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Writing coursework, especially for a challenging subject like IB Business, can be a demanding and

time-consuming task. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate ideas
effectively. Here are some reasons why crafting IB Business coursework can be difficult:

1. Complex Concepts: IB Business Management involves intricate concepts related to business

theories, strategies, and case studies. Understanding and explaining these concepts can be
2. Research Intensity: Successful coursework often requires thorough research to provide
relevant and up-to-date information. This involves reviewing academic articles, textbooks,
and real-world business cases.
3. Data Analysis: IB Business coursework often involves the interpretation and analysis of
quantitative and qualitative data. Proficiency in data analysis tools and a solid understanding
of statistical methods may be necessary.
4. Strict Guidelines: IB coursework usually comes with specific guidelines and criteria that
must be adhered to strictly. Meeting these requirements can add an extra layer of complexity
to the writing process.
5. Time Constraints: Managing time effectively is crucial for coursework completion. Students
often face multiple deadlines for various subjects, making it challenging to allocate sufficient
time to each assignment.

For those finding it difficult to navigate these challenges, seeking assistance from professional
writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option. These services often provide
expert writers with subject-specific knowledge and experience. Here are some reasons why
considering such services might be beneficial:

1. Expert Assistance: Professional writers are well-versed in the subject matter, ensuring that
your coursework meets the required academic standards.
2. Time Management: Outsourcing coursework allows students to focus on other academic
and personal commitments, alleviating the stress of tight deadlines.
3. Quality Guarantee: Reputable writing services are committed to delivering high-quality
work. This can contribute to better grades and a deeper understanding of the coursework.
4. Customization: Services like ⇒ ⇔ often offer personalized solutions
tailored to the specific requirements of your IB Business coursework.

