
A. She is a young girl fighting to survive in a poor Mississippi Delta community.
B. She has won the best actress Oscars award for her role in “Hushpuppy”.
C. She escapes a homeless shelter and deals with the death of her father.
D. She is the youngest ever nominee in the best actress category for the Oscars.
Question 30: Which of the following best paraphrases the clause “who have taken the movie business by
storm” in the reading?
A. who have earned their living in the movie business
B. who have made huge profits in the movie business
C. who have been particularly successful in the movie business
D. who have recovered from a difficult period in the movie business
II. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your
answers. (2.0 points)
How busy is too busy? For some it means having to Như thế nào thì được gọi là quá bận? Với một số người,
miss the occasional long lunch; for others it means đôi khi phải để lỡ bữa trưa do có việc quan trọng;
missing lunch altogether. For a few, it is not being nhưng một bộ phận khác lại hoàn toàn bỏ qua bữa
able to take a “sickie” once a month. Then there is trưa. Đối với một số người, thật không thể giả bệnh
a group of people for whom working every evening mỗi tháng một. Tiếp sau đó, có một nhóm người coi
việc đi làm vào mỗi tối và cuối tuần là bình thường, và
and weekend is normal, and frantic is the tempo of sự điên cuồng với công việc là nhip sống của đời họ.
their lives. For most senior executives, workloads lần. Đối với hầu hết các giám đốc điều hành cấp cao,
swing between extremely busy and frenzied. The khối lượng công việc dao động trong khoảng cực kỳ
vice-president of the management consultancy AT bận rộn và điên cuồng. Ông Neil Plumridge, Phó chủ
Kearney and its head of telecommunications for the tịch công ty Tư vấn Quản lý AT Kearney và cũng là
Asia-Pacific region, Neil Plumridge, says his work người đứng đầu bộ phận viễn thông của khu vực Châu
weeks vary from a “manageable” 45 hours to 80 Á Thái Bình Dương, cho hay công việc hàng tuần của
hours, but average 60 hours. ông dao động trong khoảng 45 tiếng đến 80 tiếng “có
Three warning signs alert Plumridge about his thể quản lý" , nhưng trung bình là 60.
workload: sleep, scheduling and family. He knows Khối lượng công việc đã khiến ông Plumridge nhận
he has too much on when he gets less than six thức được ba dấu hiệu đáng lưu ý đó là: giấc ngủ, lịch
trình và gia đình. Ông ta biết rằng có quá nhiều thứ phải
hours of sleep for three consecutive nights; when làm khi ngủ ít hơn sáu tiếng đồng hồ trong ba đêm liên
he is constantly having to reschedule appointments; tiếp; hay khi liên tục phải sắp lại các cuộc hẹn; ông
“and the third one is on the family side”, says Plumridge nói “và cả gia đình đang đón chờ thành viên
Plumridge, the father of a three-year-old daughter, thứ ba’’,cha của một đứa con gái ba tuổi, đang mong
and expecting a second child in October. “If I chờ đứa con thứ hai dự kiến sinh vào tháng Mười.
happen to miss a birthday or anniversary, I know "Nếu tôi đột nhiên nhớ đến ngày sinh nhật hay lễ kỷ
things are out of control.” Being “too busy” is niệm, thì tôi biết những điều đó đều nằm ngoài tầm
highly subjective. But for any individual, the kiểm soát.
perception of being too busy over a prolonged
period can start showing up as stress: disturbed "Quá bận rộn" mang tính rất chủ quan. Nhưng đối với
bất kỳ ai, nhận thức về việc quá bận rộn trong một thời
sleep, and declining mental and physical health. gian dài có thể bắt đầu qua việc xuất hiện khi căng
National workers’ compensation figures show thẳng như: giấc ngủ bị gián đoạn, sức khoẻ tinh thần và
stress causes the most lost time of any workplace thể chất suy giảm. Con số bồi thường cho công nhân
