Dialogo Inglés

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D: Hello Santiago, how are you?

S: Hi Dana, fine and you?

D: Fine, I've been feeling a bit tired lately from virtual classes, these years have been different.

S: It does not seem to you that these last two years have been different, we went from presential classes
to virtuality, what do you think about this?

D: It has been a very interesting experience, I think that some classes have improved when it is virtual,
you save a lot of time, but in my case the practical classes have been very bad, I don’t understand and is
very confusing.

D: What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having virtual classes?

S: As advantages we have that we can have classes from anywhere in the world without leaving your
home, it can have flexible hours and as disadvantages, spending a lot of time in front of the screen and
concentration may decrease.

S: Did you like the virtual classes?

D: Yes, I like it, I think that virtual classes facilitated the exchange of knowledge, teachers and students
got to know the different communication tools, now it is much easier to resolve doubts, you are always
in contact with your teachers, but in my opinion it is very difficult to communicate with your classmates
and make new friends virtually, that's one reason why I prefer face-to-face classes.

D: Do you think that in virtuality you can interact with your classmates easily?

S: It is more difficult, because it is more difficult to start a conversation spontaneously and it is difficult
to relate.

S: At the university we have used different platforms to meet and have class, which one did you like the

D: My favorite platform is Teams, I think it is a very complete tool that allows us to make unlimited video
calls and share documents, you can submit work and actively participate in class, it is also very easy to
use, that's why it is my favorite.

D: Do you think universities had a challenge when they implemented these new tools and platforms in
their community?

S: I think so, because it was an overnight change, there are some classes that were already given virtual
in many universities, but the change due to the pandemic complicated everything and but they knew
how to plan and control the better way

S: Do you think that virtuality is going to have a greater importance because of what we have lived
through in the pandemic?

D: I think that virtual classes are an option for the future of education after the pandemic, because it
allows us to take classes from anywhere, this would be a great opportunity for many people who do not
want to move or spend a lot of time going to their universities
D: Do you think universities should continue with virtual classes after the pandemic?

S: In my point of view, the universities may not be the same number of classes, but a greater number
compared to before the pandemic.

S: For you, what should be done so that people like having virtual classes?

D: Well, I think this depends a lot on the teacher and the students, you must have a lot of concentration
and not be doing other activities, I advise them to have a good attitude and want to learn.

D: What would you improve on the virtual classes to make them more interesting and interactive with
the students?

S: It is a difficult question, but I think that if it is more than an hour of class in a day, it would be good to
have certain active breaks, that the student is in a suitable place to take the class and avoid distractions,
that the teacher and the student show interest in class, that teachers and students know how to use the
platforms, and use platforms that have a friendly interface.

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