While seeking assistance can be beneficial, it's crucial for students to maintain academic integrity.
Using such services should be seen as a supplementary tool for learning, ensuring that the completed
coursework reflects the student's understanding and knowledge of the subject matter.
The advantage to Cosmogirl advertising on television and radio is that they can reach a wide
audience, especially since they have been specific in choosing the right time slots and radio stations;
however a disadvantage of using such advertising is the fact that it can be very expensive to the
company. I believe this is a very effective method of promotion and has the advantage of promoting
two companies at the same time. I have also suggested my own idea of sponsoring a children’s
program, supported by the fact that it would advertise the company and give Cosmogirl a good
reputation. I believe it would be good to carry out the promotional offer for the first remarketed
edition of Cosmogirl, as the magazine is out every three weeks. All of it can be completely
overwhelming for the student attempting to juggle non-academic responsibilities with the ever-
mounting course work. As I am independently carrying out the method, then it can be counted as a
part of my field research. As I have acknowledged this point throughout my coursework I believe I
have now realised that it is vitally important to get reliable results in order to make justifiable
decisions, that I could support using my results. Although, it could cost the Cosmogirl company a lot
of money to pay the celebrities to have interviews and appear on their front cover. Valuable time
needs to be spent deciding on an effective advertisement which might involve getting a celebrity to
endorse the magazine, increasing the costs. This links with the promotion of the new offer, as it
would definitely need to be heavily advertised (using posters) in a shop located near a secondary
school, as it would be more likely that children would see it on the way to school. Descriptor E An E
is the grade awarded to an unclear essay with an unsystematic approach. Therefore I believe the best
sample size would be 100, as I would then be able to get results from 20 girls in each year group
making it much more accurate. Don’t focus on a research question that lacks sufficient research
material for the 4,000 words limit. I think this because I believe many children frequent a newsagent
near their school on the way home to buy snacks and therefore they would be more likely to see the
magazine and purchase it. This is important as a free gift could be the factor that ultimately affects a
consumer buying the magazine; therefore it is vital that research is carried out to find this
information. I know that my target audience is teenage girls therefore it is understandable that
teenage girls should be asked, as I would be able to get more meaningful results rather than asking
an old lady who probably hasn’t read the magazine before. One method could be by putting up
posters within stores, advertising the promotional price. The bright colours, bold headings and
pictures also help persuade young girls to purchase the magazine. Don’t analyze a problem the
company solved or a decision that company made one or two years ago. Many children may get
their parents to buy something just because it has a free toy inside. You can divide the section into
two, the first part for your tools and the second for your research. Is there any way you can rectify
this and allow me access to the resources. The advantage of doing competitor based pricing is that it
can quickly increase sales however the disadvantages can sometimes outweigh the good. Also, the
benefits of the product are highlighted, showing the consumer how the product will benefit them.
Descriptor D Business management extended essays that score a D reflect poor research that lead to
a general focus. As I am concentrating on England, I believe that retail shops such as supermarkets
and newsagents would be the best channels of distribution for the magazine. This is because most
magazines have a website, which readers can log onto for competitions and more information.
Endorsements are also classified under public relations. Worldwide it would be quite impossible to
go to every house and try to convince someone to buy the magazine. Double space your work and
make sure every page has a number. 3. Citing Sources You need to cite all the sources you use in
writing your IB Business Management Extended Essay.
Don’t focus on a research question that lacks sufficient research material for the 4,000 words limit.
Endorsements are also classified under public relations. Although this can only be done depending
on the amount of money the company has and whether any television programmes want sponsorship.
Also, they may indicate colour preferences or packaging that they would like the magazine to have.
Introduction (About 250 Words) The introduction is a section where you provide a clear context for
your research question. It is important that none of the parts are forgotten, as then this could lead to
the decline of sales rather than the increase. By carrying out market research, I may also discover that
other gender or age segments are interested in purchasing the magazine. One of the first things that
you will have to do when starting your business coursework is to choose a good, well focused
research question (r.q.). If you choose an inappropriate or unfocused r.q., you will be handicapped
from the beginning. Nothing can be more frustrating than placing an order for a coursework online.
Accordingly, paper 2 of the official IB examination contains an entire section, section C, in which
students must discuss two of the CUEGIS concepts with reference to an organization of their
choice. Also I think I would write to the other competitor teen magazines such as Bliss or Sugar so
that I would be able to compare the information, and look at their marketing strategies as well. The
fact that I used many different forms of research meant that I gathered a lot of information and data.
Descriptor C Students who score a C for their extended essay in business management are those who
display some knowledge and understanding of the key concepts involved, including reasonable
application of the topic. Although, I believe that billboards and posters are more effective for
products which are generic and can be used by anyone. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Criteria B: Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and understanding focuses on not only how much you’ve learned in the course but also
how well you can apply the concepts taught in class to the real world. The magazine also gives away
gifts and posters to try and encourage the reader to buy the magazine. When you place an order for
coursework writing with, you get the finest coursework writing service available in
the English-speaking world. I don't regret getting into this working relationship with your firm. The