injury. Employees suffering stress are off work an quốc gia cho thấy căng thẳng gây ra lớn nhất về mặt
thời gian đối với bất kỳ sự thương tổn nào nơi công sở.
average of 16.6 weeks. The effects of stress are
Các nhân viên chịu căng thẳng trung bình sẽ nghỉ 16,6
also expensive. Comcare, the Federal Government tuần. Ảnh hưởng từ căng thẳng cũng rất tốn kém. Hãng
insurer, reports that in 2003-04, claims for bảo hiểm của Chính phủ Liên bang, Comcare, báo cáo
psychological injury accounted for 7% of claims rằng trong giai đoạn 2003-2004, các khiếu nại về
but almost 27% of claim costs. Experts say the key thương tổn tâm lý chỉ chiếm 7% nhưng lại chiếm tới
to dealing with stress is not to focus on relief – a gần 27% chi phí. Các chuyên gia khẳng định rằng chìa
game of golf or a massage – but to reassess khóa để giải quyết vấn đề căng thẳng không nằm ở việc
workloads. Neil Plumridge says he makes it a làm cho công nhân vui lên - qua việc chơi gôn hay xoa
priority to work out what has to change; that might bóp cơ thể – mà nằm ở việc đánh giá lại khối lượng
mean allocating extra resources to a job, allowing công việc. Neil Plumridge nói rằng ông sẽ dành sự ưu
more time or changing expectations. The decision tiên cho việc tìm hiểu điều cần phải được thay đổi; điều
đó đồng nghĩa với việc sẽ cung cấp nhiều nguồn lực
may take several days. He also relies on the advice
hơn cho một công việc, gia hạn thời gian dài hơn hoặc
of colleagues, saying his peers coach each other thay đổi kỳ vọng cho công việc. Sẽ mất vài ngày để đưa
with business problems. “Just a fresh pair of eyes ra quyết định. Ông cũng dựa vào lời khuyên của các
over an issue can help,” he says. đồng nghiệp, những người bạn có vấn đề tương tự trong
Executive stress is not confined to big kinh doanh. Ông nói rằng "chỉ cần cùng nhau quan sát
organisations. Vanessa Stoykov has been running vấn đề là có thể giải quyết được".
her own advertising and public relations business
for seven years, specialising in work for financial Căng thẳng hành pháp không chỉ bị giới hạn trong các
and professional services firms. Evolution Media tổ chức lớn. Vanessa Stoykov đang điều hành công việc
has grown so fast that it debuted on the BRW Fast quảng cáo và quan hệ công chúng trong bảy năm qua,
100 list of fastest-growing small enterprises last chuyên làm việc cho các công ty tài chính và dịch vụ
chuyên nghiệp. Công ty truyền thông Evolution của bà
year – just after Stoykov had her first child.
đã phát triển nhanh chóng đến mức nó đã lọt trong danh
Stoykov thrives on the mental stimulation of sách của BRW với 100 doanh nghiệp nhỏ có tốc độ
running her own business. “Like everyone, I have tăng trưởng nhanh nhất vào năm ngoái - ngay sau khi
the occasional day when I think my head’s going to bàn Stoykov có con đầu lòng. Bà Stoykov thành công
blow off,” she says. Because of the growth phase trong việc khích lệ tinh thần công nhân để điều hành
the business is in, Stoykov has to concentrate on công việc kinh doanh của chính mình. Bà nói rằng
short-term stress relief – weekends in the "Cũng giống như mọi người, tôi cũng có một ngày đặc
mountains, the occasional “mental health” day – biệt khi nghĩ tới giải tỏa tâm trí.” Do công ty đang trong
rather than delegating more wor giai đoạn phát triển, nên bà phải tập trung vào việc làm
k. She says: “We’re hiring more people, but you need giảm căng thẳng ngắn hạn cho nhân viên –qua những
to train them, teach them about the culture and the ngày nghỉ cuối tuần ở vùng núi, ngày “sức khỏe tâm lý”
đặc biệt – thay vì phân công nhiều việc hơn. Bà nói:
clients, so it’s actually more work rather than less.
"Chúng tôi đang tuyển dụng nhiều người hơn, nhưng
cần đào tạo họ, dạy họ về văn hoá và khách hàng, vì
vậy thực sự là có nhiều việc hơn chứ không phải là ít đi.

