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Aranzazú Galván De Pablo

Paola Rubiano Florez
Miriam Moreno Faubel
Francisco Chiquillo Carrasco
Lucas Alonso Kappes


1. CONTEXTUALISATION:................................................................................................ 3
2. DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................................ 4
3. REFLECTIONS.............................................................................................................. 6


Address: Street Pintor Benedito 10 &, C/ de Jesús, 46007 Valencia.

Practical degree: DAM

Learn how to create and develop applications for all types of devices and obtain the official
and officially recognised. Qualification of this Higher degree in Computer Science. You will
learn to programme and develop for differents platforms, design interfaces and create
applications for mobile phones or entertainment games.

Curriculum content:

Update to include the latest technologies and tools relevant to cross-platform application
Development tools and environments: Students should become familiar with a wide range of
development tools and environments used in industry.
Development methodologies: Agile practices, automated testing and DevOps are taught to
reflect current trends in software development.
Industry trends: Topics such as mobile applications, cloud computing, loT, Ai, AR and VR are
addressed to prepare students for emerging trends.
Continuous learning: Students develop skills to keep up with new technologies throughout
their careers.

Future expectations for the higher degree in Multi-platform Application Development

(DAM) are as follows:

Growing demand: Increased demand for professionals with skills in multi-platform application
development is expected due to continuous digitisation.
Technological evolution: Graduates must keep up to date with the latest emerging
technologies and tools in the field.
Focus on user experience: There will be an emphasis in creating intuitive and aesthetically
pleasing applications across all platforms.
AI and automation integration: Developers will be expected to be able to incorporate
intelligent functions into applications.
Security and privacy: Graduates should have strong knowledge of security and data privacy
to protect user information.


We had four participants, and their names are Eduardo, Mario, Alex and Rodrigo. They are
all students of the first course of DAM (Multiplataform Applications Development) and their
ages ranges between eighteen, twenty-five, thirty-one and thirty-two years old.

Eduardo, of Chilean origin, decided to study this degree because he has had a passion for
learning how to assemble computers since he was a child. His main motivation is to learn
how to program applications.

On the other hand, Mario is from Valencia. He recommends to anyone who is interested in
studying this degree, that it is essential that you like the world of video games and

Alex, another classmate, also comes from the city of Valencia. He is a person who follows
public figures related to the world of programming, keeping up to date with the latest trends.
And his favorite programming program is Java Script.

Finally, Rodrigo has his origins in Brazil. His goal after graduation is to enter at working world
in a stable company. Above all, he is interested in specializing in the world of Artificial
Intelligence (AI).

Multiplataform Application Development (DAM) is a professional training that focuses on

software programming for mobile or desktop applications.

On the other hand, with a degree in Multiplataform Application Development (DAM) you can
apply for jobs as a software developer, programmer, systems analyst or tester. Another
option is to work as a freelancer, creating your own applications or providing consulting

This degree has become one of the most demanded by the labor market, since the
technological and computer sector is in continuous growth, specifically in the world of web
and multiplatform programming. In addition, it is a very versatile and dynamic degree that
allows students to develop in various fields.


Weaknesses →
Rapid technological obsolescence: Technology in application development is constantly
evolving, which can lead to learned skills becoming obsolete over time. It is important to be
willing to continually learn and stay current with the latest technologies.

Limited specialization: Since application development is a popular field, there can be strong
competition in the job market. Students may need to stand out by building a strong portfolio
and gaining hands-on experience.

Technical focus: The focus of the program may be on technical skills, and there may be a
lack of emphasis on soft skills such as communication, problem solving or project
management, which are also crucial in software development.

Reliance on specific tools: Some curricula may focus on the use of specific tools or
platforms, which can limit students' versatility. It is beneficial to have broad knowledge that
can be applied in different contexts.

Threats →
Rapid technological advances: While the rapid evolution of technology can be a weakness, it
also poses a threat. Technological advances can quickly make skills learned during studies
obsolete, requiring constant updating of knowledge.

