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ĐỀ SỐ 10

PART A. LISTENING (4.0 points)

Hướng dẫn làm phần thi nghe hiểu:
- Bài nghe gồm 20 câu, thí sinh được nghe 2 lần, đĩa CD tự chạy 2 lần.
- Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc, hướng dẫn chi tiết đã có trong bài nghe.

Section One - Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5 Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD
Surname Jones
First names: Louise Cynthia
Address: Apartment 1, 72 (1) ...................................... Street Highbridge
Post code: (2) ......................................
Telephone: 9835 6712 (home) (3) ...................................... (work)
Driver's licence number: (4) ......................................
DOB: 25th Month: (5) ...................................... Year: 1977
Questions 6—8 Write THREE letters A-F.
What types of films does Louise like?
A Action B Comedies C Musicals
D Romance E Westerns F Wildlife
Questions 9 and 10 Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS .
9. How much does it cost to join the library? …………………………………………….
10. When will Louise's card be ready? …………………………………………….
Section 2 - Questions 11-20
Questions 11-13 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Expedition Across Attora Mountains
Leader: Charles Owen
Prepared a (11) ........................................... for the trip
Total length of trip (12) ................................
Climbed highest peak in (13) ...................................
Questions 14 and 15 Circle the correct letters A-C.
14. What took the group by surprise?
A the amount of rain B the number of possible routes C the length of the journey
15. How did Charles feel about having to change routes?
A He reluctantly accepted it. B He was irritated by the diversion.
C It made no difference to enjoyment
Questions 16—18 Write THREE letters A-F.
What does Charles say about his friends?
A He met them at one stage on the trip. B They kept all their meeting arrangements.
C One of them helped arrange the transport. D One of them owned the hotel they stayed in.
E Some of them travelled with him. F Only one group lasted the 96 days.

Questions 19 and 20 Write TWO letters, A-E.

What does Charles say about the donkeys?
A He rode them when he was tired B He named them after places.
C One of them died. D They behaved unpredictably.
E They were very small.


Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1.A. campaign B. expand C. survey D. respect
2.A. eradicate B. illiterate C. universal D. activity
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
3. “Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here?” - “________”
A. Yes, I have been here for 15 minutes. B. No, no, of course not.
C. My friend is coming. D. But I’d like to be by myself.
4. David's computer is out of order. He asks his mother.
David: "Is it right if I use your computer, mom?" ~ Mom: "............"
A. I don't care B. I accept it C. Oh, forget it D. Sure, go ahead
Choose the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
5. According to the rules of this contest, all employees and their immediate family member are not
fit to be chosen to enter the contest.
A. preferable B. qualified C. eligible D. desirable
6. I wanted to prove to my family that I could make something of myself.
A. get through the difficult times by myself B. make up my mind without any help
C. become successful through my own efforts D. put my back into studying

Choose the word or phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following sentences.
7.In big cities, animals should be kept under control.
A. out of hand B. out of order C. out of dispute D. out of discipline
8. Because we know nothing, in this view, we should treat all things with indifference and make no
A. reconciling ourself to something B. becoming annoyed very easily
C. feeling totally different from other people D. showing interest in something

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined parts that need correction in each of the
following questions.
9. According to classical musical tradition, the term “sonata” is given to those works are written for
solo piano or for a solo wind or stringed instrument.
10. He comes from a remote and mountainous area locating in the south.
11. James was worried that he was the last person to submit the physical assignment but he was
actually the second .
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer to complete each of the following
Question 12: She came in covered in mud. So I bathed her and _______ her in new clothes.
A. wearing B. dressed C. put D. wore
Question 13: In many ways she ___ me of someone I knew at school
A. resembles B. remembers C. recalls D. reminds
Question 14: Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, she ___ to be a
A. came round B. turned out C. turned up D. came out
Question 15: You can use my bicycle ___ you bring it back tomorrow
A. in spite of B. C. although D. nevertheless
Question 16: I have two sisters, _______________ are going to college.
A. both of whom B. both of them C. them both D. who both
Question 17: The brochure stated the hotel was situated _______ beside the sea.
A. direct B. exact C. precise D. right
Question 18: She has just bought _______.
A. a French old interesting painting B. an old interesting painting French
C. an interesting old French painting D. a French interesting old paint
Question 19: _______ he was kidnapped by the Iraqi guerrillas yesterday has been confirmed.
A. If B. What C. That D. Ø
Question 20: It’s hard to ……………on less than a million a month.
A. make ends meet B. make a fuss C. make up your mind D. make a mess
Question 21: The basic factors ……… and longevity include vigorous exercise, heredity
and diet.
A. enhance B. enhanced C. that enhance D. which enhancing
Question 22: Left - hand traffic, a custom existing in Britain only, _______ back to the days when
English people went to and fro on horseback.
A. dates B. dating C. which dates D. dated
Question 23:I know you didn’t want to upset me but I’d sooner you _________ me the whole truth
A. could have told B. told C. have told D. had told
Question 24: During the New Year holiday reason, all our branch restaurants will be _________
closed from December 30 to January 2.
A. narrowly B. previously C. constructively D. provisionally
Question 25: His comments _________ little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case.
A. reflect B. bear C. give D.