( Source:
Question 31: Which of the following could be the title of the passage?
A. the stress of workplace B. The average of working hours of senior executive
C. some major groups of busy people D. The warning signs of workload
Question 32: The word “consecutive” in paragraph 2 mostly means_________.
A. interrupted B. solitary C. successive D. intermittent
Question 33: According to the vice- president of the management consultancy AT Kearney and its head of
telecommunications for the Asia- Pacific region, Neil Plumridge, what is NOT the warning sign about
his workload?
A. not having enough time to sleep
B. continuously rearranging his appointments
C. not being able to attend his family’s celebrations.
D. spending too much time for his family and children
Question 34: As mentioned in paragraph 2, the following sentences are true about the work stress,
EXCEPT _________
A. Disturbed sleep and reducing mental and physical health are the symptom of being too busy.
B. The lost time caused by stress ranks last in comparison with other workplace injuries.
C. The cost paid for psychological injury was rather high.
D. Relief is not the effective way to cope with stress.
Question 35: The word “ reassess” in the second paragraph is closet in meaning to _________
A. re-evaluate. B. consider. C. reduce. D. estimate.
Question 36: What does the word “he” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Comcare, the Federal Government insurer B. Expert
C. Neil Plumridge, the vice- president of the management consultancy AT Kearney D. Employee
Question 37: According to the last paragraph, what measure does Vanessa Stoykov take to reduce work
A. delegating more work B. taking brief vacations on weekends
C. Hiring more people D. allowing more time or changing expectations
Question 38: It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
A. stress appears in almost every position in workplace
B. employee working in big organizations will suffer more stress than others
C. the more the business grows, the more stress people get
D. good colleagues can help to reduce stress.
Question 39: Which of the following solution is NOT mentioned in helping reduce the work pressure
according to Plumridge?
A. Allocate more personnel
B. Increase more time
C. Lower expectation
D. Do sports and massage
Question 40: What is the point of view of Jan Elsnera towards work stress?
A. Medical test can only reveal part of the date needed to cope with stress
B. Index somebody samples will be abnormal in a stressful experience
C. Emotional and cognitive affection is superior to a physical one
D. One well a designed solution can release all stress
III. Read the following passage, then choose the word which best fits each gap. Circle A, B, C or
D to indicate your answers. (2.0 points)
By the time we reach old age most of us have spent twenty years sleeping. Yet nobody knows why we do
it. Most scientists believe that by resting our bodies, we allow time for (41)…………….. maintenance
work to be one. Any (42) ……………..that there is can be put right more quickly if energy isnt being
used up doing other things. Bất cứ tổn thương nào có thể tốt lên nhanh chóng nếu năng lượng
không được sử dụng/ tiêu hao hết cho việc khác Make sb feel better
Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals. These build up during the day, eventually reaching (43)
……………..that cause tiredness. We can control the effects of these chemicals to some extent. Caffeine
helps to (44) …………… awake while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.
By using electrodes (điện cực), scientists are able to (45) ……………..what goes on in people’s heads
while they sleep. They have (46) ……………..that when we first drop off – (start to sleep) everything
slows down. The heart (47) ……………..more slowly, and our breathing becomes shallow. After about
ninety minutes our eyes start to twitch (co giật), and we go into what is (48) ……………..REM sleep,
which is a (49) ……………..that we’ve started to dream. You have dreams every night, even if you don’t
remember them. There are many theories about why we dream, none of them conclusive. A lot of people
say they have to have eight hours’ sleep every night while others seem to (50) ……………..on a lot less.
One thing is certain - we all need some sleep. Going without it can have some very strange effects.
*REM = Rapid Eye Movement
Question 41: A. main B. elementary C. needed D. essential
Question 42: A damage B. suffering C. harm D. hurt
Question 43: A. peaks B. heights C. positions D. levels
Question 44: A. stay B. keep C. make D. maintain
Question 45: A. exhibit B. work C. study D. think
Question 46: A. seen B. researched C. discovered D. watched
Question 47: A beats B. hits C. moves D. trembles
Question 48: A. known B. labelled C. named D called
Question 49: A. clue B. proof C. sign D. signal
Question 50: A. need B. manage C. get D. deal