Labor market saturation: With the increasing popularity of technology careers, the labor
market may become saturated, which could lead to increased competition for jobs and
reduced opportunities for some graduates.

Outsourcing of jobs: In some cases, companies may choose to outsource application

development to countries with lower labor costs, which could affect local job opportunities.

Lack of practical experience: Too much focus on theory without sufficient emphasis on
practical experience during studies could leave graduates with a skills gap when entering the
job market.

Strengths →
High demand for skills: The increasing reliance on application in various industries has
created a high demand for cross-platform application development professionals, providing
job opportunities and career growth.

Versatility in development: DAM professionals are trained to create applications that work on
multiple platforms, giving them the ability to adapt to different operating systems and

Continuous innovation: The application development field is constantly evolving, giving

developers the opportunity to participate in innovative projects to adopt new technologies.

Global collaboration: Application developers often work in globally distributed teams,

providing a collaborative and diverse work experience.

Access to communities and resources: The software development community is active and
collaborative, offering opportunities to learn, share knowledge and solve problems through
online forums, tutorials and other resources.

Opportunities →

High labor demand: There is a growing demand for professionals in cross-platform
application development. Companies are constantly looking for skilled developers to create
applications that work on a variety of devices and operating systems.

Diversity of industries: Opportunities in DAM are not limited to specific industry. You can find
work in areas such as healthcare, education, finance, entertainment, e-commerce and more,
allowing you to apply you skills in different contexts.

Continuous innovation: The field of application development is constantly evolving, offering

opportunities to work on innovative projects and adopt new technologies. This allows
professionals to stay constantly challenge themselves-

Freelancing and entrepreneurship: Many multiplatform application developers have the

option of working as freelancers or entrepreneurs, developing their own application or
providing services to clients.

Global collaboration: Application development often involves working in globally idstributed

teams, which provides the opportunity to collaborate with people of adverse cultures and
skills, expanding your professionals network.



As a team, we have managed to approach the project in a collaborative and efficient

manner. Each member has played a key role in interviewing the DAM students, contributing
their skills and knowledge to carry out all stages of the work.

We have organised ourselves effectively, assigning responsibilities according to the

individual strengths of each member and maintaining fluid communication to coordinate our
actions. In addition, we have been proactive in problem solving, meeting the challenges that
arose during the development of the project with creativity and determination.

However, we recognise that there are still areas where we can improve as a team. In
particular, we could work on more planning and monitoring of group work. Overall, we are
satisfied with the work done, but we are committed to improve for the next assignments as a

Conclusions on new technologies and information analysis:

The training cycle of Multiplatform Applications Development at the Centro Integrado de

Formación Progresa in Valencia, Spain, presents a series of both positive and negative
aspects that deserve to be highlighted.
First of all, it is important to highlight the positive aspects of this training cycle. The relevance
and pertinence of the curricular contents stand out, which are designed to respond to the

current demands of the labor market in the field of technology and application development.
In addition, the availability of technological resources and the practical focus of the training
allow students to acquire solid and immediately applicable skills in the labor field.
On the other hand, it is necessary to recognize certain aspects that could be improved in the
training cycle. Among these are possible areas for updating in terms of emerging
technologies and industry trends, in order to ensure that students are prepared for future
In conclusion, the Multiplatform Applications Development training cycle at the Progresa
Integrated Training Center in Valencia, Spain, offers a solid technical training that prepares
students to enter the labor market with relevant competencies.

Personal opinion on the project and on the assigned training cycle:

Interviewing students about why they decided to study Multiplatform Application

Development (MAD) is very interesting, we were able to get information about their interests,
motivations and expectations they have about this career. From our point of view, this project
provides very valuable information for people who are interested in studying DAM as well as
for those who are already studying it, because they share their perspectives, experiences
and challenges, which can help some to make more informed decisions about their
education and career path.

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