PART C. READING (5.0 points)

I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate
your answers. (1.0 point)
The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio,
televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.
When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight. Cars hesitate
in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent
Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two
centuries ago. Nature has apparently been experimenting in this field for millions of years.
Scientists are discovering more and more that the living world may hold many interesting
secrets of electricity that could benefit humanity.
All living cells sent out tiny pulses of electricity. As the heart beats. it send out
pulses of recorded electricity; they form an electrocardiogram, which a doctor can study to
determine how well the heart is working. The brain, too, sends out brain waves of
electricity, which can be recorded in an electroencephalogram. The electric currents
generated by most living cells are extremely small-of-ten so small that sensitive
instruments are needed to record them. But in some animals, certain muscle cells have
become so specialized as electrical generators that they do not work as muscle cells at all.
When large numbers of these cells are linked together, the effects can be astonishing.
The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. It can send a jolt of as much as eight
hundred volts of electricity through the water in which it lives. An electric house current is
only one hundred twenty volts.) As many as four fifths of all the cells in the electric eel’s
body are specialized for generating electricity, and the strength of the shock it can deliver
corresponds roughly to the length of its body.
Question 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Electric eels are potentially dangerous
B. Biology and electricity appear to be closely related
C. People would be at a loss without electricity
D. Scientists still have much to discover about electricity
Question 2. The author mentions all of the following as results of a blackout EXCEPT:
A. refrigerated food items may go bad B. traffic lights do not work
C. people must rely on candlelight D. elevators and escalators do not
Question 3. Why does the author mention electric eels?
A. To warn the reader to stay away from them
B. To compare their voltage to that used in houses
C. To give an example of a living electrical generator
D. To describe a new source of electrical power
Question 4. The word “discovering” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:
A. bringing to light B. understanding C. imaging D. carrying on
Question 5. It can be inferred from the passage that the longer an eel is the____
A. more beneficial it will be to science
B. more powerful will be its electrical charge
C. easier it will be to find
D. tougher it will be to eat
II. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate
your answers. (2.0 points)
Human beings are social creatures, and communication is a basic, if not the most important, feature
of social life. People often think of communication strictly in terms of speaking or writing.
However, human communication also relies on non-verbal behaviors, each of which can convey
important important meanings. Linguists refer to these highly culture-bound, non-verbal
communication techniques as paralanguage. Researchers suggest that up to 90 percent of what
people communicate is conveyed through paralanguage. Specifically, because paralanguage is so
prevalent in daily communication and varies from one cultural context to another, understanding
these hidden aspects is integral to successful lang.uage learning and cross-cultural communication.

Body language is perhaps the most obvious form of paralanguage. It refers to the gestures,
expressions, and postures that are used instead of, or L addition to, verbal language or other forms
of paralanguage. Body language’ includes voluntary actions such as smiling to express warmth,
dropping the jaw to show surprise, or waving a hand to say goodbye. However, not all body
language is voluntary. Involuntary body language, such as nervous shifting of one’s eyes or the
subconscious drumming of one’s fingers, might convey an emotion of which someone is not even
Both voluntary and involuntary body language may support or cast doubt on verbal
communication. This is one reason why many people prefer to pursue important matters in person.
Gestures or facial expressions may reinforce a verbal message, making it appear true and sincere.
Conversely, a speaker’s gestures, stance, or facial cues may belie his or her words. For instance, an
individual’s involuntary facial expression may reveal sadness even though she says she is happy. In
a face-to-face encounter, as opposed to a telephone conversation, a nuanced interpretation is
Body language varies greatly from one culture to another and is one area of frequent
miscommunication. The same gesture displayed in one cultural context may carry a completely
different meaning elsewhere. An American might give the ‘thumbs-up” sign to indicate that
everything is all right, but an Australian who sees it will feel very badly insulted. In many Western
cultures, it is important to make eye contact when speaking. Two American executives, for example,
will almost certainly make direct eye contact when negotiating a deal, mainly to establish trust and
to communicate confidence. Were an American, even one fluent in Japanese, to do the same while
negotiating in Japan, she might be considered angry or aggressive by her Japanese counterparts.