PART D. WRITING (6.0 points)

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (2.0 points)
I. Rewrite the sentences below beginning with the words given : (1p)
1. On other thing before I forget – Nam is coming to visit next weekend.
 By...................................................................................................................................................
By the way, Nam is coming to visit next weekend
2. Nga does a very good imitation of the English teacher
Nga takes............................................................................................................................
Nga takes off the English teacher well
3. Lan didn’t like it at all when one of her colleagues got the promotion instead of her
 Lan resented ................................................................................................................................................
Lan resented one of her colleagues getting …..
4. Their relationship was doomed because of their incompatibility
Had .................................................................................................................................................
Had they not been incompatible (xung khac), their relationship would not have been doomed
5. I almost gave up at one point
 I came very .................................................................................................................................................
I came very close/ near to giving up at one point
6. In his recent article, Bob Lee pointed out all the faults in the government’s new transport policy
 In his recent article, Bob Lee was ...........................................................................................................
In his recent article, Bob Lee was critical of the government’s new transport policy
7. I feel that I don’t fit the people in the new office
 I feel like ...................................................................................................................................
I feel like a fish out of water in the new office
8. It’s such a wonderful opportunity that we cannot miss it
It is too ...................................................................................................................
It is too wonderful an opportunity for us to miss
9. The minister gave no precise figures about the casualties
The minister didn’t go into ........................................................................................................
The minister didn’t go into details about the casualties
10. She said that the crisis isn’t important
She made ...............................................................................................................................
She made light of the crisis
II. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets. You must use
no more than five words. (1.0 point)
1. His daughter continued to cry until he could not be seen any longer (sight)
 His daughter continued to cry until he........……………………………………………………………
Was out of sight
2. It’s not certain whether I’ll be able to pay the bills this month (touch)
 ...…………………………………whether I’ll be able to pay the bills this month
It’s touch and go (khong chac chan)
3. Stop interupting me all the time (would)
 I wish you ........................................................................ all the time
Wouldn’t interrupt me
4. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask (assistance)
 If I can ...................................................................please don’t hesitate to ask
can be of any assistance
5 . Apparently, the restaurant in town has been bought out by someone else
 I hear the restaurant in town ...................................................................................................

Is under new management (bought out: quarn ly)
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets. (0) has been
done as an example. (1.0 point)
(0). I never have enough money. (short)
à I am always short of money.
1. It was a mistake not to write the telephone number down (point)
I should have made a point of writing down the telephone number (chac chan lam gi)
2. Would you give us your answer as soon as possible? (convenience)
Please respond at your earliest convenience
3. John changed his ways when he came out of prison (leaf)
John turned over a new leaf since he came out of prison
4. It was a bad idea to turn up unexpectedly without calling first (blue)
You should not have turned up out of the blue without calling first
5.I saw a TV program last month, which was very similar to this one (bears)
This TV program bears a strong resemblance to the one I saw last month

Write an essay of 200-220 words. (2 points)

In modern society, some people argue that schools become unnecessary as children
can study at home via the Internet. Do you agree or disagree?
The rapid progression of the Internet has paved the way for the growing popularity
of distance learning. People are now speculating on the possibility of the Internet taking
the place of a traditional school. In my opinion, given the continued advance in
technology, Internet-based learning can serve as an alternative to traditional class-based
Online education has a large number of advantages. It allows students to set
their own study time. Unlike traditional learning, online courses offer children greater
flexibility and enable them to create a timetable in line with their needs and
characteristics. Students can also save tuition fees, because a virtual school normally
charges students much less than a conventional school does. It is particularly a great
option for those students with physical handicaps, who have great difficulties in
commuting to school campus. For those who live far away from the school, online
education is remarkably favourable. It can be expected that the Internet is very likely to

replace a physical school as an education provider in the near future if its drawbacks
are removed.
The first drawback of a virtual school is lack of human contact, as opposed to a
noted merit of traditional teacher-led education, providing students with ongoing daily
interactions with teachers. This weakness can be solved by taking advantage of network
technologies. The interaction between students can be guaranteed when one can contact
with another — whenever and wherever he or she likes—via email, post comments on
message boards and chat rooms, or even video conference for communication. Educators
are also concerned that online learning cannot make all skills and knowledge
transferable. For example, some courses require a high proportion of hands-on practice,
which is beyond the capacity of online training. This problem can be nevertheless
addressed by introducing multimedia as a teaching aid. By using audio and video, students
can sample different learning styles and acquire both general and specialised knowledge
of a subject.
As suggested above, there are plenty of benefits of online learning, including
flexibility, cost-saving and convenience. Although it has two problems, lack of interaction
and tailing to provide a wide range of courses, both can be overcame as technology

1. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn't get the money.

