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Propose a machine learning algorithm for a business or organization.

The first letter of your last name

will be the basis of your assigned task. See examples in 11 Handout 1.

Grade Prediction System:

Objective: The goal of the Grade Prediction System is to predict the future academic performance of
students based on their historical data and various features related to their study habits, attendance,
and engagement.

Algorithm: Random Forest Regression

Reasoning: Random Forest Regression is well-suited for predicting numerical values, making it suitable
for forecasting future grades. Here's why:

Ensemble Learning: Random Forest is an ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision
trees. This helps in capturing a diverse set of relationships between various features and the target
variable, leading to a more robust and accurate prediction.

Feature Importance: The algorithm provides a feature importance metric, which can be valuable for
educators and administrators to understand the factors that significantly influence students' academic
performance. This insight can guide interventions and support strategies.

Non-linearity Handling: Academic performance might be influenced by non-linear relationships

between different factors. Random Forest is capable of capturing these non-linearities, providing a more
realistic model of the complex dynamics of student performance.

Data Features:

The model can take into account various features such as:

 Previous grades and academic achievements

 Attendance records
 Participation in extracurricular activities
 Study habits and time spent on homework
 Engagement in class discussions


Data Collection: Gather historical data on student grades, attendance, and relevant features. This data
should be cleaned and preprocessed to ensure accuracy.

Training the Model: Train the Random Forest Regression model using the historical data. Split the
dataset into training and testing sets to evaluate the model's performance.

Prediction and Feedback: Use the trained model to predict future grades based on new data. Provide
timely feedback to educators, students, and parents, enabling proactive support and intervention

Iterative Improvement: Continuously update and retrain the model as more data becomes available.
This iterative process ensures the model remains accurate and relevant to changing academic dynamics.
By implementing a Grade Prediction System with Random Forest Regression, the school can leverage
machine learning to enhance educational outcomes and support the holistic development of students.

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