Different cultural frameworks also define and organize space in unique ways. Perhaps
even more than gestures, cultural patterns are internalized in individuals at a subconscious level.
This internalization can lead to serious failures of communication. The proxemics of an encounter-
how close to each other the participants stand- depend on a culturally determined sense of personal
space, a sort of “comfort bubble” around one’s body. People in the United States tend to assume a
social distance of roughly four to seven feet when engaged in conversation. Closer feels awkwardly
intimate; father feels coldly distant. In many parts of Europe and southwestern Asia, the expected
social distance is roughly half of what Americans are used to. Americans travelling in these areas
may feel an urgent need to back away from a conversation partner who seems to be getting too
Paralanguage also includes auditory elements such as tone of voice, speaking tempo, and patterns of
stress. The way something is said can change its meaning, regardless of the words used. In English,
for example, vocal tone may be used to express sarcasm. The comment “nice shirt, Bill,” can mean
two completely different things depending on the paralanguage. The speaker may actually mean that
Bill’s shirt is attractive. He may also mean the exact opposite. In this case, the clue to the meaning
lies in the tone of the speaker’s voice.
Some cultural anthropologists even consider what one wears a form of paralanguage.
People may use clothing, jewelry, ceremonial hats, and other forms of body ornamentation to
communicate status, personal interests, cultural identity, and other characteristics. Take the case of a
police officer who wears her uniform in public to mark her role in society. That is what any
uniform, whether a waiter’s or a priest’s or a Boy’s Scout’s, is meant to do. Furthermore, the
vocabulary of her uniform-badges, patches, and so on- will indicate her rank and signal whether she
is a traffic cop, on the SWAT team, or in some other line of service. In short, human communication
is complex, with a large portion of tVie information being conveyed without words. In both
everyday and cross-cultural communication, it is these facets of paralanguage that, if overlooked,
can lead to considerable misunderstanding.
(From Sharpening Skills for the TOEFL iBT by Jeff Zeter & Michael Pederson, pp.3437.

1. The word ‘voluntary’ in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. incredible B. individual C. intentional D. ineffective.
2. According to paragraph 3, in telephone conversations, as opposed to face-to-face encounters,
A. people are likely to lie B. sadness is harder to communicate
C. messages contain fewer clues to meaning D. deeper meanings can be communicated.
3. The word ‘belie’ in the passage is closest in meaning to __________
A. complement B. contradict C. echo D. interpret
4. From the information in paragraph 5, what can be inferred about one’s sense of personal
A. It is flexible. B. It is learned C. It offends others. D. It changes if one travels.
5. In paragraph 5, the author mentions “four to seven feet” as an example of__________
A. a serious communication failure B. an excessively large social distance
C. the size of a “comfort bubble” D. the safest social distance.
6. According to paragraph 6, what form of paralanguage might an English speaker use to
express the opposite of what his or her words say?
A. space B. tone C. clothing D. lies
7. The word ‘he’ in the passage refers to __________
A. the American B. the listener C. Bill D. the speaker
8. The word “ornamentation” in the passage is closest in meaning to __________
A. decoration B. communication C. protection D. occupation.
9. Every uniform communicates _________
A. paralanguage B. membership C. a social role D. a profession.
10. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as forms of paralanguage EXCEPT
A. tone of voice B. clothing C. eye movement D. walking.
III. Read the following passage, then choose the word which best fits each gap. Circle A, B, C
or D to indicate your answers. (2.0 points)
World Carfree Day
Each year, on September 22nd, people in over 1,500 cities in 40 countries around the
globe (1) ________ World Carfree Day. This annual event, (2) _______ is coordinated by the
World Car Network in Prague and supported by the European Union and the United Nations, aims
to raise awareness (3) ________ the problems caused by our dependence on private cars. Streets are
dosed to traffic and opened instead to street parties, theatre, bicycle demonstrations or outdoor
cafes, in order to show people what their city might (4) ________ like if there were fewer or no
cars. Over one hundred million people are believed to take (5) ________ in the celebrations, though
this figure is difficult to verify.
The hope of organizers is that the initiative will serve as a catalyst and (6) _______ to
more permanent changes which will promote and encourage more environmentally friendly (7)
________ to the ear, such as walking, cycling and public transport. However, with increasing global
car production and a world which has grown (18) _______ to the benefits of private transport,
sceptics of the event say the battle is already lost. One can only hope they are wrong, and even if it
is unlikely we will see cities (19) ________ any rs at all, people may (20) ________ begin to
change their habits and leave their car at home more often.
1. A. celebrate B. expect C. host D. enjoy
2. A. what B. where C. which D. who
3. A. about B. on C. for D. of
4. A. take B. look C. feel - D. seem
5. A. place B. off C. action D. part
6. A. cause B. make C. bring D. lead
7. A. choices B. alternatives C. options D. counterparts
8. A. familiar B. routine C. acquainted D. used
9. A. no B. none C. not D. without
10. A. at last B. at all C. at least D. at best