=>No matter hard I tried, I just couldn't get the money.
2. Someone is going to tune my piano tomorrow.
=>I'm going to have my piano tuned tomorrow.
3. During the oil refinery strike, there were enormous petrol queues.
=>While the oil refinery strike was going on, there were enormous petrol queues.
4. We'd better buy a new cooker.
=>It's high time we bought a new cooker.
5. The stereo was so powerful, I nearly went deaf.
=>It was such a powerful stereo that I nearly went deaf.
6. She most certainly wasn't in London on the 26th.
=>She couldn't possibly have been in London on the 26th.
7. I can't remember the time of our appointment.
=>I can't remember when our appointment is.
8. The cost of living has gone up considerably in the last few years.
=>There has been a considerable increase in the cost of living in the last few years.
9. We will stop off in France on our way to Germany.
=>We will break our journey in France on our way to Germany.
10. The managing director refuses to resign.
=>The managing director has no intention to resign.

11. how could I help, expect to offer to lend her some money?
=>Other than to offer to lend her some money, how could I help?
12. It would not have been possible to solve that puzzle, even for a genius.
=>That puzzle would have been impossible to solve even for a genius.
13. I can remember an equally mysterious incident.
=>I can remember an incident just as mysterious as this on.
14. He was a fool to say that.
=>It was foolish of him to say that.
15 I haven't been to a cricket match for years.
=>It's years since I last went to a cricket match.
16. Because there was a late frost, much of the fruit crop was spoiled.
=>A frost, which came late, spoiled much of the fruit crop.
17. I don't understand one word of this wretched report.
=>I can't make head or tail of this wretched report.
18. On receipt of your cheque, we shall send the goods to you.
=>As soon as we receive your cheque, we shall send the goods to you.
19. Do you have a good relationship with your boss?
=>Are you getting along with your boss?
20. I'll find that man, no matter how long it takes.
=>However long it may take, I’ll find that man.
21. Many people were severely critical of the proposals for the new motorway.
=>There was severe criticism of the proposals for the new motorway.
22. Thanks to his aunt's legacy of $10,000 he was able to buy the house he wanted.
=>Had his aunt not died and left him a legacy of $10,000 he would not have been able to buy the house
he wanted.
23. Our hotel booking hasn't been confirmed.
=>We haven't received the confirmation of our hotel booking.
24. That dress has only the slightest mark on it.
=>I can barely any mark on that dress.
25. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't open the door.
=>Try as hard as I tried, I couldn’t open the door.
26. Despite his ungainly air he is remarkably agile.
=>Although he has got ungainly air, he is remarkably agile.
27. These new machines have put an end to queuing.
=>Before these new machines were invented people had to queued.
28. The fisherman's life was one of great poverty.
=>Throughout his life the fisherman was very poor from great poverty.
29. It was Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobacco into England.
=>The English owe the introduction of potatoes and tobacco to Sir Walter Raleigh.
30. You can eat as much as you like for $ 5 at the new lunch-bar.
=>There is no limit what you can eat at the new lunch-bar.
31. We weren't surprised by his success. =>It came as no surprise to us that he had succeeded.
32. It is not certain that Jones will get the job. =>It is open to question (doubt) whether Jones will get the
33. I had better get back to work. =>It's high time I got back to work.
34. My boss works better when he's pressed for time. =>The less my boss has, the better he works.
35. What a surprise to see you here! =>Fancy seeing you here!
36. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week.
=>There has been a considerable in considerable fall in the value of sterling in the past week.
37. My parents find fault with everything I do. => No matter what I do, my parents find fault
38. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
=>The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
39. The truth only came out on the publication of the general's personal diaries.
=>Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.
40. You are under no obligation to accept their offer.
=>You can please yourself as to whether you accept their offer or not.


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