advantage of doing a shop survey is that it is very time efficient as I only need to go into one shop
and look at all the prices for the magazines. This meant that I had to be very critical and try and
select the most relevant data that would help in my coursework. The advantage to Cosmogirl
advertising on television and radio is that they can reach a wide audience, especially since they have
been specific in choosing the right time slots and radio stations; however a disadvantage of using
such advertising is the fact that it can be very expensive to the company. Critical thinking is a huge
focus in my classes, and I tend to cover less content in history in order to go deeper into that content
and emphasize student inquiry as much as possible. It is vital to remember that the information given
is what Cosmogirl is currently doing in their marketing plan. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The
advertisements can cost the company a lot of time and money. However the company have been
particular in the stations they advertise on. Our customer service team will review your report and
will be in touch. ?2.98 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.98 (no rating) 0 reviews
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5.00 16 reviews Not the right resource. If the price is too high, then this may decrease sales.
Although, it could cost the Cosmogirl company a lot of money to pay the celebrities to have
interviews and appear on their front cover.
They will have a better understanding of the world around them, both locally and globally, with a
new international perspective on businesses and their diversity. In the long run, this could lead to
both magazines concentrating on a lower price, meaning that the quality of their magazine may
decrease, turning away consumers. This means that both magazines are being promoted and given an
appealing image. I believe this would be good because it would give the company a good corporate
image. Unfortunately, what is usually delivered to the student is a completely inferior product,
written by non English-speaking individuals and often “cut and pasted” from large databases of pre-
written works. You want to make sure you EE in Business and Management meets the following
conditions: 1. As all the prices stay the same for each magazine, I could easily look at the internet,
although by going into a store and looking at the magazines, I can get a chance to compare the
different covers, their styles and promotional ideas. Often free gifts and special offers are used to try
and persuade the consumer to buy the product. I intend on asking around 30 girls, most probably at
school as this is where I would easily be able to find teenage girls to answer my questionnaire. In
addition to the lack of a logical structure and coherent readability, the essay lacks a critical
evaluation of the topic and the conclusions are inconsistent. This can be linked to sales promotions,
because giving away free gifts is a way of increasing sales. This is due to the high rate of obesity in
the country however I believe that advertising a magazine is not as manipulative or dangerous to a
child’s health so I think the television promotion of Cosmogirl has been accurate and effective. I
found this out from my internet research which informed me that the place for each country may not
be the same. By looking at the data provided by the Cosmogirl company, it is clear that subscribing
on the internet is very successful, as it is stated that they have 54000 e-subscribers. From this
information I will be able to offer my own suggestions as to how they should price and promote the
magazine. I realise that the advertisement would only run for a total of three weeks therefore it may
not be worth spending extra money on it. For example, I could have chosen to do a stratified sample,
where I could choose a certain number of girls from each year group, thus representing different age
groups. Price discrimination is when the product is sold at different prices to different people. Both
are shown below, to indicate the two paths that Cosmogirl could take. The advantage of using such
joint promotions is the fact that it can improve links with other companies which could help
Cosmogirl company in the long run. By taking into consideration the age of consumers (13-19 years
old) it should be understandable that the magazine cannot be too expensive. I think writing a letter is
the best method for this research as it is a way of contacting the company directly, although I realise
that technology is used more widely, therefore I also intend to e-mail the editor of the magazine, in
case my letter is not acknowledged. Hopefully, they will reply to my letter, giving me ideas on how
they decide to promote their magazine and where they decide to distribute it. Make sure to include
the benefit and weaknesses of each source. Back your argument with in-depth, credible research.
One of the reasons I may not have got this information from the company may be that my letter was
not specific enough. This aspect shows that Cosmogirl has already made successful decisions and
therefore promoted its product using all three factors of the Promotion aspect. As Cosmogirl
magazine is not a major technological product, people will definitely not be prepared to pay high
prices for it. As a result, the student loses valuable time and keeps on searching over and over again.
For example, if the famous singer Beyonce Knowles stated in an interview that she always a certain
shampoo then it would be promoted because people would want to use the same products as the stars.
Maybe next time, I should try and make most of the questions multiple choice answers so that it is
time efficient for the consumer to fill out, however I also believe it is necessary to include some
open questions so that the consumer has an opportunity to give their own thoughts and opinions.
This is supported through my explanation of the specific market segments that Cosmogirl magazine is
aimed at. The name of the magazine is Cosmogirl, and I have chosen this particular product as it
clearly applies to two market segments. Some concerns have arisen over the manipulative advertising
market on television due to fast food adverts being shown at times when children are most likely to
watch them. I believe this is the method for distribution because other transportation such as plane or
shipping would be inappropriate. Significant course work writing usually started when they reached
the top level courses in their major subjects and, certainly, by the time they reached graduate school.
Tips to Write a Compelling IB Business Management Extended Essay 1. I think this would be an
appropriate amount of time to leave the offer for, and would limit the amount of profit lost by the
Cosmogirl. Avoid using a third-person perspective because doing so will earn you few points. The