PART D. WRITING (6.0 points)

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (2.0 points)
1. While I strongly disapproved of your behavior, I will help you this time.
Despite my_____________________________________________________
2. Her love for him was so great that she never separated him.
So ____________________________________________________________
3. I called her as soon as she went out of the room.
No sooner ______________________________________________________
4. “No, no, you really must stay a bit longer!” said the boys.
The boys insisted ___________________________________________________
5. It was wrong of you to scare your little brother like that.
You oughtn’t _______________________________________________
6. The audience didn’t laugh at any point during the show.
At _________________________________________________________
7. Without your help, I couldn’t have finished that difficult task.
If you ______________________________________________________
8. All of the students but Peter went to the meeting.
Except _______________________________________________
9. We take great pride in offering the best service in town.
We are very proud ________________________________________
10. She bought that house in 1973.
She has _____________________________________________________.
II. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second
sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in
brackets. You must use no more than five words. (1.0 point)
1. Susan regrets not buying that house.(WISHES)
Susan ___________________________ that house.
2. I could never have succeeded without your help.(YOU)
I could never have succeeded______________________ me.
3. I thought I might run out of cash, so I took my cheque-book with me.(CASE)
I took my cheque-book with me ___________________ out of cash.
4. Linda’s plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather.(FALLEN)
Linda’s plans for a picnic ______________________ because of the weather.
5. The bread was too stale to eat. (FRESH)
The bread ______________ to eat.
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second
sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in
brackets. (0) has been done as an example. (1.0 point)
(0). I never have enough money. (short)
à I am always short of money.
1. The two theories appear to be completely different. COMMON
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…
2. His rude behaviour is too much for me. PUT
 ………………………………………….………………………………………………….………
3. I find his handwriting very hard to read. DIFFICULTY
 ………………………………………………….………………………………………………….
4. He doesn’t have money to go on holiday. He doesn’t have time, either. NEITHER
5. You’d feel better if you had a quiet holiday. DO
 ………………………………………………………….………………………………………….
IV. Write an essay of 200-220 words. (2 points)
When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new
country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Which one do you prefer. Support your
answer with specific details.


Rewrite the second sentences using the given words so that they have the same meanings as the first ones.

1. It is certainly a good example of Mr John’s work (NO)

There’s ……………………………………………… …………………………

2. Parking is prohibited in all areas of this park (ANYWHERE)

You ……………………………………………….. ……………………………

3. It’s not important if you come to work today or not (MATTER)

It ……………………………………………………………….
4. For us to win this match now would be impossible (HOPE)

There is ……………………………………………………….

5. Can you take care of Mary on Saturday evening for us? (WATCH)

Can you …………………………………………………..

6. Phone me immediately after you arrive at the conference (SOON)

Phone ………………………………………………

7. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see you because I didn’t have time (ABLE)

If I …………………………………………………………………..

8. Does your brother have the ability to take so many exams in the same week? (CAPABLE)

Is ……………………………………………………………………….

9. Entrance into the museum is free today (GO)

It costs ……………………………………………………

10. Never mind tour previous failures – try to foget them and think of what your next venture might be! !(BEHIND)

Put your ……………………………………… …………………………………………….. …………….

11. They continued to suggest that I was lying (PERSISTED)

They …………….…………………………………………………

12. Although he was very tired, he tried to help me with my homework

Tired …………………………………………………………………………….

13. You should consider the positions of sales manager very carefully (OVER)

You should …………………………………………………………………………..

14. Lan is pretty but Mai is prettier

Mai is the ……………………………………………………………………………………..

15. We couldn’t go camping because of the storm

The storm ………………………………………………………………………………..…

16. The damnage was so great that it would cost millions of dollars to repair

Such ……………………………………………………………………..

17. She was sentenced to six months in prison for her part in the robbery

She received ……………………………………………………………………………………..

18. I was not surprised to hear that Hung had passed the exam

It came ……………………………………………………………………………………..

19. He never intended to meet her

He never had …………………………………………………………………………………………..

20. This city is inaccessible in winter due to heavy snow

Heavy snow makes ……………………………………………………………………………….

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