advantage to using this method of pricing is that there could be more awareness about the magazine,
increasing the number of customers however a disadvantage is that the company could lose profit
because of the low price and it is not certain that after the introductory offer finishes the customers
will still continue to buy the magazine. Back your argument with in-depth, credible research. Our
professional writers are just a click away to work on your order. Does this help? Hide replies Empty
reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. Additionally, I should have added into the letter what
the cost it was to produce the Cosmogirl magazine. More information about this will be posted on
the blog soon. This is a good way of promoting the product due to the fact that teenage girls are
influenced very easily and therefore would want to buy the magazine just because it is advertised by
a star. If you come to for the first time, you will not have this experience; your
order will be processed immediately. So make sure you include only the tools and research that
answers the questions properly. This would put more pressure on Cosmogirl to compete and lower
their prices. I hope to get through Topics 1, 2 and 4 in the first year and topics 3 and 5 in the second
year. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. They
would use few steps in the distribution channel as shown in the first diagram. It is important that
none of the parts are forgotten, as then this could lead to the decline of sales rather than the increase.
Accordingly, paper 2 of the official IB examination contains an entire section, section C, in which
students must discuss two of the CUEGIS concepts with reference to an organization of their
choice. The fact that I used many different forms of research meant that I gathered a lot of
information and data. However, if more or less time is required to gain full understanding of a topic
the timeframes are subject to change. But doing so is the only way to make sure your essay is good
enough for submission and ready for marking. Therefore I believe the best sample size would be 100,
as I would then be able to get results from 20 girls in each year group making it much more accurate.
In the first part, show your teacher that you know how to do what you’ve learned in the IB Business
Management class. Develop a well-organized, logical methodology leading up to your conclusions.
The penalty for plagiarism is severe, and you cannot risk your career. Direct sales are basically when
a salesperson goes door-to-door trying to persuade somebody to buy the product. If you can’t access
records or useful research data for the research question, drop it. 4. Usefulness and Application Your
research question should be relevant and applicable to the current business environment. They would
use few steps in the distribution channel as shown in the first diagram. Also, the consumer may have
found the questionnaire boring and so they may have rushed the answers, giving results which were
not entirely honest. All of it can be completely overwhelming for the student attempting to juggle
non-academic responsibilities with the ever-mounting course work. Report this Document Download
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useful (0 votes) 244 views 2 pages Ib Business Management Syllabus Uploaded by James Kitamirike
AI-enhanced description This year, IB Learning Partners will be studying the first year of the
Business and Management curriculum. I think this is a good idea as they are maintaining a price that
is not higher than other teenage magazines; therefore I think the current price is quite appropriate.
After making a choice (some teachers advocate preparing more than one organization but in my
opinion this is an unwise use of limited study time), give them additional class time to make notes;
perhaps 2-3 hours. I think this is an effective time slot because it is when most children sit to watch
their children programmes. If I just asked one girl from each year group then it would not be
representative of the other girls, as everyone has their own views and ideas, for that reason I believe
that asking a greater number of people enables me to cover a wider range of views and address as
many views as possible. The essay lacks a clear focus because it portrays limited knowledge of key
concept, not to mention it has an inconsistent analysis and an inaccurate conclusion. They will
receive an automated email and will return to answer you as soon as possible. Go back and fix the
error Editing your work thoroughly isn’t the fun part of working on an IB Business Management
Extended Essay. You can find full case study resources on all 5 units, including Paper 3 and the
Toolkit, at - Each pack has case studies. Market research can help get the customers own
opinion as to how much they are willing to pay, thus influencing the final price. I also will be able to
interact with the consumers themselves and hear their own suggestions. The common academic
standards evaluated include: A clear and easy to understand language Clearly labeled charts, graphs,
figures, and images A well-structured essay with headings and subheadings Criterion E: Engagement
Criterion E evaluates how you engage with the research topic based on the subject’s intersection in
your life. One of the first things that you will have to do when starting your business coursework is
to choose a good, well focused research question (r.q.). If you choose an inappropriate or unfocused
r.q., you will be handicapped from the beginning. Also, the time slots can be very expensive due to
the many companies who are competing to get their advertisements at the same time i.e. in between
children’s TV programs. For this reason, the SL internal assessment is quicker and easier to do,
because you have the data all there at your fingers tips, as it were. Instructions are followed to the
letter and there is no delay, thumbs up. Maybe next time, I should try and make most of the
questions multiple choice answers so that it is time efficient for the consumer to fill out, however I
also believe it is necessary to include some open questions so that the consumer has an opportunity to
give their own thoughts and opinions. An example can be seen in October’s issue which has a picture
of Rachel Stevens, a famous singer. Every student from my class who has hired a writer from your
firm is actually going to graduate cum laude. As I am independently carrying out the method, then it
can be counted as a part of my field research. This only works mostly with services such as trains
which make adults and children pay different prices. If you come to for the first
time, you will not have this experience; your order will be processed immediately. As with any other
IB Standard Level curriculum, the subject will be taught over 150 teaching hours. The fact that I
used many different forms of research meant that I gathered a lot of information and data.

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